& -!5rf" V gw - ,nn XT' H1' '' 'iJII"'1".' Nl ,IK '! !." i, '(.(II ,(!)! I 'I'll l ll'l' (ft I'J IiXKI'mI lIT .HI i mwrT nil ' 'r"'T ' "''" !- an iMM' !, totom ' Wl WlfclttfMMMiiiWiMMIiKirw is. i . itr t.ti . mi imnimr-TTTrr-1 Ti1 'n'V YY'i'l " i i ' m I I iti ii "i -ll ! 'M '.III (- He'" HI" ' r 1 It If if jVJUJmX4X'JLti' &vlf-y" ri)yv .T",ra-.-.WM- flr"'H,',L t . . ' t ,i mtaouQ I .10I0011CI ( in .l.lll hi ait Fi , IMll - ' IH !'' IE ORKGON fOUTHKRN IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S NEW T1; AL-K1 bM amye 4 JCwpfr City wit- ft freb, lot f isrErw " ijr-BC,, ,Anionl( U9 lot. will V nY aOOM OP ALL DKWOKIITIONflri " ' 8HKETIKOH, DRILLINGS, UTICUrflCAW,. , ? j , ., XNaHBH QH,l(TS, ALRXXinKir cloth,; !Ylii IRJA AMOHKEOU , IIJi llr-flr -r TURKEY KKDH, RUSSIA CJtAHH, DAMASK BILK CimiWW. .....ijL. y V. .i ' ' "'OOLD-HKPAU itBKBhjn, I23JVI2 a&fig UVd T', L HKKun CHAMBER 8ET8, COMl'I.KTK, WRING BKDH, MATTRK88K8 8TOVKH, KANOKH AND , ladies', men's and hoys' leathijk booth and shoes, pig lead, red and yellow ochue, GRINDSTONES, baiH . '- "gLOCKfl OV ALL HI8KH, e5Y, ' J 4 BTATIONER,Y OF EVERY DE80RHTI0N, TAWUffRY CAWKTIK&; KUBBKK OOOD8 OP ALL KWD, ' ! WUITK, COtORRD AND FLA3XEL gftlRTS. OVKRALU AND JUMPERS, STOCKINGS, KEN'R CL0T11INQ OF V.VEKY DKHCKHTIOH, A PULL-A4WORTMEHT OP HARDWARE, 'COYTEE, TEA, nUQAR, i .. lUICX. VLOURr RARLSY. I "' ; .dANNEb GOODS, AN klX'MHSIt'XIItDB OP QROCERIEO AND OTHER ARTIOLEH TOO NUMEROUB TO MENTION. tfMMHeea CLOSING OUT!! VltlilKO T T OUT ,i; " or TH tettKCJtRTBIMB RWWWW, AX CAJVHI S. C ROGIRS, Ssth' Cm RIVk. .i IIINiEft MARKETS, Mliimu JSJJrrRB Citt. 0. Schafiir 4 Go., r yROfRlWTORB, licjwOTvitt I. wsirrHRY, '?5 AjM4wir Mtm-OK, -- CANNED POMKXTO -WCm CTC, XTC. . M ll klftdt of SALTKmiAVlCETAILES coMta(lyB kanti AUo good Block of ' Mfl30MG5Hc.fiFiLflw LM1INN CAMPS JVPPUED AT SHORT NOTICE. OATin YOUXO. MBMRT HUDXM SODA WATER WORKS, rMr f TblHI C KreeB MUREM 4k TOUNU, FrerUUrs. DODA, SARSAPAR1LLA, OINOBR AI.E, ETC., OK SUPERIOR QUALITY, CoitHanll on hand and for talc r Order (nun tkt cwatrf Mc4. A4df ofdert to " Mnbftld Soda Wcrtn." rayi7 HMMaL & SaAMKR, 0'CaU' m UH4Jr. FrMt atrcat, UEALMI IM t,. BOOTS, HOIS P AMD Qlofb.1.rLgl LuIIh' ftM Mi comm ihoi, bojr boon and wo, od Ctal't rukbrr coti, boti and thoi Hn (rtti vatkljr. Our itidmmle booti nd oi cr manubclurtd eiprwlf for iht bay indt. lUu, cpi and undrrear; tuilonery, wiliry. tobacco, !(ri and waUhri. A full atiwtmtat of mtn'i clotliiof. la ivlK or wnU maltrMtM, btd-eleihlnj and valiwi. CUHn-BHd boot aad ihon a ipeclUy, for "kit ,, uU bi rrcMj ,U rf ad wirUt a, tLji, id u "fWHwr, our tstlTf itoek it of In Mini 7' aad utunuif hw flora, la O Con. rrwtt ttratl, 9 rmrUr.mtm, Paper - Hanger, HAR8HPI8LD, OREGON, IS fREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OT w work la hk Ua a4 saart noUc aad on Mm Wtf rMiosabU urul. "SIGN I'AINTINO and ORAININQ 'ft A SPECIALTY. WOoUnUhU U MwWW4 Drug S4ore GuU I! .J .111 IVU Tho best cigars aro to be found at f t C;ra3ii..3 c mftaH 1'iru .,).M caopiDs irold at a fair founts - Nitf following j Y03..T ANNKL. XMOKKUBOCKBli m(ih$J iH AND WIHTK.LIKKN, AND COTTOH HAKKKEROMLKFfl, ".'' U a !' " - .. ' s.