i it : hi HelplHelp! I'm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res- 6 cue with a bottle of Ayer's i Hair Vieor. The hair was saved! In gratitude, it crew long and heavy, and with ail the deep, rich color of early life. Sold in all pans of the world for. sixty years. " About on yssr MO 1 lost nearly all of my hatr following an attack of meaife. I ru advised by a friend to um Ayer's Hair Vigor. I did o. and aa a rmnlt I now hare abeantlf ill head of hair " Mat. W. i. fisows, Meuoin obm Fall, Wis. AT flu by J. 0. Ar 0o., Lowell, Ala aiannfsotursre ef 9 SARSAPARUXA. vers PILLS. CHEWY PECTC5AL, frofeaalonal. "Are you certain you can cook well?" "Madam, I worked two years for the great tenor, Aibertl. At the last dinner he gave I was applauded after each course, and at the end of the dinner I was recalled three times." Translated for Tales from Fliegende Blaetter. Wla Child. "But, Tommy," said his mother, "didn't 'your conscience tell you you were doing wrong?" "Yes'm," replied Tommy, "but I don't believe everything I hear." Phil adelphia Press. . Brutal Criticism. "So you have been to the musicals. Don't you admire Miss Faddy's execu tion?" "No, madam ; I am opposed In all Its shapes to capital punishment" Balti more American. Tha Only Drawback. First Girl You know the older one grows the greater, I think, Is a wom an's capacity to fall In love. Second Girl But the fewer the men, -Detroit Free Press. Incompatible. The firs insurance agent was running (or the office of tax assessor. "Such a thing as that would never dot It Is contrary to public policy I" exclaim ed the taxpayers. And his defeat was overwhelming. Couldn't Touch Hint. "I tell you, sir, you're a liar!" "Sir I If I were a fighting man I'd knock you down for that" 1 "I'll bet you $10 I can prove It" "Sir, I er never bet" Philadel phia Press, , A Good Kicnae. Mother I'm ashamed to think ypu can't do better In school. Why can't You lead your class? Willie Say, ma, you told me you 'didn't want me ever to be conceited, an I notice when a boy leads the class lie always gets conceited. Philadel phia Press. A loud laugh, an over-vivacious man tier betrays s lack of breeding. Copy ths stillness of form, ths quiet poise, which Is ths great charm of English women, while a vivacity somewhat under re straint sdds that which is winning and piquant in ths manner of our own coun try wotuon. To an Italian, charged in a London court With drunkenness, the magistrate said: "Italians don't often get drunk. Don't set English ways." Russian officers In camp receive money to pay for their meals, but In many cases they keep this for other purposes, and eat with the common soldiers. Ambassador Whltelaw Held has given $590 for the endowment of a bed for American sailors in ths Union Jack Club, London. I XT Wts CSfTTrtraTGMS ED AND iSY IMPHRITIES Whenever a sore refuses to heal it h because the blood" is not pure and healthy, as it should be, but i3 infected with poisonous germs or some old tvlivl t."i?tir wliirli has. connoted and polluted the circulation. Those most usually afflicted with old sores arc persons who have reached or passed mid die life. The vitality of the blood and strength of the system have naturally legtm to decline, and the poisonous germs which have accumulated because of a sluggish and inactive condition of the system, of some -hereditary taint .tii lma liitwtn been held in check, now force an outlet on the face, arms, legs or other part of the body. The place grows red and angry, festers and eats into the surrounding tissue until it become9 a chronic and stubborn ulcer, fed and kept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated. Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stubborn, con-healing sore. The very fact that it resists ordinary remedies and treatments i3 good reason for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers is baclc 01 every old sore, and especially is this true If the trouble i3 an inherited one. IVaehea. salvM. nor indeed anvthinsr else, applied directly to the sore, can I do any permanent good ; neither will remov- raSSo Ing the sore with caustic plasters or the ai aemailoimDla at first bat it Rnrfrmm's knife make a lasting cure. If U?r?Zr&Vi? TXZVZt every particle of the diseased flesh were alarmed about it and consulted taken awuy another sore would come, be everal physicians. They all t.e trouble is in the blood, and the treated tno but the nor continued ca use I n eirou De ai"r iwJS.' m to a-row worst. I saw 8. 