S ?f The Coast Mail.' A MMUMR CASK. teak.! brnrfew'ro tone b ton It. f, I Itsowi moot feltnwa Will, ti Mt4 H-Vm liotieo mriell.tlr, ra.yme, 'm ainmf ami. rim met her did rno tll me AM rt alvail to Rule the queatton Iftif me jroo lrfl too ball room with It mnaia ana U light! fW y r ! flime U brlBfateat gtt th darken of tho nlnht. B WeU, you walked nlnnc tother, nvorhovi ih utarut kr. . And 1111 bet-old man, oonfpaa It You ware fritbitnaa. Ho waa I. yoa Mrnllett Moot the terrace, Ihe ivtinmer moonlight pour All tta Tad I unroot) thh water A Miry rlppieit on the ali-re; Till at length you gathered courage, SiS " "w lba' none were nnjo JM'l Yon draw hercloaa and tell tier Tt yott .oved her. 80 did I. Welt.! needn't nak yon further. Anil I'm mr I wlh you Joy; Think I'll wander down and aeejrnn W&an you're tt arrled eb, my boy? When the honey roi-on mover Andy n'm aMt led down, we'll try WbniT The rtenro yon aaj 1 detected! Yon rejepledr Ho wax ). A i'edeatrifin DUcoTrrcd. "Talking about tlioso riodcslrian oontoala," nuid old Diflfondcrier 10 Judgo Vnn Snyder, as thoy crossed on tho Fotry tho other afternoon, " I shall novcr forget a walking match down nt Now Oi leans just after tho war, ut which I acted us umpire" "llomurkablo time, oh?" asked tho Judge. "Well, tho timo was good enough, 1 boliovoj but that wasn't what made tho contest peculiar. You see there rVroro twenty. two entries, and tho "Valking took place in the Lnko Pon oharlrain raco track. It was a fifty xnilo walk, and all tho monoy in town moat was backed on tho New Or- loans champion. However, there was H littlo bullet headed Canadian, with black oyes, who jumped right into tbo lead at the send off, and got away from tho rest in lino style. 01 courso, all tho knowing ones laughed at this, tccauso they knew tho Can adian would bo all used up and pumped out after tlio first ten miles, when they'd easily pass him. Hut ttomobow ho didn't let uj his gait un til ho had scored twenty miles, when ho went to his tent to rest. Wo took U for granted, that was the end of htm, when, to our surprise, ho jumped into tbo track again in about tire minutes, and pegged away apparent ly as fresh as ever. Well, sir, that little cuss kept it up for about twenty miles more, and when bo stopped again for rest, he was over six miles ahead of tbo crowd. The Now Or leans champion was doing bis level best to reduce this lead, when behold! Out pops tho little cast iron follow Tor a third tunc, and apparently, in better trim than he bad been during tbo whole match. "Hard man to beat, that, put in tho Judgo. Why, it was just impossible to beat him. Ho won by a couple of hours, d tho crowd were so excited ever his performance, that they carried klm in town and gavo him a dinner at tbo St. Charles. 1 sat next to the winner, and tho way that that little Canadian tucked awa5" tho gruo was a caution. Alter a while ho asked to be excused for a luinute and went out. When bo returned to the table lie braced up and started in on the provisions again, just as if he hadu't eaton anything for a week. The way he got outside of a couple of boned turkeys and three bottles of wino was something awful to behold. Just as he was getting to look sorter filled p at last, a waiter brought him a note, and again he asked to bo ex CUficd, and loll the lablo. Presently, back bo comes once more, and the manner in which ho walked into a cold ham and made a roast pig look like a frame houso struck by light ning, just paralyzed tho whole rom- pany, which was waiting lor mm to 5 ret through so as to reply to a toast, last thou I saw tbo note ho had received under his chair, where he had dropped it, ho I quietly picked it up. It road: Deaii Nki: Dout be so all-ilred long winded. Jack in most starved. Come out and let hiui reply to the speeches. Bb anro and come riht up to the room and keep out of sight while he is on deck. Bon. I kinder saw through the whole thing at once, so, as 1 passed tho po- ; Uestnan anotiicr pie, isaiu caruicsaiv, "Kinder good appetite this evening, Jack." 