III l l liiiiinii BUT liifiMWHMI liiHimMlMili ill -rtvS:r I 4' "& f V f ' - -r f t -tr - , -.4im-T.SS'i!Wrf &, ,5ft, -- -M '& IM Mt r- -H - ?-, A . 'V F' au. t- rw- T I I' M 1 . iti f t;i - ; 1 1 .' I !!: lit. " ul J. MV M . U P., ., ' ! I I' .. , I x M ! i ; i r j J . ps J f f t itt J (PI f ft! T I: B SCREEN FOtt PHOTOGRAPHS An Uircllmt (lift lAir Tliom Who .l!ao n I.tiruo Slock of I'lctnrci. As every oiii Iian on tin ml more pho- tojjrapbn than cnii bo provided for, any. tttltif; In the nhnpe of n frame Is cer tain to In' n valued Christmas gift The ncrecn photograph holder Is mailo or Btrawboard covered witti silk or ewtln. which Is einbroldered with llors or cold or silver thread. The panel. mo cut largo enough to accommodate one cnbltict photojrrnplf and oho carte ilo vWtp. The outline of ench panel Is rfrmiEC rnoTcan.vi'1! holdsii. ttkptviied on the strawbonrd bpforo it Is cut. On the inner side of each imael Is pasted a sheet of wblte glased impcr. The cover Is of- light iuatcrlr.1 ou the inside nnd of some darker shade of the Ninie color on the outside. Three edges of the back and front of each panel nrc stitched together on tbe ma chine. The lower part Is left open (bat the cllk, when turned right side oQt, may be slipped over the straw hoard. When the cover is in place, the lower edgi' is finished with a narrow iMtn, but U not sewed together. A slli; cord may be used as n frame for (be openings cut for the photographs. The pictures are slipped into place from below. DUCK LAUNDRY BAG. Mncr Cefut Soncnrrt Jlrtr He Fnh- loucil of Uncle, Drill or Holland. A simple and inexpensive holiday Gift is a laundry bag of strong duck. A, little girl can make one for her mother, for tho Instruction is so simple that It needs no experi enced hand to cut it 6ut stitch It together or line It with tho linen embroidery cot ton. Tbe lively T-ursDnr bao. Chinaman on one side of the bag is stamped on the duck. A casing is ran along the upper part of the bag, and through this passes ihmiiimahIm I aab.1 ?& n t m t frt 35roI)cn top Is neatly hemmed. The mo- Convenient dimensions for such a bag are ,27 by 13 Inches. A shoo ,-3tf can be made of duck or ot brown ho.''4""1 or u-ae M-l- cut in a utrlp 2S inches lS by 8 wide. Fold over to make the 'u and leave five Inches at one end to" iorm tbe llnp. Hind tbe edges with ribbon or turn them In and finish with a birder of buttonholing or fcnthcrstltchlag. Work tho initials of the recipient on the lid 1 make two buttonholes, which are to f:wca t0 two buttons sewed in po sition to pct them on the bag. Then work the won "Shoes' In largo letters across the bag. if tho bag be blue drill, embroider in wvite; if of holland,' embroider In blue or plnK If you bind the edges with ribbon, choose tho rib- bon to match the embroidery cotton. 'Tills size of lmir holds onlv ono nntr i This size of has holds onlv ouo natr of shoes. For n larger Blze cut the tame lonstU. 