8, 8. ad ClOOD CANNOT BE CUT A WAY krerUsed and commenced tts sa n.,mitivniiiWii thorough cleans. ana auer wiing it a wane a was completely ourd. My blood, is inZ SSStTOSYerrArot a remedy for sores and ulcers of every kind, beea any siirn o tha sore slnoa xt is an unequalled blood pvrhner one that p.e.S.curedtU THOS. OWXU- goes directly into the circulation and West Union. Ohio - rtromntlv cleanses it of all txnsons and PURELY VEGETABLE Hsea the sore begins to teal, new flesh is formed, all pain and inflamnlatiott leaves, the place scabs over, and when S. S. S. has purified the blood the 41 jt a o 4 fnr asla ar ell first class druar stores. , pore is pcrmancnuy tuicu. v, w, w. - - . , - Write for our special book on tores and ulcers and any other medical aivico jraa desire. We make no charge for . US SWIFT . Capital riiknt. I C02CETS POBETEIX DISASTERS. I Capital-punishment Is still practised In many countries, though of 1st years, strange shape la Bmtcu Fr I eapeclallj In the United States, It has au Great Event.. . i been mads ss humans as nosslble. That the advent of a comet presaga creation of the French Revolution, the 'guillotine, Is still used by some coun- tries, and the old executioner's ax deals out Justice In Brunswick. The most humane method of x ecu- tlon, the electric chair, Is used only f that when we see the wavering, uncer in the United States. Spain employs tain looking shape in the heavens some- the garrote, or iron collar, which la , tightened until the victim strangles to death; and In Prussia the beads of prisoners are struck off with the sword. The guillotine Is used In Bavaria and Belgium; and Russia destroys her criminals by shooting, banging, and with the executioner's sword. The gal- j lows Is the official means of administer ing death In Great Britain; Austria has adopted the same means ; but Chi nese criminals are killed by the sword. latest. The sentimental and lovesick youth stood gazing at the round, romantic moon. "Yes," be confided, "the Idol of my heart resides on yon hill. To-night I shall serenade the cynosure of my af fections as gallants were wont to do when knighthood was In flower. Now, what Instrument do you think would be the most appropriate?" "Well," replied his practical chum, "If I were you I should serenade her with a phonograph." "What? A phonograph? Why, a phonograph is nothing like as romantic as a guitar." "Yes, old chap, but you can start a phonograph and then run to the tall timbers before the shooting begins." Too Much Exercise. Hop LI had bought a cheap but "warranted" clock. At the end of a week he returned to the shop from which he had procured his time-piece, with no expression on his face, but with evident bewilderment of mind. "She go, click, clack ! click, clack ! all light, tree day," he announced to the young woman who waited on him. "I wind all light, samee you say. Nex' day she go click, click clack I click I click! clack 1 "I shake her up sol down so! lound sol no good. She stop click stop clack only go when I slake. "I say give me one less slake, more click, clack 1" Got Service. The boarder who was a month behind with the landlady was surprised at the size of the heap of mashed potatoes on ths plats the girl had brought him. He was even mors surprised when he found a folded paper in the center of ths heap. But he didn't open It He knew what It was. Carefully wiping It with his napkin, be put It in his vest pocket and went ahead calmly with his dinner, You can't disconcert an experienced boarder. ' World's Coal Consumption. The total consumption of coal in the world la considerably over fifty thou sand tons an hour. Of this great great quantity about twelve thousand five hundred tons Is required to heat the boilers of stationary, marine and railroad engines. The , production of pig Iron consumes over five thousand tons an hour. The average hourly con sumption of coal In households is con sidered to be about ten thousand tons. Where "Push" la No Virtue.. A well-known motor-engineering firm In the Midlands at one time held the agency of a" certain American car, but owing to stress of business did not sell many. A telegram cam one day. "Hope you are pushing our cars." Promptly came the answer back: "Yes, we are, .up every hill." The