Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, December 20, 1902, Image 8

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! i
Absolutely Pure
From Thursday's Dally.
Fine Stationery at Nortou'e.
C. D. McFarlin, the cranberry cultur
iat'waB in town yesterday.
The tug Uuntor, of tho Urnpqua,
dime down to tho bay yesterday.
Miss Coleman of Toamile who has
been vieitiug friends in town for coveral
days, went home yesterday.
The Alliance arrived yesterday from
Eureka and went down the bay last
night expecting to go directly to tea.
Quito a supply of eteelhcad salmon
wero in the market yesterday, and they
are being received at the ice works for
Wasion Bros, bad a slight breakdown
ot tho logging engine in their South
slough camp yesterday, which will shut
down the camp for a few days.
Mies May Williams, assistant post
master at Empire, was visiting friends
in Marehfield yesterday.
Nols MonEOD, of Tenmile, was market
ing some of bis products in town yester
day. L. II. Heisner received a barouche
on the Alliance, to be used in connect
ion with bia livery atablo business.
A. II. Gallon, who has been in tho
employ of the Marshtfald Ca;h Meat
Market baa resigned and accepted a
position at North Bend as carpenter.
Card of Thinks.
Mrs. Cliff Campbell and family wish
to thank their friends and neighbors
who assisted them in their lato bereave
ment. RoEeburg Review. Sheriff StepLen
Gallier, of Coos county, arrived here
from Coquille City Thursday and waa
initiated into Roscburg Lodge No. 820,
B. T. 0. E., in the evening. Mr. Gal
lier came out on horeebacx because, ac
cording to bia own statement, he desired
some preparatory practice betoro riding
the goat, lie left for Coquille Saturday
A. S. Dibble of Dibble A William
left yesterday to spend Christmas with
his family in Spokane and will return
immediately alter tho holidays. Mr.
Dibble exproeaea himself aa exceedingly
well satisfied with investment in Coos
Bay property, aaho and Mr. WiiliamB i
have ulready been offered a 25 per cent
The nowa came Tuesday that the
property ol tho Southern Oregon, Com
pany had changed handp. A a to who
tho purchaeera wore, no ono eseraa to
have been informed,
Tho Mail ueed tho wiroe yesterday In
ihe endeavor to get tho news for its
readers, but no replies bed boeu receiv-
H K??g''V'Lni 4
oil when tho telegraph olllco doted last
Flic New Code
Attorney John S. Coke received neopy
ol tho new Oregon code yesterday, nml
when thu Mail man visited his olllco ho
was congratulating himroll on thu no
qufcitioii. Tho now code la n gtoat itr-
provetneul on tho old one In ninny wnyp,
lhe index, ono of tho wcak.wt .ol.its In
tho oh) code, isn strong point in tho
now ono, and n grout time-saver. Tho
now code nUo has tho Mibioct nintlor
mid hoaainga arranged in convenient
form. Tho referenced nro nil to Ore
go i decisions nuil tho code, on tho
whole, isn pood one.
Travel by Sea.
Arrivals by Alliance, Doc. 17.-U M
Lawrence, E Strange, 11 Augucto, II.
Gotland, C Lcncve, Mrs 0 Cowan, W
Lever, M L Martin, G C Langlols, J A
Snctt, U J Donn, II S Delainatie,
Departures by Alliance Dec. 17 W
McKcan, M Wentwort!., W Hickinir,
Wm Curry, Kady, C Hansen, K
Liverraore, Mib Jory, a Thrush, W II
Farr, W II Eaton A S Dibble, F J do
Neveu and family, Mrs Geo Rolntcr, J.
C Rottemund, M GordanJ
A iSarrow Escape
(Coquille Herald)
On Fridty afternoon while attending
spool on tho donkey in tho logging camp
ol Jefl Onvnsby, near Riverton, Johnny
Perry, of Myrtle Point, had a narrow oj
capo from a horrible death hy falling in
to the machinery Engineer Andy Sim
mons enui ot! ino steam as quickly a
poisibitS but the momentum of the tfr
wheel was sufficient to ratch his cloth-l
ing and draw him down nnd would
doubtless have cut him in two only for
his heavy clothing When all hand
were called to his assistance it was f und
that hit coats were so tightly jammed in
the teeth of the wheels it was impossible
to back the machine up, and it was
found necessary to tako tho machine
apart which required somo time.
hue ins Drums are severe, his In
uries are not of a perminent naturo and
e wm be all right in a tow days,
Did you hear a panther screaming
around your house, about -I a. m. yes
terday morning7 Msny people, in dij
fernt parts of town heard him and had
thrilling stories to tell of tho blood
curdling yells with which the varmint
froze their blood.
