The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, January 11, 1916, Image 2

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    Bandon Recorder
Published weekly on Tuesdays
by The Recorder Publishing Co., Inc.
Entered at the Post Ofllce at Ban
don, Oregon, as mail matter of the
second class.
jjake all checks payable and addrest
all communications to the company.
Subscription price, S1.G0 per year- 'n
Hy Dr. Frank Crane.
When the sun shines I nm an opti
mist. When it rains, or clouds lower,
and the unfriendly wind hoses, and
the rose bush wrings its hands, nnd
tho air chills, my bones, I nm pessi
mist. Some people can bo cheery in bad
weather. They call themselves philo
sophers, or some sort of believers; but
I am a weather vane and when the
wind is in the east cannot point south.
Nature is too much for me. I can
not go ngainst her. When she is fin
icky I cannot be steadfast. When she
weeps I cannot laugh.
As well try to be pleasant in the
house with nagging, complaining wo
man as to hope to overcome the cos
mic influence of an untoward day.
When tho sun shines I will forgive
you. I understand. Yiu didtft go
to do it. Let is pass. Hut when it
blows land blusters nnd that confound
ed peach tree bangs against the win
dow, don't ask me. I hate you, and
everybody, even unto my own gizzard.
When the sun shines, I love children
at play. The blessed darlings! What
a joy to see them leap, to hear them
shout, to catch the foam of their exu
berance. Hut of it's cloudy why, drat
them! Why don't people keep their
young oncn in cages, like tho wild
animals they arc? They annoy me.
They saw my nerves. Tnko them n
way beforo I commit something.
When tho sun shines I am n be
liever. I nm almost a Christian Sci
entist. There is no evil. Good is all.
Women nro true. Men are loyal. Tho
world is growing belter. Hut on a
muggy, soggy, stowy, foggy day it's
different. Then I doubt. I bclievo
nothing nobody nowhere. Women are
llorflitflll hnfimiriq. Mftn nrn urnnin
The world is bumping along toward I
tho bow-wows. I
Whi.ll Min hum Hliinna I lnvn In nlk-
Come, we will sit upon this pleasant I
warden sent and I will discourse with !
endless flux of euphemistic trope, of
cnbbngcs and kings. But on n dark
day, don't speak to mo. I have n
dumb devil. I would mope, nnd sit
aloncand think and hate my thoughts
nnd groan ntion.
When tho sun shines I open tho door
to beggars and give them food nnd
pmt wild ilmm i n.iml i,iion ,..i,
listen ns they cry up their wares they
Wnlllll anil mn. I nvnn alilicxrilm tnr ,
thnt beautiful magazine, The Ladies'
Nuisance. Hut on bad days let none
oomo to my door. The dog is unchain
ed, and hungry. I gibo nt beggars and
send thorn wny. I will not endure tho
man who wnnts me just to look nt the
prospects of the Lives of the Poets.
When thes nn shines I nm a Uni-
well. I thank vou. When it miiiR mv '
joints ache. I feel my old complaint. '
I know my liver has turned over. No-
thing insido mo is working except tho'
spleen and the bile duct. ,
When tho slun shines I nm a Uni-
Did You
veraalist. When it is a nasty day
am a Cnlvinist.
When the sun shines I am a pacifist
When it does not Bhine, I am for war.
When the sun shines I am 16. When
it is murky I am 110.
Hencj if you war.t mc to subscribe
to your society, or to read'your man
uscript, or to invest your company or
to lend you five, or to listen to your
troubles, or to admira your baby, or
to ask you to stay to dinner, or to kiss
you and not tell, come on n cunny day
Hy H. Addington Bruce
Here is a rule that you will find
helpful in the cnduct of your person
al affairs. (
Unless circumstances compel you
to act otherwise never make a dec!
sion on matters of importance in the
late afternoon or in tho evenig. When
ever possible form your decisions in
the early afternoon.
Not a few men instinctively adopt
this rule, ns indicated by their habit
of sleeping over" an important (mat-
ton. Time is thus gained to think a
boutt he question, and, what is equal
ly important, to reach conclusion re
garding it when the mind is fresh.
Most people, however, give far too
little thought to the influence of fa-4
tigue on the power of judging soundly
For that matter, most people do not
give enough thought to the influence
of faigue on the. mental powers it
Fatigue is much more than a mat
ter of feeling tired. It is a physioli-
gical, condition, affecting particular
ly the cells of tho brain. And it is
the result of a subtle chemical process
set in nction by work.
