The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 31, 1906, Image 4

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A Warrant Is Issued For Ar
rest of McKinley.
Most Serve Four Month in Multno
mah County Jail and Fay a
Fine of 8500.
Hoiuce U. MoKinley's name flgnr
ed prominently in the court proceed
ug at Portland Saturday. On motion
of ProHeontor Honoy, the bond of Mc
Kinley was forfeited in two laud fraud
cases, in one of which he was convict
ed, and a benob warrant was issued
for bis arrest. McKinley is at pres
ent in Sbangbas, China, safe from ex
tradition. The bond in the case in
which be was convicted was 11000,
uud the sureties are Eugono Blazior
and John Urant, friends of McKinley
while he was treading the primrose
Marie Ware McKinley, wife of the
fugitive, appeared in court, and by ber
attornoy, Lou Tarpley, entered a plea
of uot guilty in case No. 2887, in
which she was indicted jointly with
& A. D.;Puter, Horace G. McKinley,
Mrs. Emma Watson and several oth
ers. At the request .of the government,
severance was granted for Congress
men Biugor Hermann and J. N.- Wil
liamson in the Blue mountain reserve
case. This is the case iu which State
Senator Franklin Pierce Mays goes to
trial August 6. Proceedings against
Uermauu and Williamson were post
poned until the next term of court. '
i.t . . I M c i TT
- vv neu tue case ui juitruu j. xiugu
was called, Special Assistant Attorney
General Honey, who has conducted
the prosecution, arose and said that
Dr. K. A. J. MoKenzie bad informed
Mm fhnf Hnon'a tiriuiArit nnndition of
health is uot such as to enable him to
1.1 L X X ; Kiilhnnt
daugor ot 'injury and dooline. The
illuesa was only temporary, but the
difficulty in the way of postponement
of sentence lay in the faot that Hoge
conld give no bond. A short sentence
would satisfy the law.
"If it were not for his health," ad
ded Pioaeoutor Honey, "I wonld urge
tlutt be bo glvon tho maximum of pun
ishment, as he is uu attoruoy-at-law,
one whose sworn duty should have
proveuted him from advising persons
to offend agaiuBt the government."
Hoge told of his presout condition
of health, said that bis mother and
bur two brothers diod of consumption,
tout his mother was bedridden 13 or
IK .. . A fknl fAn 1ft r,f thnau VAara
ho looked after her.
Judge Hunt remarked that it did uot
take a pbysioian to sue that Hoge was
a man of delicate boaltb.
"I fear long imprisonment Would
imperil your life," be, added address
ing Hoge. :
The prisonor, clutching at a stiaw,
said that be thought he could raiso a
small amount ot tine, somewhere near
the maximum, if that were made bis
senteuoo. He would have said more,
but the court out bim short.
Remarks ou the duty of lawyers
prooeded the passing of souteuoe.
Judge Hunt spoke of tho preneut be
ing un age of commercialism and that
many thinking men were of tho opin
ion that this iustinot bad caused a
quiosoouoe, if uot a decadence, iu the
profession of tho law. It being a time
when attorneys should speak out clear
ly for tho right. It was with puin
that ho was confronted by an uttoruey
who had pzoved rooroant to bis duty.
Tolling Hoge that it was solely duo to
bis physioial condition that a light
Heutoitco would imposed, Judge Hunt
advised bim to go back to Modford
after bo rogaius bis freedom and
build a new aud butter reputation iu
tho community in which bo wus dis-
gracod. Thou Hoge was souteuood to
serve four mouths in tho county jail
aud pay a fine of 1500.
As Hoge has no money, his sentence
moans that he will speud Ave mouths
in jail. The additional mouth will
enable bim to go into court aud take
the papuor'a oath, thus compelling the
government to release bim without
tho payment of a flue.
Manh Weakens and llmplicatei Fal in
Horsestealing Case.
A. O. Wimpoy, implicated with
William Marsh, iu stealing throo head
of horses from Dr. J. A. Gross, was
arrestod at Starbuok last Friday uigbt
ou telegraph instructions from the
sheriff's office, says the Walla Walla
Statesman. Sheriff Painter loft for
Staibuck Saturday morning and re
turned iu the eveuiug with Wimpey.
Marsh, who was brought to Walla
Walla by Deputy Havilaud last uight.
was put through the sweatiug process
aud finally confessed to the theft of
the Gross horses and implicated Wun
pey, who formerly worked with Marsh
on the Gross ranch. Marsh told the
officers whore Wimpey could te la
cated aud a telegram w hurriedly
sent to tho coustable at Starbuck to
arrest the man. Wimpey was found
close to towu and offered no resistance
when placed under arrest He was
locked op in the Starbuck jail and the
Walla Walla officers notified.
Sheriff Painter and. Deputy Havi
land are highly elated over their suc
cess iu running down Marsh and Wim
pey as it ends a case that has puzzled
the officers for nearly a month. Wim
pey was first suspected of the theft and
was being closely watohed when Depu
ty Haviland learned that Marsh had
sold the stolen horses near Lind. The
officers immediatey bad him arrested
and onoe in the county jail Marsh
soon weakened.
