I SUCH NICE LIGHT BREAD yiflBSSv that stays light and moist even after cutting is to be had no where but at this baker)'. As for its flavor, well that has to be tested by tasting. Why not have us sell you enough for your family fresh every morn ing. Better order a loaf or two extra. You'll find you'll need them. I ft- I 5 ATTORNEY GENERAL APPROYES SURAL CREDIT BILL AS IT. IS The To-lowing draft of the Rural dirscUd to require the repayment of OwJit bill hn received the ciuljr-j ald loin upon six month' wiic-, innt of Uh committee rejrei?titi :c i and .iW rot r ,o.,irlfi .k.n y SEASIDE BAKERY Don't Give Yourself Cause To Regret It bemuse: you nc'ec'eil plat injj your valuables in a safety de posit vault. Many have re jrreted their tardiness in acting fires and burglars have cct them dear. Anything valu able is worth taking care of. Our vaults are fire and burglar IJIWWI. tion. e invite your inspec THE BANK OF BANDOG I i i CENTRAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of heavy and light d raying. Phone orders given p-ompi attention. .Barn corner First & Edi son, Fish Properly. .Telephone 611. 1. X 7 $ Order Your Freight Sent by fhe Old Reliable :j S. S. ELIZABETH J: I T. :c : Largo Two-Horlh Outside State. Rooms With Run ning Water. f, EiglU. Day Service Between the Coquillu River and C San Francisco. i FIRST CLASS PASSKNGKR FARE, SI 0.00 I jj. Reservations: J. E. Norton, Coquillo; Perkins', $ Myrtle Point; E. B. Thrift, Langlois. I J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon Recorder want nils j;ot rosults. e MELLOW-SWEET IS TASTE OF '"SPEAR HEAD USK OK PURE HRKI) SIKKS ADDS TO DAIRY PROFW Host Richly-Flavored Chew That Was Ever Pressed Into Plugs FAVORITE FOR A GENERATION i I d Hooded men with real tobacco II r tllld that tlirv can tatisfv it nntv " j ihcwmp, ami the most wholesome . i 1 anf)ing tohacco to chew is that itu t hi flu;: form, i ..i I. nut of luxury in toharco chew i 1j the rich, sweet, juicy flavor that t i 1 1 throiie.li your system when you t'i , pcnr Head. Ni . !h-r chewing tobacco is so mc! 1 . o hi cioiii and so satisfying. No r e ."at.. Sp. ar Head for putting a i t-uv .ntr appetite. (C ii I!.. i.l i, nude of the world's I . .' icui haf (lie choicest of red I y l.:iiKy. This leaf is selected i f ill, juicy richness with the i i ,i:i,takiu ran', is stemmed hy . jr --td into Spear Head pltis t that not a drop of.thc rich, e cscap's. t -t chew of Spear ftead will r 1 .ts ti the rciniinc rnjoy i ' i' in i ho'Airg. '' ' h iH mellow totucco I it" f.ivorile for a third ' 'i i f- vr Head. In , hi ii'wd in wax paper. .More than $100,000 should l,o ad-ki to the value of dairy products in tw dairy districts of Oregon from th i'mo of eleven jiuro hred dairy sirei which havo been selected by O. A. C Extension representatives. These nnimnlH were purchased hy dairymen in Coos und Utiic countioe eight going to the former and three to the latter. They aru all from high producing cows selected from the best dairy herds of the Willnmetto Vulley by YV. A. Harr, U. S. and O. A. C. Ex tension field specialist in dairying. llll.. .! iiy conservaiivu estimates," .says rrofessor Harr, an increased produc tion of IC per cent or 311 pounds of buttorfat from the daughterg of these cows, should ho secured There will Lo approximately 2S5 heifers sired lj tl'ee imported nnlmals, milled to tin herd this year. During the eiglu years, which is the average worki Ine of a dairy cow, Uumo cows shoul I pioduce ilii pounds of butterfat mor ecch year than their dam prodiued, o a tola; of 108.000 pounds, which a; . nveruge prlco of a5c per pound vu ' be worth $102,0(10. the StaU Gmnire, OrcKn Fainier-' Union A.vA SUle Fk ration of 1.4. , r.ppoiiteJ to prepare th maur' for Ut ballot, ami has been appruvrd I y tb) Attorney Gtieral. It ban been auliiJttted for publication by IV. ...toi- .:acp'"row, of th O. A. C. bure. ii of la:'.:ds, iHc ciatd ir Urawir.a: iu ptotisione. Set-ton 1 Notw.i'iat.a'-iag ui KmitjUom to.-.tiincd section 7 of Aitid XI of co.istitatio i, the credit of th Hate ntr.y be li-nod nj irJabtcinw ' cui i-c J lo L-t amoai.t not excecdios two per eei.t of the aMsd ela tion of all property in the state fti the purpoa of providing fundi to Ik , . iooieJ uro-i the security of farm lands with;-i the state, subject t- (he limitations iorsir eontnfntsl. Section 2 Tho sovenior, wecrrtary of tate . d fttat'j tioaaiiror shall coasUtui the Stole Iml Hoard, which iHtard n hereby : uthorised antl directed tc isauc and aoll or pledge licnda in Ot namo oi :no ctte to be known at Oregon Fnn Crmlit UonJa in ui amount not to exceed said two pe cent of the nmcssed valuation of nh tl o property in the r tato and to pla.