agency has been removed. Judy. TJacle Allen. "Give some men rope enough," feed Uncle Allen Sparks, "and hang a jury." moral they'U INTHEBLOQO ' ; 1 i 7,?T , , of the blood. In S. S. S. will be found taints. Jt rets down to the very bottom 01 the trouble and forces out every trace of im purity and makes a complete and lasting cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of th Hood so that instead of f eedinff the diseased ?arts with impurities, it nourishes the rritated. inflamed flesh with healthy blood. the book or advice. GPEGinO C0 ATIMWTA.CMa. war, or pestilence, famine or some ota- j er dire disaster to mankind? It Is the common belief that it does. and to a certain extent even noted men have subscribed to the general belief thing Is about to happen. There Is even data extant to war rant this belief, for history shows that a great many of the most disastrous happenings on this earth were preceded by the appearance of a comet la the heavens. ' , , ..t. Accompanying this1 article are some of the shapes that comets Save assumed In the past which have startled the credulous and superstitious people of earlier days. Each of the comets that have been reproduced from the most authentic descriptions of them obtain able struck whole nations dumb with dread. . The ominous shapes of these historic comets startled a careless world and repeatedly caused millions of men and women to beamltten with terror. - According to tradition each of ' the following momentous events was fore- told by the appearance of a forbidding; blazing comet In the heavens: 1. The deluge, 2348 B. C. 2. The confusion of tongues at Babel, 2218 B. C. 8. The destruction of Sodom and Go morrah, 1898 B. C. 4 The overthrow of Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea, 1491 B. a S. Nebuchadnezzar's bloody Invasion, 1140 B. C V 6. Destruction In Achaea of two cities Hellse and Bura. 7. Death of Julius Caesar, 44 B. C. & The death of Agrlppa, statesman and geographer, 12 B. C. 0. The Jewish revolt which led to destruction of Jerusalem In 70 A. D. 10. Death of Emperor Nero, 68 A, D. " 1L The death of Emperor Vespas ian, 79 A. D. 12. Death of Emperor Macrlnus, 218 D. .. 13. Death of Emperor Constantlne, 340 A. D. . 14 Ravaging of Phrygla by the Os trogoths, 399 A. D. 15. Defeat of the Hons under At tlla, 451 A. D. 18. The epidemic that swept the Eastern hemisphere, 590 A. D. 17. Conquest of England by the Nor mans, 1000 A. u. la Death of King Philip Augustus of France, 1223 A. D. 19. The pestilence that swept En- rope, 1300 A. D. 20. The triple terrors, war, famine and pestilence, that swept Europe, 1618 A. D. 21. Death of Charles L of England, 1645 A. D. 22. The deadly London plague, 185 A. D. 23. The War of 1812, by comet of 1811 A. D. x , 24. Our Civil War, 1681 A. D. 25. The assassination of President Garfield, 1881 A. D. Here are some of the nations and persons that believed that the advent of a comet presaged disaster: The antedeluvlans, the ancient Jews from Abraham to Josepbus, the Baby lonians, the Persians, the Phoenicians, the Chaldeans, the Egyptians, the Gre cians, the Arabs, the Romans, the Eth iopians, the Franks, the Huns, the Sax ons, the Celts, the American Indians, and the Chinese; Enoch, Moses, the prophets of Israel, Alexander the Great Orlgen, Tertullian, Chrysostom, Constantlne, Bade, Thomas Aquinas, Luther, Melancthon, Zwlngle, nearly a score of Catholic Popes, John Howe, Jeremy Taylor, 'John Knox, Milton, Shakespeare and Kepler. Chicago In ter Ocean. - Fonndatton of Japan, Every Feb. 11 Is celebrated In Japan the great annual festival of Elgensetso, the anniversary of the foundation of the empire by the first emperor, JImmn- tenno, B. C. 660. The Japanese reckon their present era as from this date, and it was on Feb. 11, 1889, that Mutsuhlto, the one hundred and twenty-first of the dynasty, promulgated the present constitution of the Empire of Japan, the fundamental principle of which Is clearly stated In Its first article. The Empire of Japan shall be reigned over and governed by a line of emperors un broken from ages eternal." The organ isation of a parliament took place in 1S90, which in the Japanese reckoning would be 2,550 from Jlmnra'a setting up his capital at Klshlwara, In the prov ince of Yamato, which la regarded by Japanese historians as the beginning of the empire. Many a bad man has been cowed by t2ie m1T of human klmlnraa : 1 1 n 1 rt f ft , 1 M 7 ill I m - J? 1 1 SOME STEAHGI COMETS. I Mica Axle Grease lengthens the life of the wagon saves horse power, time and tem per. Best lubricant in the world contains powdered mica which j forms a smooth. hard coating on axle, and reduces, friction. If you want your outfit . 