The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, June 22, 1915, Image 3

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    1 1
e v o
Phone 294.
East Second Street
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Buy Garden and Farm Produce
The Best Butter of Locai
A Grand Prize of a Free Trip to thcPanamn-Pncific Imposition at
San Francisco will lie Riven to the young lady who secures the great
est number of votes in this conical.
The firms ihuse advertisements appear on this page have agreed
lo Rive Sales Slips with all Cash Purchases of them or monthly bills
paid to them.. These Slips or receipts. may be exchanged for totes,
one vote for each ." els credited, at the Recorder office. Contest closes
Saturday, August 28th. See elsewhere in this paper for particulars.
J. I Foster
I'.. II. Henry
rosier & Ihnry, Proprietors
U. S. & Firestone Tires
Automobiles for Hire
Automobile Repairing &
Machine Shop in Connection
Photic 51 I'honc 51
Electric Wiring
Hot Point
Appliances &
Lamps in
W. L. Mast
For Camping, Fishing and Horse Hack Rid
ing, made of best Khaki.
Walking Dresses, each $2.00
Riding Dresses, each $3.00
Walking Skirts, each $1.25
Divided Skirts, each $2.00
Bloomers, each 75c
Fall in line and se
cure a free trip to
the Fair by trading
with nr. One vote
fur every 5c purchase
and five percent dis
count on cash purchases.
Wt tfhutf Hash
We may live without poetry, music and art;
We may live without conscience, may love with
out heart;
We may live, without lovers live, without hope;
But civilized "'omen "miot live without soap.
We may live without hooks what is knowledge,
but sorrow ;
We may live without beauty, it fades on the
We may live without law suits, indictments are
But, where is the one who can live 'without washing
l ,lr",i" The Bandon Steam Laundry, Inc.
The Little
Store With
The Big
Fruit and Vegetables
Bread. Confectionary
and Groceries
We Are Prepared To Serve You
Better Than You Have Been
Served Before
Our tol. nf ilmes ami hosiery for Men, l-ailies ami Children,
.ilso Men,' KtiiiiMiiiiKS N l.trger ami mine complete, tlian in any pre.
vious season.
Neither the Ktiiopenu war, nor loeal conditions will effect our
service or prices. In fact in our shoes, you can get the style and ser
vice mmsnlly fmmd in shoes that cost you at least 75c or $1,110 more than
our price.
Call and See Them. fy O'CON
Shoe Kepair Shop in Connection Opposite the Grand Tlic.itie
Voles for Couutcst Willi Kery 5c I'urcliase
Saturday, June 26th
We will hold a
25c Clearance Sale
of ods and ends including hats, flowers, braids,
and other articles
See Our Window
240 First Street West
C. ! (). ! R 1) M A N, Proprietor
All Kinds of Fresh and
Salt Meats, Fish and
7 4
Anxious Mothers At
tack All-Night Dances
Parents Complain at tang Honrs For
Young Peoples IHeasves
lust before going to press tho fol
io) ing communication was brought to
mi oflico by a well known Bandon
im ther with the modest roquest that
a e printed.
K ntor Recorder'
I ill consider it a kind act if you will
th nugh tho columns of your paper,
a attention to the hours tha public
d i oea are allowed to run in the city
:' Bandon. It is high time that the
in yor and City council plneo a bai
u n dance thai are now tunning un
ti the amall houra of Sunday morn
in , and regulate and clone Uiene danc-
it 12 o'clock -! urp and thereby ob-
m the la"- 01 the atate aa It ta
1.1 ' being i.m-'d 1 lghbor-
II towr
of 1 ll 1 . 1 1 . Ifi
, 1 t. y ' ,
,11 nil . ' Hun-
,1 "I
.i rim momc: aiut
M I 'l I ' Iw'fuli'
I , V .( Ill
. i i
"01 ec iich laws us will uphold tin nior
Is oi' tho city without sm initiative
from t'-e jieoplu?
Now for action, wo shall tnnitilain a
watchful waiting policy.
A fl Kill CLASS ATTIrri()N
The initallation of n central energy
system recently petitioned for by res
idents of Coquille is buing hold in n
heynnoo by the f?luphono company
awaiting a decision by the state util
ities commission giving the right to
raise rates with the change.
Powerful Slory. "The Christ inn to he
Shown in I'holn Play at the (Jrand
G. C. Smith nf the Salmon moun
tains country was lined $100 nt Co
tjuille for shooting doer out of seas
on. The fine was an extra heavy ono
levied l efause Smith was a bad actor
and hid escaped from the warden onee
after ! ning arrested. Hut big fine or
little fine were all the same to Smith
lis he had no money with which to
piy ard he was paroled during good
1 enavior.
T. J. Clark, recently injured by a
stona which struck him un tho back
hn it ef me rolling down tha sides of
t'.c cut being made in Ilrewstar val-l.-y,
offered to settle with the county
for MOO. But the county rvfuaaa! to
in y and Clerk 1 1 ought suit. lat week
m CeiiuilU h was awaruoa $i,Nou as
in( . A peculiarity of bis auk
if it relation Ut tha eniplayor's li
ly a-t Ctri was werkinc for N
'trr ai4 the laMr Nm, aontrat'l
ittun '' cmiity, flaii wwid ha
r,4 mf Hirry' etulsft
1 iuu'i.1 ,,n i.i tin, Jatinr's tm
$ IP kt lMHVi fctjl
Glory Quaiie, a natural born mimic,
leaves hor country home, reaches Lon
don, goes on the stage, gains fame,
nflluonre. .lohti Storm, her country
lover, believing ho lias loit Glory for
ever enters ti nioiuisttary, tries to for
get her, can not kill his love, returns
to the world, becomes a famous slum
worker and friend of the poor. Lord
Robert Ure, a social vampire, a beast
in human form, betrays Glory's chum,
Polly Uvo. Glory tells John of Lord
Robert's wicked treatment of poor
Polly. .John demands Hint Lord Rob
ert mnrry Polly to save hor from dis
honor. Lord Robert refusos ns he in
tends to nury a rich American heir
ess. Terrille elush between tho right
of John and the mip-ht of Lord Robert.
