"v1,. i,1 EC t WW ff t'j I '4 ft ,,, W7 ..""i . ft355 r vH " J V - . w V feA &. r feT Kl 1 ?vft" 1"" .nt.f - - A4' V o 4r t A , mj 1 &'' B.-rif &f- . '? " H, aj ' jw " vr -r 'ih.M" tfJ$rM i . , r - Sw . s -- &L Sb" ? : j. IP. V 0 Ojmnf A ti OKQAH Of COOS CO. WAirtrwAVrrriMwiV T1 luw5&r It is quite surprising Ihitt tho Dcmocratlp party have lived o Ion under tho laws which they aro now no anxious to repeal and not till re nmily .discovered that thew la a dMttptous power riven to tho mill Jy authorities tltoreln. SutisUn. tl&lly the miuo law has stood upon the atatule lxk of tho United w iiiji.).'. nn mo actoi ima was passed with the concurrence of tho pemoerncy, for tho purpose ofrcftu latltig nnd restraining the u of the military, oven for tho preservation of pcaco on election dav. Promi nent Democratic statesmen have al ways recognised Uiis right In Oc tolicr, 1S61, that most exemplary lcmocratic light, Gen. McClclIan, Issued an order to Gen. Banks, in command in Maryland, directing mm to use the military to nrotcct voters in tho exercise of their right. The order ia in tho following lan guage: - Ocxraal: There hi an apprchen ton among Union citizens 4n many paru ot Maryland of an attempt at in trrfcrtnrcwjth their righu ot ruflrage by disunion cititcn on the occasion of the election U take place on the Cth of Novcmlwr next In order to prevent thii, the major general commandine dlrecU that yoa icnd detachmenU of a sufficient num ber of men to the different poiaU in your vkiaity where the elections are to 1m held to protect the Uniaa voter, and to tee that so diMtnioabta are al lowed to intimidate then, or in aay way to interfere with their richta. lie alo desire you to armst and hold in confinement until after the election, all disumonUu who are known to have returned from Yirjrinia recently, and who how themelv at the pofU, end to guard effectually against any Invasion of the peace and order of tho election. For the purpose of carrying out these instructions you are authorized to sus pend the kahfaa corps. General intone has received similar instruc tions to these. You ill please con fer 'with him as to the particular points mat eacn tuaii tase control ol The order was made before the passage of the act of 1SG5, and was to lake effect within a State that was In the full exercise of its civil powers. The Democratic party afterwards cn--dorjsed the course of "Gen. McCiellan Xsy making him tiieir candidate for prwicknt m 2S&4. But the Demo cratic party now find it necessary to secure absolute control of New York and other large cities in the next presidential election, ia order that the ruftUn and ballot-box staffers ca-n create majorities aa large as may he required to carry the day, and Sac Um purpose they asfced the re peal ol UiOiv laws whii tnev neipca to enact, and which, up to the pres ent time, liave been considered whole aome and ncccsaary. Brswa- In accordanee with a resolution of the legislature, Governor Thayer has directed the district attorney of the third district to commence suit against M- V. Brown, on behalf of tho State, to recover money over drawn by him as state printer. The following is the communication from the Governor on the subject: ExxccrnxOrwcE. 