"Fatigue" says the world's fore
most authority on tho subject, Profes
sor Angelo, "is not produced merely
by the lack of a certain substance
which nrc consumed during exertion
It depends also upon the presence of
now substances due to decomposition
within the organism."
Specifying further Professor Mosso
"These substances tire toxic in cha
racter. Yet they arc not so much
poisons ns dross and impurities nris
ing fromt he chemical processes of
cellular life, and are normally burned
up by the oxygon of tho blood, dest
royed in the liver, or excreted by the
"If these waste products accumu
late in the blood, we feel fatigued."
Note this last sentence. Note that
tho feeling of futiguc is dependent on
ho ticcumulution in tho blood of the
toxi; Pcts f exertion-is, in fine
ruu,u"" ni u deterioration 01 ine
, Note a,.so that the manufacture of
U,csc toxlc products begins when we
begin to exert ourselves, and continu
es as long as we work. Necessnrily
thcreffore, they nro present in the
blood in greater quantity in the after
noon than in the mornig.
What this means is that our brain
which depends for its nourishment on
the blood, is less well nourished in the
aucrnoon man in the morning, lor
tho lllood supply is less pure ,in the
1,1 ILrillJUIl.
As liti immediate result tho ability
of the brain to function effectively de
clines ns the day wears away,
There arc, of course indiidual dif-
. ferences. Some persons nro so con
istituted, or have formed such good
working hnhits, that fatigue products
I,IOVO0P ln ttU! r 'ess slowly than
,n tho "vcmge person. Rut for prac
lical Pu'Josos these exceptions may
" oul 01 ncco"'ii'
And even in these cases the brain
undoubtedly functions less effectively
in tho late nftcrnoon than in the morn
That the Record
er has more read
ers now than a
year ago.
That it will have
more readers a
year hence than
The consequence is that the mind of
which the brain is the' mechanical or
gan the central telephone exchange
of the mind, as"Bergson has called it
is less capable in the afternoon of
grasping all the implications of any
problem' submitted to it.
Peace in Europe will be the great
est gift the new year can bring to the
world. The nrmies .of the Allies and
the Teutons have been locked Ul bat
tle so long that the world has become
ilmost callous. Every day we have
read in the news dispatches accounts
of horrible fighting. Today forty
thousand men were wiped out. Yester
day whole battalions were decimated.
The day before thousands of men were
;aught in a trap and killed. Reports
state that Germany's list of killed to
tals over 2,000,000. Heautiful cities
and priceless works of art have been
razed. Helpless women and children
have been driven by the enemy from
their homes and starved or thrown on
the mercy of the charitable. No longer
are we affected by the horror of these
dispatches. Our minds have refused
to grasp the tremendousness of it and
we read the war news with hardly
more of a thrill than we get from a
sensational murder. Recent dispntch-
as from Europe have emphasized tho
peace note. German socialists, ap
parently, are demanding that sonic
thing be done to end the slaughter.
Austria likewise is ready for peace
:n all probability has been for some
time. It is not unlikely that France
and England, despite their assertions
to the contrary, would be amenable,
if proper terms could be obtained. The
neutral wot Id is crying for peace. Will
the New Year bring it? Nineteen
sixteen will hold murh for the United
States in the way of prosperity and
progress. We have reached a period
of construction which will begin this
year. Many serious problems nro be
fore the people for solution, and the
tendency is to ignore radicalism and
to concentrate our efforts on a state
and some policy. Hut of all gifts
which the New Year may have in
store for us, tho greatest would be
peace in Europe.
lit!', 11' Ur.
st. i.ouis l.lole-Demoerat: One of
the ambitions of men has been to inn-
tatc tho flight of a bird. They have 1
far surpassed it in swiftness and end-
urance. A current item relates that,
homing pigeons in Texas ImJ 'broken
the records of their tribe by making
an uverago of forty-ono miles ui.
hour for a distance of over 50 miles,
About the same time an automobile in
a test at Chicago averaged 100 mileb
an hour. Evidently the machine bare-
ly skimmed the ground and may al-
most be said to have flown. Flying
machines nn old dream of the cent-
uries, are an accomplished fact, mill -
tary bureaus having taken the lead in
birds, exceed them in rapid motion,
and go thru evolutions beyond the
range of tho feathered cort.