John expoites Ird Robert who swonrs
revenge. Polly dies of ghuni't and a
broken hen i t.
bird Robert plans a flondiwli 10
venge on John. Ho spreads broad
i.ssl the report tlint John predicts
the end of tlio world on Derby tiny,
the great! dsy of in I'.mfliin I
John htHNiiHM an ul j rt of bi.tnil.
Urllaln Is wrought Up by ,luhn al
leged prediiHion. Ml former frlwmU
beoM biltel tiw. The uiMMJuiatod
uik wv k sie hi iih.hmI ft-Mi. Tlioii
mmios Mild Uiiiiiuii,h im Hi- riot n
gaiiua) John, Wub-.pi. i uwfil
yttit in tin -inn, 1 1, ,.( u
roituNi a day 1 . u..,. 1 f ii
rNM ut the tiH4 fuMMUo Iteity
, with Ma aTN'ui loiw 11.
'iaily for lijeaw a, . . 1
' ,11. M
I.. 1 s
hordes and saver, him from them.
Through persecution, John's mind be
comes unbalanced. That night fear
ful for Glory, John goes to her home,
'tries lo kill her to save hor from a
fate like tho one that befell poor Pol
ly. Glory rises supreme, makes a
niagnifieient defense, recalls John to
his senses, helps establish his inno
eeitHo, proves Lord Robert's guilt, ac
cepts John's love, joins him for life,
be it better or worse, and in spite of
the terror, the deep disappointment
ihe triliutatioiis the nsuuderstand
ing, in spite of all, Glory and John
find happiness in each other's lives.
Come and see it nt the Grand
Theatre Wednesday, June 211. Owing
to hard times prices adults l.'0c Child
ren 10c.
Reports to tho Grand Lodge of Ma
sons in session in Portland Inst week
.showed a membership of the order in
the state of 11,230, an increase of
1,000 in tho state during tho your.
Since the death of little I'm neon
Maddux by drinking coal oil 11 week
ago Inst Sunday, two other babies at
Mamhfield have dm the same thing
though! by the piumpt njinlirution of
ifiiiedic , their lives wwre saved. J low
it 4oubl wlivti fur a yar and a
lialf before there hail lieen no ac-i-nlfiitN
,( thin kind, thro nhould hap
ih n in im week i - oiiwt Itinff we shall
out to ii i-kilmn ( vi laioly tha !
ixii i u uMtkM in th
' awiaidae whn Mm?
iii (hn uwU tha IfMae t'niiallla
Hi 'tllM'l
t 4 m ft 41m to tt
The Rest Climate in the Country
Talking one day of this week with
a gentleman who has resided in a good
many different section of this country
although he was about lo move away
from here into another slate, he said
he believed Coos and Curry Counties
possessed the best climate in the Unit
ed States. This coincides with the
opinion wo have formed after a resi
dence of about a pear and n half in
the Coipiille vlley. The worst that
any one can any of it that it some
times rains too much. It never gets
very hot or very ci Id, and the ex
treme average ran of temperature
hardly exceeds sou ily degrees. This
is scarcely -moro than half the l.'IO
degree range towhich we wore accus
tomed in "Sunny Sou' hern Kam is,"
and certainly nink-'H one of the most
enviable of cliinal" .- Coipiille Sentinel.
I M () N H Y ! M O N U V !
! The mint makes it and under the
! terms of theCONTI N KNTA L MORT
'GAGK COMPANY you can secure it
nt (1 percent for tiny legal purpose on
I approved real estate. Terms easy, tell
us your wants and we will co-operate
with you.
-III Dciiham llltlg., Denver, Colo.
WANTiCD A reliable and active nmn
or woman in liautlon to organize
neighborhood magazine clubs. Mom
hers receive their favorite imign'.iniv
al one third less than the legular price
laud pay monthly. New plan. Work of
organizing pleasant aim Highly promt
able and can he done in spare time.
Regular monthly income. In reply
ing give qualifications and reference.
Magazine company, l!ox lnfi, Times
Sitiare Station, Now York City.
Cons County (Viti ''tr Purl land
In spanking about the prop mil to
market Itivorton ...! in Portl'"ul, ship
ping It direct, J. H McUea, ownei nf
the McUm mines it Hiveitun, says
that ho has reeciv ! a great deal of
eneouniiwimant 1'ortli.iul. The
MOO m -miters of the Chamber of
Coiurm-rra have " lgt I themselves
to boost for and u Mivrti eoat ami
he la promiaad at illroil ' marhai In
that rlly, Tha iwj -ily of tha in
ha tmv, baa ik,w'i. iHmI large pro
poribxi". It k 0' 'ihla 0 pfaWinn
KM) loan a wawli, id ai um pi.i
tlrna ha mm lo M. 4 004 iu
4? to faN, fliMpJlttv l4) -d.
m m is U4 i
' 4'wmd Iw thf att ri
Fine I'orlrails
A mill en r Kliiishlng
I'lrsl Ml. ICni.1 of lintel (Jalller
Dm yu want mvu diu
mu lUvu MtmriHog, Ihiu
imiuuuv, hnk Iwuthw.
uiu lUi hHii'U? It
W rta U,
u k 4.IJ tiuit
-o ' ' 11
I it 1
yl I Ulll
; 4'
1 u'i4na " ''
0 't--444--tt.-t0 r1nfi(,frt