8juJCX,July23,lS79. J J.J.WiirEr,Es4. DeaaSia: I herewith enclose the financial state ment of the Hon. Secretary of fltaUj, cf tho printing account of SL V. grown, Ute Stale Printer, which was furnished me on the SlstinsU, and re upoctfullycallyoor attention to the house joint resolution, No. 124, thcre rcferreu to, and in pursuance of which raid statement waa made. You will observe by that atatement, Mr. Brown m indebted to the Suto by amount overdrawn by him while State Printer, abalamot10,W0 62, and that the resolution directs me "to cause suit to be instituted against Mr. Brown and his sureties, pr either, for the recovery of aaid balance. Such suit or suit to lw conducted under the direction and control of the Governor, by Dial wt Attorney of the third judicial district, Mid aucb assistant counsel aa the Gov ernor rosy employ." You will there lore plcac proceed in the matter at Of.ce. J will employ assUtant coun sel "whenever you will indicate mat you are ready to co-operate with auch counsel, ahd proceed in the proeu. tionoflwbujiincs.'' Yours Xeapectfully, W. VY. Thaywi, Governor of Oregon. It will be remembered that there was a Iare claimed by Mr. rown a lieing, till due, the pay ent of which wa stopped 1y the disclosures of tbo committee of in vestigation, which added to tlw sum . w,loli this uuit is to be brought, .B.oHHla to over 18,000, as the ,sount wrongfully charged by one officer durio Grovcr's administra Uom. This, and the othersmta com MWHced, wUI afford those exfficiab n opportunity to prove tlve injus tice of the coticiusion of Galloway s pLitrs ha iMued a P-fgJ ftr.7Ssa.J5 tiic rtiio "" v.i. i.... ,ar sriffSws)ff The price ol telegraphlo cowmvinb caUoH hai been reduced matcriallv within a few years past, but that H U still far too hlRh no one can tnw. Tho dividends ot tholeadtng telegraph companies are large, and tho patron age oJ! the lines, and consequently tho Income ot the companies rapidly In creasing. If thU means ot eommunb cation is to remain under tho eoatrol of private enterprise, the introduction of a wholesome competition and the reduction ot prices to reasonable rates, will be hailed with pleasure br the people. It U probable that thW mo nopoly which now exists will not last long, as It is announced that Jay Uould has au Idea that he can build his now Central Union or American Union line for about one-fourth the mileage cost of tho construction ot IhoVWestern Union, and that ho Is talking about reducing tho price of messages to twenty or twentyflvc cents to any part of tho Union Whether rates can be brought down to so low a flguro may be doubted, but a great reduction can and ought to be made. Thk secret acrvlcc police have re cently come Into poMCMlonof a most remarkable counterfoil. It is a $20 United HUtes legal tender note, so well executed aa to deceive many x perls. The most rcmarkablo thing a bout II is that the work on It was en t rely executed with pen and Ink. all the intricate figures and curves, all tho heads, the seal, the fine engraving work, and oven tho fiber In tho paper, aro almost txrfollv Mtninrrlt1 and the signature of John Allison, for merly registrar ol the treasury, is al most exact, while that of John C. New, former treasurer, is perfect. The whplo bill is a wonderful piece of work and must have cost more labor than several Ku bills would have paid for, in legitimate way. wfasvsH (raster TsteXaJ War. It now appears that the war between the Britkh and the Zulus of itouth At Kca is practically ended. The late dcieat of the Zulu forces has made their chief willing to negotiate for peace, and tho whole campaign has been so disaMerousaad unsatisfactory toJhe Britkh, that thy are doubtless ready to accept terras which would hare been spurned ia the early part ot the war. A Loadoa dispatch of the SHth aaya: 8ir3arnet WoWey telegraphs from uaroaa on tne ha oi July aa follows r I hare halted all reinforcements here, aa I believe the war U over. Do not send any more men or supplies till you hear from rue. I expect to meet the great Zulu chief about the ICth. A correspondent at Ulnndi, under dto of Julv 4th Mrs : It is stated that Cetewayo, five days ago, seat 400 