TW" t . . 4 tafMasatartrM'Mmiyawaimiaa A . . .. - ' I . 1 .. v .. ., ... i.iA ........a.. ...... I JS1HHA COmE FREE Asthmnlciic, Brings ' Instant Relief nil Crimes, 1 nr mul 1'erniiuieut Cure in SENT i n mi null ---rr l A ; FOB? TEN nrtisir. Allfc'OI.lJTI.I.Y J'HKK ON KKCKIIT OK ".Wnlo your unnto and iuUIicm plainly. I iXWTAI.. a, t There l nothing like Artlinmtcuo It bring instant relief, even In iio worst ititof. It nitres whon nil else lull-. The Rev. C. I. IHJ-S of Vilat Kits., Ul., mis " our ttkd twill of AMhuitlesic. t win-1 in ro1 rot'ilnloii. 1 oiniwt Id! ton hn thankful r leil lor die Rood dertteel from it. I was n slave, tlutircd Tlih rutrhi ore thiail nnil Asthma for ten trots. I desr-airrd of ever belrg cured. I saiv sour adtertWeme nt for the ewe cl lM dtnHlftil nnd toe mentinc disrate, Asthmt, nml thought ton Uul o criwkcn toiirttdtes, hut icwlvrd to rIiv It it Itkil. tomt niicnklimcnt, thu tilal acted like a c.'i li tit, Srnd nca full steed I otlir. ' Rev, D-Morris Wochslcr, Rabbi of the Cong. Ilisnl Israel. Mtv Yokk. Jin. 3, not. D.s. Tat Intos. MKmnsr. Co., Gentlemen- Yomt Atnnilcrc Isan excellent icniedT'or Aithrra nnd Hay Korr, nj its cenipc. sition alleskitrsall ttotibks tthich combine tilth Asthnm. Its iimoi u atKntthirg ami tiotfefful After h-ivm? it circfu ' nnarttcd, wecon statrthat Anl n!rc toi ku 10 ipit n, nu phlnc, chlorofomi or ether. cry truly yours. ltr.V. UK. JtOHKIS Wl.CI.SI.KK Aios Sriitsr.s, X V 1'eh. 1. 1901. Dr. Trr. tUos. VEmcisn Co. Gentlemen 1 write this testimonial from a seneef duty, hating tested the itoadrtful effect ol your Asthmalcnc. for the cure of Aniro. Mv 'f has been Aflktnt with spasmvf v aithim for the past ta years, liaring ivhaustcd my own sVdlas well nsntsnY others, t chanced taw voar sljn upon our window on 130th street. New York. I at oixe ontaincd a Iwttle of Asthma lene. Sly wife commenced taking lmbont the lit of Novrmler. I rtr n-on notkrl it mdkul ImproTcmrnt. Alier uilng one bottle her usthnit ha ditapraml nml ifcel enlhvly frro frooi nil symptoms. I fed that 1 can conscientiously recommend the medicine to 11 Iki ore aMktetl with tab dUtrcsiicc direave. Yours Kcspettfully. O. D. l'lUILl'S, M. I). it. T.ift nicov Ml.DlrNC Co. l'eb. 5, toot. Gentlemen. I was troulJnl with Asthma far as enrs. I barr trfctt nitmrre rrntedf), til they have all ttVeti. I ran across our adwiiscmenl and surted with n trtet bottl. I lowitl re lief t onen. I hare lince ivurcHwxI veur futl.ritrd bottle and 1 am ever ctrnifu! I Sate ftmilv of four children, ami for tix rn wasuivaWe to work I am now In the best of tmilth and .mi I doinc business every uar. itiH tnilmofl)- tiucan make men uscoirs tou sreilt. Home nddms, 335 K.rlnston street. S KAPHAKL, bf Bast l9h t City T-q bottlo sont nbaolutoly roo On rocolpt of postal Do not dey. Write Estl3oiliM.. N. V.aty at once. aJdresiing DR. TAFT I'ROS.' MKDICINB Co.. COAST MA!L.! rcoktitiin? or tiuii tx'tnn iik toniitio u tlif new yi'ar'H Inltlttl iUy linn Iktii ri pmloil n In a URii-iin- Indlratiro of vlutt was t iiitui- ilnrlup tlM twelve montlii Hitoctitllns. no longer jco 1 to ntisurx ti furvtill tin futurv that Published Every Saturday by the 1. nuHt of u lo not-for Itintfrnl of bo- ins iu!:initi in triiiiiifM nmi lit in- in SATtT.DA. J. JAN, lim-j. Mail Publishing Co. hUnsCRII-TION' KATIte Ooe)rnr, (in adrance) $1.50 Mxmonthi. 