The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, January 11, 1916, Image 1

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u Hall -iiuu ii"-""
Govenwent Engineers to Direct Work of
Ballasting Sooth Side Row ot Piling
At the meeting of the port com
mission in this city today the matter
of Ailing in the Bap in the row of pil
tuB wa taken up and starting of the
work at la near date wns decided on.
Major Potter of the government en
gineering staff, stationed at Portland
tulnnitted to the port the pleasure of
Ids superiors in the war department
at WnshinBton. This is that the port
(.hull furnish the money to finance
this project and the government will
do the work and directly reverses the
the major's promise to represent
atives of the port when the visited
him, in Portland a short time ago.
At tliat time tho port proposed that
the government do tho work. Hut Ma
jor Potter offered to donate the rock
.ml tooln ml let tho port- do tho work.
Accordingly work will Login with
government officers in chargo in two
or three weeks. The port feels tho ur
gency of immediate action so as to
Lave the work completed in tune to
get tho honefit of the high water of
tho winter find spring.
The project is to bnllaa. with crushed
lock tho row of nilimr tlwt extends
out into tho lagoon o the south side
of the river, after tho piling has
had its gaps filled up. Itut tho rock
work will extend no farther west than
the present terminus of the piling.
Ths Bxtcnt of tho rock filling will be
fum tho west end of tho waterfront
to tho west end of tho row of piling.
IhU will leave a small stretch be
tween tho end" of the piling iand the
jotty through which tho water will
wach tho lagoon south of the river.
It is not figured this short opening
will be of material influence in keep
ing tho current from tho river chan
lol. Tho object of the work is to provont
tho current from leaving the main
c'lannel of tho river this side of and
in tho vicinity of tho Ureuer dock. At
this point the wr.turs divide and sp.-cad
over ei. wide area as soon as it has
passed tho foot of Cleveland avenue
and its value as a scouring agent is
lost from there until it is again con
fined between the jetties.
It has boo-: locally understood that
tho work was to have been delayed
until Apri' or M.iy and petitions hud
been prepared and many signatures
obtained praying for iinmedite under
taking of the work to get the advant
age of tho winter water.
Ted Peterson Succeeds Jack Sullivan
as Manager of Handon Hub Store
Mnnagor J. A. Sullivan of tho Dan-
don branch of tho Hub Stores was suc
ceeded Monday by L. C. J. Peterson,
commonly known s Ted. Tho hitter's
place in the store is filled by Morton
Lowry. Mr. Sulliavan and family left
Handon today for Mnrshfield where
ho will have charge of tho new Hub
store there soon to have ii grand op
ening. This new store is one of the
most up-to-date in this section. It has
an equipment of $5,000 worth of fix
tures and the only articles in the stock
that will bo. kept in pasteboard box
es aro tho shoes. Mr. Sullivan nnd
family will be missed from Handon
and will miss Handon also. They do
not move their furniture and miiy af
ter a siio experience in .ho metrop
olis of the county return to Ikiudon
o ,ce more.
Recent real estate transfers are:
Chris Rlcherta to Robert Full ami
Agnes It. Kill U, 10 acres, considera
tion MOO.
Chris Kh'hcrts to Edwin Schrader:
40 acres, consideration $2,000,
Chris Richer! to Mart I m RUherts,
his wife, 1'J acres, consideration iiom
liial. Chili Itlchi'itM and wife to Win.
'iii'KKi l iatres, ruimlilurullon fHOO,
TIim miuller I raits urn tin the tiiwu
liip line iimil mi'iuw fium )H(litn'
l ink yui)l. The turgor Ir.ict U In Him
'i'wu Milt vomitey.
