Our tat Clearance Sale Commences Saturday, July 15th. All seasonable goods marked down. For prices during the sale, see circular Athena Mercantile Company South S de Main Street, . - Athena, Oregon THE TERHUNE LUMBER YARD . Hunt Avenue. - Building Material at Lowest prices. Contracting and Building a Specialty. Estimates Properly Furnished. X. L, Tftrhune, Athetia, Oregon. X r r .' i "A Domestio Blizzard" would make a mule laugh. Cheat the doctors by seeing "A Do mentio Blizzard." Jess Baling was iu the city from Pendleton Sunday. The Rulison resideuco pioperty is for sale at a bargain. Pendleton Bus College is uptodate. .. 1 T.. ........ i,t Pnii UUU lUlDi tfanjiu wan v v letou, visited iu Athena Sunday. W. Shultz, , foreman on the new water system, has been ill at Pendle- NA. L. Swnggart is through harvest- r imr Tliu nmn nvnruirnfl 4K hnnheln u v.wr " ' 1 "(5 ler acre. . Pendleton Busiuoss College is modern Mrs. John Eatea of Pendleton is vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Glen Saliug, iu this city. , Who is "Prince Roiniro?" You may meet him at the opera house Friday night. Pendlotou Bus. College is progressive A sure cure for the blues "A Do mestic Blizzard" at the opera house Friday night. Tharp Bros, will have their new chop mill iu operation in the course of a couple of weeks. " . i ;, K Louis La Brasche aud family have 'returned from their fishing trip ou the north fork of the Umatilla river. Peudleton Bus. College is practical. J James Henderson of the Athena Mercantile Co., who has been threat end with typhoid fever, is improving. Mr. aud Mrs. D. N. McDonald, par ents of Mrs. Will M. Peterson, are Imth ill at their home- iu Walla Walla. . Attend Pendleton Business College. City Marshal Hholsou is a bachelor along with the rest of "we'uus. " His wife and daughter are visiting f rieuds and relatives in Walla Walla. Lou Hodgens h'aa sold hisrauch iu the Walla Walla valley aud will farm wheat land he recently leased iu the Cold Spriugs neighborhood. Pendleton Bus. College is thorough. ) (1. W. Bradley, the graiu buyer, reports that wheat ou the George Urosa place west of town is averaging . 45 bushels to the acre aud tests 63 pounds. Dr. Fultou, a Milton dentittt, may conclude to locate in Athena and open up a dental oflice. He has dispose) of his busiuoss iu Milton aud is seekiug a locatiou. . Sam Reynolds, engineer, and Andy Stewart, separator tender, will oper ate the Reeder steam threshing outfit which was recently sold to Sam Bpoher. .. . . . ,, , , AH. C. Adams has purchased Mrs. Eva Boddy's cottage iu the north part of town. It is understood that Mr. Adams contemplates coming to Athena to reside permanently. Free R. R. fare to Pend Bus. College East Oregouian : R. Copponck, who hn8 a farm two miles south of Athena, reports his wheat yield very heavy. He is using a Baby Jr. Best harvester, 13 foot out, which is turning out the wheat at the rate of 50 sacks per hour. Pendleton Busines College is popular. The Forty Fold wheat that has been sown in this vicinity the past year is proving a success. On the Parris place 40 acres went 50 bushels per acre aud the entire field averaged over bushels per acre. ": trip for pleasure taken to the Umatilla river Sunday by Mr. aud Mrs. W. C. Miller was mared by their little daughter Jeanett falling and breaking her right arm. Dr. Stone reduced the fracture. Pendleton Business College leads. pC.Through the explosion of a gasoline stove Saturday afternoon, J... Dan ner came near losing his photograph gallery by fire. Hose team No. 3 re sponded to the alarm and succeeded iu putting out the fire before much dam age was done. A heavy shower fell last evening and as a result harvest crews are lay ing off. While the rain was heavy it is not thought much grain was shat tered out. The storm, had the effect of clearing up the atmosphere and cooling off the temperature. ' Byron Hawks, the Kloudike sizzle soda mixolooist. came up from Peu dleton aud spent Sunday in Athena. Mr.' llawks is a student of the Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallis. He will t'uke a whirl iu the fastness of the Blue mountains iu the hope of re covering a package of lost health. Peudletou Bus College opens Sept 11. An engineer in the employ of A. B. Olson, owner of a threshing outfit, met with a serious accident iu this city Sunday morning. While adjust ing a part on the traction engine the