The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, June 22, 1915, Image 6

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    Boyle Jewelry Co.
into their new fireproof store room in
the Ellingson building, next door to the
Orange Pharmacy, on July 1st.
We will be better equipped to give
you prompt service, for your wants are
what we wish to satisfy.
We extend to you our thanks for your
liberal patronage and hope to continue
receiving the same.
Mrs. S. C. Jolmson visited recently
with relatives in Coquille.
Ituth Burkhnrt spent a few days
during the past week with friends at
U. H. Hunt of New Lake, is in Han
don staying at his father's while tak
ing medical treatment.
Ucv. Ilryan of the Coquille M. E.
church was a visitor in Handon last
week as the guest of Kov. nnd Mrs.
C. M. Knight.
Victor, Victrolns and records at
Sabro Uros. tf
Bandon, Coquille &
Two Big Sev:n Passenger
Cadillac Curs
Leaves Handon Leaves Coquille
Hotel Callier anil iaxU.r 0,.
Howling Alley
- .... I or Handon
7:(M), a. in.
1:00, p. in. 8:15, a. m.
Leaves Marsh Held
Winkler's I'harinacy
and Hotel Chandler
7:00, a. in.
1:00, p. in.
2:15, p. m.
For Marshfield
8:15, a. in.
2:15, p. in.
Fare J 1 .50 tlirowih to Marshfield
Look for While Pennant Cars
Ray Martin, Prop.
. ,T,AAt..t.l,,f1.f, J,A.T..T,.Tliy..T..T,.Ti ii.T.T.A
Hiecle Repairs Saw Filing
and Repairing A Specialty
Phone 471
IV O. Box 174
S. D. Barrows
Will lakr nrtlf r for Iticyrtrt of all kintls
and Pope Motor.Cyrtrt aho Colian Kow
Ixial Molnrs,
Stupendously Spectacular
"The Christian"
Atlaptrd from Hall CaineN famous Notrl
111 Kij,'lit Filmed Acts
4. I'lii.lin nl l i lie- Viuuriih ('"iiipinv i(
X ('!. Without .Unlit tin- cuatr.t M
Wednesday, June 23rd, 1915
TWO SII()VS.7;I5, 9,15
X AdinUilon 20c. Cliildrui) wulvr 10 yuwr, I Or
Mr. and Mrs. .1 .L. Hoover have
tnoveil to Powers.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Warren of Co
iuilc are enjoying the Bandon breezes
for a few weeks.
John Thorhavcn of Handon is driv
ing the freight wagon for Frank Cox
this week. Curry County Leader.
, The Ladies' Aid of the Prcsl ytcr
ian church held their regular meeting
on the bench last Wednesday after
noon. F. D. Fletcher, representative of the
Sperry flours of Marshfield and Hurt
Dorcmus were over with a party of
Moose from Marshfield Thursday ev
ening. Mr. and Mrs. Uoy Corson arrived
in town Wednesday evening from
Portland and will live in the house
locently vacated by. Prof, and Mrs.
! 'opkins.
Mrs C. F. Papc entertained a few
friends Inst Wednesday evening with
Mrs. Mary T. Littlefield, grand chief
of the Pythian Sisters as the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sabin returned
from their trip to Portland last night.
Mr. Sabin attended the session of the
Masonic grand lodge in Portland and
on the way back they visited friends
in Uoseburg, returning overland.
Mrs. II. Mnskey, wife of the Second
: treet tailor, started for Portland
Friday where she will submit to an
operation, a very serious one, for can
cer of the stomach, to be performed
by a specialist in the state metropo
lis. Mrs. .1. A. Walstroni and Miss Lena
Langlois returned Tuesday night from
their visit in Portland. They went ov
erland over the old Coos Hay road by
way of Sitkum and found the trip to
Uoseburg a very pleasant one. Their
entire trip, in fact was a most enjoy
able one.
Vititgraph Miislerpior. "The
Chrislian" in eight big reels Grand,
Wednesday night, June 2.'l.
House furniture, for sale. Inquire
1 at Uecorder oflice.
Attorneys at Law
Suit No a
First Nat Hank Hldg., HANDON
ini ina I raining an All Star
'Uij; IV Hurt rvrr nude
The circuit court ta nt last over
and jurymen are at home once more.
Johnson & Payne, contractors of
Murshfield were in Handon Saturday.
Miss Clair Thorhaven and Miss Tina
Olson have returned from a visit in
Dr. Wetherbee of the Star ranch
passed through Bandon last week on
his way to Portland.
There will be a sale of home cooked
food at John Dickey's store next Sat
urday given by the Ladies of the M.
