The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, December 07, 1901, Image 3

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, , J-tW
14 , . , V-, - -
MBBlaviTTm- iwtwrn mmuiwn TM I Urma
w j.. ...jUks.'
almlinilnsihci; ilmulKcmild
ling die aiuiuiilo r(i Uiwh if
i iw ineai
nc8iMlHi,M,Cinli'iliwiu:llltt,p lilitti.MnrtIili .torMiiicnil
v .'.4V tk. ws vznnzatt
(rM ,lm-
l,t.ary.l fhttw
AKtfff I Hcnwilv ror(on(lvi
lion, Sour Str.t,wcli,nl)rilnHvi
ncas mul Lous oj' .S:.r.iu .
faeSunil- ')l; wli:rf of
aact coy or viMPPcn
Look Carefully
To Your Kidneys
Dr. Jcnncr's
Kidney PiUs
cause the Ititlr.cyri to wnile ca
uattitt intviulctl they nliotikl.
They liiiild up ttic shrunken
walla of tliu kidneys, nn no
known ictuctly linn liven fouml
to lo Ix-furc.
As a cure for urinary troubled
they huve no equal.
io, 35, 50 Cents
Rod Crosn Dru'Storo.
l)yiH.. ii f.'invrpntMl ill
hulf l'i' i-. ' It ilvx'lviii tlm
uiiliiinnii'K MilTur, Iw n.niiy
vatl.iiiuiw work iiinn tlh Tiiii-oft
lnut of tli' r- ii i.i, 'In ImIiIo
HTlllIlt OI)1y lilK' ( til' mi ii .tilt
(Mir tH))iU t I'Xi'iaiii iIm cyni
limit Our lvhH-i ni.T..l'lctnKivo
coiiiil li n i ! I r'.njf n-lnf.
10c, 28c.
kio Sue.
Rod QroflsTStoro
Foa Bowels
with harslt minerals which
always leave bad nftcr-effects
on the entire cystcn And when
their use Is pcnlstcd Intenoto
completely wreck the ttomacfc
and bowels.
Edgar's Cathartic
The only harmless, vegetable
bowel rcjilator, and liver vitalize
As pleasant to the taste cs
caniy, and as positive as the harsh
est mineral. No gripe cr pain.
to 10, 25, 50 cents.
Rod Cross Drue Storo.
AtltnrlUliiK Millm.
Wo wiuit tliu very tip toppent tlrcsseil
fpnn lu town to sco tluiso neckwear
Not clionply mntle, lutt of iimtciliili
find woikiimiislilp cipuil to tlio expen
sive kind.
Itci'iHonnlilo pronto, rcllnblo Kuodn,
j-li;lit ttentment, nru three H'a of this
Oood or thoy wouldn't lio licro' t
tit; low priced or wp wouldn't bp toll
(uu ubout llictn.
Ur .'3
m "
Ml "
Xfar Infimttj md flliildron.
" " r r i nn fimiiimi hi
The tGnd You Have
Always faghi
Bears the
-For Over
hlrty Years
tillittilr I'ur n Kiiintl umlirr n(
('MM Ctiiiliiliia Ttlii I'll.
Tli. plait lu'rn uluiwu nru from
Itou'd's I)lryiHii nnd represent u rec
Inngwlar alio Ith two vm suitable for
u Mrtnll initulfr uf cutis or for us dur
ing tin' aiimni.-r tlrmiKli;.