A in wtlttK llMl'l ljl'nluMI
t( l mmly , In) Ui HiMyn B
ily mill M L'ui)Uii ui jt GfW ta
Asi aim junced last week in the Re
corder C. H. Zoek lias been appointed
registrar for the present election year
He fu.-uishes us the below descrip
tion of the boundaries of Handon pre
cincts and announces that foreign
horn people socking to register must
show their own papers or father's
papers through which they become
citizens. All who have not taken out
second ptipers must do so before they
Locals Voyage
To Easy Victory
High School Basket Ball Teas Gaks Sec
ond Triumph Over Rivertea
"Tftandon won her third game of the
season when the High School boys
journeyed up the river Saturday eve
ning and trintmed Riverton to the tune
of 12 to 7. Hoth halves of the game
were replete with spectacular playing
on both sides. During the first half,
however, Handon played the up-river
boys off their feet and the score stood
11 to -1 at the close of the period. The
High School boys played an air-tight
defensive game and showed a great
amount of aggressiveness. In their
new striped uniforms they look some
thing like tigers and they certainly
fought liko tliem. There w-iro no
bright at s that slioi.o on -tlur team
For Handon, each man worked to his
limit to make tho team a machine and
the passing nnd leiim, work resulting
was tho best it has been so far this
season. From the development ex
hibited in tho past two weeks, the lo
cal squad gives promise of having
tho fasts', team, seen hole in years,
provided they build up the fight and
vim thay .".ow possess and improve, on
liusket shooting.
For Riverton, Wilson was the high
point man and succeeded in scoring
all scvia of his team's tullins. Tho
guarding of Riverton in tho second
half was particularly close and suc
ceeding in smothering up a great deal
of HUndon's chances. The locals,
however, kept feeding tho ball to the
forwards during the entire peitfod,
but the Pullen brothers had a lot of
hard luck in making tho ball lodge in
the hooped net. Leslie Pullen and
Ivan Pullen made but one field basket
n piece. Gailier ad Webb also con
tributed scores from the field. The
line up was as follow:
Handon High School
Leslie Pullen
Ivan Pullen
Next Friday, tho local team will
journey to Myrtle Point. Last year
at this placo they met a Waterloo in
the form of a very one-sided score
with the Myrtle Pointers romping all
over the floor and shooting baskets
at will. In fact, Handon lost every
county game away from her own floor
last year.
"I'm tired of going nwny a,nd get
ting beaten every time," said one of
the boys at prnctico last evening.
"Well, we're not whipped yet," pip
ed up another voice. "We've got tho
fight this year and we'll tako it to the
last ditch."
The fellows aro eager to tuke the
trip and see what they can do this
season away from their own floor.
They are not making any predictions
other than to say that Myrtle Point
will liuve to fight hard o win.
The High School deserves much bet
ter from the townspeople this season.
So far, the boys have been playing to
ulmoat empty houses and are running
behind, financially. On the excur
sion lust Saturday evening the returns
showed the school went nine dul.
lura ill the hole. The priiinWe ut the
piMimt Clin Hint lh 101(1 ttvini will
probably give exhibition nf the funt
(Ml liunUllwll it'll fur '! m In llun
iIiim, hihI Hid boys iletn'rvn bttler up
nt. (Ju VVXiiiwIuy night, Him I'jlh, li
AII-!m liftMM ( HuMeii will ukuIii
mintvsr Im lukf (it flty 'Uinpluii
Towage of Ties, Lasher, Fish, Cheese
Etc. For Past Year
A total of thirty seven million feet
of timber was hauled out over the
Bandon bar by Ocean carriers last
year which for an off year is not so
Nearly a million pounds of cheese
went out to keep it csmpany and sup
ply free lunches for Frisco, Portland,
Seattle and other points.
Coal, salmon, wool the showing is
a notable one going to illustrate the
importance of keeping the Coquille
river improved. C. M. Spencer Is the
man who has kept tab on the figures
and through whose enterprise, with
services donated gratuitously, the sec
tion is enabled to show its volume of
business to the world.
There was no mail yesterday and
only a small lot today from the out
side world the delay being caused by
snow in the mountains that Inter
fered with the stage between Myrle
Point and Roseburg.
Tonnage Over the Coquille River Bar for tht Year 1915
Lumber 17,744,000 .,
Shingles 24,249,500 2428,950 ..
Ties, 7x10, 35.7C4 1,GC8,987 ..
Ties, 7x9, 75,292 3,1G2,2G4 .,
Ties, 7x8 47,519- 1,774,042 . ,
Ties, 6x8 217,062
Telephone Poles, 2,026
Hop poles, . . . .... .... ..0251, v
Posts '14,505
Piling, 3,815 ...
