.i Coast Mail, ERSON"AIj I AND LOCAL From Sunday's Dally. Matt Matson of Sumner, was doing butlncis in town yesterday. Geo, Real ha pnrchatcd 210 scree of timber html on tho upper'North Fork of Connillo river of Willis Nccley and his mother. It. J. Coko lina mailo arrangement? to have n lot of nil old growth tlr timber cut and put into tho river thia eoatou and logging will ho qui lu the thiio in the Mc Ktuley ncighboruood thia eeaton. Tho Evergreen whist Club met at tho borne of Mrs. J. T. McCormac Saturday afternoon. Mrs. 'lower received the capital prize and Mrs. J. It. Rochon the consolation prize. Saturday Afternoon Club Tho young girls havo organized a club, tulled Tho fcixtunlay Afternoon, Hilda tftc.iholm, l'res,; Clara Myren, treasure; Ediih Uuloveou, n'cretcrv. other mem bers are Mnrtha Kolti, Mildred Coke, Mcudo Coke, Selma Johnson, licsiio Coke, Rosio Myreu, Pcrthy Watson. School Opens Monday The school board Inst night decided tint Echool should open Monday morn Ing, but children from homes where scarlet fever hns existed will not bo ad mitted before Feb, lit. Surprise Parly Tho friends of Mien Vivian Taj lor surprised that yoang lady Friday evening by coins in a body to her home. The evening was spent in games the proncl pie one was the unravelling of the Cob web and each ones patience was awarded with a prize. Luecious refreshments were served and a jolly good tiino wee had by all. Those present were: Messrs Dan Keyting, Rubs Tower, Willie Bornitt, Harry Leslie, Albert Sleep, Jay Tower, Tom Bennott, Karl Strango, Walter Butler. Misses: May Dennett. Tovaie Twombly, Clara John-t-on, Alice McCormac, Millie Johnson, Stella .Gnloveon, Nellie Tower, Letlie Larsen, Kathalcen Bernctt, Vivian Tay lor. A Strange Wedding Tour (Coquille Bulletin) Something approaching the novel if hot tho unique, in tbemodo of wedding tours has been introduced by a young resident of Coos county. Perhaps it was btcauso tho condition of tho roads made tho uso of hi auto mobile impossible. Probably his renton was that he was above steamboat nav igation on the North Fork of thoCoquille and possibly it was his desiro to intro duce something now. Whatever may havo been his motive, the strange exploit, his host of congrat ulating friends were surprised to see him on the day after bis weddiog board a saw log and betake himself, perhaps to a rummer clime to spend tho first happy days of wedded bliss in solitude, the most peculiar feature of hie depart ure being that be forgot his bride of yes terday and left hor to tigh for bis return. ,As he baa not yot been heard from we can but wish him a joyful honey moon, but we hope that be' will find that he has forgotten something and return to hia lonely bride. From Tuesday's Dally, ' Air, and Mrs. Frank Black havo moved with their household gooda from the H. N. Black place to their farm at Somner. Thero ia considerable complaint about the condition of .the sidewalk on north side ol A street between 1st and 2d. The Areata passed Port Orford at 0 p. in, and was expecUd In at midnight last night. A cotfpie of dozen young friends gave Mrs A. H, Noah a pleasant surprise party Batusday evening at her homo in Ea Marshfield. MVand MrB ThomaB Blaine were down frdm their fino farm on North Coos river yesterday, being on their way home from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H N. Black. .. 'The Great Gardiner Gasatte ia tho latest knocker against Kinney. While you are knocking Kinney, how about the railroad iteelf. i RuBty Mike's Dalr7 Jan. 13. 