Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, December 13, 1902, Image 7

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    ..M.uj.-t-v,rJVl i i i --i r I ' I aU , )
& m &' V . ,,, fr(,lm.w,
WSTi Af. , - .
4f ,- r P ,
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1 .
f ,
jlflay Get Government
For Transportation to
Portland also Making
an Effort
Washington, Dm, (I It wn nnnoiino
)d by t ho war dopartinont today (hat
litu Sowuet Mil for 111 A Irunriiortallon ol
.roops and army iitipplien from thu Paul
(lc const to Manlhi in that of llio Boston
MeanuhlpCo., oIBoattlo. Thitr IjMc
atk (5,23 pur ton for frolj;!t, 10 a thon-t-Atid
(or lumttor, 1 1 CO for flnt-cl.uo pat
rongorn, tW (or lu'dlera without rations,
W with.
I.aldlaw Co,, o( Cortland bid 1. 10
I'fir ton (or frulght, $ll.r,0 per tliouinud
(or lumber but put in no hid (or pat
rengorn, Unload cotno other bidder ran show
advantage" over Seattle that tUni will
cut tho contract, If on;riM npprovca
Iho chango (roni tho present ryttcm,
which roctiiM almost certain.
Portland, Drc. lil'ortland la niter tho
transport busbies alio. Tho Chnmljor
ol Commerce wired Senator Mitchell to
fiat In tho fight.
It is proponed to utllito Vnncouvor
barracks aa tho point ol distribution (or
returned i oldlem, inetcud o( Angel la
land, Kan Prancltco,
1'orttand is alito niter tlm transporta
Hon ol freight. A special mooting -xvlll
bo held Monday to taku action.
Miners Must Do so or
Commission Hear Story of the
Dangers In the
Hcrantoti. Dec, 0 When tho hoaring
of tho tftrlko Commission opened thla
4 .morning, tho anuoucoinonl of tho doaUi
p( Dr. UIco, independent oporator, wan
jnadu. Juitloo Gray paid n furtuor
tribute to his memory .
Minor Mv.Molglo, employed by Markle,
wa tho drat wltnoce. Ho testified that
ho wan oncn working some extremely
thuiguroiis ground mid complained to
thoBuperintoudnnt, nnd etdd fho feared
ho would bo killod. Ho vnn told tlmt
unless ho narked that breast ho would
ho would bo given no card on any other.
Dangorouo ground hnd to ho worked tho
nnino na any othur. Ifnthor than ritk
hij lifo ho walked out. Shortly uftjr 1 o
wnu evicted from Ida homo. Ho wno
followed by another mWr who bIiico
tho strike had boon put to work on
ground whore ho only makes fll) cents a
House Puts Through
a Big Grist
Watliingtoii, Dtc. (1 Wliori llioffoiito
met tcility, JleuderLori riiii'.oun':nI thb
M!awii)i: (oinmltico njipolntmonl,
Msim, of Vi-Klnln, Doni., IMriflc Itall
rondiinnd Prtollco lxpoudltiiiea; IIII1-
mojetr, of rouiiftvlviinln, J)m., Miuca
and Mluli;a:'u included In thu lilt.
As commlltco of tho whole, tho IIouco
than tool: up priva'e peurion billa nnd
reportm 1'J or JD, itnil pniod tliein 10
mtnutcn Inter wiiltout oppotltlou,
Tho London diclciKo bill un called,
nnd made epcclal order ol buslncou for
One of tho Greatest Plecec of En
gineering Vork In the
Cairo, Dec, (5: Tho Government lino
completed all arrangement (or tho do
dfcnlioti of thu dam on tho Nilo at
Aewuon, tho uroatett public work in
tho history of modern Kirypt if tho con
struction of tho Stir: canal is excepted.