in UiIh ntylo of kII'I tin1 iIm mny 1h
trndu of nny iiinlnd fltut tiinl ttiulr
tiUllltHT Hlllll'il to nt w lit. 'I'lic tilt llrrnhi
t li i.iincm no IniriHtufi tlic imulo tlmt
It uft'ctM lint 11(1 1 iiiuro rMlntmico to
iM'tttliiit limn n lmi;i i v.nll,
llUf a fouiuliiiloii null romliiK l
nltovo tlio mjlllck'lijly mi tlmt
1 I.NKt.:luW I.1S1N0 AMX.II'IMI.
the trnnind may Ik- Broiled to "c.nrry oil
wntiT from iiiIiim mul iiu!tliiK niiow
uw.iy from tlio ImltdliiK, Un tlilt foim
dntl'in Iny tlio Unit fnune, wlileli tuny
l' il.mlili'd If iK'nIiviI mul HPi-urml tiy
lioltN Mt In tlio wall. At oflcli corner of
tlilM friiino mul In tlio uitddlo vet tip
IiIih'Iih It) liii'licH Imii; mul on tliose
Imlld ttu 1 1 i.t frnine, H'ltlnu tt tvxiictly
obovo tlm tli'nt. On UiIh Kiooiiil fmino
net up otlier IdoekH iiHin wlileli to Imlltl
tlio third frnine, inal.lni: tliwo 11ucI;k
I'jiiK iiiioiikIi to cpniv tliuHo fill i nru two
feet from center. Continue on In tlilu
way, milling fninio nlmvo fninie. In
erunuliiK tlm dUtiiueo lietwtvn, until nt
tlio top tliey riiiy bo four feet or oven
inw npnrt. Tliene friiiiifa for pltn tint
exceeding II feet on u Hide tuny bo
imule of 'J by 8 Ineli Muff, Aliovo It
feet into 'J by 10, Vm npll;oi freely.
W'lioii tlm third fruiui) U In plnco.
foiiiiiieiico to fttiy Intli mul liriieiy If
tlio outhlile h to bo covered wth eliip
lumnh, dmp ildlng or ulilp Inp, null, on
oiio Inch furring HtrlpH. This will lenve
n Hpnco for eltenhitlon of nlr from top
to bottom In summer nud prolong the
life of the Kilo. Uno building pnpu' un
der the hiding
VlnUli tlio Interior with two Illicit
nesses of bonnln, with quality of
tarred Jiulldlng paper botweon theiu.
The tliHt eoursi) of lumrdu may b pf
rbonp lumlier mid Bhoiild bo put on
diagonally, each board constltutltlg a
bniee. Tlio seeoiul lining utiould bo
fieo from wip und Iopho knots nnd
niado of narrow boards. .Wo do -not
cotiMldor niatehlng in.ves?nry, but ninny
turn utufT tlmt has been ton&,'iieil',n!.)d
l.eavo opeulugH for tiiklng out tli'6'
tdlngo whero most eouvouleiit,
TIicho openings mo not closed with
doors, but with boards cut lu lengths
coraui tic
to tit nnd put lu n . tlllltiK progresses,
two thlcknessea with paper between,
waino in tho lining. Doors hung wtl
liliigea mny by used ou Uio outside.
KN r?n TO
3 11 '
uAo 1
1' Uamm -! 1" fw
I JFRS nlfi
P n'i
I l.ft i
I )k
a tr
i i
Ttit riNitun rfNT tw
-if' 3
S' - rl
i iv J$ft
S - if
i- i in n
j far
. SK U -U
H J 'vHw )yl
ja. t s3l
a '
'Hio rrlcr goes fn it Hie door 4n
tint ivorutcr, Mini n thoot turnn (lie
rill.igo jnto ultlicr pit us illred.
Cm'n tit Pi, (tire f.nliitn.
Wltllniu i.riint of Nel'inslm irnyn In I
tlmt It Urn itton proflinlili Ut jn'nt.m
tlio wnvn (ii-ounil tm llirin to I nn It in
Itl.t. frill Tl.l .nMlltfllltf IX t MfUUA
was dono mi Htiecessfnlly thai n,tn uim,
left to burn or to pasture. I'lu.'illy I
Man compelled to break up ll- laudl
nnd f ii no It. I mined largo crops or
xiunll grain, but noon Mtw that It with
n money lining gamu niwl tried to seed
my Iniid bni'k to grass. I found It wry
dlllleiilt to pet tamo pnMitrcH to stick,
nnd If by accident I got n gixxl slnuil
of timothy or clover tlio latter would
not IflM, nnd tho former after n good
crop r two would get what I called
sod bound nnd would not produce n
load of liny to tho ncro, I know now
why tho timothy did no good after n
year or two. It was because we pa
tured It to tho roots, thlnklug It ceo
nomlcnl to let ntocl: rat the last npenr
of gnms thin showed up lu tho fall
Lund having by that time advanced In
price. 1 could not ufionl to own pas
tuixs 'f that klad, nnd so I overstocked
It to make both ends meet. 1 made up
my mind to own less and better stock,
nnd this chnnge In no tlmo rnado n
en-nt Improvement lu my pastures. I
soon saw that n growth of grass cov
fri'd the pastures lu dry weather when
nit tho rangy lu short pastures was
Injurr (o Stlflr.
Mix ouo ounce of ncelnie of lend nud
two ounces of opium with one quart of
water. Ilntliu tho Injured par: well
three I linen n day with n little of the
aboie lotion. Keep the ntilmal lu the
stnble so that It ciinnot niovo around.
rtt Kanct IVordi.