-. I RARIXAN, SHETLAND AND BAY 8TATK 8HAWL8,1 awd mauupah vrir.m) uyu, J AND PILLOWS, FURNISHINGH, THE MAMHFEU HARDWE STORE KEEfS ON HAND A SUPERIOR TiN, COPPEn snd 8HBBT.IRON WARE, Of bMM Ruaaftctart, is cobmcUm y wRk wA(4lcttd ttck of KNEML MiUffiWAlE! Stovefl and Rangoi, Wood and Willow Ware, Farm Tools and ImplenenU, Coal. Iron and Steel, Pumps, Water Pipe and Fittings, PainU, Oila and Brushes, Doors and Windows, Harness and Trimmings, U law ware, iiii(ja huu viwimii Plated and G rani to Ware, Roie, . Rlftea, Pistols and Ammunition, Fishintc Tackle, Rird Cageo, Terra Cotta Chimney Pite. Etc., Etc. -Jon Work and Rki'Aikino done at short notice. E. O'CONNELL. Prop'r. JOHN KENVIN. PKALXn IK FANCY GOODS. TOYS & GAMS, I00KS ft STATIONERY. CUTLERY & TOtACCO, OIGkA-RS. AND NOTIONS. DRESS-MAKING Mrs. W.'f. Hill a T HER RESIDENCE, NORTH FRONT A VrlKtdoor north of Ma,V. foraUure ,,0Culor.d n'lUag hi .Uu,u.yU..W GvwsYtl Blackimitli Sfiel-,iater; Krt street, aerth X Paeca, MARHllPIELnJ ,! fi nHSESIIOEINa AND EVBRVTRINO, M. In iht blaclumlthlnf 1Ib tiultlMion natlca and on rtateaabU terrui. lulbw ktelyUoul f.ora iht eH a proem lor SekslpUdag U& wr. etc., I injk. a h Salvor II l taflaett and am prepared lo Irani fom Inferior or half wornoul labls cutlarr, tic. K?adw.and Mrviceabk artlelei lluiar. alurart briahl and never need seoHrtag. 0?d.rXm ib country oHclted aad wwnpt ly antaded w, iyl AUKJis. bltl Jgiaid bMfMM College tKattFraetteOr' for hdlthryWU RotoWntU:keit dragaiere. lid hut a gaw celeetteil wA U mIIIhk the reatomble. " I I I I.... .I.'.. I Toye, candlea, nuts, nlbums, jewelry, liver ,waU0, and anytliinK la Chrlat inae Rooda, for the old and young, at John Kenyon's vprtaiy etore, John Kenyan lias a lftrgor and hctter stock (A holiday tfoodo Dili year tliati ererWore.andirM d6ll'for tho little girls are' extraordinarily nice and re1 wtrkabl cheap. LqcVwood A Walt havo tinned posters announcing a grand hall at Nonoau'w hall at this place on Christinas night. A good time ran be depended upon. W, AinD A good, active glrf, princi pally tot dining room work. Wages $1& nflSaifi? ?r-Wp. ZT;,rTZZl L. g Wt . Oraflgifr, of the O. ti? eowi I jewfBttoaaFranclachls week on the aloamcr Al-kl. Geo. Stommor man was also a nate!nger down on the Ahkl. t Owing to tiie-fictjthat Bengstacken will move Ida drug storo Into the hew building about New Year's, ho la clos ing out all holiday and fancy- goods cheap for cash. f Naaburg & Hirst hare the best assort ment of clothing kept in this town, and they are selling it at less than cost, to abe room for their fall aad winter stock. Tot cheap and durable clotldng, go to them. " MrarCfltot. Chester tfbate&MaMs tfee fowHl,ol a tfanctig ehUe ia .Uiie place, and there will he a Norma' hall to-morrow entning for Lthat purpose, and. all wboiefl as. later- savin MS Hiaiier are isrpwi fvapvsn. 1 1 After No vefuher 1 beer will be wld at the ttayvtew'bre wary, Marshfleld, at the rate of $7 50 jxir barrel, and 6-gaIlon kegs at $125. Although tho price has been reduced, tho quality of the beer remains the same, and those who desire a good articio win una ii at iuo oiu stand. . Mr. 8. S. Bailey left the bay last Monday for her homo in East Portland. She had a very ploasant visit among her numerous friend hare and took borne with ber for adoption Bablna, the little daughter of Mr. and Mr. John Kluyon, ! y Persona desirous of procuring cholco apples or pears, by the box, can have their orders filled by leaving uiera ai Uds eftce. Tho pears embrace varie ties for immediate um and winter pears that will keep till next spring. They se&ftt Mper box, delivered any- 'where tnHown. Now is the time to renew your sub scriptions for papers. Call at Norton's cigar and sews stand. HeU agent for the Oregontan, the West Shore and tho Ban Francisco and eastern papers. All subscriptions will reoelvo prompt atton tton, Norton l also agent for the Btenetl an4- Red-Rubber stamp, for names, billheads and advertising cards. Tho CoqulUe packing company la In financial trouble, and Its failure to con nect In this lino caused Henry Seng stocksn to last week attach tor About $1300 all the available effects of the company that lie eeuld get possession of. The failure of th company to meet its obligations attributed to various causes. 