The panther and bis boldness in com
ing and circling around close to the
houso was the topic of discussion at
many breakfaet tables. At Hieenr'a
boarding houee one gentleman waxed
highly indignant that any one should
think ho didn't know the scream of n
panther when ho heard it, after20 years'
residence on tho Bay.
One young lady who keeps books in
a business house, and lives on the hill
above the Epiecopal Church was fright
ened out of a years' growth and stayed
up balance of the night barricading the
stairways and trying to muster up cour
age to go down stairs and phone for as
sistance. As a matter of fact (the noise heard
was the siren whistle of the Czarina as J
ahe passed down tho bay, but to tho )
listener it bounded like tho screech of
eomo wild animal which seemed to cir
cle around the house and them como up
on the back porch for a final yell.
School Notes
The books that were ordered form tho
East for tho Library have arrived, th(s
making somotliinu over four hundred
now on the thelvca,
Next Friday is Banner Day and alio
lho !aEt day ,M?foro ""
Th principal favored the pupils, who
wore gathered in tl a Awonibly Hall
Monday, with a eoIo, entitled "Hail
TI12 following oilicora wero elected in
thu High School Inst Friday, Hall Moni
tor Willio Bernott Girls Judgo
Delia Chapman, Boys Judgo Earl
Strange, Glrli' basement Captain Loltio !
Larson, Boya'Caaement Captain, Walter
Butler, Walk Monitor, Ray Tlbbotta.
Editor of H. S. Progress, Emll It. l'et
terson; Girls' Roporter, Millie Johnson ;
llojrs' Reporter, Karl Btranxo;- '
Very rooiI (trntlcB wore made by troth
tho ninth and loath grades In tho Hit
tory examination held Inst Thursday.
Out o( uino In tlio tenth grndu llvomado
over ninty, nml oat of (our Icon fn tho
ninth grade eight tniuto over nlnly
The ninth grndu Hnil Factoring In
Algebra exceedingly hunt.
There ro now twenty four pupllr en-
roUcd , ,ll0 iti, sdl00,
Some very pretty drawing wero put
on tho bhirk-bonrds in tho High School
department, yotUordny.
From Frldny'o Dally.
Father Donnelly goes lo Bunion to.
morrow to be gone until Munday,
Thoro will bo Christmas tree cxoteltea
at tho Cntho ic Church en Christinas
morning alter nia?.,
And hero comes Tilt-baits with too
cream (or tho gang. We'd bo sorry to
seo J. W. nioroor quit tho ico ccatn
Tho Woman's Club will nicot with
Mre. Fairchltes Saturday afternoon.
Subject for discussion, "Banner Ex
orcises." Tho A. N. W. Club met yesterday
afternoon at Mrs. F. P. Norton. Tho
next meeting will boon Thursday Jan.
Sth at the homo of Mrs. Charles Dun
can. Moe Getz, who canio to Coca county
! several weeks ago will plearo communl
'calo with Shlller B. Hermann, Myrtle
Point. Important mail for him. IJ-lO-ot
E, R. Potorson, who has been attend
ing tho public school, will spend tho
holiday vacation at tho home of his
father, P. Peterson, at May.
Any ono who has scttlod on a home,
sload can soil or cut up'lho burnt tim
ber on it, even though a patent has not
been issued by the government.
Major Kinnoy is in Portland, having
started out immediately on learning of
tho sale of the Southern Oregon,) Co'e
property, which has somo bearing on
Great Central matters.
Onaratll in Southwestern Washing
ton has sevcnty?jx logs In, its boom too
large to run through Ills mil), and tho
mill is a pretty good sized mill. Some
of these logs aro nino feet at the butt
Antone Anderson of tho Cape Arago
Life-Saving Station and Mlsa Iloltln
Wakeman, of Empire City, will bo mar
ried at Empire Saturday, and will give
a grand dance to their acquaintances,
in the ballot tho old court Iiqueo.
