6A • January 2, 2015 | Cannon Beach Gazette | cannonbeachgazette.com Local practitioner brings her healing touch Acupuncturist Aria Walker’s ‘long, winding road’ takes her to Cannon Beach and a new business By Erick Bengel Cannon Beach Gazette Chinese and alternative medicine abounds with con- cepts — “energy,” “circu- lation,” “meridians,” “qi” (pronounced “chee”) — that may confuse the nonpracti- tioner. Aria Walker, 43, the new- est owner of Acupuncture & Natural Medicine Clinic who moved to Cannon Beach in early July, has spent more than two decades studying, applying and teaching these concepts. Articulate and fo- cused, Walker brings forth the ancient beauty behind the familiar buzzwords. In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture — which involves small, thin needles penetrating the skin — is a way to adjust WKHÀRZRITLWRFHUWDLQDU eas of the body. Qi (“life energy”) is believed to run along bodily channels (“meridians”) that don’t have a physical structure. Meridians don’t appear in Western maps of human anatomy, so Walker com- SDUHV WKH TL ÀRZLQJ DORQJ them to “sky to ground light- ning”: “The lightning takes a path, but after the lightning KLWV \RX ZRQ¶W ¿QG D SDWK way ... even though you can clearly see it when it strikes.” The needles, she said, help to get the qi moving ZKHUHWKHUHLVD³GH¿FLHQF\´ or “blockage” — the two main types of energy “in- terruptions.” She invokes a river metaphor: Sometimes the water is low, and other times there’s a tree in the riv- HUEORFNLQJWKHÀRZ Using sterilized nee- dles placed at “acupuncture points,” Walker’s job is to tap into a spring of qi, “get- ting the energy to come back up into the area,” or to open up a blockage, “bringing in more qi,” she said. The goal is to “stimulate the body’s own healing functions and bring the body to homeosta- sis,” she said. Patient testimony wide- ly associates acupuncture with pain relief, though the pain-relieving mechanism is a source of debate. Whether patient beliefs and expec- tations play a role is an on- JRLQJ VXEMHFW RI VFLHQWL¿F study, according to the Na- tional Institutes of Health. Wish list Before moving to Cannon Beach, Walker owned a pri- vate practice in Anchorage, Alaska, while working for acupuncturists in the nearby city of Palmer. Early last year, she wrote out a wish list, which includ- ed moving close to the water, living within biking or walk- LQJGLVWDQFHIURPKHURI¿FH and being of service to a community where she could make difference. Minutes later, she re- ceived an email from a list serve written by Genevieve Cannon Beach Police Log Dec. 7 12:43 a.m. 100 block of West Warren Way: assistance provided to another agency. Offi cers assisted another agency in attempting to locate missing suicidal subject. Subject not lo- cated. Dec. 10 9:32 p.m. Les Shirley Park: camping within city limits. Subject(s) warned for unlawful lodging. Dec. 11 5:27 p.m. Van Buren Street and Ocean Avenue: public assis- tance. Caller reported a down line. Offi cer located the line; it was not dangerous. Dec. 13 10:40 a.m. Fifth Avenue and Larch Street: dog/animal complaints. Found German shepherd. Dog lodged in ken- nel. Contacted Clackamas Coun- ty dog services. Left message with license number. Dog later released to owner. contacted vehicle and driver, who was lost. Offi cer assisted and cleared. Dec. 15 Dec. 18 12:42 p.m. Hug Point: wel- fare check. Report of hikers stranded near Hug Point. Offi cer arrived and contacted the hikers. They were not in any distress. 4:36 p.m. Skate park: other all. Helmet warning. 