The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 18, 1898, Image 3

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t - For
A standing blow to the so
called "bargain houses." A
legitimate offer of legitimate
Shoes, made in the best fac
tory in the world shoes you
know-Shoes you appreciate.
The Shoes you're after are at
Items in Brief.
A. B. McEwen was in town Monday.
8e tha new lies'.er at 0. A. Barrett &
Oo.'a - ';-,-;
'Jonathan Tolbert, of Milton, wan in
town Tuesday,
Sths 98 Crescent wheel at C. A.
Barrett & Co's.
A. M.'Oillii 1 ft Sunday evening for
Tasowa on business.
Hollis haa made prices that will torn
hit surplus stock into cash. '
Plain whit pleta 40 and 60s per set
at the New York Cash 8tore. -
Bi Una- of white ware just reoeived at
the New York Caah Store. ' r
Mark M. Boyd returned from a visit to
Portland and Sound points Sunday lasf,
N. A. Miller has samples of Jesse
Failing carpets. ' See him before buying.
Go to the Palace Droit Store for pore
drugs, and the best perfumeries on earth
Workmen were engaged Tuesday in
planing down the track at the bowling
alley. .. .. -
Look here! Plain tea caps and sauc
ers, 45o per set,' at the New York Cash
Store ,.
Thonlinson & Sharp have reoeived a
large stock of wall paper. Latest de
signs. ,; ..,.,' ,.-
, Plaid and stripe, wide, all silk ribbon
at 19, 28 and 25 cents. New York Cash
Store. ' " I ' ' .,.
Free wool co'uldn't pat the prices of
ii 1 1 ii mwttn lABtaa than Mnllia. haa
them now. ,
Dr.ichsfdson is stHl at the Athena
Hotel. . When yon want dental services
see him. ; r -: v;
We mean business when we say we
can save yon money on lumber. Osren
A Thompson.;' -.; " : '
Get our prices before you buy Lumber,
Shingles, Pickets, Postal, Fencing, etc.
Owen & Thompson. ,
Jesse Failing, the Pendleton carpet
dealer, carries a line of samples at Bar
rett's hardware store in Athena.
Go to the Athena' Bakery when you
want nice, fresh candies, -' Always fresh,
lowest prices, largest line in town;
N. A, Miller-returned from Tacoma
Monday. While in the Sound city, Mr.
Miller purchased a carload stock of
f urnitars. So soon as it arrives it will
be tastefully arranged for the inspection
of Mr. Miller's customers. .
Tongue-Tied Auctioneer,
.Will Sellat Auction from Day
to Day the Stock of
m Hosgrove's Old Stand
Regardless of Price.
And at the Auction a Series of Concerts
will be given Free each Evening.
LADIES Especially Invited to attend
This is the Opportunity of Your
to Hake Money.
7x: Y. leneday,
tJ. ii. UauiawiU, .Auctioneer..
ax Lewin. ever popular with bis
many customers, comes to the front thi
week with another prise offering. Thin
time Mr. Lewin gives his customers a
chance to secure a beautifnl and reliable
tnuBic box, abeolntely free of charge
Any person purchasing to the amonnt of
one dollar in caeh mill be entitle'! to a
chance to draw the instrument. Each
additional purchase to the amount of
one dollar entitles the buyer to an addi
tional chance.
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pleasant
er or better way to do it than by recom
mending One Minute Cough Cure as a
preventive of pneumonia, consumption
and other serious long troubles that fol
low neglected colds. Palace Drug Store,
Wm. McBride, Prop.
- At the penitentiary in Walla Walla
there are 250 mea woiking in the jute
mill nine hours a day, making 7000 bags
daily In a lew weeks they will bo re
quired to work 10 houra, and the output
will be increased to 8000 daily. There
are now one-quarter of a million sacks
on' hand.
There are three little things which do
more work than aov o'her three little
things crea'ed they are the ant, the
bee and DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
the last being the famous little pills for
stomach and liver troubles. Palace
Drug 8tore, Wm. McBride, Prop;
The neighbors and friends of Mr and
Mrs. Fred Williams, dropped in . the
other evening j'it to spend a few hours
They kept coming In nntil there were
about 30 of them, then it dawned on
Mr. and Mrs. Williams that they were
in the midst of a surprise party.
