The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 21, 1898, Image 4

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"East End" as Reflected
By Our Exchanges.
And Then Iley Winn Deserts
His Young Wife.
Miee Winnie Basting is reported
quite ill, threatened with pneumonia,
- P. T. Harbour and wife lately married
at Freewater. have made their home in
Wee ton.
Mra. 11. 0. Wortbinaton was over
from Athena the first of the week visit'
ing relatives.
nrm. viney runt came uuwu uuua
Spokane and is visiting her parents in
Weston.- s
' Miss Bertha Willabv froth Athena was
in town the first of the week visiting
". Ed Lleaallen
county, is up on
Mr. and Mrs. 11,
of Lexington, Morrow
a visit to bis parents
Lleuallen of this place
v The nine-months-old baby of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Lewis was badly burned on
the face and neck by falling against
red hot stove last Saturday.
An infant son of Mr. and Mrs.' Harp,
of Joniper, and great grand son of Thos
Parcel! of this city, was buried la Wes
ton cemetery Tuesday.
! 3 FloraVtha little daughter of Ed Simp
son had her tonsils removed by Dr,
Best Monday, and is said to be ai chip-
per as ever since the operation.
1 ' John-' Read. Frank SallnK. Angus Mo
Donald and Barnev Prine are making
preparations to go to Alaska in the
spring. Frank Baling and Barney Prioe
will go overland with horses.
J. E. Barnes was arrested on a war
rant sworn out in the Weston justice
coort Wednesday. Later in the day he
was taken to Pendleton by Constable
Logan to be examined as to his sanity
bv Judae Martin. There are various
ooluions in reference to the condition of
Mr. Barnes' mind and whether it is safe
for him to be at larae: but Weston peo
ple are unanimously of the opinion that
he is a monomaniac on the subject of his
own eao. and hapo est when be is at
tractlna the most attention to himself
This be does by loud talk and noisy
demonstrations' ta such an extent that
either the irood people of Weston will be
forced to abdicate or Barnes will haveto
be nut in a place where he can , no
further annoy or disturb the peace.
The Hercules Dramatic Co. will prob
ably sive another entertainment some
time during February.
President Royal, of the Weston nor
mal school, was a visitm to the city San
day, a guest of N. A.. Kees.
Jame Kirkland's condition is report
ed as beioit somewhat improved and hi
friend confidently hope for his early
The water main was a dry ai a bone
for a couple of days this week while
Marshal Campbell was engaged in mak
ing necessary repairs.
Born, near this city, on Monday,
January 10, 1898, to the wife of Eugene
Labadie, a son. Dr. 0. W. Thomas was
the attending physician.
An order confirming sale bs beeu
issued in the matter of the estate of
Nancy Bbumway, diseased, by the
county court.
Alfred Coffey and Minnie Swanson,
of Milton, were married in the county
auditor's office at Walla Walla. Wednee
day, January 12, by Rev, Wallace Hub
II. Dent, aged almost 71 years, died
Friday evening, January 7, 1898 at his
home near thia city of paralysis, after
but a few days illneis. Funeral service
were held at Valley Chapel on Munday
by Elder 0. F. Qoode, of the Christian
church. '
tdba. u. u. w. lodge win give
a social and supper to the families of
members and invited guests ou Tuosday
evening, January 27th. Members of
the order will please take notice and be
on band for the eccasion.
A pleasant social party was held at
the residence of County Commissioner
II. L. Frailer in South Milton, Monday
evening, the ocoaiiion being in the nature
of a surprise and in honor of Miss Anna
Btevenson who departed Wednesday,
for Perry, Union county, where the hue
accepted a position in the public school
of that place.
who came to town last week in the capa
city of a repairer of sewing machines
and organs, left Weston without settle
ing a board bill. The acoount was placed
in the hands of Marshal Campbell, who
in a more forcible than polite manner
compelled the fellow to pay over the
money due. He wss allowed to go on
his way without further molestation.
