The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, August 09, 1879, Image 4

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WsRaWiWsw U.Ds.tM1av1
K nr.etslldt
Var lm si mm trko km nintAy
Ottrsranr WlHlajMa .
Mm start or Jefferson,
" Tto rs buHBe i. picking up."
ihrt DoniaU, And the old boat Wt
mm k golag to the dogs.
""WIiImi ia looklMHp. Yoa
MtHta't my k tana strikes tkeUUany
mmts. Ho suites a driro."
Tk koUM-gles bold tholr Wfralar n.
t MnvefiUo tk first o( thia month.
mmI MkiMOHatx resolved to adopt lsst
ysae's plMfonu -wltliout any changes.
ABsltiwor publishing lionso ha
iaelavolnmo of rroesas entitled
Tha brokea lamp." Ah, ha? An-
uoa-oxplosiro kerosene disaster.
TtJ8aSa,o lirprwa has it f rota Mr.
TildM blw that (feaeral Qrant will
Mai om homo at all, or if bo does, he
trHlooata entirely -unheralded and on
'Wsoaa't understand why BUnle?
MaHkerrs does cot oomo ou and de-
elis Iks presidential nomination. Tho
flrti thing ho knows it -will bo too Uto.
W declined it eis, 'weeks ago.
"Wbiletbero'a Wo there's bopo."
Possibly, aud yet tho native who was
bot is. New Zealsad last winter can't
bar vacy WHch bop of being Prosl
ttaat t Use United States in ISaO.
Tt Vably o man ao tally realise
Um bHuwaaa ot lUeaad human, ambi
tie m Mm man who ladles a taaapoon
(al jaaw-kOd bona radish into bis
tantfc.-adactlt iaapraasioa that it is
iee ereava.
MTba ebr real bitter tears. bits
ee, " at tkosa ahad is selitada."
atay bet yoar Ufa that philosopher
aaw a tea year old boy cowing
oat of the weed abed in conpaay
km rawer awi a axaw strap.
Sarah Barahardt, the actress, k aa
reaseaably thia, and when a Freaeh
paper wants to be fanny about her,
ban's the way it goes to work: " An
asapty carriage stops, and who ia it
steps est? Sarah, Bernhardt.
A lVogattsport woman wants a divorce
jet Iraeattso her husband goes to bad
with bis bat and boots on. And now
we ask, ia all reason, docs tho woman
waat a man to go to bed in this weather
with a pair ol arctieaand a far-lined
mister ea ! t aa't a bat and a pair of
boots eswmgh?
Yfaej are pointing with pride, down
ia Kentucky, to a fanner who appro
priatea the yearly product of one acre
ot bis fara to bnjing reading matter.
Yea, aad pata nearly ercry foot of the
ether ee baadred and fllty-niae acros
ia tebaeee, the anisaal that be is. A
ate exassple that is, to boast of.
TH wosaea are d resting so ranch
Hfee lb aem that half the tkne a yonng
SaMereaa't tell, aatilthebuBp s snraed
ap, whether he is oeespyiag the big
reeking chair with the girl of hu heart
r her brother. When it tarns oat to
be the letter, the saeeeediag develop
ments are, to say the least, very ea
barrasaiag. " Xa the atera arbihraaeat of araas,"
abl OeagTeaaaua BUckbarn, "tbey
saaoie as wkh the sword." Tbey did,
tbey did. Aad if yoa doa't behave
yearseU they ought to turn yoa across
their knees aad saute yoa with a two
edged shingle. Can't yoa give yonr
ehia a holiday aad let the country have
a little rest?
Tbeseaserpeat is now in Lake Cham
pbusu Mr. Holsses Record, a fanner of
Maquas3,aavs the saoneter wasabont
sixty feet loag, and every time it
breathed it saade a noise like the esplo
sioa of gunpowder. Tho farmer has a
good, respectable-sounding name, but
we are afraid that in this instance the
record has been falsified.
"Hare yon any objects of interest in
the Tieuuty ? the tourist asked tbe
Jtarliagtoa ataa. "I have, I have,"
. eagerly replied the other, " bat I can't
get at it to show it 70a. It's a ninety
days note aad it's dowa in tbe bank
new, drawisgjtateresi like a horse race
era mustard plaster." Tbe traveler
aaMlwd as thoagb aa angel bad kissed
bias. Batitbada't.
"Are sulphur matches popular ia this
eeastry f asked tbe young n&a from
tbe East, saeezing and coaghing as he
lighted bis cigar. " Well, no," replied
tbe native, " not yery. Tbey might
be, bat the champion, down stairs, is
so far ahead of anybody else, that there
doa't appear to be any use for any one
tee testeiag against him. Hasn't been
a sulphur atateh played out here since
I've Been ia tae country."
There was a terrible fight at the West
Jim soaool yesterday afternoon. Two
beys, burning with rage and bate, got
ea opposite sides of tbe street and called
each ether " nigger" and "red bead"
till the sua west down. Tbe boy with
tbe red bead was the maddest, bnt tbe
tbe colored boy bsd tho loudest voice,
aad eeaaeqaeatJy was declared tbe vic
tor. People who live in tbe neighbor
hood ssy it sounded like a congression-
aal alAfaafc&M
AataaapoaXortb Hill is nt the
Maddest man. He went to Philadel
phia aad paid $300 tor a pure blood
def , with a pedigree longer than the
breaelogieal table of tbe kings of Eng
land, aad the dog hadn't been home
two days before tbe next door neighbor
bUled bias with a brick in bis ben bouse
where tk thoroughbred was ancktng
eggs. Jsteod U as aacerUia and rare
ia a deg aa it is is a Boath American
The ether day a maa came to Bar
Hsglf who owns l,itt5 acres of bind,
has 1,100 teas of bnyia stack, and fef-Js
MM bead of settle, and heaven knows
ba" assay sheep aad bogs and horses.