Intenrlewvr Aldennan Hwelhed, I
hnve couio to get your views on the,
proposed chaugo In tlio curriculum of
tho grammar school.
Alderman Kwclkcd Curriculum!
W.iut'0 that? I'm ngln It, whatever It
Aldertuan Hwelhed. rending tho re
port' of tho Intervlower next inornlug:
J'ralrle Knriiiiri Wliwi I rnn.ooi.t ifet, ' V7f7J;"!pJr.rm;i!,,3
inoii. thnii fi imnrlcr of n eeninry (.go, j'V; ';; W.r4AiKaftl
It did not I ii It v liinny lenis to llnd iit,ffi,7M'?J7',"L'r j-Vf! H'm
"Our iltstlugulsheil townsman, Mr. M. exacting the conditions the greater tho
T, Hwelhed, was found nt bis charming , need. Tho 'thoroughly trained man
liouie, surrounded bjr abundant ladlc.t nov.adnjs must be u college man. Tha
tlon of rlpo scholarship nud sturdy universities am using every effort to
common sense. la reply to our report-1 train men along special lines for 'Jl
rs question ho nld! J ulto elltelcncy In something. The Mil
" 'I do not desire to force my opta-1 Idea of collego education 113 general
lous upon tho public, but this I wilt culture Is pntulng nwny. Tho unlrersl
ssy. that I have given to this question ty takes men ns they arc nnd makes
loug and studious ntteutlon, Inclib'ntnt- tho most out of what they can do. A
ly examining Into tlic curricula of histl-1 man today In America Is foolish to bo
tutlons of learning both at homo and
abroad, and. although I dud lu the ex
Utlng course of study not n fuw mat
ters for cotidemuatlon, still, upon tho
whole, I cannot say that I should ad
vlsu auy rad'cal change until J bavu
further tlmo to exatnluo luto tho tub
Jecu' "
"Ily George, that feller's got 1? ex
act language, word for word! And bo.
didn't taku no notes neither! Uy
George, what a memory that feller
must bavol" Tlt-IHU.
Small Chnnitr,
yon know, I feel Juit llko n counter
felt bill." observed n young man to 11
friend with whom be was walking,
stopping In front of a barroom.
"Whyr queried his partner.
"I cannot pass." the other explained,
waving his band toward tho cutrtuuv
of tho place.
"Oh." remarked hfi friend, "dent
let that fccllug worry you. You know,
I'm somewhat accustomed to shoring
tho queer." And bo took the man
with a thirst by tho arm and carried
hliu on down tbo street. Memphis
Wkrrt? Tl Slinrjc.
A Tbciplou who spent novcrnl years
trying to get beyond "the carriage
awaits milord" station lu ilrst elasj
Itroadway productions was Induced by
his brother to Join him lu tho dairy
business In the City Mexico. While
011 n hunliiesi trip to this city recently
buying new machinery and appliances
for his prosperous Meslean creameries
ho met one of Ids former companions
who was still struggling (or an oppor
tunity to "say Hues," An exchange of
coutldcncvs revealed the fact that the
former actor wus now making a snug
fortune In the mill; IhisIucsk. nud his
friend, the persevering player, remark
ed! "You'ro nil tight, Hilly. Von could
never have shonu lu n theatrical way,
but you oro n stur lu a milky wny."
Now Yuri; Suit.
The Wiiril Itmrtlc.
The word "gaxetto" Is from the name
of un old Venetian qoln worth nbuut
one-half ivnt of our money. Tho name
Is npplletl to newspapers because It
waa tho sum charged for reading the
tlm written Journals that made their
appearance lu 1330. After tho paper
u read It was handed back to tho
owner, who charged tho next comer n
uazetto for taking 11 peep nt It,
r' a CVa I.rnnrtlnnrr li'iip.
" In tho Utter part of 1S80. at a tlmo
(When the Washington monument bad
reached 11 height of 100 feet, nn nrtven
twrous cud patriotic cat nscendeil tho
Interior of the shaft by means of tho
ropes nnd tubing. When the workmen
arrived nt the upper lauding tho uext
morning and begun to prepare for tho
day's work, pussy took flight nnd,
springing to tbo outer edge, took n
'header" of ino foot to the, hard earth
below, In tho descent, which was
watched closely by twoscoro of men,
tho cat spread herself out Hko a Hying
squirrel nnd nllghted on nil fours. Aft
er turning over ou tho soil n few times
lu n dazed manner sho prepared to
ienvu the grounds,
0116 had got almost beyond the shad
ow of tho monument when u dog bo
longing to ono of tho woikmen pounced
upou her nud killed her, she, of courso,
not being In her best running trim after
pcrfortnlng such nn extraordinary feat.