1.00 Three months .50 a .00 will be charged when notroM In artranee Jf 0600OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO J oi to IN 40 f o 00 T TO O EW YEAR'S ..OMENS GOOD AND BAD SIGNS ON JAN. I OOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOO 1 Tjpi Kury FIE cnlcnilar U'clni tho year on Jan. 1, nml It l not t-snjc that lit the Ih .us of the yrtir lui'ii xiioulil lli.a in nu for tin fu'uri'. Kvir mv the Stop the Blight It is a sad thing to see fine fruit trees spoiled by the blight. You can always tell them from the rest. They never do well afterwards but stay small and sickly. It is worse to sec a blight strike, children. Good health js the natural right of children. But some of them don't get their rights. While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. Scott's Emulsion can stop '.that blight. There is no reason why such a child should 'stay small. Scott's Emulsion is a medicine with lots of strength in it the kind of strength that makes things grow. ScoH's Emulsion makes childi on grow, makes them eat, makes them sleep, makes them play. Give the weak child a chance. Scott's Emulsion will make it catch up with the rest. Thli picture represents tho Trade Mark of Scott's KmuUlon mul Is on tho it tapper of every bottle. Stnd fpr free saTIc. scorr & jiowNi:, 409 Pearl St., New Votk. joe anil ft luxury the toothf-tyrr now liilmhlt humble quartcrx In luicU ctrwts mul til !ey. Hut the vein of Miperrftltlon wlilfh runs tliroiixli the human race la bound to matilfe!t Itlf In some way, and. nlthoiiKli vrc are proiu to ii-artl ourvIvi,s n h quite aliove the fnolUh lractki-t of our nnecKtors. we net or tlii'lix. In llnsfrln-r retnnnnt-i or ii6 torn, rIioiv Mint tx-rhnp ive are not m) fa1 rt'lin'ircd n ui thlnt; uurvlvef. Thin ik'flre to nrvr Into tht fi;ttiro I the origin of not 11 fetv of the Mier .tritloim ivhlch tto lion oHuly ilirlile. villi n nientnl rvHprvatlou llinr. per hep", after all. It h Just bandy xt.Me tht.;' tuny be oniethlii'; In tlifin. In ueirly nit eotiutrh-rt miiik' foinu t.f '.Ivlnatlou In practlciil. jxirt Ictilnrly by the "oitUK. on Neiv Year's day to fore ti'U fie future. The b'lMttlnh people ore fond of resnrilluK t!icmilvp hs .'Jlilily Inn lUttiml. but In thlt imittcr they ure an credulous n the iHtiKdiit of the Sk-II'nn motiutaln. lie iim bin laiN, hut the Seotehmaii employ his H '.ile. which he phieei Uiel; down or. n table. 1-ennllK It to full open of ItH own weight, then, without Uxikliik. he pu'.ii hl. tlnuer ou n pit-re ami rendn the . ou whleh It reti. mul this U KLPPohvd to Inillcate liN fortune for tho yoir. The world over i-ardH and dk-o are In Ii'jli favor as belus hupnnl to Indl rate the decrw of fr.te. The curdl nn I the throw are fortunate or the rt vci'm In n Lout ikiiwI number. o that evory 0:10 ha a fair eliawu of ohalu lug 1111 oiiu.i for kimmI. 'Die ui'tlnuH and vrieeai of the iinlnml nsiioelatei of ninn tvue formerly on thU ibty nltovc (.11 fithent Hlciilrlcflut of so-d or ell to come. A dos"n flu erf ul barlt on New Year's 11:0m was uu'plefous hU howl II very unfavorable Mxn. To niftt a tat ou New Year's moi-ulni lietokonK III for the future, an, curiously 1 uouicli. It U regarded In the Iitlu coiiulrii im tho ilgii of n toinlng 1 liatiKu of iesl (k'liL-e. 'iu xeo 11 Miaho U the Moist pueblo omen, for It h'biiIHi death by rloleuee. A ft-w yearn ago an Italian !hlug near .Milan hiw time make ' NKV YEAR'O' RECEPTIONS. 'Orlirfli of tTio;Vtnnl t.etm'i iU (tin Wiilte tlutikr. V.'V iUAr.'S i!oy l-.ii tu-en, frcai .he fmmilnl'on of 'the ilullen. tho own lot if n ' ocnlk'ti br I1k iireildent J J! Vriltrd Sintfn." Urrinv the mmU of I txit rru.iiwu tiin uiuvr1! 1 t. 'mi'iii 111 New Yihu" re. iitl.mi wen1 riynr t! li.