head of cattle with a peace messen gcr. to the British, but they were stop ped by one ot the Zulu regiments, who declared that no peace should be made until they were bcatca. The prisoners say that Cetewayo opposed war. They admit that the entire Zu lu force was present at the battle. The Zulu loss is estimated at 1 .500. JThe two guns taken at Isaudula were touno. A correspondent ot the Chicago TWtMne save tho Indian s timt Gen. Cusler shot and killed himself. That when he saw his men Hying from me enemy, ne wavcu his pistol In the air and fired It off twico to attract and try to rally his men ; two or three gathered around him, but as the In dians closed on thorn, one of tho sol dters tried to run away. Custer shot thecowartily soldier, and seeing the inumn garnering arounu in over whelming numbers, and regarding the day as lost, he chose to die by his own uanu nuncr tnan do taxon, and turned tho pistol on himself. Cafe M 04ANw On the evening ot the &th a fire broke out in the American House in Seattle, and in a short time the entire block, consisting of wooden buildings, was in flames. The fire then crossed the street and burned a saw-mill, sev eral warehouses and other buildings ot less importance. The los is very heavy, partly covered br insurance. A large amount of goods were con sumed in the warehouses. No lives are reported lost, although the'Jtre was remarkably rapid in the Urb destruc tion of the American hotel. A Nkw York dispatch ol the 21th aaya A contract was signed Tuesday by J. O. llemlermm with tho Dtiloware Iron Shipbuilding Works, Phllmleb phta, for another steamer for Iho Or egon Steam Navigation Company, It will be tho largest ot any in tho company's fleet it&3 teot long, 3St feet beam, 3,000 tons register. TuKOroFino express was robbed last Friday by three men, aiwut eight miles beyond Cold Springs. Tito rob bers got about fl.SOO in gold dust, and other valuables, mostly belong ing to Chinamen. A special from Austin says that nows was rt?eplvid of a fight totween the State troop and A party of Indians at tlio hcadot Conrlio mer. une inuian was killed and suveral wounded. JutKiK llKi.txc!:n has decided that shoriffs are not entitled to inllrngo lor conveying prisoners to tho penitenti ary. Prof. T. M. Catch has posltlwly do ollned to aecept the Mltlon ot Pres ident ot the Willamette University for another term. FoitTr thousand young salmon were planted in Green bake, Wis., In June. Exivrimmta hnvo detuoustru ted that they thrive in Inland waters. Tits infiiix of Southern negroes In to Kansas is steady and continuous. Seventy fle cr cent, reach their des tination perfectly destitute. A Sax Fiuncisco exchange states that Hose Young Fay has applied (or letters ot administration upon tho estate ot James 1). Fay. The discovery of a gold bearing vein ot quarts is reported to have been niaoo in the western part ot Maine. Oxk hundred women were recently enrolled as students in the medical department ot tho .university at Zurich, FINAhHKTTI.KMKNT. 0, Welwtor, administrator of the Kstato ot lion Smith, having filed his final account (or tho nttleniont ol said estate, It Is ordered that Monday, tho 1st day ol September, 1870, 1k set for the hearing ol any objections to tho same, and for tho final settlement ol said estate J. H.NOM.KK. County Judge. llomrstratt Notice. U.NIVKII KVATK l.AWI OmCK,) UosKiitMio, July it, 1870. S NOTICi: Is hereby given that the following named settlor has filed notice of his Intention to make final prool in support of his claim, and secure final entrv thereof at tho exnt ration ol thirty days from tho date ol this notice, U: Homvitead entry number three thousand two hundred and forly-soxcn, (JUII7) ol Frederick