COAST MAIL VOL. 2, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Sunday, Jan U, 1903. NO. Coast Mail. MA SIII-'IKI.I) OKKOON Entered In the Postoffice at Marsh field, as Second Class Matter. MAIL PUBLISHING CO., Propr's. P. C. LEVA!?, P. X. HOFER, Editors und Managers. Published Every Morning, Except Monday at Marshficid, Coos County, Oregon . DAILY. TKIt.MH:-By mull, lor advance pny- litclit mily, W renin it mouth: I month nr l.. YUicii not pulil In ndviince llu price UU) ri'iilri perinoiit'i, Htrulght. WKKKKLY Ismitil every Siitiinliiy Term In nil vnnre $1,5011 year, $l.i nix mouth. EXPLANATORY. Till special number lake t Ito place of the Daily Coast Mail for the date on which It Is l.ued. mill I given as a supp'ement w lib the Weekly Coast. Mail. It la hsued two weeks later than was at It r-1 li tended, unexpected and unavoid able delays having Mrlten. As It Mniids, it I- purely a home pro duct. Tl e printing and binding having all been I'line In this cfllni with the iiiiimi. it our illponl. Iiiuiii Hug n very insdeo,uate plant, and wlti such In-x-pcrlei coil extia help mi we run 1 1 uhtaln. The niiinlx'rl- Itr from b-lng as cniii ph te as coul.l 1h wihed. Many llil. g well worth extended mention are nut tombed iimiii. Mirli a It fr, li.iwever I: is tl.e Ih'hI rouiul up of Coos IJ.iy in pi hit today. it V gratlfitlng to he able to state that rflhe IHk) ixirn copies printed, iiiutu limn one Imlf have, already I ire 1 1 onlernl, In ipisiilth-s of from 1 to 50 liy people who wish In send iliein lo ilieir trl-ml elsewhere, Tld will liilp io preml Information nlM.ut thin Uwirnl Mellon among Mnpl who may n. li diiod to rast Iheir lot wild n and to that x'eul will h-p the cnmniiiiiliv. It should he sei I illy noted llMt iIim artlc'e on Coos ltv and ila It-sources cmcu vn g tlm laul four patten ol leading matter appeared In tlio Coaht Mail lat A iii int. It In UiimI again hecau.o It cover certain points aa well an they could he covered by initter nowlv pro pared In several detail, ho ever, Important changes ha. o (aken place In the last five rnotilltp, m.d to mention anme of them will give au idea of the advarces that aru Inlng made, For instanc. Yarrow, men Toned in that i rticle, no longer exiita. as Yarrow, and itslte (a tint scene of 'Im activities r.m roeted with the new North llend. The I'.irter mill, inenlloiied an lyinx idle, ha ritiCH been leased for a term of years hy IheBlmp'on Lumber Co., been placed in repair, and cumin need regular opera tion on the II ret day of tlm )oir Th stn,4-uiil " has ben Inniwlit hy the f!ooi lUy Mi I and Lumber Co , a corpo ration with headquarters in Han Fran-cl-cn. who Imve overhauled and remod led It l:i'o an up-ti-dato sawmill, and it I running regularly, Thn M intana mid Oregon Lumber C i. represented hy U lvelle, lias si-cured h mill rite at ( oqnille city and comorei ced the e rec ti u o( a mill whou output will Im sliip leil hy way of ill bay. Imports which reein to Im f tun: an aiitheiitic source are lo the IT cl tha a sale of the Southern Oregon Co 'a prnH'rly hat le-on effort il, and if, thi Ins true the hit; mill at Km pir eily will undoubtedly re-timo oper ation!. The lb-aver Hill mire has re sinned the regnlar shipment of coal, and tlio Czi-lna, a steamer of 1100 tons ra pacity 'a making weekly trips to carry the product of this mine to So Fran cisco. An entirely new industry of consider able importance has been inaugurated hero this Winter, viz: the shipping of fr.izi-n fi'h etc. A cold storage steam er now Ilea in the hay receiving ateel head ralmon canulit in the bay and the Umpqua aniLCoquille r Ivors v. f th which the siemer will le loaded, the Ice plant here working also on the fret zing of the fih. Crabs, with which the lower bay abounds are alo )eing caught hy tlio thousand, co-iked and frozen for abin menc north. A man experienced in handliiiK and preparing all kindi of fish for inatket, only a few days auo, bought water frontage on the lower by for the put oseof thoroughly exploiting the re curcs of the bay In the line of different kinds of fl'h. etc. Trie nuilding of the hopita! hao alto hCMi)e a sure thing within the last few months. Building operations In MarchfMd have been none throuhgout the J ear, and in rpiteof tlio disadvantage! Inci dent to building In the Winter, a great many dwelling are under construction at this writit'g, and lumber is being placid 01 the g'ound for more. A Thorough Blacksmith GT. Coleman proprietor of the. llai'kmilh and Gen eral Itepair Shop on South Fmnt Hi. dine in