Ono of tho men -procured tho body of
tho dead feline, smoothed out her silky
coat nnd turned tho remains over to. ft
rcpreBontatlvo of tho Bmlthsoplnn In
stitution, who mounted tho sklnmnOl
placed It under ft glass case, Tli(Vlabel
oh tho enso tells tlds wonderful Rtory
lu 11 few words: "This cat ou Sept. 23,
1880, Jumped from tho top of WastAtos
ton's nxoaun-ent nod, JlyctJ."
BEST miw
I 1.1". r HIM ctrvil "
. in...'ni, ruii;i, I'ouni. TiinKi. hjiiowf.
Ktr lilkn, Wniitii, ,.r, nl 14
ttr Iki. Wrlu lt Jr. .,pl, .! bookltt '.n
IO. AS4r. C3
iTHUia srstsi toiriiT, tuifuo.r sitr toui.
A Pliltoiophi-r."
Wife Thcru's a burglar down cellar,
Husband Well, ray dear, wo ought
to be thankful that we are up stairs.
Wife-Hut he'll conn! up here.
IluiihumJ Then we'll go down rellnr,
Miy dear. Surely n ten room house
ought to be big enough to hold threw
people without crowding. Detroit I'rce
2!lnlnceil Alilllty.
Tha young collegian snapped his
watch lid down with u sigh of relief.
Trcaclicd -17 mluutes," he announced
to his neighbor. "We ought to get n
man with wind llko that on our track
team." l.xchnuge.
Tlio Dg Is the favorite fruit among
nnlmnls, nnd horses, cows, bogs, sheep
and gouts will eat this fruit nx readily
cm man. Tho elephant considers It a
dainty, while all the fowls greedily de
vour tigs.
Athletes arc short lived, and slants
seldom llvo out the allotted tlmo of
threescore year and tcu. They ex
pend too much vitality.
I'rulrailuna Xol Overeroirdn!.
There Is n dearth of thoroughly tialn
il men In nil professions. Tho more
"self made" when better means arc at
hand. It Is equally foolish to elioosc a
Ndf taught man as against other men
who have worked with equal wwt nnd
foreo nnd with much better ndrnn
tago. ,
Formerly n man of an executive turn,
a trader lu business or politics, found
tn a college education little that coujd
help him. Now bo finds everything.
In tho futuro tho colleguen will-bo
tlio natural leaders, in Industrial nnd
Iolltlcnl nfTalrs. The reason Is that tho
men born to lead cannot nCord to stay
out of college. Success.
Th IJrrr l.'rci,
A Canadian hunter tells this Incident
rf bow ho uueo came faeo to faco with
Ms quarry uurt hadn't tho heart to
fire: "It wasn't n oaso of 'buck fever,'
such as a novice might experience, for
I had been a hunter for many years.
1 ml had killed n good many deer. This
wai a particularly fluo buck that I had
followed for three days. A strong man
ran run any deer to earth In time, and
at last I had my prey tired out. I'roui
the top of a hill I sighted him a few
miles nway. lie bad given up tho
light, unit bad stretched himself out
on the snow. As I stalked htm. ha
shauged his position nnd took shelter
behind n bowlder, nnd, using tho samo
bowlder for n shelter, 1 canto sud
denly faco to faco with him. Ila
didn't attempt to run nway, but tood
thcro looking ut 1110 with tho most
piteous pair of eyes 1 ev'cr saw.
".Shoot? I could havo no more shot
him than I could have shot a child.
Und thu chanco coiuo from a distance
of 100 yards, I would havo shot him
down nud carried his nutters homo In
triumph, but onco having looked Inte
those eyes It would havo been nothing
less than murder. I havo hunted deer
since then, but 1 find the sport afford
mo llttlo pleasure. Whenever 1 draw
a bend, tho picture of thoso mute, ap
pealing eyes comes In-fore me, und,
though It has not prevented me from
pulling tho trigger, 1' havo always felt
Klad somehow when my bullet failed
to Und Its murk." Washington Tost.
When Hurry Wn the Fmhlon.
Tho following extract from tho Lou,
don Times or May it, ix)i, gives an
Interesting picture of the good old
days: "It Is now the high fashion to
run. or nt least to trot, through the.
streets ut n rate or six miles an hour.
