-mrmmm, T" 1J C" COAST MA a Ol'I'M'IAV' l'APWt OS' COOM f'OIATV. Pa tr,TOTBEifirf Vol. 1. iwww The Coast Moil. I'l'III.IXIIKII BVKItY SATl'HDAY MORNINO, WEBSTER, HACKER & LOCKHART, Mnrshllotll, Coos Co., Or. Terms, One year Six IIIIIIllllH - Three months - In Advance. 2 "'() 1 m I 00 oitici.u. vwv.n or coos co. II l' H I X K S H C A It I) K. T.C. MACKKY.M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON l'Mi'iifi: City, Oukuux. C. H. OOLDF.X, M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Maukiii-ii:m, Oiii.oon, C. W.TOWKK.M. I). PHYSICIAN&SURGEON, .Minsiini.i.i, OisKHox. V. V. AXtiKU M. 1). PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Cmiii III r CH it, Ofn. S. II. 1I.V7.AUI, J. W. IllMtl.TOX UAZAIU) v HAMILTON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, "Will prattifi in tlit wirioiu court of the state. orn i: at iMi'im: crrv, Otis-. cr. :. sioair. ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW. MAKSHFIKLIMUH-.tiON. li. W15IJSTKH, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW M.uisiiiu:m, Our.iinx. HENRY SENGSTACKef"1 X OABV IrLIC& COXVEVAXCER, i::.ii'Hti: c;tv, own. (Vllci-llon ttiul other hnslne placed III HIV IiIIIkIn, Mill leiciU' ptlllMpt uttcti- lion. , vl!Mf V. P. W1WJHT, lS. MhH'iuil anil U. S. V; S U It V K Y 0 It , ('(o,Pll.!.X OlTV, OlI.W Will attend to thi-bu'Jnt of tirvo.vhi in any part of the county. IVrfirt imiNiif nil mirveyed land, fur utshcdat Mliort until.'. i:. (J. c it i xi it o, ATTuRSflr m COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 3H MX-.! LOT OITYjOJ t-IUCSrOIV A I'li.iri' of imlilir luitnomjio 1m riM'MH'l fully k..liiitf.l. 1 Stf MAKIH t3U'X34.r.X M AIIHIiriCI.II OltKllON. Tlilw Inxtltutltion now hHolIh tlu ltt f.iciliiii'H fr education to I to found In tin1 ( o;il 1'iyinn of Southern Ori'ipiu. Tin Academy I graduated Into three depart incut a follow : Tin J'l'lnini'i J)ritrtninit In which Introductory Hnuiches are taught, 'J'lir Junior Dt'iHirtiUiHt. Kiiihrnclug Orthography, Heading, VriliitKi (irnnuiiar, dcoj'raphy, History, I'hvxlolofjv, Familiar Science and Men tal'and I'i'netieal Arithmetic. Tin Sfiilor Itriiiii'tiiivnt l'liibriuing l!(M)k-l;w)in(Hinnli ami double eutryjllotiiuy, Chemistry, l'ollti i.il l'conomy, Latin, Ithotoric, IIIkIic Arithmetic, Algebra, (ieoinetry, Trtgo iionictry ami wtrvoyhig. .v vsiv. 1 mt nut Ion In till branch in given when desired. HoAiiiM'iiii bo had for from $!l to $1 per week with private families, uml for till U'hh when several studentH club to gether mid board themselves. I'rimar.v )nKirtiiiuiit Junior . . -if r,oo 7,011 r-'i-nlor . . - 111,00 J.T. MiCouiiAO, rrliu'ljud. Vl-!!-lf. IN ntUNTOf Till". CCSTIIAI. IKIIXIh Miunliilrld, k1' If you want im'iiny hIiuvo, AhkoikI IIhImII-Ih'I'OVDI'I'IIVO. .Mint call on moat invioilooii, From morn 'till iiiglit or huny noon j y razors' fluir), my wIkmiw, koiin, My wimp jx neat mid tnwolfl vlirnn ; And tlit'io I think that you will llnd Kat'h iiiticlo to Htiit tho mind ; I trim tho hair with l:lll for koiiIh, Of I'liumu tho jirlro in fifty oontu; KliiiiiiiioiiiKi too, I do that well, Oivonion trial, thai will toll ; Ko help mo ynuiloiiH if I iiinko you hol ler, You need not pay u cnmitcr of a dollar. J. W.Oox.Vropr. 1. S. Hot uml cold hathu always roady, MABSHFIELB, OB., SA.TXJKX)A.Y, DEC. jm iuiui J" " i Till' OIISlTIX OlllWltllMl, The fnllowliiK Ik an acttinl occur rence, anil took place a few ilayn ago in Canada. I wan working at tho timo in n city olllco. Tho lino ex tended u eoiide of hundred mile h'out Montreal to Caradel. Ahout midway was u large town, Jllnvillej the other oIUcch were at country vil lage. The operator at Hinvlllo wan a young man named Charlton, who had Iieen mine yearn in tho State, and wan a very expert operator, and a clever fellow at anything. Ho wan not tho actual agent of our company, The agent was a rcfpoetnlde lunatic named Chigglo, who wan nlxo pout maxtcr. llekiiowlittleor nothing of IiIh IiuhIiiw. hut cutrunted it all to Charlton, who did pretty much as he liked, Ho Charlton wan in ell'ect post nuiHlernnd operator. IVrhaps you don't tindorstiuid tho working of the poft-ollleo. A few word will explain all that i iiccck miry you nlmiilri know to underftand my ntory. When they ilicpateli a mail from an olllce, they cend with it n letter hill. On that hill is entered the amount of postage dim on letterc for warded totheollleo to which the mail i.i Kut, mid the amount of postage paid in money or by ntninp on letter) mailed at tho diHimtehing olllce. On the right hand half of thin bill are en tered the nuniborn and nddrexnen of all regintored IctteiH and parcelM for ward e I by that mail. When u letter in registered itrt uddio.