Marsh told the officers that he and
Wimpey arrived in Walla Walla from
Starbuck tho night the bofses were
stolen. They oame in on the train
and went to a second-hand store and
there bought two saddles. They went
to the corral near the Gardeu City
Heights where the Grose horses were
being kept, aud aftor selecting the
three best animals of the lot, opened
the gate and let the other horses out
They saddled two of tho horses aud
loadng the other, started out for
Franklin oounty, traveling after night.
The horses were kept in the vicinity of
Lind uutil sold.
Marsh entered a plea ot guilty be
fore Judge Brents and was sentenood
to 18 months imprisonment in the
penitentiary. He will be removed to
the prison tomorrow to begin bis sen
I have a piece of desirable property
25 foot front, center of Main street,
Athena, which I will trade for cattle.
R. J. Boddy, Athena.
Lost or Stolen A bay cayuse mare,
roaohed mane, brandod with circlo C.
on right thigh, has soar on nose, abont
5 or 6 years old. f 10 reward. Billy
Robinson, Weston.
Whereas, there has been submitted
to the electors of the State at the last
general election as required by law an
initiative petition for a proposed amend
ment to Section 1 of article XII of the
Constitution of the State of Oregon,
to allow the state printing, binding
and printer's compensation to be -regulated
by law at any time, and v
Whereas, on the 25tn day or June,
1008, the Secretary of State in my
presence as Governor of the State of
Orncrnn did canvass the voters given
for and against said proposed amend
ment, and
Whereas, it was ascertained and
determined udou such canvass that
there were 68,749 votes cast for said
proposed amendment to the Constitu
tion, and 9.571 votes oast against tue
same, aud that said proposed amend
ment reoeived an affirmative majority
of the total number of effective votes
cast thereon and entitled to be counted
under tbn provision of law,
Now, Therefore, I, George Ji. Unarn
hnrlain. as Governor of the State of
Oregon, iu obedienoe to and by virtue
of the power and authority vested in
me by law, do hereby make and issue
this proclamation to the people of the
State of Oregon aud do announce and
declare that the whole number of
votes oast in the State of Oregon at
said eleotiou for and against said pro
posed amendment was as uereinoerore
stated, and that said proposed amend
ment received an affirmative majori
ty of tho total number oi votes casi
thereon and entitled to be counted un
der provisions of law, and that said
amendment hereinbefore mentioned
shall and is in full force and effect as
a part of the Const it ution of the State
of Oregon from the date of this proclamation.
Done at the Capitol this 25th day of
June, A. D. 1906.
Geo. E. Chamberlain,
Governor of Oregon.
By the Governor:
F. L Dunbar,
Secretary of State.
An Alarming Situation. :
frequently results from neglect of clog
ged bowels and torpid uver, bdui
consumption becomes chronic. This
oondition is unknown to those who use
Dr. King's New Life Pills; the best
and gentlest regulator of Stomach and
bowels. Guaranteed by Wm. Mo
Bride, druggist. Price 25o.
Church of Christ. ,.
Serviocs every Lord's day. Bible
school at 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11;
Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. ; preaohing
at 8. p. m. Prayer meeting on Wed
nesday evening at 8. The public is
invited to attend all of these services.
V. E. Hoven, Minister.
Death From Lockjaw.
never follows an injury dressed with
Buckleu's Arnica Salve. Its antisep
tic and healing properties prevent
blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, mer
chant, of Rensselaersville, N. "ST.,
writes: "It cured Seth Burcb, of
this place, of the ugliest sore on his
neck I ever saw." Cures cuts, wounds,
burns and sores. 25o at Win. Mo
Bride's, druggist
Excursion Batei.
The O. R. & N. Co. will soli round
trip tickets to any station within 200
miles of Athena for occasion ot 4th of
July at one and one-third rate. Tick
ets on sale July. 2, 3 and 4. Time limit
July 6.
The Summer Season.
The O. R. & N. will sell round trip
tickets to North Beaoh points, Ilwaco
to Nahcatla. inolnsive and to Seaside
and Clatsop Beaoh, from Athena for
$13.90. Dates of sale June 15, to
August 25, inolnsive. . Final return
limit Septempber 30. . ; ,,
A Lively l i i t
ruh fhnf nld nnntnv of the race, con
stipation, often ends in appendicitis.
To avoid all serious trouDiejwHu awm
aoh, liver and bowels, take Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They perfect
ly regulate these organs, without
pain or discomfort. , 25o at MoBride's.
Keep the little one healthy and
happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies
require gentle, healing remedies.
Hollisterx's Rooky Mountain Tea will
keep them healthy and strong. 85o
Tea or Tablets. Pioneer ug store. Dr
Farmers that are in need of ranch
hands, should call on Craghead &
Hays. Rural telephone connection
4m Afflna " " 4t.
Public Notice. ;
Notice Is hereby given that we wllUPPly J
held on the 21th 1ay of July, '
license to Bell spirituous, man. ana v"";
quor?, in lens quantities than one Quart, said
liquors to be Jd only n . buHdta. MUmted
ou tlie easi one-nau u,
6,ol8aideity. K'Tn.