Tho larger pupils of tho public Bchool
were busily engaged yesterday In dec
orating tbo Echool rooms for Banner
Day, Moss and evergreen wero brought
from tho woods, and tho roorna present
a beautiful holiday nntcarance. Tho
Kanner I)ay exercises today, tho last
bfcfore lho holiday vacation, will bo un
usually gool and a large attendance is
hoped (or.
Geo. W. Loggia, of tho Whatcom FallH
Milt Company, tho woll knowu cedar
manufacturer, waa Jin Minneapolis latt
week looking for machinery for a liruo
new w.w mill Ito ro-placo thu one ro
cenlly burned, and also "for a sash and
J door factory Mr. Logglo eaya ho ifl
Btill undecided whether to rebuild at
Whatcom, or to rnovo to Everott, both
towns havlnu' offered inducomori
f From there Mr. Lojgle went to Chicago,
Robt. Marwlen and RoM. Herron
wont up Coos rivar yesterday on WI.wj!
er'fl gaboliue launch, end .Martdtn
bought of UeVida 11 head of jounc
cattlo. They combined ploahure with
bubinesa b ,urin 'll,u.. ft number of
nico trout from-.tho pluctd waters of the
river. The editor of tho Mau. had tlfe
privilege of looking at some of thum,
but waaa't allowed to touch-them.
Thoachuonor'Nurth-'Ueiut which has
just boon repaired at North Bend is now
at tho Coos Hay Mill & Lumber Oo'o
dock loading with lumber.
Big Cut
(P. M. Liittiboruuui)
Unleso thu iinoxpvotod occurn, tho
Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, ol Hit
gone, Oro., will cut In till).') about ono
hundred and fifty million fool ol lumber
nt their iiiIIIh. Thin will bent tho
worlit'a nvord ol the output o( any ono
coiiipniiy. If thin company should cut
one hundred million (cut annually for
itltioty-uliio yoars, thoy would still own
enough timber to Loop thotn running
another year. Pooplo who call tho
Ori'gotilami nuurlucks will havo to
From Saturday's Dally.
Chan. Sclamlcr waa down from hh
Catching slough larm yodlcrdny.
Tho Kiamn Utter has la-en lying at
thu shipyard wharf, waiting for tho
Taurus to vncatu her borth at thu Doau
&. Co, Mill.
' u
W. H, Noblo'ahandpiU'drivcriH ngniti
at work having becd righted alter its
sudden enpsuo.
J. S, Maulers brought down .10 1oxor
of BaldwLi nppleH from his Catching
slough (arm joaterday, to bo shipped to
ll.u San Frnucitco.
Tho mw Hchoouer Taurus, recently
lnunclied from tho Marehlleld yard, wai
towed down tho bay yesterday alturuoou,
carrying about "00,050 feet of lumber
from Dean A Co'b mill.
Christmas oxorclsss at tho Piusby
toriau Church tomorrow both morning
and evening, exerciser by tho Sabbnth
school at 11a. in. and n song torvico at
7:30 p. m. nnd, Short talks by pastor.
Ranson D. Hall was up to town yester
day for thu firrt timoilnco he was oper
ated ujon for nppendecitii, aomu time
Tbcs. Blaine lies returned from Mil
souri with his bride, nnd they ere now
established on his 11 no fnrui on
North Cooi river.
S. D. Mugnes, of Manos & Mateon,
is paying n visit to this end of tho lino
A letter rrcoivod nt Empire from a
lndy in Rosobur, nays tho town is full
of otrangors and thoy aro all coming to
Coos Bay in tho spring.
Ed Noah baa taken from J. D. Laird,
tho subcontract for carrying tho mail
from Cooa City to Empire.
