NEW STORE-NEW GOODS SMART NEW SUITS $17.50 In our suit department we are showing new tailored suits that will be a pleasure to any woman. The assortment embraces the very smartest models in materials and colors. Priced $17.50 to $22.50 NEW WAISTS A splendid assortment of New Summer Waists with Medici Col lars and fancy vest fronts, some plain others embroidered with small colored .flowers. Priced 75c to $1.50 GLOVES Most women come here for their Kid Gloves he cause they know our qualities are dependable. All Colors and Sizes. Price $1.00 lo 1.50 Pair HAIM) TO PLACE THE HOY When Harvey Dunham got to Port land with Roselle Gardiner, whom he was taking to the Training School at Salem, he telephoned Judge Watson that they wuuld not receive him. The Judge concluded that Dunham must have tried to place him in the Hoys and (iirls home at Portland where children over l(i are not taken in. As hoys up to 18 years are received at the State Training School at Salem 4 1... T. i .1. nnr i , nimlmilll that they must take him there. An indication of a change for the hot ter in the lumber market is the rumor at the Hay that the C. A. Smith mill J will soon run on double time. California I 'or Hollister Fred llolister has written from Pa cific Peach, Cal., that he expects to mako a trip hero within two or three weeks, to settle up some business af fairs, when he will return there for the summer, He is enjoying long spins in his new Hudson car, taking in the sights of the San Diego fair, as well as .spending some time at the beach resorts. Record. For Sale Lease on a four hundred acre ranch, four years. Also eleven head of cows and heifers. Must sell at once. Inquire at this office. Heavy work horse for sale or trade for a cow. V. M. Smith, on the (Jus Gross place, Handon. x'Jt Twentyfour pairs of Ladies' Shoes and low shoes, if'J.oO to $:t.7f values now 50 cts to $1.50. All sizes at Hreuers. Mar -It Cowh For Sale Two first class cows and two U-ycnr old heifers. Call on or address Mrs. Clara K. Canterbury, Handon Oregon. x Mar It It T-o Pure Hied White Leghorn Kggs for hatching. 00 c(h per Hitting. J. S. Tilton, Handon. Mar li.'l tf For Sale; Small Dairy Farm, I HO atinw. Hiilldliign and fencon new and In line condition. I Mr iuIIom from nltn tnrlnry nn Kumi river, Curry (yuiily. P. (). inlitrtHM It. A. M Tlmr Mil, DoHiimik, Origin. x Mu t WANT)!!) 0iij ut Uh If lift I mm ME 11 lav um autvn hum t wmhuui ut inn IUWM uyut uL I HOSIERY Womans fast black cotton hose hard twisted yarn, fashioned Legs. Good Value at 25c pair Special 15c pair 1RDLL IS SCIENCE THE ROAD TO HELL? Local Men Differ A friend of mine stoutly assorted on the street the other day Modern science is sending people to Hell." I have heard such assertions before, but did not know that they were com ing from men of intelligence in our day. Another thing that came out in our conversation is that my friend is troubled about the hypocrisy outside the church while that which troubles me is within the church. I have great interest in science, but if it leads to Hell, I must leave it out, for it is my profession to point out the 'oad to point out the road to Heaven. To bring this matter to a point where it will be interesting and edify ing, I challenge my friend to a joint discussion, and grant him the privi ledgo of stating the question either positively of negatively. There's nothing in an empty assertion. Let's look into this matter. Yours for a lifelong search for truth and its application to character, C. Mayne Knight We feel like making special men tion of the moving picture put on by Mr. Selliner, at the Grand Theatre last Friday night, po.-f. aying Hie Alaska story, "The Spoilers". It was a nine reel show, and was appreciated by those present. The nerve rei.iiied by a manager to incur the etra ex peso for such showr., under pru.tcnt business conditions is the kiuJ tiiat makes the wheels of progress go round. Telling Stories Story telling day is quite iu feature at the library and some twentylive children regularly appear on Thurs day afternoon to hear the stories. .Iiibt at present they are having storio.i from "Sanipa" a hook of Nore leg end by Haldwin; and lltirgoss u ' Storie of Mother Went Wind uuii Animal Friend". All children who like utorioH are cordlitly invited to Join tho company. V. .1. .MlU'littll of tlw i'mi dHtm'tlvv Uiihiiii lm mimI Joe dwell fur a mini imlv,mn t.1,fUH) uimJ 11,000 (or ivici nnulimi, Th ilMmUvu luru, It in 4mm B&IhM II T. TrwiiUjruU tfttiife migUi iiHru Iiiim Ik toiiaptrary 4 mt Um mi mM & torn it m T.nrAt. XPAVS ITEMS . 