Whooping congh is the most distress-
iaz malady ; but its duration can be cat
short by the use of One Minflte Cough
Cure which is - also the beet known
remedy for croup and all bronchial
troubles. Palace Drog Store, Wm, Mc
Bride, Prop,
bC F. L. Helfrich went down fo Pendle
ton Wednesday evening and assisted
Kirkman's orchestra, which furnished
masic for a masque ball. Athena's
orchestra furnishes any number of men
from one up to a full orchestra. Charges
are reasonable. , -
Children and adults tortured ,"" by
burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin
diseases may secure instant relief by
using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
It is the great Pile remedy. Palace Drug
Store, Wm. McBride, Prop.
There i3 very seldom such aa oppor
tunity as the one offered., by the New
Store. Those lace scarfs are a lot of
manufacturer's samples which are sold
at about one fourth the regular price.
XA, V, Crane and Alf Johnson were
over to Weston Wednesday. While
there, they made arrangements for the
appearance of the Female Minstrels, in
that city. ; .. ... :r
McBride, of the Palace Drugstore, has
just received au elegant stock of domes
tic and imported cigars which include
11 the leading and most popular brands.
PThe attendance at the sheet and pillow
case bali Monday night was not very
large, but those present bad an enjoyable
time. The music was splendid.
Underwear for men, women and
children. The only complete line that
ever came to Athena. Prioes from 50
cents per suit oj) at Mpsgroy's,. , v.,'.:
For Sale Cheap!" 'I offer my residence
property in Athena", for sale at a bar
gain. Address, J. E. Gobman, Walla
Walla, Wash. : ;
js.J. Parker has disposed of his in
terest in the billiard ball to Ed. Taft,
and is now iq his old "stall" at the
barber shop..
Max Lewin says he has a full fledged
tuvenile post-office now in operation at
lis store. Max deals in almost every
thing. F. L. Helfrich has Just received a
large and complete stock of shoes from
the east.
PHan. T. J. Kirk attended the stock
growers' convention at Pendleton, this
W. J. Wilkinson was in Pendleton,
Dr. Lannerberg, the well known eye
specialist, of The hallos, is in Athena on
a pro'eseional visit. The doctor is one of
the leading opticians ot the Pacific North
west, and any one going to Lira for treat
ment can do so with the confident asenr
ance that tlwy will he treated in a com
petent, professional manner, in which
only well established and modern meth
ods are u-wd. The specialist can be con
salted at Dr. Sharp's office.
. A thrill of terror is experienced when
a brassy cough of croon sounds through
the house at iiigM. Bat the terror soon
changes to relief after One Minute
Couch Cure has been administered.
Safe and harmless for children. Palace
Ding Store, Wm. McBride, Prop.
The general opinion is that economy
Should begin at somebody else's home.
Before criticising the extravagances of
others, why not take the mete oat of
your own eye by practicing what you
preach? B-gin your money-swing ca
reer oy trading at Hollis.'
What pleasure is there in life with a
headache, constipation and biliousness T
Ihousands experience them who could
become perfectly healthy by nsing Da
Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous
little pills. Palace Drog Store, Wm
McBride, Prop.
Remember the Athena Bakery when
you want canned salmon, oysters,, sar
dines and corned beef, -etc. We also
carry a line of coffee, spices, soda, starch
and keep fresh eggs at lowest market
price. J. H. Smith, Proprietor.
. Those who fall by the wayside do not
even get credit for the mileage tbey
have earned, but those who endure to
the end end reach Hollis' store get credit
for their good common sense and practi
cal Judgment
L dft Bm1 well k ' n , thi
LQ? n Mr. William Gain, a popu'ar
O. R. & N. fireman, will be married next
Thursday at La Grande. Rev. G. Rush
ing will be the officiating clergyman.
The largest hog ever brought to Elgin
stockyards was brought over from J. A.
Masterson's Wallowa county ranck last
week. It was of the Poland China breed
and tipped the beam at 740. .
KThe Press boys were made glad yea-
teraay ana aaiy inanxiui to tut. i- r.
Page for a box of fins wintsr apples.
May his shadow, n3ver diminish, is our
wish. -.
The Pickwick system for stouts and
slims, long legs and long arms and slim
bodies, fit to perfection. Handled by
the Square Store. Pendleton.
Best of work is done by the Pendleton
steam laundry. Leave orders at billiard
hall or barber shop. Washings are col
lected and delivered promptly,
If you have to Bell your wheat on the
30 cent basis you can make op for some
of the loss by getting your dry goods and
family supplies at Hollis'. '
"Prove all things" and when you find
that Hollis' goods are the best quality
and sold at the cheapest prices ''hold
fast to that which is good."