1U liabilities on tho river amount to about $W00, and the failure work a hardship on parties ill able to meet it. Toys, candles, nuts, albums, or any thing you may wish in the line of Christ mas goods, can be bad at the Marshfleld Golden drug store. Settle and Save Costs. Having sold out my interest in the Marshfleld drug store, and desiring to close all accounts with the Bame, I hereby give notice that all accounts not settled by December SO, 1884, will be placed In tho hands of Cbawobd LocxuABT for collection. Q. B. Goldkh. The Holidays are Ceadagl From this date until January 1, 1889, I will moke photographs at tho follow ing reduced prices : Cardi. per doren, ,$3 00 Per half down. . ,$a 00 Cabineti, per dot.. 600 Per half doien... 350 nouiloln. tier doi.. ooo I'er half doien... 500 Tills it a reduction of one dollar all around. Make your friends, sisters, aunts, cousins and sweethoarts a Christmas gift of a nice picture ot yoursolf. Gko. II. Ramsukll, Thoto. Marshfleld, December 0, 1884. Donation Party. Last Thursday evening tho good peo ple of Empire City visited the Metho dist Episcopal parsonage at that place, during the temporary absence of the pastor and his wife, and mode them selves very much at home. In a brief space of time tiey had the duilng-room literally full of tables, spread with a tempting1 array of good things to eat, whlleotyeffllogylttoe jwfllw crowded with as jolly a company as ever assembled. The proceeds were substantial, consisting of a purse of $35, beeldea sundry valuable presents. The recipients of this surprise donation party say that it was handsomely planned and was altogether very onjoyablo. A steam eaw-ralll and steam locomo tive In active operation at tho Marsh field Golden drug store, ?89Jfi 'HJr, JAfraalOesfhM, An Oakland correspondent of the t'ialadoaler mda tha CallnwLu . MtfttMfirn it ItiU WiMi tk.JP.r. wmmmmammmsssi Mfaitky morrfrtig t& olarirt of firo Vs raised ami beforo it could l arrested hd occupIedThy Geo. H. Sliambrook as fk drug store, and Oie building of C. M, nan, in wliicfa 1m kept his hardwaro store, and peat eAto and the room be longing to Hall and Butherlin and occu pied by Mrri. L. A. Hutchinson as a tnlllfnor store, woe entirety destroyed. 'Uy tho almost superhuman efforts of tlte clticena of the town tho bolldlnga around the locality of the fire was saved and the Are woe not allowed to spread. Aiie arag store and millinery stocks was entirely consumed and a total lose. A small amount of tho hardwaro etock of O. M Hall was saved. Tho pOst ofllco In tho hardware store and Wells, Fargo & Coe', office in the drag store wo en tirely destroyed with Iho exception of a few papora, Tho following is tho loss aa near as can bo estimated C. M, Hall, building and stock, $9000; Insur ance, $2000. Mrs. L. A. Hutchison, stock, $2000: Insurance, $1200., GeoH. Bhambfeokst&A and lx& S; insurant, ,4we Fendcl Sutherlip, building, $j$09; no Insurance. Post ofllco and Veils, Fargo & Cos. office total loss; no insurance. Other build ings, A. P. Brown storo, J. K. Dodgo's rcsidenco andE. G. Young & Cos. store were injured some by tho heat, but no serious damage. Wlillotho tire is certainly bad enough as it is, yet tho people ot Oakland tifta congratulate themselves that it was no worse for It tho fire had been communicated to any business house la the vicinity nearly the whole business part of tho town would have been consumed. i a a The Crisweod Case Again. There are probably lew men in Ore' gpn, says the Oregwrian, who have not maetlnBll,uu UJ " """" w. v. unsworn .. . a a. i . a lir rw r t 1 kv, uuu tiiBf- nfa e.uii u-so nuuiner who would not bo content to hear the Kot it. h h seemK as 11 tnero is . e Hope oi the ad of It beiac reach- eu in Btiw genentuoa. An effort is adw - s . . 