A running walk Is absolutely necessary
for iiuy young man who has tho least
pretension to ton. You must lounge In
a hurry nud saunter with expedition.
It Is an old proverb, the mere haste t lie-
worst speed, but Horn! - street dully
shows us the move hurry the less to
,do. When wo see our Idle youths rid
ing race horses, walking for wagers or
boxing for fame, wo must agree with
Horace that 'strcuua uos excrcet In
ertia.' " 4
Ccuclea flro.rtb of tlio num.
Tho systematic examination of more
than -10.000 pairs of human ears In
Kiiglnud and Franco has resulted tn
some Interesting conclusions. For ono
thing, It Is Ascertained thut the ear
continues to grow lu tho later decades
or life. In fact, It appears never to
. stop growing until death. A woman
who has small, sliell-liue-purs ut -u
years or age wilt bo very apt to possess
medium Fixed ears, ut 40 years nud
lartru eura nt CO. Saturday Kveulug
V'nat. """ . . :.... 'fti
A I'u tier.
Lady Passenger Do you know, cap
tain, I hqvo never beep ablo to underi
stand bow you llnd your way ucrosa
tho ocean V
Captain Why, byitho compass, Tho
ticedlu ulwaya points to tho north.
Ladv Pui.seuser Yes. I know, hut
"supposing you wau,t t,9,go south HQ)as-
kow ',llu.e. n
innrrmlnir Hfrtitrclr,, Which Knit
tfarvlvitl ii f t'ltlonl.
Wo read tho tablets of long aga
which tlio guologlst lias deciphered for
Us, nnd we llnd them nil endless story
of Iwttles. Tho successful species
Wbch occupy thd great geological
horizons hnvo coinu out of great tribu
lation. The trllotilto) and stone llllm
of tho Silurian period, tho gigantic clab
moss and fluted nlj-lllnrlans of tho coal
nge, tho enormous ammonites of tho
Jitrnsslc nud chalk epochs, tho mighty
elephants nud mnjentle deer forms of
tho lertinry vra are innrrnntes .of tho'
JIuh-h and mnntcrplccc of tho struggle. '
Thoy havo been redeemed at great J
price, oven of a thousand sixties and 1
tens of thousands of Individual who
fell short of tho typical fitness and
were killed out Thcso magnates, each
In Its turn, wcro pioneers of progress,
llko tho scouts uf a great army and
wcro caught In a physiological am
bush. Tho pcdlgrco of tho borso In the most
recent past has been inado out, traced
shall wo say, for a hundred thousand
years br-foro man came on tlio scene
(for Lord Kelvin asked the geologist
10 ouiry ui, anil 1101 00 iw itii iiii
tlmo or we should bnro said 230.000
yean before man). Tbo (Icctncss, gnfo
and strength of tho horso nro owing to
h!s ability to walk on ono toe. to which
have been correlated tho wonderful
Instincts by which ho baa become tho
..n4,ln f m.n In lila li1.i.trtrM, nnrl
partner of man In his Industries and
Mnnrclc. He has bcou derived In
almost u etrlct gradation from tho two
toed, three toed, four toed nnd five
toed nncustor which flemished In tho
egert which preceded man. Myladii of
Individuals and all the species and
varieties died out to mako room for tbe
ouo toed selection to cnablo tbls favor
ite to occupy tbo ground untbwnrted
by crossing or by recurrence to average
forms. Ho wan redeemed at n great
price and has como through n great
tribulation. Contemporary Review.
ajjnpj CAMDV CATMArmC, '
Ctnulnt lUmptd CCC Never .old la balk.
Bcwsre 01 the duler who tries to ten
"loraethln luit e.i ood."
A Dnr Prrni oITrnnraon. -
In tl" -Life of Tennyson" occur the 1
follow!. 1
"A k'n-l of wsklcg traneo I have fre-1
uucutly had. up from lwyhood. when I
have- been all alonn. This has generally
eun-.e uihj:i ir.o through repeating my
own name two cr three times to myself
silently, till nil nt oaee. ns It were out
ot the Intensity of the consciousness
or !:d!vlr.uilly. the Individuality ltseir
KM-nuil to dlsHolre nud fade away luto
liout'i'Irr.i being. &"d tbls not In a con-f-inil
state, but the clearest of tho
ch-areM. the surest of tho surest, tho
weirdest of tho weirdest, utterly be
yond words, where death was an nl
moit laugbablo Impossibility, the loss
moit laucuauio rapest u ty, tue loss
of llerionaltty (If so It were) seeming
no extinction but thu only true life,
This might be the state which St, Taul
nWribes, 'whether la tho lody I can -
not trll. or wheUier out of tho body 1
cannot tell.' I nm ashamed of my fee
hlo dcscr.ptlon. Hnvo I not said tbo
state Is utterly beyond words? Hut In
n moment when I como back to my
normal state of 'sanity I nn ready to
tight for mcln llebcs Ich and hold that
tt will last for a-oas and reons."