Augers of the right hand were terribly crushed. The hand was dressed here and the uiau went to Walla Walla. It is possible that the middle fluger of the right haud will be amputated. CANADA AFTER - WHEAT. lalaad Kmnlr WUal Superior for Maltt Braakfaat rd. Inland Empire wheat is rapidly at taining a wider reputation for its cx celleuce as a basis for popular break fast food. The latest concern to use wheat from the eastern part of this state in the breakfast food industry is the Brack m an & Ker Milling Co. of British Columbia. The firm's bead quarters are at Vancouver, but its brarches extend throughout the prov ince and the Northwest territories of Canr.da. 1 The Brack man Eer company has just completed the erection ' of an $18,000 plant to produce a malted wheat breakfast food, for which East ern Washington white wheat will be used in preference to all other varie ties available. ' The plant has a capa city of 1800 pounds of finished food daily, and is located at Vancouver. The company has occupied an im portant place in promoting the grow ing of high class milling oata in the Vancouver, B. C, district, and Al berta. In past years many scores of cars of select Norwegian and Swedish oats have been imported and distri buted as seed . on . a contract basis, while this year a large quantity of New Zeland oats will be brought in for seed purposes, the special variety in view having taken the premium at the St. Louis exposition for white oats, scaling 46 pounds to the bushel. Black oats grown , at Moscow, Idaho, exceeded this weight by half a pound, but the black oat is not as desirable for milling purposes. It is main tained that the oats poduced on tidal bottoms along the Fraser river in an excessively humid climate are un equaled in the world for milling pur poses. , Dying of Famine Is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption. The progress of consump tion, from the beginning to the very end, is a long torture,- both to victim and friends. "When I had con sumption in its first stage," writes William Myers, of Carrfoss, Md.fc "after trying different medicines and a good doctor in vain, I at last took Dn King's New Discovery, which quickly- and perfectly cured me." Prompt relief and sure cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Positively prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed at McBride's drug store, price 50c and $1 a bottle. Trial bot tle free. Items in Brief. j nr w murmur mm m mmm m mmmmmm mm mm m No Secret Abont It. It is no secret, that for cuts, burns, ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes,- boils, etc., nothing is so effective as Buck leu's Arnica Salve. """"It 'didn't take long to cure a bad sore I had and it is all O .K. for sore eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, Hope, Tex. ( 25o at Mc Bride's drug store. v , Rnjt TMk, ' It was a huge task to undertake the cure of such a bad case of kidney dis ease as that of C. F. Collier, of Chero kee, la. , but Electric Bitters did it He writes: "My kidneys were so far gone I could not sit on a chair with out a cushion; and suffered from dreadful headache, backache and de pression. In Electric Bitters, how ever, I found a cure, aud by them was restored to perfect health. I recom mend this great tonic medicine to all with weak kidneys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by McBride, druggist Price 50c. - v , Tor Bale. A Niagara Buffalo Pitts separator, 28-inch cylinder, 48 inch shoe fitted for horse-power or steam attachments, 1400 sacks daily capacity with steam power, used only four seasons; a Rich ardson patent stacker; a 14-horse Pitts power, everything complete and in good order throughout, a bargain for some one; a Hodge header and 8 head er boxes thrown into the bargain. O. L. Chamberlain, Athena. Educate Tour Bowela With Caacaratib Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forevor. IGo.HSc. U C.C.C fall. 1riiggit,rctunrt money- No-To-Mao for Fifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes .weak men Htronr Mood pure. Wo. Si. All druwrists. Athena Opera House Mm" My Friday, August - m The Breezy 4-act Comedy "A Domestic Blizzard" Preseutert by Mr. and Mrs. Aluert Welch aud au exceptionally clever company of Westou taleut. Bright and up to date specialties introduced. Prices 25, 35 aud 50c . Reserved seaU on sale at Dell Bro.8 . Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's. Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at Gay's, daily. Buy a Henney buggy and look swell. C. A. Barrett & Co. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. -. C. A. Barrett & Co. are selling the Deering binding twine. 1 That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington & Thompson's. Latest novelties in men's ready .to wear suits. Athena Mercantile Co. You should see the fine line of buggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett & Co. 's. Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. " ' " ' L A. Githens, agent for Edison pho nographs and records, is prepared to furnish all of the different grades of the Edison make. Mr. Githens always has phonographs on exhibition and is pre pared to give information at any time. Save yourself money while visiting the fair by engaging rooms of Mrs. M. J. Bagley, 265 1-2 Second street be tween Jefferson and Madison, Port land, Ore. W. S. Buel offers his residence prop erty on Current street for sale. House, practically new, contains six rooms. For further particulars see Mr. Buel. Anyone wishing information con cerning a young cow between 2 and 8 years old, brand W and perhaps D on left hip, can receive information by calling at the Press office. It is the fit and finish; the artistic touch that makes the suit. "Internat ional" Made to Measure garments have all of these virtues, including quality as well. Ask the Athena Mercantile Co. to show you their magnificent line of these supplies. . The O. R. & N. Co. offer rates of a fare and a third for round trip tick ets to points within a radius of 200 miles from Athena for July 4th. Date of sale of tickets July 2, 3 and 4, good to return July 8. , Makes digestion and assimilation perfect. . Makes new red blood and bone. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. A tonic for the weak and sick. 85c. Tea or tablets. Pioneer drug store ; If you want a pretty face and delight- . ful air, .;' ... ,.'.. ; Rosy cheeks and lovely hair, ; Wedding trip across the sea, Put your faith in Rocky Mountain - Tea. ....... .' - Pioneer drug store. , If the boxes on your buggy, hack or cart have become worn so there is end play, take your rig to Buel's blacksmith shop and have the axles cut back so they fit up snug aud tight. Mr. Buel has a machine for doing the work. . Price $2 per set of four axles. ' ' ; '" . Boys, you had better get busy and see Athena Mercantile Co. who have a com plete "International" line of samples. This famous concern, for whom Athena Mercaneile Co. takes orders and meas ures, builds garments that are as near perfection as human hands can make them. - Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. ' A BadScare. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety ties in Dr King's New Life Pills, a sure cure tor all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness, costive ness, etc. Guaranteed at McBride's drug store, only 25c. Try them. I TO GONSUMEBS A simple rule to make life a joy is to drink a cup of that elegant Coffee At: ;' When shopping do not forgot that "99" is the best Coffee S that can be obtained. For sale only at the , :. ,,:.,. Cash Grocery 3 SZ Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a specialte US P fillQWl Paint, Oil, Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc., Plumbing WW ViUUUli ,; j PENDLETON, OREGON. ESTABLISHED 1865 j Preston-Parton Milling Co. 1 Our Ear e villi Is Now Running. We can roll r your Barley while, you Wait 2 Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers J Waitsburg) Wash. Athena, Oregon IF SO CALL AT LUCAS' PALACE RESTAURANT Where help of all kinds will be furnished on application. 4 ,,s.. No charge for information. v F. G. LUCAS, - , i - - - Athena, Oregon, THE PRESS, ONLY $2 PER YEAR, U N EQUALLED AS A CURB FOR BAD COLDS. kstrnwrn ill mm a i mmm s IF 1 is cough 7; MA 1 1 - M-msm MM A s wmm x at - - m i I ! A U f' C L'i k i;: ' -I" I ---" llilirilllli!!h!lllMl payM JJHIII MimliliaSZuL riiiiWnnlHniii U N EQUALLED AS PREVENTIVEof ,PNEUMQMIA rrl trtwl AT4 fa (MM ghs, Colds cnot WNOOPINC COUCH, KOAKSEKE9S, eaONCHITIS, SORE THROAT, MB AU BIMUSCS Of TO JHROAT and LUNGS. HuaiiHiilaH W wi iat LIMiuKtll UNEQUALLED AS.A iiii.iibii ii iii ni i"n-' ' MMTrjervMiam raAJUiACirth . m i. '.''' li! Hliillli II Hill it UNEQUALLED A$ A PLEASAMT EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED.