N You Get Spot Cash. You Pay No Commission hip as your good choice proauoe. We 1 pay lor earns as loiiowsi Veal under 140 pound , Block Hog Freeh Country Egga , lAvm Hena ,.. Live Spring- Chicken ,.12Hc pound ..10c pound ..20edoaen . . 1 2a pound ..lie pound rRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "Fla-hun the Beet Trust" Portland, Oregon. Why Deep Streams Run Still. Dsea atreama run itlll aid whyf Not because tbere are no obstacles, bnt because they altogether overiow these) stones or rocks round which tits shallow strsam has to make 1U noisy way. William Smith. A Tonic. Alterative and Resolvent. The best remedy for Kidneys, Liver and Bowel. Eradicates Pimples, Eruption and Disorders ef the Blcin. Purifies the Blood and gives Tana, Strength and Vigor to Uie entire eyeteea. The Last Dollar. When a man has a dollar to spend and knows where to get many mors ha blows it in heedlessly and then rails at its small buying capacity. To be sur a dollar Isn't much, but if lt'l the last a man has, and h knows not where In the world to get another, and If he turns that coin over' and over and thinks and plans bow to make ev ery mill of every cent do its utmost he will make it elastic enough to cover many needs, and then is amas d at its great purchasing power. New Tork Press. ' When Your Eyes Need Care fry Marine Era Remedy. No Smarting Feels Una Acta Quickly. Try It for Keu, Weak, Watery Eye and Granulated Eyelids. Illus trated Rook lu each Packapre. Murine is eoniDoandfiQ by our Ocwluti not a "Patent Med lclnu" pnt nstMl In eucitmmfnl Physicians' Prao ilea for many rmirH. Jow dedicated to the Pub lie snd sola by l)ruKKis's t 36u and Dc per Bottle. Morlue Jtro Salts lu AnnpUu Tubes, Ua and 60s. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Since the Telephone. In 1176, the year in which Alezandei Graham Bell invented the telephone, there were no skyscrapers, no trolley ears, no electric lights, no gasoline engine, no self-binders, no bicycles nor motor cars. Magazine of AmerV aa History. Two Uses for Burmese Teas. The tea grown in Burma is used almost entirely for pickling. After ward It Is eaten as a condiment SEVEII YEARS OF MISERY How Mrs. Bethune was Re stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'f Vegeta ble Compound. Fikeston, Mo. "For seven years I suffered everything. I was in bed for rwira four or five days at a aula ccijf uiuiiui. and so weak I could hardly walk. I had cramps, backache and headache, and was so nervous and weak that I dreaded to see anyone or have anyone move in the room. The doc tort gave me medi cine to ease me at those times, and said that I ought to have an operation. I would not listen to that and when a friend of my husband's told him about Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was willing to take it. Now I look the picture of health and feel like it too. I can do all my own house work, work in the garden and entertain company and enjoy them, and can walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day in the week. I wish I could talk to every suffering woman and girl, and tell them what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me." Mrs. Dema Bethune, Siketon,'Mo. Remember, the remedy which did this was Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has helped thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irreg ularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing down feeling, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means have failed. Why don't you try it t Painless Dentistry Is s-tr artee-ear hobby-ear etedy for ysera en SnouRoowuloin Is the bvet paialsss work as ae foaad aarvbere, o Better how SMMfc yea bridee work foe ent er tow natroae ia one day if desired. Painless extreotioa free waea plates of bride work is order ed. Ceeunatisa tree, IslarCrewM $5.00 22kBridssTssui4.0 Mi mm 1.