Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, December 06, 1902, Image 1

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NQ. 49
Vlonnn. Bee. 2s A dliputch from
h, Petersburg toys elaborate rbllr.Ioiin
'iorylcoa will bo hclil thcro tomorrow In
colebratlonul thiGmowllji.who was born
Nov. 22, 0. H. (Dec. 4). Tlio services
Inclmlo tlmnktielvlutc for tho Czaro
wlU' progress to word recovery, nlthotihu
as n matter of fact, tlione in u portion to
know declare ihnt tlio liolr presumptive
The Czarowitz and
His Intended Bride
to the throno In afflicted with tulwrcul
bsls, and that the dlrcare has reached
na advanco itoKo.
Tho announcement was mado last
Aucust that tho CxarowiU was ougaged
,. marry tho tccond daughter of the
Tlrand Ducheia Anoetaeta of Mecklen
burg Hchwrln, tho Duchraa Ccclle
Augustine Mrtrin. It la regarded as a
significant fact that no data has been
cet'for tho union, nor havo any pre
parations bcou mnda for tho event. To
put It plainly lb" condition of tho young
Clranb Dnku is reparded as hopeloen un
less tho cllmato of tfiu Crimen tliould
work n mlraclo. Tho pulmcnary dis
order with which ho Is siilTorinj; io com
plicated by n tendency to diaboto.
These dlfcrucs havo worked frlghlfnl
mirchlol among tho collateral branches
of the homo ol Ilomnnoff and havo al-
icndy found shining marks n tho rauka
nearest tho throne.
With tho detutso of tho Czarowllv. nnd
the Cr.ar without n won tho diadem of
the Komadoffj, tho richest prUo uttaln-
aMoby tbo human ambition, would pf.sa
to tho oldost unclo of tho C:ar, tho
tlrand Duko Vladimir, who is in his
llfly-llfth year.
Avlvorocly Reported by Committee
House Considers Authoclte
Expense Bill
. Washington, Doc. 3 At n full moot
ing of tho Scmuo Commlttoo on Terri
tories today it whb agreed to report ad
voroely tho Omnibus bill providing for
tho admisQiou of Oklahoma and Indian
Territory a'souefltato, Corlain rpstric-
Vladimir Is In vigorous hoilth, ".well
educatud, nud on fxperiomod ndtninlr
trntor. Ho line trmolcd over Kuropo
nnd modi of Asia. Ho was greatly es
toomed by tho Into Czar and enjoys tlio
confidence of the Dowgor Czarina, who
iu tlio moot Influential flguro among tlio
reactionary forces Hint control tlio
Itiisttsm councllii. 8ho and Voldltncr
have had ninny differences as to Russia's
Asiatic programmo aad there wai
hrlsf VitrTfiKement, but;cordlil rolations
havo been rosumod. '
Vladimir is very popular In Vienna
and Paris, His manner is engaging
nnd bin hnndeomo person is familiar to
tho houlevardiors. When visiting horn
ho has always gono nhout tbo city in an
unconventional way nnd is altogether
tnoro democratic thnn any other mem
her of the rolgnlng family of Russia.
In n carofnl dispatch to his paper tho
St. Petersburg correspondent ol tho
rolltlecho Corrntpondcuz of this city
"VlndlrnlflWhilotoo strong a man to
ho dominated by tho military party, Iisb
Httlo sympathy with tho political doct
rines of N'icholnj. Ho embodies the
prudence- of tho Uomnuoffe. Like nil
Russians, ho is full of craft' Hut his
tendencies aro toward the fulfillment ol
Russia's 0o-cnllcd traditional mission,
nnd tho Imperial cpeptor would ho
wielded by him with no eqoclnl dofcr
elico to that wiso principle of nvblration
of wtilch Nicholas is tho most Uluatri.
ons exponent."
tiono will bo added, to caro for tho in
torests of tho Indians and ngniuat;ooly
Krtiny At tho morulnc ecsslon tho Sennto
listonod to tho annual rop:rt of Becro
tary of tho Treasury 81mw ; also tho re
port of orders issued by the Governor
General of Culm.
