The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 02, 1907, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Herbert Manaase was in Pendleton
Matt Mosgtove was in town yester
day from Hilton.
Mr. Lacblan MoCleay of Taooma,
was in Athena Sunday.
1 Mrs. Agnes Ferguson spent the week
at tbe Wbiteman borne, west of town.
j Miss Myrtle Wall of Pendleton,
i spent Sunday with relatives in Atbena.
; Mr. and Mrs.' Clande Estes bave
gone into camp at Kemela for tbe
," aommer.
VMias Myrtle Def reeoa returned last
week from a pleasant visit with friends
in Union county. . .
Mrs. I. M. Kemp and daughter
Lncile are visiting, ; relatives and
.friends in Portland. . ' -
Mrs. V. K. Hoven has returned from
au extended visit' with -relatives and
f friends at Kelso, Wash. '
- i Tbe infant sou of Mr. and Mrs. Will
- M. Peterson, bas been quite ill at their
Pendleton home this week.
Editor Swenson of the Inlaud Em
1 pire Magazine was in the city, yester
t day. tbe guest of Henry Barrett.
V Measles bas broken out in tbe Adams
harvest crew west of town. One of
the men is reported to bevery siok. '
XF. 3. LaUrow,, weut- down, to., bis
oucbet rancb Saturday. He was ac
companied by Master George Wiosbip.
Carpenters have completed work on
the addition to the Swaggart farm re
sidence north of tbe city, and painters
are now at work. v Ij
Ed and Irwin demons, who are em
ployed on Seattle electrio lines,, have
returned to that city, after a visit with
relatives in this city.
Tbe ladies of the W. C. B. M. of the
Christian. cburch , will meet at the
home of Mis... Robert Tharp, next
Wenduesday afternoon.
The barley crop in tbe Pilot Bock
'., neighborhood is. practically all . bar-'
., rented,, the average yield being from
40 to 60 busbels pei acre. '
Oouuty Treasurer G.- VY. -Bradley
was in town Sunday from Pendleton.
He was greeted with a warm weloome
, from his Athena friend j.
; . Frank Eealewas up from his Pine
Creek ranch Tuesday,, He sized up the
'prospects for putting his , threshing
outflt to wotk in this vioinity.
w..W, Raymond is over from Walla
yWalla, seeing to it that bis big bar-
.. , coal i no nntRt. la in nrnmr trim ta tnlrfl
care of bis bumper wheat crop.
i Mr. O. B. Funk, former lv a resident
: of -Weston, but lately of"Spokaue,"4
one of tbe purchasers of tbe Union
o i , r u .i TOn- xrii .-
oaviugo &uun, at. tT un . yi ana. '
Dr. Sponagle the dentist left last
evening for a two weeks visit in Port
land. He may sniff the sea breezes at
Long JBeaob before returning borne.
V Wagner & Martin's new combine is
doing excellent . work. The average
yield iu the neighborhood , where the
machine is at work will be over 40
bushels per acre. ;.,
J. M. O'Harra was iu town Satur
day from his farm east of Weston.
His new home is completed and ready
for .oocapanoy, the painters having
finished work.
: Walla Walla's street fair and carni
val will be held this year September 16
to 21 inclusive. A wheat palace, arti
flnial IaIta and nthAr novel attractions
are announced.
Misses Veina D welly and Pauline
Adams of Walla Walla, were tbe
guest; of Mrs. C A. Barrett Tuesday.
In company with Walter Adams, the
young ladies rode horseback to Bing-
ham Springs.
X Rev. Geo. T. Ellis and wife have re-
turned from Baker City, where
Ellis took a course of treatment for
asthma.-)-He is greatly improved and
will bold regular services hereafter at
the Baptist ohuron.
The better part of the Press family
is in Portland ; so if the Press man
seems grouchy, put it down that be
belongs in tbe ranks of the other sore
headed old batches. like. Kemp, Ker
shaw, Bichards et al.
, Mrs. Hays of Baker City, who was a
guest of Mrs. D. H. Preston, returned
'home Sunday evening.-: Mira Davis of
Spokane also a guest at -the Preston
. home, returned to Walla Walla" with
. Mr. and Mrs. Preston, Sunday evening.
(Two . thousand balf-gaJlon jars, of
frhit have been put up at tbe girls
dormitory of the Weston .Normal
School. Strawberries, raspberries and
cherries were the principal varieties
of fruit used.
For tbe reason that it is tbe desire
. of tbe management of tbe :; Weston
.- brick yard to reduce the aooomulated
stock, the molders and yard men have
been laid off and all work, except that
. . of making shipments bas been sus
pended. W. B. Taylor reports 60 bushels of
wheat to tbe acre threshed witQ a . com
bine, at hia place east of town. Very
little smut is found-in Mr. Taylor's
grain. This is about the heaviest
yield of wheat ever raised cn the old
Ely place.