-i-Mlikiitlul Jevwai of WimliltiKtoit nnil Adr.t m aitil thfeiiiiri In en iev.lnil.i in .d slutr. Tlwy liuve nlw , 1 lui't ut rerdeil Jiy the diploiuitk' wnp, nibl net oNreetS, iHetnhc.'B of ii'Uuii nt d cm. n. Snfetii'iri tutiru eoren o;i waa olwent-il and nt othew then Ihh been no ivtriuonv hiIhv tlmu n nlmplo lwiintlM, tUN net liduc irtrnutl tor tuany yenrw ,iy ll.e li -in itu'tits of thf ntlln of supet'uti'tulent of public bull Mn;s or the innrrtinl of the ll trk't. The flrt rertpilon In Wnshli'S' ton. New Yenr d.iy of IS()I, wai held by rrvhlciit mid Mr. .ilnms, nttd, thoush the int room of tlueM'outlvo nmtistlon wn mttttiUttott nnil ituother room m ti'Ail. It 1 1 tnted that all the foi nullity nml etliiiteile of loyalty Vfeh' olwrnrd. Purlnft the liviu of I'reolilent Jiffernou hN dmiclitoiN njtrut one sfawiti with him. and. put t'UR nkle "the eilnuotle and formality of 111 prrdewor. lie abolished the levee, wlt' the twcontlull ijflhoo on NVw Yrai'H day mid (he rourltrtf 'J: ly. Caller were kIiouii to lone tahkn, ivlirn Yirs'nl.i lienpltally n dispell'! iil. and It I mild the market I lilt made wen "out ?" for each os-eiislon " lnrln the mlnitnlKtrnttou of Mr. ' MiidNou, thiuiBh the eoirtlry uni In the thmei of thr. the New Ywtt'i re oeptleni Men lield. nt whleh Mr. Dolly Madou was the principal figure. Somo of theut. wh'le the exiviithe tnanilou wan being rebuilt after the I burning, wore In Id nt the Octagon j IlmtM'. Kleli'ivntli Mreet and New o.-i: ari-nue. Mr. .tiein'oe item into a lirnt'e rebuilt a:-1 n.-wlr rurnUhed. tvti nnn w;::i mv . .Mninoe n tiw mieeemior of "Qsi.'tm Dolly lniliou" Icvre, ik. clnlly on New Yenr'i day, were tlit features of Wnsli'lurton life, 'lite terms of Mr. MouriK were regr.iiksl as thiMi of goed feellntr. and thU ftut bml tnneli to do with the sttetvn of the, t-urlal rntertaltti.ieuti. Daring the fallowing :u!mlultrnt!or'. that of John tul.M' Adams lelit ted by the l.oinv. niwh of tlK p.-?vUi' good folding w.i 1. abit'Ut. yet It ttn 'i MK-tnl mcvi di to the tart of M."". Aditi.i'-. for she i.ot only kept tip the ewuluic levmt ami New Year' ren't ilis, but attended to prothllng t'ie rvfn-sluuents si-rtul ami iwvaldeil oxer the fir jnent illniient. Sue tactfully avoided all rmbji-et-i of eontrnvi-ray. In 1 lie term of Amlrvv JaeltMHi t!i old tustoni of holding N.-w Year's re ceptlnua awl leve-n was kept up. tlw wife of Andrew JaekMiu Douehtnti Ine lug tin- ..oHtro. nud the general. In on' -r to kit'p up tle liot-pHttlltv 1 1 which lie had 'hcii iii-cuntoiuiil. had to draw heavily on hU private menu. Wahlugtou Star. mmt Oyspepsia Cur Digests what yow oat. Tlil-t prMwrnllon iMntalnt nil of thn nitftst.intJi nud lii;ct.t nil kinds uf food. ltKlo$lnatnitbrclU(:iiiil nover falls to oure. ltnlliiwa.oii to cat all tho I'wUjoutfniit, Tlio iunstsenltlo ftonmehH can ttiko It. lly Its use many tliotiMtuM of dyspoptlM liavo lajen turctlaflrrovoryUiliitfc'.so fulled. It prevents torinutlonof mison tlia stout neli, relieving all distress) itrtcr eat Inc. Diet Inn ttiuioceivdary. nonsuit to tale. U enn't ho!p but i?o you uood rrepnrvdpnlrbr V.C liaWirrAOi'.i'hleaeo Thefl. botllo contains' tluiistlrnxv. L. V.intnlili I lyectHient ' I tt 1 tn.ultleil f n nlotl s'vrn )r n sit (lli my strnihtclinitl n l il h.i f tii) line, sits V. Deiu tA, Sonwrt llle, bid 1 peut nloiil lio.o aiul litter couU anrlliing lolice me sin ill I trie I Kodol U(Prli Cur . 