Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, May 26, 1922, Image 1

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111 ULnlLIMUn The Class of '22 presented their
i play Friday night in the High
1 School Auditorium. The largeBt
i crowd of the season attended this
Commencement week began Sun-;piay, and a large sum of money was
day, May 14, when Rev. Blair ofjnUacd which was used for defraying
Forest Grove, delivered the clasB the expenses of the Senior Class
sermon. The subject of his talk
was "What Lack I Yet?" The talk
was very interesting and will balong
remembered by all thoBe who at
tended. Wednesday the annual school pic
nic was held at Oswego lake, a large
crowd went over In private cars and
it waB not necessary to hire a truck
as m former years, canoeing was
the main event of the day, also a
number of others, especially teach
ers passed their time in swimming,
Thursday night the Juniors enter
tained the Seniors at a dancing
party In the More Hall.
The music was exceptionally
good, it being from Hillsboro', For
est. Grove and Gaston. The Juniors
certainly know how to entertain.
And not one dead moment was wit
nessed throughout the time.
Friduy night was Commencement
night- Nineteen Seniors were grad
uated at that time. The doeoratlng
of the auditorfum was left in the
hands of the Juniors and we must
say thgy fulfilled their duty perfect
ly. The class address by Dean
Straub was the main feature of the
evening. Program follows:
Processional, Piano Duet "Hum
oresque," Eloise Barker, Elva Eks
trom Invocation, Rev. Horace Wiley.
Violin Solo, "Ava Maria," Theresa
Class Address, "Does It Pay?"
Dean Straub of U. of 0,
Vocal Solo, "Somewhere a Voice
1s Calling," Violet Spraner
Presentation of Diplomas, P. M.
Nash "
Mixed Quartet, Alma Mater
Benediction, Rev. Q. A. Gray,
Class colors: Coral and Pearl
Class Flower: Sweet Pea.
Class Roll:
Feme Powell, Archie Masters,
Dorotha Huntley, Albert Kemmer,
Freda Zimbrick, George WiUon, !
Georglanna Benson, Edward Boring, :
Francis Gothard, Joe Merrill, Velma
Davies, Raymond Rossi, Evelyn Lar
son, Herbert E rick Bon, Crete Grey, ;
Nellie Antrim, ThBlma Pegg, AgneB
Hill, Phyllis Smith. , j
Friday, a new curtain was in-'
stalled in the high school. This has
added a great deal to the high
school. For a number of years we
have talked about a new curtain but
every time something would come up
which prevented our getting one, bo
a new movement was recently start
ed by the high school and helped
along by the townspeople made it
poslble for them to carry it through.
And now the next time a play is giv
en they won't have to worry with
the old curtain which we have had
for the past several years.
Therc'i RMMn
"Yon say you doted on your last
mistress? "Yes, mum. I certainly
did." "Then why did yon leave her!"
"We couldn't continue to he friends on
my wages, mura." Birmingham Age
Way to Improve.
One way of improving yourself is to
become disgusted with yourself nm
ind then. Atchison Globe.
PiSijgggife JiyHtil nou aG noo okgroj germ'. Iff mo wonder noo've worked btwebe! IT'.: t sour sgy&i!Sjj3 H
Commencement. The balance, forty
dollars, was turned over to the Stu-
dent Body for annual benefit.
Joe Merrill in the title role did
very well and deserves much credit.
Every member of the cast also Bhow-
their ability as actors and ac-
i tresses
f Senior play
presented May
1D22. "The Private Secretary."
Cast of characters:
Mr. Marshland, Herbert Erickson
Harry Marshland, Archie Masters
Mr. Cottermole, Albert Kemmer
Douglas Cottermole, Edward Bor
ing .
Rev. Robert Spaulding, Joe Mer
Mr. Sidney Gibson, George WilBon
John, a servant Know a writ
server, Eaymond Rossi "
Edith Marshland, Phyllis Smith
Eva Webster, Georgfanna Benson
Mrs, Stead, Velma Smith
Thursday night the eighth grade
held their Commencement play,
"Everyvouth," in tbe auditorium.