Tbe leotrio storm "passed up"
Atbena, od save for heavy, black
. clouds, a hot wind aiid billows of
stifling cost, this favored locality es
caped entrely, there being not so much
as a sprible of rain. - Tbe oeigbbor
Itood "west of towtTand Helix vicinity
were uot w fortunate.
... -
.Dadea Little 'LiverJ Pills keep the
system cJeau, 'the stomach sweet.
Prompt relief for headache and bil
liousneea. Good for all tbe family.
Pioneer Drug Store.
V Huckleberries and venison serve ex
tensively in replenishment of larders
of campers up at Meaobam, berries are
plentiful, and three deer have recently
fallen victims to the unerring aim of
hunters. . Monday Col. Baley of Pen
dleton killed a large buck. -
Tbe second coat of oil has been ap
plied to tbe roadbed of tbe O. K. & N.
railroad between Pendleton and Walla
Walla, and is proving very effectual
in keeping down tbe clouds of dust
which swept through coaohes when
ever the windows were raised. ,
, -Services at the Church of Chribt on
Lord's day. Morning; "First Church
of Christ: The Fellowship." Even
ing ; "AU Authority. V - Arrangements
will be made to have tbe evening ser
vices out door, in front of the main
entrance to tbe -church.-$ All are in
vited. For .1 the month of August the M. E.'
and Baptist churches will bold onion
services on each Sunday evening, tbe
regular morning service being held in
each church as usual. , Toe first of the
series of union, services will be con
ducted by Rev. Ellis at the M. E.
church Sunday evenins.
I VAgent Richards reports that wheat
Yi& beginning to come into the ware-'
houses of toe Paget Sound Warehouse
oompanj at Waterman and Hillsdale
stations -ou the" Northern Pacific
branch. ; : Tbe Hillsdale bouse is in
charge of Robert Montgomery and tbe
company's interests at Waterman are
in charge of Boy Cannon.
Miss Lulu Bobey is ill with heart
trouble, a disease to which she bas
been subject for years. The doctor
ordered her to Seattle from Walla
Walla where she makes her borne
with her grandfather, D. N. McDonald.
Miss Bobey bas many anxious friends
in Atbena and vioinity.
Joe Scott was in town yesterday and
reported that bis combine, which is
fed by a 14-foot header, is averaging
570 sacks per day.. This machine, a
Holt has done excellent work for seven
years. xne seott wheat wm average
about 40 bushels per acre, tbe presence
of -smut being responsible for 10 per
oent loss, according to Joe's estimate.
La8t Saturday Ch as. Brotberton
Mftnrcbased 13 bead of Wallowa work
norsea lor fzauu, an average oi fzuu
pec, Dead, ine stootc is now being
used in drawing.! hia new combine.
Mr, Brothertou recently disposed of
bis cattle to Pendleton parties, receiv
ing $35 a head for steers; $25 for cows
and $12 for calves.
Vine open season for grouse, -prairie
cQiokeu and native pheasant com
mences August 15, and shot guns are
being polished, up to . be in readiness
f of the occasion. Grouse and native
pheasant to tbe number of 10 birds per
man per . day may be lawfully killed
from Augnst 15 to December 1 ; prairie
obioken from August 15 to November
15, limit of 10 birds per day allowed.
Lee Boober and Jesse Myriok were
arrested Tuesday by Deputy Sheriff
Blakley on a wairant sworn by R. Lv
Hager, who resides on the Umatilla
river near Bingham Springs. - The
toys were obarged with killing a
couple of Hager's dogs. They claimed
tbe dogs bit their horses heels before
they shot them. The case never came
to trial, tbe matter being compromised
by tbe boys paying Hager $40 damages
and tbe costs.
' Mr. and Mrs. Glen Saling and. Mr.
and' Mrs. - Clarence LaBraohe left
Atbena Tuesday for Kamela. :: -The
ladies will join a merry party f camp
ers and Messrs. Saling and -LaBraohe
will engage in wood hauling having
taken their teams with them. On the
side, they have prospects of earning a
goodly number of shekles , playing
violin and piano for pavilion dances,
.which are said to be largelv attended.
IVcharley. the well known Chinaman,.
Mrloame near bleeding to death from nasal
hemorrhage, yesterday afternoon , and
last night. Dr. Sharp was called, but
Charley would not submit to have
his nostrils plugged and tbe physician
was powerless to give relief. The old
fellow preferred Chinese treatment,
and this morning I. M. Kemp of tbe
First National Bank, which employs
tbe Chinaman, took him to Pendleton.