1 hate tiVen 11 few Iwll'es nnh urn nmv nni ttlr welt" ii ilon t live by tihitt tou ml. but b) Mt you illil nml If jour MwiMrh ilxsn 1 dlstt tuir yoimic really sbovmit. KwVol ute does the stoiutoh's ttork b) ibrstine, the fLVourln't lnwe 10 ilwl. Knl nil ton ttint K01I0I D)-feni tliientii. all HwimvIi tumbles. Red Ctoss-Drug Mine iiud nfftUil ens llwumncy. THE rJEW YEAR MINUET. I T ilinetd In tke hsll by tlw f!' int luW. IVr tlx Mlm hid tk Um it the ,nl rli farm aulllmti m tW Itwr m-low. hit W Hu.Ki i f tf.l fir sml wr. II it It tlMtkim mm ml"j-i -o1nt Bti) In '-eerl ttti Mi i. nwWirfr, TV liM nt krv ilrote Ike 1U1U llm nwij. While It ll ill stmt myitrfy. u iirnnrs i-hnii sim mtirrs el itrir, let IK.- nakl ImM mh tSMrr alunri TW ctw a Ma4i ! Ir Wjirtldtt lire; Ik Im ttrk r.n fstrtr llaht tui, Al ttn M site eartMlnl m Matr'v. " !. Ulh in Mi vif in t that It (, It -efwnl Ilk .IfMm ol Ike Ioim l. ic Uk 1 dream I knrw ituI.1 rt hit NEW YEAR'S IN CANADA. Intpre-itltiK ruitnnis nt tbr Hay Vmniu- (iiiiaillnn.. PL'IV YKAIfK N the i'ny of the theii etery I 'rem li en m dan r.o.nau ! iinii .il tu be at home t rtt.cle 1 ialt-1 ors. More elal tails nud coroi uiii!oita UI. are g u-rally paid by Kn-ta-tt-Caundlau nun on New Year's tnau 011 tiny nther ih of Hi - tear. In the mini- try iiartu of tho prurlme of (juoUv thin visiting often lwgli.s as ijrly :i S o'dix-k Hi the luommg. In II..- cities mon than n hiindnil tlslts art- of li 11 made on .New Ymr's na. awl there am ninny Mime caller who continue their visits 011 ll.e ttto foilowlusc dajs. though woi.M-.j ure not nijulnsl to re main ill to receive cr.ll.'rs on the ditya followirg New Yi-ar's 1 ay. I'p t.t few j cars ago It tins the luwirlahlo custom to offer riifrediinenU, Incluilliig wltie, at every hono where visitors wcro h cehcil. Tlniugh Hie old culoi 1 U x. ill ubsened In litany lus'auces tl -10 bits been a large railing off In recent enrn lu the nui.tU-r of hosti es wl... uiur lllloxleritiii- IlipiDCs to visitors. AtuoiiK rival tillage l.i lb-s and oven young Uaik-rx of rieiict'UMadluu city life thcrs- Is 111 mil ritalry ax to lis) iihiiiImt of culls nceiviil by curb of tliem on New Yiiir's ilay. The mi;ii htrlly of lli.s Msltlng U uo doubt iuigi !y i.oiitrllutcd to by iho rule wlilch jier mils the tullcrs to Lim all the joiing woirwii to whom they 1110 ivlatcd lu uvcii tic most diHiaiit mniiner. inter marrhige l a uuirkcd eliarueicrltii! of Krcnch-CauaiKuu society and Ih vlrcleof iclntlomlilp Ih tisinilly tiiy x tended therefore. Among other New Year's day oil- S ttuj, t sImt w Mtli tr. that A hm.1, ,: yrwWuMlMr HH4 Iksl -k tst TV W (jlSuni ha lkl tl link-. mt t Slu4 S tu lr vt lrr fknm Un Tli plm ( Ik ihi iri u plM I my thoiarkt. AmI I ttrumri tt Ike if Iktt f ira-l; Tkr ll vt lb ikm- w. by Mrtry t.iMiiit, tail tW burrylx multnt iU leal. It wt prtr. lb mat rat ( lb (Mm tfiy W all ItM. ww imt otftln'W, Wkm lonaaat ktlll Iltr4 aaat, klatr. toi hM r. IMf KamoHM ta raise lfl arawn. Ad I stl thuM wk- niliM lvMtUk by the Uaea, Anl tl-ri '(fn-ral till the raeatair wis o'iri Ts-Say kral in tk rfcael Uclwird (Iiih KtA H" ilurnM ( the alay "" M'lr "i'Uffl .".ll yiiwo In Ijoim' llame Jiurnal. CiluratoVoiir llou-ela TVIIh rsrarrts. UkaiMly raihank. ouro ronstlnatlon farorer. .a, iiiu u.iaii.onitfKiturciuna toliiH iiciietuatBl In- iinrlH of KrHiwili together mneir- Yiar-ii inorniim bc Cujiadla .that Unowti la bnd!tf- tlou iKUoitiolIe tile lilnMIiiR of Hie foro breahfUKt nnd wan so frlghtumd that ho fell III. became dcspoudeiit aud did iictuully d'e. To mo 11 pig I re gaided throughout i-ouincrn 1 In rope ns a foituunte oiuin, hlgnlftlng ph'iiiy lu the coming twelve months, til.llu the klsht of 11 crow.u mtigjile or a Jnekduw, inobably from tho thievish piojicnslikR of tilth birds, Im ii-gnrdi-d in it alul. J that the beholder v. Ill le syKti-uiTIk- ' nlly swindled dining tho toi.ilng ' twclvo luunths. S "cirSaM Tlic lusentor of Ibe I'lourlriK Mill. ' About the year TO 15. C. Mltliihlatu,' kins of C'nppadoelu. 