. Prof. Duflleld's throat is still in a very
serious condition and fear are entertain
ed that he may yet be compelled to re
: linquiih his duties in the school room
and take the rest which alone will prob-
, ably be the means of restoring him to
; An editor's duty ii to speak of his
, town as the loveliest place beneath the
arch of heaven. Speas of the deceased
citisenas e "fallen oak" when he, dies
of the jim jams. Call a man a promi
nent, influential citisen when ho knowa
he is the best poker player in town.
Speak of a street arab a a bright eyed
youth on the road to fame , and a big
footed, newly-married woman as a beau
tiful and accomplished bride.
Milton should have more manufactur
ing industries. There is power here in
abundance, and transportation facilities
are of the best. We need a paper mill,
a woolen mill, somebody with a business
head and a little "push' to conduct oar
machine ehopa and foundry and any
number of flouring mills. No town in
the Northwest ha the natural advant
age of Milton a a place for manufactur
ing industries. Those in search of a
location should make a note of this.
Milton, or more properly speaking,
Freewater, which are very much the
same as there is no defined distinction
w hers one leave off and the other ' tie
pi as, Is to havs a new flooring mill.
The sssu has beau 'purchased and work
will begin on the new structure ta exn
at the weather will permit. The new
mill will be built oi th site below the
O. It. A N. Railroad track, which wee
partly developed some years ago by J.
1$. Mariana, of tingle track railroad
lamo. and upon which at that time he
purposed to build a paper mill.
And Then II y Winn, a Young We ton
Farmer, Deserts His Wife
The report came from Weaton, says a
Pendleton paper, that some little com
ment has been occasioned there by the
disappearance of a young farmer named
lley Winn.
About two months ago . Winn was
united in marriage wita Miss Alice
James. It seems that the young couple
diii not get along very well with Wion's
motber, who. whom iney uvea on a
ranc i near Dry creek, so he took his
wife to a private family to board, lne
tory continues that some two weeks
aeo Winn lelt Weston ana baa not re
turned. - tie was last seen in waua
Walla, but his whereabouts is now un
known. His young wife was left with
an unpaid board bill and absolutely no
money for her support. is reported, mnn
induced his wife to sign a deed to his
mother for some land which be owned
adioinini her oroDertr. saving that as
tbev could not get along with her it
would be better to use tne money ana
bnv an independent place of his own.
Instead he is accused of decamping
with the proceed and deserting his
wife, to whom he afterward sent a third
party, suaeeatina that a divorce should
he arranged.
Lawyers were consulted by friend i of
the deserted wife, and if possible legal
relief will be obtained in her behalf,
The validity of the sale made by Winn
to hi mother is questioned.
Chairman Pierce's Letter to the
dleton Triburu.
Tberenort riven by the Pendleton
Tribune, of the recent meeting of the
populist central committee, dots not
seem to set well with the members of
that party. It appears from the follow
ing letter to tbe Tribune, that the paper
in its reoort. somewhat exaggerated end
added color :
Editor Tribune : In your recent report
of the transactions of the county central
committee of the people's party, which
assembled in Pendleton January 8, you
make use, in your daily edition of Jan
uary 9, of such expressions as tbe fol
"They were in a heated discussion
from 10 o'clock in the morning until
in the afternoon."
"It Is said that the populists will not
suDPort any silver democrat nor body of
silver democrats that are led by J. H.
"James II. Ralev to be knifed."
"A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles, is to
set no support whatever from tbe Uma
tilla county pops."
"W. S. Wren, of Milwaukie. was not
liked for his conduct at tbe legislature"
The undersigned chairman of the
central committee above referred to was
present, preeided at the meeting which
you appear to report and desires to sub
mit the following corrections for publi
cation in the Tribune:
First, There was no "heated discus
sion" at any period during tbe session
of the committee.
Second, Tbe whole session of the com
mittee was a most pleasant and har
monious one.
Third, The name of Jamea II. Raley
was not mentioned at said meeting acd
no sentiments were expressed there
which could possibly be taken as an
intimation that Mr. Raley or anyone
else was to be "knifed."
