5 6A • March 13, 2015 | Cannon Beach Gazette | cannonbeachgazette.com Minutes with… BU SIN E SS Tom Maertens DIRE CT ORY Maertens, 45, is the volunteer coordinator with the Haystack Rock Awareness Program, a position he will hold through October. He has a master’s degree in geography from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, and did doctoral work in geography at the University of British Columbia. L AWN & G ARDEN C ARE HEIDI LALIBERTE PHOTO in South Carolina originally, and then I did my senior thesis on ghost crabs. I A: 0\IDPLO\¶VIURPKHUHWKH3DFL¿F was a “coastal biologist,” I thought of Northwest). I split my winters in De- myself as. I like the dunes, and I like troit, Mich., and summers in Oregon the drift line, things like that. Plants with my dad and mom. And, at 17, I on the shore. moved out here and started my uni- YHUVLW\YHQWXUHDW3DFL¿F8QLYHUVLW\ Q: How did you hear about this gig? in Forest Grove), and then there’s a A: Actually, I heard about it on the list of 13 others that follow. 7H[DV$0 8QLYHUVLW\ -RE %RDUG And then I mentioned it to people, and Q: (Tom refers to himself as a friends around town said I’d be great biogeographer.) Could you explain for the job. And that was that. Q: Where are you originally from? what biogeography is? A: I study where things live and the Q: I hear the city was slammed on processes that control them — where they live and why. Valentine’s Day. (Samantha Ferber, Haystack Rock Awareness Program coordinator, said that she and her Q: How does that map onto marine team counted 2,339 visitors during the biology? program’s fi rst weekend of the year on A: Biogeography’s an older thing. the beach, Feb. 13 through 16.) Was That’s what Darwin was, for instance. that, at all, overwhelming? (Alfred Russel) Wallace. A bunch of famous people we talk about — they were biogeographers. So you study natural processes and what controls the distribution of species. And you can use that in a petri dish of bacteria or in a forest... It works in marine biology just the same ... Some things live in the deep tide pools, some on the more exposed DUHDV 3XI¿QV RQO\ JR VR IDU QRUWK right? So you can look at any scale. My early career was as a marine biologist. I worked with ghost crabs our anemones are decades old, may- be 100 years old. They want to poke them and pry them off. And people will wade into the tide pools — like, literally the whole family will walk in: “Where’s a crab?” It’s like, “Wow. If you back up and let the sand settle, there’s actu- ally a dozen crabs in there.” I learned you actually have to just stop looking for things out there. You just stop — just stop what you’re do- ing, and you will see things. So, my ¿UVWGD\,ZDVUXQQLQJDURXQGORRN ing for things to show people, and WKHQ,UHDOL]HG-XVWVWDQGWKHUHDQG you can point at things right around. That wall that looks dead is actually a living wall of barnacles and mus- sels and chitons. Amazing! Q: Where do you see yourself going after this position? A: (Pause.) Thanks for thinking of A: It went by really fast! I got chapped me. (Smiles.) lips. The joke is, it wasn’t from the wind and the sun, it was just from WDONLQJIRU¿YHKRXUVVWUDLJKW Ninety-seven percent of the people are nice, in my little experience. About half of those are sincerely interested in learning more — like they’re really interested in it, so that’s really nice, to have a passionate group of people so easy to teach. It’s not a chore. And a few people just don’t get it — just totally don’t understand that I’m really in it for the journey, and I haven’t gotten that far (in plan- ning). The idea was to — for this (volunteer coordinator) project — just to stay local if I could, which isn’t that easy on the coast. And if I can be in Cannon Beach, that’s even better. And then, just to be with an or- ganization that is not harming the world, at a minimum. And, if it’s helping, so much the better. 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In addition, many prop- erty owners actually have little incentive to create more affordable housing: They can make as much money in a month, or even in a couple of weeks, rent- ing out their units to short- term visitors with deep pockets as they can renting to a low-income family for D\HDU-RKQVWRQVDLG -RKQVWRQ LV D PHPEHU of the task force, which is investigating why medi- sop, Columbia and Tilla- mook counties. One is a voucher program that will cover up to 70 percent of a WHQDQW¶VUHQWLIWKH¿JXUHLV within 110 percent of what +8' FRQVLGHUV ³IDLU PDU ket rent.” Though this voucher of a friend of a friend who agreed to lower their rent” so that a family or elder- ly person could live in the unit, he added. More than two-thirds of renter households in Can- non Beach are considered “rent burdened,” which means they spend between 30 and 50 percent of their income on housing needs, More than two-thirds of renter according to a report pre- households and nearly one-fourth pared by City Attorney of households that are buying Tammy Herdener in the fall of 2013. Nearly one-fourth their homes in Cannon Beach of households that are buy- are considered ‘rent burdened’ ing their homes also are considered rent burdened. Because Cannon Beach an-income families cannot program “could have a big property values are so ex- afford to rent or buy hous- impact” on Cannon Beach’s pensive, many families ing in Cannon Beach. The affordable housing prob- earning the area’s median task force will develop rec- lem, the people who use the income — roughly $55,500 ommendations to increase vouchers in Cannon Beach in Clatsop County in 2014 affordable housing in town. seem to be exceptions, — are priced out of the The Northwest Oregon -RKQVWRQ VDLG 2IWHQWLPHV city’s housing market, ac- Housing Authority, which “the landlord is a friend cording to the report. administers federal Hous- LQJ DQG 8UEDQ 'HYHORS ment funds, runs several programs that provide ac- cess to “safe and decent” affordable housing in Clat- Expert Service, Repairs & In stallation Residen tial & C om m ercial G as, O il & E lectric Fu rnaces D u ctless System s • Fireplaces W ater H eaters • H eat P u m ps & A C C om m ercial R efrigeration L icensed & Bonded L ocally O w ned & O perated C annon B each, O regon CCB#1992 05 Housing options are few — and expensive — in Cannon Beach H EATING & C OOLING 503-440-6975 coastheating@ gm ail.com L ANDSCAPING GARDENER arcadia organic landscaping & design 503.440.1491 arcadialandscaping@hotmail.com lcb 9071 C ONSTRUCTION B OB M C E W AN C ONSTRUCTION , INC . 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ONLY $22 PER ISSUE Call Laura Kaim 503-791-6709 lkaim@dailyastorian.com BU SIN E SS DIRE CT ORY