0110 of tho most lugonloua und ahlo prlucrs of tho time. Invented tho Hint mill dji1 0:1 by' r. This triumph of bin i-u'II and Inscur't" ho catiKcd to bo erecrd In tho Iniuic dliito tlclnlty of the royal palace. In tho couiHo of tltno tho Cappadoelau bal.eni beeanio celehr, ted nml wcro In great demand throughout al! parts of tho world as then known. These lullls wcro initially placed up on boats ou the river, Ik-las o elevated nnd contrived ns to bo drhen by tho water, und tho nilllim wcro thus enabled to move from plate topIacc, distributing tho meal to tliclr custoiu-crs. children of tl e hoi.Ht-iioid by their father. Sometime lids curoiuony U pcrformi d nfti r the let urn homo of the family from the mass of ihu duy lu tiio I..11UI1 chinch. In other liousihohU, it is luado tliu Hut oxpirlvuco of tho nw Mllf. In tho foi!f-'i century tho ulaiiBli- tc- i.f wi en und t'dldrcii aft' r u I town tr t . tk-1 .1 1 b hi t.i' en by to-.a wn " of t..c 1 i-l cu.uiu'. 1 occur- ICI.i-Ci. of V.'l. Wlatiea 1'nr tlie .i-tv Year, 3tay kiltiM aatl jaallk m Iklna tkts raaslaic rsr. Ml) rl.rim l bMty Mr uwaklM Alt btlam, tar ae Haar. Hay TeaaalaJ ways ami wtc Haiti l-aia ln.i!sMfV IMw al "i Jiiy eik-( bJMls law hour Ugulla As auuK nxab Ik yair. iliy ifiu...- be Iky apt III gUl To plxwa aa.1 cIwim Ilia nt; May lli .haet taU Ifca mmi HIP BesuoO tW aarlhly aplwa. May tar. nt iftliwi. that hravanly 4ire, Ik-wi" Ike tbruipfb ina yairj JUr LUr-IlM vhlur iriar iw Awl auriawa irir. ilr all fa) cel tkla werhl fin irlre IUwwl ifcaa fi thy 1 i!ay kasi-aHy lals. teblb )M llr, taanaaul lka tiny iljyl -ti W. Wlnik'rt'. Ilnil't I.ilu ToKCthlT C'witllpntiov .old tmllil ncef g logtther Da Wilts l.illlu l.uly Kiurrs prinola tiaiy nilMMiiif ike IsMala williout ilUlroai, "I luve lawn troubled Willi rotlivenes nloo )n.'' Mys J. O dn-ew, Usiiiw, bid. "I havn trksl many i.-HM-ils-s Im) I.lilla l!arly l(lcr jlv" best re ' d t rota DriiK More and Kuiigatacken'a i'h-iriuiLt, Settled. Two ladles contended for prccedenco in tlio court of Charles V. They up pealed to the monarch, who. like Solo mon, awarded, "Let the eldest go first." Huch a dispute was never known uftcr ward. wajrr.lll,ifT, , , , 1 TF T IT Jff jXafffM'bpaaaarm'yya-gajMpM.i.jnaMjjM,ji ' j IWWIIiBHIH HJlliL W Ittln ami sweat itnY , V IsbBrekaI inn (hi u ic. t fm m suit lh iL nip, f w y , H No rough iuc IY ' M andcul. 'lhalVMCy, xV'Wv I M l.arntis w jSPTH. ' ' J3I H lootlogl.ka ilT)x V S?-r nw, tui LfcJJNjL J& I Jf I wears iwlca 7r , k. J& L" H asloDBbyiha kiill i!K-. Jt I um o( Kurcka 11V-"iCv VVv,' liarnailOU. (?A if'Q C v I IHMIMII.I ! ft! V '"'l "'V A ) ' Sold vcrywLer in c&ot- all Ii. Mtdtty Standard Oil CofTipcny A i.- CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of I'roiit and A Klreets, MAKbUKIIILI), OKi:Of)N, JUN11 SNVDIiH. : : 1 : : ;Proprietoi IllilH VI'I.UKNDWN ANDKAVOKM i; 1 IIO'II'.I, Iml Urn entirely rditlrdand refiirniiheil lliicunlioiilanil is ui;alnoHn tu llie public fur tialroiianc. Nrw beds and spring nuttresu-s h.ivi) lti pUeed In aJn.ost every sin pln rrwiiii ol this iionsn.iml neither troulilo nor rxnins't liar beet jMred to put everything in first-cliss order, TKRMS. Board and lodging, per week,.,,,.... 15 c Ikurd, per week, . , , , . . 