Fourth, Tbe names of A. 8. Bennett
and W, S. Wren were not, to the best of
my recollection, mentioned at said meet
ing, nor can I remember any allusion to
them being made.
Fifth, Aa the official chairman pre
siding at said meeting, and vested with
the authority to speak for the people's
party oi mis county, ana aeeinug a co
operation of all reform forces in our
next election, I will say that it may be
taken for granted, without argument,
that the candidates formally advanced by
the people of tbe democratic and silver
republican parties for such offices as
may be agreed upon, in conference, will
be supported by the people's party or
ganization with the - same firmness
which has characterised this party in
the past.
Finally, We wish to say that all of
your published statements fa your edi
tions of January 9 and 12, except the
resolutions adopted by our own com
mittee, are wholy discordant with tne
facts which actually took place at said
meeting. N. Pierob,
Ch. People's Party Co. Can. Com.
Milton, Or., January 12, 1898.
Special Correspondence on Different
- Topics
Pendleton, Jan. 19. Thejaat three
days of the circuit court have been de
voted to the case of the Weston Bank vs
Frank Baling, I. E. Baling and P. A.
Worthiogton. This is the third suit of
the kind. The flint was won by tbe
bank, the second had a hung jury and
the third is in progress. Between forty
and fifty witnesses are in attendance,
and nearly all coma from Weston. The
amount involved i about 95,000, and the
contest it to prove that I. E. Sallog was
a member of the firm known as I. E.
Baling & Co , of Weston, at the time the
bank acquired the indebtedness. Tbo
case will probably go to jury Thursday.
Pendleton was thoroughly startled
Wednesday morning by the report that
a cloudburst out at Helix bad washed
that hamlet away with some loss of life,
snd one of the local papers wasted a
column- of sensational matter over the
occurrence. An investigation of the af
fair proved it to be a hoax, gotten up by
some practical joker.
The attempt made to organise a society
of the Sons of tbe American Revolution
Monday night has not met with any
marked success, owing mainly to an ob
jectionable speech made by Colonel An
deraou, of Vancouver. His remarks
dealt mainly with tbe principles of tbe
republican party, and included a sweep
ing condemnation of all holding different
views. Of the aims of the society he
said nothing but his arguments favoring
a gold standard and a protective tariff
filled nearly an hour of time, and were
offensive to the many popocrata present.
The address of Mr. Williams was elo
quent and patriotic, and did much to
ward counteracting the bad effecte of
Anderson's. Still it is doubtful it a
branch of the society can be organized
here, because it i now generally regarded
aa a political and not a patriotic organi
sation .
Poudleion Las an epidemic of Klon-
Poor and Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble-
Had no Appetite Now Better In
Every Way-A Delicate Child.
"Some time sinco I took a sudden cold
and could not get rid of it. Bei:;,T sul'Jet t
to catarrh and bronchial trouble I touijcd
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feci liko
work. I began taking Hood's Barsana-
rilla. In a abort time tbe cough disap
peared, I slept well, had a good eppclhc
and I was better in every v.ay. Last
spring I was not feeling well, I bad no op
petite and no strength. I lesorted to
Hood's EareapariUa and coon felt lcoro
like work. My little nephew waa a deli
cate child and had a humor which trou
bled him so he could not rest at night.
He has taken a fe'.v bottles of Hood's Bar
saparilla and now he has a good appetite
and is able to Bleep." Miss Abbib J.
Fbeeman, South Duxbury, Mass.
parilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. SI.
l-lsisv.rl'0 nUla are the best after-dinner
nOOCl S fills iIl3. am digestion. 23c.
dicitis. A large number have already
left for the frozen north by steamer from
Portland, and several parties are outfit
ting for an overland trip from Spokane.