W. Colehrook, for tho V ol HW 4 Sec W, and lots !l and t Sec KO.JU 8 It, It W, and names tho following an his wltnessestvlx.M.ltiley,olKllensburg, Purrv f'oitittv. OnL,tn. nnd Diiunis CunnltT, ol Kilonshiirg, Curry County, Oregon. . WM. F. UKh'jAMl.V, Jyta-lw UogiMor. Win. 0. Wobstor, MANUFACTUAEn OF DBOOTS Sb SKcoiaa A BMAI.L HTOtJK OfCuatomWorkConslimtlyonhuiul REfAIRINQ Will Hecolvo l'miupl Attention. siior liOcnliMl on Front Slrvet, opjioalto lhoOKNTUAIillOTKI.,Mri.rilloltl, Orvi'nn, 'lf Ni;.tMorM. TaeTeKew TeTer. at me ri "- -,..i ,ir. ' i a...i tsssv mcriiini rtii'XSra. Ot construction. I iSTZIlirfrow tho caual, and reckoas jWgPrwill receiTellHPr dt.ptrauHHiM. The yellow frrerin Xcmphis ap pears to be still extending and increa sing. It was at first hoped that by the prompt measures resorted to by the authorities, the terrible scourge could be coafiaed to the vicinity where it first appeared, bat this hope bsa been abandoned, and arrange ments are being made to removo the sick to a camp seven aulee from the city. Some physicians basis that it la a varied type of malarial fever ; oth ers that It is the genuine yellow fever, bnt not nearly as bd aa in 1873 or 1673. The mot rigid quarantine measures have been resorted to by all cities in communication with Memphis, and the disease has not so far appeared elsewhere. In Havana, the disease is raging with ranch fatal ity, and the most unfavorable part ol the season has not yet arrived. ABywHaatt-,rae"MltagIiak,, A tailed boy lnu been discovered at OEnoinmit !, th name of GcorKS vt. ir Kaa reached the age of tour vxn. while the ti! has attained the length of 14 Inches, being cover ed willi silky, glwy hair. It w where the tail ought to be, aad, so far from being outgrown, promisee woo grow the boy. The eurgeoiu find ,i..t t u roculirir articulated to the backbone, and don't think it safe to take It off. Why should thcyT Es pecially since the boy, finds it a con iidorable help in gaming an upnglit position, like the kangaroo s tall. Wis lather has taken him from tlie medi cal college and fled to Chicago, as of fcring the greatest encogemen. m monstrosltie. The savans do .not yet inform us whether George is the m as Ing link, or merelya freak of nature. The comfort which cattle derive from their tails in warm weather, and dogs at all times, should induce the cura tors of this fortunate youth to make a psychological study of him to deter rofne whether the projection of hU being through a tail adds any .new sensSs or faculties,. or J ! Urges the conditioned realm ol tbought-rHse MtpuWc. Bswaatlr. ThelullcraccounUof the death of Prince Louis Napoteo drawn f rom (he rewerts of the court martial oh LiJunSrey bring out one touch of nmaaec Tnot bo published la this STntry! Tle iHfateT prince had on atTi death his great-uncle's sword, abandoned prince, saw hiw W young pretender living victor kugo, Napoleon tlie Jj, fbS least the nephew o Au.te rUU, but amien s. --. 7 -f V. " SrSSeWitk the -word of AwUrf " in his hand wilt oomscs -' sting out ol the epigfaea. aviHCY. Itr., July 2AA,bs determined me? enUr i- X&i&SS had UU'Htmcd hiHi About the head of Wild Horse can yoa, where Indian trails cross it, set tiers have been annoyed by Indians laying down fences and going through Jrain fields. One settler notified tho udians to do so no more. Two Indt. I ana disobeyed, and when tho white man toiu mem to geioui oi tne nam and lay the fence up, they refused and hot words ensued which termina ted in a neht in which one Indian Lwas shot. Citizens in tho neighbor hood say that the authorities shall nojrhave the white man who did tho shooting. . The Atiorian says Capt. Parker is now about ready to boist the ballast out of the stranded ship City of Zhib- tin and fetch her tin to the citv. Of one tiling we feel quite suro, while this has been an expensivo business. Capt. Parker, by his course has made tor ttimscu a reputation oi Knowing just exactly what to do, and how to doit; whether he makes any money oat of the Job or not. The vessel will be up to the city in a short time. band of jail was Tox Lawtox. who co-ouerated with Troy Dye aad Anderson, la the raur- aer of oh mw. jlukm on ihb o manto river, has been arrested ia Lelriston, I. T- He cd from Cali fornia immediately after the discorerr ofthe murder; he passed through this county, and went on north. There has been a reward offered for his anest. It is very probable that he will expiate his crime on the gallows, as did his associates. It appears that the American "hootista" are vet ahead. A London dianatch of the 24th ulL says: At 800 yards raago at Wimbledon, yester day, Frank Hyde, an American lieu tenant. Col. Fenton and another, mnAt, enfh onsccutire bull's eyes, the highest possible in the contest for the armorer's prize. In shooting off tie each made three bull's eyes, in pool shooting, Morse, an American, made almost aa unbroken line of bull's eyes. Chicago, July 27. A gravel Jraia on the Northwesters railroad, while basfciagintoWaakegan, III., with a large number of its workmen in itt .. truck a cow on the track aad was ditched. Anthony Joyce, Mike Rb.n'jItB Jnhn UUflBSBa Fst COO- Bors. were killed, and one of the oth er workmen will die of injuries. Con ductor Tom Halligsnsnd Tom Mc Jfally are badly injured, together with several others whose names are not known OxaJ.II. Harris and a few of his fiery friends at Hartford, in Tularo county, California, paraded the streets of that town on the 4th of July, with the rebel fag, and whooped up the "lost cause" with such vehemence that there was daHger of a not. .The United States Marshall was notified but did not consider it necessary to interfere. A oT puller was picked up stark naked, in the tules below Knappa by the Bonita. He says the Dago with .. - fi.Mru-. tried to kill him. ti... ..- will ho innuired into. The Lrt.Unw had been fa the water since 10 o'clock, and was aaarly chi ed to death. HU wants were ewppll ed, and he was brought to the e&y- Attorian. HuanaoTojr. Pa., July 23y the premature explosion of a blast in the nuarry near thU place, this afternoon tbTee men. Michael Kyan, a sub con ractor of Philadelphia, John Konco ranl and Mr. Keith, were Instantly WHei The bodies were terribly mu tilated. J DvU P with the loss of bearing. Chicago. Jaly 23. A Fort Feck asiclal to the Tribu says: Joseph imbert a well known Interpreter Tndut, was with hi. wife anil four cldldwa killed, en the 30th lost, by Hioux? Three other persons who we'rer'eturnlng with him from the y nktoa camp, were afeo ki fed ana one little girl was taken captive, Keakly 900 sagineers, on a strike Stow'meived from the various brsnchesSthe AmalgamaiedlSngl Seers' Socfety 1 t fP en' glneeriag csa4rs. Oaaosas repwsentattrs, John Whit tearrha4heme, but Uea Mor Graver feaot exacted. V Roseburg & Coos Bay STAGE-LINE, J. C&atlUH A. Co., Breprlf r. Stage iclll leave Oeea City every afternoon (Sunday excepted) on tho arrival of tho steamer Coos, 1'ASSKXOKHH wishing to p to Ho.etuwg or any other part of the interior will muko Connection with the stage by going to Coos City on any ol the Hay steamers, LKAVIKO COOS CITY Tilt SAME DAY. terTHis is Fousi) to m: tjik CtlKAPKST. lIKSTund QUICKEST OF ALL JiOUTKS. THMOt'tiH I O.KK DAV making close connection with tho cars and overland stages utfRoacburg. All business entrusted to oifr care will be attended to with promptness and