The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, July 06, 1915, Image 1

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    Him at
Oregon Historic
City Hall , x
Bandon Hy-the-Sea has the Prettiest Beach on the Coast
ff A
Suggestions Relative In Placing 0. And
C. Lands in the Hands of Settlers
The following extract from n letter
from Oswald West of Portland to
Governor Withycombe deals with the
question of the lands recently Involved
in the U. S. Supreme court, held by
the O. & C. company.
In as much as the recent decision of
the Supreme Court of the United
States; in the matter of the O. & C
It. R. land grant, makes it necessary
for congress to take early action in
reference to its disposal, I am taking
the liberty of submitting the follow
ing suggestions for your consideration
If the lands should be taken over by
the federal government its adopted
policy would undoubtedly bo along the
following lines
1. Itcserve all timbered lands and the
non-timbered lands not suitable for
agricultural purposes, bymaking them
a part of our federal forest system,
and open to entry to actual settlers
ouch non-timbered lands as may be
adapted to settlement: or
2. Reserve only such timbered and
non-timbered lands as are unfit for
agricultural purposes, and open the
balance to entry the non-limbercc
tracts at once and the timbered tracts
as soon as the timber could be dispos
ed of and removed.
While either policy would result in
the settlement and development of a
large area of idle non-productive land,
it would also result in the removal of
n .still greater area from our tax ro'ls.
Unless the state is prepared to of
fer some other definite plan wo may
expect the adopff'.ft of governmental
policies along the above lines, and in
view of this I respectfully submit for
your consideration the advisability of
( cquiring and disposing of these
linds through the medium of the state
The grant in question covers about
I ,!100,000 acres and carries about sev
oity billion feet of timber which is
worth at least 50 cts per thousand
f 3ot. This would give the timber alone
a value of over $:I5,000,000 as the
i mount to be paid, the railroad com
pany could in no event exceed $5,750,
000, it would mean a huge profit for
the state school fund. The company
has already disposed of nearly $5,000,
000 worth of lands from the grant
which after making due allowance
for taxes and administration expenses
paid would greatly decrease the n
mount to be paid the company account
the lands now held.
While it is idle to ask the federal
government to both ro-iinburso tho
railroad companies and grant the land
to the state without cost, it would not
be unreasonable to ask that the grant
or such part of it as might he desired
be turned over to the state on condi
tion that it provide funds necessary to
reimburse the railroad company for
lands taken over.
If such a plan should be followed,
the non-timbered agricultural lands
should be thrown open to entry at once
to bone-fide settlers and at little and
no cost. The uon-timhered tracts unlit
for settlement should be held with a
view of reforestation.
The timber on tho timbered tracts
should be appraised, and in due time
sold to the highest bidders and on con
dition that it be removed within a
certain period. As fast as the timber
on a tract was sold the land, if suita
ble for agricultural purposes, should
lie thrown open for settlement. The
lands from which the timber has been
removed, found unlit for settlement,
Bhould bo held for purposes of refor
estation. ThedeciBlnu of the court makes it
Decennary for emigres to taku some
action towards the dlnposr.l of the
plant at its coming session and it
lecoiuo.. decenary therefore, for the
ulr.eim of thlH Htato to formulate and ,
prewent to coiigieHn, through their
delegation, miiiiiu definite plan fur the
Inking iivi'i' tho gnuit Unit will bo of
pUbllC lllll'IKHt.
If (ho iiImivh iiiggiMitail plun kIhmiIiI
In fiivoii'd it would pi n;itiil a (Dubinin
of (In din ii'i ulilfli inir liHjiluhnt
Mould lum in iimU 'in J I Mfovv lis
iii.jMiiluiitu humIU Mj" JtiiUO' HiB
Milii'M "I" j tjy wirtflu M UlSi
This plan, proposed by Kx-govei noi
West will receive attention at the
hands of thoughtful men as will al
so another proposal from state citi
zons voiced in the Portland Telgram
This plan is that the government
act as a receiver for the companies
under the charge of a commission ap
pointed by the U. S. district couit,
They are to divide the tract into forty
acre homesteads and offer it for sale
at $5 per acre or $1200 for the home
stead. The extra $2.50 is to rc-im-burse
the railroad for taxes and the
cost of administration anil interest.