-n and uunilxsr are entered inn book and on the letter hill, The receiving postmaster ontcru it into bin hook, and initialxthe letter bill hi an acknowledgment. There wan an agency of the Caradel bunk nt llinville, and every week, mnnetiincn twice a week, tho head ofllee remitted packages of it own note to llinville, to be put in circula tion there. Thuo packet containod from four to-ix tboufaml dollar, and wero M-nt by mull, ret-intcrcd. You will ee that if, ilirougb oinifjiiou of tliuuutfniiKRjuj!ii,siimJi a imrcel was not entered on the letter bill, tho rd eeivint; clerk could pocket the pan-el and iy he never received it. There would bo nothing on the bill to how that micb n parcel wa forwarded. One Sunday morning in April, while Charlton wa mjrting the mail from Caradel by the flickering gaslight, he came aorox n largo packet from the Caradel bank. Ho threw it aside a iinual, till lie had completed the tank of Korling tho mail. When be came toeumKire the regintered lelturs with the bill, be found M'von letter in the pnrt-ol, only nix entered. Tho clerk at Cnmilcl had omitted to enter the bunk piiroel! Charlton Mil down and thought it over. It Win a big temptation, m thoucaiul dollars. It wan .Sunday, ami no ofllee) wero open. Chigglo never looked at the bill, the pot nnuter nt Carmlel would never mix pect anyihiiig wrong, the aguney at llinville would wait until I ucxilny, ex pwtlng their pnicel. lle hail two dayrt'etart. Ho ut down an honet niiinantl mtuntpn robber. It wa a terrible temptation to go through, and I think thatni.uiy a stronger fel low than Charlton would have fallen. He put the puree! into hi Mitehel, went homo to hi breakfast, came back, and attended to liiollleedutie. At noon tho ofllee closed, and hi work was over. Ho broke up the par cel, Mowed the note away about him, changed bin dro, and hired a horo to go to iv French village some dozen mile from llinvillo. It was n wet Sunday, tho early spring road wero deep with stick mud, the wheels xunk to the axle, and slipped in the cav ernous rut. Arriving at this village bo left bis horse and walked on three mile to another little bamlot, where be engaged a wrinkled obi Ittthilttnt, a furry horse, and a xpringles. cart, on tho representation that bo was a .tele grapli repairer sent out to llx home damage done to the line. On bo jolt ed until he reached tho village of K'enn, about twenty-llvo miles distant from llinville. Ho left hi venerable ohaiioteer at a tavern, mid walked boldly over U) the telegraph olllco, which was a pri vate house. It was preided over b, a fat girl in a, bat and red shawl. Hhe wa about tho pliifgest of plug that you over board of. Her Instvuinenl It bout matched her. They wore tdialcy, old fasionod, out of all adjust ment, apparently compounded out of thrauhing mill and a wjoiIou clock. The weather wa abominable. Tho IimlruinontH worked accordingly, Moniotiinori K"tthiK ofT almndred lino dots utterly invisible toting linked eye, and eonoluding with n ntubborn dash six feet liiiitf. Tho operator was nl Moat ciyint; over it, and no womlor. Hut Cluulton'n practiced ear caught two word, "robber escaped." Ill breath came quick for rt min ute, the room wam beforo him, and ho almost fell. In another pcrond hlscelf-possesHiou camo buck, and bo asked the mixed operator if the lino wa woiking well now? Tho girl turned mound and asked hi name. .Inlm Hell, repairer. He was sent out to investigate tho working of the ofllces, and see after the line generally The poor girl wa Oirorjoyed to ceo the providential Hell. The lino wa woiking wretchedly, the weather was bad, the instrument old, and she had an important uiescage to take. It wa addressed to tho chief countable, and ho could not make out a word. Would Mr. Moll