And bow de yoa sappose be csms to
tewaf Oaaload of cord wood; und
be was dressed ia the same old straw
bat be were all last sawmer, and a pair
f beets that hadn't been blaoked or
"geeseed" aiaee leather was invented,
btekery garment that it were base ilst
terytoeaila shirt, a pair of overalls
tfcet had more etube than overalls,
aad did duly fer overalls aad troweers
feath, aad were fastened ap by two sue
dm.t a pair, for they werea't
patches, aadel hk saepeader buttons.
lw wet aeik aad oae was a thorn and
aha ether was a brass army button. And
aay, bt tbe aaaaeef humanity, bad that
mm Bv.ribt to cobm to town dressed
teTtstet aWteT Aad for fear tbe rest of
nmTa w4 mmwwt oerfeetlr we will
XiMk In the Scheeta.
SatSTrV"?1" iMotio! Cer!
Ii7.u i",for ooonomJ'to ont offaU
lb. ffVffn 3n,0.f,nHat losi
the only thing that enlivens and bright-
of recitation. With mn.i0 out of the
schools there is little or no relaxation
In study. And there can be no singing
in schools unless it is taaght. For
singing is Tery much like editing a
nIP8.vmybody thinks be can
do it and tell others how todoit. unUl
he trios.
It is bad enongb that unfortunalo
oiroaaifrtauoos should render it nocea
ary to take any such steps toward quea-
Uonaule Mnnntv In )... ,l!.t.iJu
of the eohools, but if thoro must bo w
wiBCiimoai, u n Js absolutely neoee
sry, wo think it could and should bo
aCCOIUnlUblsI in mm. nil... ll.n
These are tho ieoplo,a schools. The
maaa 01 too pnpus do not go be
yond tho grammar schools ia their edu
cation: only thofowcaentirelvihmnn).
the high school course. Whatever the'
ouuurea 01 tue peoplo can be taught in
the grammar school course, therefore.
Should bdcirnn lh nm TL.t.ii!..
should be made as broadband completo
7 ; iTJi010 maao 11. ketone
study should bo cut off. Let tho chil
dron of tbe oeoola lirn Dm n.n-,...
of every study that can bo SacccasfuUy
U4MW4BBM luva vao course.
And we do not mnt n Mutt.. ...
studies and Uia rtViJr i.A :.
schools to tho merest akoloton of dry
i, .- uo"rug"M system of educa
uon belongs to a harsh and, barbarous
past. " FaoU " are gool eaeagh so far
sa thev go. but "-facta d aol en r.r
eaengh. Or rataer, we want the sof tor,
tenderer, lovelier realities ofthk life,
aad this world mingled ia our, oduca
tioa, as well as the rugged aad stub
born facts. The beautiful blossom of
the cactaa ia aa anM & f (t. n.i.
spiked leaves. Muio ia as much a fact
aa algebra or complex fractions ; to our
uuaaiag u quite as uaeitU, and cer
taittlv a sanch nlawunW r.A If it i.
well that music should be taught at all,
it it k psoper and fitting that it should
be taught in conservatories and privato
schools, if its mission k to elevate and
roans the natures of men and women
and children, then it is well that it
thould be taught in the schools, ltk
our duty to teach it to the children ot
the people ; tho children who are strug
gling through tho grammar schools,
not with tho intention and expectation
of Durmnine their hiuhpr Rtmlixn at rxil.
legeand learning music at conservato-
o, Dm tmui me certainty 01 taxing
op life's burdens and duties with just
tho nrcnaration thmt th lmmmr
schools, or at the farthest the high
school gives them. Let us givd theso
little ones, then, the benellt of the best
musical instruction that our schools
can command. If music and its almost
divine inlluence k needed anywhero, it
is needed in the homes of the poor.
And if tllA tinhtfa ulirtAlit Mn utnit thn
children back to their homes, with their
voices trained and softened and attuned
to melodr aad barmoav bv the labor
and patience of a Rood teacher, who
lovee music for its own sweet sake ; if,
by the teaching of the public schook,
the homes of the people can be made to
bud with melody and blossom into song,
surely it k the duty of those into whose
iimaa mwo sauexs are enuusieu, 10
MM tk ilk chtli9r.n 7swfVMft1l thai enn
sical instruction tho city can give them.
Doa't coatine the musio to those who
are able to bny at the higher schook of
tamJe. Give it. and trim it canernnnlv
and freely, to those who must acquire
weir musical euucauon at tne puouc
schook, or go without it. By all means
let us bavo musio inthe schook. Bur
lingtoR Hoick-Eye.
Maternal KdHcaUfrH.
'The responsibility which k Ineurred
b to '25? ViM LmHorRly calk upon
her to seek Usa bt moans ot making
TW.teKi'i- J Motl Wings,
rhjs knot to be done by ineroly send.
t?f. hBm tat0 tot initruotion.
.Education mnstltit sAHitn.i .4 .
or otherwise Ik most important rosulu
u. oUwieo. ! il mainly de
whether tho child beoomos tlelous or
ynusus, au twrsons may nbt have
iL,!i10rWC4ro,t u0 opportunity to direct
the Infant mind with sufllcieut steadiness
u JHUBmeunopttHtuoooerUlneffeok.
It is much more within tho ability of a
mother to mako her children good torn
pared, and to endow tlmm with iuf.o
I contented dispositions but ovcu la this,'
i A "c' intouuons,. abo may
" "m waut 01 understanding
-j. M.VW... ,b, uowovor, in
the 1 powor of nil mothers tho learned
and tho unlearned, the rioh and
tho poor-to have the most decide!
luuueupo on ue moral oharscter of
uoir cuiutren, ami to mako virtuous
members of nooiptv. T iiU n,i i.Ui
dron must be oducatod by example as
.MJ,Jr,P?0CPK Itao parents
bHevetbftt;thoyiaxoldiBoharRing their
duty by ndmoniahine their ihildron to
uongm. wuilo they act at variance with
those principles they would iuonleate.
Children aro icculiarly quieksighted in
thiB respcot, and detect tho smallost
contradiotion in act and word with sur
prising aouteness. Thst which we wkh
our children to becomo, that wo should
endeavor as much as possible to bo our
selves. This is a maxim iu paternal
management which would tend more
than any othor course to ensuro success.
urnngiiflKk jETys
Dkraell and Ilk Hat.
A correspondent describes the come
dietta, nightly enacted in the House of
Lords, of Lord Besconsileld and his
bat. When in the lowsr House Mr.
Dkraeli wss noted for the care which
be displayed in gird to that particular
article of male adornment. Unlike bis
great rival, he was never known to ap
pear in a shabby hat. Having taken
his seat on tbe treasury bench, he would
stoop down and gently deposit hk "tile"
as far as possible under the seat, where
It would be sale from the risk 01 a chance
kick, and on taking it out from its rcst-ing-pkee
be would mechanically brush
it round with hk coat sleeve prior to
putting it oa hk head. Now that the
Viemiet has been translated to a more
digniiled sphere, hk hat k a perennial
source 01 trouble to film. , He walks
down tbe House from tbe , Prince's
Chamber with hk wonted jsuntiness,
takes hk seat on the frost ministerial
bench. Axes bk eye-crlaae, and stares
across tbe table to where tbe leader of
the opposition should be, put probably
im not, sitting. Then, in an apparent
tit of abstraction, he bends forward,
thrusts bk hat between bk legs, and
finds that it won't go below the sest
Evidently astonished at the sudden
check to bk usual preeedare, bo sol
emnly adjusts bk eve-glass and exam
ines tbe red leather screen which has
csased it ; then smooths down the hat
with hie coat sleeves and deposits it
under the table in front of him. As
the Lord Chancellor rises to put the
question " that thk House do now ad
joana," tbe comedy k repeated. Lord
iteaeoasoeld feek below him for bk bat,
is manifestly sarprised at not finding
it, awakes out of a browa study, and
picking up tbe missing article, walks
08 with it ia digniiled style. Tbts
amusing soeae k evidently dae to long
force of habit, aad it k regularly looked
for and as regukrly witnessed by the
usual frequenters of the House. N. V,
Home Journal.
A certain lady has a csnary bird that
will faint away aad fall oier aa grace
fully as any kdy. The bird ia a yerj
fine singsr, but (like some of tho fsir
aex) when the least bit frightened will
stop singing and fall from its perch in
a faint of tho most approved sort. It
remains in au apparently nnconsciona
condition for some ten or fifteen min
utes, then rouses up and commences to
warble as thoagh nothing had occurred.
The daily newspaper said now to con
tain most reading matter k the Chicago
'imet. ft has sixteen pages, eight
broad columns to the page, 129 columns
a all, and it printed in close type. In
oladod in it new equipments are eight
improved presses with a combined ca
pacity of 90,000 copies per hour. It
abl last year pver 100,000 for tele
i.,71.1 tuwa. It kas 800 tMild corre-
aete ad K editors aad HfrtoH.
Putsiutvto Fxoa, Tho weight of
ripe tlgs-iu sugar, tho peel of one lemon
and juico of two to tive or six pounds
of, tigs. Let theilga soak in ooldrwatur
twelve hoars, theu simmer 'in water
until tender, take them ont and drain.
To each pound of sugar add a teaoup of
cold water; boil and ,kiin until dear. things and simmer ten minutes.
Tako out Ihe tigs and spread them in
the aun for a short time, while you add
the juico and peel of tho lemousand a
small teaspoonful ot ginger to tho
syrup, and boil until thick, then pnt
in tho fruit and boil tlfteen min
utes more. Fill your jars about three
fourths with tho fruit and till up with
hot syrup. Our Southern sisters' can
enjoy these delicious preserves, but we
can rarely got fresh tigs as far north as
this. Any kind of fruit is good, cooked
until clear and tender in a thick syrup,
laid in the sun until dry, then packed
in boxes, dusted with sugar, and a
white paper between each layer.
Liita Stxwkd witu Green Pjus.
Cut tho scrag or breast of lamb In piec
es and put into a stew-pan with just
enough water to cover it. Cover it
closely and lot it stow for twenty min
utes. Take off the scum; add a table
spoonful of salt add a quart of shelled
peas; cover and let them stew for half
an hour; mix a tablcspoonful of flour
and butter and stir in; let it simmer ten
minutes; then serve. If you mix tho
flour with cream it makes it better.
Would recommend thk recipe to our
friends who keep bachelors' hall. Veal
k nice cooked in tbe same way, with
half a dozen small new potatoes added
with the peas.
Geem-in Picxxxs. Take two or three
dozen pickles (good sized ones ), hslta
peck ot small grape leaves and some
dill; wash the pickles and leaves; take
a small jar and lay in the bottom of it a
kyerof leaves and then of picklei. and
a little dill; ky in alternate layers
make a salt water brine 01 very warm
water, enough to cover the pickles; do
not make it too salty; pul a plate in the
jir, and lay on it a heavy stono. In
about a week tbe picklosfwill be sour.
Try but a few for tho first timo; yon
may like thorn and you may not. I
think they aro very nice.
Gnxrx Cork Gbxdols Cakis. One
.pint of grated sweet corn; one tea
spoonful of salt; one beaten egg; one
large spoonful ot sweet milk; two largo
spoonsful of flour; and a little black
pepper. Add a large spoonful of melt
ed butter, and mix well with a poon.
Drop on a hot, battered griddle, and
fry until of a rich brown color, on both
sides. Shape tbe cakes so as to resem
ble oysters, which they aro like in
taste. Nice with meats for dinner, if
served very hot.
Lo50 Buxxck Milk Potatoes.
Take good, sound potatoes, cut them
in slices (raw)and put the milk, accord
ing to tho quantity you wish to make,
In a pudding dish; then sfter you have
put tho poUtoes in the milk, put it
in tbe oven for about twenty minutes;
theu UkaoutaadputpoUtoes, with the
samo milk, into a" saucepan to boil until
done: season before yen put thorn to
boil. .
Cexznr PiatLEa.--Tako good-sized
cucumbers, slico thin, cross-grain, on a
vegetable cotter and let stand over
night in a week brine, then drain; take
enough vinegar to cover them and put
on the stove, and to a gallon of vinegar
pnt a quarter of a pound of celery seed
and a quarter of a pound of white mus
tard seed; boil half an hour and pour
over the pickles; put a weight on them.
gar, one cup of moksses, one cup of
butter, ono teaspoonful of sods,
oae teaspoonful of ginger, one half
teaspoonful of cloves. Take enough
flour to stiffed; boil all tbe ingredients
excepting the flourf while boiling hot,
poor over the flour, stirring it all tbo
time. Itoll out thin and bake in a
To Oaw OnAPES. Palp them; boil
the palp Ave minutes; rub through a
siove to remove (bo seeds. Boil tbo
skins in a little water until soft, keep
ing the vessel In which tbey are boiled
closely covered to rekin tbo stesm.
Then auu aiiogemor win mvm
sugar as of fruit, by weight; boll a few
minutes and can.
Lima Bbams. Afkr shelling, let
them He in cold water for an hour;
drain and add enough bolliug water
just to corer; cook, until tender, or un
til the beans are jeearly dry. Season
with pepper and salt. Add a tcacupful
of rnflk, and a bit of butter, and let tho
beans boil up once before serving.
Btrrrr.BMir.K Bibctjit. One quart of
buttermilk, one teaspoonful of soda,
tablespoonf ul of batter; flour enough
-to rollout.
Tub BrrrtM norm so Jt.rinj.r Between
brareatUckof DJsrrlias, or olher Af.
fctloaof the 11owI,m U Kl "n J
tbe nub of lotdlclue, efOf the pstient csd
realise the neceMiiy of lwklDf stout him
for a remedy. tur keep y you ur.Jtjnv
rmlnmtlv- HmIimIU. a tft) CUfHtlVO fOf
jUUtic Cholers, Crump, Dysoolsrv, etc-end
A Partial Blookrulo
Of the nuln vts for ci ot rrfuim from
the hurann y,tm Is utterly iiivrrlt uf
MRUUrlty smeng th other on? n. I.t con.
MlpMlAit leom vhrenle, tml, lvlntf ont
tholnnutnr-ntdntiir-rof IntUmjuslWm of tho
bowel mitt their total ohtlruettrn o currli
1!"H U almost certain to v u, the llvvr
U JUMo to become eneorstd, ihn tilowl and
urine are poltoned ty tho MU, which Uo
rllJMcs the Juices of th lAineb, ami othr
unhappy coiictucncc follow. Hotelier's
Stomach bluer, a jirlmn tonic alterative,
prevent or remedies Ihcic renlt ami their
eause. a tho vi may require, ami la alto
mostly aicscloui In orereomliift flatulence,
hertt)urn,ml variable m well a cciullpated
action of. the buwsU, it rauewmci remitter,
Improve tho appetite, tav th pros;" of
arty decay, relUvea the lutlnuUIr of ae,
aad 1 a plvatant appetiser.
- .- e.
Malta a Koto.
However much the opinion ot the 8u
Frauclco CilHONiCLa on unluiportftnt sub.
JccU may clh with thoio of tome of our
cltlien. none can deny that It hi Hie fulleit
and beat report and u!patclie etmcvniliiK
tho UnimrUut occurrence transplrlnir In
every prt of, tho world. Tho Wnaiu.v
Ciihoxicls I o invaluable a a record of
current evvul that thono who hve become
subscrltier ort that they could not do
without It no other paper on (he coat r
nUhlni; tfucti varied, utcrtliiliiK ami In.
tructtve matter Written In a mott readablo
tyU. Wo would recommend all U Ivo 11 a
A llomo lu tho Oity.