1 to last and earn money while it lasts grease the axles with Mka Axle Grease. STANDARD OIL COMPACT Never Had One. Cltlman Well, well, looking for an other cook, eh? Subbubs Why, no, I can't aay Cltlman What? You Just.. said you. were. Subbubs I did not I said I was looking for a cook. The others we've bad were not Philadelphia Press. Heartbreaking Alternative. "Ardluk, it was a shams to sell that little pony of yours. It had been in the family ever since it was a colt" "I know It, Throes! ns. It almost broke my heart to part with Gyp, bnt my af fairs bad become so desperate that I either bad to sell him or eat him and can't stand for horse meat unless I think It's beef." St. Vitas' Dance and all Nernras DIbossm permanently oured far Dr. mine's Unat arv. KMUm. Hand lor rttfiA 14 mat dohh awi traaUsa. Dr. EL H.K1UM, 14.. sal Area bU, Plilla.,l,a Happening; of the Unexpected. "Do you ever Issue accident policies to baseball umpires?" anxiously inquired the caller. "To be sure we do," answered the man inside the railing, his face expanding with a large and genial smile. "Just make out your " "That s all I wanted to know," Inter rupted the other. "A company that will do that can't get my application, Good day!" ' S linns si am 11 Whr He Liked Fish. Bacon Did I understand you to say that you like fish better than chicken? Egbert Yes; you see, a fish will lay a great many more eggs man a nen, and won't cackle about It Yonkers Statesman. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnilows Boothlae Byrup the twst remedy to nae let tneli ealiarea luring lae leeuung penou. ' Convincing. "Harold, papa says you mustn't eeme to see me any more." "Why not, Dora?" "He says you don't seem t have any ambition." "Great Scott! Ill show Mm I Will you marry me, Dora?" "Yes, Harold." Chicago Tribune. Athletic Disaster. Frosh 1 Why did Cornell lose the debate? v Frosh 2 The fastest debater broke training by eating pie, and it hurt his wind so he couldn't talk s much or as loud as the rest. Cornell Widow. Shake Into Vour Shoes . Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure lor westing, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Bold y all Drnirgists. Price too. Trial paok age mailed FREE, Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeBoy, Kew York. World's Tallest Tree. The highest tree in the world Is said to be an Australian gum tree of the species Eucalyptus regnana which stands In the Cape Otway range. It to no less than 415 feet high. Gum trees grow rapidly. There Is one la Florida which is reported to have shot up 40 feet In four years, and another In Guatemala which grew 120 feet in twelve years. Something to Be Explained. Gayboy No, dear, you are mistaken about my having had too much to drink last night. Mrs. Gayboy Then, for mercy sakes, why did yon take off your shoes to go upstairs after I had gone down and let you In myself? New Orleans Times-Democrat The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive you In this. Counterfeits. Imitations and Just-a9-grood' are but Experiments, and endanger the Health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-' goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotia substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys. Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the r0 W 4Taf a In Use For Pirn Barnlna- One Hnndre4 ; fear a, , The Cheqners Inn, Osmotherley, Is a , relic of the old coaching days, but It is now famed for Its fire, which has nev er been out for more than 100 years and over which griddle cakes are baked. , ' This huge Are Is kept continually burning by peat or turf from the York shire moors. An excellent tea Is pro vided for visitors, the chief dainty being the griddle cakes. The peat glows like red embers on a red tiled floor, the griddle being suspended from a bar above, the whole looking most quaint and picturesque. The exterior of the tnn is most unpretentious and Old World looking, as It nestles alone en the Yorkshire wolds. r Geaereaa. "Sir, I am here to ask yon to eon tribute