Klin; I'dwurd will In) olllcilly repre
sented at the ceremonies y tho Duke
of ConnaucM. Tho Dtiko and Duchess
hava nriivod in Cairo and along with
tho Khcdlvu will ko by special train to
morrow to Luxor, uht-nco they will
laku a oteamcr to Aeioumi, arriving
tii.vl Tiur!lnv. 1'lin tnunttiirnltnn tt tli.
dnm takes plnco next Wudnoiiday. Tho
en mo uay tuo pariy, inciuuuiK me
duetto, will go to Aselnu by tmnt.
Thil fnltnwlnir iliiv llin ftiiiitih.mrufnf v
iliitn nt Airlutit lil bn Incpecled, after
winrii inn pnriy will return lien.
'I In, ririifintiv nf Innni nrntlnn trill
rnnnllt in liivlll'f tint lutl .liinn nn.i
oxjnliiK n number of elnleea to let the
nsiuruunu mu iivlt.
Tort Defrance. Doo. 0 Mount Pelcola
In extreme eruption today. ' Ashes are
falling for five milos around. Thoro is
no panic, although many Inlmbitnnta
will bo compollod to Ilea from danger
toon. T'mu governor of Windward island
sont a dlspatci to Colonial Secretary
Ohamberlain In which ho caya tho pros
pects oi tho inhabitants of the itland of
St. Vinconl ia binder than it hnsever
been, lie helloveo that Georgetown will
iiavo to bo abandoned, and it ia doubt
ful If auy part of tho Island is out of
rnngo of dingor of LaBOufriorro, which
he dorcrlboa aa thla torriblo volcano, .
Tho dispatches add that thu South
eastern ond of tho Island, to which tho
Inhabitants of tho district around Las.
oufriorro lied, in hope of safely, ia badly
off for want of wator and if morn peo
plonll crowdod iu thoro thoy will not bo
able to exist.
No term can be fixed for notion of the
mountain. Tho people cannot go on
like thli IndoQnituly.
Washington, Dec. 0 Kx Speaker
Rood is much hotter this afternoon,
Tho champion organ blower, in point
of pervfeo, Iuih beenN found to bo bov
onty-two-yeiir-old Joslum Btivall, who
without n flluglo nbsoueo lma pumped
tho organ of Plymouth' church, la
lU'ooklyn, for tho lust thlrty-aeveu
n- .
I U H 3
1 I II 0
JA, t? A I
Doc Engle
Wounded Man Lives But a Few Minutes
While AssasSin Walks off and Makes
Temporary Escape
About ton o'clock It 'it uviuins, iu a
back room of the Clay aiooro taloon, Doc.
Hoglo, a gambler, the t Tom Darker, an
other gambler, to that ho died a few
ndnutos afterward. ,
Tho killing was a coldbloodcd mur
der. Tno story of oyo wll.netrca ia' substan
tially an followti: I!r rlccr wai dealing n
game of stud poker iu a back room of
the saloon. Knglo entered tho saloon
nnd slopped n inomei it ct tho bar, and
it was uotieod that ho bed been drink
ing heavily. Ho mad o tho romnrl: that
he would go back and. "omoko up a lit
tle," nnd passed into tho hack room.
(Joing to tho tablo wl tore tho game was
In proirmtK, he losnei I over between two
of the plnyera nnd flrcd four or live
ahotsiln quick succor ilo'u a; Darker, who
was atill Heated.
He then walked ot it of tho dido door
of tho saloon, up 11 t-trebt to Broadway
and turned north.
Darker roio from aia clmlr and walk
ed around tho table and eeatcd himself
In another chair.
ur. .Mel nrmnc was aummoncd nt
once, but tho man sreathrd hit last n
few moments after tho doctor'u arrival.
Thrco flhotc hnd Is ken effect, in his right
arm near Iho (-linu Ider, nnd one In bis
right ti'do, the iati ur caunhtK his death.