2S inches, and make the width Lions of feathcrstitchlng at Intervals of elgjit inches, so that each pair of fihora Is kept in n separate compart ment The Hap falls over the entire width, with n buttonhole to fasten In the center of each compartment. The bosincss mnn will appreciate a good leather pocketbook, with several ' wan sJU-"t "iK&S5tJttt'-5aL ltd compartments and a place for stamps. It Rtiould be as thin and as strong as possible. . PINGPONQ PINCUSHION. '. Vv to Dnte Adaptatlou of a Very L'i tul nnd Appropriate Gilt. The friend who is devoted to ping pong will b amused to find among his ntuffed w'tbsaw dust or emery Ii'owder. nisrobe Is of llowertd silk lined wltb plain lillk Ilko that AVhlch uonpam nn the bands. Ills CSsAt'lvA'ih I "" 1 .""".,.., ., Cl6i& jikuuiauLLiiuioiu l , plngpong ball, , upon which fea- x,Cfai'0;ia ri'cnBiiiof n..ni! .. .1 i.i ... . . Hues ire drawn with iudla ink or painted with water colors. Ills cue Js made of horsehair, which Is glued to tho top of his head. Tho head Itself is giueu to tno Uody. Pins nnd ueedles jiro to ho fastened in tho robe. j ? wnouier rancy lor nins 13 tho doll pincushion. Choose an ordinary china .... ...... .. , ., i,Mierijr. fa.i i ,i jiiiuwr. connnea to my uea ana r-oni or the funny little flguro shown in tho ir' rnu iirs Jtte' a"iefUJ faU(1 -Mr and ,aonths while I had good a p.clan cUetch. Tha body of tbe Chinaman is' Mre. Jeso Farrio. Tho floor was final- as this city affords Jic failed to pull mc out, u'suusafellko baL ! 1 1 . n 1 . .1 .t . m.d I tried many remedies and thry were BJUBUtlllUB UU), I l (.Ip-l'f.il nf all linr I tin i.tm. nin1..a .n U.,1 ,n mi! .l...l, .I..I 1 ...,!J A., ,.l.. I I I I 'J w... . . w. .. .. .u .,.w VUW'IIH ..H.v. .... ...J .V.IIMbll .IIMW A Kl Jill iltl I.IKW ift jSS11 nuout "vo inches in height, with, iitnim tin nittict t i 1 .... . .. .1 ' , faco aud plenty of pretty curly hair ' faco aud plenty of pretty curly hair ' - .. .. . . . ' VM" "uh. ., preps' the fluluty little lady in her wsV clot tics.' ii-our strips ot nno whltertlnn nol a lttchi-ii wldo and S inches lotip must bo carofull.r buttonholed round tlio edees, then tlruify fastened round II. l.itti. illt'n ttlul t. tl. . ..u&t ....- i..i.. ..mm ...nai. mv UIV.-U lirvi placed necdica, vruite puis, liluck pins and Bjjfcty pins. Then cotnes ttic baby's dress, which Is made ef two strips of dainty ribbon nlout a Inches wldo nnd 10 Inches loujr-ono Rtrlp Tor ' the front and one for tlio back, held In position by baby ribbon. It Is buna up by a loop of ribbon. Now thnt the board of lady managers, of the Louisiana i'nrchase exposition has been fully organized, we ought coon to know what the styles are tt be for the world's fair. 1'lngpnug pnuch has made Its tip pearanee in New York cafei. It it laid to be fully ns bad us its name in dleatcs. rnnmllnti llttttrr X'or Auntrnlln. Vhlla last year A tintmlin export cl 13.000 tons of butter, this year tj, drought has ho cut off the feeding c ' that then' has lately been a carload . Canadian Imttcr sent there In a stcan or from Vancouver. The price pal for It was above that paid In Cauadh.n markets, it goes In cold storage at.d if It reaches there in good condition further orders are expected. MASQUERADE' BALL A GREAT SUCCESS Trom all accounts tho uiatqtiaradc b.ill .it North Demi, Saturday night wao a br.liiant euccess in every particular. Everybody wr.3 thero and the larco pa vilion nns well filled. M.uiy left at uidaight, but inpny otbero elayed and prolonged tho festivities until scll lo wr.rd morning. Pjllo.vingls a nearly conipietolist oi tho award of puzes: First lor handeoinejt coitume: Sil ver Chatelaine watch and chain, pre sented by Thoe. Howard, Mrs James III erby, genuine hcud-carved meerschaum pipe, presented by ii. Setigetacken, John Eeltboff. Second for most original costume; Silk umbrella, presented by Chae. George; Frank xvickfean, choice of hstr. prcjentcd'by Mngncs ani Matron, W. J. Elfeton. "" Tnird for best sustained charactor: choice of rhocs, presented by Wm. Nas burg, M:js Black; gold watch chsia acd charm, presented by 11. Findl, V. 0. Walker Fourth for most comical costume-: two aac'xs Del Monto flour, prof entod bv J. W. Flanagan, Mre. Noah i?);one ght edge ham, presented by Ktuic A StuulT, A. F. (look, Filth for- ugliest cottun.e: hand painted parlor tra, prceented by V. : P. Murphy, Mrs. le'ua; ftr contlc man, bsircut, obempoo, 6uZu uud batii, ' presented by Jobu Tollie, ; . oreui-iw wis pnzo anz: couu r,H vf - r tropbvcurrprefeuled to iho succes-. fol ccc,,:c by Jolll, Prctl.B. Ai L, p,ana J aud Miss Julia Larson. Door Prize for tlio perton holding' tbe Jurky number: Ten dollars worth' of merchandise from the North I'cnd ttorc, rr seated by L. J. Giinp?oa, Mit3 Kcfchoff, Tlie judueB wtre Vf. V, Mnrj.by, J. W. CennoU, . W. Dean, Mire Susie Kick worth and Miss Edna O'Connell. - They found' it very difficult to award the prizes nuior:;; po many nearly equal , compolitorB. In tbe waltz it wan ct-, 'coni.les.M - PJatiz a"d MIeb rnr,pn ' i.ji u.uuii iu uimiu ut;int;i.'u iijiuu r.r.d Iho prj.e finally went to tin first narsul couploon tbo point that their wal'zing was n little more uu to dato than that of (ho otliort ' Tlio concert by tbo North Bend band i.f,.n 1,11 1 1 . . , . ' before tho ball opened ia ery highly Htvikpn of The niv tinvillnn rami, tti fnr SP026" - U1P aY IftiHon came in lor much favornblo comment, and its arch I- , tectural feature Peter .ogv;ie construct- i,i 1. nn .. t i, . , ed tho building after his own idea nnd we doubt v. bother there is a ball in Ore-, jron wlioroln bettor acoustic? exi&t, T. ' Ul.iclliluu U.lll IJIII IUIIK ' Ili- mcmborjil, as it waa tho first of the kind held in tbo new rmvillon. Kvorvthlci? " "cutoff in tbowest eatltf wentoii in inowcat eautiactory man- ... ... . r . t . . .. ?rt anJ a" "cnt b&mc bappy, The Mutt wti rinlnts milnltr. u. . ... uui.i.n ihhii numi vi tii i i. .it