help her? Of courxo he would. So he cut oil' the register, and working on tho feeble, rickety old rHay, the following mongago ticked faintly oil": Hi.nvu.u:, 10th. To Chief Cmtnliibh, Keiui : The operator here, one Chailtou, ha stolen parcel bank notes, six thousand dollars. Itobher escaped. Probably passing your way. Hill on Caradel bank. Arrest him. Olllcer on hi track about an hour behind him. Sami'i:i Ciiiuciu:. If you think, however, that Charl ton copied out thi message, you njc mistaken. He listened toil, ami thou interrupting the sender, asked him to repent it slowly, a the lino worked very badly. The operator swore and recommenced. Charlton calmly wrote out this: Hixviu.i:, April 10th. To VhifJ Coimlnlile, flrim : I'ont-ofllcc robbed of six thousand dollars Caradel bank bills. Itobher escaped up your way. He will try to pus himself oil' a a detective in nnr xuit of Charlton, and ha forged a warrant. .Soiu him. One thousand dollar reward. Sami'i:i. Cmaoi.K. This message wn sent to tho chief constable, a fat little Canadian, prin ciply clad in a pair of beef boots and u fur cap. One thousand dollars! He would bo a millionaire a thous nndniro rathor. Local .jirjiits w(yjld narrate his sagacity and bravery, nud hi grand children would talk of him a the man who, single handed, cap tured tho desperate robber of tho Car adel bank. Hut there wa no time to lose. Tho valiant chief countable, and six myr midons hid themselves in the adjoin ing room, having first criuturid thorn sol vc elaborately for the fight. Clint- leton asked the next ollieo when the detective had passed, and saw that ho had a clear half hour before him. lie went to tho taorn, ordered hi patri archal charioteer to sup and bo ready to leave in an hour, ordeied hi own xuppur.loft his satchel conspicuously on the table, wont to the ofllee and telegraphed that tho robber was ar roMed.and that they need not bo on tho watch, and then took to the field. He went down toward llinville, and nt a turn of the road, met a cart reeling and rocking furiously through the swashing mud. A stout man wa lashing tho horxo furiously with the reins, and swearing lustily at tho road inspector. Charlton crouched under the fence until ho passed, and thou struck for tho river. Ho found an old wrinkled inhabitant whocamo grumb ling and shivering to the door, shad ing hi guttering caudlo with his dirty finger. Charlton hired the old man and hi two bead eyed, black haired boy to row him across tho riv er. It wa a ease of life and death ho said. Tho river wa high and tho ice running. Tho couno of the stream wa choked by huge grinding nhcots of ice. Occasional crooked ebnnnel of clear water showed be tween these, binoking in the chill night air under the light of tho moon They pushed oil' in a ciazy wooden canoe, and with bold heart ventured into tho limiting ice. .Sometimes it wa fair paddling through tho chan nels, every minute becoming narrow er a the ice field came together Then they had to leap out and drag the canoe overa enke of ice, xtmining wearily at the gunwale. l'laHhing into clear water, then one leg in the canoe, tho other in tho floating pud dle impelling it onward. After four hour' hard work they reached the opposite shore, live mile down stream. Half an hour afterward Charlton wa . .. ..... 1 ..I..-1.! ...... It. ..... .1- euuiering ami pinouisi'i i" in a French curt, bound to tho fron tier. He dodged along unfreijuent roads, and nt ii o'clock on Tuesduy morning wn. iieroxa tho linos hi tho land of" freedom to him. Ho got away, nud probably is a flourishing mid ontorpriMng incrohnnt by this time. Hut to go bnok again to our horoio dqtcotivq, who wan swearing idong tho rond to Kona. Ho arrived there and drove dirwt to tho ofllco. Ho leaped from hi seat, and dashing up the steps, panted: "I'm a detective!" "Hurrah!" shouted tho vigilant rustic chief, bursting from hi ambuxh anil followed by hi myrmidon, fling ing himself upon hi city confrere. Tlie warrior bore down trium phantly upon tho olllcer. "Hurrah! the thousand dollar is to us is to ual" In vain hi abortion, hi pro testation in vain the warrant. They wqrc prepared for that. The ttnfor (ujiate man wa bound hand nud foot, placed in n cart, escorted