The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 01, 1906, Image 3

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i Press Paragraphs
Dr. Caahatt, of WestoD, was m town
. yesterday.
Miss Alta Sharp is the guest of Pen
dleton friends.
A. Barrett was one of the visitors
to the Eoho pion io yesterday.
Isaao French of Adams, is reported
ery low with consumption.
David Williams of the Paoiflo Coast
Elevator Co., was in Adams Saturday.
Harvey Richardson came up from
Adams, Saturday to see the ball game.
Miss Bertie Etter, of Pendleton, was
a guest over Sunday of Miss Fannie
Miss Edyth McBride spent Sunday
ia Pendleton, the guest of her sister
Dr. Fred Lieualleu ot Helix, was in
town Saturday, and witnessed the ball
' game. -j.-A--,, :
hr Mrs. A. M. Gillis gives an ioe cream
social at her home this afternoon aud
evening. ,
Lee Eiteman and Frank Coolidge
attended tlfe Eagles' pionio at Echo
- yesterday. A ' : ' . -. - -
Jast received, latest styles in belts,
shirtwaist sets, back and side combs,
at Manasse'B.
Mrs. Frauk Baker and Miss Elna
Kim berk, of Adams, were shopping in
Atbeua Saturday. ' ,
Min Mabel Damb and Polk Smith,
both of Peudleton, were married in
that city Sunday afternoon. :
Colonel Wood came over from Wes
ton Saturday, and "rooted" vocif
erously for the Yellow Kids.
An elegant assortment of children's
Easter bats at Mrs. Lillie Millers.
Don't wait until thev are picked over.
Mrs. Jerry Swart of Adams, is ill
at the home of her parents in this
oity. Dr. Stone is the attending phy
sician. -
Mr. Jaok' Houston, proprietor-of the
Pendleton Pri'ntery, was married" in
Baker City Saturday, to Miss Rose
Hamilton. ;AA
Mrs. J. E. Stanfield, - Mrs. Harry
Turner; Miss. Nellie Stevens and Miss
Pansy Stewart, were in the city Satur
day afternoon from Weston.
The ladios' aid sooiety of the M. E.
cbnrch .will serve dinner on Main
street during the two days of the Cal
edonian j?ionio in this city. ;,
-For Rent. .The Rush farm,' north
west of Athena, containing 610 aores
ia offered to rent for $8 per aore. '
Address, 10 North Tonohet street,
Walla Walla.
Mrs. Austin Foss will give lessons
in embroidery work each Thursday
afternoon at her home on Jeffersou
street. Her charges for instruction
will be only ten cents per hour.
The soda fountain at McBride's Pal
ace drugstore is agaiu in commission
and is supplying tbe wants of the
thirsty public Mr. McBride bandies
the Blue Mountain ioe cream exolus
; ively. - V.
W. A. Dudley, formerly editor of
Jtne r reewater Times, nas resignea nis
position and has goue to Walla Walla
preside. The Times will hereafter be
published by Tbe Times Publishing
Compauy. .'A' ':' .."
G. W. Bradley and T. J. Kirk.candi-
y dates respectively for county treasurer
and state Senator 'on the republican
ticket, went , down yesterday to the
Eoho piouio, to interview tbe voters
in that vicinity ..A'
C. H, Walters of Weston, who was
couvicted of selling liquor to a minor,
while Judge Eakin of La Grande, was
temporarily on tbe bench, and who
was later granted a new trial, will be
op before Judge Ellis today.
rlWbile driving horses recently at his
Vouch near Madras, Crook County, O.
A. Rhodes bad tbe ill luck to buve a
borse fall on him, injuring bis leg
considerably." However no bones were
broken and Ora will soon be sound
as ever. ' ; ...
Frank. B. Rutherford, temperance
lecturer, who was to bave spoken at tbe
opera house tomorrow' night, has de
ferred his date here to some date in
the future, ; When Mr. Rutherford
speaks here the Hypotlito quartet of
Milton, will atag.
Walla Walla is expecting a serious
shortage of water. A gentleman who
is in town today from there says that
wells have been in constant use for 40
years are entirely dry and springs
that were never known to go dry are
not producing a drop of water.