The" young actors and actresses did
very well and much credit is due
thetr teacher, Mrs. Cantrill, who
coached them. Myron Gray as Work
and Howard Cauthers as Every
youth, did exceptionally well. ThiB
has been a good year for the eighth
grade, and although they have not
as yet received their returns we feel
sure that they all made satisfactory
127,240 FORD CARS
Ford Retail
Sales Hit New High
According to a report just received
from the Ford Motor Company, De
troit, a daily average of 5,210 retail
sales of Ford cars and trucks had
been readied by the close of April in
the United States alone.
Ford Bales of cars and trucks for
the month, Including both domestic
and foreign, totaled 127,249. This
establishes a new high record, ex
ceeding the largest previous month,
June 1821, by 15,467.
The sale of Fordson Tractors has
also been steadily climbing. A total
of 11,181 Fordsons were sold during
April in the United States, a daily
average of 4G9 having been reached
by the end of the month. This
gives the tractor a new high sales
record, and showB 100 per cent in
crease over the best month In 1921.
The Ford Company lB enjoying a
banner year in all departments.
Output of Ford cars and trucks for
the year, according to present esti
mates, will exceed 1,100,000, which
represents a ten per cent increase
over 1921.
The Ford factory at Detroit is
now operating at full capacity, har
ming a force of more than 40,000 men
the payroll. The scheduled output
or May will pronamy reacn iat,uuu
cars and trucltB' which will be ap-
plied against orders approximating
Despite the attempt of the factory
and the twenty-three assembling
plants in the United States to pro
duce a sufficient number of cars to
meet the unusually heavy demand,
Is has been impossible for Ford deal
ers In most cases to make immediate
deliveries. v
' f ' .... ) j 1 noo Wn Pu& -co6eeo oestawatf. i KWW T"W v"" """" ' J poo. nour fwends, wo
I 1 L f m I coou unsro oa vt 1 1 f em man, w noo Mm x vocasu- I
Jasper Kline, who for the past
several months has been very ill at
his home on the Canyon road,
somewhat improved.
Miss Lillian Flndley who for the
past week has been staying with
Mary Rowe, has returned to her
home in Cedar Mills.
Miss Laura Olson arrived home
Friday Evening from U. of 0., to at
tend the Commencement exercises
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Snyder of
Sherwood, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Snyder's mother, Mrs. John Barry.
Mrs. E. M. Massey returned home
from Tillamook Wednesday.
Chas. Bertrard left laBt week for
a short visit to Mexico.
Misses DorriB and Margaret Allen
spent the week end with Miss Violet
Spraner. ' -
Miss Etfa Van Kleek spent the
week end with her parents. She ar
rived from O. A. C. Friday night and
attended the Commencement exer
cises. ;
Misses Margaret and Agnes Welch
of Portland, spent Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welch.
Misb Noreen Nelson iB working in
the real estate office of E. E. Swen
oon. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barker were"
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. Olga FergUBon 1b visiting
with her Bister, Mrs. Doy Gray.
Leroy Craig arrived home
Wednesday from Troutdale where he
has been for the past month. He
reports that he can't live on f 3.25 a
day and pay 10.25 a week for room
and board.
Mrs. Beatrice A. Beebe who for
past' year has been "the English
teacher in the high school, will leave
Saturday for her home in Tuala
tin, where she has accepted a po
sition in the high school..
G. W. Millett and family who for
the past year have owned and oper
ated the Beaverton Inn, have made
their home for the future in Port
land at the Douglas apartments,
where they are employed In helping
care for the apartments.
Candase Reid left Friday evening
for White Salmon, Wash., where she
will visit her sister, Mrs. Noble,
formerly of Beaverton.
Misses Be mice Murray and Ther
esa Lundberg were Rose City visi
tors Monday.
The Alumni Hop was given in the
Moose Hall. Owing to other enter
tainments and dances in the nearby
towns,, tbe attendance was not as
large as expected. It was given for
the Annual Benefit.
Don't forget the basket social and
dance to be given by the Freshmen
class in the near future. Time and
place will he announced later.
Watch for It.
Latan Cromwell returned home
Sunday evening from White Salmon
where he spent the week end.
The Way of the World.