LNAn explosion of smut took place in
tbe Barrett & juodgen'a separator, just
as tbe machine started on the day's
work yesterday morning at the Jerry
Stone place, west of town. A sheet of
flame burst out of the machine, sing
ing the eye trows of. tbe sack sewer,
but strange to say no damage what
ever resulted to the machine. X The"
reason that tbe separator was npt dam
aged as no flre resuled, is attributed to
tbe fact that no straw had yet entered
the separator, wbiob was just begin
ning to geWn motion.
Fire which is supposed to have start
ed from a bolt of lightning, burned
220 acres of standing grain . on the
John Bothrock place south of Adams
Wednesday evening, and extended into
the field of .Harley Bothrock where 20
acres of grain was onsumeQVMr
Bothrock s loss is weil coveredby in-;
suranoe in tbe Queen . Insurance Co..'
and was insured some weeks ago by
L M. Kemp, tbe company's local
agent Mr. Bothrock ia with his fam
ily at Meacam, and -did not learn of
his loss until yesterday.
Pineules are for the Kidneys nd
Bladder. They bring quick relief to
backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired
worn out feeling. They produce natu
ral action of the kidney s. 80 days
treatment $1.00. Money refunded if
Pineules are not satisfactory. Pioneer
Drug Store.
Sherman does not propose hy
run a meat market iu a community
where tbe taste of tbe farmer runs so
bigb that bis palate will not be tick
led by any but tbe choicest etoaks.
This high state of living, according to
Mi. Sherman means . loss to. him for
the reason that be is forced to get rid
of tbe front quarters of beef iu any
old way. Tbe credit system here does
not suit Mr, Sherman so he concluded
to shnt up shop and quit. B. J. Boddy
tbe old reliable, evidently believes that
hVoan cut a living out of meat. Any
way be lias opened up and will give
T-bone-eatiug ruralites a whirl foi
their money. ;
kV MoBride & Co.-,. .proprietors of the:
commercial livery stable in this city,
had a team stolen Monday. A stranger
sailed at the stables about 8 o'qlock in
the morning and engaged a team,
ostensibly to go to a ranchers home in
the Holdmaa neighborhood uottbweet
of Atbena, saying be would return
sometime during Monday nigbtv -, Man
nor team bas been seen siuce and tbe
fellow bas a good start of tbe officers.
Tbe rig ia valued at f 400. r -The. team
a span of sorrels with white mane and
tails', were driven into tbe. .Holdman
country. This f act was developed
yesterday by Henry Stamper, who was
hunting for a tiace of the team, and he
notified tbe sheriff's office at ouoe.
Two. Houses Set on Fire and .One Lady
" Severly Shocked. '
Helix, August 1. Lightning
struok tbe residences of C. E. Bott and
Mrs. Baysai setting fire to both. - The
fire was soon extinguished but Mrs.
Bott who was in ber kitchen was
knooked down and severly sbooked.
Several wheat fields in tnis vicinity
were fired bnt as rain soon followed
little damage is supposed to have been
done. ' .
Lorie Bott has been Buffeting for
several days from appendicitis bnt is
now somewhat improved. . .
Miss Minnie Gormley who was sent
as delegate from Knoxville Tenn., to
the C. E. Convention, held at Seattle,
is stopping here on ber return borne to
visit her cousin Mrs.. Mack Smith.
R. C. Dunnington oame in . Wednos
day evening from Win. Dale's farm '
where he has been helping Mr. Gore
erect Mr.. Dale's new residenoe, to take
charge of the B. G. ..warehouse at
Hillsdale. ' -
Mr. and Mrs. Dale weie visitors to
Pendleton Tuesday. -J.
E. MonTgo'mery mbved his house-,
hold furniture to Pendleton Wednes
day. Mr. Montgomery has. rented a
three story bouse north of the river,
4 Mrs.. L. . P. Soaijth ; and Mrs. D. B.
Richardson drove, to tbe mountains
Saturday evening :; to -gather huckle
berries. They . returned Tuesdayeve
ning. , Mrs Farley of Pendleton ia visiting
her mother Mrs. Pierce.
: James and Will Isaac are here to
work; .through, harvest J ,,They ( have
positions for tbemselv es and five teams.
A V i , t . '
Office in Residenoe at seoond door
east Mr.. Hiteman's residence. '
....Official .hours. 8 a., m. to 5 p. m. ex
cept Monday, Wednesday and. Friday.-
Graduate American School of Oste
opathy, Kirksville, Mo. ' 1
. And' -
Call at Spencer's. Shop
t ' 9
? Words of .Praise
For tlm several Ingredients of which Dr. ,
Ptereo'a mwliciiH arc etiraposed, as given"
by leaders ii all tho. several clioolg of
inedlcinu, thuuldi liava ; far more weight -than
any amount of non-professional tes
timonials. Dr. l'ipfcc's Favorite Prescrip-,.
tkm lias the DArxiK of uoxKSTy oa every .