6:12 p.m. 300 block of North Spruce Street: assistance provid- ed to another agency. Received report of a possible overdose on medications. Arrived and secured scene. Patient stated he had taken his prescribed medication (which the offi cer confi rmed) and had become nauseous, vomiting up the med- ication a short time later. Patient refused medical treatment. Dec. 16 3:55 p.m. North entrance: assistance rendered: offi cer 7:58 p.m. 1400 block of South Hemlock: assistance ren- dered. Motel staff wanted con- tact regarding suspicious guest. Dec. 19 4:16 a.m. 400 block of Kim- berly Court: assistance rendered. Citizen requesting assistance with changing her oxygen fi l- ter. Offi cer assisted and fi lter was changed. Dec. 20 3:48 p.m. U.S. Highway 101 at Warren Way: driving privileges suspended/revoked. Offi cer stopped vehicle for ille- gal U-turn. Driver was cited for driving while suspended. ERICK BENGEL PHOTO Aria Walker administers acupuncture treatment to Seaside resident Rebecca Parker. Walk- er ran a private practice in Anchorage, Alaska, before taking over the Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinic on South Hemlock Street from Genevieve Johnson in July 2014. Johnson, former owner of ployee — unless you count al Chinese medicine at the Acupuncture & Natural her 8-year-old blue-and-gold 3DFL¿F &ROOHJH RI 2ULHQWDO Medicine Clinic, advertising macaw, Skye, who greets pa- Medicine. Later, in Alabama, she the business for sale. tients with an amiable “Hel- worked as an assistant for “I don’t know how it end- lo.” a third-generation Chinese ed up in my inbox because, acupuncturist and, from normally, I have to go to that ‘Long, winding road’ Walker called her life’s there, moved to Gainesville, site to pick up messages,” Walker said. “But, in my in- journey, which spans the Fla., where she graduated box, this practice was listed, United States, a “long, wind- from Academy for Five El- ement Acupuncture. Walker and — line item — every- ing road.” Born and raised in Men- ¿QDOO\ PRYHG WR $ODVND LQ thing (Johnson) wrote about the practice was everything tor, Ohio, she ended up grad- 2011. Though acupuncture is her that I had just written in my uating from high school in North Carolina and earned forte, over the years Walker wish list.” Accompanying the ad an associate’s degree in pho- has immersed herself in the was “this little picture of the tography at Rochester Insti- myriad branches of the healing building, which looked like tute of Technology in New arts: massage, Reiki, herbal- LVPPR[LEXVWLRQUHÀH[RORJ\ a picture I’d had in my head York. She eventually transfered cupping therapy, aroma thera- for about 30 years,” she said. “So it caught my attention.” to Ohio University in Ath- py and Japanese shiatsu. She considers alter- A few weeks native medicine later, she visit- ‘Keeping people healthy before a “complete sys- HG WKH 3DFL¿F tem” of treatment. Northwest for they get sick? Not a strong suit “To me, they WKH ¿UVW WLPH of Western medicine…’ all work together, When she saw they just work on the building on Aria Walker different levels,” South Hemlock she said, add- Street in person, ing that Chinese “if I wasn’t sold already, it was a done deal.” ens, which is where she met medicine offers more in terms Originally owned by KHU¿UVWWHDFKHUVLQWKHKHDO of preventing illness than Western medicine. “Keeping Nancy Burton, the clinic has ing arts outside of school. After attending the Boul- people healthy before they been in Cannon Beach for 15 years. Burton sold it to John- der School of Massage Ther- get sick? Not a strong suit of apy in Boulder, Colo., she Western medicine — at least VRQDERXW¿YH\HDUVDJR Walker, a midtown res- moved to San Diego, Calif., not hospital-based pharma- ident, is now the sole em- where she studied tradition- ceutical Western medicine.” BUSINESS DIRECTORY C ONSTRUCTION U pcom in g Tastin gs Jan . 3 • Fresh P icks for the N ew Year Jan . 10 • W ines of the Year Jan . 17 • N orthw est R ed s Jan . 24 • W ines You ’ve N ever T ried Jan . 31 • Su per B ow l W ines Lo ca lly Ow n e d a n d Ope ra te d Residential • Commercial • Remodeling New Construction • Storm Damage Repair Full Service Custom Cabinet Shop T H IR D SU N D A Y of the M O N T H W om en ’s A uxiliary B reakfast – 9:00 – 11:30 am • $8 E V E R Y M O N D A Y N IG H T B urgers an d Jam S ession • 6:00 – 8:00 pm R eally good in form al m usic un til th e m usician s w ear out! 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