'Yes, walking makes mo powerful hungry," uaid ho. "Shan't I order you a few hard Vollod eggs, Bob?" said I. Ke looked at mo sorter sidowaysa moment, and then said: "No, I guess I'm doing pretty "well," "Bon't yon think a couple of por-' ter house steaks would kinder brace you up, Nod?" says I. He turned white as a sheet. "For Jieavon's sake, spoak low," ho whis perod, "I soo you know wo are trip lets, and havo put up a littlo job on "the boys, xion t give us uway, aim tr, and we'll divide tho gate money I adfrtakos with you." j "Wyou didnH accept his oiler?" i aid Jdgo Van Snyder much inter- 'httre0W iw'ell I disromombor exactly AteKit that," said old Diftoudorfer, TM)y "Its boon a good whilo ago, ttwa '" Bat jui hero tho boat landed, and tby re uoparatod by the crowd, but all the jmmo, tho Judgo will go to Jl grave couvinced that tho tsold fotrta (a the case of tho great New Ort wlkiK match havo novcr ally HUWO uniu now. - Tke is a yotmar mechanic at work for - SIL-w. s. Mvmoutli county. Mass.. wSw Wher.gnwdUUieraudgreat-l ZZSiZLr worked boforo him; and i bfc awadMker is mow employed, SJSK- of oae imily employ; rtL.rf.ta. .-i tVUaU eft btk wuwr MHopaay, "d all within timy-wve yn. Tfc tt i tae Juno occurred in IM 0y fawt week. AtiRlCULtUK.U, K.rKRlMRNT8 WITH WltBAT.TllO , roport or experiments by S. M. Tracy, professor of oconotnlo botany at the Agricultural College of tho Univer sity ol Missouri, shows that with 44 variotlos of winter wheat, tho JRod May ripened Juno Oth, and yielded 32.0-1 bushels por aorc, and weighed 02 pounds; Full riponod Juno 12th, yioldod 35.90 bushels, and woighod t Otf pounds; JJiohl ripened Juno 12th, yioldcd 30.G0 bushels, weighing Gl i pounds ; Trcadwoll ripened Juno 20th, yielded 62.33 bushels, weighing J Gl pounds. I Although ovory varioty, with ono oxecptton, gavo a larger yield in 1879 than in 1878, tho most marked in. crcaso is shown in tho .Russian kinds. I which gavo an averago yield of 31.20 bushels per acre in 1879, against 18.22 j bushels in 1878. Thoy all scorn very , hari'y and stand ap well, but tlio 1 proportion of straw is greater than j in tho American varieties. Tho Or I egon varieties have all boon disoard. I od excepting tbo Oregon club, which yioldcd less than tho average this year, but moro than the averago for tho two years. It wus lound that from the begin, ning of harvest to Juno 2lst, in 1878, and to Juno 20th, in 1879, there is but littlo difference in the yiold, but that after tlioso dates, especially in 1878, the yield decreases. Tho actual decrcaso was greater than is indi. catcd by tho table, as 18 varieties which yielded less than 15 bushels to tho acre, and arc not included in the table, all ripened Juno 29th, or later, in 187S, and Juno 21st, or later, in 1S79. With a selection from tho va rieties ripening boforo Juno 21sl, the time of harvest oxtends over thirteen days, which in most cases is sufficient timo to enable tho cultivator to har vest his crop when it is in just tho right stage. Professor Tracy tbinkB that by a proper selection of seed during a series of years it will doubt less bo possible to extend somewhat the lime of harvest. Several of tho varieties which suc ceeded best in 1S7S, and a few of the varieties received last fall, were sown on the college farm. With these crops, Jlr. Maddox. farm superin tendent, reports the iollowiug re sults. " Clawson, two fields yield 23 and 2G bushels per acre; silver chaff, 20 bushels; Fultz, two 4lelds, 1G and 2."i bushels. These crops were all raised on dry white oak ridges which have bceu in cultivation for many j'cars, and have received almost no manure. On one field where Zim merman was almost a failure in 1878, Sanford and Smooth Mediterranean were grown and yielded 13 bushels per acre. Mold's white and Mold's red gave only 1 1 bushels to the acre." Keeping Winter Fruit. Apples should be gathered as late as possi ble before cold weather, and should bo picked with the hand to insure soundness. Pack carefully in a clean, tight flour barrel, shako down gently and bead up; placo in a cool, sbady shed, that is well open to tho air, or on the north side of a build ing, and cover up tbo tops with boards. La- tho barrels on their sides on rails, and if very cold cover up with cornstalks. Keep out of doors as lato as possible, and then remove to a cool, "dry cellar, where air can be admitted on pleasant days. Here, also, tbo barrels should be laid on tbeic sides and on rails. Pears should bo allowed to buug on the trees until frosty nights, when they should be carefully hand-picked and wrapped separately in paper and packed in shallow boxes, where they can bo easily examined, for some of them will probably rot. Jveep cov. ered to prevent shriveling. Place in a cool, dry cellar, and as they begin to