Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, September 24, 1914, Image 2

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Journey's End.
Harrigan dined alone. Ho was In
disgrace; bo was sore, mentally as
well as physically; and he ate his din
ner without relish, in simple obedi
ence to tbo6e well-regulated periods
of hunger that assailed- him three
times a day, in spring, summer, au
tumn and winter. By the time the
waiter had cleared away the dishes,
Harrigan had a perfecto between his
teeth (along with a certain matrimo
nial bit), and smoked as If ho had
wagered to finish the cigar in half the
usual stretch. Ho then began to walk
the floor, much after the fashion of a
man who has the toothache, or the
earache, which would bo more to the
point. To his direct mind no diplo
macy was needed; all that wa6 neces
sary was a few blunt questions. Nora
could answer them as she chose
Nora, his baby, his- llttlo girl that used
to run around barefooted and laugh
when ho applied the needed birch
How children grew up! And they
never grew too old for the birch; they
certainly never did.
They heard him from the drawing
room; tramp, tramp, tramp.
"Let him be, Nora," said Mre. Harrl
gan, wiselv. "He lsin a raKOabqut.
66mcthlngrAnd your father Is noC
the easiest man to approach when he's
mad. If he fought Mr. Courtlandt, he
bclievcd-he had some good reason for
doing so."
"Mother, there are times when 1
believe you are afraid of father."
"I am always afraid of him. It Is
only, because I make believe I'm not
that I can get him to do anything. It
was dreadful. And Mr. Courtlandt
was euch a gentleman. I could cry.
But let your father be until tomor
row." "And have him wandering about
with that black eye? Something must
be done for It. I'm not afraid of him."
"Sometimes 1 wish you were."
So Nora entered the lion's den fear
,lcssly. "Is there anything I can do
. for you, dad?"
"You can get the witch hazel and
.Ji bathe this lamp of mine," grimly.
She ran into her own room and re-
turned with the Eimpler devices for
reducing a swollen eye. She did not
notice, or pretended that she didn't,
that he locked the door and put the
Jkey In his pocket. He sat down In
a chair, under the light; and she went
to work deftly.
"I've got some make-up, and tomor
row morning I'll paint it for you."
"You don't ask any questions," he
Bald, with grimness.
"Would it relievo your eyo any?"
He laughed. "No; but It might re
lieve my mind."
"Well, then, why did-.you do so
foolish a thing? At your ago! Don't
you know that you can't go on whip
ping every man you take a dislike
"I haven't taken- any dislike to
Courtlandt But I saw him kiss you."
"I can take care of myself."
"Perhaps, I asked him to explain.
He refused. One thing puzzled me,
though I didn't know what it was at
tho time. Now, when a fellow Bteale
& kiss from a beautiful woman like
you, Nora, I don't see why ho should
feel mad about it. When he had all
but knocked your daddy to by-by, he
said that you could explain. , . .
Don't presB so hard," warnlngly.
"WfiH, can you?"
"Since you saw what be did, I do
see whero explanations on my
rt are necessary."
bra, I've never caught you In a
I never want to. When you were
le you were tho truthfulleet thing
ver saw. No matter what kind of
i. ... i
flynCKlNg wa u Bivru jur you, you
iJflrveren arram; you ioiu mo iruwi.
. , There, that'll do. Put some
ttou over It and bind It with a
Handkerchief. It'll bo black all right,
ilmtjk swelling will go down. I can
ift'Mtt a teanl twll hit me. It was
Hwe like a eNM twll, though, Say,
ye kNw I've always pooh
Me4l tfceMM MMtMtr, Peopl used
Ut mix that tkwe wr Aorows ot mm
tm Kw York lw "X r'w who couW i
' 3BCbV
hav laid me cold. I used to faugh.
Well, I guess they were right Court
landt'n got the stlffcat kick I over ran
Into. A pile driver, and If ho had Ittnded
on my Jaw, It would have boon dorml
bono as you say whon you bid mo good
night In dago. That's all right now
until tomorrow. I want to talk to
you. Draw up a chair. Thorel As I
said, l'vo never caught you In a Ho,
but I find that you'vo been living a Ho
for two years. You haven't boon
squaro to mo, nor to your mother, nor
to tho chaps that caino around and
mado lovo to you. You probably
didn't look at It that way, but thero'a
tho tact I'm not Paul Pry; but acci
dentally I camo across this,1,' taking
tho documont from hlB pocket and
handing it to hor. "Read It What's
tho answer?"