uitntt i T.ii.i..if i,....i j.r lint pcciiiim' m't in Cloptop T.fiiiilon. ! known ns hn A&iiniMiioiittni r. nwoll.t . .. il I... I ..U r ...i 1 VIH ill IIIU lUWIC Ul l.UVl", WHO rV".'lll ly proclaimed himself tho "new .Men ulnh," is satd to be planning n trip to this country In an effort to spread hl doctrines. Plggott'n roniltijc visit to America will nflt bo his first. Ho'ilveil many years on tho Pacific count. Ilo was born iu Knglnud about sixty years ago and was educated for tho elorgy at Cambridge. mere would have been more tvuxpa thy for tho people of Camden, N. J.. where S.000.0C0 gallons of water ver-' watted by tbe breaking of n rcirvbit' had thero been anything like a short ngc of the Hupply throughout the conn try this year. kccpliu: Chicken Without Wntrr. This mhjrct as dlseuseil in Auur iean Journals n few years ngo. but the real facto of the cane noldoiu nre pre 'ated In a votilnclnp mnaner. No praetleal chlehen fancier tlotil.ls for n Moment th:- n.vesslty of Huppljltig nn tircr llipdd food to fowls, 'rKcI.illy In warm vttiit'..i-r. As far as Veen Imtn the advocnlvvi of "no water' feed tlu.r ch'.ckeuH and fowls soft ftd whl. 'i contains a f:-lr percentago'of it.olbturi Consuxiutntiy their claim that water l.i not a necct'dty nniM be discounted to a great pxn-::t. The modern system of feeding chUkeuH Ih based on n dry ma ture of the various gnilnn, aud such diet demands the nddltlon, of Uq:': .food; -Wo have iftjvcr aeeniny ill ef fectn of alli'irjng oven young chlckciw lo partake of water or mlli, provided tho latter w.ih jiure nnd not offered In unlimited ii:autltlcH. How n chicken fancier can ever delude himself tl.i:t pure water is not relished by n chicken, young or old, Is a mybtcry to uh. Let huch u 'mortal get up on n tlry, warm July morning and watch tbe roblna nnd other birds suck iu the grateful moisture on growing vVgcintion and also watch how eagerly the flock- of chickens av.-jlts tho coming ot tho v..i terlng pot. It takes but a few drops of water to BuUsfy tho most skeptical ivr son that tin' instinct of the feathered animal demands water. It may bo true that home men can get along without wnter, but chickens never. American Fancier. Down Vith Nfiirvous Prostration. Confined to Sed. Doc tors Failed, But Dz Miles' Nervine Cured Permanently. - 5ome rI vears afo T rnmnl.t!j eA down 'r0' evanechstlc work. I differed them. At last 1 found Dr. Miles' t.rvlni. Ah, that was a nail in a sure rik'.co and enabled me to cry out 'Kureka.' f w.is soon able to be out and at wodc. I contider Dr. Miles' Ii'etviuc the thing for nerve and Com tek trouble. J also use in my family mos.t of Dr. Miles' Medicines, as household r-medies." Rev. Geo. W. Draper, Danville, III. "About a year aco I failed in health nnd rcyca - e was kald to befcervouj derate. "J"115' nml Jlcart trouble. My Stomai.ll V.M alsoafuctcdanJ I rufered from a variety ,f symptoms such as wind on the Utimach, tnortnesE of breath, smothenn" tpcl s. naln around the heart and left aionldw. My ankles were frequently v,olkn and iny face v. as often feverish. There were litilcpuffc Prrit nanUy.1 'l wfolcSIJr aJlv ni in addition to general direction us to taking urc of inysoli you prescribed l!citor. I. li.ii- "r ...in .. i. .:..i. I11IV6 11C1VJIJC, 1ICUII VUIC IU1U lltTVC- Iin.l ind permanent return to health follovJcJl."