00 Chas Mason was up from Langlois Sunday. W. T. Demon of Myrtle Point was a Bandon visitor Thursday Mr. and Mrs. H. Hugge of Marsh field were in Handon over Friday. Geo. Owen came down from Dullard Friday on a business trip to Handon. Dr. J. R. Wetherbco was up an over Sunday visit in Handon. Dr. Lee Pombcrton vas up from Langlois last week. Miss Ethel Moore spent her week end vacation in Myrtle Point. Miss Pruner visited with friends in Prosper Sunday and Saturday. George Laird rehired from n visit to Portland Monday afternoon. Stewart Whitsett is reported to have sold a new Ford this past week to Rob. Wilson. County Judge James Watson came down from Coquillo Friday on a bus iness trip to Handon. The Grange met in Handon last Saturday and a large number of mem bers were present. Remember the Commercial Club meets next Tuesday night, April 12th All urged to attend. T. J. Still well, for 27 years a lesi dent of Handon is now quite seriously ill with bronchitis. Mrs. Ella Nelson returned fiom Co quillo Monday where she had been vis iting her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. P. Heauliuu were vis iting with Mrs. J. Soronsen and fam ily in langlois last wcuK. Messrs. Fife and Clarkson of tho Estabrook company spent several days of the past week in Marshlkld. E. F. Render, II. R. Adams, and L. Summerlin, all of Myrtle Point were visitors in Handon the latter part of lastweek. Did you see that Keystone comedy at tho Grand last Sunday night? Some laugh getter, wasn't it? Another good one coming next Sunday. Mrs. Rertha Stillwell of Four Mile braved tho storm of last week and came to Handon on business. Ernest Wilking, brothc-in-law of our excellent mayor, and who has been at Hrookings during the winter, is back in Handon for a visit. April the 2nd was pay day for the tie hackers nnd nil the workers from the outlying wooded district are in for their money and the usual celebration. With tho approach of Spring, abun dant grass and milch cows, we have several new milk routes being es tablished in Handon. E. C. Endicott has started tho work of construction of a 5-room bungalow on his lots on West 10th street, Azalea Park. Dr. II. L. Houston has asked to be lelieved from duty as a health officer. The mayor has the appointment of his successor under consideration. Geo. Gcisendorfer and family have just removed to the McCloskey house on Edison avenue, near Fourth, which has just been vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nielson. There will be no services at tho M. E. church Sunday. Rev. C. M. Knight will be at Myrtle Point, attending the quarterly conference. Sunday school as usual. Captain Alex Scott took a brief va cation from his duties as night clerk at the Hotel Gallier and spent Mon day and Tuesday with relatives at Lakeport. HOT POINT WEEK MAY 3-8 One whole week when Kl Clrilstovo, inurvcloii electric stove- ami grill can be bought at one third off. EL GRILSTOVO lirat.s electrically, ml lint in 1(1 e I'oiulu coils eleven and out- half centi per hour to operate and will cook a meal in half n hour at an expense of lew than kitt renin. Will luke .iffle. and fry bacon at the Mine liniCj will cool. rei, InhI i ulfre, liMtl bread ami cool inutli (m.UIiii-., meal, Imm uil and J hundred iMItt'l linnet ror? ONE WEEK KHtfiiUr pi Ire 15.00 I u mm pn 1 .. Mi) I N l,l,;rllii)M ui IJ.JJ W. L, MAST C, IS, Hfifcn was In Unndon Satur tiay. M. K. Lee, ti Myrtle Point business man was in town Saturday, looking after business and visiting. Schmidt Hansen is in Coquillo today and report has it that when he returns ho will bring a wife with him. A. Warren, Frank Uurkholdor and N. Johnson were down from Coquillo Saturday in the interest of the Farm er's Union. M. W. Trcadgold, as plaintiff has filed in the justice court in Handon a complaint against the unknown owner of a stray heifer about 2 years old, taken up in township 30, S. R. 11. W. J. Uattle of Cleveland, Ohio and Chas. A. Gretchnian of San Francisco have been in Handon for a few days, investigating mining possibilities in the neighborhood of Whisky Run. "Airs. Jarley's Wax Works" ex hibited at the Grand last night proved a hilarious success. Tho dilferent ex hibits were much appreciated and provoked roars of laughter. There was a large attendance. Our Chinese imputation, Monday, had a marked increase when a dozen or more of the natives of the Flowery kingdom passed through town on their way to tho new salmon cannery starting up on the Rogue river. Attorney G. T. Treatgold left on the one o'clock boat Saturday for Coquillo ids ultimate destination being Salem where he will defend the case bought in the supreme court by Attorney Liljeqvist of Coquillo. Some local people do not share the pessemistie view of the tie market which the Estabrook company holds They think the market is strong enough that other bidders will appear to take up the local excess supply. Notwithstanding the heavy storms of the past few days, work on Ore gon avenue, alias Abornathy and alias tho old plank road is actually under way, and contractor, J. II. Webb says as soon as the storm lets up he will put on