DUnppntnlrd the Farmer.
"That city man that was visiting mo
In nn overrated cuss," remarked tbo
"Ob, the papers nil said bo was n
great hand at watering stock, but I
found bo couldn't work the pump flvo
minutes without laming bis arm."
Chicago Post.
The first great tire in nn American
city occurred nt Roston Aug. 8. 1U70.
fty this conflagration 130 bullillug-J
wire destroyed, tho loss amounting to
over 1200.000.
omatliln er Now Under
Tlio Sun"
All Docton lave tried to cure CATARRH by
iticuwof powi'.crji acid faiei, fab den aud
dnig. In pane form. Thelrpoderdry up ihe
mucuout nK-nilT4ce uuilnr, ircm to crack open
nrjil bterd, 1 he powerful acid used fn die ,a
haters Into entirely tvitcn away ihe r.ime mem
tHjine J 1l1.1t their nukrri liste aimed tn cure,
ihlle p.utr-1 und ointments cannot' rc.ich the
dij-au-. An old and eipenvnced practitioner
ijio hat far ruiny years made n cloe ttwly and
jplcialiy of the Itealmeiitof CATAKKII, run .11
tail peifrvKHl a Trontment ulikh when f.uilifully
Vihxl, not only rrUc ut unre, but pcrivinoull)'
curri C'ATAKKII. by removing tho cause, Hop
ping the iliuliarce, nnd curing all infl.imm.v
tlqu. It 1 the only rtmt-dy Lnoun to tclencu
that actually rrathei thd nfflictvd parti, ltd.
vvoiulerfulreiiieily tt knonpnt "SNUKFi I'J?
'und i solj at llio extremely low-price of lie I
Tyxll.r tt i.l m.tno. ivuillnlnn fntM.n.1 nntl I
external medicine tutlkient for n full montli'i
irvatment and everything necemry to lu per
fect uw.
?ui'M.iia nine only periectt-AirtKitii
CyKl'-cicr made and it now recogniiett at the
only ife ami poslilte cure for lint unmixing
nmliliUslinK iliu-iiw- It curet all Inlbnima-
libn (juicily and permanently and It alto vton
def fully nulck to rellce HAY rliVUR or COLD
IIATAKRII tthen neclected often Icult to
COWiUMl'n N-"SNUKFLliS" will tava
ruiij, uti ue u .iiuiaT1. 11 ituu uruuinry rem
'cdy(,but .1 complete trviitnirnl wtilcV tt posl
Ijvejy guaranteed to cure CATAKKIi in any
forinorttige if uted according to tho directions
Shlch accompany each .package. Don't deby
.Subtend-forhtironcc. and write full particulars
at io )cur conuuion, ana-you win receive tpecit
ailjlM from the ilicoerer of this wonderful
remcuy regauinj your case wunoui eeti 10 you
beyond the reuular price of "SNUFFLES" the
-tSent prepaid to any addrets in the United
States or CaniJioa receipt of ne Dollar, Ad-
Uress IJepl. Ii6j7, iiUWIN II. OtLIiS St
C MPANY, 3330 and 333? Jlarket Street,
-v r " r
,n' 2J?rV
Keep Out
the Wet
ElMlaUr Bl
tSt 1 yJ"rPM)f.rsm In to
WMId. MM. Item lb, l, mlr1l n
vTMrranirrl wftlerarnai. Mii t iUa4
tba raav bi wot j a,f tilfaf ,
f.aak far IIm imda inark.
o net b.r. tt.t., writ, Ut tulon to
I. T. Mll.0 tuiltt U !., M fr..l,
II. M. MAW vrll SOH.S. Ktn.
r...C CamarMcf, M m.
Ir rjc
IJrlggs The Dudleys seem to think a
great deal of their dog.