- Miss Josephine Kern, Galena, III I5 JWrnyiUl'M JKltlf UMlJlii, 111, A!! ilrifcrt-ritxfit Kf) flml m'nrfintaw fire ir-.t. tie JJr.M ilea' Kcmcdies. heart lor Iree book on N(-rvoii4 anil Heart C hu-a.i- Ai h rn. "V. .TV. .: ---.7" j" .- ...- , --.. . ,1,.. .-.." ---..- -.-.-..... ..WW.W.B Pr. UWa. Medical Co. Elkhart. lad. , , I i MM i - m m : vm f .t" mm ihbeivm- uk In - & AVCKAAaAAAAAMAAAA'AXlAsAMAb ' !l tf"fl 5.fi - Ix 3 MllIi RB-llSflji I f h. Gifted wvvvwwvA' i,s nnv huh iu ...MAKE THEM M t CMAAVVVWWVVWAj I" Inespcnjivo Triflei Which Any ( Woman Con Cointruct VTVVVVVV7VTVVrVVVVVVVVVT A FANCY blotter alwny iiicoIh with' favor n:i a ChrUtuutit present, liven persons who do only it' mndi't'iito uiinmiit k of writing can find urn.' for hitch a .Utility ot'.uuucnt fur thu writing table. Some pretty blotters are made of linen In various nlmden, the traced dwlgti being the wool "IHotter," HiirrountU'd by small groups ot eomentiouitl tlo ers. An ither one li cut ftvm linen In a shue'e ttvuibllUK tisoro silk. It tin i graceful tloral sprays for lt tlrcortitlou. tiiich llowetH beltit; selected uh hu." up well when worJcH-hi- nnt uml coloring up on this escellont background tint. Thu blotting casen should be complete, llvon tho elastic rhroult which the blotting pa th' r Is to be pann ed should be In iionltlon. T.ils tti u .-ilatlnct advuii- nt.orrKtu tage. 's It saves the extra expense of profeMlo'ial mounting and Is also a great tun In ' t'1"1'- (Jualnt bonbOu holdem or pin tray can bo made of u'lpanete Piht froKx. When Inning the n''. ehoom? thoso that will stand upright.'. Ni'-t cut aj large water Illy leaf out o." a'anthonnl , and either cover It with green vJ'k and , paint the witlings or eUe iMiltit i?V '" I tiro leaf. Make u stem of twU'Uil Krwu iiu iwiu iia iiiiiii -'ii .v v..., bending the titeni downwanl to touch the ground, and then curve out ward. 11 a co Master Froggy In n standing po sition and gum hU front claws on the islgcs of of tin lUy Unt Which ho IioIiIh an a tiny. An effective llnlsh to rnou nx Tn-iv. a rustic table decoration may be com posed of four' of these leaf holding frogj. each displaying n store of ioso pink fondants, while two larger frogs support path) water lilies tilled with green bonbons. A truly original hatpin holder hi made from a common long, green can do co logno bottle concealed by a fancy hand' kerchief drawn together nt the top by rlWtuii. A htiiidh' Is attached to the tide of the bottle ami glided. A fancy bow Is tied to the end or the stick, and by this the pnnisnl hi hung from the lo iking glass. Sum II .Inpnnrne inn brellriN tilled with c.ttou ilud tied to gether with ribbon mako neat hatpin cushions. A iwrtlc'ilnrly pretty hatpin hook can be mudo by otittlug two pinre pleeen of jinHtelnxinl and covering with white linen or nlll: on which a rew for ((etmeiiotK liavo been etnbroldi red. If Uso material cho- mi U Mlk. pale blue II"hh uhotild be u d for tho lluera::d groen tloHH for thu leuveMnndst.ilkK. If lln.