Box Shooks, tons, 199 . . .
Berry Uasketc, (bdls) 43,851 ...
Match Wood, cords
Grape sticks,
TOTAL FEET 37,967,848
Cheese 925,738
Butter, 98,603
Coal, tons 620 1,388,800
Wool 18,181
Cascara Bark, 60,018
Salmon, V4 cases 6,250 218,750
Salmon, full cases, 4,140 289,800
Merchandise, tons, 1,689 3,378,000
TOTAL TONS 78,706 157,411,160
Passengers, 915
Passengers, ' i'.Ull
Merchandise, tons, 13,073
Passengers, Tons Freight
Inward, 1.341 13,673
Outward, 945 78,706
Total 2,286
Pythian Knights And
Pythian Sisters Install
The local lodges of Knights of Py
thias nnd Pytkian Sisters joined in
n union installation last night and it
was a notable affair. The Sisters in
stalled officers first as follows: M. E.
C. Annie Harrows; E. S. Kate
Rosa; E. J. Anna Jones; Manager
Anna Tucker; M. of R. & C Alma
Johnson; M. of F. Mariam Gatchell;
schoolers eniurged from this content
with a sc. ut two lutskct lead. John
Windsor ai.d Claire Shumiti had
their shooting eyes and were scoring
luiskcts from difficult angles. Chat
bum as usual, played all over the floor
McNnir and Harvey showed that they
were in as good trim as tho school
team and were the muinstuys In team
One week from Saturday on the
evening of the 22nd North liend will
p.'ii up the County AiociAtlon series
for llumlon ut Priuimlund Hull, The
funs who tuw liut yvur's gunut I hi.
tween th) two will rfiiifiiilti'r tlwt
ufler Hie iiuut winuttimuil pluylng of
bull, the liniiu U'unt look the gum by
um lit in (he luil minute. It wu
no pint' fur u p ron wllli livurl nil'
urw. Nu tit Hind buy tu but udv iiuiii
ikiii iivr i'mi f Ittti yr mi jirfiik'
lw tu uinUli it nut lr hmd tuiale
r.t wfk,
Moore M Will Start as Soon as Timber
is Available
Geo. W. Moore arrived in this city
this noon. He was scheduled to arrive
yesterday but was dclnyed by the in
cidents of traveling. He announces
that the Moore mills here will open
as soon as logging arrangements can
be made but does not hold out any
prospect that this will be within thir
ty or forty days.. Negotiations for
Jogs from the Coach estate have failed-
to terminate succssfully. Because
the company has track and facilities
in position Mr. Moore has been anxious
to get this particular tract contracted
for and has offered what good timber
mcn spy is more than the timber is
worth. But through a combinnton of
circumstances it seems likely that
this tract can not be obtained and the
next move will be to seek another
sourco of supply.
Tho market now promises return to
lumber producers euul the outlook for
ah early opcuing of tho mills of this
section is very bright.
. 6,062,375
. 0,675,948
. 7,096,168
. 4,102,650
... 26,000
. 1,1G0,400
. 8,583,750
. . 398,000
. 3,133,515
. 2,383,872
.... 1,600
. 911,700
; 290,100
.. 99,500
. 626,703
388 595,968
200 400
Protector Jennie Bowmttn; G. of O.
T. Clara Panter; P. C Bettie Miller
A feature of tho instalation was the
coronation of flowers for which the
Chatburn quartette was on hand to
sing Old Coronation.
At tho conclusion of the Sisters'
work a banquet was spread. It in
cluded chicken and all the fixings and
all did it full justice.
In the interval the lodge room was
cleared of the equipment for the pre
vious work nnd made ready for the
Knights. They installed officers us
follows: C. C Ralph Dippcl; V. C.
W. A. Hover; Prelate Z. H. Gatchell;
M. A. J. II. Howe; I. G. J. H. Jones;
O. G. Roy Corson; M. W. V. Hreuer;
Sec B. Harrington; M. E. A. Gar
field; Installing officer T. D. White.