Maia'i fleld from Santa Cla, Vllfornia, lauding in ll.Ii town on November 1st I COO. Mr. Onlematt Ixiuulii nut the blai kMnitldnu tmiiiH- of John Kaiun, and hy sltict atteutinn to hutiien, promptne a and puncliinlity in dellverhg nil work Just then agreed tiM)it ha hull! up a splendid and I'M llinli'e liu'iiu-n". Mr. Coleman has recently added a large lot ol new- ma chinery to his shop, which enable him lo turn nut a larger volume of woik in less time, doing it easier and much better. , A tlnu large steel vice, a new extra leavy modem sit le antil, a tire shriiiker, a lerge lr. power drill and a Kilveis' patent I. lib borinir maehlrie. The latter rimilnne enables him to I ore a tapering hoi- which is a ureal help in msklmt a new hub for a wagon. These new too a added to the already t oin plete hlaeksmithlng und wagon making tools already on huud lit the shop for doing n oro nnd belter woik than le-fo'e. A full and cumplele stock r( carriage and w gnnuiHk-rM' material such a liuli". sm ke , till I, poles, yi ke, axhs, whillh-ltrees, ami In fact tneryllili c in lh hunt wimI line wriii'li may Im ni-ided in an iip-tn-dal repair shop. A U'ue stiN k of Iron, steel and horehto Is consiuntly kpl on hand at this shop. Mr. Coleman Is an expert ho ! shner a-d pays especUl atieuliou to that line of hi trade, and caii Hit n lio- to nit anv horseman's notion. Mr. Co'em-n i a young hlaiksmitn wl olias had a Is rue amount of experien.e audcaud mfeater rsnge of biislners than Is n'len Initud capable in one tnn, owing to th- fact that he had his Irn'iilng in a la'ge general I op and had the la-rl advantages and made the most of his npportu. lilies, lie ha just ched n pm-pernus y ar of Im-i. m ss and Hatters hlmseli that hii shop Is now lnjtter fitted .1 an ever to turn out work, CoosBiy Weather The following table rf tainfall and temperature is kindly furnished hy rhf. Cnkn, wiither observer at the ItailroAd depot : The rain fall lir oath month for IIKrJ, Inch .Ian r 12 F-l, 15 no Mar II Id Apr 11 41 M y 4 17 luint 1 II Jit'y 1 45 Aug til r-ept S-" Oct S 5 Nov 14 IC.l I no 111 S lotal preclpitHtion lU 7(1 Number ol days on which it tallied waa IH2, The average monthly temperature lor the year UH)J. .Ian 411 Feb -.'(I Mnr 4H Apr -IS May fit June Ml .Inly G2 A g r.i Hept CH (I'l f Nev 48 Vox 45 The oldest was January 'Jll'.li which waa 25 above z-ro, Tl o hutlitt was September H t It widen wai-HI Niiinli rofdaynn which ik temper nl 11 re whh below .'12 was '.'8. The number nl dxvr on w hieh the tern-1-erHture v hh Hboe 7li, WBt-U Union Butcher Shop. Flanagan & Bennett Bank JJlllF.CTOltS: T. H.Shcii (I1111, J. W. lionncii; 1'ltKS ; mill. II. Flnnnijnn, VICK 1MIK8.; It. F. Willlnint, CASH I Kit. Capital, $59,000. MARSUFIKLD, OREGON. The Pioneer Society T UK Coos County Pioneer and Historical Society was nrusnized at Criptille l.'lty Oregon, on November 5th 1H1U, with Judge P. L. Lowe, president and O.-vil Dixlire secretary. Among the many pioneers present at that time were the tirr-l whPe women to settle in this county, as follows: Mrs K-ter M (.ockhnrr, Mrs. Capt. Jackson and Mrs. Kt za Yoakam ill having arrivtl fn .he year 1853. M-a lM'kbart ami Mrs Jicknn are still living on Coos Hay while nnlv Uet year Mr Yoakam to k up I er re ii'ncein Ca'l f ruia. Mrs. J Fre.1 Schroeder wjb al'n present, she being the first white child Imrn in Oregon, in 1813, on Clatsop plains n-ar the mouth of the Columbia river, and a pioneer of Ccos comity al-o. Among the early pioneers with us todty la John Flanagan of Kmpire Cltv, who arrived in the year 1850. Among others having arrived in 18-MI, wh have w lift u, covering the half e-nMt y mark, as i.iIIomh: Dan Haywood, 04U Gllej, B. F. Kosn and W. I). I. F. Smith. Thi society meets eich alternate yr on the Bav and Ciqul lo Ittver, at th- diff-reiit towns" by invitation "of its meiiilHrs, who g 1 to uuk 1 tin rxuuio'i a success, an 1 one to be remembered am mg the HtAny pleasant ones past. At this late am. buav dav toi little time is given to the early hl-iory of our county. Too much cannot be told of those who prsM-d through the uUI and hard-hips to build thla couuirv into a land of -ace. and plenty, a laud fit for a king, in winter or summer, in auiu-hine c rain. The 1'Jth an- ual reunion was h-ld in MArshfield. in Aug ust, I!hi2. and eecilJ. Henrv Sch oeder, president and K"-not U-rinann s.cretarv, to meet at Myrtle Point on thn II h of August, and at J. Ftt-tl Sclito.-der'e place ou the lG'h day of August, 1IKX1. I Tll'TM VhrlJ IswIIKe jBttiH I George's