(9 Ensawl FUflas 100 8IW FUtinra .60 pistM 5.00 BMiRsslakear- -n Plata 7.60 sieleeiEirtr'Mse .60 vrv swise wuvm mnm 9 All work tally guaranteed for ftfteea. years. Wise Dental Co..1-6 Painless Dentists rafflef tiiUdlttf, Ultra ens' WatMtirtsa . POtTlAlrD , 0 Qfttss Sears. t A. am. te 1 f .lu Seadeys,tee4 -,X H. U Ne iS-'ta. I WHEW wrtttag to adrcrttMca, 4ess saga, I " M tale aaear. llSSSiBill!! rl-WWl.W'lM--.W.A liil Oenulne Msple Sugar Soarae. There are few people outside th maple sugar making districts, says s writer in the Country Gentleman, whs really know what the genuine artlclt tastes like. The superior flavor ttul spoken of Is probably due In a d erred to the same causes that make straw berries eaten off the vine and cherries consumed on the tree so delectable The writer quoted, however, puts somi of the blame for the poor flavor ol commercial maple sugar on the "will wholesale dealer and mixer." ' Try Itfarlae T.j Remedy for Ufa, Weak, Watery Byes and Uranulatod B?eUda Mo Smarting -J u jtjre uomiorv Would That This Were True. Tu principal authors met and form ed a union for the sake of publlshini a set of rules of writing. As a prelim inary, they agreed that after this n hero would be permitted to flick th ashes from his cigarette or cigar. Alst that no heroine shall hereafter bur) her head In her hands or drop hei eyes to the floor. The full set of re strlctions will be announced later. Life. Ret) Craaa Ball Blue, all blue, beat bluing- raltu m we wnole worm, makee ins launaresa emu. Modern Medical Dootrlnee. At a conference on hospital social service in New Tork city one of the speakers said that the hospital of the future must keep a record of the so cial histories of all patients. Just as now their medical histories are kept Rhubarb and soda, said another speak er, . illustrating the necessity for psychological remedies for patients, had In one ease proved useless as a euro for Indigestion until the sufferer, a grief-stricken mother, was relieved from worry over an absent boy. The Modern Voice. "The voice what is cryin' in the wil derness this day an' time Is advertis ing real estate stakln' off mansions on earth: an' if the voice is only loud enough it's sure to catch the crowd.' -Atlanta Constitution. . 1 1 Mothers wffl And Mrs. Winalow'g Sonthlns Byrup the beat remedy to one lor thai oMIdrea luring "ie teething period. The Elevating Touch. "Don't you think niusio has a refin ing Influence T" "It must have," re plied Miss Cayenne. "Some of the popular songs contain language that It would be Impossible to employ la any other way." Simple Cure for Indloeatlon. When suffering from Indigestion drink a cup of hot water, and at once lie on the right side. This will pro mote the passage of the food from the stomach to the Intaetirie. The Domestlo Bourbons. Some men's Idea of keeping abreast of the times is to stay home and read the stories In the magazines when it rains on Sunday afternoons, and there isn't any ball game. Ohio State Jour naL ' Eleotrlcal Thief Catcher A new electric ; thief catcher for stores consists of a button concealed under the counter, which, when press ed, closes and locks all the doors and rings a bell, Extremeiy Difficult, ft Is not often a man succeeds tn living up to the impression his wife tries to make. Chicago Beoord-Her-ild. - Exposure to Sun. Winds and Dust. Murine Btf Eemedy freely applied Affords Reliable Relief. Ma omening just ww -- Have Used Spare Tims Well. On tha question of how working people, on the whole, have spent the idded hour or hours of freedom from work, an author says that where cyn ,cs prophesied more drunken Idleness ind rowdyism, fairer observers found i kind of regeneration no sudden millennium, but wherever sufficient dme has elapsed an extraordinary ad vance in physique and morals. Always, Have Something te Say. Speak not at all In any wise, till you have somewhat to speak; ears not for the reward of your speaking but simply and with undivided mind for the truth of Tour sDemklnr . Carlyle. Learn to Be Happy. All men can learn to be happy; and the teaching of It is easy. If you Uv among those who dally call Messing on life. Is shall not be long ere you will oaU blessing on yours. Maeter linck. Useless Without Understanding. We may be In the universe as dogft and oats are In our libraries, seeing the books and hearing the conversa tion, but having no inkling of tha m.o,T'1"g of it all. William James. Trouble Heiresses Have. "We heiresses have many rivals tor our hands." "Tea." replied Miss Cayenne, "yon must feel as if the pathway of life were