The world usually pushes a man the
way he makes up his mind to go. If
going up, they push him up; if going
down, they push him down gravita
tion, however, making the speed great
er on tbe decline, George Francis
A Bottonlan Lesson.
Pronounce. "Cannes" with the Bos
tonlan "a" as in "dance." to rhyme
with "aunts" and not with "ants."
Boston Globe.
By Charla Sughroe
Decoration Day will be observed
next Tuesday in all reverance for
the soldiers of all wars who have
given their lives for this country.
Hi Life
Monday was a sad beginning but
good Innings for a number of B.
S. students. This being tbe last of
the six weeks' exams, we shall have
until school reopens again.
At last we have a tennis court
but it was only j.hro,ugh the hard
work of a number of students that
we have it and much credit Is due
them. A membership fee of 60
cents Is being charged. So far about
twenty students have joined but we
soon hope to have memberships from
the townpeople as well as those
from the high school.
Wesley Cook haB been absent
from school for the last few days.
We hope he has 'not let the warm
spring weather get the best of him.
The cafeteria closed its doors
Tuesday as It was needless to try to
keep it open owing to the fact that
it Is nearing the end of school and a
large number of students are not
attending, but nevertheless tt was a
good proposition, and we take this
opportunity to thank all those who
so kindly helped us and made it pos
sible to keep the cafeteria cpen.
The last number of the Hummer
was Issued Friday. It was much
better than previous issues. It was
extra large, on account of being tbe
Commencement number.
If you ever want to And Mr, Coch
rane between the hours of 8 : So and
3:30, and he 1b no where to be found
just look on the tennis court and he
will surely be there.
Norman Sproat was a recent visi
tor at school. We wonder why?
The following teachers have been
elected for the coming year: J. P.
McGlasson, Supt., MiSB Ellen John
son, Mrs. Florence Duhurst and D.
V. Cochrane. As yet no other va
cancies have been filled.
Mrs. Beatrice B. Beebe has accept
ed a position in the Tualatin high
school. The school joins together
in wishing her the most of success.
Miss Eloiae Barker won first
place in tte Oratorical contest hekd
at Forest Grove, at the County Field
Meet Day. We are justly proud of
Friday morning a final assembly
was held for the purpose of paying
all past debts Incurred by the stu
dent body. After allowing all the
bills a report on tbe treasury was
given and we have approximately a
hundred and fifty dollars left.
After the business session was
over Mr. Nash gave us a short talk
which was followed by some rapid-
fire yells and the meeting was closed
by singing our school song, "The
Orange and Tbe Black."
The freshmen are planning a
basket social and dance In the near
future for the annual benefit. So
watch fer the time, date and place.
As the high school auditorium will
be closed, the dance and social will
be given elsewhere.
The Seniors are working very
hard to dispose of the remainder of
the annuals which have not as yet
been Bold. We have yet nearly a
(Continued on page 4.)
During the month of April the
County Agent made 63 farm visits,
held and attended 18 meetings, hud
164 callers at the office, wrote 2115
personal letters, sent out 10 circular
letters totalling E2B copies.
Onion Btnut and onion maggot
control demonstrations were plann
ed and laid out with the asslsiance
of the Oregon Agricultural Experi
ment station, R. W. Rosmussen, J
C. Leedy and Mike Conzelman of
Sherwood, and Mr, Edwards of
The dralnngo' specialist assisted
several farmers in planning farm
drainage systems.
34 farmers ordered small lots of
acclimated Beed corn In the Willam
ette Valley which they will try out
with the hope of getting an improv-1
edcorn for Washington county which
will mature early and at the same
time give good yield for silage or
The latent Information In tbe
route of travel of the Oregon Jersey
Jubilee on lta trip through the
county, Saturday, May 27lh is arrive
at Wm. Bohrnian's Jr., on Baseline!
just east of Forest Qrove at 10:46 a.
Leave at 11:16. Arrive at E.
E. WattB, Jersey Jewel Dairy Farm,
11:46, leave 12:16, arrive at
Scholia Grange Hall at 12:30 where
dinner will be served by the Jersey
breeders of Scholia Community.