1003 The advice of the advertising man who is constantly giving advice is not always v. 1 II , , -fV 1 HO goou OB IU0 UUV1CO 01 IUB IUUU WHO, with, 'advertising,' actually"doea things bat it general ly coata more, K6ep Out the Wet SAWYER'S KitUUrOrmBA CLOTHING Tb bo lit WKtSmFAaf lritrHlinf In tH werlj. ili.U (row tb t.t mttmU o.i Mnrrnnint irnlrr;ir, &UJ t iUmi tiicrom litHworl ktHlw.tih.r. Look for I ho Invl tnnrk. If rnrdJ.r I. T. rXtlicatt tums C., 1-ti., Sis FmtlKt, f 11.21. ft AW 1 Kit A. r-ON.SoUMrM, bit Ca.krl.lffs JUI. . u o.tt inaii? tor CMiiOfntio awwimnx'wiaraj The follow.ing dates have boen tot for Raco Meets, to bo hold In Oregon: Bab m, Sept. U 10. TorUand, Sept. 21 20. Tho Dalles, Sept 23th Oct. 3d. La Grande, Oct S-io. i Tho Homor broko her ruddor after leaving Porthnd for thia port Saturday evening and was obliged to put back for repairs. Sho will make another start today. Know tho lymptons: Mr. R.ach "Here is a letter from Charles." Mrs. Beach "Read It." Mr. Beach (reading) "My dearest darlingest' mother' great heavonsl the yonnw tcoundrol nceda more money." Tit-Bits. The Btcara schooner Ruth anivod yesterday and will load lumber from Lyons' mill at tho railroad. Tho South Coast is also duo for i load from tho same mill. "I asked tho yoang woman in front of mo to rcmoye her big hat so that I could see the stage." "Did sho do it?" "No, sho said if she held her hat in her !ap, she couldn't seo the stago herself." Tit-Blta. "Look at Misa Gaswell as sho sits on the sand in her bathing-suit," exclaimed a Pittsburger at Atlantic City, "eho is pretty enough to ear." "That's what she Is," atented bis bearer; ''sho la a regular sand-witch." Pittsburgh Chron-iclo-Telegrnpb. W. J. Cnrsona of Porter, has consent ed to have bis name pnt on tho Modern Woodman Program for tonight. If tho Homer does not arrlvo as scheduled the installation will taka placo in I. 0. 0. F. Hall as originally intended. If tho minstrel trcup arrives tho installation exercises will tako place in their hall. A Swampton incident: "Mercy on ual" cried the investor, "do you havo earthquakes hre?" "Be easy," roplicd the land-boomer, "wo run out o' quinine ytsterdav, an' that's marshal a-havln' of a only the town chill." Atlanta Constitution. Leg Broken Albert Merchant had bis leg broken Sunday while playing football on the South Marshfield grounds, Tho break was of U.3 right leg near the ankle. The sameleg was broken above the kneo in a game !oat year, but not in tho same place, Close Call Ole Hansen bad a narraw escape from drowning Sunday by tho swamping of bis boat while he was trying to raisn a kedge anchor, whon he and Robt. Kruger were dropping a raft down tbo bay. The accident happened near Centerville, and fortunately L. J. Simpson came along with hia launch just in time to rescuo Hansen, who was clinging to the anchor bouy. Banquet And Dance At tho last meeting of the fire depart ment a resolution wasadopted to uso tho profits cf ths Christmas ball for a bauquet and dance for tho members, to be given at some time in the latter part of this month. Tho following com. mitteeon arrangements was appointed: L R Robertson, EngjriV Co. No. 1 j John W Flanagan, Hook 4 Ladder Co.; HI Wright, Hose Co. No.l ; Wm. Cox, Hoeo Co, No. 2. v M k.bmar Team - fmmn &fimM Sw BET E. A, Ac.detson'a express1 team ehow- tV cd their ability to navlcato without a driver in n rcinarkablo tnnnnor yester day morning. They woro lelt standing at tho toot of tho hill near Rev. llors I fall's residenco whllo tho driver went to i tho Jlioufo after somo baggage. Tho j horses got lircd of waiting and started off. They ran n little ways then slowed down, and Instead of going to tho barn thoy went all