Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, July 10, 1919, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Governments
andiPadfic Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
The transport tXoordani from Drcst
and the Arizonlan and Calamares from
St. Nazalre arrived at New York Sun
day with 6936 troops.
Joseph P. Tumulty, secretary to
President Wilson, announced Saturday
that according to the present program
Mr. Wilson will address the senate on
' A dispatch from Weimar received at
Basel, Switzerland, Sunday, says a bill
has been introduced In the German
national assembly providing for rati
fication of the peace treaty.
The gasoline launch Waldo, with
nine persons aboard, is missing as the
result of a heavy gale which struck
Corpus Christl, Tex., early Sunday
morning and lasted until nearly mid
night. Dr. Epltacio Pessoa, president-elect
of Brazil, sailed for home Sunday af
ternoon on the American dreadnought
Idaho, after visiting the United States
and Canada on his return from the
peace conference.
Two hundred delegates have regis
tered in advance for the 10 days' ses
sions of the conference of church work
ers of the midwest province of the
Episcopal church which opens Tuesday
at Racine, Wis., college.
A record for- a trans-Atlantic round
trip of 12 days 1 hour and 35 minutes
was established by the steamship Great
' ' Northern, which arrived at New York
Sunday from Brest." The vessel also
held the former record of 13 days and
43 minutes.
The Irish Unionist Alliance, replying
to a manifesto issued" recently by the
"Irish Dominion League," asserts that
the first act of any freely elected'par
llament in full control of Irish econom
ic and military resources, would be to
proclaim an Irish republic. .
General Cretlen, commander of the
allied forces in Bulgaria, has informed
the Bulgarian premier that peace dele
gates from that country will be called
to Paris soon and that the Bulgarian
government is Invited to nominate a
delegation, according to a Sofia dis
patch. The new treaty with France,- by
which the nation Is promised American
aid in case of an unprovoked attack
by Germany, was described as "the
premature obituary of the league of
nations as a league of peace" in a
statement Issued Sunday by Senator
Borah, republican, Idaho.
The German Conservative party has
issued a proclamation, signed by Ern
est von Heydebrand, the party's leader
in the Reichstag, stating that the party
"declares war on the government and
Intends to use Its whole strength to
re-establish the monarchy,1' according
to a Copenhagen dispatch to the Ex
change Telegraph company.
A windstorm which bordered on a
tornado swept northeastern Montana
and northwestern North Dakota lato
Monday night and early Tuesday morn
ing. Wiling several, Injuring many
others and causing great damage to
buildings both in towns and in rural
Wheat in all Canadian elevators has
been commandeered by tlio board of
grain supervisors in order to provido
Greece with 15,000,000 bushels within
Iho next 12 months, it waH announced
in Toronto. No shipments can bo
made at present without permits from
tho hoard.
The allied governments bavo repre
sented to the government of Holland
tlio necessity of taking stops to pro
vont tlio depurturo of tfyi farinar Gor
man emperor from Holland, (J. Ji,
JJarmswortli, uiuliirmaratary of stuto
for Umm uliulm, announced in the
of eommonu Monday afternoon, j
Confusion in Enforcement of Law
Gives Californinns Grace.
San Francisco. That official chaos
In the administration In San Francisco
of prohibition enforcement by tho local
federal agencies, duo to tho admitted
falluro of tho Washington, D. C, au
thorities to furnish specific instruc
tions, was not nttonded by flagrant
abuses up to an early hour Tuesday
morning, when Jollification began to
abate, was ascribed as duo to gratui
tous services performed by tho San
Francisco pollco department. Undo
Sam laid down on tho Job, as It were,
and tho city did as best she could
under tho circumstances.
Wine-Inspired happiness, to bo fol
lowed by an epldomlc of headaches,
reigned from sundown to Tuosdoy's
daybreak; but tho dying hours of
booze, presided over by tho spirits of
carnival and merry conviviality, wore
no more unholy than could bo expect
ed under conditions Imposed by tho
absenco of a woll-defined enforcement
policy for an epoch-making statute.
The pollco authorities paid no at
tention to this resolution. Company
commanders wero sent to their dis
tricts at S P. M. with Instructions to
close all saloons and places where
liquor was sold sharp at midnight and
to co-operato in every way with fed
eral authorities. These Instructions
were followed strictly to tho letter.
Tho tens of thousands of celebrants
in the local hotels, cafes and restau
rants concerned themselves not at nil
with tho legal aspects up to mldulght.
Until then, undoubtedly, thero was
somewhat more intenslveness in the
Jazz dancing, but an undercurrent of
restraint se'emed to check objection
ablo bolsterousness.