Griggs Naturally: he Is somcthlnj
they never quarrel about, as they do
their children When tbo dog exhibits
some bad trait, neither can dcclaro
that he look It from the other. Boston
Hnveil Ills Life.
l-raiWHjl'Bilinil uc ra; mo m
r.000 J-PCPS" . -nn nt, i.nrr,n;
tonof llsjfKld, Minn, "tet three year l
1 i trouMert whh i!;jwpil in I could
,.. - .
i,,0,a. "V0''" 0. " ""mtt"- ilt,,t ''m5
fula lie.jmw 10 teum a nioriti cl ood. I
"r "" c' "' "' "" '"
! "M - wuM r1"'-1 r-one of yeur sdr-
Hnmtioa Kodol rpp.U Cure sod M
' f" m noJ ofl"snccd " ; ' '"1
to Improte from Ihc Dm bottle. Now I m
cured and rreainmetid It to alL" Dieu your
food. Cure ill nomich troubles. Red Cans
Dnig ,'itore and Sengvl.uicn'i IWnucy.
Karri! lr Obttnctra.
1'n glut ttre' 1 vto, drrp m
Ufiatrfl llmt PrUln' ihart Btii rat,
Klir mtt t Itrltv. ntUxnil anlt.
To bauM Kla; lAtnti't rumru u!f.
CkkiE? lc(MlcrtIX
O jQu 3 KP 3 Xt X jO. m
Are lieavirr ttian cold, tln-nlilte and miultr
occur in imilt mlca and do rt mtjamaie.
'I lw At t-l,,.li V.rf In, uL tn ,t Up-I,.
1 . . n.,rt ..,! i,.i, v.. ' ln,iu,lnl.l.
. Pa. Anil.ili frw. Tor Infoinuiloo concern
' mc nvctixKt tf wnrn ti7mul. wmn to ihe
' !-" "rfal to., UntHecf, io Kltt St.,
Sin Kranettco, i'aL
o jf3u m -z- o m. r a. .
rtt, y) "i Hiri Tt. Ur Hnn Ewyjf
-&r's Jr. J&CCJixl'
tlta Uppoaite.
lie I shall never marry until I meet
A woman who Is my direct opposite.
.She (eucisiraglnslyi-WelL Mrl Duf
j for. ibere an plenty of bright, Intelll
gi-nt tr4; hi iti! nt-.gS.borlrood. Cx-
Kecp Vcur Bowels Strong.
Constipation or diarrhoea when
your bOHcb are out of order. Cas .
uu uu mc umui wu. v.a
carets Candy Cathartic will make
them actliaturally. Genuine tablets
stamped C. C. C. Never sold in
1 bulk, AH druggists, 10c.
Tn ttifeiinnttan. I
A little clri l i-iweeu 4 nud f years of ;
rise 1 nine raining In from sliding oniM
i".ay nn I i-xela lined to her mother: "OU
mamma, did you see me go down? 1!
went like thnnder." I
To her mother's astonished qncstlon
s to whom she bad heard ray that tho
llttlo one replied. "Well, mamma, you
know you said one day 'as quick as
lightning.' and It always thunders after
It lightens, doesn't It?" Boston Chris
tian Register.
An Kungelll'n Story.
"I tufferrd year lili a laoaehnl or lung
trouble nrnl ull vsrlcxu rcmmlir. but did not
obtain pcrnvtneat rvltrf until I co-.iioimceU
ntlngOne Mlnu-.n Couh Cnrr," writes Kev.
lames Klrkmm, MRiipelht of Uctle Rher. IU.
"I have no lictuaiion in recommending It to all
sufferer, from milwtl! of tlili kind." One
Minute Couih Cure aflordj imniedUte relief
for courhi. coU and all kind of threat and
lunc trouUIea. l'o. croup it l vinrqtullcd. Ab
solutely af Very olejsAnt to tat,e, neer
f allt ami la tva,y n favorite itli lh clilUrrn .
, They ..e it. Krdtro Dru; Store and Seuj
' tatkr"' -.iMrma.y
i'our Ufcawa vl
you can oe curea or any lorni or lowcco utiai
new life and tljor Vj taking MO-YO'BAQ,
tbat nakra weak rata ttrong, Many eain
ten pounds in ten tiara. Over BOO, OUO
mm, A., uiKfiKi.1., cy(D Ki.iau.cra. imiua.-
let and advice I'KUlt AiUrtsM !T1'.IU,IN0
Kitaiiiur tu., cuicago or cw vert. J7
Health ami Beauty.
A poor completion itutualy tiw result or n
torpid liNt-r or irrtular action of the bowels.