-'u In used, tho l!-w.'at'an be cinhrolis'ied In il.t t bread. Lino the re verse side of the card with pale blue silk or sa teen nijil edge with iiliio or rAIIABOT. IIATI'I iioi.nmi. white cord Tho folds of 110ft linn lie) lusldo can he hcalloped or buttonholed round with palu blue sewlug kII!c. Thu cards nre iitltehed together at tho bad: with cither or with rjhbon to SBBIOVCL '4S f?? m&w ii) Iv'Wby us ..t one Hfc'ah r00 ana am "iM.mii.1 Luiui''accj 'lll.llnMliin 1.1 'v-tri,J''A ' "( -t-l- d I Wj'IK'M Wo 3a ON w.im 'i a 3 jtp. AT itf( ffwmA. it .a 1 i:r .?i S.-I H-.fY?l t Ml j.'W a' itTM m if'.v-v NMrl'Aiiaov uannufi u.r otu i fuiir- 1 ") rV WA lVAkWlm:.&i ff&flW VX)rV! M'aVi?! Y-.a i-xv. i ' M!M W'J l'WIiLi t.SNK.eK i.U--?lut fHJll 1 . k-li ', i ri'ilJ yrt. KVft ' "t7 -mmw -- -- - . , - r --- V fWlH dtSQOW lMJM& WWM& ' i A I Wfhij B"rc.fj yi' ".'''' "' i inMiiVi i ' ifiiowitoin'i Vffl W WffiT rt'n.vnxV'u. 'i(it Kr.arolrioyoiusiu.. tt" ''" V'i i V lift '- "0 a v. ,'ktol 1 Imvi mr n -h I lo r do for ,.; . WaI I fSiv vViT YMttYi rollaoJj ri'fw n in yaeh H'i l todl'.troumeftri o;ni' k;).'i m 'frr unto tno Joint con), itllihon of the h-hmuno bltiu hliotild (to tlio book tootli i'1't Airy nenipn oi uiuurciiuury miun can bp used In making clustcru of Huoliut bagu. m the ttrcttter tho variety of cob or the prettier tho otTcct. Hlbbons off choeohttu buxea and ball pi-ogiiitiiiuo.i may be ued In this way Mnlio up the xlflpit Into llltle bngn nnd tint Into ench bug n miuitro of cottolt -ool tilled with scent powder. Then tie Uio little bngn like a sack with narrow ribbon, turn ing In the edges at the top. Tho lib lioim which tie up thu hugs must he about twelve Inches long utiil fastened together iibout two Inchon from thu end. Knch end Is then llnlshed o(T with n brightly colored ndk pompon. eAAAAMAAAAAMULAAAAfiAAo . i P TESTINfi METIiODS A teat ns to the vnluo of newn paper ndverttslug oer other methods was iiindo a year iiko by the givnt publishing house of Harper A Ilron. Two hooka were selected, ouo by a well known popular author and the other by an unknown writer. The hitter was selected for the newHpapur ndwrtlHlug and the other for tho usual channels. Wltb riinnl -iii-ntllttira tlio rl ml t-rtlm-il In tlio neuain'er mitntrlpjicil llto utlirr In anilva ity -OO.OtH) i-iiplcn. Tho result wns a complete sur prise and established the fact that readi-m go to the newspa pers for Information with M-gard 'to books aa well n with r.