What is the nee of paying good money
for old and shopworn goods when vou
can buy new and selected goods at The
New Store. ;
Spring has comethe time when a
"young man's fancy turns to thoughts of
love" and new suits at O. W. Hollis.'
The best shoes for the money in East
em Oregon at "The Square Store" shoe
department.--JS. Haye, -proprietor.-
One Minute Cough Cure cures quick
ly. That's what you want 1 . Palace
Drug Store, Wm. McBride Prop.
Don't wait to long if you want to get
one of those nice double lap robes, at the
New York Cash Store.
Remember that Dr. rarrin will be at
the St. Nichols hotel, Athena, one week,
Feb. 20th to 27th.
' Just received a large lot of Granite
Iron Ware, and prices reduced. New
xork uasn store..
We have some plums for all men,
women and children. Come to ibe
New Stqre- . :' ..-" ,;
' Born, In this city, Feb. 15, 1898, to
Ut. M.. 1 T i
If only to look just make it your busi
ness to call at The New Store.
Ldies watches are sold at a discount
fqr cash by Q. H. Hill. .
Felt Forty Feet.
Frank Pickett, who was working on a
well tor the Heppner Light & Water Co.,
fell into the well, a distance of 40 feet.
He struck a man working at the bottom,
cutting a large gash in bis head, bnt not
seriously injuring him. How seriously
Pickett is injured cannot be told tonight.
Pickett came from Prineritle.
Republican Central Committee.
Lot Livermore, chairman of the re
publican oounty central committee, has
called for a meeting of that committee
at Pendleton for Saturday, February 19,
for the purpose of arranging for an ap
portionment of precinct delegates to the
county convention. At this meeting
dates for primaries and county conven
tion will also be decided upon.
Pinkeye Among Cattle.
C. A. Bunting, of Lake county, has 40
head of cattle afflicted with some disease
re3emblinji pinkeye, among horsss, and
he is at a loss to account for its spread
ing among his stock. At first he
noticed that two or three head were
afflicted, and then it gradually spread
nntil aboat 40 of his herd now have the
disease. The eyes of the animal will
swell and then it becomes blind.
Weekfy Excursion to the East.
A tourist sleeping car will leave Port
land every Tuesday evening at 0:00 p.
m. via tbeO. R. & N. without change
to Boston, and under the supervision of
experienced conductors. No change of
cars to the cities Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo
or Boston. The ideal trip to the East is
now before yon. Remember this serv
ice when going East, and consult O. B.
A N. Agents, or address,
W. H. Ili'RUiUBT, General Passenger
Agent, Portland, Ore.
Almost a Dead Fool.
The streets of Ellensburg were lined
with people all one afternoon recently,
because a traveling fakir had announced
that he would ride a bicycle from the
roof of the Cad well block to the street on
a ladder. He passed the hat most In
dustriously and found dopes enough to
donate him probably (25. Then the lad
der was put in place, but from the sec
ond story, and after a lot of maudlin
talk, and nervous procrastination, the
fellow reluctantly gave tbe word to let
go. - This was done, and be started
down at a wobbling gait and when aboat
two-thirds of the way down took a head
er an 1 landad on the ground, minus
sever tl teeth -nd considerably bruised.
He was picked op and attended to, and
in two boars went oat again.
Dr. Lanoaiberg, of The Dalles, is N w
, . in Athena, . j
Dr. i. C. Lannerberg, the eye special
ist of The Dtlles, Oregon, arrived in our
city yesterday and will bav bis office
with Dr. Sharp during his ctay here,
which will be for a week and. possibly
longer. This is an opportunity that our
people seldom have to consult oue who
has made the eyes a life study, and those
that suffar with weak eyes should not
fail to rail and have their eyes exam
ined. The doctor expects to locate in
Pendleton and will visit ns again.
Consultation free, office - with Dr.
Sharp.- i"-
Read some of the testimonials from
former patients :
The Dalles, Feb. 18'. 1897. '
I take pleasure in recommending Dr.
Linnerberg to those who deaire hkviog
refractions o! the eyee corrected ; he hav
ing adjusted glasses for my Wife and sev
eral of my friends and patrons with per
fect satisfaction. Q. O. Esbelman, M. D.