-c the proceelE in Uie atal? troasury in r fond to be known the "Rural Crcdi' Loan Fund." Sect '0:1 '-i Said bonds shall lc issued in de noininntionn of $1C, $100, $f00, ami $1000, and shall be issued in sorios oi $f0,U(X), or multiples thereof, dniwi to nuturo in not muro than 30 years lliuy shall bear interest at the rat' of four er cent per annum nnd shah be excniit from all tuxes levied b) the state of Oregon, or any of iU hiibdivisious. Section -l Said State I-and Hoard is niilhoi izci and directed to loan the monies, in uiid Kural Credit Fund to owners of farm lands in Oregon upon note he cured by mortgages or deeds of trubl constituting first liens on such farn lands in amounts which shall not ex cetul (iriy per cent of the vuluo oi Midi hinds nor $50 per acre on such lands, nor less than $200 nor mor Jian $5,000 to any individual. It pending applications shall at any time exceed the funds available, prof. crence sliall be given to loans not ex cceding $2,000 in amount. Section 5 huch loans shall not tie inado ox cept to owners who operate and occu py the lands mortgaged, and shall he made only for the following pur poses: (a) the payment for lamta . urehused; (b) the purchase of live ; lock and other equipment, and tht making of improvements which i ilu' judgment ol said hoard will in i reuse the productivity of such lauds or add to their value as a farm home in a degree to justify such ex ;eiiditure; and (c) for the satisfac- ;ion (n uiietimbrances upon si.ch land which, in the judgment of said hoard, were incurred or assumed by said ap plicant for the aforesaid purposes Section ( Kvery applieunt for a farm loan shall htate cloarly in his upplL-utioi the purposos for which such loan is desired, and upon its npproval by the hoard, this statemei.t shall he deemed a part of the note or contract under which tho loan is granted. Hut no failure to apply such fund lo tho purposed stated in such r.u:i!.;-i- lion or an enumerated herein skill n vniiu.-iie i loun wnen osce mad", or shall anything herein eontnii.ed ;.u deemed to prevent any farm ov.,,er from selling or leasing lands subject i to siK'h inctimbranco; but if ho slitill violate his said contract by applying the moneys borrowed to purposes othor than tKnse stated in his applica tion or e' unu.rated herein, or if he shall lease such lands or sell them to any person not fulfilling tho condi tions nnd p.,.poscR provided for - dure provid: g therefor. ...ct.oi 7 4-h loins s!i: Irtearest aecruii g f nr. mil installment ion pi in. such AI.ONi; THU WATI'.K FUON'I Jui e 23 Jin . i 25 June 20 Juno 20 June 20 June 25 . AUHIVEI) Ahwancda Acme Jlrooklyn . SAII.KI) Ullrjlioth 'Patsy Ah waned a repakl wit irnii-annual "i ! Ihe amn'f- ii:: t :llmiT 1 1 1 t, hu4 Hi Mth mm.' as wdl ooLr th ;nlernt rale and will litddate th delt in t period to he agreed o.i l. -tween raid Hoard snd th. apphc.i t oeii period lo le i.ot less than t or nio-e than thirtjx e.irs; lu tny d.'Mor rney liquidate ai y p.t . :l of hi nde'tedness in amount ... M or multiples thereof upo.i a Mortization p-yne:it date, lectio i 8 Tlie rat of interest on loans sh..ll rtw per cent per annum, provide ! hnt In case any series of mi id Farm i it. reau jsomis Is sold at iin average ol . j than par, the Hoard nny cch-irgi-ipon such farm loans as are mad from the proceeds of tho series so .!d hHow par . rnte of interest in cxeoss if five per cent, but which shall net exceed by mere than one per cunt the rate which the State must pay for the funds actually obtained from the dis posal of its said bonds. The Hoard, however, shall requiro each applicant to pay an initial charge of one poi cent of the loan granted the mini mum charge to be ten dollars to .ovu the cost of appraisal and examination of titlo. Section 9 All surplus funds accruing fron the operation of tho system of rural credit herein provided for after pay ing Interest accruing on the nforosaic bonds, nnd all operating nnd othoi expenses arising from the ndminis tration of said system of rural credi shall he placed in the State Treasun nnd become a part of a fund to b known as tho "Ilural Credit Keseri Fund." Said Kural Credit Kescrvt Fund shall ho loaned on farm lamb ii the manno. herein provided for tin Kural Credit Ioan Fund, nnd the in terost ncciuing from loans made fron said Kuial Credit Reserve Fund slud ho added to it and become part of It Tho said Kurnl Credit Reserve Fum shall be irreducible except thr.t it mn bo dr.nvn jpon to re.'mburso the slate for loss ii i ui rod in tho administratis of said system of rural credit. Section 10 The legislative assembly shall prr vide in such detail as it shall dcon ndvisoble for the carrying out an administering of tho provisions of