1 being made to havo. the. .unsatisfied bal ance on tho judgment recovered by the United States against Griswold, amount ing to $21,015, compromised by the pay ment of $100. The grounds on which this compromise is asked for aro that the government lias already received from Griawold much mora than ho swindled, the government out of and that lm is Impororishpdi and that it is persecution to proceed fuithe? agqlnBt him. Tho amount Griswold wrongfully secured irom tno government by means A IrandulentjVOUChertfWaS ADOUP f 17,- 000. The government lias already re ceived from him about 131,000, being entitled to recover twice tho amount stolen. The informer, B. P. Dowell, has received $14,000. Owing to the costs of wresting the above amount from Griswold, he still owes a balance of $.1,015. Tho government officers wtm Inclined to compromise tho matter, as Griswold is getting old and claims to rbe rulned.'but Dowell, who is a partner of the government in the claim, objects and claims that tho government has no right to cqa) promise for his share of tho claim. Unless (ho matter can be ar roBged, with Powell IM hftidly praha bio that tho government will iqako any compromise and take tho chances of having Dowell presont a claim to con gress for his share ot tho balanco due from Griswold, Dowell has followed up this matter for lo, these many years, and expeoded mueh tune and money la having jasttee done, and he Is of opin ion that Griswold still has property and be is determined to have the lost ounce of his pound of flesh. Another Murder. Jacksonville Sentinel. Lewis McDaniel, an old settler of this county, was found in a dying condition ia the road leading to hla residence in Ashland last Thursday night about 8 o'clock. Thu appearance indicated that he had been shot by some party un known while en his way home, tho top ot his head being blown off by what ap peared to be a shot from a gun. When discovered he was just breathing his last and could not toll who shot ulm or for what cause. A man named O'Neill has been arrested on suspicion and is being held to await development. Mc Daniels was something like 48 years of age, married, and was generally sup posed to be well fixed in wotldly goods. All kinds of rumors aro afloat aa to what might haVo been the cause of the murder. Hogs, alive and dressed, aro going in to the Portland market in largo quant i ties, principally from the southern and eastern portions of the state, and as a natural consequence prices are weaken ing. The Oregouian of tho 4th says tho best of dressed hoes now bring 0 cents per pound, and on the 3d a large lot sold for 5 cents. Among a lot from Dayton, W. T ono welghod GOO pounds, live weight, and two others were nearly as heavy. But few farmers throughout the Willamette valley have disused ot their hogs yet aa the low price of wheat induce them to feed their hogs as long as they can and make them as heavy as possible. Even at the low prices ruling for pork,, hog. ndslng la moderately re meliorative, owing to cheap feed Cheap flour, cheap potatoes, cheap lard, bacon and hams, although unpleasant for the farmer, are very pleasant for the consumer, these hard times. The business of the United States land office at Roseburg last mouth consisted ot 10 homostead entries, embracing 21, 814 acres ; 10 final homestead entires, of 1RKO acres 1 18 nre-emntiou Alines: 1 timber entry, and 1088 acres sold for cash, ',( I mUm ftmers'tyotj !