ripen, brini: into a warm room and wrap in woolen cloth, and their flavor will be highly increased. Grapes can be kept well into the winter if caro is exercised. Choose the late ripening sorts, such as Clinton, Catawba, Diana, isabolla, etc. Select tho finest and moat ma turod bunches, carefully cutting out the decayed grapes, if any, being careful pot to disturb the bloom; after sweating a few days on a shelf in a cool place, pack in baked saw dust or cotton batting, one layer of sawdust and one layer ot grapes, and fl0 on. kcep at an orea temperature nnd cool as nossible at about freez ing point. Lake View Horticultur ist. I'nrm Mo Ira. Cooking soda, dissolved in water to saturation, is as fatal to potato bugs as Paris green. The Newbury port Herald knows this to bo a fact. Land laid down with clover is bet ter than money in bank, drawing more interest than any bank can pay and compounding tho interest of tencr. A correspondent of tho Mussachu setts Plowman has had continued success, year after year, in raising nliinis. where hens were confined in tho yard where tho troes were ",'j; j aim', lie BUPl,( rue uens aio i um ., pposes. ; atntnd that Indian corn ..i.n.i intn r-liui-coal will make val . " uable condiment lor poultry. U will put tbo Iiouh in good health, and cause a general toning up of tho sys tem that will bo seen in moro and hotter eggs. Gardening is regularly and practi. cally taught in more than 20,000 primary schools in Franco. Every School houso has its garden, and teachers must bo not only good gardoDers, but qualified to teach horticulture, or they cannot pass ox. amlnation. It will bo found desirable, whon " washed, to use a soil Horses arc- wu. , spongo uu v. ... '-,". ., bo! o soap fa. been d Ubo vd. . romovos tho etrong pungent smell, greatly refreshes tho animals, and Crotch CenrbiklH. A shy young man of Sootlaud for fourteen years had wood the lussio of his heart. Ono night Jnmio for Unit was his namo called to see Jennie, nnd thoro was it torriblo look about tho oyes, just as thoro is some times whon they've mndo up their mind to pop tho question. And Jamio camo in and sat down by tbo fire, just as ho hnd dono ovory night for fourteen yoars, and ho talkod about tbo woathor, and tho cattle, and tho crops, nnd tho stock nmik-nL I was going to say but no, thoy didu't talk about that; and finally Jannosnid: "Iy'o known you for a long timo." "Yes, Jnmio." said sho. "And I'vo thought I'd always liko to know you, Jonnie." "Y o-s Jamie." "And so I'vo bought a lot, Jonnie." "Yes, Jamie" "So that when " "Yes, Jamie, vcs." "We're dead wo can lay our .bones logetner. Tho fool had gone and bought a lot in a graveyard, but Jonnio was net discouraged. Sho know her man well after fourteen years sho ought to and so sho said softly: "Jamie.1' "Yea, Jennie." "Don't you think 'twould bo hot tor to lay our bones together whilo wo'ro yot alivo ?" ".Hill tarjlionor." A sergeant ot dragoons lias been before a court-martial at Berlin on the charge of assaulting and muti lating a tanner of Grunan. Tho dis ciple of Dollona was in Grunan on business, and was quartered at the houso of his victim. Ho mudo him self obnoxious to his host in various ways, and finally, coining in to din ner drunk, ho took out his saber and laid it on tho tablo beside his plate. Tho farmer asked him what ho did that for. "Nothing less than n saber or a saw will cut the meat you givo me," was tho reply. Tho agriculturist went out and brought in from tho barn-yard a pitchfork, which bad been used to distribute dung, and which ho laid down on the other side ot tho war rior's plate remarking: "You need a strong fork for such a niio. Tho sorgeant took umbrago at this eareasm and commenced, inconti nently, to carve the author of it with his saber. The latter was foolish enough to resist, and was badly hurt. He made a complaint, and the au thorities arrested tho man of war, and handed him over to his regiment for judgment. "Can you offer any excuse for your violence?" asked tho president of the court martial. "To bo suro I can," was tho reply. "What is it?" "Honor, sir." "Honor!" "Military honor, sir. Havo not I, a voteran of two wars, tho right to joke with such a low dung grubbing civilian without his exercising his gross wit on mo in return? As tho divine Schiller says " "Wo aro not trying Schiller here. You aro sentenced to three months' arrest, double guard duty for six months