The Dalles, Feb! 20. 1897
To Whom It May Concern : I desire
to say that Dr. J. O. Lanaerberg has
been for some time and is now a perms
nent resident of The Dalles, Oregon
That he has examined the eyes of, and
furnished glasses for many persons here,
some of whom are ray immediate neigh
bors, and all, within my personal know
ledge, are well pleased with his work :id
the results. He haa also trea'ed my
wife's eyes and furnished her - with
glasses and the result is entirely satis
factory. J take pleasure in introducing
the doctor to any who may , require his
servioes Very respectfully; V
. J". F. Moore.
The Dalles, Feb. 22, 1897. ;
My eyes, though strong, had been giv
ing me trouble recently, especially after
reading by lamp light. A dull heavy
pain following that indulgence. A pair
of glasses fitted for me by Dr. J. O Lan
nerberg immediately relieved this, I
have personal knowledge of Several cases
of eye troubles that were speedily re
lieved by him, and take pleasure in ro;
ommending him a one who thoroughly
understands bis business. ? ,
John H. Cradlebaugb,
Editor Chronicle.
Heppner. Or.. Nov. 17. 1896.
This is to certify that Dr. J, O. Lan
nerberg, who has heen Iq oar midst for
a few weeks as an optician and onalist,
has done the most satisfactory work on
the eyes of many of our leading citizens,
and that the glasses he fitted me out
with (a Brazilian crystal) is the most
complete, having an accommodating
power .that is wonderful, as compared to
the ordinary glass. I can tqoet cordially
recommend his work.
Very truly,
Dr. E, B. Swinburne.
' Heppner, Oregon, Not.' 17, 1896.
I can heartily recommend Dr, J. 0.
Lannerberg, the optician and oculist, to
the public. The work done for mv fam
ily is of sqperiar order and gives most
complete satisfaction. It 1b not often
that a specialist of the Dr. 'a ability visits
our town and thoBe suffering with weak
eyes should not miss this opportunity,
D. J. McgauU M. D.
The Surprise of All.
Mr, James Jones, of the drug firm of
Jones & Son, Cowden, III., in speaking
ot Dr. King's New Discovery, says that
last winter his wife was attacked with
.XA-GrippOr andJherease grew so- serious
tnat physicians at uowden and . Pana
could do nothing for her. It seemed to
develop into Hasty Consumption.
Having Dr. King's New Discovery in
store, ana selling lots ol it, be took a
bottle home, and to the surprise of all
ehe began to get better from the first
dose, and a half dosen dollar buttles
cured her souud and well. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds is guaranteed to do this good
work. Try it. - Free trial bottles at
Pioneer Drug Store. v
Public School Entertainment. ;
The Athena public school will give an
entertainment commemorating the birth
days of George Washington and Abra
ham Lincoln on the evenino nf Fnhnmrv
25th, being Friday, at the opera house, r
ine entertainment win consist oi anus,
recitations, marches, songs and panto
mines. Nothing, will be left undone
that will lead to the success of the occa
sion by pupils, teachers or patrons and
an enjoyable time is assured. Tell your
friends about it.
Opera House Improvement!. t
A. M. Gillis and 8. L.- Bpencer. own
ers of the new opera house, are enlarging
the bouse by building a 20 foot addition
on the north end. The new addition,
when completed, will be the full height
and width of the present building, and
will be cut up Into dressing rooms. Car
penters are how at work, and when the
building is completed, taken in connec
tion with the splendid new scenery,
Athena can boast of a very "swell"
opera houss.; ' ' t , -
1 , v Athena's Orchestra, t
A valuable acquisition to the Athena
Orchestra has lately been made by - add
ing trap drums. Mr. A. V. Crane,
lately of the Pay ton Comedy Co, is a
professional drummer of ability, and his
excellent work with the . orchestra adds
much to its already good name as an up-to-date
musical organization. The ser
vices of this orchestra are much in de
mand, and it is always prepared to far
nish music, either by full orchestra or
less, as wanted. : .
. oowting ocwes..
AThe following are the scores for the
t i 1 : i, , : r.L
wees v iub uuwiuig niiey : dubb iv.uei
Royce, 30-, Mies Carrie Sharp, 24; Mrs.
W. Boss, 39 ; Miss Florence Jones, 24;
Mies Carrie Bloch, 25; Mrs. A. J. Wil
laby, 34; Mrs. M. Swaggart, 30; Mrs. B.