by most of the able bodied population of Knnn, at Onco started for llinville. It win twd o'clock in the morning when thpy arrived there. Tho new had preceded them, and the little city was nil awake to sec tho triumphal en trance of the dnring robber. On wtfund the mournful procession, tho village chief, intoxicated with joy, dancing in front of the cart, hi faith ful myrmidon encircling it, like In dian bearer around a palanquin. Tho captive had howled anil kicked himself hoarse, was now lying cxliaust ed;iu the cart, occasionally giving an apathetic wriggle orndesp.iiring bleat They haughtily waved hack the crowd and led him to tho jail. The gray hiiircit ojd' jailer came wheezing forth with hi keys clanking. 'I.et mo get nt him!" howled the fiCry Chigglo, bursting through the crowd ; " let mo utranglo him !" In' furtherance of this charitable in tention, Mr. Chigglo scicd him by tho throat. Then, with an unpro nounceable shriek, n perfect hash of a word, he stove in the saltatory coun try constable' hnt. "(real heavens!" he cried; "it is tho dotective!" Tableau Operator for Xuvemlcr. A I-, ruble. Then shall the kingdom of Satan In) likened unto a grain of tobacco seed; which, though exceedingly ulall, being cast into tho ground, . . . ..,..-.. i grew: anil oceanic n great piani; mm ff. t.i-:rt.-Jii-...t'-.v.i-';..til !i-....-,l en .ijili'im ii.-i lu.n ua limn .no. ......., -u that huge and vilo worms formed n habitation thorcon. Anil it came to pass in the course of timo that the son of man looked upon it, and thought it beautiful to look upon ; and much to be desired to mako huU look big and manly. So they put forth their hand nud did chew thereof. And some it mnile sick, and others to vom it iuot filthily. And it farther came to lias that those who chewed it be came weak and unmanly, and said WO iiw enslaved and can't coaso from chewing it. And tho mouths of all that wore enslaved became foul ; nud they were soixed with n violent spit ting ; and they did spit, even in la dies' parlor, and in tho house of the Lord of ho,ts. And tho saints of the Most High were greatly plagued thorc by. And in the counso of time it eamo also to pass that others xnuflod it; and l hoy wore taken suddenly with lit, and they did sneozo with n great mid mighty sneeze, insomuch Unit thoir eye wero filled with tears, and they did look exceedingly silly. And yet others cunningly wrought tho leave thereof into rolls, and did sot fire to tho one end thereof, nud did suck vehemently at the other end thoreof, and did look very grave and calf-liko; and the snuko of thoir tor niont ascended up forever and forever. And tho cultivn ion thereof beeamo n great and mighty business in tho earth ; and tho merchant men wnxed rich in tho commerce thoreof. And it came to pass that the saints of tho Most High defiled themselves there with ; even the poor who could not buy shoos, nor bread, nor books for their little onos, spent thoir money for it. And tho Lord was greatly dis pleased therewith, and said: "Where fore tin waste I nud why do these littlo ones lack bread nud shoo and books? Turn now your fields into corn and wheat ; nnd put this evil thing far from you ; and tie separate, ami uuihij not yourselves any more; and 1 will bless you and cilue my face to shine on you." Hut with one accord they all ex claimed : "Wo cannot cease from ehowing, ainifliug and putling wo are slaves." llAi'i'Y lathe mind which is so con stituted that it can give a humorous turn to everything. Vo all know how it brighten up things generally inhavo a lively, witty companion who see tho ridiculous points of thing and who can turn an aiinoynneo into an occasion for laughter. Two darkios wore vaunting their courage. "I isn't 'lonitl o-nouiin. iati't,'rsaid one. "Don, Sum, 1 vwkon you isn't 'feared to loan mo ft dollnh? No, Julius, 1 isn.V.OM-ed to lend you n ilolluh. but I doe hrtto to part wid an olo frleii' forobbor." Q7, 1879. Tho Hplrtt I'mvn. Many years ago porhapsacontury or longer when tho Catawba tribo of Indians hunting over the north west portion of our State, thoro was among them a bountiful young eirl, daughter of the bend chief of the tribe, who wn known among the braves by tho title of O-miin-o-rec, or