4.00 Snjjle Meals ,",,,,, , ,..L..., ......... a NorK'HTfirunmroiiy, Ncllf li tieteht lun, by enter of Ihe riiiini) (.lint, iiiiivtiHiili'Hiitl Vnimisl on ih, 1 tilt nnvi'l IVitinlwr, lyoi, , A, YrtiVani t 1 t'lilr psli nil ailmliiUUillilv Af the i. int. if tliniKV W Wwlmii, drvsMMHl, iiud Ihil Kikrir ViluiuiltitiiUoii il MM cmu' tiwii tin j 111 it 10 her 011 Mid due. All stoiit ti Itmi; limns ijjiilnul m'iI etliile iiteiiiliiliid to lii -tut tin in, mill hnnper tmlilieis, tilililn v I ii)illli fniui llmilllem ItlK llillkv In sslil 1 In nioiiiiiis, nt tliiMillut) ol , ,"-, l.'ukl, nt M il Itelil, Drritoii. D1II11I tlili jt iI.ij-h! IVft-mUv, HOI. .S A MlAKXM Adinlil'-ltltilx ef the lliMle u( liromu W, Yitlkllll, ib-ttHIKll, U-Jt 5?ftj TIMllKll l.A.N),.rr JDNI. !1, 1878. NOi'UMM'OK I'Ulll.U'ATION. I'lilteil Srt Itci I and Qlhee, ItoteburB, Oiegnn. rro. 171(1. lorn Nolieell lieiet.) Iten lint hi Conill.iiie tilth I' i piiiviti.nis of the nit ol t oupiets el J line 3, i8?il minted ' An net lor the wile el ilnnVr liula 111 Um Miites nl t'dlil. rni.l, Oilmen, .NV tailii.and Wnsliliijttoii 'InrltiH)," n rtlsmksl In nil th IVblic I .in.l MAtet l) act ul Anttltt I ttyi, Ol K J.Xtllll ItlSMIIlN, ul tllMllllllll, tmim) ef (.lnli.iht, S'lle (or 'I'liriloijlol W'ath nilti.ii. h.u tins liny filed In thll nffleeliU stmin l ileniiril Ne ti)f, lor th piiiThisanf the Nl. U cf Section N'o, a In tniuitlilp o. 6 S R nne ,V,i, i) Wrat, nml ttill offer ptoef to shuti Um Ihe Unit soiicht uiiiie t ihsilile lor Its I inls-i or stono ttiuii fir ntrtcsilltir,tt pm. ivw-.aiid Inistablitli Ins 1 Mini in sikl I nut be fine lilt' Keitisier ami Ueiehi r of this ullne nt Ko-ilmig. Uiegon, on 1 1I1I.1), tho Jlh iUy of Mnreb, 1901, He iMsies s wltnasiei: Sjter Kor..ittd of II1HIIM.1111, V,ih , MjiIiii ltiieenioil ( Itirtey OIiisi, sinwn KhivtUhl of I'.Hirriii-. OrrRon. nt ami atl wiii il.ilininn ailietailv Ihe I'lsite ilmilU-tl Untls ure tniH-stetl Hi lib- their vIsihh In this nllR-e im ur tHSore sukt 71I1 itiy I M.HHI, tool. ta li J. T. IImiis.m. Reitltlrr TI.MlllIK I AND. AIT .IUNI. II, IS78 NDTlCliroKI'tMII.K'ATHlN. t-'niled Stales I-iikI iMtiee. Kitwtsiia. 1 Hilton, IX t Kill. lout. Notice Is I enbv ulten that In itnni.iiive nli the ptiittsHws of the net nl tnngtt-M uf ime j, !. fnlllAil "An atl foe the mA' ul tlmUr aoiils In Ihr sniei is? tiifmiiM, iinvun. Ne taila. rtiid W.ithingliMi litiiliHt. as ittetHlnl tixflrn- I'nlix Ivirwl s iii-t liv uttivf Ikli, Mas, MAUI K UlsH. i( tnn l.iull m-i. iininif 11I IHiiiis. Male of OtrvuM has lli dy Mil In this nfrVe tier suihii stale nn 111 Nn 1S71 foe the puith-iseot Ihe AV X ofSectMtn No J in 'I iw nslnii Ne, StMith Ki'iiae a 10 ttrtt. ami uiMulleetweolta Mmiw the mil siwithi It imne vabiakaV fw Its limls-r or lutw- iha-i 'or aencnyium isHtmses, ami In ruhith lim-iiHit to soil 'irsl befoie Ihe Ki-ir-ler jml Keteiirf uf tbat ultiee si Kmrtwe. Vtuii, nn NUiifiUt. the alliibiy uf J lauaty, 1 ; Stie mmn s mtncet D. M. Wlmn of SaA-m. Oirtfufl. J Vrly Rerd. Mrs. MtK Jite o l-anbuir. Oaaton, LraiiA-. Mr I is SuAhrf N'ruis. Oreaan Anv alMl a terse- . roiwac artist er lln ilr ih-M nlil .inds ate trttieaeU in lie tlirir iaiiii. ih tliii (live on ef beloie nh-I th iMy nl Jiivir). iviw in-au I T. Ilallvin, HaCMIer Nonei. I'oit I'liiii.ii'.vrinN DeiaitHSnt nf the Iniprkie. Ijiril (XUc it Kinaburs:. Uregon. Nusemtier , ioi Notice k rs-irby iriven that Ihe fol.iwin name.! settler has ftb-il MHr uf his InlenlMn to 01 ike find roul in Hlppoft ol hi. ikiiiii. 