& ll'.ll) I The Oregonlaa, pays two men, whom reccBt developments have proveiii toibe swindlers, aro now operating and havo .been, for about threo months past, tf'.'qiteyowt MuHaomfth. and adjoining .fjountUjs, an.d jiayo gathered in, 11 ,gpcat many victtinsmoet M whom iwe Kill UMwjtre that thoy have been, swindted. Alio prlaclpal, qI tl)co two men is nam ed J, K, HtwlJInjr, ofld ho purports to ho sometimes an agmt aad sometimes, a partner of tho well-known nurseriea at Brighton, in Jfpw, York eUte and offers lorsaioau kinds of small fruit trees. Ail that ho has for salo he represent to b ot the choicest, varieties and charges from threo to four times as much lor thpm ae would be asked for any rait trees propagated In Oregon. Having succeeded, by means of a list ot high sounding name of various kinds ofrtjlt, in getting an order, the other man, whoso name Is not kriown, comes along with tho tress In a wagon, delivers them, collect the money and drives off. The purchaser has no guarantee what ever that the tree ard what they were represented, and herein lies tho swindle, The troes, Of course-, are raised fn Ore gon, and are not worth over 10 or 16 Cents fctfloce, whereas from SO lo 40 cents have been charged for them. The manner of working Ib so crude that it is a wonder any ono is victimized; but where people aro entirely unsuspecting and have no thought of guilte, thoy are deceived. The swindlers had so papers, note von cards tliat they might have bad printed anywhere, to show that they wore from Brighton, T$. Y but only their own statement to hat effect, Tile list ot tree which they presented were always written, and in cAd-pcncil at that, while the names of some of tho vaneuea were so iantasucat tliat an ordinarily well posted man would al most certainly have suspected them of being concocted for the occasion. C. D. Gray, a farmer living near Mt, Tabor, was the first to suspect Bnelling, and in order to eqtisfy himself ho wroto to tho Brighton nurseries and received from thoownor of that place the following letter: "I would say in reply to yours tint! have no agent in Oregon, and that J. R. Snelling is a fraud and has ao connection with our nursery. Please inform your neighbors, and givo tho fel low a warm reception on Bight." Sub sequent complaints show that Snelling and his companion are still selling trees in Multnomah county. Caught aad Bound Over. Wo made mention in our last of the tact that Potno culprit had run off with James Moore's horse. Last Friday morning Deputy Sheriff Kltuuini"-i f after him, and secured his man in Al bany, who however bad traded Moore's horse off to a man residing near Cor val lis. Ho still clung to the now horse, which will be returned to the owner who in turn will havo to deliver up Moore's horse; but all this will not excuse M. A. Toller, tho thief, though he claimed on his preliminary examination before Squire Goddis lost Monday, that he had been hired by a certain gentleman, who claimed to have bought the horse, to take him 12 miles below Portland, Ore gon, and had given him $8.50 expense money. But Teller failed to tell why, under his agency, he traded the horse off, nor could he explain who this man was that had employed him to take the horso, nor why he, without leave or li cense, took the saddle out of Singleton'B barn. He was held in the sum of $500 bail to await the action Of tho next grand jury, in default of which ho lin ge rain jail. A shrewd, prosperous old farmer of tho bachelor persuasion, named James Howes, who resides a short distance back of East Portland, was robbed a fow days sineo in rather a singular man ner, Howes, having no wife to guard his property in his absence, is in the habit of hiding his money in various out-of-the-way places, A fellow came along who had a saddle