tho way out to tho depot, making all the turns and avoiding nil obstacles, On reaching tho depot they made n turn and backing tho wagon up to tho bnggngo room waited until their drivor came out after them. llurt in g Logging Camp. (Gardiner Gczotte) Henry Compton, a logger employed in tho Gentry camp on Smith River about three miles above hero, met with an ac cident that camo near proving fatal last Tuesday afternoon. Ho was jacktcrow Ing Eotn o logs which had lodged on a hill sido whon they broko loso their hold and started to roll. No ono waa presont at tho time but it supposed that his feet slipped when trying to get out ol tho way and ho fell at tho end of a moving log which caught him by tho neck and chest between it and a root against which tho log lodged a second time. Whon found a few minuets later by some men who were working near by, ho was fast between the end ot tho log ahd the root, and was apparently dead. Help waa called anJ ho waa taked out, allvo but unconscious. He waa thon placed in a boat and brought toGardiuer, where Dr. Patterion examined hia in juries. No bonea woro broken but hia chest and neck woro badly mashed, ami bruised inwardly. Whon brought into town he was takon to tho Gardiner Hotel anddid not regain consciousness nntill the following morning. At we go to press his conditions is greatly improv ed, though yet it ia with tho greatest dif ficulty that ho speakes or swallows. His chances for recovery are good. Allegany Notes Tho following news items rro gleaned from tho " Sunset" n paper read at tho Allegany Liberary Society. We have been having somo lovely weather for several days. Tho Holidays passed very pleasantly at Allegany. The Literary Society gave an enter tainment on Christmas niht. There were about sixty presont and all seemed to have a nice time. John-Sawyer is out on the Umpqua visiting relatives and friend:. Blllle Ward camo near being drowned at Noah's camp several days ago, Mre. Ott waa an Allegany visitor one day last wcekf Bert Anderson has been acting as fire man on tbo Alert in place of Frank 1'rey who has been on the sick list. Mrs, Gould and daughters Grace and Frankie visited school Thursday. Tho Bramor children hayo beon out of echool lately on account of sickeess, Mr. Thos. Blain was seen on tho streets of Allegany Friday. Mre. Anderson from above the Golden Falls was a Marshfield visitor a (ow days ago. ' Card of thanks, t wish to thank tho people of Allegany for their kindness in helping to doctar my favorite dog whon hia foot waB sore, Geo. Gould. Herman Edward's gasoleno launch has been in need of exercise for tho laet month, and her master was no doubt greatly rejoiced when ho heard tho three whistles which meant, meet us at Goulds wharf at once. Last Wednesday was a good fishing day for the Church and Prey families. Mr. Church caught one, Frahk Prey 0, while Mrs Prey1 caught 13. Any ono aving a brokon neck or broken heart, apply to Graco Gould tho trained nurse. Rates freo and euro' cure Boys look out as you go by Frank Prey's as ho has a very furice dog, Loat Somewhere between Allegany and Rivcraldo a'ValuablQ purso contain ing t?JS, Findof will pleaee return to 'j r v In every, town and village may be had, Grease that makes your horses glad. thia ofilce, In the next Isauo ol tho Sunset, Mr. flago's ad, Cook wanted, will unchanged to Coolctctuul. ( Alex S.wyora ia a good teamster, but if you want a good brakesman, apply without delay to ('. Robinson. Fintcla:s sewing apnly to Francis Gould. "Gen. Thomas" Foigo, of Knob IIIU was short but djctaivo, why look yo so sad FiTjo? Tho scenery on tho Wrst fork elbow ia comi'thing grnml. Tlioto that seem to enjoy it most tako their "Grubbo" with them. Miss Rich spoiled hnr Kodak by at tempting to'tako n photo, of tho school. 