E. church, south.
There is a meeting of the presby
tery in' the Bandon Presbyterian
church. Ucv. Stubblefield of Marsh
field is the principal speaker.'
Hobert Marsdcn of North Bend was
in Handon Wednesday night as the
traveling representative of the film
feature, "Neptune's Daughter".
If you want to see the greatest mov
ing picture play ever produced go to
the Grand next Wednesday night and
sec "The Christian" in eight reels.
The price of admission for the big
Vitagraph feature "The Christian"
will be 20 cts for adults and 10 cts for
children. Grand Wednesday, June 211.
J. D. Mills came down from Port
land to attend the funeral of his son
Arthur Mills nnd will stay long
enough to close up the lattcr's bus
iness affairs.
Henry Cox, civil war veteran and
old resident of Coos and Curry who
was taken to his home at Langlois
last week sufTering from the effects
of a stroke is reported as improving
The telephone office has been chang
this week from the Sorensen homo to
the Cheever & Bowman building. Miss
Mattic Russell lias taken charge and
will operate the line for long or short
distance. Langlois Leader.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sumner and fam
ily left on the Brooklyn for San Fran
cisco where they go to work on a fruit
ranch in the neighborhood of that city
and expect to be gone until time for
school to start in September.
The Elizabeth arrived this morning
witli the following list of passengers:
Mrs. P. S. Coke, Mrs. E. Lorenzo,
.Miss Esther Monsen, Mrs. Hobert Fosc
Mrs. N. H. Lycker, Geo. Adams, Mrs.
Jane Adams, W. Darling, Henry Pet
erson, D. O. Murphy, C. Tumwall.
A picnic party consisting of Wm.
Seltner, O. A. Trowbtidie and fami
lies, Miss Gladys Strader, George
Laird and Lentner Gallier went Satur
day afternoon for an over Sunday
fishing and recreation trip to Hock'
creek and Myrtle creek, the other side
of Bridge.
The Higlit Hev. Walter Sumner, D.
D., Bishop of Oregon disoccse, will
hold confirmation services and preach
at the Baudot) Episcopal church at
11:00 o'clock next Sunday. This will
bo Bishop Sumner's first visit to Ban
don and he is expected to arrive next
While working on B. Wagner's
ranch near the Sixes, James Haft had
theniisfortuno to sprain his leg the
first of the week. They took him to
the Bandon hospital and at last re
ports he was getting along nicely.
Lnglois Leader.
One of the announcements made
by Light House Inspector Warick last
week wast he fact that a new light
house tender is being built at Seattle
for the accommodation of light houses
along the coast. The boat will draw
seven foot of water and is to be called
the Hose and its light draft will en
able it to reach the smallehr ports
along the coast.
Light house Inspector Hobert War
rick was here on an official visit last
week. One of the results of the in
spector's visit will lie the placing of a
stake light on the north shore of the
river at the bend near the Moore mill.
Two buoys will bo placed hero as well
for the guidance of boats that may
wish to go up the river to Prosper as
well as to Hiverton and Coquille now
that the channel has been cleared and
made this trip possible.
John H. Still well, one time of Ban
don but recently of Portland, was in
dicted by the grand jury last term for
failure to provide for his wife and
children and was n Trent ed uhI week
ill Vancouver, Washington and iwt
mi ted lo f'oipillle, There ho furnished
appropriate bail lo Slierlir .Inhiitnn
a ml in now in llundon awaiting fur
ther pioreiwllngn. ( U HUly that
the charge (hut will be iiixod mont
liiiiiKly iiKiiliwt him i wmlfiiipl nf
vtmit In running lo uty (lit rouil'i
imlwr llwl hit pay In tint vrU uf
Uhm MHfHiy ftt with inuHtli Ur lit
ujiHrl uf Mt family,
litjUM'tttl wUiiM fW ymu afc"lf
14-iim wut I UvuulA turn Mtltf Jta
J'rW flJKi mium. U
Ivimi) lu Capn llf llir
I'wd 114 Am at Urn- Nf
mlid 4mm$, Pt
liUtd Uty H tfft UtM Had ifctttw
W. L. Mast vaa a visitor in Co
quille Thursday.
The Powers boys will play a return
game here Sunday July 11th.
T. P. Hanly and son Torn of Lnmpa
creek were visitors in Bandon today.
Dr. K. A. Leop of Myrtle Point vis
ited with Bandon relatives Thursday.
-Col. Uosa was in Coquille Saturday
to attend a session of the port com
mission there.
N. G. W. Perkins and wife came
over from Myrtle Point for an auto
ride Thursday.