F. Swsggart, 39; Miss Celia Vaugbn, 29;
Max Lewin, 53; J. W. Maloney, 62; A,
H. Lona, 65; F, U. Marquardsen, 60:
Gay Clark, 62; L. F, Spencer, 43: H, P.
McMillan, 40.
, The Athena Lumber Co,
The Athena LumDer Company is the
latest addition to the already large list of
Athena business firms. As its name
signifies, this new company will deal in
lumber. The site selected for the yards
Is located at the foot of Main street, west
of the O. R. 4 N. tracks. J E. Keeder
Is president of toe company and 11. H.
Curtis will be business manager.
. ' A New Barber Shop.
V-James Sharp and Zeke Mattbewi have
opened np a new barber shop on the
north aids of Main street, opposite the
St. Nichols hotel. Tbey respectfully so
licit a share of the pablic patronage.
The Last
Tomorrow (Saturday) night,' at the
Baptist cbureh Rev. C. H." McKee will
8uih bis course of 12 lectures of "Bun
job's Pilgrim Progrejf." Six pictures
will be shown. These are the best la
the series and a befiltirg close to this
successful course of 1 c ures Give him
a Urge bouse as the work si richly de
serves Seata free. Time 7 to 8 p. m.
sharp. , .
Dr. C. L Hill Disposed of Mortgaged
Jonathan Tolbert, the well known
hotel man, of Milton, came over to
Athena Sunday and took possession of
the dental apparatus, fixtures, etc., be
longing to Dr. O. L. Hill, the dentist.
Mr. Tolbert held a chattel mortgage
on the personal property above men
tioned, which secured a note for $70,
given by Hill to Tolbert for a board bill.
On arriving home Tolbert become con
vinced that the dentist's et.air tamed
over to him by Hill was not the one
called for in the mortgage, and be re
turned to Athena Tuesday, bringing the
chair back with him.
Investigation led to the information
that Hill had disposed ot the original
chair to Ohas. Ferguson, the barber, for
another chair and $5 in cash. Tolbert
c. ne on to Ferguson for the chair and
the. whole business was compromised by
Ferguson baying the chair Hill mak
ing a hustle to satisfy Ferguson to the
extent of the $3 be received when the
trade was made.
Hill claims that it was his understand
ing when he gave the mortgage that he
bad the privilege of disposing of f,he
chair. The doctor's office is now closed J
the only sign of oooupanay now existing
are a pair of laoe curtains which flutter
in the wind ac it blows through a broken
pane in the window.
Mrs, Linnie
Long Grateful to Dr.
Among the thousands who have been
successfully treated by Dr. Darrin, none
has a better reputation for telling the
truth than Mrs. Linnie Long, who is
well known in Athena. Mrs. Long is
the mother of Mrs. Arthur Kigby, of
Athena.' What she says comes from a
grateful heart in order that others, who
may be suffering from similar disease,
may be treated and cured as she was.
She thus benefits her friends by giving
them the advantage ot her experience.
Following Is her straightforward testi
mony i
To the Public : I wish to add mv tea-
timonv to the hundreds that have hon
wed by Dr. Darrin. I was one of the
Orst patients going under the doctor's
treatment, and I am happy to say I am
aboat cured of heart disease, bronchitis
and general debility.. My son Kyle has
been cured by the doctor, his trouble
being weak longs and a serere congh of
two years' standing. I will gladly an
swer any questions concerning the doc
tor's electrical treatment either in per
son or by letter. I reside two miles
northwest from Pendleton.
t Mrs. Linnie Long.
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at
the St. Nichols Hotel, Athena, Feb. 20
to 27 Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p. ra. and 7 to
8 in the evening.
Patients desiring treatment should
come soon as many cases require the
second operation.
V; End of the Virtue.
George W. Grayson seems to have no
desire to lonner keen learnt thn hint tht
thA Virtna haa Kaan ahandnnad mti f Vi a
Baker Oltv Rer.iihlicAn. Ha ramm-baul
to a gentleman in Baker--GityFridar
evening mat nis company bad some
time ago blocked out some ground which
they thought would pay to mill, but a
test maae provea - a nnancial tailare.
There is still good ore in the mine, but
the heat encountered as depth is at
tained does much to interfere with the
working of the mine at a profit. Mr.
Grayson will devote some of his atten
tion to the mine he and Mr. Bishop of,
Baker Citv have recently acquired, the
Climax, in the Cracker creek district.