security. FAKTOMSEBUftQREDUCSDTO S6 Each passenger allovrt J 00' oJ bwjgatjr. F.8CUETTKK,Agt. Telegraph otfico, Kmpire City. l-25-tl In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Or egon, for the eomity ( Com. 8. S. Mnnu, In his own right, and as Ad ministrator of Hit' imrtni'inhlpeMaloof S. 8. Mtuin and Patrick Flanagan, siir llng partners, and James t'lutm pin deeeaoeil jMrtncrs. under the firm . uaino n( Flanagan A Maun, e. Patrick Flanagan In person, and as Ad inlnlstratorof ttu rttoof Jmiic Flan agan, Ann Flanagan, John Flanagnn and C. YV. Tower. Rult lneiultyforttlt'niontandartlllon of partncrnhlp property. To Ann Flanagan, one of wild defend ants: In the name of thu Statu of Oregon You are hereby summoned und repilrHt tooppenrand niuwer' Iho bill of com plaint of tho plntiitlir on file ncalnni you in tlto nbuu entitled Court and eaiue. on lor before tho tlntt day of tlio next n-gutar r- ..t ut.i ,-...... ..r,.. t.A. ,.(l.ll..Mti.. of this summon.', to-wlt: Tito -l Mou dav, tho 8th day of September, A. H. IHfll, Audou xx ill tnko notice that, If jou fall tv appearand nniMor thu sfor suM complaint, the plshitlir will apply to the Court tor tlio reiiei uierein i mandevl, ThU summon Is imhlUhed by order of Hon. J. F. WaliKW, Ju-lk"' ol salil Court, liearng date July , tt. It. 8. JJTttUUN, IIazahkA HuiiLiox. and O. WsusTKn, Atta. for PlaiulifT. COOS BAY CURNITURE STORE I MA.X.0XXVXiaXjX3, OSx.M C0MSTANTI.V OX UAXU Jfrtffrcssrs ,C llntttetut, Vhulr P Lnunaent Vi'lttn ,P Vrtullc, PICTlMtr.S. FKA.MKH. MOUUHKUH, TAIlbKS, MlltltOItU Ac. 4,'ouHllMtcrooHt s'Hrwltt-rt .Made to Order. COFFtSS made at shortest notice. SEWIffGHACHIHES Attaciimknts, Nki:.u.ks Ac. F. MA UK, Itllf PtlOt'MtKTOII. BUSINESS CA1U)S,! T.C. MAUKKV.M I) PHYSICIAN AND, SURQEOK, liMlMUK ClTV.OiriJdOK 0. II. (lOLDKK.M I) " PHYSICIAN k SURGEON MAiiniirii'Mi ())irMix. 0. VT0WKR, . 1). PHYSICIAN Jb SURGEON, MuiMirisj.ii, Onsiiot. W. C ANdKLM l). PHYSICIAN ami SljnCEO),, f 'i7iile 1fu, ttgn. H, II, IlARAIttl, J. T. llAMttlOf, llAZAlll) A llAMllroN, ATTQnHt YS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW W ill pnu'tlco In the various courts of tliostnto. on hi; at :.ui'iuii irv, Ous, .V Blacksmithing. 1) k y X I S M c V o t, a A St'CCt.SOH TO THOMAS MU'.VO.V. HAVIStl I.KAHrinTHK DAWHON htackMulth shop, lu Mar-htluld, 1 am prepared to do GKNKHA1. WI-ACKSMITUINO niif jrA living share of patntungo l Killclted. -7-tf cr. ovl. sia-Xjisr. ATrORXBVl,Ol,.SEtM)I.ATUli MAItHIII'lKI.U.OIIKfiON (I. WKllKTKK, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT WW! Miutiirutn, Ousuos, IX wx'H barhI:r hhop, rHojrr oi tub ckxtrai. iiotcl. Marshtidd, Ogn. If you want an cay shave, As gowl as barber ever gave. Just call on meat mv-saloon, From morn 'till night or busy noon ; My razors' -harp, my senwors, keen, My shop is neat and towels clean; And there I think that you will Hud Each article to suit the mind ; I trim the hair with skill for gouts, Of course the price is fifty cents ; Shampooing, too. 1 do that well, Give me a trial, that will tell ; So help me gracious if I make you hoi- lcr You need not pay a quarter of a dollar. J. W. Cox, Propr. P. 8. Hot and cold baths always ready. ll-18tf SIIEKIFFH MAUI. Coos E. OT. XDe-vIrxe, B00T& SHOE MAKER MAUMin'Ui,0if. vxi,r.noAX.x,KXrsi Ol' qtjstoim: "wo:elk in a thorough manner ami u-c on! the I BEST MATERIAL. CHatlea te Heirs, IN the the County Court or County Oregon, in lbate. Tn tho matter of the Estate of Morris deceased. To Angclino Johnson, and all par ties interested in said Estate: In tho namo of tho State of Oregon, you aro hereby cited to appear in the abovo entitled Court on Monday, tho 1st day of September, 1879, to show cause, if any