filled with 900b etbook snatchers." Model Husband. Oar Ideal of a model married man la one who would rather out out a mid night supper than to miss working la the garden before breakfasts-Galveston News. Not a Lover of Music "We're rot a krand.naar nikwuT piano," said Mr. Cumroz. "But nobody in your family can play It" "Tea, mat a ui oesi tmog aDoui it. For the Bride. A eynlo suggests a long black veil as a suitable gift tor a bride who will Insist upon cooking hubby's meals her. alt CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Doings of the World at Large Told in Briet; General Resume of Important Events Presented In Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. Hartford, Conn., has a milk famine, being short about 10,000 quarts a day. Denver authorities turned down a bill for autos used to haul voters to the polls. Canal 'tolls issue leads to protest from England, and a diplomatic strug gle is on. Puyallup valley, Washington, is calling loudly for harvest hands and berry pickers. Two women were killed and a third badly injured by being run down by a Milwaukee train near Seattle. Burglars stole some wine and sever al boxes of cigars from the residence of Bishop Scannell, in Omaha.. A plague of gnats hit Wenatchee, Wash., and surrounding country, many horses being seriously injured by the pests. A three-hours' conference has been arranged between Champ Clark and his successful rival for the Demo cratic nomination. Water Commissioner Howell, of Omaha, rejected all bids for water meters for that city, declaring dealers were in a combine. The Hotelmen's association has al raadv subscribed manv thousand dol lars for the entertainment of the Elks grand lodge in 1913. Tha hi or nAnr Austrian rlronrinfluo-ht. hnilr sr. n mat. nf 112 00(1.000. is found to be practically useless, owing to xauity designing ana construction. It is estimated that 10.000 Elks were in line in the grand parade in Portland, street cars ana rauroaas leading to the city did the heaviest traffic ever known. President Mohler, of the Union Pacific, announces that an order has been given for $2,000,000 worth of new rolling stock for the Union Pa cific and Oregon Short Line. Mexican rebels are preparing to in vade the state of Sonora, Nine Camorrists who have been on trial two years in Italy for murder, have been convicted. Hot weather continues in the East and many deaths result. New York had the hottest July 8 since 1876. A move is on foot in Washington to induce both Taft and Roosevelt to withdraw from the presidential race. Severe earthquake shocks have been felt in Alaska, wireless communica tion was interrupted and another erup tion of Mt Katmai is feared. A young Socialist in Switzerland has inherited $130,000, and his friends are now waiting to see if he will distrib ute it according to his belief. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track prices: Bluestem, 8790c; club, 84c; red Russian, 84c; valley, 84c; 40-fold, 84c. Hay Timothy, $1616.60; alfalfa, $12.50; clover, $10; oats and vetch, $12; grain hay, $9. - Millstuffs Bran, $12.50 per ton: shorts, $23; middlings, $32. Corn Whole, $39 ; cracked, $40 ton. Oats No. 1 white, $3637 per ton. Eggs Fresh Oregon rancn, candled, 27c per dozen. Butter' Oregon creamery butter, cubes or solid pack, 28c per pound; prints, 9c. Pork Fancy, 1010c per pound. Veal Fancy, 1313ic per pound. Poultry Hens, 1212c; broilers, 17l8c; ducks, young, 10c; geese, 10 llc; turkeys, live, 1718c; dressed, 2425. Berries Strawberries, $1.752 per crate; raspberries, $1.75; logan berries, 76c$1.25; black caps, $1.60 1.75; blackberries, $1.251.50. Fresh Fruits Cherries, 410e per pound; apples, old, $1.603 per box; new, $ 1.75012; peaches, 75c90c; currants, $1.75(3)2; plums, $11.40; pears, $1.35; prunes, $1.40; apricots, $1.25. Vegetables Artichokes, 6575c per dozen; asparagus, $1; beans, .8 9c per pound: cabbage, llc; cu cumbers, $1 per box; head lettuce, 121c per pound; radishes, 1520c per dozen; spinach, 45c per pound; tomatoes, $11.60 per box; garlic, E10c per pound; carrots, $1.76 per sack; turnips, $1.25. Potatoes Jobbing prices: Bur- banks, old, $11.25 per hundred; new, per pound, lilf. Onions California, red, $1.25 sack. Hops 1912 