In tho IIoubo Houdorson appointed
Shopard today n mombor ol tho Com
mlttou on Puhllo IliiUdlng and Grounds.
Tho'Houso wont into commlttco of
the wholo to oouslder Cannon's fiO.OCO
bill to dofray tho cxponsoa of tho An-hracltO'Comtnlsalon.
i i i '1 T i -i - " r- i " - - i -
To Allow Examination
pf Their Books
. .
Increase In Wages Vould "Acid
But Little to Cost of
Bcranton, Dec. a-Tho Anlhractto
commission retained Its bearing this
morning. Harrow produced as witnesses
tevoral miners and their wires wd
children. Justico Gray In opening Hid
ho regretted tlio misunderstanding
which had preventod tho parties", .from
com Ins: to soma concjlllory agrceaont,
which would havo been approved bjf the
puly one conipany.Uhe Delaware aad
Hudson, submitted a ataUment of wases.
McVengh suld forty experts had hies
constantly cmployrd during the tm
days recess going over tho rennsji
vauia'e books and tho work was still th;
completed. j
The Independent operators would lot
submit their accounts to show prjfjt
and lots.
Darrow replied if thoy were willioeto
admit that minors were entilledtd air
wages, whether company" wasTETak ina;
money or not, ho would agree that it
was useless U havo accounts submitted :
othernlto, if they contend that thoy aro
una bio to pay fnlr wages, tho submietion
of tho accounts would bo necessary.
Mitchell was tho first witneer, who
said that 20 per cent incroaso in wage's
meant 17 cents per tori added to tho
cost of mining conl.
Halibut Fisheries
Uoston, Mais., Dec. 4: Tho Atlantic
Halibut Company of Gloucester, which
is interested in tho halibut fisheries of
Pacific, has decided to incrcneo its West
ern business, with an idea of controlling
thetradoin Western fish In tho East
ern markots. Tho International Fieh
Company has just bcon orgouizod for
this purpose. The plan provido for the
building of many additional steamers to
fish for halibut in tho Pacific.
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Special to the Mall. ' ''
Washington, Dec. 3 Heran, acting
minister Irom Colombia thin morning
hold n conference with Secretary Hay
on tho I'ansma cans!. It is generally
understood (hat all questions regarding
the right-of-way were sottlcd. The
only question remaining is of cumpensa
tlon to Colombia, which claims toderlyo
an annual Income ol H, 030,000 Irom tho
canal. Accordingly Hay entered into n
t borough Invesitigatlon of tho sources of
revenuo'and until his report is received
(hero can bo no progress of moment in
the procosdings.
Han Erancirco, Dec. 8 The big tanks
of tho titeamer Progress blew up this
morning when sho woe lying at tho
wharf of tho Fulton Irons Works. Tho
Steamer hod just been been fitted with
oil burnors and was to roako her trial
trip beforo starling for New York to
It will bo impoisiblo for several hours
to tell tho exact number of lives lort.
Fifty men were at work In the bold at
Jtho timo the oil tank, containing 400
bnrrelr, mow up. Thn explosion toro
up thn decks, nnd broke the ship in two.
Cant. Harding ccarad miraculously.
Many woro blown into tho water. A
boy was blown to the dock, n piect ol
flying steel taking bia arm off. Captain
Ilnrding rata the oil tank's burners had
just been inspected by Lloyds nud that
the surveyor pronounced tljum eatf
factory, therefore tbero is qo accounting
for tho explosion.
Monument To Kosciusko.
M.lwaukee, Wis.' Dec. 1: Tho Kos
ciusko Monument association announc
ed today tho closo of the competition for
designs for tho hanbsome monument
which it is proposed to erect to tho il
lustrious Polish patriot. It Is intenbed
to expend $10,000 upon tbo monument.
Every retail merchant must
bnvo a store ns well as n stock
nud pay rent or Its cqulvnlont
Ilo must buy heat, light, service,
transportation, postage In fact,
a host of things. Uo cannot get
nloug without them. They aro
sometlmea called tho "fixed
charges" of the business, nut
hnvlns nil tlioso expenses does
not bring buMuess.