there be, why an order for tho sale of the real estate of said estate, described as the N K of the ?f t X of Sec. 27, T.27 8. of 13 w.,snouiu mu ic made, to satisfy tho debts of said estate, according to tho petition on file in said Court. ,,.., Given under my hand and Official Seal this 17th day of July, 1870. Aijex. BrAvyy, County Clerk. CHatien t Heirs. J.VfAe County Court or Coot County Oregon, in Irobate. In tho matter of tho catato of 7.. T. Lewis, deceased. ToJ.B. Lewis, Evormoah Lowij, Wnioby Lewis, 0. H. Lewis, Mary If. Lewis and Mary 8. Simons, heirs o said estate, an all parties inte-estod therein In the name of tho State of Oregon, you are hereby cited to appear tn 'fin iLov entitled Court on Monday September 1st, 187", to shpir cause, if any there be, why an order slioii d not be made for the sale of t ho N Jf of V W 1-4 and N E 1-4 of N W 1-4 of Hec. 34T.27S.ofB. 13 YV., to satisfy the debtsofsald estate, according to fho petition on file In said Court. "Given under my hand ami ofllclal Se.th..l7thdayoLridy,187o. County Clerk. FWAL SEnLEMtr.fi a Webster, adminlslrator of the estate o I T. b. Winchester haying Hied his final account for said estate, it U ordered that Monday, the 1st day County Judge IVeXTICK. aii Twruonslndcbtwl to tho under- -!T0TICK 18 JIKKKItY GIVEN ! that by virtue of an execution sued out of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for the county of Coo, in favor of K. It. Dully, and againot K.S, Scales and AtigtUla Seat a, anil to mo ilellvcrttl.conuiiaiidiug me that of the K?rsoiinl proerty,nd if suflk'ieut p-ritonal pnnwrty 1m- not found, then of tho real property of said defendants I en use to It made the "tint of eighty-nix S.V 100 dollars nith inter ,.t mill arrrtiliiL- co-Is. I have lnicl utKiu lots 1 and 2 in block ir Su tin? if town of Marshllcld. us platted by H. II. Cathcart, and on file in the Itecorder's ofllce of said town, alo the hotiao situ ated on or adjoining ald lot-, occu pied by said defendant. AnguUa Scales, and known as .Mrs. Scalet' house, and ill, on the 2d day of Au gust, 1879, at thu the hour of 12 o'clock M. of said day, at tho court house door in Empire City, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, all tho right and interest which the said defendant or either of them had in said pro-icrty on the ISth dav of Sept. 1870 or al any time thereafter Given under my hand this 27lhday of June, 1870. A.G.AIKEN, 2Hw Sheriff Coos Co. o ' si&-Hlupon Front HtriH'i.opjKwilit tho Pioneer .Market. vl-7-tl HENRY SEKGSTACKEN, XOTARVI,rBLIl,l,0.VBU.fH KMl'lltr t ITV, U.f. ('(illcril'iim and oilier bt-lur-s 'k4 In inv ImiiiU, tl rrtriva prumpl ttitv lln. villi YV. l WltlllHT, V. S. Mhtrrttl utul ('. X. Jutf su:i&v-Enro:R, (;oivii.u: Citv, Ous Will Kthtid t the lrtiliHhi of mir ? -tftf ' it .4.1 . ; in siii "m in ui- eooniy ! I'm feet tiMpMuf u.11 unevot lauds f. J iilnhnl at litirt imiUit ! itfiionv IT LlJMV SEWING MACHINES IS vim; Cheapest & Host ! MKS, HACKFIt aumnt MAiiaiirxMitD .c-XD as nivd:", , Empiro Mouse, IES eo p o 23- e cl. Khiiiu: Citv. it rnifis uocsk hah hkkn hk- X oK-ned throughout. GOOD BEOS AND GOOD DOARD. -Vo VltlSESK WOKS eiititoynt. TEltMH I.IHKltAL. F. F. WINCH EHTEIl, Proprietor. NOTICE. U. S. I.AxnOrncK. Hos-!!!!', Ogn. July 10, 187V Complaint having Iteen mntlo at this oflico by James Catching agaln-t Samuel Dyer, for abandoning his homestead entry No. 2llt. datwl February IHth. I87fl, iiihui the N. W. i of S. K. A S. K. I of S K. JvfSw 32. Township 20 South, of Itange 12Wet,lnCoicounty, Oregon, with a vlow to tho cancellation of said entry: the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this Oflico on thu 6th day of Septcmlwr, 1870. at 10 a.m., to