Nora's bauds trembled.
"Takce you a long tlmo to read It
Is It truo?"
"And I went up to tho tennis court
with tho intontlon of knocking IiIb
head off: and now I'm wondering why
ho didn't knock off ml no. Nora, ho's
a man; and whon you get through with
this, I'm going down to tho hotel and
"You will do nothing of tho sort;
not with that eye."
"All right I was always worried
for fear you'd hook up with somo duko
you'd havo to support Now, I want
to know how this chap happons to
bo my son-in-law. Make It brief, for
1 don't want to get tangled up more
than Is necessary."
Nora crackled tho certificate in her
fingers and stared unseeingly at It
for somo time. "I met him first In
Rangoon," sho began slowly, without
raising her eyes.
"When you went around tho world
on your own?"
"Yes. Oh, don't worry. I was. al
ways ablo to tako care of myself."
"An Irish Idea," answered Harrigan
"I loved him, father, with all my
heart and soul. Ho was not only big
and strong and handsomo, but he was
kindly and tender and thoughtful.
Why, I never knew that ho was rich
until after I had promised to bo his
wife. When I learned that ho was the
Edward Courtlandt who was always
getting Into the newspapers, I laughed.
There were stories about his esca
pades. There wero innuendoes re
garding certain women, but I putj
them out of my mind as twaddle. Ah,
"I Am a Wretch," She Said.
nover had I been so happy! In Ber
lin we went about like two children.
It was play. He brought me to tho
Opera and took me away; and wo had
the most charming little euppers. I
never wrote you or mother because I
wished to surprise you."
"You have. Go on."
"I had never paid much attention
to Flora Deslmone, though I knew that
she was Jealous of my success. Sev
eral times I caught her looking at Ed
ward In a way I did not like."
"Sho looked at him, huh?"
"It was the last performance of the
season. We were married that after
noon. Wo did not want anyone to
know about it I was not to leave
the- stage until tho end of tho follow
ing season. We were staying at the
same hotel with rooms across tho cor
ridor. This was much against bis
wishes, but I prevailed."
"I SCO."
"Our rooms were opposite, ae I said.
After tho performance that night I
went to mlno to completo tho final
packing. We were to leave at ono
for tho Tyrol. Father, I saw Flora
Deslmone como out of his room."
Harrigan shut and openod his hands,
"Do you understand? I saw he.
Sho was laughing. I did not seo him.
My wedding night! She came from
his room. My hert stopped, the
world stopped, everything went black.
All the stories that I had read and
heard came back. When he knocked
at my door I refused to see hits. I
never saw him again until that night
In Paris whew he forced bis way lata
my aparlMeMt,"
Hang it, Nora, tills doesn't sound
like him!"
MI saw her."
"Ho wrote "you?"
"I returned ttitT lotters, unopened."
"That wasn't square. You might
havo boon wrong."
"Ho wroto five letters. Aftor that
he wont to India, to Africa and back
to India, whero ho Boemod to find con
eolation enough."
Harrigan laid It to his lack of nor
mal vision, but to hie slnglo optic
thoro was anything but mlaory In hor
beautiful bluo oyco. Truo, thoy
sparklod with tears; but that Blgnlfiod
nothing; ho hadn't boon married thoso
thirty-odd years without loarnlng that
a wolnan woopa for any of a thousand
and ono reasons.
"Do you caro for him still?"
"Not n day passod during thceo
many months that I did not vow 1
hated hlln."
"Anyono olno know?"
"Tho padre. I had to toll somo ono
or go mad. Hut 1 didn't hato him. 1
could no more put him out of my
Ufa than I could stop breathing. Ah,
I havo boon bo miserable, and un
happy!" Sho laid hor hond upon his
knees and clumBlly ho Btrokcd it Ills
"That's tho troublo with uo Irish,
Nora. Wo Jump without looking, without-finding
whether wo'ro right or
wrong. Well, your daddy's opinion Is
that you Bhould have read his first
lettor. If It didn't ring right, why,
you could havo Jumped tho truces. 1
don't bollovo ho did anything wrong
at all. It iBn't In tho man's blood to
do anything unddrboard."
"But I saw her," a queer look In hor
eyes as sho glanced up at him.
"I don't caro a kloodlo If you did.
Tako it from mo, it was a put-up Job
by that Calabrlan woman. Sho might
havo gone to his room for any num
ber of harmless things. But I think
sho was curious."
"Why didn't sho como to rae, If sho
wanted to ask questions?"