A locomotive hns traveled nt the
rate of 120 miles nn hour. Motor,
bonts have covered forty-five miles
nn hour and each year shows an ad-'
vance in their speed. Aeroplanes
have worked up to a flight of nearly
100 miles nn hour nnd nn nltitude of
six miles. Birds are so far outclass
ed that they can no longer he said to
be in tho running for records. It
long seemed that human air flight
was to baffling n problem ever to be
solved in n practical sense, but at
length success came with a rush. No
limitations to what it may become can
now bo seen It may in time bo tho
choicest method of travel. For sim
ple ease of motion it is the most
agreeable nnd its swiftness already is
greater than was expected.
It is said that war legislates in
an intensity not seen nt other times.
Napoleon's most important rule of
iiL-iwii wus ceieriiy. ine world ap
nrnrinina m,.,i i.. n. ..-!.. t
and tho progress made in it is wonder-
Colliers: A good Missourinn, nnm
d John II. Curran has had a letter
printed in tho St. Uuis Post-Disnatch
that deserves the nttenion of every
ily In our broad land. Mr. Curran re
fuses to bo bluffed by the smelly nart
of tho park which is ordinarily called
tho Zoo, and wants n new deal, a
"Missouri Domestic Animal Zoo". To
linn tho Hlght of a mule colt is mom
ntfrt'sting than nn nnt-cntor or (iilu
monster, nnd n Berkshire wiewucnl
in more exciting thiin n grizzly. IIIh
rguiiuuit is worth quoting!
Inktomi of riimc-U anil buffalo, let
ii hiivn u fuw IliiUtdln, Jurmiy nnd
Khortliorn cow nnd eulvo.. Thou,
und of Kt. ImuU ponplo hitvmi't wtm
it ui for two jiiih, iiml otlmr thou,
und would not know it MurufnnJ from
u llwl l'u)M utilmul.
lM M IwVII MIHU lllliH, tjfk)
nU mmI iwUmm Im Hit, tUMmu
Imm uUmti lUmiv Ittaud Hud likHi
pleasure of poultry raising would be
worth much to any child of the city
There's n lot in that idea. We
We-talk back to the farm" but do al
most nothing to bring the farm vivid
ly before city 'people. Country life
is apt to be lonesome, and the town
bred youth is at n great, 'disadvantage
because of his awkward ignorance of
animals. It would be' a great thing
if every large city would replace its
outfit of decaying curios with a first
class permanent exhibit of farm crit
1 Congress has a serious problem to
face in providing adequate laws a
gninst "dumping". Dumping is the
selling of a product in a foreign
country at a lower price than it u
sold at home. In the rebuilding of
Europe, which must follow the war,
.the United States, in all probability,
will be the object of a dumping cam
paign by foreign nations. If this
should happen, the markets of this
country would be demoralized. The
United States ' is rich. Foreign na
tions, broken in fortune, by every
trick of trade, will attempt to rebuild
their fortunes nt the expense of the
United States. Canada, South Africa
and Australia have laws' to prohibit
dumping. The necessity for adequate
laws for the United States is an im
mediate one.
You've heard about the boy who leads
I at school,
And the manly kid of six who swam
the pool;
Of the boy who knows his Homer,
famous he '
And the one who played the violin be
autifully at three;
Of the girl who knows her Shake
speare through nnd through
Of the mnthematic marvel nnd his
sums of two nnd two.
Hut there is another Infant Prodigy,
Who is greater far than these,
He's not the perfect little boy
Who minds his q's nnd p's;
I know his sphere is lowly,
He deserves greater renown,
IIo's tho kid who stays at home nnd
ri. n, :......., . 1 i
1 Hnrrisburg. Va.: Virginia McDon
nnld. said to bo the onlvfour-Ieirircd
person to reach the age of 5 years,
died of tonsilitis recently. She had
four perfectly developed legs and four
arms and was normal mentally,
Walnut Ridge, Ark. Hobby Watson
a baloonist, fell from n height of COO
feet when he cut loose his narachuto
Jut the end of a baloon ascension at the
Fall Festival. Ho fell throuirh the
sheet iron roof nf n iln. rImipW twn
by four and bounded off to the ground
H0 was picked up with a broken leg
and several broken ribs, but will live.
, o
' San Francisco, Cal. Miss Pauline
.Turner of Hremcrton, Wash., enter-
' talne" thc Notary club of Rochester,
I N- Y- 1,v i"ging over thc long distance
telephone. The club members m Ro-
ciicstor were furnished individual re-
' coivers nnd a special line was leased
Ior 1,10 service,
Buffalo, Wyo. Mrs. Martha Ear
ly, 94, at the wheel of an automobile,
recently made n sixty mile trip from
Sheridan and Buffalo.