The 10 year old son of Mr. Taylor,
who lives in F. J. Chatburn's house in
East Bandon died last week and was
buried at Norway.
The steamer Phoenix came in Sun
day evening and tho Brooklyn went
out with a cargo of lumber and a list
of passengers.
W. K. Hanna died at his home in
this city last Saturday and was bur
ied Monday in the new cemetery. Mr.
llanna was born in Jefferson City,-Mo.
March 8, 1839. He was a rcsidont of
Oregon for forty years, his fnmily
settling in Oakland. He came to Ban
don from North Bend four years ago.
Tile wedding of two popular Bandon
young people, Halph Hippie and Miss
Edna Gallier will lake place at St
John's Episcopal church Wednesday
evening of next week.
Last Tuesday afternoon a shower
was given to the bride to be at the
home of Mrs. Nels Hasmussen. Eacli
of the guests contributed a silver
quarter, the collection being contain
ed in a hand painted silk br.g, made by
Mrs. Kronenbcrg.
The Pythian Sisters had special
doings Wednesday night and enter
tained grand lodge officers and visi
tors. These were Mrs. Mary Litllufield
grand chief of the order, of Portland,
District Deputy Hachcl Sehroeder of
Coquille her daughter, Miss Sehroeder
and Mr. Davis of Coquille. Throe can
didates were admitted to the lodge
by initiation. After the lodge closed
there was something to eat and a ro
cial time. Of course there was talking
with the feed and in this, J. W. Mast
and C. F. Pape did their share.
A very pleasant evening is reported
An attempting burglarizing of (lie
Gross Brothers Saloon was reported
in last issue. Walter Morgan was ar
rested as tho most likely person re
sponsible, and upon preliminary exa
mination some danlaging evidence
was produced, and lie was bound over
to appear before the Grand Jury. Mr,
Morgan claims to he only IS years old,
but appears to bo a man with a record
behind him, and we understand that
that lie lias heretofore been before
the juvenile court and is now only out
on parole. Being unable to furnish
$500 bail, he promptly landed in the
County Jail to await developments.
Marshfield is advertising a Fourth
of July celebration. In this respect
the city seems to have a monopoly ii
this section as it is the only celebra
tion to speak for the patronage of th
people on that date. In the matter of
the observance of the nation's bnth
the bay city is making up for the lack
of enthusiasm in other parts by cel
ebrating two days this year instead
of one which the coming of the Fourth
on a Sunday allows them to do. Sat
urday and Monday arc the two days
of Marshfield's celebration and patrons
can go one day or both or make it
three if they desire. It is hoped to
have the program for the next issue of
the Recorder.
T. W. Chatburn of Independence, Mo.
arrived Friday of last week and is now
domiciled at the residence of his son,
F. J. Chatburn in this city. Mr. Chat
ham lias been for years a missionary
of the church of Latter Day Saints
and will have charge while here of
the field of South Western Oregon.
He came to Bandon from Kansas City,
by way of Spokane and Portland. In
the former place he stopped for n
short time and took part in the ac
tivities of the church there. The Spo
kane Chronicle printed his picture Ir.
making note of his visit to the city.
Although 7!) years of age Mr. Chat
burn is active and expects to put in
a busy suinmor. He wan here four
years ago and liken this iiectinn of
the Union very much,
Mr. and Mm. Arthur Sumner go
this week to Hiverton to stay all Hum
mer. Mr. Sumner it ono of the old net
tiers of llaiiilon and In an old soldier.
Ho enllntiNl from MinntMoUt and served
Hourly four your, lie suffered expos
ure in the attack on Fort DoiiuIiImhi'
from whlrh ho has rwvi fully recov
erwl. Tliti army iwwi a forced iiiwi.I.
Ui till point, wItJwml KKtra clot In i ik
MIHl H illllll llllttWIIIMV ut food The
uMiy tiilny wlUi whlrh ihy won. ell
4jiplid WM nJaUtttlHtf HUUllnU Th)
tiwiw Mt ftlluwd l litrtil n h.
WuuUi hIImw Utf miwmf Ut h'll ihun
A tMUM tUaafM wmw up rumylvUiit u
ii wUu mw w4i MMf, Mi Hum
A. Hnhherly Hcturns from Visit to
the East, South and Southwest
Rev. A. Habberly returned Inst i
week from a sis weeks trip through 1
the oast and reports a most enjoyable
journey. He visited the San Francisco!
fair and agrees with those who think j
it is the finest ever. From San Fran-:
clsco lie went to Los Angeles, taking,
the Southern Pacific route to New '
Orleans where he saw the sights of
that venerable city. On his way to the
north he stopped for a time at his
birthplace in Tennessee recalling the ;
memories of youth. He visited with
relatives in Brooklyn, Now York and j
then on to Rochester to attend tho '
conference of the Presbyterians there, i
Secretary Bryan who shares with
President Wilson the honor of being
among the nation's most prominent
Presbyterians and who had been ex
pected to have a stellar part in the
proceedings of the council was not
able Ui be proscrl. The affairs or statu
were in such a critical condition that j
the secretary could not absent him-,
self long enough to attend tho meet-,
ing ns he had planned to do.