Will Smith started for Roseburg
yesterday with his witnoaecB, Hermann
Larrcn and Georgo Herron, to offor
proof in his land contest caso. ' It
sccma that thu contefitore got weak-kneed
In tho onsen of Hermann, Fred and
Julia Larson, and withdrew (heir cm
tests. A word to proporly owners; Tho
membere of tho firo department will seo
you, and appreciate your presence at
their Christmas Ball next Thursday
"How did he commit nuclide?" Inquir
ed tho eager reporter of tho yollow on-
!.... Ur. Ill !,. l..... ll II. ,. I,. .11 ......
luij'licu. iiu nuiikiii.M ma nun i- i
turo,"groirlol tho lifo-Inauratica agent,
"with ono of your art tupplemouta
Hticklni out of lila pocket,." Brooklyn
Sunday School at JO n, m. Proachirijr.
Eorvlceutll a.m. Topic "Satnn'u Dc
viceH". Text 2nd Cor. 2:11, "Not I -norant
of IiIh Devices. B. Y. V, U. at
0:!IOp. in. Evening aorvlcj a'. .') p.m.
Thursday prayor meeting at 7 :80.
Friday was tho regular monthly llau
uur day mid thu oxorrlson woro tiuiiittial
ly good, tho ciillro rchool ntteiidntico
roomed to bo full ol euthushism mid
each and every ono roomed lo vlo with
thu othur to do tliolr boat, cottrtiti tilly
llio result wan tho best exhibition ol the
kind yot hud, Thin w.n ur.tiiimlly
gratllylng to tho tonehora.
Tho decorating was lho work of tho
pupils nod Minwt'd urtlitic tanto nun
love (or tho hiuMitldil, Kaoh room wnn
profusely nugeustlvn of Christmas cheer
Lower floor baiinor win awarded to
tho llrst grade puplla. This grade hi tho
largest In number In tho reboot nnd
smallest in rlcu nnd rellecta great credit
on tho teneher, Mm. I. M. Wilbur.
Tbo upper Moor banner wao tuilgiied
to tho 7th nud Sth grade, Miss llcatuia.
Thu receipt (ram ntteiidntico amount
od to f 1 1.80, which sum I pnrsod to tho
credit ol th library fund. A number
of books woro nlt-o duiinted.
l'rol. (Solden requested lho toarhoru
to moot at bin room niter tho exorcises
whoro they would hnvn a tnnrhors meot
iiighonlroniiuouuci'd lolheOth and 10th
grsdo pupils that their presetico was
ileilntl at lho nmn tliiio nud plnec,
nhoro they would bold chips moiling.
Tho clnss nnd tenrlierc woro ngrresbly
Burprlnotl by tho nppmirniicn of n well
tilled fre-zr ol leu crinin and wafvrr.
A happy social hour v an pciit nnd toasts
were eaten, nud roug wero rung niter
whlcti they nil ili'porreil, wlxhlug ono
nuother u Merry Chrlsimni nud n Hnjipy
Now Year.
The pupils of tho high rchool present
ed Profosor Golden with r. beautiful cut
glass jar 111 led with choice cigars as a
tokun of their appreciation nnd estooin.
Truth uf tlin SfAtlrr.
Iteforo und nfter Inking. Chlcigo
Ill Kitllnpli.
Ilrro Urn a rniiliir of mirrors;
llln Ions, liow wm ilrplore 1(1
Iln npant lil iluyn brtilrul tlir Klnns,
AViillo you npfiul yuiirn liafnrn It,
. Clilt-Hico Trlbunu.
Ill I.lnr.
IIook-Ko bo Is n poet, eh? What la
bin particular Hue?
Nyo Tho Market htrcet lino prin
cipally, although I occnnloniilly neo bin
Vernon In Homo of tho other ciirn. I'ltll
ndelphln Hit-ord.
Vlut Dlil Iln Mrnnr
rntlont (nfter giving tho doctor ffl
and rfvulvltiif n pn'Mcrlptlonj Hut tuip
poe, doctor, thlH iliN'Hit't euro mo?
Doctor In thnt ensu come back, nnd
I'll relievo you again. Detroit Frco
It In ntntcd that on tho lower Elba no
Ttluigo or fnrui 1h freo from malaria.
Malaria mosqultoi-n u bound.
flntil In Horlrty.
"My dear, thoro In kucIi u r-rush hero
filinply crowded, you know!"
."Why. who In hero?"