and tbo loss of a stripo." WISE -SAY108. Rivalry is only feared by inferior minds. Books aro the welcome companions of the lonely. A moment of eternity will servo to solve the riddles of all time. Peace baa made greater conquests than war has ever achieved. The mainspring f man's action is hid den from view, a is the mainspring of a watcn. Women's rights are tho rights that God has given them, to be looked up to, respected and beloved by men. Misunderstandings aro frequently the cans of numberless dissensions, that olten coukl do rectineu y iranKne. There is wisdom in battling lwldly with an adverse faith; there is a deeper wisdom in a quiet submission to tho in evitable. Tho patriot is ho who obeys his coun try's laws, and if they are oppressive and unjust serves earnestly ana in proper limits to rectify them. The world is a leo-hive in which we are all hnnting for homey; the few are successful, but tho many only receivo stings and pains in tho effort. Hoimj thrills the heart and nerves the arm to heroic exertions; despair paralyzes tho soul, benumbs the brain, and makes of its victim an unburied corpse. Joy has swift wings, and but briefly tarries with us ere she resumes her flight, but sorrow, with plumage black, and weary wing, long delays hor depar ture. There is a famo that endures and a fame that is transient; ono in written with indelible ink on the pages of his tory, and one is traced by faint icncil marks, that Timo, tho greatest eraser, noon obliterates. On tho high seas of life all cannot ex pect to bo captains, but the humblest member of a crew, if ho attends faithfully to duty, wiJl receive due compensation in tho log book of eternity. It is an unpleasant task to chide a friend for faults, anil though the un pleasant duty should o performed, if wo have true friendship for tho erring, it should bo done in tho kindest and inont delicate manner. Ciianoe ov Location. Those enter prising young dealers, Messrs. Coggins i- Iteach, havo been compelled by in erasing business to make a change to quarters where they could havo moro room, and havo therefore moved to 10.1 Front street, in tho store formerly occu pied by T. A. Davis k Co. Tho lire only retarded them for a few days, and thoy are now fully recovered from lU effects and aro prepared to fill all country and city orders promptly. By the incoming trip of tho Elder thoy have U00 cases of glass, and othor goods will bo forwarded by ovorv steamer. The firm is bound to push to tho front in the line of business in which they aro engaged, and we eorn mend them to our readers as fair dealing, liberal men and deserving of patronage. K LKAMINH BtMINr.N1 HOWIE, Messrs, Walter Brothers, of Portland, tho well-known donlcrsjin floor and wall furnishing goods, having just opened their spleudid now store nt No. 85 First street, in tho now Oro Pino lllock, wo doom it a 1U opportunity to toll our read-' ... ...l.l ...... il.t..l- 1 i .,. I ; vm iium u uiuiK nuout ineir imsuiewi and business facilities, This houso was established in this city in 18C2, nnd has an enviablo reputation as ono of our old and substantial houses, lloing a branch of tho old houses of Walter Brothers of Now York nnd D. N. nnd R Walter & Co. of San Francisco, their facilities for tho selection and sup ply of their enormous stock aro unox-' colled. On tho right ns you enter may Iw seen their lnrgo upholstoring deportment, consisting of covering goods, such ns reps, dnmnsks, plushes, etc., with springs, cas tors, gimps, tneks and nil luticlo to make tho upholsterer's full stock. On tho left from the floor to the coiling are dingounl sholves loaded with wall paper, from the very cheapest to tho finest decorations. Tho center of tho store contains enor mous piles of wall paper nnd floor oil cloth in bulk. Horo are also coir and Napier mnttings, China mnttingSj mats, window shades, nnd window furnishings and fixtures of nil kinds, with ninny other things too numerous to mention. A nent modo of utilizing space hns lieon adopted by running n gallery and balustrade nround the sides, half way up to tho ceiling, with a bridge across tho center of tho store, nnd i stnirwoy lead ing up so as to facilitate tho inspection of goods on high shelves. Tho main store is IWxlOO feet, with n neatly fur nished and elegantly lighted business of flee in tho rear, which commands a view of tho whole storo. A basement tlSxllH) affords a tluo packing