"I can eoo you answering them. Sho
probably Just wanted to know If you
wore married or not. Sho might havo
been in love with him, and then Bho
might not Thcso Italians don't know
half the tlmo what they'ro about any
how. But I don't bcllovo it of Court
landt He doesn't lino up that way.
Besides, he's got eyes. You'ro a thou
sand times inoro nttractlvo. Ho's no
fool. Know what 1 think? Ae nho
was coming out sho saw you at your
door; and tho dovll In her got busy."
Nora, roso, flung her arms around
him ahd'UliWd'lilm."
"Look out for that tin oar!"
"Oh, you great big, loynl, true-
hearted man! Open that door and
let me get out to tho terrace. I want
to sing, sing!"
"He said he was going to Milan In
the morning."
She danced to the door and was
"Nora!" ho called, Impatiently. Ho
listened In vain for the sound of her
return. "Well, I'll take tho count when
It comes to guessing what a woman's
going to do. I'll go out and square
up with the old girl. Wonder how this
news will harness up with hor social
Courtlandt got Into his compartment
at Varenna. Ho had tipped tho guard
liberally not to open the door for any
one else, unless the train was crowded.
As the shrill blast of tho conductor's
horn sounded tho warning of "all
aboard," tho door opened and a heavily
veiled woman got in hurriedly. Tho
train began to move Instantly. The
guard slammed tho door and latched
it Courtlandt sighed: tho futility of
trusting these Italians, of trying to
buy their loyalty! Tho woman was
without any luggage whatever, not
even tho usual magazlno. Sho was
dressed In brown, her hat was brown,
her veil, her gloves, her chocs. But
whether sho was young or old was
beyond his deduction. Ho opened his
Corrlere and held it before his eyes;
but he found reading Impossible. Tho
newspaper finally slipped from his
bands to tho floor, whero it swayed
and rustled unnoticed. Ho was star
ing at tho promontory across Locco,
tho groen and restful hill, tho llttlo
earthly paradise out of which ho bad
been unjustly cast He couldn't under
stand. Ho had lived cleanly and de
cently; ho had wronged no man or
woman, nor hlmsolf. And yet, through
some evil twist of fate, ho had lost
all there was In llfo worth having.
Tho train lurched around a shoulder
of tho mountain. He leaned against
tho window. In a moment moro the
villa was gono.
What was It? He felt Irresistibly
drawn. Without intending to do so,
ho turned and stared at tho woman
in brown. Her hand went to tho veil
and swept It aside. Nora was as full
of romance as a child, Sho could
havo stopped him boforo he made the
boat, but she wanted to be alono with
She flung herself on her knees In
front of him, "I am a wretch!" she
He could only repeat her name,
'I am not. worth my salt. Ah, why
did you run away? Why did you Not
pursue we, Importune me until I
weried7 , . perhaps gladly?
Thara wora Huxbji wlinn I vnuld Lava
fftd my erws had you wh tie
worst scoundrel In the world Instead
ot the dearest lover, the patlentestl
Ah, can you forgive me?"
"Forgive you, Nora? He wae
"I am a miserable wrotchl I doubt
ed you. II Whon all I had to. do was
to rocall tho way people mlsroprcsont
ed things I had donel I sont back
your lottorn . . . and road ami re
road tho old blue ones. Don't you
romombor how you uaod to wrlto them
on bluo papor? . . . Flora told me
everything. It was only bocauBo she
hated mo, not that alio cared anything
about you. Sho told mo that night
ut tho ball. Sho wns at tho bottom
of tho abduction. Whon you IdsBcd
mo , . . didn't you know that I
klBBod you back. Kdwnrd, I am a minor
nblo wrotch. but I nhall follow you
wherever you go, and I haven't oven
a vanity box In my handbag!" Thoro
wero toars In hor oyes. "Say that I
am a wrotchl"
Ho druw hor up bosldo him. Ills
arms closed around hor no hungrily,
co ntrongly, that sho gaspod n llttlo.
Ho looked Into her oycu; his glunco
traveled horo and thoro ovor hor faco,
searching for tho fatnlllar dimple at
ono corner of hor mouth.
"Nora!" ho wblBpored.
"Kiss mol"
And then tho train camo to a Btand,
Jorklly. Thoy foil back ngalnot tho
"Lccco!" cried tho guard through
tho window.
Thoy laughed llko children.
"I bribed him." uho said gaily. "And
now . . ."