Iltwker tvnsa m n ubotr, Bixty years
of HL-d. nnd w.ih q jj ,i well known on the
Day having spenievnetdoruhlotimo hero,
Causing Death of Sev
: eral Miners
Wrecking Bottom of
Collierv Shaft
Wilkesbarro, Dec. 0A box of dyna
mite latolo.ifily handled fell down tho
shaft cf tho Lehigh colliory this morning i
and wrecked tholowor portion.
It ia bolloved flVe porsons woro hilled
and more injured, Tho bodies ql four
men have been romoved, nnd nino of
those injured eoriouoly. Others receiv
ed only elignt injuries.
Fifty piccoB of dynamito were in tho
box which tho mon had been thawing at
a otovo. It s Bupposod that tw wnn
carrying it 'slipped. Hia body waa
blown to fragmouta.
Although tut) damage ia ooucldorablr,
It is aunouncad that oporatlona iu tho
colliery will not bo closod.
t'vnnels Mnrlon Cockrell of Missouri
iJ tho dean of tho Democratic side of
tho Bcnnto ntrrl wna tho tlrst iintlvo of
his Htato to bo honored with oelectlon
to that iv;v. .,
m Kille
in the past. Do had. been hero abont a
couple of month thin time. Knglo ulao
ia quite well known here, having beef?'
hero nearly a year. Ho ia over sixty
years old. '
Only ono possible motivo for tho mur
der could bo unearthed by tho Mail lait
evening. It seems tbat yesterday morn
ing Koglo bad n man arrested, on a
rhargo of picking Us pocket. Dar):fir
and ijylventer, another gamble, helped
In getting the man out of Jail. Knglo
Was much enraged, and all day ho was
threatening that ho would kill both
Ilaiker and Sylvester. Ho had been
drinking heavily for toveral dayp, but
no ono thought ho would carry out Ida
threati. A few mlnu tco before tho shcot
tug ho was in tho brwery ond said to
the barkeeper; "You have eeen me
drunk and you have recti. me sober, but
this is the (It t titno you hnvo seen mo
mad." He then mado thu eamo re
mark thut he made a few minutca later
nt tho Cluymcoro: that bo woe going to
"smoko up."
Ehorlly after tho death of Darker,
Coroner Ilorsfal arrived nnd took charge
of the rcmnina. but ilwlilpil nni m Imlil
an inquest until Deputy Prosecuting
ntiuiiiujr isinu uuuiii ixj Burnmoncu
from North Demi, where he was at
tending tho matauerade.
Later It in said hv a. cnn(tnmn aim
should know that Barker find nothing to
do with getting the man mentioned out
ofjtll, bo some other grievauco prob
ably evicted.
As tho Mail goes to press Marshal
Carter and Nlghtwatch McCulloch nro
on tho lookout for Knglo. It is not at
all likely that ho can escape
a won't m
Of consumption'' ia a remark often made
of a ficohyntan. The remark cxprcsoca
the popular recq-ulUon of tuc tact tuat
ths sign of consumption is cmacictioi
loss of flcsli. On --s.
the other hand, a
nalu in flesh is a
sure sign that wast
ing discuses urc oc
iny cured.
Emaciated pco
ple with obstinate
coughs, bleeding
lttng9, niebt-owcata
and weakneaj, have
been perfectly
cured by the use of
Dr. Pierce's. Golden
Medical Discover.
The several steps
of the cure were re
corded in ounces
and pounds of iu
creasing weight.
When tliere is gain
in fleslx tho wasting
disease is being
surely cured.