Wo taka pleasure In calling the attention
of our reader to the fact luat tho Nevada
House, IS1 Sixth street, San FrancWco, U
obe of tho mot desirable temporary home
In the city. Uoom beautifully furnished and
lighted, and the table provided with the best
the market affords, with prices to mil t!t
St. Goorgo Stnbloo.
Our reader who aro about to visit Ssn
rranctscowllt please remember that at tbe
3LUc0rKCutK) round the molt)llsh out
UU fur k drlvu"; and the most reliable place
toseuJUno stock for salo upon lb cusst.
Near the California Theater.
MeobRnloa' Inatltute Pnlf.
let our reader not forget that the crest
annual exhibition of the Mechanics' lustltutu
open on tho 5th of August, and that the
management confidently expect to make the
present exhibit tho most peifect and success
ful or any yet held. A visit to It will
repay you for a visit to the city.
Tho Wilcox Pump
I unquestionably tho tmt pump In use.
Not ouly tho best, but tho cheapest. It Is not
only cbesp but simple la Its construction,
made of tho best msteilsl, aud consequently
durable, bee It by all means before you buy.
Is our advice. Address V. U. Wilcox, 417
Mlsslou street, Ssn Francisco.
O. J. Hawley & Oo.
Tako especial pride In sotllnjc nono but tlrst.
class Kroceries, and If our readers make their
order through Wells, Karo its Co., or lu P.
(). orders, their Roods wilt be shipped In xood
order. Address UI3 Sutter street, S. P.
Oood Reason Why.
Tbey mako tho wry butt pictures ot all
kinds at tery reasonable rate and takes lust
aa much palus with stranger a with luelr
beat city customers, t tbo reason we recom
mend you to the ImerUI tiallery, 7M)f
Market St., San FrancUcu.
Wondorful Ouroa of Plloa.
This great Indian remedy, Collque, taken
Internally, will glvo immediate relief, aud a
aura cure In a few days, aa hundreds can at
test in San Franclsro city. Trice, IS, de
livered free. Dr. C. I. Crawford, No. 10
Sixth 81, San Franelsco.
Let oar reader not forget to call upon
Dr. Cochrane, W0 Market at., Sau Francisco,
when tbey visit tho'clty, It tbey need really
first-class work al low rates.
CIGARS are guaranteed to be made of tho flu.
?t Havana Tobacco. 323 Sacramento sL, S.F.
Foa Iks beat ItiotokTplu tnl luwrst prlcn, r to
Wn. Straw, Ul Kwroy St.. Saa frtnclico.
J. T. U1IX. maa(sc(prr at CrrU. Dosi
Kspru.Tb(oiih llr aad QarU Wwoas. Cor
o,rJnSUlh 8U. P.O. tMxSM.SscfuneaM.01.
ALtPhotofriptii msd si lb Ksw Tork Gsllerr.
So. 3TWr 61. A r , u ganatl to b Sm-cIm.
Price 10 titlihsUmu, J It. faraas. rratr'elr
Tbo Spring Mcdlclno nnd
Bcatitlilcr of tbo Complexion In
use. Cures Pirn pi on', IJolI,
Blotches, NodnUgiu, Scrofula,
Gout, lUicuiimtlc and Slorciirlul
PultiH, and all DIhcuhcm arising
from a disordered state or tbo
Blood or Liver.
P. S.T. Co." INew Herlas). No. TJ
iVL batuaH St. bn Onual ockcla, SI.
iwni for circular v mbai ui.n,.
tM l'o.l Mrttt.lMO frsaclKO.
We will ir Ai )iUiJryul ll'SJiwrwonUi
pilllr At uiialarylliierwonlj
uAttl'U.'. 11 ...lsrwuiMm.w cur
bw u.l wru.rful innli. . " "'T
nuul lit: Jk4.1lrMH A C., Muibtll, Uteh.
Dr. Spinney fc Co.,
It UorisyH..SsBrrsiiele. There srs rnnr
naertl prtrllon sua wsiktBlca ot tin t"i
which iiier en m,l Kcooal .fur. lit. eploi-ej will
BTia vtt ct cur lu all soeb tut and euui.
pkw restwrsbonul is pbjrtMal u.l Bsrvotw !"
tall ur utilrnra.-1 .
" TIIE aiBTOKY 07 ..
Jly V y- ittUttuhan.
sririTM tVANTKU. fiad 12.00 for Sample
r4"?crl?(.7 ileouiua; imbluMr.. TruckU,
Collegiate Institute.
Tb lrtb cmIob bsslas Ja'y JO. Jrt.
811 MARKET ST. "9
V.uw kiiiiflll.H
Vn.i.i iroui a larics site
l7irLira 10 iralD. O-iiuUi
carUslMfur tlML.
a lopi.aa.
Our alUl
J. eo. IIikH, l'r;i.e1 (V)
MT. ij;lt3J3 JIOTJL,
812 Kearny Stroot. B, V.
OPKMSSIS us 'tun kuhms-jjaw rr.Ajr.
rardli-usls il1 Juca iun. r "' 'rSfl.''
ccais. J(..tsursnl ll, Ihrso dukearwf '.'''1
Ultsa sua Coff.e. J5e ( Cut- "lV.,S.?,r!.'raliMhs
ii week. It iiuol ftuuuiniisiluss rr smiiies
KrrrstJlVilr Iw7 TJ5olbr
JOHN "xbaMts uom,
Cor. Makstsud Mlaltisis. Ssu rrsucisou.