something toward stilling the cries of fatherless and motherless chil dren. I " ! "Why, sure, I'll contribute. I'm glad you came to me. Here's " x "Thank you, sir." "Here's aa order ea my druggist for a bottle of toothing sirup." Houston Post . Meant fan tke FrltBl, "You'll hare to excuse the disorder here," said the fiat dweller, "all these bundles are our summer clothes that we had to take out of the hall closet " "Surely, you don't need summer clothes this weather," said his friend. "No, but we had to put up a cot In the closet for a friend who spent last night with us." Philadelphia Press! PRUSSIAN HEAVE POWDERS AanaranteedcnrarorBeaTesouffhaj Distemper. IndigMtion. Wind Troublaa Dealer M cents. Mailt cents. Pbumiah RuinroTCo.. St. Ppl. Miki. ST. HELEN'S HALL PORTLAND, OREGON . A Girls' School of the highest class. Collegi ate department. Music, Art. Elocution. Gym nasium. Fall term opens September 16. SEND rOR CATALOGUE BRING YOUR TOOTH TROUBLES TO US Before Going Elsewhere. . ' DR. B. E. WRIGHT. 342 Washington St. Portland. Oregee 20-KULE-TEAU BORAH FOR THE SKIH The skin can be stimu lated by bathing the faea twice a ds with a hot solution of "20-MULE-TEAM" BORAX; one tea spoonful to a pint of water (see cut), then bathe or sponge, for nve or ten minutes with clear cold water until the skin is In a fine health glow; dry with a, soft towel An dea!en,M-Mapk:es Sample and Dooiclet, con tainlngr alnabla recipes for the Complexion, Hnd and Hair, for 60. PACUTIO COAST BOKAX OO, Uaklaad, Cab liMEEHl Means cash la year pocket, beeanse com fortable cows mean more milk, more cream and mors money. Ask for Lilly's Best Fly Killer; It costs less snd does more. Sold by dealers. Qt., 85 cts.; sals., $1.00. Made by Ctaas. H. Lilly Co., Seattle, Portland, San Francleeo. Signature of Over 30 Years, S nL-S-JtfSMjassr-- 1 "4. a . Fly lanking by Tilail WE PAY INTEREST On savings deposits of a dollar or more, compounded twice every year. It is just as easr to open a Barings Account with ns by Mail as U yon lived next door. Send for our free book let. "Banking by Mail." and learn full particulars. Address Oregon Trust 8c Savings Bank Portland. Oregon Sixth and Washington Sts. ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES TOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Portland , . Orexon At Cbeap it Cm Bi Eought hi Eut CaJltflrt Much Qalckw Wrltt Ds ToiJaf C. Gee Wo Ths WU-Knowa Rellsbls i . CHINESE Root and Hsrb DOCTOR Has mads a Rfs study of roots snd hsrbs, snd In thai study diacorersd snd Is jivine to ths uprld his sron derf ul remedies. ha Mercnry, Poisons r Dross Used Hs Cares Witbasrt Operation, or Without tba Aid I a Knlfa. Hs rarsntees to Cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lunf, Throat, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Nervous Debit. - a. I- I !. - W t .U.u T.ntiVilna alaA Lnal Manhood. Female Weakness and All Prlvato Diseases A SURE CANCER CURE Jast Received from Peklnc. China Sale, Sure and Reliable. V IF YOU ARE AFLICTED, DONT DELAY. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. 1 If jroo cannot call, write for sympton blank and drca lar. Inclose cents in stamps. CONSULTATION FREE THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 1 62i First St., Cor. Morrison, Portland, Oregon Please Mention This Paper. ' MAKE YOUR HOME TIES HAPPIER THE REMEDY: tit Uka'.r-- A. B. CHASE PLAYER-PIANO Does not enlsrge ' the Instrument or ehenge style of esse; mechanism all below key board; operates piano action abstract direct, and precisely as regular piano leys do, securing the same expression as the artist can by hand; can be entirely remored lrom the piano in five minutea's time, and that without the use of a screw driver. Write tor Free Booklet SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. SPOKANE. Wats. SEATTLE. Wash. PORTLAND, Oregoa CLASSIFIED ADS NOTICE The following announcements ai front leading business men snd firms, and era wait worthy your careful reading. The Ust msy contain just ths proposition yoa are look ing lor. REAL ESTATE CAST CREENACKES The only tracts on the market where yon east contract to sell your eron. Tea trains a day. Abundance of water. Pries 1150.00 per sere-, easy payment come in or write tor partio. la' BEXCHXK THOMPSON Spokane. Washington, 110 Stereos P.N.U New 28- 07 TTTBXir writing- to advertisers plans aaattem tats nasor. 47