About thirty persons have already stated
their intentions of starting in the spring,
going either on fiot end shipping sup
plies ahead, or taking a pack train. Tbe
route most approved is from Spokane al
most straight north a distance of about
2000 miles over the old Hudson Bay
Company's trail. This route has two
marked advantages' Ths first is that
supplies can be sent ahead to the navi
gable part of the McKenzie river, there
by eliminating the necessity of packers
for the first 1000 miles, and the second is
that all along tbe route from Edminton
to Dawson are British forts, trading sta
tions and mounted police encampments,
thus furnishing an opportunity to re
plenish supplies in esse of "over con
adinpiion." Thia also brings them di
rect to Dawaon and avoids the difficulties
of the Chilcoot pass and Yukon naviga
tion, considerably reducing the expense
and shortening the time necessary to
make the trip.
Politics here are badly mixed and it
requires a shrewd man to know just
what party or end of party he belongs to.
We have Mitchell republicans and Cor
bett republicans, silver democrats snd
gold democrats, fusion populists and
anti-fusion populists. Rumors are rife.
Considerable talk is heard of a combine
between Mitchell republicans and a por
tion of the free silver democracy, and it
is believed that this tale is the basis of
the objection many populists have to
Raley as a leader in case of fusion by
some, and others claim the talk against
Raley was instigated by certain demo
crats who want to oust him from the
leadership. The matter will undoubt
edly be patched up before the conven
tions meet. In the republican party
there is war and the breaking of bonds.
Both factions claim the "nuremacy and
both will attempt to vonlrol the conven
tion. That means trouble, but the Mit
chell republicans refer to the fate of the
opposiiiou two years ago when the gold
men had to sneak into the convention on
proxies and claim that the same thing
will happen this year. On the other
hand the gold republicans talk of put
ting a com pie to ticket in the field and
take their chances.
A Great Difference Between Three Cen.
turiea Ago and Now.
(Pendleton Republican ;
A few centuries ago thoso who prac
ticed the art of healing and performed
even the most common Eurgical oper
ations, were looked upon with a cer
tain degree of suspicion, as though,
perhaps, tbey obtained their piwers in
that line from some supernatural
source. Much of that mysticism still
clings to the medical profosehn. Doc
tors and surgeons generally seem to
have a reticence against making their
abilities known in any other than the
ordinary manner. But a great change
has been going on recently, more par
ticularly in the last quarter of a cen
tury. In this age of free thought, free speech
and free action, a diploma from some
second or third rate medical college is
not enough to give a patient confidence
in tbe ability of a young doctor ot medi
cine. Nothing short of practical experi
ence will do that. Tbe successful phy
sician snd surgeop will establish his
reputation by curing his patients. He
will not be afraid toadvertise his ability
to cure, for he has confidence in his
powerf , knows what he can do, and Im
parts Li confidence to those who call to
take advantage of knowledge and ex
perience. Tbe old time physicians and
surgeons are slow to realize why the up-to-date
physicians, who advertise, are
meeting with such success, but It is
Elain to the general public. Advertising
rings tbe patients and the practice
thereby obtained gives an experience
which can be obtained in no other man
ner. Tbe case of Dr- .Barrio, who is now at
Hotel Pendleton, where he will remain
until March 1, is strictly in point. He
advertises extensively, with the result
that he has hundreds of cases where
others have one. Dr. Darrin has a
reputation established by years of prac
tice, during the coarse of which time he
has performed many cures, some of
which seem almost marvelous and not
to be believed, except by those who
have consulted Dr. JWrin during the
ftast quarter of a century and are today
iving examples of the cures he has been
able to effect. Column after column of
testimonials have appeared, but the
tenth part has not been told. One re
markable cure he performed for a gentle
man now a resident of Pendleton estab
lished hi reputation, and he ha been
adding to that reputation every, since.
The particulars of that case are not al
lowed to be published, but it is sufficient
to state that the cure was almost mira
culous in character.
The afllicted should call upsn Dr.
Darrin. If the case is hopeless, he will
so inform the patient. If he takes the
case it is large odds that the patient will
be permanently cured or at least re
lieved. Remember, Dr. Darrin will be at
Hotel Pendleton until March 1.
