i i r1 71 VOL 1, NO. 14. BEAVERTON, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1912 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 PER YEA1 ' NEW ROAD InTown AIR LINE TO H1LLSBQRO The longest way around i3 the sveete3t way home eometimts and the shortest way to Hillsboro' is a straight line. Washington C,3uity ha3 rece ntly spent $3000 in having the road from Northern Cqlumbia Co. completed through Yernonia to Galea City to Forest Grove dow n thriugh Corneliu3 to Hillsborq j a fine stretch of Rock Road. From he county seat to our City the roads are crooked ar.d far around. There U a big move ment on foot to rrn a Rock Road THE SKELETON JN THE paralleled with the S. P. Traok from Hillsboro to Beaverton com nectingthe thriving tow3 of Hillsboro, Witch Haael, Reed ville, Aloha, Huber, St . Marys .nd Beaverton. We want every titizen of these places to get in Jitie and boost thi3 road through The right of wy is nearly all N'pia. "Boost 'cr through", MARRIAGE LICENSES loseph L Overbeck and Sarah E. Hunter. Curtis Mason and Bertha Cle ment Benjamtn C Sahnow and The resa Zetman. J. F. Lowd and Myrtle Riser. Arthur Ealdwin nd Edna R Morris. . C. F. Raily and Emma Jaynes. Frank J. Beier and Sadie ft. 0'Conn'er. Arthur A. Griswold and Sarah IS. Hoodenpyl. Joseph E. Martin ard Luella W. Buffum. Circus "SULLY TIME" The first circus that ha j ' 'showed up" in this part of the woccls pitched their tent Thursday and gave Beaverton a regular Oh Time Show "Old Heck" the ele phant did most of the work. The menagerie was goo4i the per fprmane j in the bjg tert was Q. K. and the band whooped things uj in Bully Shape. It maks the boys feel good to see the Good 01c Town coming to the front every day. ' , NOTICE The Bethel AJd Society will mee with Mrs. W. E. Pegg on Frieda; afternoon Oct. 25, 1U12 all ert invited. POLING BOOTH. BIRTHDAY - SHERVOOD Last week the Sherwood New s Shee' began the new year of its existence. It's a dandy little paper and the .people of Sherwood should be proud of it. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all who were so kind during our last sad bereav-tnt-ntby the death of Mrs. Edna May Klthpaugh. P. C. Kishpaugh M P. Kishpaugh J. B. Kishpaugh VOTE FOR C. A. HAN LEY FOR Co. COMMISSIONER IF ELECTED I WILL GIVE ATTENTION TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE COUNTY PAID AD. " Congregational Sunday School at 10 A. M. Endeavor society meets at 7 P. M. All the young people are Ur ged to ccme. J. M. Barber Fatter BIG SUCCESS ; fte Bazaar given by h$ .' tidies, of the Catholic Church at Grtnjte Hill Tues. and Wl. nights Was 1 grand success liancially ard socially. The Big Chicken Su per couldn be beat here is wl ere the Owl shines the Band was engaged to play and evetybedy j had a fine time,.- Tb$ Ladies pud Father 0' Fly nn are to be congrat ulated on the big success of this interprjge. CE.SPECHT'1 VERY LOW Ceras, Cjalif Oct 7 C E fpecht recently qf Beaverton i3 very low at this writing, having been in fie hospital for 4 weeks, he broke ai3 leg shortly after anphjing at;' this place, it go: worse and it; vas linauy necessary to aiflputa-; 1 3 his leg i.ear the body WilHam A, Plate VJ Willjam A. Plat? qied at" St incents Hospital Portland at 1 ocock M Sunday n.ornin;j Oft 20, 1912 ALOHA AND ' '1 aUEER AGAIN. IN n Abha and. Hubert two little ham lets on the S., P. just East of Reedvple, are egain in litigation over school affairf, Both these place? are growing, and will soob have Electric car service but just nflw they are interested in a new school building. M.