rescind and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. W. F. IleMJAMif, lU-gl-tcr. 30 J. 0. Fci.traroJ, Hecelver, ASSESSORS NOTICE, NOTICE IS HKUEIIY GIVEN that on tho last Monday In Au gust, 1870, hwit : en the 80th day of August, 1870, tho Hoard of Knuallxa tlon of Coos COonty, State of Oregon, will attend at tho oftce ol tho County Clork of said County, and publicly examine tho assessment rolls, and cor rect all errors in valuations, descrip Hi. in if IiuhIk. lots or other property, All iKirsori interested are hereby notified to attend. Dated this 23d day of July, 1870. John Lank, Ansscssor. JL'Jfcd-lBJ PIONEER MARKETS, MAiisiiriKMi a Emi'iiie City. II. I. WHITNEY, Pitornik-roK. A gool supply of 11EEF, l'OHK, MUTTON, und all kinds of SALTMEATSandVEGETADLES constantly on hand Alw a g(Kid -loc-k of ctxioosaxixxuas. .Ma-iirisii()iiK4.. 41 Till In-llliltltlun iit-w airnfiU tie ti frtritlllt for -liir.ilJi.il to Ik- fotmd nlU . t'iiu-1 ltrl.n of ftiiiihrrn Oregon TV Aradeiuy Is irradiialsd Into thrrtfdrpMV muni as luiitot. The I'rhmirif J)rintrtnicnt In mhleh lotrtlurtiry IIrmln- ski UiikIiI, The JHHtor lU'pHltlHfHt. I'mbrm lujc Orthoirruplijr, Itrwttrv, v rlilnu, tif.ituuiiir. ieurupiiy, iiiit. ph) kUh.' , l-'iuiiil tar s 1,-iwv nod M Inl ami trmllrai vriiiitiuiu 77ir Senior Itriwrtniriit limlirnrtiiL- lU.ik kifiiiL'viiicli' s&il double eiilr) Jltolniiy, (Tirmt-try, rob eal eoMiuiy, IjiIIii, Itltelnrii, llici Arltliinrlic, Algebra, (ieimctry, Trff I tiomoiry ami minriug .1 VSIV. finilrtkliou lu tlu bramh I sins Mtii'ii iliMlrnl. ' lloiHiirttu Ik-had (or froui $3 k t i pT week tllh prhnte Uiollleti, IM V -till Ii'-k tthen eMrnl itnleuU iw Kuther and board Uh'Iiim'Ucm. TKIt.US. IP J VESSELS AND LOGGING CAMPS ttUPVMKIi AT SHOUT S0TICH Iv-Ut HIGHEST HONOEUi; Ctmknmal World's Fair, 7876! SH0NIN8ER ORGANS norivii. HavJiifj lately liouglit tlm wtock of driig heretofore iKilongltiK to Dr. Harry Lnno, I um now propnrod to cnrcfitlly compound and init un physician's pfcscriptioitH. Tho tmt rouogo of Hioho havinu ttrcocriiitloiiH to Imj flllcd, l n'HiM'cttiilly Hollcltcd, LOUlH P. MUNK0K. LOCKHART HOTEL, Mra, li. M. lAchhurt J'roprlttw EiriKCiiv,OoN, uMw- Assta BM$T mSTRUMXNTa. IM Ju4f lMKf Hpl, fir t l4h Us lHrvU n w sftfMll n B. IHONINQKR BRaAIV OO.'S UMt a turn Ut lntlruatal l m MM iat4 twtM f ta4Uf bia pMtlbli to Um Um i MtaiwH,uiiii ft nbUuum 1 ku xaUlftUg uy a-trMs lam tmbi-. ii) s4s4latrtsrrfj)MBpllut.lHU4ti ss H Ml t cnttr.ftlt U b(t&. Wla bu4 -lr,t letoUt ( it It lapoum- ror SmU I-5.rlak.trll ipllL THM 6SLY OMWANS AWAKDtU THIS - BARK. t Tklt UM ssfl A v1 vm vtm 14 trkr Us BMI Mftrs soatptUHoa of Ik U.I M4kri, ( u M It mmI umixUal Jsl2 tm smmbVUA. N SHU- saS Mtcss J w iua. vbub am U ftMiwtfMM la r ral,B BttSX Oft 0MXM tn H- Uut tuso, W ss SfSfsrsS t sfpfrlst s (w mi Aftats. IMrifftUa fltiWS SMSa, r til fill, tm I, SK0M1NSUER ORCJUI CO., n t im csmm trawr, KSW ItlVM. Oow, Primary l)eHirtmunt Junior . . Heidtir Vl'fl-tf. J.T - m MtCnswii, l'rnici!( CENTRAL HOTEL ON Comer of ,lA,;nntl Front Htrrcl, MAHHHKIKl.D.OON. 1 fur ugh axed and fixed up the aU'i tin i mi un f..iil vt urrniiti',1 In iirmiiKinf I 0 lure ueal, aiidgood IkiIs to the Irsiil- In,' uiiil local eti'tom. CALL AND SEE US. T 0. OWEN. .1IA,HNlfl'8i:i.K Drug Store, i) u c ii. noi.nr.N, i'iioib. 0;jr .'(ihui'(j' Store HAYR COMKTA.NTIiY 0.V HAS'! AM, IKIIITH i)V IDJEtTTGrS CHEMICALS MEDICINAL Fl'HPOPr.ri, SYSt-HTUWM, 'ASf.X7SSMJlSSl( Ml'ONOlUSI. A-o x i ja'i'iwai'a'ljr OZ.MW, ais.aru,Js;r' laouooziiiooHsit A wo ciioki: CIGARS and TOBACCI and ovt'OtliliiK iwiiully kept I"' MKIMCAI. PISI'KXNAItr. rrcacHptloH (.urcfitUi C"M" l0HMlflf. vi-a-tt . Jtr I vv. . '. ' Mf ..5M M UUM&Urii4.