As a matter of fact, San Francisco,
outside observance said, may be well
proud of the manner In which she
conducted herself under the circum
Washington, D. C. Eighteen Amer
ican soldiers were killed, one officer
and seven men severely wounded and
17 slightly wounded In an engagement
with antl-Kolchak forces near Roman
ovka on June 25.
Major-General Graves, commanding
the American expedition in Siberia,
informed tho war department Tuesday
that the engagement followed an at
tack by the bolshcvlkl on railroad
guards. Apparently company A of tho
31st infantry was tho only unit en
gaged. Second Lieutenant Lawrence
Donald Butler was reported severely
Alcohol Ruling Drastic.
Washington, D. C Stringent regula
tions governing tho sale of alcohol for
medicinal purposes wero Issued Mon
day by the bureau of internal revenue.
"Physicians may prescribe wines
and liquors for Internal uses, or al
cohol for external uses," the regula
tions said, "but In every such case
each prescription shall be in duplicate
and both copies bo signed In the phy
sician's handwriting. The quantity
prescribed for a single patient at a
given time shall not exceed one quart.
In no case shall a physician prescrlbo
alcoholic liquors unless the patient is
under his constant personal super
vision. "All prescriptions shall indicate
clearly tho namo and address of the
patient, Including street and apart
ment number, If any, tho date when
written, tho condition or illness for
which prescribed and the namo of tho
pharmacist to whom tho prescription
is to bo presented for filling."
Ex-Emperor Responsible.
Washington, D. C International
law exports of tho ontento embassies
in Washington hold that since Dr. !
Theobald von Ilethmann-Hollweg In j
his capacity of chancellor of tho Gor
man empire was responsible solely toj
tho Gorman emporor, tho ono-tlmo j
rulor of Oormany cannot oscapo full I
responsibility for any and all tho ucts j
committed by his HUbordlnuto.
Million Loaned In June,
Spokane. During Juno tlio Hpokano
federal farm loan bunk Ihhuoi Iouijh (o
farmera of Hie northwest lo a total of
HMIJCQ, It wow unnounood TuomJuy,
Lou o during llio first Mx months of
jyja dialed vfin,m,
Industry in Irrigation Country
Subject to Periods of Expan
sion and Depression.
Department of Agriculture Hat Deen
Making Observations In Its Weit.
ern Projects on Utilization
of Field Crops.
(Prepared by tlio United. States Deport
merit of Agriculture.)
"Gum shoo" farming for limn nnd
bacon production does not presuppose
web-footed hogs. It merely means
that lrrlgntlon as practiced by some
western farmers Involves cotiservntlvo
use of moisture for production of for
ngo crops which may bo harvested di
rectly In tho fields by tho porkers. Tho
swine Industry In tlio rubber-boot coun
try 1ms been subject to periods of ex
pansion nnd depression. One cnuso Is
lack of .knowledge as to the possibility
of using certain Irrigated Held crops,
nnd ns to the value of these crops when
measured In tcrmi of pork production.
If full advantage is taken of the wldo
rnngo of feeds nvullnhlo to awlno grow
ere on Irrigated lands, pork production
can be conducted more extensively, and
witli moro assurance of success.
lrrlgntlon fanners Interested In pork
production Imvu bad to rely on results
obtained In nonlrrlgated sections, nnd
applied to localities where web-footed
crops grow. This' lack of detlnlto In
formation was especially noteworthy
In the cuso of field crops, which In
other sections of tlio country nre pas
tured by hogs or hogged off. Hence,
slnco 1012 tho department has been
making observations in Its western Ir
rigation projects on tho utilization of
Irrigated Held crops as hog pasture.
Theso Investigations Include pnsturo
tests with 140 lots consisting of 3,705
hogs pastured on alfalfa, sweet clover,
Held pens, and mlln.
Alfalfa Needs Supplementary Ration.
Pasturing alfalfa with hogs has been
demonstrated n satisfactory method of
utilizing tho forage, nnd one of the
cheapest wnys to produce pork. How
ever, to obtain satisfactory results,
the alfalfa pasture must be supple
mented with scime carbonaceous feed,
such ns n 2 per cent ration of corn,
bnrley, mllo, wheat, or shorts. Under
such conditions one good acre of good
alfalfa pasture will produce, with ren
sonublo surety, about 2.500 pounds of
pork n season. Exceptional gains, as
high ns 4,292 pounds nn acre, wero
reported In the enso of ono lot of hogs
pastured on alfalfa, and given n 3 per
cent supplementary ration of corn.