tlii nmenilment and shall provide adcp ato Hafo-guards against the uro ol such loans us an aid to the purchasin; and holding of lands for purpose i. speculation. Such safeguards shnl include clear definitions of tho tonn "opornto" and "ccupy" used heieii In tho absence of such legislation and subject to tho saino after its en nctment; tho State Lund Hoard alinl proceed to administer said system ol rural credits under rules nnd regula tions provided by itself, but subject to the provisions herein contained. Seetfon II The provisions of the constitution and laws of Oregon in conflict with this amendment are hereby repealed in bo far only as they conflict here with. Tho provisions of this amend ment sliall he self-executing, and sh'ill take effect And be in operation 00 days after 'Jioir approval and tnlon- tinn by the people of Oregon. A NARROW KSCAPK Tho fJold Reach Reporter in its last issue prints the following item on which two constructions may be plac ed: R. L. JIncloay luft Sunday by Jto foroi week's absonco at Portland, just missing Oanie Warden Shoemakoi and party who came in by nuto from tho south. Tuxedo's Grip by Walt Mason Tuxedo is the gripping smoke, n boon to every buyer; you take your pipe of English oak, of meerschaum, clay or briar, and fill it with the fragrant weed, the choicest man can gather; and then you have n smoke, indeed; and are you glad? Well, rather. Tuxedo has no kick or bite, suggests no "morning after;" its mission is to bring delight, and fill your heart with laughter. , It caught the sunshine of the south, when it wns green a' growing, and brings that sun shine to your mouth, when out the smoke you're blowing. "Tuxedo's in a class nlonc," its smokers arc declaring; "it has a fragrance all its own, thntbafllcs all comparing. And thus it grips the men who smoke, and holds their true affec tion ; their trusty briar pipes they itoke, and never know dejection. cOujC.Ka,rv,J Cook All the heat is concen trated where it is needed keeps you cool and makes for better cooking Kb ?1 NEW PMIEQ3 OIL CGSTOVE. L . Why not cook with a modern oil stove this sum mer and be comfortnble? Bakes, broils, roasts, ton: ts. More efficient than your wood or coal stove, and costs less to operate. Better co ing because the long blue chimneys Rivestc id ler, more evenly distributed heat, under perfect contrcl like gas. No smoke or str .'11. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burncr si. e.s, ovens separate. Also cab' let models with Firelcss Cool, .ng Ovens. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CiIIIoiqU) Fir Hnt Rtmlti Vtarl Oil V r 1 al FOR SALE BY BANDON HARDWARE COMPANY McNMR HARDWARE COMPANY BANDON, OREGON s ATISF1ED customers always return. Call once and you will come "again. THE ELK CLU CARDS SMOKE SOFT DRINKS horein, said Board Is authorized niu' ' 0-ACKH FARM I'OU HKNT thr- Ituont placo on Johnson creek on Township I.i.ie Rond. Growintr crop on place. fi-27..1tp mm mm Koveralls Keep Kids'Kleen fractical, UrdlhruL Economic! C.rm.nt, for Small Children. rrclicl ItfCaUMi tlieT uroroaclelnonn plwe.ancl can lie allppml on or oil ' JiiJtantly. Tliey lit and look vrull, and yet aro looo and com. tut in uvurjr VIM It lleahhful FarmpflrlortoMoomers. No tight claillc Uinili to flop Xnvi circulation ol blood and reUrd Irwolom of motion. Economical. Favlns enr on good cloOiej lavloir washlns o well mail (no; aro outsrown long before they are worn out. Tr4 lnifi-n a m a hew suit 'oc rilJfCKMLLa FJREE IC CHIT MaBBaBHHBBBHBBMaar THE SUIT IF IT RIPS Mndaln lifarti nwlr wllh Inna ilMrn n, DnhnMv.n,l lliw I!T. . Mado o( g-enufnu lndliro drd LIqB denim . or bluJand all the )pr near, and In MghUr Hlilta lilckorr itrlnn fur weight f.t rolor imtterlal In dark liliierradct Mun. tan or dark red lor iiimmrr wi ar. All imrmciKJ trlmmnl with U.t-rolor Ifiilaaa. fUeiltoSyinu. Adtf tht Ciand Prire tt P. f. I. . Ux.t (or tfta Two Mont Ubtt, nnno genuine without It, It your ilialnr cannot rupply you, we will aid them, allorharpo VrepaSl on rvcvlpt ot price. JJc M.5 by LEVI STRAUSS & CO., Sin Fianclico awa uj m am BUILD AROUND THE W IRES When you build your now re sidence or huginoaa block, reinjin Ivor you will have telsphoiis.i. I.owilo them and let us put in the wires Wore the plastering is do ie. It will anvo trouble, and moss 'find poasihly cracked plast er by not putting off the install Iatmn until the buildine; is oc- cup1l, Tilink of Um Uiephone wire tli sanis as you do of tho e) -,-tric wires and water pipes. '1'; e, aro just as linportiit eud t.ily installtliin will mvo Just a-, miieh. When -6u sUni the build'na tnlKus up. COOS AND. CURRY .TELEPHONE CO.- Oa'ssy Job Woric. promptly dorle'at the RECORDER office.