Clarendon, Ark. The Misses Sloan
one 85 und thc other 8.'1 years old,
made their first railroad trip the other
day whenthey visited relatives in Ok
lahoma. The women are very feeble,
neither has ever married nnd had never
seen a railroad train until they made
their first trip.
"Brother Officers"
By Leo Trevor
The hero of tho play is a bookmak-
crs whose early life is full of sor-
! tujrly. His father has a saloon
nnd is too busy to notice thnt his clerk
Jim Stanton, is making love to his
wife. Stanton amuses himself teach
ing tho boy how to win at cards, show
ing him nn infallible way of always
turning tho king nt ccartn. Then one
i lay at a race meeting tho rascally
clerk steals tho money fromjiis mast
er's bag and bolts, exposing the book
nvaker to tho fury of tho crowd. Tho
thief is, however, captured and mnde
In disgorge. His clothes aro nlmnt
torn off him. Tho bookmiker's son
find him in this condition nnd hind
up hi niagled hiiiid, with it two
broken fingers. Ho notice a grunt
.1. H. tattned on Stanton' clnwt. Tho
boy' mother run a way to Join bur
lover. The hoek kill hor liiulmnil,
und hit hoii bmvo tho ruluod homo und
goo out Into th world, burning with
mm limit e to find Jim U (anion nnd
1,111 Mm,
Tli boukiiuiknr' mhi imlUU In Uto
unity iiHiJur tho imJiu'i nf Jim Hind.
flu iirutfiiNM ! rfiiAjw) dtiriiur mm
! uliJ twm la ammimy I
god persistoneo savo Pleydoll's liftf.
Tho young officer is deeply grateful
and swears that if ever Hinds, in his
turn, is in trouble, he will help him out
Fortune smiles on Sergeant Hinds.
He wins thc Calcutta Sweep and de
cides to buy n commission.
Meanwhile Jim Sttinton hns prosp
ered in Australia nnd few would re
cognize the bootmaker's clerk in thc
millionaire "Robert Hutton." But be
renmin a bounder. He returns to
Eiiglau-- nnd chaiue makes him n:
piainted with Luuelot Plcydell, "A by
loses heavily to him nt ecarte. TlTc
Aiutra.inn wins vor $50,000 ;'rom
leyde I, who gie: him I. O. U. s f.r
fit I'inciint. He thinks his victin
nav be useful, for he 'vants to get in
to society, and therefore does not
press for payment
Hinds buys n commission in the
First, Lancers, and PleydeU is a broth
er oflicer. "Ladies' Day" nt the ba
rncks is a terrible orde'l to the man
who hns risen fiom the ranks. Lance
lot introduces him to his mother,
I..idy Margaret Ploydell, and hi.? crent
friend, Honor, Lady Roydon, tailing
them how Hinds saved his life. The
new ollicer drags his friend to a quiet
corner and begs him to remember his
promise nnd help him out of his hole:
"I want you to make a gentleman of
mc." Ploydell tears up poor Hinds
book on etiquette and tells him just to
be hinvself, "be goninl and easy.-"
Hinds tries to follow Pledell's nd
vice and proses drinks on n bewilder
ed and indignant Dean, nnd is surpris
ed that the ladies all refuse the cham
pagne he has ordered. The Colonel
comes in nnd is disgusted to find the
place littered with bottles. He re
bukes the new officer sharply. Honor
burning witli sympathy saves tho sit
uation, nnd henceforth reigns supreme
in the heart of John Hinds.
Time passes. Hinds profits by
Pleydell's counsels and loses much of
his awkwardness. He is a guest at
Iuly Margaret Pleydell's house, nnd
one day ho tells Honor the story of
his early life. To his joy, she doe not
shrink from him, but tells him hhc is
proud to be his friend. Hinds has
dreams of a radiant future. A fellow
guest is Hutton, who bus forced
Lancelot to invito him to his molher'n
house. The young nyin begs Honor
to be unliable to the millonairc. Hinds
wonders where he hns seen "Hutton"
before. Suddenly it comes to him;
this man with the deformed hand is
Jim Stanton. His first impulse is to
choke tho life out of his enemy, but
he realized that ho must not miko n
scene in the house of his friends.