XXA.-JT ajhtx o-ii-ar
, A.SsfslrtSS Trank, Nsw York msks, with shIIS.
Imibt hhl, eMiorslkU e.ii'l ba pullnt off, sun.
lutlsllr milsi rr sml it i. nsntent er
liSBilMinlslT lltrl uit l It Triinki, tsllirs
ant ttlrhr, l nrlCCa, si lh rhfesir.m Ih
rai. k n (Miaeirtona rme inr. i.tij mivk
Hl.,nprMUeHUin,asnrriieUco. cmilor rtlisli'l.
Bestor's Disinfectant
No more DIpMtisrls, Nn mora Ml air. OIssmo
ronrssr,l.rilia HKntoiih lilslNrU'TAST,
a akw .rtlila, Tlis nesi In u.. Ai1ilrs II, T.
HKMTOH. Arrhlleet hiiiI haiillNrr Sin.
aslurer, list huitsr tt . Ssn rrsnrlH-u.
Tin. Ilnrrla I'Alrnl r re ml mil
ami Clulkst llallsr. Thrj srs Ih ekeapMl sml best.
Will lxmnurriunM mi litwrsl lernu lr Oet. II.
iMfl i'-S. Oi'Pj-eramllh" All klH rious lu iiripr
kl M . M V.AA.u.1... M.
"" .. . ... . ITW..I. ot... -.,. r I ... I.,...
'tiifttiu roTp,tir la nMt. lurria, Vl!
Han Kraiu'Leii. Haitil
einuian aa WTS.or ni um. lisrrlv Val!sju,
i. i ava, iav Aiisviea, -. v, mil m
Thebw' Ihlnajst, aura Ih labor of naamsit
1U lira-llina. Ktrrjf (m aM mill tbuulit lisr
uu. rml f r I'ltfMLr. n t i.ric ,i
II, M. I'OVKIIT, llmnul Aenl.
sua Ixiinni ,bn riMni-n.
AlcNTS WANTEOaiHii sumiwini
Ameelea, A nsw l of blirspiir, " N !
KocrKipHI - He( llw.a el MihIIHos,'1 "Tts'Ik
tillailuM vl Ufa." "fhj.lral Ufa i.l Wonirn,' "Ills.
aM uf Ura Muek ana inttr Mini Kntclf nt lirinetthM"
ud saw "Cjclwulof IiiimUo Knintxur Ttu
wurks sail rJilr nrt inontf ran t tuaJa lir ant
am bod (ur elrreisr vl ihra ami uibar bks, r,
K-rmert' Nmali Krisl Ml l. ai4 all dylra (
Mill ror rarimna luriHM anti aanar.l mill
ruratiblos aii'l iiiauittvry. Ailarr., iot mimiurmi.,h. r
MsncUrtureJ br IMroit (ufx Compasr A ""'
nruu-i-iu.n friim Mtu4 tiursl.ra. Karant,Orran.
II. r ml i Tim ImIi. llattS I' titisrr
vberl tleulcla HU dkla Otutra, Ac KAl'i. II.
I'Alllk; Act)-. Atrntt, ai N,w Uuuuuiucrr irL
I'alace lloi.l. u rraaclwu,
H4 ami HOS Hrnj Ml., Mian rmnrlir.,
St SS an Ml SO KI4 UA V.
II. a I'ATIUUOK, raursisroa.
.Two Dvnrnrrf CbopIimi. vllh lliasmau( Ibe
Hotel ua, will alwsrs tain walilneaiih laaaibf Ig
cum. j I'um.ii tu lb IM.I fi. ar"il ,ura t
llnl0. lUfal Cuarbi U u do but, Ib.r will
char itm
TUo JPliotoKVAxslior.
til Uukil St, btar lh H.ldwla. ate Kras.
Sa4 stamp far aainpl. Cablael I'bolos'rasb ti,
M511s Sennnary.
TnaXKXTTRUU of lh. wttlkaown Imlllulloo
will cum invar no
SSV.luaM.dnjr Jiilf aoili, lT.
Trra hit bra rraa4. n4 KbuUxhtps for
surrral poMl h. ben wcurrj
Kur Citeuurs lla piriicniari adilra.
iiev. -, r. Ml I.I.N.
Mlll.stemU.rj I' O Co.. tal,
an?n a.ivi:
por qaIji:.
Tbl'MlUUtTcif.' jr Ixiirlli Ibaimwtaxrltr of
i.a .di..,i r. r.;.ii al a Mia
rrl brif a fi t aj -). If r xin
Capartlr. b aici)btr;i f.. ror p.rura
L.aaJ-',., cr r? r si tinea li i:uat Air, .Vu.
ruuMKiiLr or wxiiiuas.ii,
Iu mabluf nay piirrlinaa or
lu wrllluir In rraiMiiao lo Ally
uleerllapiueitl lu llila ar, yuu Mill
plrtutfi uirrtllon lUn iimimk of lltm Mler.