0. Robison and sldo partner Hiram Edwardi, havo beeu quite busy hauling wood. Rivoriido !b well supplied with Churches while Allegany hns none. Any ono wiahinpa catalogue of stoves, ranges and kitchen utensils, call on Frankie Gould. Somo of tho pcoplo of Allegany arc getting hungry Bincc thu "Grubbo" gavo out. Onoof.'Allegany'a residents reports having heard a band of coyates, ope evening last week, but was quietly in formed ".wrB only the largo boys Just out of ichool. Two certain young" ladies of this ' Rurg' took dinnor with tho Gould Bros, ono evening last week. Thoy Intended com ing homo on tho Alert, but thought "Jacobs Ladder" very easy to climb, for the Alort'a uhistlo sounded juttna they Bat ilown to the most beautiful re past every tasled, Threo cheers for the Uachclor hoy's bb cooks. Hospital for dos, training school for cata, Resident Physician Geo. Gould jr. Assistant Grace Gould. Mrs, Thurmon of Loon Lako ia visit ing her daughter Mrs. Claud Piper at North Bend. Mrs. II. J. Blako la moving Into her residenco at Allegany, to send her childron to echool. Mrs, J. C. Robinson and family have moved to North Bend, Mr. Parker of Ash Valley ia a welcome visitor at A'llegany. Cassilis Robinson feels qulto eure of getting his old placo as ferryman once again, and ways ho( can roan tho ferry alright with "Polly" acting as male. TootB you aru alright, haul In your bow lino and steer straight for chore. ss Wanted Somo ono to hhnrpen pickets and vHio'can drive them utralght. Apply to Hrcman Edwards. From Wednesday's Dally, I Mrs. S. II. Hazard who has epent several months visiting relatives in Washington and other placoa expects to return on tho Homer. E, B. Seabrook, attornoy for tho Great Central railroad bed thu misfortune to step on a nail which cnueee him to limp. The Katts family is moving Into tho new corner houso recently put up by Googa Real. 1 i, '' '. ' J, D. Johnson, tho carpontor, has in voated in ft uno front corner lot in North Bend. ; L uie Mioa Axle! Sr4 Oil c. Nasal CATARRH f ro,zik s Mr J 5J? M In ll It tK' "xra I tlnmld IA) cloiilluou. Kly'a Croam Holm ' tlnM,toUicmthU 1 llo ttlitainl memlru. 1 llcuricftUrthmtltlvc Tity cold In tho bead (julcklr. Cream Ilalm It ptMil Into the noitrlli, irc.U ow tho mtiutitkiitt ami It Uiotll. Itllf l Uu nirdUle ami a ciu follow. It I not ilrrln,:-l not pimltieo ntlni:. I art HU, SO cnt M Drue. llittortiyuull; TiUIHIic.IO renin uy nun. tUX UIMJTUBIW.M WMeU Bl!. it i oik. ,(Rusty Mikes'- M.uy, Jail. II, IWW. Thb 'Ak Thu Man" romudy doesn't ro- liovo In caso ol It dnlgencd, In tho wrong ' kind of advertising oh UIHy. Jtirel Stemlor uf pora, )ho has boon attending u law echool In Kt IjuIu for tho past four'years, camo In on xho Ar eata, on routo for his old homo. Stovo Johnson and .family moved In from Tcnmllo yesterday with their, household effects and will tftko up Ihflir1 Mr. Johnson at FlagtsfT And row Olton, road rurisor nt Temploton, is making somo very tub stautiul improvements on tho rondn in district bridgiug tho bad places with corduroy. Tho pcoplo of North slough aro con structing a hall "MiW feet, lu which to havo public gathering. Thu locution ia on the Chas, Johuion placo. Frank Bowron, ol Tenmllo, came near losing a valuable hunting ilcg Mond.iy. while in a mix. up with u large bear in n hollow trbu, but Frank Fially succeeded in killing thu bear alter shooting him (our or fivotimos, but tho do was bid. ly injured. John Snyder