THE m OWL Published every Saturday. THE OWL PUB. CO. EARL E. FIBHER. Editor. iDntemd as Second Class mail natter, under the Act of March ?. 1879. At the Post Office, in iBeaverton, Oregon. July 20, 1912 Subscription $ 1.00 Per Year. , ADVERTISING KATES Display ads. 75c an inch per nonthjreaderslOc per line for 1st 5naerKon,5c per line forfll sub eqaent insertions. EDITORIAL OFF BRAKES One of the strange things of I bis world, is the great number of people sahg fnd thinking "it can't be done" Scientific men st ute the words we utter travel for ever if this be true wouldn't fhe above be a dreary old chorus to send up from th i Earth "It jan'tbe done" and yet this is the mu.sic in the air we venture to say that these who are listening must surely think ; a big bunch of piers on thatbrighi star have "lost their Ambish. ".' Batter to have your shoulder to the wheel f activity than tohavetho brake Hello There ! February Gem A nethysl Flower Primrose Astral Colors B ue, Pink and Nile Green. EAST SOCIETY.,- Miss Chalma.i and Mis- Titus of Raleigh were in the Garden ity attending Church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Peters are visiting villi Mrs'. Peter's Parents Mr. ind Mrs.' P.M. Robinson ot this place. 1 W.L. Burke, Wife and son nf Forest Grove st,ent Sunday nailing with Mrs. D.C.Fisher. The Commercial Club at the last meeting passed a resolution inviting the S. P. Co. to park their Right of was' from the Barber shop Westward to the Flour Mill, This is the first step toward mak ing Beaverton a City Beautiful. Mr. Poison of Progress has been doing some grado work in front of hi home which is a big improvement. Alb.Muessig the Beaverton mill er, made this office a pleasant pall Wed.night Mr. MucBsiyr grin ds the famous Mt. Hod Flour It is hard to. beat and ia made in Beaverton which gives it the good taste. The Gevurtz Auto of Sorrento got stuck in the mud Tuesday night and it was necessary to (end to Portland to have a Ser vice car come and tow it to the Uose City. This is little tough on Autos but bully for ducks. E.O.Shepard of El monies att ended the Masonic Lodgo here Tuesday Evening. Mr. and Mis. J. A.Peterson wore the first to have their flower garden planted for 1913; getting (he work completed in January. The wood chuck saw his sha dow Sunday, and It was a daisy so. poke up the fire for six weeks Bruce Denney of Progress took i Uncle Toms Cabin Saturday night and had some exciting time in the gallery "when the seats departed" Persons born undsr this :ign which extends from January ;21st to February 19 th are more apt to be parodoxical and go to ex tremes man persona born unaer any of the other signs. If you were born under t his sign.Aquar- its, it is somewhat difficult to de scribe your characteristics, for, if surrounded by advantageous circumstances, you will be capable of achieving wondrous results, while on the contrary, if adver sity shoul l be your .ot, you are able to sTni to the lowest depth Certain it H that persons born under th;s sign are seldom med iocre in any walk of life they are decidedly one thing or the other. Your talents are more in the line of the useful than the orna mental, and ydur successes will be mainly in mercantile pursuits. You ara fond of amusements of all k'mds operas, theatres pop ular resorts, sports etc. an J per sons born in this are more apt tc well in the cities, their nature demanding thr active social and business intercourse of city life. You are a good judge of Iranian ature and not liable t6 be ' rais ed by a pathetic story which is untrue. Persons born under this 3ign seem to possess a peculiar ability in controlling insrne per sons and possess the power of healing in a great degree. Women born in thi3 sign are the most devoted wives; they al ways wish to appear well dressed and are inclined, to observe the conventionalities of life; their tastes run more toward the ideal than the real practical in life You should wed with those born in Led, they are pre-eminently home-makers. 