4111I I'ut saal 'HikiI uill tie nwde la-foae W V DuUiilatt' S I'unoai.aissnee al M irahArkl, (rioii. on jaiinai '. He". WDRI'W OlJiuN on hull V. No Row r.x 1 he M ( Sec. at I p. ajS. H llWnl Ha run-es ihe folkm lug itaes-ies in (note his swntlautms taabienee uiin nisi rultltati of .aid Und. via IVter IBjVi-, HiHtt leiuple- nn at, U-rKOfl, Mr(.l-rn I'. Jie..ll, AHief t ISJann ul IriniuVlnn, Orastun 1 1 -jo f. I IlKIIMiM. Kecklrr I'njlntr im- i.-iiiiiiorn. The pr'prtetor of one of the net n par tun tit I.jiihcs near Tilth uientie linn paid 11 tatliir heavy penally for having a iiriiHinlst ns one of bis ten mils. The artist uaiiKsl sotue chatiRes made In the decoration of I1I.1 nisirt- iiiciit. and tin' proprietor declined lo imiki; tlM'in The proprietor's; feature, me pronounced, nnd he ucnrs long. Ilowlug aide MlilsUcls, Ills face, ills tortrd to i-ult the nirtiHinlsfs fauey, lias uppeari'd nciilly viery feel. In one of the tomle (Nipcrs. Hoiueltines the pioprlilor llgiires ns the tllliiln ii'id again us tin- otmtry t.niii it ho is bun kmil eiery wi-'k In the imges of this publication. The cnr'.ooillst lets the '.t lilsl.irs grow from Meek to ttcel.; then. Just us his tlctlm Imnglues that they till! grot' so long that his friend it III nut recognize him, the mtlsi ttlms the llhlsl.ciK dot! 11 ngulli, The propri etor of the 11p.11 uncut house bus con eluded that the only way In which ho mil get eteli tilth Ihe ilirtooulht Is lo put lu 11 bill fiirsei'iiic ns tuoilel, Nutv Vim k Sun. A n li I WyWamiHilsaiiai UMBE That is what, wo have to soil, and fcaaSalSaaiaaH'aVSWaimi WaSsMaaataaj.aa1,aaaJaJaaaaajaaaaaaja wo 00,11 illl nil ovclora for any and all kinds. THE QUALITY VstBaaaafttMaakaaaaiaaaaMMiajajiajaatjaa is Knarqutoed and tho prioo is ritflit. OUR STOCK INCLUDES ' I' '! ajfeaa llllllaaj(l lla ! ikaaaaJMaaata,tMaaJaaaaataal anything required in Fir. Spruce. aaJaasiaiajaaaaaeaaa1a mtm ammmmmimmmamMiBfmmim Hod aud Whito Oedar. SIMPSON LUMBER CO. I'lione .Main 151, North Bend, Ore i ijAJKaew nMn uLvy JL. Ptotlticctl ttt tlitr least Kvpeiisc AIR TIGHT mul rriitilile liy UitiiiK Our HEATERS 1? J mm . hours. Na iks tH In. " -! i. Welhl. 33 lbs si lbs. ftl lbs l-llce. -Jo Sates vi r vnl In fuel, irtalni fur n We oiler the one llteesil llesajhi lneili Ills ajbi " J7 " mi 'I Ins is Mrong ami ilnraUe. We lumone otli iiiihIi ihe.iwi Send lur onr Noteiubcr stove M.hIksi tlnil-iirr SMITH'S CASH (Dopt) STORE m Markot at San Francisco. I.M -' KIK15 KINC; AIRTKJMT. WORTHY omothln u Tlio SUCCESSOR. New Under Stln', All DoctirslMVd tii'dlo tine ( IKK ,y the use of der.. ,ic I g , inli rrs and ilnis in ie form. TIiro''r iliy uji the inilcuoiis incinlimcrii caiiilnK Ii.i-iii In criick os.-ii und Mend. 'I In owufiil m ill I s l In ilin , hitler hiin rnlirely isitrn im i) Ihe sam- nii-m br.inaa llkt! Ilialr ni.ikfra li ive .ilineil in chip, u till-) aatiM mid olntiiientt ciiiuiol hmcIi thn dlsttiio. An otil nnd nxpetieiiiwl pnictllioner Mho ls for in my t nira in.nbi a lute study mi I splckilty of llm tirntuientolt A I Ailkli. .H till M9fkictl it 'Irwiliiieul Mllli.ll tvlien f.iillifnlly J, ix.t only lolieves nt mite, but triii.iii. inly corn CATARRH, hi remnving the cause, Mo) plnjj llit iIucImiki-i. ""'I curiiij; nil lull iiiiniii lion, Il s lliuouly rtniedy Liibitn to sclcnci' tint .alii illy rmclies list nftlltlid xiis 'Dili ticnderfiil rrmmly is kiiottn ni "SNb I I'i I S tlw (il'AUAMI.I'.D OA'IAUHII CURL' und It a-obi lit tlieostienirly loiv nite ol nnn, utt li pnrknije unit ilninj; lilunul nml inedicinu mliicmm lor n full month' Ire.ituient .mil uviTjliilm; nen-sury lu llf per fuel a w. "hNUKI'LI.V lithe only perlwtt'ATAUKII CURT, etrr miile nnd is noiv iwiof n,.nl ns il n only anfe and posltlvo tuiu for lint uiiiio)iiig nnd disciitllng ili'.i. isc' Il