and two cross cut saws, which ho wished to dispose of. Ho "marked them down" so low that Howes at last agreed to purchase, and going into an outhouse whore, from a pile ot potato sacks, ho dug up a roll of silver, out of which he paid for the artl cleB. The tramp "marked down" tho place whore tho inonoy was hid and went off. Next day Howes received a payment of $100, which he stowed away among tho sacks. The building was a strong one and well provided with locks and was deemed secure; but the next night somo one came along with a little augur, and by boring about 100 holes cut out a "man-hole," through which he entered and bore away the coin in triumph. On the afternoon ot tho Sd Inst, a man named John Nuegland met with a fright ful fall at Raima's block, in course of construction in Portland. Just as a load ot material had boon elevated to tho fourth story, Nuegland, agulust oft repeated advice of his fellow workmen recklessly stepped upon the elevator, saying, "Hero wo go." His weight caused the rope to break, and down the elevator went with him, a distance of CO feet, smashing it to splinters. Every beholder expected that Nuegland would be killed by tho fall, but he picked him self up and walked off a short distance, remarking that he had had a fast ride, but was not hurt. But a moment after he staggered and fell to tho ground, in sensible. A physician was summoned and the injured man taken to hi lodg ings. No bones were broken, but It was impossible to ascertain how sorl- oub hla internal injuries were or what tho result will bo. Fino gold and silver watches and jow olry tor salo at tho Marshfleld Golden drug storo. ," j 1 feae'cml, :,rr etke. n, 7 r Durwgmy absence in New Orleans 4 tether eastern cities, I leave the Marshficld Drug fJtoro under the man agement of Dr' McCormac, as ho Is iiimlla-iwith nil ife details, JlXl thk connection I deem It proper to statjncett'omphatltaHy, that neither Drt.MeCormaci nor Dr. C. D. Golden ha any interest whatsoever ia the Store. TJw aadcraigned Is solo owner and proprietor, arid as snch, a stranger wIiq has caethU lot id your midst, soli cit tho patronage of tho people of Coos and adjoining couatics, without regard to paai friendships ordlfferences. X promise fair "dealing, and the best goods tho market will afford at prices as low s can possibly be givon. A suc cessful merchant in order to give his patrons adrahlago"3f lowost rates, must buy for cash,lnd to do this must ask cash in return, except in extreme cases. , , During my absence 1 sluill send back an elegant assortment of Christmas goods, and respectfully request the-public ia gamine them before purchasing clsewhcro F. A. Goldex. Lost, Strayed or Stolen! Within a few weeks past a dry goods box, about four feet square, and marked "Benjamin Woods, MarshOeld, Or,," has disappeared from the warehouse of Dean A Co. at this place. The box contains .household effects and ia sup osed to have; been taken by mistake, Any Information left with Henry Kcng stacken, at tho Coos Bay drug store, that will lead to the recovery of the liox will bo thankfully received by tho owner of it. FOR SALE. By W. Sinclair, Real Estate Ageat, CeqaiUe City, Or. The finest stock range in Coos county, on what is called North prairie, on Flo ras creek. Over COO acres, for $3 per acre. Also, 200 or 300 ahoep and 25 or 30 head of etook cattlo. Also, a farm of 160 acres, nearly' all clearod ; 600 fruit trees ; for $1400. Hear Ye. HavuKto visit the east in a short time, I am compelled to collect all money due me, on note or book account, and notice is hereby given to all parties indebted to me to call Immediately and settle accounts. I am not doing this through envy, hatred