Some of the machinery from the Virtue
is now being dismantled and gotten into
shape for transportation to the Climax.
Fifth One Dead,
East Oregonian : Sunday night the
little 3-year old son of William McFar
land died at the family home on College
street in Pendleton from pneumonia fol
lowing measles. Thecbild was suddenly
seized with a chill, and died 10 minutes
afterward, before the physician who had
who has been employed with-a force of
O. B. A N. painters, has been exceed
ingly unfortunate with bis family, and is
the recipient of deep sympathy in hia
present bereavement. This is the fifth
death that has occurred in his household
within the past two, his wife and
three children having been successively
claimed by the merciless destroyer. He
nas one cnia remaining only out ol a
once happy family.
A Gold Producer,
Telegram: There is no rush of gold
seekers to Eastern Oregon, but occa
sional rennrta Irnm that unnrinn inriii-nla
that a great deal of profitable mining
wore is Deing aone in an unostentatious
way. While these reports do not pro
nounce Baker county a close rival of the
Klondike, tbey satisfy everyone that
Oregon is a gold producer and should at
tract the attention of capital in search of
mining investment. They furnish enough
nrftfitlnftl AvMnnCA in warrant Vtnr.
that with proper development the mines
oi eastern uregon may yet noid out in
ducements to idle money and men which
shall equal, if not exceed, those now of
fered by Alaska and the British North
west territory.
JL Dead Game Scrapper. .
Jack Dillon, who biased the trail to
the Klondike country, and after whom
the famous Dal ton trail is named, was a
famous character in the Harney country
some 15 or 20 years sgo, under the name
of Jack Miller, and married a sister of
the present postmistress at Burns, says
the Malheur Gasette, which paper adds :
"Jack is a dead game scrapper, and has
a private graveyard in more than one
western town. Like Jim Bladsoe, 'he
never flunked nor he nover lied I reckon
he never knowed bow ;' and for that rea
son, coupled with his daredevil bravery
and unerring six ebootershlp, be has
numerous admirers in Eastern Oregon."
No Truth in the Report.
A report has gained currency that the
Washington A Columbia Biver Railroad
Company has been sold to the Northern
Pacific. W. D, Tyler, president and
manager of the road, says there is posi
tively no truth in the rumor that hia road
is about to be bonght by the Northern
Pacific. He flays negotiations are not in
progress lor tne sale of the road to anv
one, and thai it is the intuition of the
Washington & Columbia to operate the
property as an independent line, as
Na-To-Hse tor rifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobtw iw babll cure, make wstk
uea atronf, bluoa pure. Wo. (1. Ail rutfiiu.
w 4
IN : : : : :
Dress Goods
Goods : :
Shoes. : . ;
We Lead. No Shopworn Goods.
Everything Up-To-Date at '
Up-To-Date Prices; , ?
rj-'. Agents for Butterick's Patterns. ' t
The Brick Grocery
RIGBY & IIAIvKS, Prop's.
Cheapest place
In town ,
For Groceries
The Brick Grocery,
RIGBY & HALES, Proprietors,
The Munson Typewriter
Is "THE BEST" Writing MacMne
f - - rt:
.... sfVinftv!! rA
', '' - ' , ' ' .
Address for particulars: . - "
, ; Manufacturers,
v . . 240-244 W. Lake Street, Chicago, His.
DI AVO kllV nirnr nr
ruuo Mm ricuc ur
v. .' . gRMISHER...:';::;'" ...
. y:.? QK ' " ''::vj
I Any person purchasing to the amount of $1.00 '
in Cash is entitled to a chance in "a drawing ;
onthis fine musical instrument. ' Each addi , :
tional purchase of $1.00 in Cash will entitle
the buyer to an additional chance. The in
strument is on exhibition
MAX LEWIN leader of Low Prices. ft
JJ gent for Koyal Tailors. "Better ths grade, the bigger ;ths traJe," is Hf
jX , oar Motto. i; ,. - .
Athena, Oregon
Interchangeable Steel Typewheel,
Insuring permanent alignment,
Perfect light-swinging carriage,
. . Metal erasing plate,
Simplicity of construction, .
Writing in eight,
, 00 letters and characters, v
; Standard keyboard.
THE 'MUNSON' ia especially guaran
tAfiii in writing far tivfi VAiirs from
date of purchase. . t '
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