-J. Power3, E. , Wolf, A. Allen anjj W. M, Masters, Friday, t:kd'an. injunction suit ag&jnst schoul directors Cbgs. E, Thompton,' Dan Shaw, W, WelU, ..anc clerk J, T, Yojk, asking the circut cqurt to stop them from building a school for Dist. 107 at Huber, TJie,y allege that on Sept, 19, 19J2, the voters oi the district, by an affirmative vote of 30 decided to build on Lot jl, Aloha, and that one acre was afterward condemned for .a school site. They allege that on July 19, 1912, at a called megtlnK to recind the actipn of Sept, 19 .91.2, and that the vote stood 33 to rhcind and 27 against the purp ose. The chairman declared the annulment carried but ths com plaint alleges it should have re quired a two-thirds vote, and so the petitioners Want their act ion can id and work stopped on the Muber structue which u now un der way. NEW Harness And Shoe Repair : Shop W. C. E. Scheni3er PAINT! PAINT! Ardiia Chisfrolm Pointing, Papering &Tlntri Eitiiratei Giteb Wcark QuaraAte . Agtht BASS HUETEE . PAlNT Co. Body and wearinor quality of this paint unexcelled. POMONA ' GRANGE , Washington County Pomona Gr&nge will hold their next reg ular meeting. wi$h the Beaverton Grange at Beaverton on the fourth Wednesday in this month October 23. A Jarge crowd is expected and and a good time is assured. TIME TABLES ' Oregon Electric EAST -- GOlJiG - WE5f No. 30 G-58 A.M. No. 31 7-26 A M x 32 8T30 . " 33 9-28 ?4 9-08 35 11-23 ' 36 11-11 37 1-54 P: 38?a34P.M. jj 39 5-07 40 4-24 41 6-40 - 42 6-19 43 7-10 44 8-44 45 9-C3 ' 46 10-24 47 12-02AM X LIMITEQ 'O. U THOMPSON. Ar"t S. P. Co. EAST; GOING WEST No. 6 7-12 A.M.-N0, 1 8-01 AM 4 9-01 P9 9-30 40 2-00 P m. J 5-09 p;.l : 2 5-S3 5 C-22 - J.C.Comloy Agent- When We Meet Agate, TOWN COUNCIL. Town Ccuncil mees ,at City Hall, first Monday of each, Menfl . W. E. P'egg Mayor C, jl. Fry Recorder. COMMERCIAL CLUB. v Beaverton Comraenclal Club meets first and third iVednesday Grange Hall. R.L.TueerSec. B3AVERT0N LODGE NO. 10( A, F. AND A.M. Regular OQiamun ieation fi-st and third Tuesd vs at MORSE. HALL $,P0 P.M. Via t fa welcbnse. Robt. Scott W.M, V C, W, Allen, Secty. .. EASTERN STAR. O, E. S. meets in Morse Hall Third Friday. - Each month. Mrs, Dr. Robinson, Matron Miss Hazel Rauires Secretary, BAND. NEW Beaverton Band meets at thc band hall every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, .,..'. Floyd Tefft; Preg, W. E. Evans, Treaa, GRANGE Beaverton P. of H, maets at Grange Hall the second Saturday of each month. A.W. Denny, Master Mts.W.H-Boyd SecreUry. G. A. R. F. J. BABCOCK POST NO. 30. Meets every 2ncV Friday of each month, at the 'residence of Comrade W. L. PIKE. ! M.S. Barnes. E.A.Hendricks. Comnnafcdr. Adjutant . W. 0. W. -s . -W. O. W. meets fourth Thurs day of every tmonth at Grangi HalL Go. Thyng, Sec. C D o 0 3 o J.'fi REEVES "THE FARMER" FOR SHERIFF PAID 0! ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT THIS FAIL ? Ifhip co letter paid nida l'1 W2Iinj ;a':f, Ye l7s a coaijhta stack cf it. A,!:$laJa!Dr ssliji. j wlhh we ':tll hi ti slicw yea. Everything to build with" R. L. TUCKER' .umoer iLi rrw BANK OF BEAVERTON Capital, $10,009,00 f A. MOTT, Fresicjent T. WILLI ANS, Vice-Prcsideiit W. F. PEGG, Secrefai-y H. W. BOLGER, Cashior CQURfefiUS BEATMENT TO ALL IIJTSUSXiJJGI HUjJEJSSS TO US GET YOUR BLACKSMITH WORK done; VITH HE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Good Work Reasonable Price Beaverton Oregon Vincent Mazzei Photographer BEAVERTON OREGON Beaverton Plumbing Company ESTIMATES GIVEN C PLUMBING, AND WATER SYSTEMS. PUMPS INSTALLED. The Modern Confectionery J. L. Jiardy, Proprietor Aldons Chocolates. Agent for the 1 Columbia Phonograph Company. Now carries a complete tine of Standard Patent Medcine and household remedies. Eat ML Hood Ice Creamy The Coolest Ice Cream Par' lor In Town. ALL THE LATEST PERIODICALS BEAVERTON, OREGON 9i si it I o Si AD. "TTIIiiil viii vla'i. s Fro -cssional? fir. Paul M. E, Carstcns. Physician Aiid Surgeon, Phtne 15 7. Allen & Roberts LAWYERS Suit 603-5 Swetland Bid?, Ccr. 5th and Washington PORTLAND, OREGON ABSTRACTS CAREFULLY EXAMINED B AGLEY & HARE LAWYERS AmtrtoraJ NcUnjJ Cult JBuiluin Hillsboro - Orczon FOUR LOTS in Center cf Beaverton r.ice 2 Blory House fsmily orchard raspberry .pc Lotran berry bushes Braall barn 4 blocks from Depot fine homy for party wishing to work in Portland Price $2000- CEDAR MILLS Mc Gill acre tracts up on top the ridge beautiful panorama, of the Tualatin Valley ideal Location for home $500 per. acre terms, "Come up where the aia is pure. THE OWL LAND C. N EEAVEXTCn OREGON.