or malice, but through actual necessity, and conse quently will havo to resort to law if this notice Is not heeded, W. G, Websteb. Don't You Forget That BamBdell, tho Photographer, is a resident of Marshfleld nndthatheJ-fca tntfoett pictures ever token in Loos county. Money invested with Rams- dell is not carried away, for his work is all dono here, and it always gives eatis faction. Remember these things and go to him for your pictures, Unclaimed Letter Following Is a list of the letters maining in tho post office nt Marshfleld, Coos county. Or.. December 1, 1884: Cook Robert, Clark Roos, Roos Robert, RobsonThos, Smith J O (2), Thrift Thoa f (3), William "Wm A. Tnos. Hirst, Postmastor. Notice to Loggers. Spruce logs, 12 and 16 feet in length, ere wanted at the Marshfleld stave mill. J. J. Eauls, Superintendent, The MamUgold Golden drug storo lias the greatest variety of holiday goods ever brought Jo Coos bay. The best assortment of Christmas and Now Year's cards at the Marshfleld Golden drugstore. Tho town election at Oakland on the 1st inst. resulted In tho selection of Dr, J. W. Harris as recorder; Jos. Batty, marshal ; Z. L. Dimmick, treasurer, and A. F. Brown, Jas. Chonoweth, L. M, Farland, Jos. Darling and A. G. Young as trustees. F. P. Norton, of tho wholesale and re tail tobacco- etore adjoining Norman's hall, has just received a splendid lot of ewelry, for ladies and gentlemen, which he is selling remarkably cheap. He guarantees every articio to be exact ly what it is represented to bo. Special orders for jewelry ar0 solicited promptly filled at tho lowest rates. and vIn our South Coos river correspond ence ot last week Charley Yanderburg was erroniously reported as teacher of tho school at tho Palmer and Noah dis trict. Clyamon Yanderburg is the teacher of that school. Last 'Monday Charley Yanderburg commenced teach- ng tho school at Kentuck slough. -""" Tho rialndealer says F. P. Hoganlias received a check of $200 from the United States postofllco department, his reward for arresting Todd, the mail and express robber, about two years ago. Tho ar rest of Todd was quite a harvest for Hogan. He received $600 reward from Wells, Fargo & Co., $450 his per cent of tho stolon monoy received from Todd, and an order on the state of $800, inak' Ing a total of $1650, received in effecting this arrest. Hogau is exceedingly lucky, und is likely to follow Cleveland in his lucky strike. Hogan has been shoriff of Douglas county and mayor ot Rose burg, and the only thl&g that prevents him from becoming governor of Oregon is that ho has never hanged anybody, which likewise debars him from bCconi- lag uresideBt of the United States, and may compel rttea'to'TclTutiirtlia asplr atlon for United States marshal of the district of Oregon. -"" A PRIZE Send $ c?o.w for potage and ri; !rre a cosllt boa ot kuoJ w icli ml heluall. of either ktx. un"ire luoncvriirhtauay Ulirr wx. thau anything ele In this uorld. fortunes uwall HI absolutely sure. At onco a4dwslnl,BAw',unlV,'iSr?i,2'1 t , , , Augusta, Maine, api7 ' V7d wu. r. Benjamin, Register. the workers Tkuk&Co. MRSi Mi TIWER W MILLIKTifi'iRY DRESS-MAKING! EMPIRE CITY, OREGON", HAS ON HAND A HEW AMD fine stock of Millinery an'1 Dreirt- Making Goeiltl r All orders promptly attended to. noag BLANCO HOTEL, Mnrflhficld, Coos County, Oregon FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS -inrf Reasonable tliarges. navinjr lalcly completed a largo addi tion to the above hotel, and having had an extensive experienco in this lino of buxiness, wo can safely guarantee to our patrons comfort and necommmlat Jons ex celled by no other house on tho bay. 13T"riie reading room of thin hotel contains tho