cures .ill Infl.iiniiui- lion (inikly nml peim.ineully and It nlio unn aifully iiulck loulleie llAYi'LVURorCOI.D Inlliclll'.AI). CAI'AKKil "lien neglected often le.idi to CONSUMITI N ".SNUITLliS" will s-ivn youifjoii um lln I once. Il iinoordlnnry rtni- uly, but il iouiiletu truiiiiicut which is posi tively I'li.v.inlecil lo cure f'AI'ARRII la any form orst.igc if used auonllnj: tu tho diri-cllons wliith nctompany e-icli p.ukne, Don't delay but send for it at oniv, and ttrita full purllciilus us to your condition, and you will receive siirci tl ailvlod from the illvuncnr of this Hoiiilerful remedy rigarilinj; yourcovs tvlllioul cost lo ton beyond tho rcfiiLir rlco of ".SNUI'I i.l'.s" tho "(.DARANilir.D CATARRH CUKI',." S'rnt pnp.ild lo nny nilihets In lliu Unllcd Stitw or on receipt of ne Dollar, Ad dress Depl, V.6S7. I'.DWIN II, (ill.IiS & C MPANY, y3o and 333a Market Strcc, finkeJclphU. 1 A. MARKIEVITCH. Mctclinut Tnilot Third iliMir unrili of l-'luiiaguii .v lloiilliilt limits., .Mntalillehl. SUITS TO OpDER. Ill luteal stylen; tuoilernto prices. taaorllllolll l'llll-.t ot'llll ll.e I is I as sIi'mIkiib iiiiili'nl- orlni; of Inipiicli'd nml ilmiii'siii' S IMlllllla- J&jXV'jICV'JUXrA'Jh ' J. VIA ritjtjs. 5 ractical MA 1181 1 Photographorfc ll'IKI.I). olU.UON. THE STEAMER ARCATA. ' .V:a..V, JMan. Will llnlta. Ilaiuiiliar 'IVIpa -III.T1VKKN- COOS B.A.Y AND SAX FJtANCISCO, UAItUYINO- PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT - LOWEST RATES. OitRon Coal tt N.TtKatlon Co., I'roprlotora. 1'.. C. Manaean, ARent, MarshBeld U O. Coiupaiiir, Agent, liiuplte City. ja R The only first class (iiillcry in Coos County. All Wnr!.- Wiii-riiulcil. '4 Illl. TA rx&uA?VAi&rm2VMk g9ttas9et4fl Lire Tllll VWIII III fllllrfllNH S IN NEWSPAPERS Z ANYWIICUU AT ANYTIMU V Call on or Writ g E.C. DAKE'S ADVERTISING AGENCY 64 & 63 Alcrcliauta' Ilxchaiigo S HAN I'JMNCISCO. CAI.. (S)aB,)Oe00) Flanagan Ar. lioiiiiott BANK, liIKKn'OUS T. ...Hlitirl . Ilniint'ii; 1'ItKH ; nnd. II. I'liiiiiigitii, viui: I'ltKS : I.. F. Wllllmtu, f'ArilllKH Capital, $50,000. UAIINIII'li:!.!) . . OKIUJON ARE A fL P you tW irRrn .r sv -! t. yr.x.x.: BB&'UB r 'J ir-M "rVS-V. viang ' :s ANY HEAP n mitral a . &hFT' . "s IVHIR'KkW f'W lfUIUP.U4a ALL, CA2LS OF DEAFIVESS OR HARD HEAR1WC; ARE BOW CURABLE by our new in-cutlou. Only thoso hprit deaf aro incumb'.e. HEAD H0E3ES CEASE MEDIATELY. V. A. WEfsTrtAN, OF DAUTIMOnz, 0AY15: JuS!!'.H.'?t '1cll" ""Hfrly '-ured of ile ffnrss. Iliitt. to joiVrrsjulieiil.'wllfiiow nb? ' arull lilnoic'niycai.e I'lhc iixiliii o irilw rumi, ' " tny bwliuiiT Oil. r eiuu'lly'"''' "' U!ft" ,0 " Jir' ui lU' Uj " ,''tl"" wo"' """, ' i uiuJcrwcHt a tti-ai.iiciil for cot-irtli. for Ibrcj tneiittli. sYlttinut ony mcceia, consulted an bertvt pliy.ielaiu. anions , fillers, theino.t cntinciit eir nRi.iiilliof Ihlsclty, tvliiitiilitiiH . ?i,'J;i-.0,K'.,!'i" f01'1.1 I'tlP.iue. nnd .veil llmtoiiiy tuiiiwrarily, tint tlicifd tioluati Uieiircasr.Uut the liearlnir In the affected car would be loil forever.,l,!i""ir "'"''n'ent cldfiilally in New YorU wr, and onlered tourti. meiit. lived il nulyafcw days accord his to your directions, lliv iiiiinsiuiaed. ia ?"". "" '. :'" V ' l ' '.,,v ncniinK in ine uiacasui ear nun i.ecii ciilin ly I thunl. Mn..j.H,,(,,,1V,.,l,. v bcartily arid lug lo remain I cry trulv vnurs. V A. V I! 1(11 At. 710 H. llroaibruv. llilllinoic. 1.1 ,' Oitr tveutment (loots not tnterfeve with ionr umttil occuimtloH VtoSftZ YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME lW" (KTERNAYIOm AURAL CONIC G'JCi IA&AUE AVM CHICAGO. Ill y -c