room and storage for all bulky goods hi bales. Wo now coma to an ensv flight of stairs leading to the grand hall above. Our eye is attracted ly the finest uewell-post in tho city supporting the lcautiful hand-rail nnd balustrade. Arriviug at the top mo found a room 50x100 feet J tho largest on this coast, for tho display of carpetings. We are as sured thoro is not such n room in San Francisco. Hero are carpets of nil styles, shades nnd grades, from the very cheapest to tho finest known in the trade. Oil olotlis from three to twenty-four foot wide; a lino lino of Ineo curtains, of nil styles nnd prices; rugs nnd mats of nil kinds, including now designs of rubbor mats. Wo were particularly interested in tho fine lot of Turkish umts jitht im ported by this house. Their chief lcnuty consists in the harmonious blending (if colors and the softness of their texture, making them very agreeablo and pleas ant to eyo and foot. They .are made by hand nnd their patterns are peculiar, no two ever In'ing made exactly alike. The mat or rug M le was tho origimd form of a carpet invented by tho ancients, made of suitable sizes, so as to spread upon tho floor when occasion required. 1-gvpt is credited with lteiiig the country that first used carpets or floor covering as an article of luxury in her ancient days of splendor. This was home time before Portland was founded, or even the house of Walter Uros. was es tablished. Persian carpets are men tioned in the Scriptures. The ancient royal carets of Paris required from five to ten years in their construction, and cost a princely fortune. The use of car pets has increased more in the last lift v ycors than that of any other commodity of equal ancient origin, the use of ma chinery bringing their price within tin reach of everybody. The United States in proportion to tho population is by far the greatest consumer of carets, of all the nations of tho world. In fact from the verv poorest hovel to the palace, the carpet Is a prime necessity, nnd Walter Bros, nre prepared to meet the wants of all grades. On this iloor is also a work ing room whero busy fingers aro sewing 1 and making up carpets, draperies, etc. Hero are cornices, stair rods and all sim ilar accessories for houso convenience and embelishments. An elevator furnishes convenience for shipping and storing goods. Tho whole establishment is well lighted throughout and presents an attractive aspect. Enormous quantities of goods nre con stantly arriving. Wo notice that n par ticularly fine lino of chintz camo in on the last steamer. No letter selection of goods in their line can bo found at anv store in tho United States. hHATCIIKD Kill J n TJIK (JKAVK. On a recent visit to Dr. Keek's office, we there had tho pleasure of meeting Mrs. P. H. Feker, daughter of Dr. Win. Jolly, of Washington county, nnd now tho wife of a well-known citizen of Mc Minnville. This lady stated that for three months sho had been afflicted with that terrible disease, cancer of tho womb. After being treated by one physic-inn without receiving any lwnefit, nnd tho cancer in tho meantime rapidly enlarging until it attained tho size of a man's fist, causing tho most excruciating pains, sho consulted several physicians of high standing in tho profession, who, upon examination of her caso pronounced it incurable, and said that sho must die. Believing that her sjcedy demise was certain sho accordingly modo tho neces sary pro-mortuary arrangement of hor affairs. But her father, who is also an old physician, advised her to pluco herself under Dr. Keek's treatment, which, with very slight hoies of recovery, sho con sented to do. In nbont six weeks from t that timo tho Dr. removed tho cancer from her, root and branch, restoring Jun to husband, family and friends; and sho expresses hersolf aA being now in tho en joyment of excellent health. Through gratitude to tho Doctor, whom sho regards ns tho savior of Jier life, and for tho benefit of those who are now, or may yet be, similarly afflicted, she desires tho publication of tho foregoing a re quest to which we eheorfnlly accede. InroiiTANT to Faiimeiw. Tho want of a reliable book by which to calculate tho value of wheat in this market when quoted nt any price in tho Liverpool nnd London markets has long lioen felt, but . which is now happily niet in tho , "Wheat Dealers' auido," compiled by ! J. It. Farish, munager of the Morchnnts Exchango, this city, and