"Hutton" is goading Lancelot to
madness. Honor shrinks from the mil-
linnairs unwelcome admiration and
tho disconfitcd Australian tells the
young officer he is to square him with
the lady or he will smash him. "Go
nhead and smfisli!" retorts Plevdell
But when he is none, his courage fails
him. He tells Hinds how "Hutton"
hns him in his power and is squeezing
Hinds' own love has made him blind
nnd he litis never suspected that Honor
and Lancelot care for each other. So,
as ho thinks things out by the library
fire, ho wonders if he cannot help his
friend again, mid porliips in gratitude
Lady Margaret Ploydell will give him
her powerful aid in his wooing. A
man nnd a girl come in from the ball
room, tjalking earnestly. They do not
see Hinds in his deep nrmchair. He
is on the point of rising when he hears
the terrible words. "John Hinds is the
best fellow breathing but no husband
for Honor." The two go on to speak
of her love for PleydeU. Hinds sees
the wrsck of his hopes. Tho fierce
temptation assails him. Ho hns only
to sit tight and Jim Stanton will
crush the young officer und leave him
n clear field. But he tramples on the
evil thought und determines to save
his friend.
Lancelot nnd Honor nro together
und she learns how foolish he has been
but she forgives him.IIinds comes up
on them nnd their faces aro all reveal-
ing. Ho tells PleydeU he will seo
Hutton und find a way of escape if
possibe. Honor impulsively gives him
both her hands. She has complete
confidence in John Hinds.
Hinds sends for Hutton. An idoa
conies to him, ns ho is waiting, nnd he
tukes up a jerk of curds. When tho
AuMtiulian joins him, he show him
the trick of nlwuy turning the king
nt ecarte. Hutton uks him laugh
ingly where he learnedt hat. The
a in wor come in n flih, "You taught
it to inn, Jim Stanton."
Tho millionaire ntUiinpt to bluff
thing out but memory nid Hind,
und ho lorn the mun' hiil open und
point to tho dunning tuttoo mm It
"J. H."
Pliiydiill' I. O. 11.' urn roatonul to
him und Hind griinroualy riiunN
Honor! hImiijIoI did nothing h
Ihhhii iiblti, I July Roydon, Im wu
tlMKilwl uf tmiry pomy." 'J'liu lovnr
nn tibiiwymi iu hmr Hint Mind Im
Ui mvu fur JimJhh Dm mmt i)uy. Ju
Utli timm DhwW, him) m me lilm on
Um liilN nmm1a lit fuw wivuk with
nnmiai m h thimim a jite Um lm
Physician & Surgeon
Office In First National Hnnk build
ing. Hours, 9 to 12 a. m; 1:30 to 4 p.
m; 7 to 8 in the evening.
Physician & Surgeon
Ofllro In Ellingson Building. Hour,
12 a. m; 1 to 5 p. m.
i l:t. L. P. SORENSEN
Oftcr. in First National Bank build
Ing Tnlcphoiic nt houso rnd ofllu
Physician & Surgeon
Offico in Ellingson building, Phont ' 1
Physician & Surgeon
Olico in ENingson building. Office
tdione, 3P2. Residence phone, 3M
Olilce in Ellingsnn building. Offiri
phone 1241. Residence phone, 1 1 1 I
Office in Ellingson Building in rooms
lutely occupied bj Attorney Feecey
Phone 1141
Attorneys at Law
Juit No 3
first Nnt Hank Bldg., HAN DON
02) 1
' Mnhonlc
Bandon Ixxlgc, No. 130, A. F. &
A. M. Stated communications
Friduy after the full moon of
each month. Special communlcatioiu
MuBtcr Mnsons cordially Invited.
W. A. LoGORE. W. M.
Eastern Star.
Occidental Chnpter, No. 45, ( B.
S. meets Friday evenings Loldm
and after stated communications ct
Musonic lodge. Visiting members
cordially invited to uttend.
1 .O. O. K
Bandon Lodge, No. 133, i. O.
F., meets every Wednesday evuninp,
Visiting brothers In good standing
cordially invited.
GEO. H. SMITH, Secretnry.
lcean Rebekuh tadge, No. 120, 1
O. O. F., meets second und &uir!i
TuoMdnys nt I. O. O. F. hull. Tnn
cioit members cordially Invitee!
Hotel Bandon
:md $1.50 per day
J Kiuopeaii I'Jan, room
w, it tc per day
! : Enton Mc lUnnt, IVopi,
Ik Bandon fawitr
hlbwmh Unit Jtomeuili UuU. A
am, mmm wmm, m mamm