Catarrh in the Head, that trouble
some and disgusting disease, may be
entirely cured by a thorough course of
Hood's Sareaparilla, ths great blood
Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head
ache, indigestion, biliousness. Price
Hood s
Real Estate,
ten miles north of Athena 320
acres of good wheat tynd, 1C0 acres
pasture. Good house, barn, out
buildings, wind mill,' etc. A bar
gain at $5,500.
splendid wheat land, six and a half
miles north of Athena well im
proved. Yours for $.250.
1120 ACRES
600 acres in' cultivation, balance
pastuie; about 250 acres summer
fallow. Well improved with house
barn, two wells, wind mill cistern
etc. Cheap at $12,000.
240 ACRES .
on Pine Creek. About 80 acres in
cultivation. Abundance' of water
for irrigation and plenty of wood
for use on the place. . Nearly 600
fruit trees now bearing. $2,400.
good timber land. You can get it
if taken now, for $900.
pasture land, one half suitable for
cultivation. Good spring of water
and is only two miles from railroad
station. A snap at $1,000.
one 7 roomed house and good barn
with 3 lots in Railway Addition
5 or 6 miles from Athena, good
wheatland. $3200.
130 acres in cultivation, balance
'pasture, part in summer fallow.
A good place for $3,750.
fruit farm, between Walla Walla
and Milton. 25 acreB of bearing
fruit trees, 4 acres in strawberries,
3 acres in blackberries, 2 acres in
asparagus, balance in alfalfa. A
good house, barn, etc., abundance
of water for irrigating purposes, no
rocks. A model home and a mon
ey maker. Price, $12,000.
room houss on Jefferson Street,
Athena, for $500. -
on Washington Street, Athena, a
good house and barn, fine location
and cheap at $500.
on Weston mountain, part' sum
mer falow, good house and barn,
growing orchard, all well improved
in Sand Hollow," 135 acret sum
mer fallow, good house and barn,
plenty of water. An excellent
wheat farm. $7500.
J. W. SMITH, Athena, Oregon.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I have
been duly appointed and qualified as ad
ministrator of tbe estate of A. P. Heck
man, deceased, end all persons are here
by required to present to me, at Athena,
Umatilla county, Oregon, within cix
months, duly verified as by law required,
any claims which they may have against
said estate.
. C. A. Barrett,
Administrator of the Estate of A. P.
Heckman, Deceased. . .
Notice is hereby given that nnder and
by virtue of an order and decree of sale
duly made and entered in the Connty
Court of the State of Oregon, for Uma
tills County, in the matter of the estate
of Thomas Jefferson, deceased, on the
6th day of January, 1398, directing and
reauirine the undersigned, as adminia-
I trator of the said estate, to sell the fol
: lowing described real property of said
I estate, to-wit: Lots 11 and 12, in Block
! No. 5, of tbe City of Athena, in Uma
tilla County, btate of Oregon, said sale
to be made on the premises for cash in
hand, for the purpose of paying the debts
of said estate ;
Therefore, I will on the 5th day of Feb
ruary, A. D., 1898, at the hour of two (2)
o'clock P. M. of said day, at the front
door of the barn on said premises, in the
said City of Athena, Oregon, sell all of
the right, title and interest of said estate
in said real property, and every part
thereof, at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand ; the proceeds to
be applied to the payment of the debts
of the said estate and the satisfaction of
the mortgage on said real property.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 6:h
day of January, 1898.
T. D. Tatxor,
Administrator of the Estate of Thomas
Jefferson, Deceased.
This notice is published pursuant to an
order of tbe Honorable William Martin,
County Judge of Umatilla County, State
of Oregon, dated the 6th day ot January,
EI.V9 CREAM RAI.M lapo!tlreni.
Apply into the noatrils. It qulckiy absorbed. W
ct-iiu t Irn-rsit or br mW ; smpl lOci by malL
XXX BKOXUiUiS 44 Warren St, New Xoi City.
pit an mob let irae, mm. Rir,iuiu EtnaiM a
Knr Bright, Ready-mixed Paints, Wall Paper, Leads, Brushes,
.1 Oils, Glass, Wind Mills, etc., see . -
Estimates cheerfully furnished, and
all work guaranteed.