Unlou natme's refuttlt carried off it will surely
canto impurrt Moo.) lVupIes, liJ'U and other
i-ruplious fol.ow. Tint it nalurv't method of
throw ing on' iIm potwwt vhlh die l,owe)t fall
rd to rcmovi- DaWiil'. Liliie luuly Itiiert
lire world huuou, for murdying tint condition
They iiiniuUte the liver and prmoti) rvgulir
und healthy action of ilia txiwelt liul nei-er ctute
griping, cmmp or dtttrett. Safe pllll. Red
Croti Drug tslor'- and Pharmacy,
I II I.J HI .-
Produced nt the least Kxpense
I MM Agm,?
S)Sakw tl SsSSaalalalalaHs
' TfcM StoilH rtih.
Tbe ray, or skate 'fish, tins a mouth
est transversely across Its head, th
Jawa wprklnff wltH ft. rolling ration
llk ttrc- hands set back to back. In t
the Jawf'are three rows of Hat tetH,
net like a mosaic pavement, and' be
tween these rolling Jaw tbe fefc
crushes oysters and othr mollusks Wfcjs,
so many nuts.
Rdacala tout titmiU With Caseara
canny i;mnriif, euro eonaiipnimn inreTar.
rkforo tho discovery of sugar drinks
were sweetened with honey.
In tbe Georgian langnage, sfekeH.
the mountains between the Ctsplaa
and ntsck sens, dada mtsns metacr
And msraa father.
I). H.Ullchdl. Fulfont. Md: "During a
long illnrtf ( -s IrouMnt wh bed torti, n
ndiltcd to try D Wltt's.Wllch' Haul Salve 'And
did to with wond?ifol retulti. IJ s perfectly
coreiL !llihelst ulre on the msrliei,''
Snrc cure for piles, torcj, turns. Ecwiru of
, tuuaw Jejq
Rnl Crosi Drug Store serf Seng-
tuAm p
Mi jtraTmr KMaarsr
, HoktVarrMTiirtIUeBtaIUl!tllta.fU
sunt AiiiiMfUMioa.Ca,rbiraoo9F;t.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Haie Always Buck.
Bears the
Signature of I
Gods Bay Wliott Lior
1 .vf
pfunily Orders. Solicited
Ranier Beer.
, .,, ,.
' Fnilly orders for Tops, pints .and' ?
1 qusru, delivered by the case. "J. .
I t i i 1 1
UnhiirT MorCiiPil
I IVlVI I- iUla3UvIl
United Statei iJind otlice, Roteburg, orrcon',
Oct. 19th, 1901.
Notice U hereby given that In rompiance jl ih
the provbinnt of the act of Congress of June 3.
187S, entilcit "An act for Ibn uA of tloiber
andt in the States of GifornU. Orrgo.i, Ne
vada, and Washington Temlory," at extended
to all the Pubie tml Sute by act of .ueu1t4,
1893, Mrs. Mast K. Woous.of townolOanll
ner, countr of DougiUs, State of Orrgon.
has this day lUcd la this office her sworn sute
meni No. 1874 for Ihe purchase ot the SV Jf
of Section No 14 In Township No, 30 South,
Range No. 10 west, and wuV offer-proof to show
that ihe and sought is more valuaU'e for Its
timber or t tone than for agricuAura purposes,
and to ettauikh his calm to said and before tKe
Regblersnd Receiver or this oflice at Rotebu;g,
Oregon, on Saturday, die 4th day of January,
She names at witnesses: D. M. WiAon of
Saem. Oregon, J. Wesley lUcd. Mrs. UtfV
Wade of Gardiner, Oregon, Clurcs Mead of
Suiher Springs, Oregon.
Auy and n persons cilming advertey the
abo'e-dcrribett andt are requested to fiVe Uicir
caims in this cmce 00 or before told 4th fly
of January, 1003.
10-36 J.T. PstDGEA. Rcgfyt-r.
and Pressing
a. Suecialty.
First-cltuw .workmanship guaranteed. t
Huts cleaned mul nrotvri. "
i. CAMIlYl'ROP.,
jfjfjk -BSaHajaB Mnaajw.
and Trouble by Using'Our
Saves 50 per cent In fuel, retains firo x hous,
We ofTcr tbe one like cut;
Height. !englb.
No. so 3,5) in. 18 in
" 2435 'n- 33l
" 3637 In,' 36 In
35 lbs.
rrice, ,'
Tills It strong and durable,
' 1,
er much cheaper. Send lor our November stove.
List, Mention this paper. '
STORE 25 Market stf.,
. -y.
- 1.