"Yes, and now?" cogorly, If otlll be
wildered. "Lot's go back!"
American Business Men of Today Far
Better Proportioned Than Those
of a Generation Ago.
"Tho American man, tho Araorlcan
business man of forty or forty-five, has
got a now shapo," said a tailor. "IIo'o
got a lean, straight shapo full cheat,
narrow hips. But If you could havo
seen him n generation ago!
"Tho bUBlneBS man of forty, expected
to bo fat and soft a goncrntion ago. Ho
rather ndmired, In fact, a fat, soft
shape. Tho richest business men wero
fnt and soft and that mado a faBhlou
of It Just as Qucon Alexandra's lame
ness mado a limp fnshlonablo In Vic
torian times. -
"What stomachs our fathers had at
fortv or fortv-flvo! Fcathor-bcd
stomachs which thoy balanced by bond
ing backward. A big stomach was a
sign of success, a sign of gentility. If
you wero lean, why, you must bo a
laborer perhaps you didn't got
enough to cat.
"What Is tho causo of tho slcndor,
ngilo figures of today? Opon air and
exercise that's tho causo. Golf Is the
cause. Motoring Is tho causo.
"My friend." tho tailor Impressively
ended, "my bookB show that tho mid-dlc-agcd
business man ot today Is
four Inches bigger around tho chest
than tho mlddlu-agcd business man of
1890, and 18 Inches Bmnllor around tho
While the Country Increases In Popu
lation Small Places Have Lost
Many Residents.
A striking warning that tho townB
aro loBlng tholr population moro rap
Idly than tho opon country, was sound
ed at tho twenty-sixth annual conven
tion In Kansas City of tho Southwest
ern Lumbermen's association, tho Sur
vey state. Tho organization com
prlso 1,900 retail dealers In Arkansas,
Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas.
Nino states wero cited In which
6,350 towns lost population, whlto tho
population of tho wholo country In
creased 21 per cent Out of 277
county seats In thoso nlno states, 217,
or nearly 28 por cent, lost population,
although thoy aro tho political, admin
Istratlvo and business centers of pop
ulation. This docllno of tho town la greatest
in tho richest and most thickly settlod
parts of tho nine stntcts. Wisconsin
lost population in 310 towns, Missouri
in 640, Iowa In GG4, Indiana In 030,
Michigan In 077, Now York In 74C, Illi
nois In 788, Ohio in 1,130, Pennsylva
nia In 1,520.
Forehanded Beetles.
Several farmers wero sitting around
tho flro In tho country inn and telling
how tho potato posts had got Into
ti ir crops. Said ono:
"Them pcBts uto my wholo crop In
two weeks,"
Then another npoko up:
"Thoy ato my crop In two days and
then sat around on tho treos and
waited for mo to plant moro,"
Hero a commercial truvelor for a
sued hoiiHo broke In;
J' Well, boysJjsald, "that may be
so, but I'll toll what J nawjn our
own warehouse, J saw four or Ave
btl examining the books about a
week before planUnK time to see wk
had txHitfbt seed."
W. L. D
9m, 13, $3.M
11.75, 94, 94.E0
ind SS.OO
$M5, $2.10 j
51.00 a ij.bu
0m i
r.wtri of TWgfSSSSSSSSSSJr
vrIiik tir hnvlntr hU name mid lh rtuil prlr
tamni on in noia ixrur in no iy(iiic-
lory. ThU protects th wtrr nlnt lik-li itlca
for Inferior hoe of other inh. W U.luiili
itiote ( Umi npnh TTlmt luu 7 (or lliciii. If
jmi eouM Me liow rerefullr v I, IKiuglut il.yr ere
meiW.eiut the Mull Itratle iUimiiiI, jeu woiild tlien
uivtneimtJ whr H'7 look tllr, fit lelie r, liolrt lliHr
tieiie sn.l wrer loniter then other uiein for Hie prli-e.
If the W. I. hoiulei ilioi eie net for U In tout
Tli'lnlty.orJrr dlitot frorn f'orr.. .Hhoee emt eteir
whete. I'oiuie Ut In lit t'. H. Vrll fir Illt.
trMl .'MlMir liotflni' liuw loorOtr I7 liie.ll
W. U 0UUULA,llOMl.llHl.,llluvlluolXI.
IVuplfi from ell tierte ut
Orun nitd WftelilrtK
Ion vonatftiilly vWll uui
ultke for Jt titet treat
mnit. Ouriklll Ik no
hnuwlnlurtl, enl our
tiromitn In nnixi
Itier work In one lie
whtiri-iilrl Ueppiti.
f J t)r W(i te n f!.
m -until m-rt. Thr le
III mvrfj imiMtN.