TWcd. June 28. 1006. Applicants
I No Other travel-book tells as much about the Great Northwest as does
Its chapters deal with Puget Sound, the Columbia River, ,
the Queniut Indians, the Bitterroot Range 01 Montana, the
Yellowstone National Park. . . . ...
There's nothing better as a guide to the splendid country
between the Mississippi and the tide waters of the Pacific.
Send six cents for a copy, or send the six cents with the
address of the friend to whom "Wonderland 1906" is to be
mailed, to . . . '
M. CLELAND, Gen. Pass'gr Agent,
St. Paul, Minn.
Northern Pacific Railway
Three Trains Daily in each direction between St. Paul, Minneapolis,
Duluth and Superior, and the
I Preston-Parton Milling Go. j
, Av) E si! G Ay u
Flour is made in Atheua, by Athena labor, in the latest
and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected
Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home
industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for " ,
ack !
Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers
Bargains at Pendleton's Big Store
Where it Pays to Trade
Dry Goods Store.
Children's 15o black ribbed hose
at per pair - - lOo
Women's 20o black Hose, ' at per
pair . - - 16o
Women's $1.50 black sateen Un
derskirts at eaob - (1.00
Women's $1.25 white Shirt
Waists, at eaob 05o
Women's $5. Dress Skirts at
each ' -, $3.75
Women's $4.50 Wash Suits, Lin
en, at - $2.25
Women's 60o Muslin Drawers,
at each - - 35o
Women's 75o Girdle Corsets, al
each ... 60o
12)o white Embroidery, 4 to 8
inches wide, at yard - 8o
12o figured Lawns for waists
or dresses, handsome pat
terns, yard - - lOo
20o white Indian Linens at per
yard - - - 15o
60o white mercerized Silk Waist
ings, at yard , - 35o
Send for samples.
Men's Clothing Store
Men's best $10.00 Suits in grey,
brown, and black mixtures,
any sisse; we can fit yon at
per suit ' - $7.60
Men's best $12.50 Suits, extra
well made, tailor finish, all
sizes; black, navy's or mix
tures, at per suit - $10.00
Men's best $15 and $16.50 Suits,
handsome - tailor made suits,
hand Banished, positively the
best bargain ever offered, at
per Suit - $12.50
Men's 75o Underwear, at 50o
Medium or light weight; extra
well made.
Men's $1.25 dress Shirts at each
- - - $1.00
New patents in soft or still
The biggest and best stock of
Men's and Boys' clothing, Hats
and Furnishings here at a saving.
Shoe Store
Women's $2.00 Shoes, in me
dium or heavy weight, at per
pair - - $1.60
Women's $3.00 vici kid, patent
tips, extension or turn soles,
at per pair - $2.50
Children's $1.65 School Shoes,
sizes 10 to 2, in box calf or
kid, per pair - $1.25
Extra good $2.25 Misses' Shoes,
in vioi kid, sizes 11 to 2,
per pair - $1.75
Misses' Oxfords at
- $1.60, $1.75, $2.00
Ladies' Oxfords at - - -
- , - $2.50, $3.00, $3.50
Men's best $3.25 Shoes in all
shapes and widths, at - $2.60
Men's $2.50 work Shoes, the
best wearing shoes mado, and
In any width, at - $1.75
Men's Oxfords at -
- - $3.00, $4.00, $4.60
Boys' Oxfords at -
- $2.00, $2.60, $3.00
SAVE YOUR COUPONS; they are given free with each 10c purchase. Over $700
inbeautiful presents given to our customers last month. Come and see what you
will receive, absolutely free, by saving our cupons.
N. B.-We have made arrangements with Burns Bros., Pendleton's leading Pho
tographers, to supply our many customesr with photos at greatly reduced prices.
This arrangement is for a short . time only. For particulars write or inquire at the
store where it pays to trade.
. Snow JDTf-j Per Saoite
$1.00 CASH
This Celebrated Flour is made from the choicest Blue Stem Wheat grown
in the Northwest. SOLD BY THE
David Williams Agent,- '- ' - - - - Athena, Oregon,
Dr. A. B. Stone,
Calls answered promptly day or night
Office in Poet Building, Athena, Oregon
We carry a full and complete line of the following sup
Waitsburg, Wash.
Athena, Oregon
itiiatstsasiiitii siaiisiECSisi
Axel Grease
Bits '
Brushes, Horse
Curry Combs
Chain Halter
Chain, Coil
Cutlery, Table
Cutlery, Pocket
Coal i
Cold Chisels
Enameled Ware
Gauge Glasses
Hose, Suction
Iron, Bar
Iron, Sheet
Lace, Leather
Oil, Castor
Oil, Cylinder
Oil, Black
Oil, Hard
Oil cups
Pulleys. Brake
Pulleys, Hay Fork
-. Ranges
Shoes, Horse
Scythes .
Kfitew Drivers
he Spigot
Water Bass
And Our Prices Arc as Low as Are Jtfamed By p4nyohe - Call and See Us When
cruris rr o
Phone, Main 21 - - - - 211 E. Court St