PARKER & FERGUSON, Proprietors of
In Latest Styles
I ' ' ; ,f -
Lumber! Lumber
Owen & Thompson, in
General Repair Shop, now
Shingles and Cedar Posts of all grades. Parties wishing to buy
in car-load lots, or by clubbing in together, can save money by
seeing them and getting their prices.
A Great Magazine Offer
The regular subscription price of
"Demorest's Magazine,",
"Judge's Favorites and
"Funny Pictures" is $3 00
"DenHtrest's SIamiliieM Is by far the best family magazine published. There Is none of our
monthlies in which the beautiful and the useful, pleasure and profit, fashion and litcnu
ture are ho fully presented as in Demorest's. There is, in fact, no publication pretending
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pattern coupon.
"Judge's Library" Is a monthly magazine of fun, filled with illustrations in caricature
aim repieu, wuuwii, iis conmuuiors are me mm oi American wits anu iiiusu-awr.
"Punny Pictures" is another humorous monthly: there Is a laugh in every line ot it. All
inree oi mese magazines are nanasomeiy
Cut here and return Coupon properly rilled out.
DEMOREST PUBLISHING CO., 110 5th Ave., New York.
For the enclosed $2 please send Demorest's Family Magazine, Judge's Libra r
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Under the
, Enamel!
We went bright
to represent us
very where.
,w aw uH vn.v sn- new iotk hi.
& Sharp,
Pendleton, Oregon.
connection with their Blacksmith and
have an unlimited supply of Lumber,
I "We will send all three to yon or
one year for $2 00 or 6 mo. for l.
gotten up. voa i miss mis cnance,
a White Plums from a
Crow's Tail, nor a good
Bicycle from Castings.
The Monarch
is gocJ a-I through."
Chicago NewYcrk Loadoa
Send nine twtxrnt stamp for Mcnircb
Playing Cards. Regular 50c cards.
. First and Third Saturday Rveniagt
it each month. Visiting bretheran cor-
iisvlly invited to visit the lodge.
f 0. 0. F. NO. 73, MEETS EVERY
i. Friday night. Visiting Odd Fellows
n good standing always welcome.
A O. U. W. NO. 104, MEETS TH
Second snd Fourth Saturday ot
each month. Lake France,
Recorder. '
1 ' , 1 ... a a .I'..... ... w. 1.4
sach month. Visiting Choppers always wel
come. G. C. OsBPRif, Clerk,
Thursday Night. -
g f. sharp,
Physician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly answered. Offle oa Third
Street, Athena, Oregon. . '
Athena, Oregon.;
Office at Palace Drag Store. Calls
promptly answered, day. or night.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office over Brant's Store, Weiton.
Athena, Obk.
J, B. Huntington, ; :
Athena, Ore,
Dr, Clyde L. Hill, o .
3rd Street, Athena, Oregon.
OTendleton and Portland prices.
.'. Take the .V
In Connection with the :
The Best Tourist Sleepers
Pullman Sleepers
Dining Cars
For farther information apply to
Athena, Oregon.
G. F. A P. Agt , Walla Walla', Wash.
ia.L0 WEST RATES,:., !
Wm. McBridc,
.Dealer ln, . .-.
Fine Chemicals Pliarmaceriticar
Snpr-ialttM Ike Stuff?
!, UllUUlUlUUUj ilJU M.lUUHl : t
Toilet A fancy articles, Combs,
Brushes,' fcerrumery, Powders,
Preparations for the teeth.
Prescriptions carefully compounded.
Everything first-class at the "Pilaee."
im 11 1 nitiJti.xaaigifa,nswo.
Best Turnouts
In Eastern Oregon;
- " ""''.
Stock Boarded
by the Day; Week
or Month. v
(f riSKiKTOx & Frco, Pro's