Southwest Oregon recorder. (Denmark, Curry County, Or.) 188?-18??, November 25, 1884, Image 1

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    Volume II.
Number l!?.
Although it was known to a mor
nl cwtr.inty all over the country on
lNuv(iiil).jr Gth that Cleveland had
U'fii triumphantly elected President,
yot, in obedience to a telegram from
Blaine, the trickster, to the National
Committee, to "claim everything for
a few days," suspense followed for
awhile which was annoying to
Democrats and Republicans alike.
But the final canvass has now been
rando which settles all. It shows
Cleveland to have been elected and
the Republican press is forced to
concede the point It was more than
suspected in New York State during
the several days the Republican
claim was kept up that Blaine would
finally be shown to have carried New
York, that a bold stroke had been de
cided upon to reverse the "figures by
force and fraud and bribery; but the
temper of tho people manifested it
self during these days in many em
phatic ways, and showed the manip
ulators that they would tread upon
i xtrpmely dangerous ground in any
'attempt to debauch the returns as
they had decided to do, when the
Kchemo ,was abandoned.
Hon. J. M. Siglin paid Denmark a
professional visit last week, stopping
over a couple of days and returning
td the Bay Thursday." Mr. S. has
hosts of friends in Curry county,
who aro always glad to have him
among them. This fact was suffi
ciently illustrated last June when, in
the face of a Republican majority of
forty votes, he carried the county by
siitv. maioritv. As a lawyer he
. stands pre-eminent in Southern Ore
gon; as a joker, everyone yields the
palm -to "Sig."
Don't forget the jubilee to-night.
Salmon are running in New River.
Kerosene at AveriU's for from $1.40
to 3 per can.
E. Dodge has received a black
smithing outfit and will do the iron
work for the bridge.
. Our pressman went to Coos Bay week, and in his absence, Mr.
Carl Nelsen manipulated our Hoe
A k,long felt want" has been sup
plied at Port Orford, by the location
there of Mr. Paskins, shoemaker.
His advertisement will appear next
Mr. "y. H. Bebee, of Ashland, who
has been in this section some time
looking for a location, returned home
last week, and will probably return
in the Spring with his family. .
Mr. J. P Russell started to the Bay
Inst week with a band of fine mutton
sheep for Schetter & Co's market,
taking as drivers Solly Anderson and
the Recorder devil who went to "'take
in" the Democratic jubilee.
Last week we mentioned the fact
that up to that time no sign of frost
had assailed our ranch, and we reckon
that was what brought it, for we have
had to witness two. very chilly morn
ings down thero since then.
Judge G. VY. Cooley passed through
Denmark last week, going north.
From his hurried movements we in
ferred that he was endeavoring to
: reach Marshfield in time to attend to
tho Democratic jubilee over Cleve
land's election.
"We tried to bet a horse, a band of
sheep or all the money we had, on
the election, and failed to find tho
right mam All the loot wo got away
with in the scramble was one solitary
35 suit or clothes; and we had to
give odds for that bet.
Jim "Wilson scooped in the scads.
and tho sheep, and tho horned cattle
on the result of the election. "What
does tho Mail say to this, and sup
lH'.-;e Jim had ha J time to go up to
.Marshfield: Ko would have skinned
id! of the. JuT.s' betting friends, who
would, in turn, have skinned the
Jdail man.
There will be a grand Demonstra
tion this (Tuesday) evening, at the
north side schoolhouse in Floras
creek precinct, in honor of the elec
tion of Cleveland and Hendricks.
President and Vice President of the
United States. Congratulatory
speeches will be made, and the dem
onstration will conclude with a
grand cottllion party. Let every
Democrat who possibly can bo pres
ent, and join in the exercises which
are intended to commemorate qne of
the greatest events of modern times;
and let Republicans who wishes well
of his country, though under an ad
verse administration, lend their pres
ence on this occasion. Messrs. Wm.
Cox and J. N. Langlois, violinists,
have tendered their services to furn
ish music for the dance.
Pleasant weather and stockmen
look happy.
Mrs. F. O. von der Green wTill teach
a term of school on Illinois river.
Tommy Cunningham returned to
Ellensburg, his first love, last week.
There are schooners due at this
place, notwithstanding flour is scarce.
S. B. Gardner is supplying the
market with a first class quality of
graham flour.
'Deputy Sheriff Gillespie paid the
Sounthern portion of. the county a
flying visit this week on official busi
ness. J. D. Cooley of Chetco made us a
short visit this week, he came up af
ter his wife who has been visiting
friends' at this place for some time
We were pleased to see that Dem
ocratic wheel-horse, W. S. "Winsor, of
Parkersburg in town this week. Ho
was accompanied by his daughter
"We regret to announce that one of
Mrs. M. Doyle's eyes is so seriously
inflamed as to occasion fears of its
loss, though Dr. Downing may yet
be able to save it
F. A. Stewart and family of Port
Orford are visiting at this place at
present; the Deputy Collector looks
crest fallen, and a person not ac
quainted with him might suppose
he was just sobering up from "a big
jam, but we suppose it is all caused
by an over dose of tariff.