Leave at 2:00 p. m. Arrive at the
dairy farm of J. J. VanKleek and
eon at 3:80. Leave at 3:00 for H.
Williams' Dairy farm. Leave the
Williams farm at 4:30 for Oreglow
herd.'"""- - -- -
This is not tbe Washington Coun
ty annual Jersey tour, but the tour
of the Oregon Jersey Jublee of Ore
Tubcrcultwis In Dairy Cuttle,
The Reedvllle community, with the
assistance of Henry llaag, the Coun
ty Agent and others signed up 11)
herds to test for tuberculuisis. 151
head of cattle were tested by the Bu
reau of Animal Industry and two
reactors found in one herd, one be
ing a very positive case, and both
showing tubercular lesions. This Is
a low percentage of reactors, but
worth going after.
Communities wishing to test for
tuberculoisls In the sumo manner
that Reedville has done can do so
when 90 per cent of the dairymen of
a given locality make application for
the T. B. test. Application may be
made through the County Agent at
HUlaboro. Application blanks may
also be bad at this office. No charge
Is made for testing when done by the
Bureau of Animal1 Industry.
Corrosive sublimate at the rate ot
one ounce dissolved In 12 gallons of
water is recommended by the Ore
gon Agricultural College Experi
ment station to use to pour around
tbe roots of young cabbage, cauli
flower, broccoli, etc., to prevent root
maggot injury. This solution Is ap
plied, two ounces each time, three
days after planting and at Interval
of every ten days until four applica
tions are made.
Corrosive sublimate should be dls-
(Continued on Page hree)
You Gotta Hand
Goyt-rnor Oloott won a close race
in tlm primaries Friday, defeating:
Charles Hull of Marshfield by a mar
gin of 4R3 votes acordlng to the lat
est figures available, which are not
offical, Walter Pierce of La Grande
Is his Democratic opponent.
By Irene Ha till.
Edftu Weed of Bnaverton, n Jun
ior in physical education at the Ore
gon Agricultural collego, was elect
ed president for the ensuing year, of
Delta Put Kappa, national honorary
fraternity in women's physical edu
cation. Miss Weed is now secretary of the
physical education club at the col
Tlin following letter to the editor
from Phillip Thompson, nop of Mr.
and Mrs. G. L. Thompson o( HUla
boro, and a former student ot
Uuuverton high school, was written
aboard tli B. 8. Hears port nt placea
In the Orient, beginning April 4:
Dear friend : I am going to keep
my word and tell you o( my trip.
I'll mako this letter in three parts
Written at Shanghai, Hongkong and
We hud a fairly nice trip over.
One ship the '"Bessie Duller " wag
very badly damaged in a storm, the
steward killed and the captain hurt
when a wave crashed Into tho sa
loon. She lout her boats and rud
der and a few other things. We
nearly lust our deckloud so we
moved south from the "Or Bat
Circle" route to the "Sunshine
ltouto," We didn't have much sun
shine though.
When we arrived In Yohohuma wa
anchored about 1 lMr miles from the
town no wu hud to go ashore In
small boatB at Mi yen per ride. It
the water was rough we paid mora.
Wo left Yohohama at 11 p. m,,
March 1. It wus my fault we didn't
leave earlier. Two others and I had
gone ashore to get something I
wanted, We were to be buck by 10
p. m. At 8:30 we tried to go back
but the sea was rough and the wind
strong. We dually got a Bam pan
and started, we got on board Hi
hours after wa started, 10:45 p. m.
Before that about 10:40, a fishing
boat narrowly missed our sampan.
Then we were nearly capalxed by the
wash from the ship's propeller as
she started off without us. We yell
ed and the ship stopped for us. We
got on board allrlght. The skipper
nuld we ought to have been left. He
would have togged us two days tor
every one gone before we rejoined
tho ship at Kobe. The fare between
the two points Is only about $3.75
gold or 7.25 yen. This letter Is go
ing to be pretty long or I should tell
more about the towns. At Kobe we
anchored 2 miles out. Four of ui
went ashore here and tried to return
at 11 o'clock. We couldn't so we
went to a hotel for the night. The
sea was to rough that It took our
(Continued on nage 2.)
It to the Boy for Trying