As some 20,000 people have already
filed on this land it will be seen that
there will bo no lack of demand for
the tracts. In order to give all an equal
chance it is proposed to have the
lands awarded by lot.
U. S. Attorney Kennies warns peo
pie not to pay locator's fees for be
ing located on these lands as no squat
ters rights will be respected. All will
have an equal show on the tract if
this particular plan is carried out
and the land is put up for settlement!
by the government.
The old problem of preventing
speculation in these lands is the one
that will be most difficult to handle.
Had the railroad company eliminated
speculation from its handling of the
lands and been content to sell them
at a reasonable juice it is quite likely
they would not have been disturbed
in possession of them.
As it is, timber men who own al
ternate sections will doubtless try to
absorb surrounding acres but the
government will without a doubt, put
forth strenuous efforts to sec that the
lands go into the hands of actual set
Mrs. Latin Makes Trip from Eureka
in Less than Twenty Hours
One of the passengers on the last
Speedwell was Mrs. Lattin of Eurc-
iu who was hurrying to a sick mother
on South Slough. She made the trip
from Eureka in less than 21 hours.
She was rowed out over the Eureka
bar and caught the Speedwell at 5
o'clock Sunday evening. Responding
to the wireless call Daudon life sav
ers rowed out over the Dundon bar
Monday noon and brought her in. She
promptly took an auto stage for her
The Prodigal's Return
Another Letter from Charlie Harrows
Detailing His Adventures in the
Far Countree
I am going to start
for home
Wednesday morning and am sure i
anxious to get there. It is so hot up i
here. I have to take a wet handkor- j
chief to get down to tho lake. There
isn't much work up here. Plenty at !
10 cts an hour and hoard.
The kids gave mo a surprise party. '
MM... I .... ...ill . I
I uu Kill I uiu niifii'i mm MiiB nu
bashful that she turned her back to
me and talked to another girl.. Hut
when she turned around again I had
eaten all her cako and drank her lem
onade and had her plate up to my
face licking it out.(gosh, I like cako)
I asked her if she wasn't afraid to go
home and she said "A little bit" and
1 asked her why she didn't bring her
little brother along.
The cherries are about all gone but
believe me, 1 had my fill.
I havn't seen any more jack rabbits.
Tho people of Handon must have
thought I was awful green to try to
catch u jack rabbit. When I read that
piece in the paper I thought I would
never go back to Handon again.
I had ono job where the table win
only large enough for two, The old
man and I ato first. We had henna for
Grandpa Ktillwoll hasn't gained
very much. Is some stronger. Grand
ma would like very much to com
u M'l'"
I am vo Niinhimii'd I look like an
Indian. Whim J count home we tun nd
Nil mound (ho ll iv mid you can hutm
to my iuU ( who.
TIllHit HH U illHllI UWtiliNll I" H"'
tiunim' ytmimiUy flmJ alui wu nui
Mb iu tpk' Ittu' ittijblwt' iiin bunk i"
QmVb Md m Iowa lwk lutu
tin ii 'MamAa (Vr imt.
Commercial Club Comedy
The Grand Theatre was filled to
its capacity Thursday evening to wit -
ncss the Commercial club benefit play,
"A Cheerful Liar" The comedy proved
to be filled witli action and fun and
kept the audience in an uproar from
start to finish.
The plot of the comedy consisted of
the efforts of the daughter of a Chica
go real estate operator and a parent
less young man to plight their troth.
The real estate man objected to the
attentions of the young man and tho
young couple fled to an Indiana town
,and sought out a rural justice to per
form tho ceremony.