Nnturnlly tho gains on alfalfa depend
on tlio slzo and quantity nnd quality
of tho supplementary feed. It Is poor
policy to try to make pork on alfalfa
pasturage alone without supplementary
Hogs on alfalfa pasture, supplement
ed with about a 2 per cent ration of
corn, bnrley, wheat shorts, or mllo, will
consume from 250 to 350 pounds of
grain for each hundredweight of gnln.
In general the grain requirement In
creases ns the hogs get Inrger. The
feeding values of corn, barley, shorts,
and mllo ns supplements to alfalfa pas
turrfgo aro ho nearly Identical that tho
choice among theso side dishes should
depend on prices, cultural adaptability,
nnd general economic conditions.
Where the grain Is to bo grown by
tlio swlno raiser, preforenco usually
Is given to corn, barley, and the grain
sorghums, depending upon the. adapt
ability of these crops to local condi
tions. An acre of good alfalfa pasturo
mipplemented with n 2 per cent ration
of grain will support 2,500 pounds of
Ibogs during the entire growing senson.
nv W. H. WIKSO.V. Secretary of B
Labor.) f
"Build now tho natlonnl, A
htato and county roads we need d
. ...i... ...Ill flilu fi nvfirv A
and priJ:iii - .ww.-.,
. - I ... . n
"iitiiiii ikiw irood roads, whero
they aro needed so tlmt good
...., nnn imwt to every Amcrl- rA
can's homo without delay.
"Build now money spent
wisely for Mod roads will como
back because tho rouds will
bring It back.
"Build now good roads mid
see how qublfly good times will
roll down theso roads. g
"Build now-yoii can nollco E
Iho earmarks of
pronoun ty &
g aio
along kooiI roads.'
Kinry Kurdinmr ba his own method
of (inlllvnllon but iuucjJi depends upon
Iho hjukoj urn) iJiu toll.
Tho carrying cnpaclty of nlfalfn pos
tures increases rapidly with greater
grain allowance, mul It varies some
what during tho growing Benson with
tho rati) of crop growth.
According to specialists of tho Unit
ed States department of ngrlcultiiro nn
ncro of good alfalfa pasture If sup
plemented with n 2 per cent ration of
com. or barley, will support six to
eight sows nnd CO to 70 sucking spring
pigs for nhout 00 days in early summer,
during which tho pigs should gain from
23 to 30 pounds apiece.
Sweet Clover Often Valuable.
A few tests huvo been conducted to
try out the vnluo of sweet clovor os
hog pasture, and tho results hovo
proved that this crop cannot bo regard
ed ns n rival of alfalfa. However, on
soils which aro too wet or too salty
for alfalfa, tho Irrigation farmers find
sweet clover n valuable forago crop.
Hubber-boot formers aro coming to ap
preciate hogged-down corn and Held
pens as a desirable combination for
pork production, In that It saves labor,
produces satisfactory gains In the hogs,
nnd adds manure to the soli. Exten
sive tests of "hogging corn" reported
In the bulletin show gains of from IS.')
to 1,018 pounds an ncro of corn when
no supplementary feed was provided,
and from 333 to 1,377 pounds nn ncro
where tho corn was supplemented with
other feed. It is estimated that In
theso tests an average of about 450
pounds of corn was required to pro
duco 100 pounds of gain when no sup
plement was used, as compared with
an nvenifio of 400 pounds when tho
corn was not In combination with for
age. Into alfalfa pasture, or rape. Al
falfa pasture Is preferable as an ml
Junct to hogged-down corn on Irrigated
lands, because of Its cheapness, rein
tlve ubundance, and reliability.
Contrivance Made of Strips Dotted To
gether In Shape of Wheel Count
The accompanying Illustration shows
n contrivance that Is handy for ascer
taining the number of rods of fence
you need or to tlnd" how many acres aro
In a field.
Bolt together four by 2-Inch strips
so as to muko a wheel, says a writer
In Indiana Farmers' Guide. Maka tho
strips long enough so that they will
For Ub In Measuring Fences.
measure even feet In one revolution,
or If preferred, n half rod. Various
forms of tallying aro used, but paint
ing ono end of n spoko Is very practi
cal. It Is easy to count the revolu
tions as the painted end comes round,
while following as ono follows a cul
tivator, the handles being fastened to
gether by a small strip. The num
ber of revolutions' times the number
of feet a revolution gives tho dis
Considerable Thought and Painstaking
Attention Is Required In Their
(Prepared tiy tlio United fitntcs Dopnrt.
mcnt of Agriculture.)
The keeping of farm cost nccounts
requires considerable thought . nnd
pnlnstnklng attention In their record
ing, summarizing, nnd Interpretation,
but aro well worth It to tho farmer
who wishes to know Just what ho Is
doing. ,
Garden soil should bo kept mellow
and friable, If possible.
Frequent Cultivation Is Required and
It Should De Done at Least Once
a Week.