"Oh, nobody n'till."
f mm i. "y i "
Mnliifn t'arxoti ntirrllf.
llov. Chiirles H. Ciiminlngf.'lho now
herlir of AliilUMieogglu county, Mo.,
oweii bin election piluelpiilly to tho ilo
hlro of (ho rlll,oim of (ho roiinly lo
hiivo lli( prohibition lawn liotiently cn
forced. Mr. CiiiiiiiiIukh U it itntlvo or
Now HiimpHhlru nud U forty nix yonri
old. Ho wtin born on u form itiut bo
furo entering tho mlnlntry Utiight
ftchool. Ho Iiiih lieon n milliliter of thu
MethiMllHt itimoiultintloii for tweiity-ouu
Halurdsy. Dec. Ulih, 1P0J, Win. Kick
worth to Miss Alpha Wlrth.
This unouentntlotu hut very pretty
homo wedding wad lolemnlzvd nt thu
home of tho bride's parents In tho pros
nco of relatives nnd a fmr filends.
Tho happy couple entered the parlor,
whoro lho bcnutlftil and improtslvo
cuotunny of tho Episcopal church was
conducted by tho KaV. Wu,. llomlnll
which mad. I1 -in ono.
Alti-J riiicoro nud hearty coiigratulat
tlnus the parly nil partook ol n rtnnpt
oiii wedding brenkfnrt, many choice
git's woro received, Thoro estlmnblo
yoj ig ixViplo nru too woll known to
iiuyII nn Introduction. Tho brido In tho
only daughter ol Mr. nnd Mrs. An ton o
Wlrth loved by 'nil who kuowher,and Dm
groom Is lho oldest sen of Mr. and Mrs.
Etckworth nud linn grnnn'tO MnilKMl
in our iiudht honored nud rewjH'Ctvd by
all; wo join their host ol friends In wish
ing thorn a lair voyn,:t thr.xuh llfo. Ar
tcrn uum'.hi visit with friends In Cali
fornia they will bo nt boron in their
.y coltago In Houth MrrnMUId.
A vety pretty homo wfxluing look
piano nt' thu residuueo ol (.'apt. and Mrs,
. D. Boonie, near Fumnor nf 1 1 :!6 n. in.
Wodmitdny, Dee. 17th, whon their oldwt
daughter, Mi9 Lulu was united ' fn
marrinr.u to Wibintn Kurdoll, ol Marsh
Tim bride a ono of (lint bevy of bright
and beautiful girbi which Siiiniirr find
vicinity Iiiih produced nnd which would
to hard to innlcli In nny community c(
tho sumo size, nny whore, wlulu the
groom Id ono of Mnrehllebl'a industrious
nud cHtimnblo young men, nud tl.eii '
fortuuoB aro joined under thu hnppWit
Tho ceremony wnn performed Jiy Rov.
Tho.'. Irvine. Andrew ICnrdull, brother
of tho groom, acted, as beat man, mid
nud Miso F.va Wllnnn, a llfo-laiig friend
of the bride, nn bridosmnid, Tlio bride ,
looked lovely, dreasod in n eottuiuo of
grey Albatros cloth trimmed in whlti
flllii, ond carrying n tltowr;bnuiiiet of
jiHueinlno nnd whitu chryHiinthuiiiuins.
'Jhoro presoiit were, the family of tho
biide, Mr. nnd Mra. Thou. Boono, Mr.
u 1 Mr. Tlioa. Co'io, Miss Eva WIIboh,
Dnv d, Andrew aud Tlieiibru Karduil,
fVnl Wibon.
lhtHiwero tunny beautiful woddlng
present i), both ueodil mid ortiiimiiulal.
Af'or tho t'oratnunv an olegnnt v.cd
iiug brenkfaHt wna t-oivod, nnd later n
tho day, r.ciiompnn od bymniuof llio
, ui'L'Ih, tho noivly wodlol coupo ciiAo
lo Marsl Held on tho launch (Inrlni.t,
1 which had tttl'.un tho groom nnd pn.ty
.toHiimnor in tho niornlnir. 'Jhoy will
..ii.tt. lit It. lit., .in... liSii.. I....I .... ... ..I .. ..I
iuuiiiu in iiiu III n liwiiri) j UDV tlllllIHUCU(
hy Mr. Karduil in houth Murihlleld,
wnuro tin Hoot wniioa of their many
friends follow them.
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