I Makrsneiuielta or mell. Ii.aki au (aim
dcji, l tt a bv.iittful .!' aca tut i rM,
naiirrtiulrr, Kloimliy, n.irr hurt, out Tti'
aim. urauiS'laof foit, cbrmii .Uf rp.rr4 '.,
j9mmwrm. wnirn if nuaTixuuuiuut. ibrr.tif
rrmlarluil IX :tH t'rrprtii.l. A 'Jl'k
wa. burrnl In Ika lalbt lieir .1 A.h.n.i..n
bjr Ilia KStca'i of Ib.t d..i'innl. lur Itut.).
iu! lii(iUiwithoul ba Mutoac. tfor. p.iml
ouM b c.alrl H.mnl br m.ll iv i fur
33z t" Ooien, Acnl. wai Irtt, AlllrM
a. S. SPENCE A Co..2s Gssrj $1., tan Francisco.
Eclectic Health Institute,
Blc rnllr trpare4 to lru all formr nf dltiatacs
Oa aa4 mwi (cltoilBo principle., r
wllb sutxl imii aad bjarO. wa wllb cialilacra al
fur poblic , p.lrunw. fur rartbar I
-- -t C-T..I, , S.rnrl.,
cyyssv 5
IKON IJIK, Vx5a.a"a alran
IIKASS COCKS'.;. i.v,.:.r
aAI.IE HOSE, u.u a ply.
Mtlloff. bhr Zinc. U4 l'lf, gawtr Trsp.,
Ullr, ttth Tuba, tic. Kad fur fries Um.
Ui R All PM70iWr.e r.t.
in ni-sa.i aa re.nciacu.
TO Uli THl HAMs'lOrT
Tb Complsiloa CUsr,
tus ani.TH rata. XT,
nn Mftsn4 illkfrelalsInK
li e.lur.l culur, nut In irn.ol
n4 rcnioi prnn.iure wrloklr..
ur. Mutirklan'a I.iqitlil
SiltrvrlM Moo p.
Kartnrrll LaldraiurSSU, S. r
And Saddlery Oosdi WhoUial and Retail.
IKiubi iiancb llsrnsas, tsio u
IWt(Wp.rcl. Wilt llZin
UttHm,tflM tuirtp,rMt, hl.lo
ia 7U tacBI
Ul lis far dil
Wb I.l. II Ut liilu ur Am.. . ir.ll lln.l. I...... ilk r. 11J ... . i .. . S ..'!..
lMbesa.JtJJprr4.s 1 Cufpar, Sic. m(
lb. t IUrnra,li..iuer.KUMli(ualll.3ve.UiSlc. rr(i,
Carr7juniiM. 11 tuMtr l.n. , lUw. Mir.iV, 11 mi
'h.x fH1" "hli-,li';'l3Ji!rib,i,i iia.i6ii.r,,
M lu IU lu.i llldlm ifndlu, 11(131 U I Jl
Oui.j bliicli ... l 5.) iu Ha ixr dot. , Joll.r. lit 10 IS
arr dus, . Callfurula bud luraid llll. and Mburi.
Uf bear saddirs for UkS hsidliu no lot l.r.l mthoiI Ir.r., eauiu.i la e nailed f.,r erb.
.uanu.litr. Ordara br erprtM pnniptlir nilo-i avn Uf. W.D.ri' If I iUm.l m.
urar Klr.l K.n t.nrtl, r,ni , ,r I'rlr J.i
Al i.rm.cniiia u ii.n ui.rK.t. Mbar.i "mm, lu
vmWrtfsi'.&ttjzdF' ,,rt'" J' ,v
IIS faSsoB StrsetiSau yranelie.
Noir-MoHMurcmcnl IIhIom Hon. . o Any Aildrcwn.
Sutifnll) uisil lo
k .. rV-isryyrjssssssssWii 71ntaBsaSi vsssssSNb.
aaasssaaBTBSLsasssfSi "twBsBfs'M.v asssswsiL
i-L-1 X Jlkr? SSSSV tSSH
ros tss
HoUl by General Uealora unit Druggists Tttroufiticiut the Cos si
II. I. VAUi:i.i:i: A ., I'rojirlelcira, lur. Hiiulsvlitery A IIhbIi Ml., N, I.
No rmlro or olntinotit uttu hoal a If your wifo will poralm in tho tuo
wound or soro of nny kind. Evory of coHinotlu buy ttor a onkn ot
odtioutod phystoiftn wilt tall you rilOOl'lIATl! H0A1 nmt toll Itor
that nnturo iilano con do thin, to uno It ovory ulitht boforo rutlrlntt
P II O S V II A T K SOAP, by its In that wuy much or tho hnrm will
oloaiiHin,;, sooUiIuk and purifying bo avoided, m tho skin will thorouy
qurtlttioH, kIvom nnturo ti ohatioo to boriblo torotnln inuohof itsnnturnl
aot frooly. vluor nnd boatity.
Not only for dally two au tho faco Ntituntl botitity surprvssos auy-
und hands, but for bnthlng tho thiiiK which can bo imparted by
ontiro body, thdro is nothltif? ofjual artUlolnl monns. PHOBIMIATK
to PI108PIIAT1, HOAP. It isn UOAP glvos health to ftto skin
thorottRh disinfectant and removes simply by romoviiiK Impurities unit
oHbnsivo odors of ovory kind. oradlcatliu: tho poisons whioh Rivo
T ,, ,," 1 ... ,. rise to nkin dUoiwes,
Ladles who havo injured tho skin .
by tho constant use of oosmotics Cheap toilet sonpn mtinufUrmirtxt
may do much to roatoro Utelr fitcon from ranoid nnd rofiiso txroaso in
to that beauty whioh nuturo alono Jure tho skiunnd are roully more
can Rtvo by constantly usIiikPHOS- oxpouslvo limn PHOHPIIATB
I'll ATE 80 A P. HOAl'. whioh retails for UA oonU
por onke.
Thousands of artielos aro palmed
otr on tho public whioh havo no
Konutno merit, but PIIOHPHATH
MOAP in tho ronult of modont lt
oovorios or volobruted ohomtnts.
For all diMoason of tho nkln uno
nothing Uko it for rrttnovme im
puritios unit KivltiR tho klu a
healthy and natural vifior.
If vnn urnrif u rilni nti)i nt
Toilot Uoap and something that Is
uuiiuiiuuit 10 (110 SKIU, UUy I'llUM"
Sonslblo girls avoid ooMinotios but
toilot bocauso it Is fraRrant, pure
and ploasant.
ir you wish to muko your hands
sort buy u oako or PUOHPIIATH
HOAP for U5 ooiiw, and when that
is Rono you wilt buy n doson aud
recommend your friends to do tho
tho boot toilot stoap Mtook onmhlnnd
with tho phosphato of soila nnd
other materials beneflalal to tho
. For chapped hands tho constant
tuns of P1IOHPHATK BOAP will
bo rocommendrxl by all who rIvm
it ono fair trial.
Ladles who wuh to mako tho
skin look bountiful nnd natural
should use I'llO.Hl'lI ATK HOAP.
204 8ncrnmonto 8t,,San Frnnoloo.
haw riiAfcciaco.
Boarding Schiol for Yonog Man and Boti.
rlllrniiH,,l.Jolr:i fur C.UIua .(.alriu
JOII.V IIAMHI.r, H. A., .rlnrl.,
Al borne for una and omn, bor. and ftrl. in Mil
1st tn srilrbi nrrif. by tittf on Oar lsu uislrt
llcwf f-irlbacanttH. , .. forniib fr. l.r.
bombrr ut clrrui.r. for diiirlboitan, i ikn u.
snlclr.nliadrrrtU4n sdr.atr. tbu. m.kU It
ulsrfntall. I.arc I'mflli, laMl.lrsinlrsd,
from III lo l Ihota wlibnil ins.nt ni.r be .Mo
tu (it 'im frltnd lo purch.M lb. soodi aod dsltrtr
loibcm in iiii.II qoiuilil.,, KitiuMn ,(.0r; f f
biwnmr caunllrs drsn I sif.rUncrd,rs
"'' pa i.rsc anniii.u and rrl.lllr.dt
sssarilrucaUj. srowrriiis. snd .r.i , ." ,
will kr iba .Hlrlit.i. wn II , known. Ki.iJ r lll i.r.d from 10 111 w.'rib "r ,.r 7
IX 3d 3Vt 0 -XT a. r.
Tlia (unrord CnrrlH- HHlry
"" '"!?1 to.Kd. N.w Mo.K.n,..,, .1,..,
111. Sal I.a. .......-" .' ""
AMi:itl4A, tUtAlMIITR
IVir Mnl.i l,y i, .ro.tiir..
W. II0I.T, Mi TIT l U tt .Irral rso
ilv , r rib. r.iUc ,..,,
.- ivvi.. ' I
TASr -.VI1
a f 'mM r Jn- - .
a i. .L i r LiLMTm
fMIWit-O. tfJl flit
rv vmmnmzn rfz7z7 a
"."V! si" llolal, Man KraaclMui. wbars a iTni
ruln fioiici.rd llarnr-M" aud KM lliHsr "
fguib 111 ) HufslM tui r.rriMH win li e'n.liai
If kct-fiio b.nd T H. KAhTUAK. Amsl
s r XmiMM.r, 4 5
AaUUe Cliolers, Cramp, lrowry, eicauu AT ioh'Kst mankh- .
tbu Ih prudtolly Jrpred to treat tl jtmjjiri bm Ua wall kauwj llr, ht tbslut
coplsUUoBUilrslriTspp-rsocf. urssijnU rri. J
nans Rifle Co,, of Bridgeport, Conn,
iron OAuroiiNiA, oitftuorr, auizoha, e
lSJTv.1,".!', , Wadaslaal, (ibontboi
rfMf1 Ursarb-lbSdlria I'TiVUClt liUfibi a i"
JK ir')tYluiti' VX' 1Jks and I'll.
r"r"l'.ILa Iliad, br lb. Uadus W.uul.o
W linn ufKbglsad sad Am.fC, lu.
HOXlTlOMefailkisdi Ih qusnutiM l ia
ThsOnly T taps rants Blttara ,...
in him. alia sir a h-h... .: t-
a ureal l.i.uu-
aaiulltl llll
usasrai imiioi mr u.m... r .:"47 'iwus.
.... i urn nrrri v.rM si I
1.1 KK OHIM,AIr, llYNI'r.fMIA,
itinxiiY oMii,Ai.r,
And .11 llltc.i. .n.11,4 ffuw
iMlMiroly Vsiusstabl.
I ..,!!." !'J".l' ?."' a eliiil.l i uia li lunra and
' u.i.J , v T "hr '.".". "in. I'lsisulliu ur abllrrlr
li"',.';,. ter"'w"- """ IMfswik.atw'w'ltlJ l'sa'5
H.IUIll.. &m u. ua. .. ...
Larmo 8lzo. Prlnn vt ncsstsi.
yfcm&W:MMl!r ' ,u4
-aar1 s
' "C..4MjJb22iaal
. '.. '-.