; A number of Athena people took ad-
' vantage of the excursion Sunday to
' visit triends in Pendleton. One lady
thought to board tbe train at tbe
switch, but was disappointed, the
I train not making the stop. She wag
j . compelled to remain over tmtil next
: At tbe borne of the bride's parents
in this city Sunday evening. Mr. Ernest
' A. Bostwick and Miss Carrie O. Boob-
j er were united in marriage by Rev.
j Geo. T. Ellis. The officiating olergy
i man reports that it was a very pretty
I wedding, a number of friends and rel-
I ativea being present. A wedding snp-
per was served. Mr. and Mrs. Bost-
wiek will reside on a farm west of
5 Athena.
Tbe tea giveu at the residence of
Mrs. Wm. Willacy Friday afternoon
by the ladies of tbe C. W. B. M. to the
lady members of the Christian church
was one of the most pleasant affairs of
tbe season. - A short but interesting
program was enjoyed and cake and tea
was served.
' Rev. Geo. T. Ellis and wife have
returned from a three weeks visit with
relatives in Baker City. They arrived
in that city at 12 o'clock at night,
and before breakfast next morning
Mr. Ellis was called upon to make a
trip to tbe Columbia mine to perform
a marriage ceremony.
Drunks on the exoursion train Sun
day evening threw away a couple of
valises and two lolls of blankets be
tween Adams and this 'city. Marshal
Gbolson was notified and instituted
searoh with the result that a roll of
blankets was fonnd below the depot
and a yalise was fonnd near Adams
by Agent Swart.
Indications at the home of Dr.
Stone this morning lead him to be
lieve that some one entered the house
last evening. Tbe doctor can find
nothing missing. Mrs. .Stone has
been at Walla Walla several days,
and any one wishing to do 'so could
have easily entered the residenoe. y
Mrs. Gillis has reoeived word from
her brother-in-law, Datf . Willis, who
was living in San Francisco at the
time of the earthquake. He reports
his, family safe, but his property goue.
and says be fought fire for ', three days
straight, without food or water, and
does not care to repeat the experience.
!YSunday evening horse owned by
Arthur Coppook was frightened by a
passing automobile,, broke from the
hitohing post and ran away. Fortun
ately, the carriage to whioh tbe horse
was hitohed did not turn over, and
both horse and rig arrived at the Cop
pock farm east of town wittiout dam
age. Weston Leader : A letter reoeived
by Mrs. George Carmiohael from her
daughter, Miss May, who is perfecting
herself as a teacher at tbe Sau Jose,
Cal., normal school, ; says that she
esoaped without injury from the earth
quake, although tbe house in whioh
she lives was considerably damaged.
Her letter, hurriedly -written, gives a
vivid pioture of the oatastropbe at San
Jose. The normal school buildings
sustained much injury, ! but can be
utilized again after extensive repairs
are made. '' A A
Pioneer Woman -Dies
.Mrs. Minerva Vaile, aged 54 and a
resident cf Walla Walla for 26 years,
died at St. Mary's hospital Friday
night. " Mrs. Vaile leaves a husband
and 10 children.
Miis Standage Wins Medal A .
; The Woman's Christian : Temper
ance Union of Milton, gave a silver
medal contest A in the Presbyterian
ohuroh Thursday evening, whioh was
well attended, Miss Cecilia Standage
being the prize winner. ,
Reward Offered.
I will pay a liberal reward for in
formation leading to the recovery of
a three year old gelding. Description,
bay with bald fa55f "Ttfttr "white legs,
brand A B on left hip. Ralph Gillis,
Athena', Ore.
. ..
Doctor are Puzsled .
The remarkable recovery of Kenneth
Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., is the
subject of moon interest to the medi
cal fraternity arid a wide cirole of
friends. He says of his case: "Ow
ing to severe inflammation of the
throat and - congestion of tbe lungs,
three doctors gave me up to die, when,
as a last resort, I was induced'to try
Dr. King's New Discovery and I am
happy to say it saved my life." Cures
the worst coughs and colds, bron
chitis, tonsilitis, weak lungs, hoars
nesa and la grippe. Guaranteed at
McBride's drug store.' 50o and $1.
Trial bottle free. v
i-z control st. ''
ronTLAKo, .dAiifB, Oct. 17, WO.
I TOna r Yina of Cardui superior
to ao :Ur'ii medicine I eyer used
n i I It j hereof I speak. I suf
er.v.l Or it.n months with suppressed
n on completely proe
tr.. 1 .us. lains would shoottnroagh
mv b.u-k and skies and I would hare
ba iling headaches. My limbs would
swell u i and I would feel so weak I
ould not stand up. I naturally felt
diaconraged for I seemed to be beyond
tne help of physicians, but Wins) of
Cardul as a God-send to me. I
felt a change for the better within a
week. After nineteen days treatment
I menstruated without suffering the
ironies I usually did and soon became
regular and without pain. Wine of
Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish
that all suffering women knew of Its
good qualities.
Treasurer, Portland Economic League
Periodical headaches tell of fe
male weakness. "AVine of Cardui
cures permanently nineteen out of
every twenty cases of irregular
rnenses, bearing down pains or
any female weakness. K If you are
discouraged and doctors have
failed, that U the best reason in
the world you should try Wine of
Cardui now. Remember that
headaches mean female weakness.
Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of
Cardui today.
X 9
fs" '" 11 ."' 1
Tortars) By Savages.
"Speaking of the torture to which
some of tbe savage tribes in tbe Phil
ippines subject their captives, reminds
me of the intense suffering I endured
for three months from inflammation
of the kidneys," says W. M. Sherman,
of Cnshing, Me. "Nothing helped
me nntil I tried Eleotrio Bitters, three
Dottles of which completely enred
me." Cures liver complaint, dyspep
sia, blood disorders and Malaria, and
restores the weak and nervous to ro
bust health. Guaranteed by Wm.
McBride, druggist. Price 50c.
Keep tbe little one healthy and
happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies
require gentle, healing remedies.
Eollisterx's Rocky Mountain Tea will
keep them healthy and strong. 35c
Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug store.
A Lively Tussle
with that old enemy of the race, con
stipation, often ends in appendicitis.
To avoid all serious tronble;with ston
acb, liver and bowels, take Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They perfect
ly regulate theso. organs, without
paiu or discomfort 25c at McBride's.
: of Deposit
jAre the best form of short-time
investments. These certificates
snch a8 are issued by "
'. are made, payable on demand with
interest at 3 per cent and will be
cashed any time without notice,
' or we will issne you a time certi
- floate bearing 4 per cent interest
payable any desired date.
When you put a man 'to work
i You pay the man.
When you put your money to work
Your money pays you.
Make ALL your money
Work ALL the time.
J, L; Elam's Bank
If there Is no Piano in the house,
one should be purchased or at least
hired. And it should be one of the
shown in our rooms. These instru
ments are the perfection of mechan
ical workmanship and are unexcelled
-larsweetnesaand richness of Jnne...s
23 Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash.
Office in
Barrett Building, - Athena, Oregon
S. F. Sharp
Special attention' given to all
calls, both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Office on Third
Street. Athena, Oregor
tho most hoallna salve in the world.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
I'likc Cusenrets Cumly Cathiirlic. lc or 250,
;. C C. fall to cure. druirtiKts rifuntl moncs
SnoRf Line
Ufiiori Pacific
Through Pullman standard and sleeping
cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping
car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman
tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted,
weekly to Chicago, with free reclining
chair cars, seats free, to tbe east dally irom
Walla Walla. Day
ton, Pomeroy, Lew
IstoQ. Colfax. Pull
8 12 a.m.
9:12 a. m.
man, Moscow, the
Couer a'Aiene dis
trict, Spokane and
an pouits norm.
Mixed, Walla Wal
to Pendleton.
12:30 p to
Fast Mail for Pea
uiciuu, usuinuue.
Baker CHy, and all
pointsewt via Hun
tington. Ore., Also
for U mati 1 la, Hepp-
4:63 p m
ner, inn mites,
Portland, Astoria,
Willamette Valley
Points, t'allfnrnla.
4:53 p. m
iTacoma. Heat lie, all
Hound Points.
Mixed, Pendleton
to Walla Walla
7:03 pm
, W. Smith Agent.
Items in Brief.
But a Samaon at Cox & McEwen's.
For shoes see Lee Teutsch, Pendle
ton. Lipton's Teas at Mosgrove Mercan
tile Co.
McBride keeps a fall stock of school
books and supplies.
Easter hats for men. See Lee
Teutsch, Pendleton.
All new style hats now ready for
yon at Teutsch's Dept. store.
New Shirt Waists jnst arrived at
Prime corn-fed beef and pork at R.
See tbe fine cnt glass for sale by G.
A. Barrett & Co. 'a.
Tbe latest novels are to be fonnd at
McBride's Palaoe drugstore.
For yonr lanndry, call up Parker &
Lane's barber shop, 'phone 81.
When in need of shoes, go direct to
Lee Tentsch's department store.
Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the
White House Grocery.
Lee Teutsch has'; a most complete
line of high grade shoes in Pendletoa.
Try one of Boddy's fine sngar cured
hams. They are delicious.
. , That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine.
At Wortbington 4s Tbtimpson's.
A delicious dessert-Washington Pie.
Get it at the Prendergast Bakery.
We still have the famous Coles air
tight beaters. C. A Barrett & Co.