Tho judge recalled the irate father
as a friend of his youth and set about
to placate him. The old gentleman's
objection to the suitor seemed to be his
lack of family standing so the judge
set about supplying him with suitable
parents. A minister who conducted
a gold cure and an old maid school
teacher were found who for a golden
bait promised to pose as the parents.
Hut the housekeeper of the gold
cure man exposed the fraud and a new
deal had to be made.
At tho solicitation of the father the
judge promises to seek out the young
lady and offer himself in marriage.
The young lady hears of the threaten
ed prospect; dresses as a sporty youth
flinl pretends to be her brother Hill.
Tho judge finds Hill a huskey youth
but his feminine looks appears to have
A Quiet Home Wedding;
Miss Lucina Davison and William
Stevenson Married Last Night
A quiet and happy wedding took
place in HandouMonday night when
William Stavenson, cook of the
Speedwell took advantage of tho pres
ence of that boat in this port to take
unto himself a wife. The bride was
IWiss Lucina Davison, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. L. J. Davison, at whose home
I lie ceremony took place. L. J. Hryon
and wife acted as best man and bride's
maid, tho later being a sister of the
I ride. In the nature of the grponi's
calling as a traveler of the deep
t.iO ceremony had to be more or less
impromptu. He had tried to per
suade a fellow sailor of the Speed
well to be his grooni'sman but the
biter shied at the proceeding. He
was iiciistomed to seeing snliccs
J made and knots tied but was afraid
that the parlor 'kind was not in his
nautical lexicon. Some dainty re
freshments were served at the con
clusion of the ceremony which was
performed by Rev. W. S. Smith.
A few friends who had gathered
outside gave the inevitable musical
part of tho program and the happy
couple left on the Speedwell for Coos
Hay from which they will sail on their
wedding trip to San Diego and return,
WeatherReport for June
Handon, Oregon, July 1, 1915
Editor Handon Recorder:
The rainfall for the month of Juno
was 0.S2. Days rainy and cloudy 7.
Days part cloudy 1. Days clear 10.
The rainfall for tho corresponding
mouth of 1011 was 1.05, a ditrerrnce
of 1.111 less this year.
O. WIRKN, Co-operative Observer.
Tho net receipts of tho Commer
cial club play was $08.
Royal llasvaiian Siiitfws& Concur! Co, a(
Cuts Continuous Capers
I for the judge the suggestion of n joke
J on the would be bride groom
He asks Mill to change to woman's
apparel and pretend to be a woman
and he then will marry him to the in
fatuated youth and the whole will be
a joke that strikes the judge hugely.
This is done and leads to tho final
happy ending.
None of this takes into mention tho
judge's constable and factotum, per
haps the best comedy part of the play
'ISvernrd Koyle carried out the pait
very nicely and managed to have his
finger in about all the pie that was
passed. As the star actor, Koy Thorn
made a fine Kentucky judge. With ac
cent and mannerisms lie was right
there all the time and won merited ap
plause. Tom Laird, as the preacher
who vtprked the gold cure to make a
living did well with a difficult part
and Dr. Sorensen was all that a love
lorn swain could be.
J. T. Lilian! as the irate parent was
choleric and tempestuous
Mrs. Felsheim acted a difficult part
with naturalness and ease and did ex
cellently in assuming the part of her
brother Dill. Miss Dorothy Gibson
also did well and as the old maid
school teacher Miss Pearl Crain had
an inimitable nasal manner of talk
ing. The comedy" went off nicely and
"Try again" is the universal expres
sion. Powers will Play Here
Local Hall Tossers Will Endeavor to
Return Favors in Sunday's Game
The base ball season will officially
open next Sunday with a game be
tween Bandon and Powers. This is a
return game, exchanging visits for the
day recently spent by the local boys
at Powers. On that visit the locals'
were trimmed but they have made
a number of readjustments in their
line-up and hopo to make a few more
by Sunday that will enable them to
reverse the score of that last game.