has returned from Cali fornia where ho visited his daughter, Mrs. C. R.' Rollineon, and reported that her ho? Ith Is improving, but she is not yot able to travel. Frank Wickman ia a passenger on the Area '.a to San Francisco, whoro ho has secured employment in a ruurlc store, and will continue'bls musiul itudiue. I). II. Johnson, of Johnson k Dean, tho Coquillu meat market men, was in town last evening. Tho South Coast arrived yesterday and lies at the railroad wharf loading lumber from Lyons' mill. Alfred Lleit former, partner of Cecil Rhodes and posseeor of colossal fortno lies at tho point of death at only 47 yoars of age. Moral He did not cat at at the Broiler. The precipitation at Astoria the past year was 101. Y) Incites, At Marshfield It waa SO.TO, Enough dlffronce to swim a duck. Officers Installed At tho regular meeting of the Woman of Woodcraft Monday eionlng thu fol lowing officers were installed for tho onaulng term: by Mrs. C. W. Patorson, installing officer; Mrs, Llzzlo Huisner, Past Guardian; Mrs. Ed Colgan, Guar dian Neighbor; Mra, KatoLaudo, Clork; Mrs. McCarly, Banker; Mrs, Flora Murpoy, Magiciant Mr. Levi Smith, AttemlontjMra. Tibbett, 0. S.; Sarah Edmunds, I. 8. ; Ono Manager, Mrs, Ileianer, Married in Frisco John Morchunt and Miss Ada John eon, both of this placo, wero married In Sun FrancUco laat Thursday. Tho groom Is a son of C. II. Merchant and la employed in tho Dean & Co, store, and ia ono of MarBhflolds flnost young mon, Tho bride is a daughter of C, A, John eon and a very popular young lady, Sho accompanied Mrs, Leo Brown to tho City about two weeks ago and wus Joined thero by Mr, Merchant who went down on tho Areata, tho marrlngo taking placo tho day after his arrival, Thoy aro ex pected homo shortly and will bo given a hearty reception by thoir many friends, Tho Old Reliable Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. C. II. MERCHANT aiESSSSS? In coiirttuntly adding to I to Mock of (Imiernl Morelian .ljue, ulreiuly thu l.trgest in MnrMiHuM. When you buy nl thu Mill Store yon know tho gondii uro first class and the prico i nil right . All kinds of lijrnbor and building material, food and sup- plios at wholosalo and retail. CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of Front nnd A HlroctK, MARSI1FIHI.1), OREGON, JON1I b'NYDHU. : : t t : 'Proprietor mi.lS WJ'l ! KNOWN ANOKA VOKI I( .d IIOTHI. i 4lut lrn rtitlirly MltinUml frliirniUinl (I k iic -mi 4fKi li 4j; tlnojn lu llie )(llllk- lor IMIfUlMg. Nrw linlt ami spring imlliMin tve brn Itlacnt In ithlMMl DVrljr alrrjvltin riKini of tlili Imxim nml Hfiiltrr trotihtu tvof cn:nt lu: hecu lii(il to put evrwylhlng In firjt-cUu ofilet. TV Mill. lUtaiitAnd tlflfi;, xr upek jj.r,D IWMfil.p tck 4.Q NkI M .. . 'i Coos ay Wholosalo Lipr HEADQUARTERS FOR HIGH GRAPH LIQUORS CH01CK WINHS AND PURE IIKAMrlKH. LEADING BRANDS OP fJOTTLCD BOER -aTnily Ordc;'5 rSolicited. SOLE AGIST loll THE CKI.K ItRVTEl) RASNiER BEER Futility orders for Vmit, pint ft aiir" qnnrts.th'lnorcd by the case. Robert Alarsden) MiamstauiiatacavaaeiHKiri GEE FEE. n Sfl M m m a H S 3 DEALER IN VfSUOCKIUKH I'llKHII FRUITS, YEOH TA BLES PROVISIONS, FLOUR FEIP, ETC., OF THE BEST QUALITY. PRIOEH REASOXAHLE. F U 0 'A E N 0 Y S T E It EVERYDAY. : : : jj Street, MurshficUl, Ore J . BBjBlsiHBBiBfaHasscsnmiHHi THE STEAMER ARGATA. Jl. Ci. IfliLbON, Muhtcu Will MuUc ftcuiilur Till -BETWEEN- COOS BAY AND SAN FRAJfCISCO p CARRYING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT AT - LOWEST RATES. ' Oregon Coal & Navigation Co,, I'ropriotoss, F.8. DOW, Agont, Marehflold, 0,-egort B.O, CO, Agent, Empire City, Oregon I