which ho ' has arranged to sell at tho exceedingly ' lu- nrico of 2.1 cents nor copy- cash to , accompany orders. It is very important to any and all who sell wheat to bo ablu In le than livo lulnutoa to toll (an Hioy can from thin book) tho price of wiieat n tliiH niarKet wnon uafu un b"" iirifOH, wJilch govern tho markets on thin ooast. Calculations aro wnrmntoil thor- oughly correct. . A Denluon, Tex., girl's foot was hadly wounded, resulting in lockjaw. A ijliy sician was called, and terror at tho sight of tho edged instrument produced a re action, and the girl was well hefore any thing could bo dona for hor. An Ankciiotm or this Lati: Oiiam.ks Ijrvku. Tho lvto Charles Loer, Con sul nt Trioslo, had aceompniiied his daughter to London. Lord Lytton, hearing or his arrival, Invited him to dinner. "Ah, Lover!" said ho, giooliiiR l.t.. . i.l.iti vim inii iilitn In nllilfl. You will im-ot your chief, Clarendon," ,u . .. )..! .!.. ,....... AIT..!.. Vnn- itiieii iUiiunier oi "n'mu ainumii ...... t...v.w lin.1 iimlHiul llio fnnniilitv of ill) plvlng to leave. "I fear I mini retire; im noso is bleodinir." ho replied, making for tho door; which nt Hint moment opened, Lord Olnrondon being nn nouneod. After shaking hnnds with tho host, U is Lordship espied Iaivor before lie could make good his retreat. "Ah, Mr. Lovorl I didn't know you were in England. I didn't oven know you hnd asked for leave." "No-o-no, my lord," stammered tho witty novelist, "I thought it would be more respectful to Your Lordship to come In and ask for it in person." AiTKii Thirty Ykviis. A Kansas City paper says: Giles Paris, aged colored nmn who enmo to Wyandotte ono Sunday, tolls quite n rotnnrknhlo story of finding his daughter after a nepnration of thirty years. Ho states that about thirty years ngo, he now being n man of nearly seventy years old, his daughter, then n voung girl, was taken ft out him nt Lex ingtoin, Mo., when she was sold to some parties going South. One Sunday, not long ngo; ho came to this city, nnd whilo walking up Main street snw n young colored woman coming towards him, nnd, although n quarter of n century had passed over his head since ho had seen her, still he recognied his daughter, nnd upon going up nnd speaking to her found that ho was corioct, ami that it was his ilntitthtcr Jane who stood before him. It is needless to state Hint the lounion was a happy one. His- daughter had Ih'oii working in this oit for some years, whilo ho waslivingnt Big Stranger, com paratively a few miles distant. -I ii in iklnic nn.i i ii it'll tar or In Mr II. I UK I rfiiiouit tiiiy niltcrllsriii- lit In III mier )u will i'nf iiii-mIIum iIip mhdiI Hit trr, Portland Business Directory PHYSICIAN AMI Sl'llOKU.V. CAIIPWKI.I.. W. 11, -H. K. cor. KliM nJ Mor rUon, ner Mor'u'ii I'alaco of An. uK.vnsT. SMirit, lilt. V.. O.-IGT ,Klrt utrrt't, I'urtlim I. Mil. W.M.I.Af'K unil I'ollrri. r. imimplly tt-ti!i'il t'i ,iS 'ItKT DKTKintVK tl-KI1ltl lit II lIl.tHIIO i' I Ii 'iil "Hliaon MONKV I.ONKI -IIDOtw IIOlHIIll-' LYi I'nKliico Sul 1 V- flit Collrrlisl. T. A. WOUII A K I) . I'rlnclnl Hp1 K'talp Arnt I'-rtliinil Til IMtlX I I.S Wh imvi'WKI pounil t llr vlfr In cicllrtil nnlvr which w will "'II f r 'ttivnl ih-i louml. W. I I'aI.xI- It. r.ntliiinl. ADDISON C3IIIIIM. A 1 1 ovimy V Ctti n-t'ttii'N it Iu-vr Portland, : : : Oregon. Rooms S and "'.over First Xutioimi Hank t'arllcuUr aunitl hi ilt lu luinltirtt In Ihr Uullrtl Mill" diurti- FOR SALE. A First-Class Lodging House NTIIK UKsTI'itUrilK l'OK'l 1, M, Wlt.t. A b nil'l nn e O-1111-. rii" linii.t-Im-c imrril J.Jtj pr inonlli u .l.lrr l' Ti lll iiiuii m inni ruin uiln In li ntlil 1 1 ion. Aililtfrn Th.uhkm i Me- I'ot I imi. GEMS! GEMS! GEMS I G. H. JUOKINS. Morrlnuu Nlreft, ftenr tlto I'ual oilier, t'Oliri-AWII, tHMJO., la prepHrril lo furnluli 36 firms for M crnl; lSdriuiiUnU.il Opiiik for M ri-ntu; 12 chpI Iu for It 2S; I ltoii-tiin for gl; S.U, Id frump, tl A0. ClillJrcm plctiiro a ifclUy. II COGCIN8 & BEACH, Wholesale anil Uttall Dealer In AVERILL AND RUBBER MIXED PAINTS. Doors, Windows and Blinds, Paints, Oils. Brushes, etc., etc. 103 from N I reel, I'urllnnil, Or. "(Formerly ocrupleJ by T. A. Duvln A Co.) Cnntraclom and IVlen are riiirtej end forourll.lof price". I NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. I'rrparr for llnllir nil thn nractlriil iliuleinl Bllf In u Bl iiihIIo cruimo ol I nairucilon III noon raninx