lending papers of tho At lantic States and the PaCiflo toast. FliURKYJD JlOfjTKjy, seplO Proprietor. ?Hr- WESTERN HOTEL South Front street, Marsaneld, JOHN SNYDER, :::::: Proprietor I HAVE RECENTLY TAKEN CHARGE of the above-named weil-established hotrl, ami nm jparing neither pains nor etpense lo in sure my guests the best of accommod: illonv. THE TABLES AT THE WESTERN Are supplied with the best the market affords, and patrons of the house receive prompt M4 courteous attention. TERMS- Board and lodging, per weck...J5 oo Board by the day. I oo au7 Single meals 50 CENTRAL HOTEL! Corner of Freat aad A streets, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, JOHN J. KKONHOLM, Proprietor THIS WELL-KNOWN AND TAVORITE HOTEL has iust been entirely refitted and refnrnisliyd throughout and is again open to the public for patronage. New beds and spring mattresses hare been ilaced in almost ctery sleeping room of th iousc and neither trouble nor expense has been spared to put eerr thing in first-class order At the bar is to be found the best brands of nines, liquors and cigars. A new entrance to me tuning room nas nren made that opens on Front street, and the tables will always be supplied with the choicest tho market affords. niyj JtJKRQXIIQL.J-rf MARSHFIELD LOTCH HOUSE AND RESTAURANT! (formerly Pchrle's.) MATT STOKA, Jr., Proprietor HEALS ATALL HOURS! From 10 Cento to $1 OO, Till after Midnight, when they will ho JPront GO Cents to $1 OO. Board by the Day, Week or Month. A variety of the best brands of San Francisco Beer always on hand. Al6o, cliotce Wines and Cigars. tf Fresh Eastern Oysters by every steamer served in any desired style. Special attention paid to Ladies and Families. Give me a cull. oc25 MATT 8TORA, Jn. NOTICE. HAVING RETIRED FROM BUSINESS at the Empire City aud Marshficld mar kets, all parties indebted to me at said markets are requested to forthwith call at the same and square up their accounts, as I am preparing to depart from the connty and my business must be settled up before t go; therefore persons in debted to me will sae me extra trouble and themselves eitra and unnecessary expense by nt once complying uilh this request and making prompt settlement without further notice. All engagements that I have outstanding to receive cattle will be fulfilled by my successors, O. Schetter & Co. In this connection I desire to return, my sin cere thanks to the people of Coos bay and vi cinity for the many favors I have enjoedat their hands, and I bespeak for my successors In business a continuance ot the liberal patronage accorded to me. H. P. WHITNEY. Marshficld, Or., September si. 1884. R. MAINS, MERCHANT TAILOBI FRONT STREET, MARSHFIELD TUST RECEIVED. FALL " WINTER G-OODS. Stock of Foreign and Domestic Hata and Fancy Suits of KKAUYOIAUI1 CI.OTHJNa, Which will be sold at BOTTOM PRICES. tar Ready-made goods bought at this shop altered and pressed free of charge. GUemeacall. R. MAINS. seio Wanted A girl to do general houses- work. Apply to Mrs. C, W. Tower, Marshfleld. NOTICES FOR FINAL PROOF, IAND On ICE AT RoshPlJo. Oregon, Noteiiibrrso, iS34. -vroricE s hereby given that 1 the roHuvihig-namcd seulcr has filed notice. O, J , 1 1 mi 1 wale Ciul 0' 1 1 iwtr t ofl'ii'1'1'' I""1 ' s-'J ",njf l lw 1,'XttJ I . ..lie. ' v wj wu l-y, it Erot'Ua 1 .y, O - ' On Friday, January 3, 1885, Vii : Jons Kisvon, pfe'emptloV declaratory stileflirnt No. 4073. for thewesi half of tber no- Viw qui, . nod the east haf cf tho n,ort!y. tet Ci " of eil0T ft, Iqwnhlp s (OUtli, rjaq n wew wi' lameiio meridian. lie 1 . 'o lavung wnnsmt to prova h 1 1 1 if.iileuce upon and cult'vatlon 0 1 V 1 ' "f Fmpi e C'uy. and Will. Urn N e lyman Me and Charles For, of 1