Mr, Will ir.V.'liitmtrc,
of Aittou. l'.octlnp.
ham Co.. Va.. rrltc : Qar eou contracted a
deen cold about the first of July. 1C9;, ntnt lu,4
tcrrl'jlecoiili, Weculletl a doctor an J hepro
notiucol it rriljtlon of the bronchial tubes, with
nithmitlo trouble, and he informed me that ray
ton va ll.iblc to die M niiy time. He told tnc
that if we could keep the bronchial tubes open,
he iifAcure htm; hut after treating him several
vrecki and my son prowtug rore all the time,
I coucluded to try Dr. Hcrce's Golden Medical
Discovery ainl ' l'lcasint I'elletf.' I hid seen
several almost miraculous cures brought about
by the us of these uicdlcinci, and of course I
had wonderful faith in them, He used three
bottles oPGoldca Medical Discocry'at home
nnd one vial of the ' Pellets' and was then well
cuouph to po to Weit Virglula. taUlnjf a supply
htm, I mn just la receipt 01 a letter irom
him from which I Quote ;
'an vxllanJ harJy
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
1008 large pages is aentw on receipt of
btampa to pay expense of mailing only.
Send 31 ont-cent stampjjior the cloth
bound volume or only 31 stamps for the
book itt paper covers. Address Dr. R.
V. Wercc, Buffalo, N. Y.
Commemmoratlve Gift
The following ia rcprluted from tho
Clermont, flown) Argo, as an item of
nows, whiub has a special iutrcst to tho
wiitos and refers to tho locality whoro
lib spent hi& boyhood dayo, having earn
ed biaflret dollar from Gov. Larrabed'
r Jr "ies.
and know him when he was getting his
start in lifo. Captain Llghtnor ot this
city also knows tho parties referred to
an having been honored by this monu-
1n4.1t, inly that tho Captain Van the
advantage Of na by having boon porron-
.lly acquainted with Abo. Lincoln:
"There has jufit been erected in a little
park opposi'.o tho railroad elation at
Clermont ono cf tho finest mencmenta
in tho elato, the gift of Kx Governor
i.nrrnboc, to his homo town. Iho mon
ument, atatuo and historic bronzo tablets
cott moro than $5,000. Thto work is.ol
inoro than ordinary Interest from the
fact that It has been constructed undor
tho nlmoet personal supervision of the
governor and from bis own idea;.
"Tho heroic figure of Abraham Lin
coin, standing 7 foot C inches, and the
four tablets, all in imperiohablo bronze,
rcro executed by Dicscil. tho noted
New York tculptor, nnd r.ro worthy of
especial note. Mr. Lincoln holds in
his band tho emancipation procinma
ticn and looks as if bo meant every
"The tablet on the west ia a repro
duction of tho room and group of all
diOEo who aisomblcd in tho McLano
houeo at Appomattox accepting Loo'u
"Tho tablet bn tLo cast icpiercnts
'leaving for tho war,' tllo central
Oguroin th'o.bns relief being Thomas
Henderson, brother of Colonel D 13.
who waa killed at Sbiloh.
"Tho tablet on thg north ia a scene at
Pittaburg Landing. In tho foreground
Id a snrzeon from Clermont, tho late
Dr. Lewip, in attendance on a wounded
soldier; while at tho head of his com
pany is another Clermont hero Cap
tain Warner, who died rather than sur
"Tho south tiblet is a rccne on board
the flrgship Hartford in Mobilo bay,
Admiral Farrsgut lashed to tho Tigging
and the then Lieutenant George Dewey
in cbaro of a gun crew.
"Thenl'tfe for this ftrand rcounment
wero planned by tho governor end the
inscriptions selected by him: and taken
altogether wo doubt whether Vhcro ia
another monument in this country con
taining so much local interest. Thu
Argo fcela Euro that tho pcoplo ot Cler
mont cannot fall to forever hold tho
governor in grateful remembrance for
conceiving and carrying out. the rd.a.n
which gavo bis home towd .Hbeautlful
un historic monument. ., Sf 1
1 9 T
"The pretty park in which tha monu-
mont is located ia ornamented tat eoch
corner by a piece of heavy ordnanco
such as waa used in tho civil war."
Somo FncCa About the Hlewhra o(
It cost3 on an average $9,000 per
mile to build a state road Iu Massa
chusetts, says the Dostou Globe, but
tho actual cost depends on locality and
conditions, hardly two cases being
alike. One-fourth of tho cost of u
state road l Loruo by tho county In
which It is situated, the balance bclug
contributed by the state.
