The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, November 16, 1915, Image 6

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    ivyvy vyyvcyv0'!y w w ns w - - - -
Di i
Moving Pictures of
Will be shown in three great reels at the
Grand Theater, Wednesday, November 17th
Scenes you will see:
Elks Excursion, Boats on the Coquille River, Landing at Bandon
Docks, The Mock Wedding, The Parade, Battle Royal on Scow
Beautiful Beach Scenes at Bandon, Steamer Bandon going out
over a rough bar, Tie Hackers at work, Views of the famous Star
Ranch, Million Dollar Steel Bridge at North Bend, and com
plete scenes of all the doings at the Bridge Carnival.
. These Pictures were produced at a cost of $500.Q0 and will be shown thruout the
United States also at the Exposition in San Francisco for the purpose of advertising
Bandon and Coos County. Owing to the fact that the pictures are to be rushed to the
San Francisco Fair as soon as possible, these films will be shown in Bandon
one night only.
Don't Forget The Date Wednesday, November 17th
A Feature Program of other reels will be shown.
Admission: Adults 25c
Children 15c
First show starts at 6:45 p. m., second shoWrUrti at 8:15
p. m. We run as long as you xome,
Curl Bownum leaves Friday for
Powers whore lie has a position in the
store of tho Smith-Powers Co;
A letter from Horace Richards
indicates that he is in Spokane hy this
time on the way to take up his new
job with the Potluch lumber Co. at
Elk River, Idaho. In advising for tho
journey of his family after him he said
it wouldn't make any diircrenco as
which road they would take that ono
would bo the worst.
The Udies' Guild of St John's Epis
copal church will have a food sale in
tho rooms formerly occupied by the
Boyle Jewelry Co. on the day before
Thanksgiving. The sale will be in the
ufternoon and an entertainment will
bo give in tho evening.
l Born: to Mr. u!id Mrs. Frank Phelps 1 Mrs. James Cowan of Marshfield
a daughter at 5 o'clock, this morning, visited with her sister, Mrs. C. It.
Tho baby is a lusty youth and weighs ' Wade, dining the past week, coming
(lOVi lbs. Mother and sou are doing . over Saturday and returning Monday.
tiuely and thu proud papa bears Ins I Mrs. Uadley entertains the Art club
honors with becoming dignity. I tomorrow afternoon.
The Schoolmaster's club will give j (;,,, ifaw has sold his tie dealer
their annual banquet next Saturday privileges in Bandon to Jos. Fyfo, Jr.
evening and the Ladies' Presbyterian w10 js identified with the Estnbrook
Aid will prepare the eats. company and tho boats of that line
Local members of the Grand Army!'"0 "I to lmve 0 "nHy bl,s
an.l Women's Belief Corps are laying i i,,oss of ,mu,,K f,om ,h,B c,t-v-
preparations for a masquerade ball to
be given Christmas evening.
Found nn Automobile Clock
A lady brought an automobile clock
to our oflko today which was found on
one of the streets lending to the city.
Owner may have same by proving
property and paying for this notice.
Geo. Lafaw took his third degree in
the K. P. lodge last night and II. T.
Geary took similar honors in the same
place last week.
Will the parties that took the feiue
and buggy from the Cox residence re
turn or notify Fred Gross where they
are? ' 2t
Mr. Bedingford who has taught tho
Parkersburg school for tho past term
has gone back to his' old home in Missouri.
Tho Ladies' Guild is very much
pleased with tho success of their rum
mage recently held. The exent was
a financial success, and they did better
than they expected they would do.
Mrs. Byrne is homo from her duties
at Marshfield.
Big Paramount Famous Players
film "May Blossom" a thrilling story
of the Civil War Grand next Thurs
day. If n square deal is what you want,
try The SQUARE DEAL. Opp. the
Grand Theater, for .Shoes, Hosiery
and Gents furnishings. Shoo repair
slio pin connection.
The Matinee spoken of last week
for the benefit of the Bandon Library
will be held in K. P. hall December
11th. The program will be published
C. R. Wudu, as receiver for the
Teaney stock has complied with the
requirements of the bulk sales law
and will sell tho stock at public or
private sale of which announcement
will soon be made.
On Friday, Nov. 19 at 8, p. in. a
musical entertainment will be given
at the Presbyterian church. Everybody
welcome. Admission adults lCcts.
children, 10 cts.
The big splash in moving pictures
See yourself an others km you in
the Elk Day FilniH in Bandon.. .Grand
Theater Wednesday, November 17. I
Tho Sperry Hour .company receiv
2,000 sacks of flour on the Tillamook
and a thousand sacks on the Eliza
beth which served to fill tho gap in
the demand for a while but not for
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox have mov
ed to Bandon and are living in tho
eastern part of tho city.
Earl Wilts, assistant in at Boylu's
Jewelry storo returned on the last E.
lizabeth from a visit with his par
ents in Oakland and taking in thu
sights nt the exposition.
A dollar saved is a dollar earned.
You can save money by trading at the
SQUARE DEAL, op. Grand theater,
where solid leather shoes are sold and
satisfaction guaranteed. Shoo repair
shop in conuectiou.
Thanksgiving is Nov. 25
Wouldn't you feel better to eat that
Big Turkey and Cranberry Sauce Dinner
in one of the
New Suits That Sidwell Has Just Received
lie can show you an assortment of
worth of over Two Thousand dollars
Strictly up-to-date patterns and models
that have arrived from the factory within the past two weeks.
There is nothing hetter and few equals on the market at the price:
$16.50 to $30.00
Other lines in
Men's and Boy's Furnishings
are complete
Hi'c him in
FaII rtcrvDr.iAM llli: npcir.w M
j-j j
i iPik 1!
Beautifully Simple I I
3 Simply Beautiful D
j llawlon, ()r y I j
We are proud of our fine display of
QfaukagUtutg 3feuw Irg
which is now on exhibition.
We have everything that makes the
table attractive on Thanksgiving day
and wo have just whrit you want.
Come in early and make your selec
tion while we have a full stock,
S a I) r o Bros
MunufwIiirJiw Jewltw,