It has been remarked as a singular
fact that so very few Blaine hats
were sold during the campaign. The
manufacturer who went in for a bo
nanza and lost, now explains. Ho
says too few of them were made of
sizes ranging from 5$ to 6$ inches.
Our placid friend at Ellensburg sent
to San Francisco for a 5 Blaine
tile, but the best that could be done
was to return with one Gl. Bentj on
a Blaine hat our cordial friend afore
said bought a lot of rope and pro
ceeded to coil the same under the
sweat-hand. Donning "it he went
forth, but his acquaintances recoiled
from contact with him. They, took
him for a walking ghost on whose
head a pall had settled.
Fresh invoice of boots and shoes at
The bridge is fast assuming shape
and form.-
Dr. Downing's family, now in Den
ver, will soon join him at Port Or
Mr. A. H. Thrift is steadily im
proving and will be "himself again"
Try a pair a of the Union Rubber
Co's gum boots on sale at Langlois &
In an interview after the official
news was received, Blaine said: "I
lived too near the Presidency in 1881,
and have . too keen a sense of its
burdens, its embarrassments and its
perils to bo unduly anxious for the
Captain Reed went below on the
Coos Ba7, on business connected with
the building of the side wheeler.
Sixty-five men aro engaged on the-
Government works at Rocky Point,
and the work is going ahoad rapidly
under the supervision of Capt. Little-
field. .
Mr. W. O. Christonsen fell, off the
sidewalk in front of his house last
Saturday night, and striking on a
ballast pile, sprained his ancle, and
therwisQ bruised himself. News.
Mr. Y. M. Lowe, of Freedom,
strained himself so badly while car
rying a' heavy load from the boat
landing to his house, one day last
week, that serious consequences were
Mrs. Smith, of "Willanch slough,
accidentally fell overboard while at
tempting to get into a boat at the
slip in front of Schetter & Co's. mar
ket, last week, but was rescued with
out injury.
Mr. Robt. Lowe, of tho Coquille,
paid the bay a visit last week He
has nearly recovered from the effects
of the fall received at the late races,
but is suffering from a severe' attack
of rheumatism.
W. G. "Webster has received the
sad news of the death of a brother
in Canada, which will make it neces
sary for him to return to his old
home as soon as ho can arrange
his business here in a way that he
can afford to leave it.
Capt. Dan Roberts, while chop
ping Jnndiing wood in tne dark of
early morning last Friday, had the
misfortune to make a miss lick and
drive tho blade of the ax into his left
foot near the ankle-joint, injuring the
bene and making a cut of three
inches in lengih.
Geo. Harrington, boatswain of the
ill-fated collier Tacoma at , tho time
she was wrecked near the TJmpqua
nearly two years ago, is reported to
have committed suicide at San Lor
enzo, Cal., last week. Harrington
left Marshfield as mate of the
steamer Coos Bay on her first trip,
. Frank Ross and John Dillen, of
Marshfield have purchased of An
drew Nasburg one of his vacant lots
lying south of Nasburg & Hirst's
store, and Ross and Dillen aro hav
ing the lumber placed on the site for
the purpose of at once erecting
two-story building, 34 by 40 feet in
size, ia which, report says, a new
meat market will be opened about
the beginning of next year. Mail
"Wm. H. Tyrrell of North .Bend,
while working on the new bunker at
tho mouth of Coal-bank slough, Wed
nesday of last week, met with an ac
cident that came near costing him
his life. A long plank that had been
nailed to an upright beam for sup
port gave way and, falling a distance
of about 25 feet, struck Mr.JTyrrell on
the back of the head, knocking him
from the place where he was stand
ing a distance of about 15 fee, into
the water, where he lay stunned with
ins lace m the water, ana came near
drowning. The other men employed
about the works went to Tyrrell's as
sistanee and a sailor named John
Ruth jumped into the water and res
cued him from his perilous position.
Blaine and his confidential friend
and adviser, "William "Walter Phelps.
are having a spirited set to over the
result Phelps was running for Con
gress in New Jersey, and was fur
nished funds by the Republican Com
mittee to carry the State for Blaine,
but spent the money in his congress
ional district in his own behalf and
let the State go for Cleveland.
A 14-year old girl," daughter of
Linn county farmer was thrown
three times from a horse that she
was trying to break, and received in
juries from which she died in a few
Voorhees Democratic, goes to Con
gress from "Washington Territory.
John Hailey, Democrat, goes to
Congress from Idaho. .
Tammany hall celebrated Cleve
land's victory on the 18th.
The acreage of Fall sown grain in
Marion is up to the average.
There1 are twelve wheat ships at
Portland loading and to load. . ,
The Government paid 20,G99,116
for the transportation of mails dur
ing the year. 0 ,
The potato crop of the United
States this year is in excess of 190,
000,000 bushels.
Colorado and "Wyoming stockmen
have $200,000,000 invested in the
cattle business. x
Arthur D. January, Deputy State
Treasurer of California, has gambled
away $39,500 cf the State's funds. .
The charters of 721 national banks,
with an aggregate capital of over
$189,000,000, will expire during 1885.