contracts, 20c; 1911 crop, 2528c Wool Eastern Oregon, 14191c per pound; valley, 2123c; mohair, choice, 32c. Cattle I Choice steers, $6.757; good, $6.60 medium, $5.756; choice cows, $5.756.25; good, $5.605.75; medium, $5(5)5.50; choice calves, $7 8; good heavy calves, $66.60; bulls, $3.606; stags, $4.756. Hogs Light, $88.25 heavy, $6.25 7. Sheep Yearlings, $34.50; weth ers, $2.504; ewes, $33.75; lambs, $4.506. REBEL8 DEFEATED. Portuguese Regulars Twice Whip Returning Royalists. Lisbon Royalist rebels captured Caldeciras de Basto and the Portu guese government troops immediately prepared to bombard the town. The Monarchists, commanded by Homom Christo, penetrated Portugal from Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain. The Royalists had played a ruse on the Republican troops, but in the end it coat them dearly. While being pursued to Montalegre, in Province Traz-as-Montes, they returned to Chaves, and arriving unsuspected by the Republicans, bombarded the city with their newly-acquired artillery bombs. The Republican troops later discovering that the Royalists had doubled on their course, hastened back to defend the town. The attacking rebel force consisted of two united bands. After a battle which lasted three hours the Royalists retreated slowly and finally disap peared into the mountains. The Re publican loss included two officers. The news of the victory, was re ceived with cheers in the chamber of deputies, and a law was passed at once authorizing the government to suspend the constitutional guarantees wherever necessary to extend the state of Biege to the district of Cilia Real. Other bills adopted to provide for the passing of summary judgment on persons accused of sedition or rebel lion by military tribunals, and for pensions to families of soldiers "dy ing for the republic." Many of the inhabitants in disturb ed districts display open sympathy with the Royalists, but the army and navy remain loyal. The belief is gen eral that unless there are defections among the military the monarchist in cursions cannot be successful. RACING! AUTO WRECKED. Rock on Track Throws Machine Driver May Live. Portland A small stone, tossed with criminal carelessness upon the Country Club track, or dislodged from an abutting hillock by the foot of a spectator, resulted in the marring of the Portland Automobile Club's race meet with an accident which may bring death to Chris Dundee, a Port land automobile driver. Rounding the east turn of the mile track at the daring clip of nearly a mile a minute,- determined to take second place in the first lap of the five-mile free-for-all race, Dundee's nerve and the power of his racing car, "Whistling Billy," fell victim to the stone, the car careened aharply, failed to right itself, and then crashed through the board fence, casting its driver 25 feet into the air and upon a mass of grass-bidden rock at the foot of a 40-foot grade. A fracture of the skull over the right eye, a badly injured left leg, broken nose, broken middle finger on left hand and contusions of the face. with an automobile shattered beyond repair, were the results of the hazard ous effort of the Portland man suc cessfully to pit his skill against that of the best racing' drivers in the world. . Dr. S. C. Slocum, who, with Dr. William Killingsworth, was the first physician at the side of the injured man, reported that his patient has an even chance for life. - PLAGUE UNDER CONTROL. Work of Killing Rats Progresses on Eastern Seaboard. Washington, D. C. No new cases of bubonic plague are reported from Cuba or Porto Rico to the public health and marine hospital service. Three steerage passengers who had come from the plague zone in Havana were taken off the steamer Chalmette at the New Orleans quarantine sta tion. They will be detained until there is absolute assurance that they are not infected. Surgeon Stoner, chief medical offi cer at Ellis Island, telegraphed here that the work of destroying rats along the New York waterfront was well under way. Similar word came from Galveston, Tex., and other ports. Patent Bill prepared. Washington, D. C. Senator Borah had another conference with Repre sentative Mann regarding his bill di recting the issuance of patents