tho Hounding Fawn. Her black and lustrous eye were more terriblo to tho Catawba warriors than the watch-lire of a hostile war-party ; and many a warrior, who pulled his calumcnt in stoic indifl'erenco when tho Hounding Fawn passed near him, would have given hi wealth of horses and wam pums, despite his affected solidity, if hc would have .consented to share his lodgo with him. Hut in vain did they aspire to her hand. 1'ipc after pipe wa smoked between her father and the elder braves but to no purpose and many a one of tho younger war riors walked the war-path alone, in search of some gallant adventure, on which to base his claims nnd still O-man-o-rec romaincd a maid. Wa-hus-pa alone, of all the young braves, had never sued for her band. He wa young and poor, but he was proud and he knew that his spirit could never brook the scornful refusal, which he felt sure would be his lot if he dared to ask the War-lvaglc for his daughter; for Va-hus-pa's face had never felt tho war-paint, and no hos tile scalp decorated his belt. Hut the panther skin which screened the en trance of his lodge was larger by a hand's breadth, every way. than any in the village, and the grizzly moir stor from which it was torn, had fall on beforo his hunting knife in singlo combat. Twice had ho despoiled tho she bear of her cubs, and slain with his ax, when she rushed to avongo her loss. The old men looked with pride on his athletic limbs and splondid form as he sat naked on his horse, nrmed for the chai-e, and predicted that tho fearless and successful hunt er would some day become a thunder bolt to tho enemies of the tribe. Wif-hus-pa never made auit for the Hounding Fawn. Why, then, did the eyes of the maidert glisten with pride when she looked on tho moccasins, the bolt, and tho quivorof the young brave, and saw that they wore formed from the spotted coat of the beautiful ereaturo whose name bore? Why did the blood go Ixninding to her dusky cheek, when she glanced at thespoar- stair whielr was planted in front of his lodge, nnd saw dangling from it his ." medicine bag " of stuffed fawn skin? On the other hand, whence came that daily tribute of fish or veni son which was laid by somo unscon hand at tho door of War-Eliglo's lodge? And on that bright July morning, when O-inan-o-reo was waked from her shady slumber on the bank of tho Catawba, by a well known dreadful rattle and stood transfixed with hor ror at the sight of the hidoous roptilo, which was proparing to givo tho fatal blow, whoso nervous arm nud uner ring cyo winged tho shaft which pin ned tho monster to the oak, at whose base ho was coiled? Many asked Jheso questions, but none could ans wer them, till tho War-F.aglo arose one morning and called in vain for Onian-o-rco to fill his pipe. "Shois bathing with the maidens" said the chief. Hut tho maidens had not seen hor. Nor was it until a whisper reached his ear that Wa-hus-pa, too, was missing, that tho truth flashed upon her father' mind. Then thoro was a mounting in hot haste, and tho war-whoon rung through tho ances tral pines, as the warriors scoured ofi' Sn pursuit. Hut evening orougni them back again, with no trace of tho fugitives. Tho old chief foamed, with rage and sorrow, and hisbrothor tho prophet of the tribo, donned the mytio robe, and with spells ami in cantations, howled out his cursoupon tho flying pair- Meanwhile, Wa-liiis pa's stout gelding had borne tho lov ers gallantly on. Tlueo days aim nights with scarce an interval of res1 brought them to tho lieigborhood of St. Stephen's church, and bore the noble steed gave out. Weary and and faint, tho lovers agreed to rest hero for awhile; and sprending his pather robo beneath a thick houghed holly, tho young bravo placed 0 man-o-reo upon it, and left her to slumber while ho wandered off in search of somo gaino for a meal. Ho hnd not proceed far, bofore ho canio upon a lovelv, half grown doe, reposing be neath thoshndo of a holly; quick as thought, his shaft was on tho string and tho next instant was quivering in hor hoart. Ho sprang forward to se cure his quarry, and boforQ him lay the lifoloss form of his bleeding bride! Thooursoof tho prophet had followod him j'tho spell was upon his senses, D. - ,'.JU JUf !-.