(I'rcpareil hy tlio United Htatca Deport
incut of AKiiciiltllrn.)
Tho bunch beans mature quickly
and require frequent cultivation. The
cultivator should bo run through tho
rows at least oneo a week and then the
hoe bo drawn betwen tho hills nfter
cultivation. Never work beans when
their follago Is wet with dow or rain.
Avoid Inferior Seed.
It must bo remembered that It Is no
Impossibility to secure good crops by
using inferior seed. Always got the
best that can bo obtained,
Conveniences of Olio,
Tho ronvenlenco of tlio alio Is well
leeoKiilswd by men who huvo given If
u thorough trlul.
A wood garden and truck patch will
hivii Junto part of Ilia grocer bill,
nnd add heultii to Iho fuwlly,
j" '-ill
Huge Dirigible Soars Into Min
eola Without Aid.
Giant Airship Completes Atlantic Voy
age, llaltllng Through Fog
nnd Storm.
Mlneoln. N. Y. Great llrltaln's su-per-dlrlglblu
lt-34. tho first lighter-than-nlr
machine to crons tho Atlantic
ocean, anchored hero at lluosovelt field
at 0:54 a. m, Holiday (1.54 p. in. O.
M. T.) after an aerial voyage of 108
hours and 1- minutes which covered
3130 knots or approximately 3000 laud
Passing through dense banks or
cloud, with tho sun and sea visible
only at rare Intervals, tho 11-34 was
forced to erulno 050 sea miles to reach
Trinity Hay, Newfoundland, from Hast
Fortune, .Scotland, and 1080 sea miles
from there to Mlneola.
When the super-dirigible arrived hero
she had left only enough petrol to keep
her moving DO minutes longer. Her
crew, almost sleepless for four and n
half days, were weary almost to the
point of exhaustion, hut happy at the
successful completion of their trip.
Haggard, unshnven, their eyes blood
shot from the long vigil and Hues of
care bitten deep Into their fnces, Major
0. II. Srott, the commander, and his
ofllcers showed plainly the effects of
tlu) anxious hours through which they
lived Saturday whllo they wera cruis
ing over the far reaches of Canada anil
the Hay of Fundy, beset by fog. heavy
winds nnd terrific electrical storms.
"It seemed ns though tho atmosphere
was haunted hy COOO devils," said Lieu
tenant Ony Harris, the meteorological
With the lt-34 long overdue lit Its
destination, petrol supply running low
and buffeted by strong winds, Major
Scott decided whllo over the Hay of
Fundy to semi n wireless call to the
American navy department to prepare
to give assistance If It were needed.
This wus merely a measure of precau
tion and did not Indicate discourage
ment. While destroyers nnd submar
ine chasers wero racing to her assist
ance, tho H-34 was plugging steadily
ahead on the way to Mlneola. Once
clear of the Hay of Fundy tho atmos
pheric hoodoo which had beset the
craft from tho time It took tho air was
gradually left In Its wnkc.
Ex-Prince Prefers Death.
Amsterdam. "Tho allies can only
have my dead body: 1 will myself de
cide on my life or death," tho former
Gormnu crown prince is quoted as hav
ing said Friday In discussing n possi
ble demand for extradition,
The stntemeut, reported by tho llrlt-
IhIi wireless service correspondent,
was said by him to have been made to
a Dutch official who talks dajly with
tho former crown prlnco.
According to this official, Frederick
Hohoiizollorn Is in exeelluut health. Ho
takes motorcycle trips dally and fre
quently visits both lliv rich and poor
on tho island of Wlorlugeii,
Fight Picture Is Rushed.
Han Francisco, iSnrly Hnnday edi
tions of a local morning newspaper
carried a reproduction of a photograph
of tho U'illurd-Oempsoy fight at Tole
do, Ohio, which, tho newspupor assort
ed, was brought hero In CI hours and
lil! minutes from Toledo by alrnlano
and fast mall service, Tho photo
graph, according to tho newspaper,
was carried by alrplauo from Toledo
to Chicago; from Chicago to Ogden,
Utah, hy railway mall and from Og
den to Han Francisco by airplane, ar
riving hero early Saturday,,
Wind Fans 400-Acro Fire.
Missoula, Mont. A flro covering
about 400 acroH on Mill crookf In tlio
Hitler Hoot forest, night miles west
of Corvallls, Mont., was tlio chief con
corn of officials illio sorvk'o head
(juurlorH hero Monday, Fanned hy a
strong wind, Ilia flro Ik reported uh
being boyoml control at present, Kx
tiopt for this flro, liowovur, tint sllim
Hon was wornrilly fuyorublo, offlolulH