45 acres Timber land 5 miles Eaat of Oregon City will mskl about 1000 cords 2 small streams running water on place year ar sund $75. per sere Call at this office Albert Mussig Beaverton Office. ' " For Sale 6 1-2 Acres in Beaverton New House and Barn G yr old in a no 1 condition Variety of small fruit for the home mostly seed ed -Wire fence Rest of water Arc lights front place. $5500 $2500 Cash Balance on time. ITEMS OF INTEREST Miss Lettie McKay handed in one dollar for The Owl for one year. Miss McKay has been mak- 'No. 6 ing some big improvemeuts to her pleasant home in Progress during this Winter and by Spring everything will be fixed up fine. I The Beaverton Milling Ca.have recently received, a car load of Corn from Lincoln Neb. contain ing 30 tons in bulk. ALL ABOARD S. P. Co. GOING WEST 7-12 a.m. No. 4 9-02 : 40 1-31 p M, 2 5-28 J.C.Comley 1 8-01 AM 39 3-33 ' 3 4- 42pm 5 6-22 Agent. RNIA Beaverton Basket Ball Team will play tellwtod at Morse Hall next Satufdsy night Feb. 15 All come and see. the Boys play. Probate Court Estate Geo. A. Gore; March, 10 set fcr final tettk ! Estate P.ivelen Linsrcan, in sane petition set for hearing cn Feb. 17. Estate Geo.Rowcliffe; will ad mitted to probate. C.C. Gibson J.D.Rode, E.W.Hanes appointed appraisers for Washington coun ty Estate John R.Hall; will ad mitted to probate. G.W.Hall appointed executor. Estate Anna G Weir; March 10 set for hearing final account. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. E.B.G if fin 'to Blanche Todd 41.38 aci'es in sec. 3 1 N 2.' $10. Herdert L.Simpson and wife to Ewdin G.Nelson Lot 3. blk. H. Lehman Acre Tracts.' $10. Ruth Trust Co. to Emil Felden ot 6. blk 44 North Plains. Oregon Nursery Co. to Anson E. Phelps Lot 3, blk 7. Orenco 'ownship. v $375. J.T.Conway to Roxfe SMahan -2 int. in lots 7 and $ blr 3 Myers Add. to Reebville Homes $10. etc. Oregon Electric EAST GOING WEST No. 30 6-48 A.M. No. 31 7-23 A M 32 7-40 - 33 9 28 34 9-08 35 11-25 36 11-17 37 153 PM 38 1-34 P.M. 39 4-27 ' 40 4-17 41 5-54 42 6-49 43 7-10 44 8-44 45 9-02 46 10-20 47 12 02AM NO LIMITED : G. L. THOMPSON. Aent CALIFO The Land Of SUNSHINE and FLOWERS Reached By The .'J We pay Portland Prices For Oats Eeaverton Milling Co. HOUSE AND LOT At Hood River-Rented-with Cash For Acreage near Beaverton - Address G. F.Cramer Beaverton, Ore. WILKES ABSTRACT Co. fHLLSBORO, OREGON M. E. Church Sunday school at 10 a. m. reaching 1st. and 8nd. Sundays of each month, morning and eve- Ing C. B. Rees Pastor. Bring your Fat Stock to The NEW MARKET in M.P.CADY Store Building BEAVERTON CEDAR MILLS 3 one acre tracts center of town dandy location' - $500 each,: oh terms a bargain for cash. RALEIGH 5 Room 1-2 story house one acre of land 75 fruit treas and berries of all kinds 35 chickens pig, near new Eletric on S. P. track $2500. $500 cash. Would like to. buy a farm in Yamhill Countv 60 to 100 Acres Owl Land Co. Would trade Beaverton - Pro perty. Only 7 miles from Port land all clearep oi d n d. Wanted to rent 40 to 100 acies within two miles of Rail Road. Write immediately. Owl Land Co Giant Stump Puller For Sale Cheap Going away Full Equipment Richard Melloy Beaverton 7 1-2 acres for sale 2 miles from Beaverton New 5 room house with basement 14 by 20 New small Barn and hay 50 sacks of potatoes 25 chickens 2 hogs 1 good family cow will be fresh the first of April. Place sll set out apples of standard variety ihree large cherry trees SCO The late Car from Portland on Loganberries, every tl ing goes the O.E. will come direct to for $4300. $1000. down time to Beaverton hereafter. Better i -wit puyer on the balance service. It has been disagreeable these cold nights for the passeng trs to change cars at Garden Home. riMr tod Airrrir THE OWL PRESS. 