- .WiU'tf'aiXljjfig'Sj Ho gazed a moment upon tho horrid sight, then tearing thegarmonts rrom hU body and limb, niched into tho swamp, a naked, howling maniac, and none have mwi a trace of Wa hus-pii since Hut from that hour, tho White Spirit Doe of St. Stephen' hns haunt ed the holly bush by the old brick church. Wtiiit Knve'l Slim. A young wife in 'Miohignn had jut got settled in her Iiomc. All seemed fair and promising, for she did not know hor husband was a drunkard. Hut one night he camo Iwino at a very Into hour, and much the worse fin-liquor. When ho staggored into the hons'., tho wife, who was greatly chocked, told him ho was sick, and to lie down at once, and in a inoioentor two he was comfortably on tho sofa, in a drunken sleep. His face was red-dirh-purp.e, and altogether, he was :t pitiable looking object. Tho doctor was sent for post haste, and mustard applied to his feet and hand. When the doctor camo and folt hi pulse, and examined him and found that he was only drunk, he said : "He will be all right in the mut.i- ing." Hut tho wife insisted that he was very sick, nnd that severe remedies must be used. "You niusi shavo his head and ap ply blUcr-V'she urged "or 1 will send for some one who will." Tho husband's head was according ly shaved closely and blisters applied. The patient lay all night iaa drunk en sleep, nnd, notwithstanding the blintcM wore eating into his flesh, it was not till near morning that It be gan to beat .ilont, disturbed by pain. Alwut daylight ho woke up to a most uncomfortable consciousness of blistered agonies. "AVhatdoes this mean?" ho said, putting his hnnds to his bandaged head. "Lio still; you mustn't stir," said his wife ; "you have bean very siek." ' "I am notniuh." . , ..-.:, -u ,- "Oh, yes.'you a"rc. Yotr'1Irnvl:tIe, brain fever. Wo have worked -with ' von all night." '1 should think you hnd," groaned the poor victim. "What's the matter with my feet? ' "They arc blistered." "Well, I am better now; take otr the blisters do," Impleaded pitoously. He was in a mot uncomfortable state his head covored with soro-, and his feet and hands still worse. "Dear," he said, groaning, "if I should ever get sick in this way again, dont be alarmed and send for a doctor, and, above all, don't blister me again "Oh, indeed I will ; all that savoji you were the blisters ; and if you have another such srll, I shall nioro frightened than cvor, for the tondoncy I am suro is to apoplexy, and from the next attack you are likely to die, unless there are tho scvorest measures used." Ho mado no further defense. Suf fice it to say that honovorhad anoth er attack. -., - (. tie Toneln-cl Him. John- rua-xix, (the late Lieut, (loo. II. IJeiby, I. S. A.,) the, 'American humorist, being one night at a thifr tre, fancied he saw a friend sonii) threo seats in front of him. Turning to his next neighbor ho said, "Would you bo kind enough tp touch that gentleman with, your stick?" "Certainly," was tho reply, and tho thing was done. Hut when the individual thus as saulted turned round, Pluenix saw'hi was not tho man ho took him for, mid at onco absorbed in tho play, leaving his friend with tho stick to settle mat ter with tiio gentleman in front, as bo. had no excuse handy, was not .done without ctmsidornhlo trouble. When the hubbub was over, thD victim said,, "Didn't you toll mesir, to tap that man with my stick?" "Yes." "And what did you want?" Oh," wild Thtonlx with impejtitri able gravity, "1 wanted to uco wheth: or volt would or pot! , Di-uinu h thunder storm a; negro liov was fovcrely kicked by a vigorous, mule, and just as be was picking him self up, a stroke of lighting hit tho nude and killed him on tho spot. Weill, darl" exclaimed the negro, if dis ehilo Imint got pow'inl friends to 'vungohis insults, don -diu's no uso trying to hub lailh in anything." A .mlmv.l bnbv foil from an attic I window tho other day, and tho nipt.- or tolls storv tints: "Voxa, iai oumi was coming down'feot fust, wid every chnnew of being killed, when d? Lnwd, li tin m-d him '-i'. do ohilo struck on lit huad, and time wasn't bo much asubotton flow olf." usto. 'Plfel -'. 5'"iV. - -" ' 3 ti "'AV TS-C"?VVS. i .'.- .6 : ,"! .ff'tvt mi i . y .... )4tWtMk r m.&i''''i'". v'"."