The boys have recently made a num
ber of improvements to the ball park.
They have repaired the fence and put
in bleachers and a grand stand. They
are not out to make money but with
the right kind of patronage they will
give local fans a full schedule of base
They will charge an admission of
25 cts to tho grounds with free ad
mission to the grand stand.
Tho management is booking games
now with other teams nd provided
they are given an encouraging pat
ronage will be able to offer some in
teresting sport.
The Elizabeth had a long list of
passengers when she came in Friday.
Folowing is the list:Mr. and Mrs. A,
P. McMillar, Dorothy Darling, Mrs,
A. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Rosa,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Adams and child,
Mike Ezdiek, G. H. Lenberg, and wife,
Arthur, Anna and Cora Lenberg, O.
H. Mottley, Thos. Cosgrove, Frank
Hlick, Frank Slembecker, Ralph
Houston, II. W. Motley, Joe Mudock,
E. J. O'Connell, C. M. Roomer, L. E.
Greeland, T. J. Couglin, Chris Lossne,
G. G. Hert, A. Peters.
The list of tho Hrooklyn is: Char
ley Willard, Francos Green, William
GaUey, D.'G. Weal.
John Shaft and Ed Howmau rep
resented Powers in Handon Sunday.
Dance Ticket of First Fourth of July
Celebration Held in the City
Mrs. J. L. Kronenberg has a relic
which is very interesting at this time
This is n dance ticket for the first lth
of July celebration ever held in Dan
don. The ticket reads; "Grand Dene
fit Hall, Dandon, Oregon, July 1th,
1878. Tickets $15.00, including supper.
Proceeds to be used in improving the
mouth of the Coquille." This celebra
tion was arranged for by a company
of men of whom Mrs. Kronenborg's
father, Captain Judah Pnrker, was
the leading was to raise funds
to make the first harbor improve
ments. Originally the mouth of the
river wound among the rocks of the
beach. The first improvement was to
make the outlet direct to the sea.
Senator George and General Joseph
Lane made a visit to this section at
about this time and observing the
struggle the people of Dandon were
making to get a boat outlet for the
river to the ocean brought the matter
to the attention of congress and se
cured the first appropriation for har
bor work.
Made His Pard Dance
Vrrhie Madden of Heaver Hill Aims
Revolver at John Lowe's Feet and
Itids him Dance the Can Can
A real western melodrama was en
acted last Wednesday at Heaver hill.
Two ranchers, Archie Madden and
John Lowe had lived together peac
ably until, enthused by liquor, Madden
worked up a quarrel with Lowe as to
where they should buy their groceries
and he wound up by drawing a revol
ver and bidding Lowe to lift his feet
and dance.
1 1 Lowe, declining to furnish the en
tertainment, Maddm pulled the trig
ger. On the third snap tho weapon
Qxploded and a bullet plumped itself
into Lowe's leg below the knee and
ntriking the bone.
i Lowe proceeded to Coquille and had
the bullet cut out. Then he proceeded
to tho-justice's office and swore out
a 'warrant for Madden's arrest. After
w,hicli a constable took the warrant
and proceeded to arrest Madden.
, It took some hard work to put the
lomautie Madden in jail. He was in
laipalile of helping himself and being
large the officers found carrying him
to be warm work. He is held to the
grand jury in $1,000 bonds, furnished
by a brother.
Wedding at Installation
Wednesday, July 14th will be color
ed in red letters on the calendar of
tho local lodges of Odd Fellows and
Rebekahs. The date is their regular
night for the installation of officers
and in addition there will be a wed
ding celebrated. L. I. Wheeler, Ban
yan's photographer will be a princi
pal actor in both instances. He will
be installed noble grand of tho Odd
Fellows and will bo one of the con
tracting parties at the wedding, his
bride to do, being Mrs. Margaret
Qgren will also lie installed war
den of the Rebekahs.