to homesteaders on government irriga tion projects, when they comply with the homestead law. Final agreement was reached on everything except the question of cultivation. The present law requires the cultivation of half the irrigable 'area before patent is sues. Borah is urging the substitu tion of one-quarter. Mann thinks the bill cannot pass in that form. Steamer's Injury Slight. San Francisco The Pacific Mail steamer City of Panama, which sent wireless signals for assistance when one of its engines broke down 250 miles southwest of San Pedro Sunday, was towed into port here by the steamer Rose City, of San Pedro. The City of Panama was en route to Pana ma from this port The injury to the machinery was found to be slight and the City of Panama will sail for Mexi can ports and Panama July 15. French Victors at Fez. Fez A crushing defeat was in flicted by the French general, . Gou raud, with 3000 men, on one of the moat persistent enemies of France in Morocco, who is known as the Rogui of Sichtalla. The French surprised him near Mou'ay Bouchts. After a Bevere fight the Rogui fled, leaving 60 dead and abandoning his camp. The French lost three killed, 18 wounded. CHAFIN TO LEAD FIGHT ON RUM Prohibitionists Also Nominate Same Running Mate. Offer to Make Large Contribution If Party Will Adopt New Name Is Shouted Down. Atlantic City, N. J. The National Prohibition convention concluded its labors here Saturday with the nomina tion of the party standard bearers of four years ago Eugene W. Chafin, of Arizona, for president, and Aaron S. Watkins, of Ohio, for vice president. In each case the nomination was made by acclamation after a jingle ballot had indicated the preference of the delegates. Four candidates for president were placed in nomination against Mr. Cha fin. They were F. W Emerson, of California; Finley C. Hendricksen, of Maryland; Aaron S. Watkins, of Ohio, and Andrew J. Houston, of Tex as. Each in turn withdrew his name after the first ballot. The leading candidates against Mr. Watkins for vice president were Mr. Emerson, of California and George E. Stockwell, of New York. Mr. Chafin, addressing the convention, promised not to stand for a third nomination. Because of a rush to adjourn, the plan to change the name of the party was not taken up for general discussion. A. J. Orem, of Massachusetts, in a brief speech, promised to pledge more money to the campaign fund should the name be changed. "I believe we could make the cam paign doubly 'effective if we should adopt a new name," said Mr. Orem. " VYe would be greatly aided in carry ing our banner to success if we should adopt the name 'Progressive.' " There were shouts of protest to this as well as to the name "conservative party," suggested by Rev. S. H. Taft, of California. Fair Mission Is Success. New York W. T. Sesnon and Theo dore Hardee, chairman and executive officer respectively of the commission extraordinary to Europe for the Panama-Pacific exposition in San Fran cisco, returned on the Lusitania. They said their misson, which was to support President Taft s invitation to the governments of Europe to partici pate in the Panama exposition had been successful far beyond expecta tions. In every country they received assurance from tlte governments and manufacturers extensive exhibits. Militia Aid Is Favored. Washington, D. C The Pepper bill to brine the National Guard 'into clos er touch with the Regular 'Army was f avobrably reported by the house mili tary affairs committee. Under the bill, the Federal government would disburse about; $8,000,000 a year to the 10,000 commissioned officers and the 112,000 enlisted (men of the Na tional Guard. The secretary of war snd the 'militia boards of the state would be authorized to cooperate. Montreal Faces Strike. Montreal This port faces a com plete tieup of business on account of trouble between transport handlers, checkers, freight handlers and long shoremen and their employers, the Dominion Telephone company and the Canadian Pacific railroad. The trans portation handlers demand a leveling up of wages from the minimum of 22 cents an hour, received now, to 25, the maximum paid. Eberhard Will Not Join. Rr Paul Tn a letter to Huch T. Halbert, Minnesota