19 Acres 5 cleared 1 12 miles south of Pesverton side walk running past place Best of soil.$I500 Cash Bal 1 to 3 yrs. Owl Land Co. Beaverton, Ore. Congregational Sunday School at 10 A. M. every bunday. christian L,n- eavor at 6:30 sharp. Preaching second and fourth Sundays of each morith. J. M. Barber Pastor, 20 ACRES 2 Miles From Rail road 3 miles From Beaverton 14 Acre in cultivation $4100 The Owl $75 Stump Pullur "JUMBO" good os new 125 ft. cable goes for $50 cash call at thi3 office. The Owl Land Co. FOR SALE ONE BLACK MARE 2 BROOD SOWS 1 CREAM SEPERATOR ' H. TAYLOR Beaverton Meyers Pumps, PIPES AND REPAIRS P. H. Van Dehey. Beaverton Oregon 20 Acres 14 cleared $4100. OWL LAND Cg. FINE FARM ON THE TUALITIN 14 1-4 acres 2 miles east from Hillsboro, and one mile from a good station on S, P. track 5 room house good barn 9 acres in cultivation 5 1-2 in pasture all feaced with wira fencing, big irop of putatoee, 7o bearing fruit trees all goes for $8200 very easy terms CALL ON THE OWL W. E. PEGG Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer Complete Stock of Coffins and Caskets NEW HEARSE BEAVERTON OREGON FOR SALE 2 story house 6 Rooms wired ' fcr lights abstract to-date 2 lots. 4 Lota nice house, Jbarn, fruit trees garden close in For Sale. 7 1-2 acres beaverdam $4500 Here is a bargain for beaverc am generally brings $S00 per acrj. Homelike Cottige 5 Lot, new fences, fine strawberry patch. 4 Shows Weekly Tuesday Thuriday Saturday And 9undy Nights. Beaverton Moving Picture Show Change Program Tuesday Thursday Saturday Admission IQc. Children 5c V.&UNSIT Zl AT HUBER 2 1-2 Acres, 1-2 acre cleared 4 room Bungalow lathed and plastered, good well water, pump in house, 2 large elothes cleets, bijr bath room. Corner lot, $2300. $1000. cash balance own terms. For Sale By The Owl Uad Co. HAS IN EFFECT ROUND TRIP FARES $55, PORTLAND TO LOS ANGELES EFFCTIVE JANUARY 1st 1913. $54.70 Eugene to Los Angeles 50.20 Roseburtf to Los Angeles 44. 30 Grants Pass to Los Angeles 42.60MedfOrd to Los Ang"le3. 41.85 Ashland to Los Angeles Same Fares apply to Colton, Pasadena, Riverside, and San Bern?.r.dio. With corresponding Low Fares from Intermediate points'and stop overs gojng or returning- and leng return limit. Descriptive and Interesting Literature on various Attractions of the Golden Stale may be obtained from any S.P, Agent or by writing John M, Scott, Gen. Fasi. Agt, Portland Ore. ' FRUIT TREES CUT FLOWERS PLANTS ALL KINDS w :on HILLSBORO OREGON Acres 2 1-2 Miles South of Beaverton Sidewalk to within 1-3 mile of Place Land lies rolling. Unci fared About 400 Cords of Wood For Sale At $2500 $1500 Cash Owl Land Co. Beaverton Oregon The Oregon Electric Ry. Lins is Open to Eugene Junction City and Harriiburg.' Trains leafing Beaverton 8:50 A.M. and 4:24 P.M. connect at Carden Home with limited trains for Salem, Albany, "junction City( Harrisbarr and Eugene. Current folders five details of all trains. Valuable Silver Trophy Is offered by by the Railway Companias for The Best Agriculture Exhibit of products grown along the Oregon Electric, Unitei, Spokar e n lt J t a . J A m i t"i V i ' i . ortiana ot statue anu ureon 1 run it railway, aiepiayea at tfia Pacific Northwest Land Product Show Portland, Nov. 18, 23 50 cents Round trip to Portland. Tickets on saU Nov, 18 to 21 inclusive Return limit Nov. 25th. NATIONAL APPLE SHOW Ticket! on sale Nov. 11 14 Inclusive Return limit" Not. 20th. 7. Fast trains to Spokane morning and evening ria Oregon Electric and North Bank Read. De'ali of schelu'es, sleep'ng car reservation, etc. on requsst. 7f. E. COMAN, 3en'l. Frt. & Pcaa. Art. C.L, Tlonipccn Agoit ?ort!txd, Or. Beavsrton Oregon.