.bttlli,-vrai)iK,r, in a fivll list of ail its in
gretlieuts printed in plain English. '
If you are an invalid woman and muatj
from frequent headache, backache, gnaw
. lng di st nft In stomach, periodfeal pains,
dlsagreiii4e, , catarrhal, .pel vie, ..drain,
draggliicdown distress in lower abdomen
or pelvj, perhaps dark spot or specks
dancing before the eyes, faint spelU and.
kindKd vmtoms caused bv female weak. .
ness, otfth derangement of the feminine'' J
organs, MtY can not do better than take.
; Ejr, PiercB Favorite Prescription. . .
-The hsf)ital, surgeon's knife snd opera
ting tatlYmay be avoided by the timely
use of VPavorite Prescription" In such
cases. Thwenr the ohnoxions xnmln-
tfons nf Ii-icil trcaTFinisnf thp rm(
sician can be avoided and a'thoroiigh.
course of successful trfatmfnt carried ou'
Prescription Rcomposeaoi the very beet
native medicinal roots known to medical
science for the cure of woman's peculiar
.ailments, contains . no alcohol ..and no
harmful or habit-forming drugs.
Do not expect too much from r Favortt
Prescription; " it wiU. not perform mira
cles ; ft will not disolve or cure tumors.
Ko medicine will 44 ai much to
establish vigorous health In most weak
nesses and ailments peculiarly iacldent to.
women as any medicine caik, It must be
given a fair chance by perseverance in Iu
use for a reasonable length of time. .
rp n't afford tn arrpnt a mret w
tftim as a siilttu" ff fii --pHy r.f
EatiiKmomposHlaiL. .
bick women are inv.tcd to consult Dr.
Pierce, by Jcttpr, rw. , All correspond-1
ence is guarded as sacredly secret and
womanly eonfikice-, are- protpcte.1 by
professional privacy . Address Dr. ft. V.
Fierce. Huffalo. N. V.
. I)r. Pier-P' PieasaBS PeheU tht best
laxative and regulator of the boweisJ.
They invigorate sbimach, Uvf-r .ana
bowls. Ojh a la-attvw ; two or three a
Cofiee You;
Seal Blend
lib Cans, 45 cents
Package.Coffee is the best to buy and the best to drink. . We have the
agency., i Sold only by Up-to-date Grocers.
On Savings
' nm Pay '
ol .
On the Quarterly Balance or
On the tTWonthly Balance
Office in
Barrett Building,
Athena, Oregon
A. II. LUNA; Propiietor.
Shop West of King's . Barn, Atbena
i ,- I For -GOOD
thena. v Oregon I
losgrove leimntile Go.
; Ladies' Tan Kid Shoes S
:$1.50 Ladies'1 Tan Kid Oxfords, .now 98c per pair ;
f 2.50 and $275. Ladies' Tan Kid Oxfords.. now $1.85 per pauC
.ri.6Q.Mssc Tan Oxfords' size 1 1 1-2 to 2 now 1,15 per pair
$1.25 Ladies! Canvas Oxfords.'.., .now 89c per pair
'ulJSQ. Ladies! high.Canvas Oxfords now 98c per pair,;
J.O0 .Misses Canvas Oxfords sizes 8 1-2 to 1 1 now 75c per pair
: 1.50 Misses-Canvas Oxfords sizes 11 -1-2 to 2 .now 85c per pair;
Baby Shoes
. New line of Fancy soft sole shoes for Babies in Whites, Blues and Combination
Colors-. :;Come and see them they are Beauties. '
"We have-now on hand the largest most varied and
Best'Selected stock of Womens, Mens, Boys, Girls and
Childreh's shoes ever shown in Umatilla county. No
matter how difficult you are to fit or how big a shoe crank
you arewe can fit yon and give you satisfaction.
Where :B & H Trading Stamps go with Cash purchases
DriiiiShoiddBe the Jest
r Chase
Preston-Partoiir Milling Company
..Flour is made iu Atbeua, by Athoua labor, iu tho latest
n and best equipped mill in the west, of the beat selected
Blnesteui 1 wheat grown auywhere. Patronize homo
. iuduatry. Yonr grooei sells Americau Beauty for
5 Merchant- Millers
3 Athena, Oregon.
J f'lwgrr 11,1 rm,M , ' ii
I If , "V-'i! i
JustfTOiat You Want
.These -Hot? Days.
Circle Blend
Mb Bags, 25 cents
South Side Main Street
ack. f
and Grain Buyers s
' Waitsburg, Wash. S
Kverythlng Firit
Clan - Bio darn
and Up-to -date