lllllneM KurniK, lluailipo Vrltluiivtlo IVnninrmlilpund li Knallali llraiiehm. Koi Irull liiforninllon mlilreiia l)e h-tinc A Whit J,rtln,ul ROCK SOAP! Xlio BMt Houp Alntlc. Aak yonr Orocnr for It. M. GJ. INIUWUliJItltY, iaa KrontMt , Irtlnnl,Or. Avent for On-Kon and W'oHlilnulon Termor' KRIBS&M'MILLEN, JJBALtCns IN Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves, COOKING RANGES AND HEATING FURNACES. Manufacturer of nil kind of TIN COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE. Itooling and all kinds of Job Woik Piomptlynttouded to So. 10J Flint HtKl, l'nrllnnil, Oregon Jewelrv, Watches, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, . . fippaiv Rprliiporl Prtrnn i At breauy iieaucea rnces. ' t No Failure, No Forced Sale, No Deception, j , To mnko room for a new clock of gool wlilcli I sin about lo w;let ieronally Inllio ICimt and hi Hurojic, I oiler all article hi my lino At Coat During September Guatoinor are invited lo rail and Imtwct, ami Ijecouvhiceil of tliu good faith of my eUUmieut. J. VAN BEURDEK. WM. COM.tKtt. A.OAMI'UKM. TJIVIOIV XXIOIX WOKKS, ISOtVWSOIW TO C0M.IU' WON WOIIKB.I MACHINISTS AND IRON FOUNDERS lllArkamttlilnit and repairing Uona at nhort iwllpn IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Hiwlsl Allrntlnn itlvcn to Wish! WoikltiK macliliiM. 'rirr front nnri MntuNiritu I'w tlnnil, lrmii. DR. JAMES KECK, So famed for his grent success In tho trenl nii'iit nnd euro of CATARRH. Can. will nnd dot", positively, rsdlrnjly, palnlcHslv, nnd uilhoul Hit tw of the kvft, CURE CANCER. if ,.i!ii..i,,.l i.-iiii iMd iiiri-ltiti) ilUeiiie. heretofore usually fatal, do not, as you value vonr lire, submit to the munloroiw butcherv of a siiruli'iil operation, . hlj'li In variable leaves portions of the roots in tho llosh us jrrHi,nml nil the rnneeroiis humor In the system ns Jml for tho growth nnd development of ono or mow cancers, moro pnlnful, Inrtsor nnd deeper soiilud Mum tho first. ... ,, W Dr. Keek's method, tho cancer, IT not "too farndviuu'i'd, isdrwW by modi cine, administered Internally, nnd thus curried from the system, nour to return; ami In tho more advanced singes, it Is re moved bv a tncllclnal iipplliatl'tu to the part, iiiid'thn medicine I used inlcrnally lo cleanse the system of the eanituoiis humor. Do not o humlmwd bv physicians who will show yon a number of cancer liiit...!. mil r.i... .i.illi'tilhl ,11111 tllllMITYIMI 1IIIIIUI?, 1IH lllllll ,...,... ...... In glass jars. Tine, tho cancers nre there, but too often tho patients from whom thuy were cut, can ho found only in the grave. fall nnd see the Dortor. nnd, instead or shotting you piintod or written ceillll rales, he will relur you to reputable, liv ing iltlrens of Portland nnd eNewhere, who will gratefully testify that they have been permanently cured by him, even after having been pronounced incurable and left to die bv oilier physUisns. Olllei) consultation free. Chronic and diseases peculiar to women a specialty. Oliice. l.T) First si,, Strou bridge's build ing, Poitlniid. Oregon. olfilm riiU llninUunir Aiiirlnui la m aninili id Ilia lj fn ninlklliril Ittniir II. Iiilrnli.il iHlnloicnr ol AQUARIUMS, FERNERIES. LAWN VASES 6c ORNAMENTS. BraokotH and Chondoliors. Tlir namiilcitiown liolu3,tMonof water; la mucin of heavy 111 u t ulsna, with I ltilyorn nieiiled Iron alHiid hiuI braaa clmloa iidnrna inenK I'rlcn IT. Hume Hyla holdliu m gal lima of Mfilrr wlthoiil clmlna, V Ullmt aril rlra al iiroixirllonuiely low urlca. Calaloaua lu rnita, wuleli muy Ihi dwluctnd from Ilia nrl uraer. L. SAMUEL. 113 Morrison St.,' Portland, Or. Solo Arjont for Oroflon, WmhIi incjtou nnd Idaho. ATTENTIO.M J AVI) DON'T YOU FORGET IT ! THAT THK CHEAPEST PLACE IN OREGON TO 11UY CLOTHING, DRY GOODS BOOTS & SHOES, AND GROCERIES, Cur. I'lrat mill Yniulilll. I'orllnml, CASL.CHT FOR THE MILLION ! Safer than Korosono ! Choapor than Coal Gas ! Bu'N." AITO NTKI1 AOKNTrl KOH TUB Hiirliiiinalil am MHrlilne, we urn niiir t re. jiured h; Inlroduro Macliliira H pjm. ft J. hirra, He, Into Couatry lUalilcricea. Ho(U. KiM-Uirlfi. I'ulillo iiuiiiiiiiVN. !., m any part of he Hlulo or Tcrrllorl.