-gaid to most other matters. National Printer-Journalist. P' l r- 'r i Tlm lft n.ivi-rtlnlnj: miilium for any merclmtit In tti locnt tiapr irtilcli ;otn Into 11m honis of tho people, as Mils paper dues. s TT VWVT7 VTV W7T V7 V77 V VVV 0 X Thankful llrrtrt. Thou art not rich, thou art not poor. '"hy fortunn U-vp Die nitditlo way; No lilt tliy nirciuiih raiinot rr.lur. Apportion! to th mlni: day. Thou nrt nit younie, thou urt not old, Ytt c-ilin thou nt iliy ytrn ilvpart. And Joyn urn llilni'. u Uiouianilfotit, lKctutr thou li.-mt tlio UttnUftil t.tart. A tlunktul hrarl tr.r llfo alon-. I'nr lirnut 'n Oii rth uml lUIre, (And for mucIi .J arc nn lliou iloit own Hy Imppy aift m' orrliiK rii). For human love's en.'carliiu IkjiiiI. Whcro iituiiclily Hit.-' ,"-'i '"" "or I'irti Tor ualaei hri and hopo brj'onil, Tor tdl thou luut thu tliun);i.'l heart. Ho to Hi Ik Uny of erownlnu rlicor I.y tmty cour-j thy i.tcp U1 Uml, Since vlth ich ii.iy of Rll Uik year Huni- arntfrul lrv.-ii thou didst tlonli Ko (hnncu Uiy price from Ihco m.i V.'hMn llfo nlisll list thou shall not purt Willi lint rocm) ttUt (of nit tho l.mt), Th trruiuro of a inankful Iihii. -lMlth M. Thomas hi JIcrtiBr'ii Iliunr. Drjinrr jiroparntlous snap! dorel c,Mlry catarrh j they dry t tho locrotlouj, i wuieli ntlliero lo tlio memornno una oucoiu- ! ijim rjMik.iui r. tar lnoro I oriOIIB ll'Ollillo tl.nil , tliooidiuury fon.iof entftrrh. Avoulallciiy- 1 n,. I..1.1 ,l..!, In,,... i,n,.V(. mill miii'n , lni iiihalaiitri, jiuiioo, i.moKCii imu uji..s fmii it-n ii, ,i viiicn fi 3iii.cn. r.nnii.'cii iwiu I henia. E1b Cronni Ilahn in btich n rencdy anil will euro cuinrrn or coioinii.o ncu oa-ily r.T-.d j)!eat..ntly. A trial r.!7o will b.t atailtul fo. 10 c-riiU. All driiKgiRtii toll tho Lie. rko. l'.lv JJrothcr. r5 Warren ht., 1 Y. Tho IJalm circa wlu-out pnln, doeo iiol' Irriliuo or cuiiho ulco.-.u:(. Jit nprccus liseli over nu irritutod andannri'riur.'aco, rIIcv. iai innueii itoly th i pr.Iufni iufiiunronllon. VilIi J ly'n (Vriim Halm yoiuuo r.naod anttitist Ii'aoal Catarrh nntl Jiivy X'over. L901 Mode? ii' '7 .".. eri if W ih;i r.tujo 'N t.) i3S:i i'l:i illvu i.rtuifi'i utji; -. i;nrr ii- uiii IT. 1 . I ..4,.......'. .. . ... .... . 1 ' tlfioc.'.ii'.i.i fichl J.Jii to vyj ul iv . -.'. 'ir'-'fli W to fipyoui . i U .-5. ( dic.w.a i "i I ul!ov ( I SA ftfv MS9 WMSiT 'j4iV aT Sj 1S E J MEUIWmT ehlB.'i rirnda rwarantaou 1Vu3 aWUZlM. tlio oventof kof onnof Uiolx-.tkuu.n Cijrtfl. (iUv ......(. u, .nt' Liiiiii.i jt ii.ui.ivi. urn. I' iu n.kiiu7. Iinli fiit. A'irni A)iv(nf. 4W v..i'( CENTRAL Comer of Front nml A Mlrrt'lii, MAIIHIIFIlihl), OIIKUUN, I11NJIMMVUUH, :itn jPcoprJoiir rXlM.S VKl.l.r.NOVN AN'IM'AVO'tl I II J!. IIOTKI. Inn lini Wr untlrely mhi. . nml rrftirnlilird Hitii.i:lHHitninl Iiuciiiih pen u tlo I ill lie for imuvMiflKn. New IwiU foul upline initiroiic'i huve bfen pmced In utnuiM evmy ltiiii ri cm nf i!u lniii uml noltlif Iroublt) nor m(i;ui hi: Ii.;i piired to uit oiwythlnx In llnu-tunj nnt-f. 