The woil; of (lie highway commission
has developed 11 number of high class
professional roadbullders. Mauy of
the youuger and moro ambitious have
entered flic employ of the nutlounl gov
ernment in Cuba, Porto Ulco and the'
Philippines In the same lino of work.
Most ot the state roads aro of broken '
stone, but a few are of gravel. The
type ot road built Is determined by the
engineer, wno ma tea cqreiui examina
tion ot soils, drainage, gravel, stone,
grades and tratUc.
The thickness ot stone on stato roads
varies from four to sixteen inches, tho
lesser being placed over good gravel or
sand, tho greater over heavy clay. Tho
broken stono used on state roads passes
through half Inch, Inch nud a hnlf'and
two nud a hnlf inch screens. The lar
gest bIzc Is placed on the bottom, tho
second size 011 top of this and tho
crown is made with half inch material.
All nro rolled separately nnd thor
oughly. Tho cost of trap rock for rondbdlld
ing varies from $1.10 per ton to 1.G0
per ton. Tho statu owns seventeen
steam rollers, which are employed in
stato roadbulldlng. The' standard
width of stone rondwayB hi Massachu
setts built by the commission is fifteen
feet. Thoro arc somo only ton and
twelvo feet wide, but thoy nro not
deemed economical to maintain.
When a state rond Is constructed, It
remains under the control of tho stato
highway commission. Tho local au
thorities nro taxed an amount not to
exceed $50 per mile for mnlutcnauce.
rorifilit Willi rictrejr a $(jtlta Bay.
, Ilcar Admiral Jeeepli Cogulnn, 'who
Mte ft prornliieafcJ'part In the great
navel manenvern In West Indian wn
tern, was with Admiral Dewey at Ma
nila Bay. lie commanded the cruiser
.'cnHu tlie Grnna Army,
General Thomas J. Stewart, tho re
cently elected commander In chief of
Iho Grand Army of tho ltopublfc, wifrt
011c dt the youngest soldlcro In tho
civil war. Gcucral Stewart is an Irish
man by birth', Belfast being the placo.
of bis nativity. lie cauio to this coun
try as n,cklMHmlm'aluito4,Utfthc:r-,:Kr.A
Bcliools of JCorrlhtown, Pn. SInco' the " I
orgtitilzatiou of the Grand, Army Gen
eral Stewart has been prominently iden.
tilled with It.
Onr I.ofJlcal Glacial MpnatsttH.
As a result of earthquake 'shocks elurt.
Ing the past summer Mount Itanlcr, on
Mount Tnconia, Washington, tho great
est glacial nnd volcanic peak In tha
United States, has undergone consider
able cbaugc. The wbolo mountain toR
hows evidence of recent unusual cUa
turbnucfs. Tho lower portions of tha.
glaciers nro littered with the debri
that has been dislodged from above. '
v. 'Floivcr Plaeaslitoiaa. I
Poppy bead pincushions nro novel
gifts. Buy largo artificial poppy heads
and chooso them carefully, so that
they nro of good shape. Gild them rill
over with gold pnlnt, and when dry,
tlo a strip of bright colored ribbon
round tho stem and place four ends of,
ribbon down the poppy bead nt oven
dlstnnces from each other and cover,
these with plus (two with wblto and!
two with black pins), which nro driven,
through tho ribbon qulto iusldo tho
poppy bend, leaving the plnucad to
form a design. Thrco poppy beads
thus decorated, each with a dlfferen,.
color of ribbon (as, for instance, row,.
White and blue), must bo fattened to-.
gcther by tho rlbbous attached to thai
stems and finished off with ribbon
bows or bright colored silk pompon,
and tho cluster forms a dainty elree"
Ing tablo ornament as well as a useful
pin store. . , . . , .