During the evening there wns
soveral brief flights of oiatory and
among those who took part were T.
D. White, Geo. Topping; Jus. Mast;
Mrs. Barrows tuu! II. Jackson. Miss
Ila Johnson also favored the assem
blage with a song.
Step'ion Oulller of llumlon oxpocts
to muks u try for the republican nom
ination for sheriff at tho May priiuu
ries. Hd far, he Is thu only opponent
in slgi for Hlitriff Johnson on the
Iteiiubllnii ticket. Mr. O'llllur ht'lil
the lillloi of uliurlff hare Uni or twelve
tll,,l 'jllllllllt MjMtllt'1,1
V. J Foktur uimI 11. II. iltmrv wliu
huvtt t wnduf'ltnir llm lliimlo gu
Itf'v liuvu moVi'4 piMiivrlil utlj
Ut. VMUr will imry mi Ihv LunlntM
The grade teachers of the high
school building have inaugurated n
spelling contest for a trophy the con
test to last throughout the year. A
silver cup is the prize and is to rest
in tho possession of the room that
was spelling victor for the proceed
ing month. At the end of the school
year the room which has had it the
most months is to have its namo en
graved on tho cup.
Circuit Judge
Suspends Law
Judge GanleBbeia Disapproves of "Blue
Law" and Therefore AmuIs it
Declaring the Sunday-closing law
"absolutely unjust, absurd and un
suited to modern conditions," Circuit
Judge Gantenbcin this morning ef
fectually stopped the enforcement of
the measure in Multnomah county, nt
lepst until next November. His de
cision, postponing action on the
state's demurer to Dan Kellaher t
suit for a permanent injunction until
the people shall have a chance to vote
on the repeal of the law, is not sub
ject to appeal by tho state.
It took Judge Gantenbeln less than
five minutes this morning to dispose
of a question which has been in the
courts of tho state nnd the United
States for seven years. The judge ad
mitted that probably the law was con
stitutional but on the ground of public
policy he stopped the enforcement of
a measure which he terms "an archa
ic law passed 72 years ego." Here it
the decision in full;
"The Oregon Sunday-closing law
was originally passed in 1854, when
Oregon was a torritory. Ten years,
later it was embodied in our penal
code, with a few minor amendments,
in tho following form: Section 2125.
What business prohibited and what
allowed on Sunday. If r.ny person
sliall keep opon nny store, shop, groc
ery, bowling nlloy, billiard or
tippling house for the purpose of la
bor or traffic, or any place of amuse,
input, on the first day of the week
commonly called "Sunday or the
Lord's Day, such person upon convic
tion thereof, shall bo punished by a
fine not less than $5 nor more than
$50; provided, however, that the above
provision shall not apply to theaters,
the keepers of drug stores, doctor
shops, undei takers, livery stable
keepers, butchers nnd bakers; and all
circumstances of necessity and mercy
may bo pleaded in defense, which shall
be treated as questions of fact for tho
jury, to determine when tho offense is
tried by jury.
"No attempt was ever made to en
force it, co far as I am aware until
about seven years ago when an ef
fort was made to close tho cigar stor
es in the city of Portland. At that
time I held tho law unconstitutional,
on the ground that it was a violation
of the constitutional guaranty of re
ligious freedom. No appeal was
taken und everybody appeared to ac
quiesce in tho decision.
"About a year r.go the law wns n
gain tested in n case arising in Ijine
county nnd tried by a circuit judge of
Multnomah county. He also held the
law unconstitutional. An appeal was
taken to the supreme court, which
held the law valid, without however,
luving had tho religious objection to
the act presented to it.
"This suit was than instituted, and
a temporary restraining order was
granted, ponding tho disposition of n
similar euso to lte begun In the fed-
oral courts. Thrco federal Judges sit
ting en banc, unanimously decided that
tho luw was constitutional.
"This decision Is not binding on
this court hut mr.y be considered as
advisory ami of course, is entitled to
greut weight. Lach of the federal
judges Is a better constitutional law
yer thun I, rail their docUInu on the
luw Is probably right, rind I mil fore
oil to the runrluslon thul mine is pro
buhl y wrong.