'IKHMW, IViuhI iir.d diiliHii pm wli .in I'twul.p.' tvcft,, ,". 0( MimlaMm'. ,,,,, ' Tttx iiindturHK.viuTioN KVkiivwiii:iu L II J PUT G o In p e n I) I o Pocket -fc'i'VKNUOiiCQl'R apiai;atui- . ih't sumllotil Sterncirnpo with llii. xlioneest ontieal nffoet. 1 1 Iu 111 v HiiIiiIuhI p. in different uolorn ltb rich gold mid. Mixer di'coruUi uh (inoiiiilluitu), InclinU fc ii-Kfi V. F rii'itegnipl.t', VlowMi.f art (:,( nio.) lHU:i t)NI (I Ml. Hfiit tnoryniieiti pn'n.vnt in letter lonii. ACiKf'f.M WANTKI). LILIPITI SlliKEOSCOI'fi CO. FOltltiiST llim.l)lti.f 1'JillntluliiIilA. Knit nml Commodious tilcnmsliip ""aluance HARDW101C, " Ma3tor Makrt tcKui ir n,, lmern JCoi ) rnn. i intj I'ntil, xt . IluatlMl, iat Coo Iliy. tul. pjf hi Noc Ktt vocli uity. Th AI.I.lANCK nt .i llMt oln- miuih;it Ihhii, nml tm all lim iiiilt-io (oiiVi'iil"iici a mill in one of tho fiinltjftj Slimmer; ol hrr cIimh. ViX X K xx '. x . x x. y, s Vox I:icij;lit nml 1'iiMuuvr Unlca or Snilitii: Dates, Apply " to . SJSiVGSTACA'IStV, M RSI11IICLD, OrcRon iVSr mr- cer EOT WO" MB- Stsr l iM csr &2T r,ROSKMANNS I PATHNT WlilTINFi IJINfl Tbo mort lintiorlant imiiroviiiient of. the age In tho nrt ol I'Miiniulilp inuken tbo onreit w ntcr n -'!ciiiliiJ penman In ii few ttfiiks by tin utool thhi iluit. llmloru'd by pniiiiliuiil Crdbfo 1'fi-ol-itentHnnd Koanln of l.ilocatloii In llu io; n mid Amerii'ii. h,iiiiplo th zn ut hoiti'd fixes rent jvist pnld for JI.Wl, i-Iii. Io f ample Itfc Wlu-n tnlering it diitln ilnif, btato wliclliei for tuaii, cnuui or child. IIINN MPG. 6UPPI.V CO. No. Hi) Q. Foiiftti St, PlilfmiclphUi 1 1 ,5V3v&-,lvSvO xijsnri' rviriiT DR. JOnD.N'S cucatC' T'' 'MMCKIiM CM ntiRTOaa .iivou.i.wi.1 Wit t:ii4i n vjcj 5 low uir.:u7w'!n'.jiiiio,fit. i 1l I .Iff. I K lulf J Ml.li Ik ht . imf pliirl .r4) jriK.n a.i N'lwiilmil.lHH. I..I k..ik Dn.JORRAH UmAilCSOFMElM DVPRtl.tlltNuiLli ..H.-.I . fifrniliirmk lwitiiu..u(U,i.Mry. ' T.M'Mi.tii.iHi'tii Hutu. riil. . ..... -. ' : .1 IV !'"' "" I"' I'll"-. riMr. t.,i I.I." 17 IJ IdllUM lllll 1. I.ll illlixK CvHwIlillau lit. iwl itil'ttyr'l'ii Timii" pf. ? irtnr tr,iui a rivt -. in ..r f, v )"l'i Will. f.w II o l'HIIOllrIV.i (mhhii.oc. hailuu rx. (k .iv.i.ii uk (7. xliinfl t til ! kiii V UM,iOtOAHtCO.,10BUian.vtrL,O.P. a--. gU il JU FJlilii. ,.,., . . tn n u a n tt ra Hi w Ki l m u m CI DKALKIl IN .1K0('KHIKS KUKSII ntUHM.VKCil-: -A III.KH PHOVIHIONH, r'i.Ol'K KJJKD, KTC, OF TIIK 1IKST QUALITY. I'llKJI-'S IUCAHO.N'AIibi;. I'KOZDN OY8TKUB j:VHUY DAY. : : : JA. Street, Marsh fwltl, Oro a cs ::; ftaca a ca rca ra a r. i w fn a sa tti a Mufntiilnliitf t'tii'nlity. A pullet that molts out well n a ucn-llut In, uhowlui; an (,'dod tjuiillty In color of plumtifio as when she wan n pullol Is inoro valuable an a breeder thuu If ubo MhoTi'u.nXoMnir.flfi; lu,,oual K IJ w b mm S(IA iXIWH ' U 11 11 Ii if 4NM .W.wp.f . t-dJ&MM " 'KfQ&k . f ' .tf i w..ii ii nfc 'pirji-ii''i;ia!i"iwait!wtt.Mn E?WMMmimMgffl&?r JFrSi H'" ii ""' ' Mfain ' 0 r