Dr. Wlfl ley claim tn
liUdUtlnvtkin In Ore
fim. 21 Tin' luwrkwr.
What wofti t (dur
ante plon'i !o.
ww ntina von mcii.fiKAiw wokk.
".no.l KmI Itulibfr Ple. rarii 3.00
IhrSimt Itnl liulilx-r Tlu r. ntcli 7.M
S-Kaia (ilil or rorrclaln Crown C.(n
nr.i.iAiii.i: i'.mni.imh iirvritrrs.
f.'ionrj-Ma'n A 2019.
Kt4 Third HlitW. I'allln itig I'urllnnil, Orrson
8. V Cor. Tlilid br J WuMttstsn.
The Dumdum tlullets.
As whb oxpoetod thu hro that
lunidum htilluts uro hclng iihi1 In Hit:
wjir Iiiih nppwircd. There Iirh not
'icon u war since, tho tluimluin wrtH
frowned upon ut the enrond lUwue
:onfcrent Iipchumo it shatters hours
and toni-H great holm In tho flfh.
This tlmo It is Iho Kronoh who cluUn
;luit (criimn noltlli-tti uro tiaitig It.
Tlxrilumiluiu Ih ho called hccnuBt It
wan first inndu liy tho Hritluh tit Unni
Jum, I ad 41, tho kcciio of tho flrut out
break In the mutiny of 1SD7. Tho Hrlt
"tith NoldlttrA. found 'that tho rimnll iUo,
bu'.Iot thoy wen using would nut top'
their fniwitlcnl oncmics. In civilised
wnrrnro It v.-nii creromnry for a man
iliot through tho body to ti.lnk ho hntl"
.iriou;;!i fiKhtiug for nwhlio. hut thu
Srtpoys wt-ro different, ho tlu IlrltiKh
soldlorn mudo a bullet that would flat
ten out when It ntruck a bone, making
a terrible wound.
Thiyo has slnco boon n dlsputo as to
whether tho dumdum rihould be out
lawcd. On tho ono hand It Is nrgucd
that Its uho greatly lucrtmnoH tho por
cctitngo of killed, nnd on tho othur
that It should not bo outlawed whllo
artillery la permitted to throw shulls
that tear dozoua of men limb from
limb. Most of tho powers now fight
ing linvn agreed that it should not bo
used. Savannah Nowh,
Ornamental Monument.
"That is a beautiful rlnmond ring
you aro wearing. May I nsk how much
It cost?"
"I pnld $1000 for it." MY
"Ono thousand dollars! Why I did
not know you wero worth thutyinuch
money." t
"I'm not; but, you seo, whon my un
do died ho mado mo solo executor,
and ho loft $1000 for a stono to bo
erected to his memory, and this in the
stono." St. Louis Post Dispatch. "
Wild Pitch.
"1 thought you had thrown Arthur
ovor." Jp
"I did, but you know how fWglrl
throws." Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Tho allies hopo to hem In tho foo.
Of courso, thoro Ih truth In the old
Baw that a otltch in tlmo naves nlno,
Same Effect.
Mistress Aro you married?
Applicant No'm. I humpod Into a
door. Woman's Journal.
The war has somo advantages after
all, If tho pooplo only know It. It has
proventcd a lot of International marriages.
Forest fired In tho United Stntos
cause an annual loss of $20,000,000,
The queen of Donmnrk carrlos 26
hats with hor when uho goos on va
cation trips,
Tobacco Habit
Easily Conquered
A New Yorker of W experience, )i written
a Look telllmr liow the lolmcroor mm If hatdt may
m eaullyaml completely liatilelml In three dayi
with debtful 1mo')I, The aulhor, ICilwarU J,
WimJ. 1 PfMatlon K. New York Clly, will
mall hU mM free en toiueet,
The hllh kiifirovee wonderfully arier th
nicotine tioleon U out of the ylMt. CalMtieie.
Iieil'jull li, rleer eye, normal n'vMt, ifood
tJlifeetlotii weiily vlirw, tiling memory stxi i
tieneral a-an In ilir are amutiif Ihe many
lefiefll yvimrte-l, (let M that nervoui ffellnvi
W More nel ut l'l).f, t)l(rar taretl, ihuK, i
(htwiw U'ltmci iu pint ly mwM iltlm,