From Rochester Mr. Ilabborly went
to Salisbury, Mo., to visit relatives
and returned to Bandon by way of
Portland. Mr. McNair who wis his
traveling companion over a portion
of the distance went to Canada where
he joined Mrs. McNair for a vi.sit with
Our county assessor, T. J. Thrift
and Mrs. Thrift returned last week
from an extended trip. They attended
the commencement excrciBon of the
Oregon Agricultural School at Cor
vallis where their daughter Belle, was
.graduated and from there the three
proceeded to Portland to take in the
Rose Festival.
Special Services al Brethren Crutch
The interest in the revival at the
Brethren church is increasing. Elder
Levi Butorbaugh is a man of power in
the pulpit. His delivery is clear and
forceful. The meetings will continue
throughout next week. Song and
praise service from 7:!U) to 8:00 and
preaching at 8:00 eacli evening. Ev
erybody is cordially invited.
Special Aufo Service
All Bandon auto drivers have a
greed to make a special rate to- the
Klakahma grounds next Saturday
night of ten cents fare one way or 15
cents for the round trip. All public
cars will run from their usual stands,
starting nt about 7::10 and leaving as
often as each trip can lie made. Start
early and avoid the rush.
Buy your wedding gifts at Sabro
Bros. We handle good.-; of the best
quality at reasonable prices. tf
I yi-IAT Job Printing
I paid in cash, counts
I for votes, in the Rec-
order Contest. A vote
s for each five cents. This
also applies to subscrip-
tion and other accounts.
Recorder Publishing Co.
A Birthday Party
A very happy social event took
place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V.
W. Pat her on Friday evening in whi i
members of the Epworth Leagi 3
took a prominent part. Tho occasio i
was the 25th birthday of Frcderi
Monnoltc, who is a son of Mrs. Par -or.
There wre thirty five guests pre
i and a delightful time was spc w
in social games for which rather cla'
orate preparations had been mad
Mrs. Arthur Sweet, Miss Elizabel i
Fox and Miss Harriet Sweet ea A rt
dered a vocal solo. An abundant at i
appetizing luncheon was served.
How to Collect a Hotel Bill
M. M. Young, proprielor of t'
Baxter Hotel at Coquille came do i
yesterday to swear out a warrart fo
one L. Scott who he claimed h. I
"jumped" a board bill, ami was now .
Iiout to depart secretely on a boat f
California. Within 20 minutes afi
the warrant was issued the young m i
was arrested and arraigned, ami gi.
until this morning to enter his pie..,
and meantime allowed to go o i h
own recognisance. Constable Blackt
by discovered what appeared to be s
attempt to defeat the process of law
and immediately landed the yotit
man behind the bars. A few inintit
later, said Scott paid Ids board 1...
and the case was dismissed.
Abotc thorn All The Groat Uil t
Heel Vitagiaph Feature "The Clirii'
inn"" see it at the Grand no t
A fishing boat from Marshfie 1
came into the river yesterday ai 1
tied up at the dock disposing of lit.,
and halibut to the people of the cil.
For Sale: Two Fine Building Lofs
in Woolen Mill addition. Will sell at
sacrifice if taken at once. Inquire of
Mrs. Anna Holland, x
For Sale: 10 acres, with improve
ments for sale or trade. Will tal,
wagon and team. Property located 1 i
mile south of Prosper. Terms reason
able. For particulars write or call l
T. J. Owen, Prosper, Oregon. MJ1 2 v
For Sale One, tun and three lot i.
all in one tract adjoining II Schre1
er's and opposite the Moore saw mi 1.
All cleared. Spring water. Best prop
sition in town, F. II. Mason, SO? I.
Water street, Ellensburg, Wash.
For Sale Cheap, for cash One 11.
C. II. automobile. But little used in I
good as new. A fine car for sand in. I
hill climbing. Original cost !?1,1;.
Also o..o now Baby Grand Piano, t .
E. Kopf, Bandon.
For Sale Cheap: 100 foot while eel
ar picket fence with red cedar porti.
C. E. Bowman. tf
lift Wowitfiaui i a bwMt4 Uu
f itu Uml -i