"Autocrat" : .stationery, the best
kind at McBrides. f
Can't we show yon some of our
Rogers silverware? C A. Barrett &
You should see the fine line of
buggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett &
L. Thnot is prepared to do conorete
work and well digging. Orders left
at Ed. Manasse's store will receive
prompt attention.
New Waistings in silk effects,
plaids, checks and plain colors. Tbe
latest novelties. Mosgiove Mercan
tile Co. i
Your new spring suit should be
made by tbe International Tailoring
Co. Mosgrove Mercantile Co.
Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will
raise the dough. Get it at . Wortbing
ton & Thompson's. ' '
Over 600 ladies' neck arrangements, j
a sample line, no two alike, atone-half j
price. Call at Manasse's. (
Three little rules we all should keep,
To make life happy and bright,
Smile in the morning, smile at noon,
Take Booky Mountain Tea at night.
; Pioneer drug store.
Largest and best assorted stock of
groceries in tbe city is at Mosgrove
Mercantile Co.
losgrove Mercantile Co.
We wish to say to the people of Umatilla county that
the new firm the cTVIosgrove Mercantile Co., successors
to the Athena Mercantile Co., are now doing business at
the old stand. We have new goods in every depart
ment; the best the market affords. We have made our
selections with the greatest care and attention. We are
now showing all the latest styles in spring and summer
Dress Goods, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves, Ladies' Neckwear.
New Spring and Summer
Dress Goods.
Our Black Dress Goods aro specially
worthy of notice. We have all the new weaves
in high grade Fabrics.
In Colored Dress Goods W3 are now show
ing all the latest shades in the new spring goods. '
Silver Grays, Blue Grays, Quaker Graye, Tans
and Alice Roosevelt Blues, as well ,as many
other colorings.
In Wash Dress Goods we have all the
latest, up to date spring designs in an endless
variety of new fabrics. Organdies, Embroidered
Voile, Silk Warped Eolines, Mouslin de Soie,
Lawns, Dimities. All the . latest patterns in
fine Ginghams, ' Foulards, Percales and
Calicos. .
We call special attention to our Sbot depart
ment. We carry the very best makes in all
grades. Men's and boys' Shoes in Box Calf,
Valour Calf, Vici Kid or Enamel, in all the new
A simple rule to make life a joy is to
C: When shopping do not forget
y- that can be obtained, for
g ; Cash
SZ Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and
I Preston Parton Milling Go.
Flour iB made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest
and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected
Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home
industry, Your grocer sells American Beauty for
I $1.00 per
j Merchant Millers
S Waitsburg, Wash. - - Athena, Oregon
UnleBS you are interested in wearing
If your (DflafPtR are too young for you
bring tbetn in and I will put proper
lens in your frnniefl very reasonable.
All work guaranteed. Children's
work a specialty.
drink a cup of that elegant Coffee US
that "99" is the best Coffee
sale only at the
Grocery ,
high grade Canned Goods a specialte ZS
and Grain Buyers
Tmrai Atiiaf urmil ?Mm will 1U to mA Otlt rinl tt ft dlttaMl
f H iBnhM from thai tym wiUt nm ud wrafMli khjo wttl to bW to nmi II
vlth tvA tjt Mparanly. If uwbla to do M yflur r iitaUn n4
rherald httfl immediau atttnt.. VT bra thm myt kwni Uit4 turn mdlnf
CiHwinf, r if tbe Itttsrt tank bltmi ud tub toRtb, li U nn IndlM
tlnn that l4Ua art MtdtA Tht UnaM told In tht heap od iriif t
Oqttat 4UnitT h lmpriVntly foimcd iurfko, Cnnilnuad H of tais
fewm UnMi will mult in poitiin Injurr tram tht foniunt SUMS iMk thft
Graduate und Ktate IoenHed Optician. Of
fice, next door to Ht. Mlchola Sample Hooxus,
lasts, and at prices to suit all corner.
Ladies' Shoes in high or low cut. Just re
ceived the most up to date stock ever shown in
Umatilla county. Call and give the new shapes
your careful inspection.
We have also put in a new line of Ladies'
Corsets. . The celebrated Royal Worcester.
This corset needs no commentary from us. It
is a well known fact that this is one of the
most perfect fitting and best made cotsets in
the United States. We have them in all sizes
and grades in cither Black White or Drab.
We are also agents for the Ladies' Home
Journal Patterns, ot which we have a large
assortment on hand. , Our investigation con
vinced us tht the patterns are as high grade
as the magazine. We are convinced that their
10c and 15c patterns are in every way as good
as any patterns in the world at any price.
Furthermore they furnish a guide chart Free
with each pattern. This shows exactly how
the pattern is to be put together, and saves a
great amount of time and trouble for the user