Roosevelt leader, who recently mailed a circular letter to all candidates for srovernor in this state, asking them to go on record in support of the proposed new third party movement, Governor Eberhard positively refused to join the third nartv movement. "I can see no need of organizing a new party," he wrote. : '"A f ; ! a : ' J L m I 1 EUGENE W. CHAFIN. Fanners and Merchants Write us for our cash offer on your Farm and Dairy Produce. If we don't handle it will rfer you to re liable buyer. PEARS0N-PAGE CO. Portlaae, Oresoa. TOUNO MEN AND WOMEN WANTED to are pare for positiona as telegraph operatora far near-by railroads and City telegraph companies! riaranteed positions (65.00 to S90.00 monthly, hours Work, fine advancements, easy to leara. Kticulsrs free. Pacific Telegraph Railway tltate, Washiaetea Baildiac. Seattle, Wash. Machinery Beeond-Rand Maehia. ery bought, sold ani exchanared: eneinea boOera. sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co., It 1st 6b, Portland. Bend (at Stock Liat and prioaa. KODAK rolls developed, 10e, any size. Largest and beat ahop in Northwest. Ce price list on request, t results guaranteed, JACOBS SSf P.-L Bnlld'K, PANAMAS FMM WIAVCt Tl VUlffl Oan b worn nnblaokftl ty womsjn. jfiookM la any ftbP or a Tor man. Brims t Msl 1 inohes. Light vtMcM, Hent Dostoaid m nmIn of priosj. Money refunded If not iti8otor7. Qt larable, stylish hat for the half of what it wmJ4 I ipu eiiewtiere. Aanrem niuw muuk MAT W. V. H. Meaasdorser, Prop. Twenty yean in Portland. 227 1-2 Washington S. Pertlaaa. Oa 'Inevitable Result 1 am surprised to hear that DuV blelgh has broken down," said Stubba, "He used to have a splendid consti tution." "Yes," said Wlggletropa, "bat he began amending It." Harper's Weeklj. Kasldent anil Day school for Oirie Ufa. oharge of Sisters of St. John Baptist ( Episcopal Oallsgiets, AoaaaKl eat lleasatary nsasraasaam. I Metis, Art, Elecstlse, a nmasiw. I for catalog address THE SISTER SUPEBIOB1 1 Office 30. St. Helens HaU I Heart Controls Life. As tfce fountain from the hidden spring,' so issues man's life from the secret recesses of his heart. All thai he Js and does is generated there. AQ that he will be and do will take its rlas there. James Allen. Red Cress Ball Blue will wash double aa many eiotnea aa any outer Diue. Dua l put your luui any outer. Why, the Ideal Tm surprised at your giving that small, hot bedroom I slept in to relative," sniffed her maiden aunt, aa she entered the breakfast room. "Tow araT" answered Mrs. Randall. "Why, aunties, we'vo even given that room to servants." Ufa. DAISY FIT KILLER 7; Diss. Meat, aleaa, oraaaaental. eoavea. lent, aheap, lasia all aeassa. Msee 4 metal, oan't spill as tip osen will aotsed or injure aarthlag, GaerBntaee eSsetiaa sol ay esalara el ( seat prepaid let IL - aUBOLD SOME lWDeKalb Ave.. aresUya. Judgment of a Nation. A nation should be Judged, If W can Judge nations, not by its wealth, or its population, or its military or Bay val power real or apparent, but It should be Judged by the opportunity It gives men to make their UveaV-e David Starr Jordan. QjmBlrfTT FOR CUTS AND BURNS., Jaaaaa H. Hurley, Mereur, Utah, writes! "I am raising poultry and as I haveuaed your Liniment with success oa myself and my horse, I will try it oa poultry. I ass the Liniment for cuts, burns or pains of any kind and get good results. This ia a great gold mining camp, but for health your Lin iment ia as good aa the beat mine ia camp." 25c 50c $1 abottle at Drug A Cea'i Stores Genius dimply Concentration. If there be anything that eaa be called genius, It consists chiefly la ability to give that attention to a sua. J set which keeps it steadily la tha mind, till wa have surveyed It rately on all sides. Raid. Want Long Hair? And you would like long hair? Rich, heavy hair? Beautiful, luxuriant hair? That is perfectly natural, and we are here to help you. Ayefi Hair Vigor Is a great aid to nature in producing just the kind of hair you de sire. Do not be afraid to use it No danger of its col oring your hair. The ingre dients are ail given on each label, thus enabling your doctor to wisely advise you concerning its use. Consult him freely. He knows. Uses y ths t. O. im OO.. Iw.n, Waaa. I J