The one tlilnir nefJctl Is
HuYj t lolly tlmt iHM)plchould
kmiu 111 in nuil tluxt lie liua
aonicttilim iihlcb they need
or want.
If tho expenses nro 10 per cent
without ndyerUslue, mako them
12' or 14 per cent with adver
tising nud double or quadruple
tho busluestt. Men's Outfitter.
You are' Invited to let th
publlo know what you hayo
for nalo throueh this paper.
Efficiency of National
Guard to be Pro
Washington, Dec. 4 Wbon tho Sen
ato adjourned today it was agreed that
adjournment should bo made until Mon
day. Devcridgu received a lenjthy tele
gram from th non-partisans convention
held at Oklahoma city yosterday, favor
ing the creation of a singlo state out of
Oklahoma And Indian territory and op
posing tho Omnibus bill.
A bill for collection of exhauetivo sta
tistical matter pertaining to the trust
laws was pausd.
Proctor roportod favorably from tho
Military Affairs committee the Houte
bill to promote tho efficiency of the
Quick fork.
Mompbts, Tonn., Dec, 4: Work on
tho Gould line down tho western bank
of tho Mississippi betweenMemphis and
New Orleans, know as the Memphis,
Helena & Louisiana Railroad, is
making phonomeoal progress, and it Is
laid that it will be in operation be
tweon Tripp Junction, sear Arkanras
City, Ark., and Concordia, La., etra'ght
down tho river, byFebnnry of next year.
At Concordia a connection is mado
with tho now northern extension cf
tho Texas nnd Pacific, while at Tripp
Junction. Tlio Iron Mountain Line from
Little Rock to Arkansas City is tapped
After the opening of the portion of the
line indicated, Little Rock nnd contigu
ous territory will havo n through short
uno to now uneans along a water level
over the Gould roads. It is not ox-
hi Trlti wii h '1,Z , "ZrtS I
SihiimnnW comi,Iotod Bhort of
eighteen months.
9 ;
Samo rigid
y I tic!'
XI m W
R the
eamrt tailoring, for boys cloth
ing as for men's
boyish grace with tho manly finish
Beautiful suits for the little follow;
strong sturdy suits for the older boys
Tho practical and the novel A splendid
Sfhe Now Two
H Button Douhlo
Dreaeted Suck
collection of hoys clothes that is not matched any
whereThat no pnrcntE'Of boys can afford to mles
Booing. : : ::::::
The Mother's Friend shirt watst
Tnc little suits, shoes, caps shirts
and neck wear.
111 " '
Some Light on Opei
ators' Methods
Car Shortage aud Removal oj Re
fuse CutDown Nine's !
Scranton, Dec. 4 Andrew Matty, a
miner employed In Cox Bros, colliery
was the first witness called this morn
ing at the anlhracitp bearing.
He said it required fifteen yean to be
come a thorough miner. One difficulty
about making fair wages was the lack of
cars. He bad often bad only one a day,
and this was particularly noticed alter
he had been elected to office in tho
Miners Union.
He was offered a job bossing if he
would repediato the union. He made
from ten to twonty dollars per week.
Ho said the rules of the company were
such that the men were compelled to it'
main In the mines from 7 a-m toBpn.
Regarding inspection "methods Matty
said that the miners who made com
plain (a when the inspectors were around
usually fouud themselves discharged a
fow days later,
When Btked if bo was ever injured be
raid no; ho got squeezed once eo badly
that bo stayed hi be J two weeks.
Another miner, John Blrenlar, was
called. IIh said the average of 300
yearly salary could not keep his child
ren, so ho had placed th m in charitable
institutions. There had been times
wtien his ialary wait a debt against him.
Ho had to tear down Bfone refuse two
eeke. mined so Httlo coal that U
did not pay for the powder and olL
f Ierarrabl? Sto of
Boys loti7ii7 -
The Norfolk, icl
n'l coa.
sorutlny of fabric
j stylos that havo
.SaW. SI
t '