Ex-Governor Thayer and wife cele
brated the thirty-second anniversary
of their wedding at Salem on the
The election of Grace to tho May
oralty of New York is to be contested
on the ground that he is not a citizen
of the "United States,.
Blaine takes his defeat quietly, is
in excellent health and spirits, and
will at once resume work on the sec
ond volume of his book.
Blaine thinks his defeat "was due
to tho Gould-Delmonico dinner and
the "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion"
speech of Rev. Burchard.
Among the Mormon converts leav:
injr Tennesse for Salt Lake on the
18th,were three negroes, the only Mor
mon paoseiytes or mat race.
A baloon 40 feet high and 58 feet
in diameter, has just been built in
San Francisco, its projectors propos
ing to go in it to New Orleans.
A woman was elected justice of the
Deace in one oe tne precincts or
King county, W. T., another pre
cinct reports a woman for constable,
The "Washington monument has
attained the hight of 520 feet and
10 inches, the highest structure .in
the world; it will be finished by Feb
ruary 22d.
Oregon's Legislature stands as fol
lows: Senate Number of Senators,
thirty. Republicans, seventeen, Dem
ocrats, thirteen. House Number of
Representatives, sixty. Republicans,
thirty-five;. Democrats, twenty-five.
Joint Convention Number of mem
bers, ninety. Republicans, fifty-
two; Democrats, thirty-eight.
At Yrcka, Cal., October 19. O. P. Brown
aged 68 years.
Otis P. Brown was born in Cam
den, Maine, January 24 1826. He
came to California in 1849 and to Or
egon in 1864, where he married Miss
Nancy A. Brown February 18, 1865.
His death was caused by a wound re
ceived from a drawing knife. He
leaves a wife and six children to
mourn his loss.
Only three Bhort months since he left us,
His wife and children dear,
'Ere death, "that grim destroyer," claimed
With but one of his kindred near.
Dear to us is the spot where he sleeps,
And, sweet the strains that Angels pour;
O, why should we in anguish weep?
Thou art not lost, but gone before.
Shed not for him the bitter tear, .
Nor give- the heart the vain regret;
'Tis but the casket that holds him there,
The gem that filled it sparkles yet.
Nancy A. Rbown.
JLA whom it may concern: That I will
not be responsible for any debts my wife,"
Alice Long, may contraut from and niter
this date. Dated November "J, 1NS4.
S. N. A. .DOWNING, M. !.,
Physician ami Surgeon,
Calls promptly attended in any part of the
uounty and adjacent partg. -
Will practice in all cf the State and Federal
specialty, utlice in Coos Uay
News Huildine.
Particular attention will bo paid to Land
Real Estate and Collection Agent,
Denmark, Curry Co., Oregon. '
bought and sold for a fair commission,
taxes paid and a general agency busi
conducted. -
This House is centrally located, roomy, and
generally adapted for the convenience
and quietude of its patrons.
Meals, Ziyi cents. BoarM
by. the wek at
corresponding rates.
The pu
are invited to call.
JJandon, Coos Co., Or.
M. E. ANDERSON, Proprietors. .
furnished, and is at once the home of
the tourist. The house is easy of access to
the steamer landing. ' The table is Hupplied
with the best the market affords and no
pains spared to render comfort to guests.
The Chicago Weekly News
Southwest Oregon Recorder
For 92 50 a Year.
ognized as a paper unsurpassed in all tho
requirements of American Journalism. It
stands conspicuous among the metropolitan
journals of the country as a complete News
paper. It is INDEPENDENT in politics,
presenting all political news absolutely with
out fear or favor as to parties. It is in the
fullest sense a FAMILY PAPER. Each is
sue has several COMPLETED STORIES, a
SERIAL blURY or absorbing interest, and
a rich variety of notes on Fashions, Art, Lit
erature, Science, etc. Send for Sample copy.
The San Francisco Call
Southwest Oregon Recorder
For 82.75 a Year.
Believing that the most acceptable and
useful Premium that can be offered to our
subscribers is a metropolitan newspaper re
plete with the news of the day, we havo
made arrangements with the proprietors of
the SAN FRANCISCO CALL to club with
THE RECORDER. The regular subscrip
tion price of our paper is $2 fiO PER YEAR.
Now we will lurnish BOTH PAPERS FOR
ONE YEAR (including the magnificent
"Bird's-Eye View of California," especially
drawn for the WEEKLY CALL) for 3 75
per year in advance. Send for sample copy.
The Farmer and Dairyman
i ....AND THE....
Southwest Oregon Recorder
For $2 50 a Year.
DAIRYMAN, published at Portland. Ore
gon, is a large Ki-page, (4-coluiuu humisuuif
ly printed monthly publication, and tho
publisher's price in 7f cents a year. Th:io
wishing a Farm and Dairy paper caunofc out
be pleased with the FARADiR AND lAili'. -MAN.
Being an Oregon publication it :tj
adapted to the wants of tho farmer of ihi.i
State, j.nd is v;-.:.tiy. tiutli rior to the mr.ny so-calU-d
?;;ricuHuraC papere pubHil-u it the,
Jiant. Eth paper lor the price of uu