"The Uireinu court nf this klule,
mIiomi iliHiuluim urn binding uin this
eourtj bus liut pukti Upon the rill
ylOUl plwW tl( Ifel HUM UOh wliluli II
tV duublui) Jn.rc, i uiu noiiiMWiiui in
ll pv!tl"ii nf imr w)o f luv
(UCMJ'iVfO 6U -K 6)
Carl Peterson, Injured Crossing Bar is Re
turned to Bandon For Repairs
In making the trip over the bar
last Saturday morning, Chns. Peter
son one of the sailors on the Fifiold
sustained serious injuries. He was
transferred to the tug nnd brought
back to Bandon, placed in the Emer
gency hospital where his injuries were
looked after.
The bar, with perhaps one or two
exceptions wus the roughest over
which the Klihyam ever took a tow.
After the preliminary sounding
Captain Johnson reported sixteen feet
of water but a very rough bar and
recommended no trip that day. But
Cuptuin Hakmnn of tho Fifield was
newly in charge and anxious to make
time. There was plenty of water nnd
the tide still rising. It was not ab
solutely dangerous and he urged the
It was a mjeiivorablo experience for
both vessels. Sea after sea drenched
the deck of the tug nnd nearly as fast
as it could gather momentum the in
coming big ones would hnlt it again.
Three men were handling the wheel
of the Fifield although two could on
ly work nt a time. The vessel sheared
vvitli a brcakor, tho wheel slipped tho
rasp of the men and spun like a top.
The shock threw Peterson down.
He fell with, his left arm toward the
wheel, grasping wildly nt something
to keep from falling. His hand came
in contact with the wheel and was
carried to where the lower half turns
through a slot in the pilot house
floor. His fingers were literally broken
on the wheel, the central bone of four
lingers being broken. His wrist struck
against the edges of the slot and was
:ut on both sides to the bone expos
ing the tci.dons.
Others quickly sprang to the wheel
and soon the boat was safely over.
The injured arm and fingers were
bandaged and ti band tied around the
arm to stop the flow of blood. It was
seen that if medical skill could not be
reached thu man would bleed to death.
The Fifield must either return to
port or the man be passed on to the
tug. Tho Klihyam voluteered to tako
him if lie could be transferred in tho
open son. Peterson and a crew of five
men were put in one of tho Fifield's
boats and it was lowered. With consid
erable mfmcuvcring the boat got to
tho lee of the Klihyam and a couple
men waitirg, hauled Pntorson on
board. He was taken to the engine
room of the tug and as his arm was
still bleeding another bandage was
tied around the urm above the elbow.
The tug had a hard time on the re
turn trip but rrtadc it without in
jury. But the five men in tho Fifield's
boat had u hard time before they re
gained that vessel. The sea was very
heavy and the farther out they wont
the worse it was. The wind was
strong from the southwest. The Fi
field could not turn around nor stop
and heading to the south wns slowly
blown to Jio north. Finally after nn
hour's desperate work the boas crew
got their line to the outer buoy and
there the Fifield picked it up and pul
led the boat on board.
Carlson is recovering from the ef
fects of his wounds nnd will I Mi ablo
to go to Sn Francisco when tho Fi
field returns from Sai. Diego.
G. A. R. And W. R. C.
At Joint Installation
The Handon C. A. R. pout 'find W.
It. C. held a joint installntloii last
Friday afUunoon. Tho 0. A, It. In
tailed ollliuirs us follows! Coiuiiundir
It. F. rihuiiiioii, uttn'or vloft Aitllu
Henry; Junior vice C. A. Hodcr!
A.JJ - ('.. II. eel;; oltlcur of tho duy
J. W. J'ulttir; Q. M. J. A. Diuldv Gimp.
In A. Miuiumr
TU lllir ot Urn W. It, C. uio Mfi,
A I Vii MllU-r, pMmhlitfilf Mr lid rJlljl'
.r, until r vlt-Mi Mrs. Aih ililU Ji"
finti Mi. Uhttitm, (jJiujitUi Mi Q,
b. imu, Uwjumi Mi ftp?
IjylM, uilumi Ajjg, Aim M