A grand banquet will follow the
wedding and installation to which on
ly lodgo members are invited.
Witli three big attractions on this
week, Manager Sellmcr is doing his
best to give patrons of the Grand
something for their money.
Ito Crawl, July KMh
Young Couple United
at a Church Wedding
Ralph Dippcl and Miss Edna Gallicr Mar
ried on Last Wednesday of June
The most notable Wedding which
this city has witnessed in many moona
occurred in the Episcopal church hero
in tho evening of last day of tho month
of brides and roses. The contracting
parties were S. Ralph Dippei and Miss
Edna Gallier, favorites in Handon's
social circles.
A large company of invited guests
were present to witness the nuptials.
The ring ceremony was used with all
the formalities of a church wedding.
Stephen Gallier, father of the bride
gave her away. Miss Gladys Strader
was maid of honor and the bride's
sister and cousin, Gladys and Alice
Gallier were bridesmaids. Lentner
Gallier was best man and little Mar
garet Tuttle, dressed in whito, car-
the ring. Reed Gallier and Clarence
Tuttle acted as ushers.
The bride was dressed in whito chif
fon over white poplin and wore a
veil with a wreath of orange blossonn.
She carried a shower boquet of whito
Tho wedding party entered tho
church at 8 o'clock, to the music of tho
wedding march played by Mrs. Geo.
Friends and relatives of the bride
had been busy decorating and the
interior of the church was resplendent
with flowers, Shasta daisies and pink
and white roses furnished the coloring
banked with green. A feature of the
decorations was a bell fashioned of
daisies, suspended in front of the al
tar Rev. Wm. Horsefall performed tho
ceremony at the conclusion of whicla
reception was held in the grill room of
the Gallier hotel with covers laid for
thirty six.
The bride was the recipient of many
beautiful and costly presents including
a chest of silver, a sewing machine, q
cut glass water set and many other
sjmilar articles.
The bride who is a daughter of
Stephen Gallier, senior of the brothers
conducting tho hotel of that name is
a graduate of the Handon High School
of this year's class and is highly es
teemed. The Galliers have lived to
gether, practically as one family for
years and Mrs. Dipple is the first to
break from the circle.
Mr. Oipplu is a son of II. C. Dipplo
couucilmnn and real estate nun and is
popular witli all. The young couple
have the best wishes of tho communi
ty for health and prosperity in their
matrimonial voyage.
Promptly following the wedding
luncheon tho up to date stunts of wed
ding horse play were gone through
with. Hoth bride and groom weru
kidnapped by separate parties and the
former taken ten miles beyond Myrtle
Point and the latter to Langlois, to be
returned to Dandon at about six o'
clock in tho morning. Suspecting a
rescue, the boys trier to put Goo. I.u
faw's car out of commission but tho
latter was on the alert and succeeded
in a uartial way in rescuing both
bride and groom from their joy riding
Death of Young Woman
.Miss Florence Counts Piishoh Away
at the Age of Eighteen
Iist Friday on the morning of her
wilding day, Miss Florence Counta
was taken seriounly sick, convwywl
o i hospital. Sho died on Sulurdiy
Ight, Her funeral was held Monday
fU"iioon at 2 o'clock from tho HI
hug . on undertaking purlon ami w is
I rgaly attended. Rov. C. May m
'flli inted Npe.iLiiig woriU of tomfu t
o I he bereaved. Tlw floml oiler
,'i iiiaiiy, llifiv wr llUi illy I ' i
,if liiittem i i,d Mm Imi1 wii i. 4
i I in Hi K night of I'ylliiu'. --
i. .
ie Ilia Ithl NluJ ImmJ IIMMiy !'
; 'iJ mImi ImmI luMMt wortUuir '
i i Htut vm N ihjbl'' ft
J i'mt, tm ut tii' wviMt'
Utmim m4 " iir 1
4 Ann Mr imp tkf I i$ (kt