-. Kor fnrtlipr fiifonii". lion apply or Plid forclrniUm. """"" JOI'NHON A IKIMIKS, UWKronlHI., I'ortlanil.Or, TRENKMANN & WOLFF, MACHINISTS, And ManufucMiriira of Tools for PJiiiilMtf, Mnlillntr ami Turnlnir. C'atllr llrniiiU, Iron llniiae Wurh. Iron MhIHi.k rur mile., nuUli kliiVa of llrnwury w,u iiimiIh lu oriler. Al.o Kariii Machinery iBiialrrdonMinrt nottpa Mill I'loka mude iiuil rupalrt-d, Nd.eitnuiloi froiilHtitei.i'arllniiil.Or. BE3bVHBmKJ . LataTaTaaaaBaaaaaatlv.aaaJBadlB aSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiV'Q aMaaaaaPiaiBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVVHBaV !m III II annaaWtfaraVr - tfK JLIm aPfe! AlaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaH IwfiatU. -'"fJririfHHai CLACKAMAS PAPER CO. Manufacturers and, Dcntcrs In PAPER 102 Front Strnot, Portlnud, Or IN STOCK: NKWH lMUNT, While nnd Coloird. HOOK I'Al'KI'H, Whilo and Tinted FLAT lWIMJHH.ofidl doseilptioiiH, LK1X1KH I'APP.HH. KNVKl.Ol'F.M. of nil slosuud inuilitiei W1UTINO I'Al'liUH, CAHDllOAUDof nil kinds. (ILA.Hl) AND 1'liATI'l) I'AIM'.KN COLOIU-'I) MI'iDll'MS. MANILA 1'AI'KHH. lU'TCIl KltS' I'AI'Fill. HTHAW I'AIM'lt. PAl'HU ll.UIH. STUAW nnd IIINDI'ltK' IIOAUDH. TWISTS, I'te.. Kto. Curd Out to Oriler. AoontH rorSluiltuok A RntoluM'a woll-known Hlnok iind Colorod Inltn. TYPE FOR SALE. Wo lmvo Nizoral fonts of Jnli 'Pijin (iii'arly now), which wo will wll Ihm (.'iiHi'd, (iiillni, liiiulit, Kuli'H ntul PrhiterH iH'ooK-wuii'H gi'iionif kept on hiiiul. Ni'wriniirs outlHd'd at lit pruv -froinht iiddod. WJ.VanSohuyver Co. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. 03 KlOHl aiiil O'J flr.l !,, I'lllllaiti., Adt'Nn Kill! CyixiB Noblo DlNtlllory l.f mliljiirg Ohio A l' arrp nn hand a ltK at. iilmriil i'f III lot liittliijr faioillr till! of Will UII I'Nnr.n wi: sr.vs'ii WKI.I.KItw III.H llill'llinis tM.NTtN'KSPXt. II'II'IJII IV Ol.ll HHKOItV IIOl'Ull i (it.n coi'i'i:it iiMrn t.i. ti it K Porrlen and llom. aiir inr. Ilrsnille dm, Hum, mil all llir trailing Ui niuU of Ultur ami t'nar doudi, i iii.it . d'lUnnri Mll.n'U'KKK IIKKK. M'MURRAY'S Adjustabh- Slralnor ANH , CAST IRON STEAMER. Kltlicr or llotli Kit tod to nnj Slir. ''Mi: STKAMM1H Wir.I. h.U'l THK priiii of lln-niH'lvrt in turouirki in nnr family Tliry ran li iiwal Willi i.iual ailvantaii In doilltiR, aa It l nn.aibln In I. urn inrat r vi);ntMlii U IIik Uilloin of juiir ki'llli S lirll llinr am iimh hi nloniiunc, wliao-vir y hi an. OaiklllK U IllPliln i f I lie VpIIIi, llirnl x-tlinx llio full l-nrU of llm liral Tl"-y ari' Ju-l wtiil l wanlnl in ciuunni? fruit KillnT tin' '-I'll nrr orrirmrr tan ! triiminl mill n kinfo rrfufl wlitn ii, ami ri' tnilj adjiiiti) No nirnrrt orJiilnU alitil ritlicr lliiit arn lunl .i Lrrji clrn Knlil l) AjiriiU On in ( rula .! Connty Iliuhta for Sale, Aililrraa JAMI'-S MtMfltlt.W, )Ut roiilmni, Or, Ml) KINSTUY'S 1'ATEHT ELASTIC, FIRE & WaER-PROOF PAINT! For Hoollnir hoth on 'J In nml Hhlnfflra rMXlKIIKHTI'llKSKUVATIVKOI'TINANII aliluKli- riMira In lli u tirlil Will aluii Irak nn any roof, Wi mfrr Ii) prrinUalmi (ii J I Ikinnvup, Jnlra Knapp, Allaky A llnvnlr, I" Ijialimnll ,i Oniinaii.Miiil oihur rlllfpiia of 'ortlaml. Tim paint will lie tippllixl liy llodiir. IImvI" A Co., I'orllnml, al l ti) per ! Ion. Kacli Kallon will p ivit J', aouaria Un and I iliare aliliiKln roof -Iniloiin mat la HIP raaary Full illrtclloiiaurcninpaiiy each park UIIS. All llirflrmullnu ullli ..wii..l u. I... njlnl ran Iw lind ty HildrraaliiK Mf'KI.N'HTKV .t IIKNIIIIYX, I'lirllaiid, dr. LIME ! LIME ! Tlic mull rlKiii Im In). H, niiiailnliil afifnit for tlio (-t'lebrnlisl "LUUKKk" Ht.N JUAN I INK, W'nillll rPIMYtfllllv lull llin nil, ...II, in .if ilrnlrra HHl llilllr.l'lnra to llmt liriiml lu.rurn nun liualllK i lanwlirrr, Wo ulinll t mliNivnr to kwii n full "" ply on Imml ut nil Ilnii'a unil ut thn toMC-at tiinrki t ruti-i. WAIIIIanN A r.l.l.lKTT JOHN J. 8CHILLINCeR'8 Patent I'lrr, Walrraml I'roal Iroof AltTIFICIAL STONJ3. T'..K. "NUKIlHlllNKI) I'HOI'IIIKTOlt l)K llila viiluuliln iialriil on llio 1'arlfla l!onli Know priipHii-il lo i'xiuiiih all nnlura for lint iiImivb aume for walk, ilrlvca cilMia, llooia. and hII liiilliHuir nurpoara Tlila alima I laid In ull almpMimd III any iiilor nr vailaiyof fi. i. !!r,le.7 .M"y ,") I'! "Hi I'mutaira-l iippnallellia Hollon I'ou.p, Pnrlliuid, Ti-rnia given ami rallmat madu liv mall, OH AH, II. OlJIIUkooi' I'mprletor, . W. PRENTICE 6c CO. MUSIC STORE. H0I.B AflKNTM KOIt THK CELEBRATED WEBEH, "flAINKfl A IlltOH.' ANH H-AHK A CO "J Katay and blandurcl Oiifana, Ian rirat Slrewl, IMrllaiKl frrtfOH rivofl away fl'o' IS I . ? j. ,' '. - ,,' :-. uuMliBiriJ)Wiigi tuiaaittj-niiniii. . ,. fe' ' '"" Wiii i l 1 ,- w0Mmmvm0 '