a large force and soon mako some showing. E. E. Reynolds has generally reno renovated his home on Franklin ave nuo in Azalea Park, making additions and connecting with the city scw.M' and as soon as completed will move back from the down town apartments which he and Mrs. Reynolds have oc copied during the winter. The County Court will this week receive bids for the completion of the excavation of the Township Line road, for a distance of about two miles which will complete the grad ing down to Two Mile Creek, the clearing for the right of way having been dlne last summer. Invitation has been extended by the Handon Commercial club to Repre sentative C. R. Harrow to deliver an address on the doings of the 1015 leg islature and Mr. Harrows has accept ed. Tho dale, however is to be some time after the April session of the Court and'to bo later determined. The fighting scene in the "Spoilers" at tho Grand last Friday night took immensely witli those citizens of Han don who like to witness exhibitions of physical prowess. There apparently was little of the frame up about it. and many have journeyed further and paid more to see less in the way of an ex hibition of muscle and skill. The County Court mot at Handon last Friday anil Saturday when Judge James Watson of Coquillo and Com missioner Taylor Dement of Myrtle I'oi.v. cane i.'o v.i to Handon and met with Commissioner Arm strong for the purpose of inspecting roads around Handon, but owing to stormv weatuei, considered it an in opportune time Co look a.t roads. "Runaway June" now showing at tho Grand every Sunday night prom ises dandy entertainment. Norma Philips, the famous mutual girl, plays June. Randolph Chester the author of "Get Rich Quick Wallingford" has written tho story of "Runaway June" and you may look for some sensation al developments in the coming install ments. See June at the Grand every Sunday night. R. A. Copple who took over the stock of the Handon Dry Goods Co has completely removed the stock from the Ellingson building and aban doned that place on April Ut. Wo tin detHtand that the J. Ira Sidwull Co. will occupy the location Jiul left by Mr. Connie. Struct talk U a I no to the Hired that A. .McAdiiiim conleinpliit limning Hid Plain abandoned by Mr. Xidwidl iiimI will open timid a pool wml l.illjard hull. II, M. HIium, ,M, IM I5), liar, Nni will Thwl tfjittftolM f MumWWW.I iiivfum, win M mt HW emu wm Wmlmmby, Aiil llft. Uto tftffcf dtaNb ilMf It Mt St k tim tmi el ftttsati. Har If il ThO Nitfuloh llbhil'y has JtlBl I'Oiiolv ed two copies of Science and Hoalth from the trustees of the late Mury Dakor Eddy's estate. These ave do nated under a provision of her will. Mrs. S. C. Endicott and daughter returnod home March 31st from Oak land, Oregon, where she has been the past two months on account of tho ill ness of her mother. Captain Alva Lee of Myrtle Point has succeeded Captain Hark Dunham of Coquillo in charge of tho Telegraph. The latter was compelled "to give up the work on account of official duties at the county seat. J. R. Smith whom report credits with the ownership of a gold mine on Lobster creek a goat ranch on Coos Hay and several castles on the Rhine was in Handon this week on his way from the land of sour dough and gold to tho confiines of tho Coos I'nv coun try. It is reported that George W. Moore will build in Landou a two story residence, and that work will be gin in a short time, in order to have tho same ready to bo occupied by his family for the coming summc1'. Tho construction work we understand will be done by contractor Macey. It. E. L. U-a)H.I.HW Sl K Friends of R. K. I Hod.Hioii lme been informed that be has been taken to lospilal in Sa'i Francid- suf fering with some fotm of lu.ease at tacking the lover liniis cau-ei. b. poor blood cic il cii ) ). Mr l'.odi'iiion was mi Porthiiiii an the time she di scale was beginning to in:i'," its at tack and iiitine.!ato!. ueu to Sat Franci. co Tii" l inn s -Grand Theatre Sp The Master Key No. 7 This fascinating story of love and adventure is drawing the crowds. Don't fail to see it at the Grand every Thursday EXPLOITS OF ELAINE OR THE CLUTCHING HAND The greatest detective story ever filmed. See it Every Friday Night OUK FILM I'KOCKAMS AUK CIIOOSF.N Willi CAKK, SICI.F.CIF.DilO GIVK VARIETY AS WELL AS QUALITY. FISH & BAKER, BANDON llrslm in Check Case Appealed The justice case of C. T. Fietfcr vs John Humble, tried beforo a jury in Handon, Feb. t!(!tli, has been appealed to the circuit court. It appears that Humbles was appointed by the sherill' of Coos county to have charge of the Handon Woolen mill while that place was under attachment last December. C. T. Fiegers was employed to do the name work and under .Mr. Humble and nobody seems to be able to tell who was responsible for hiring him. Consequently when Humble was sviit a check in payment for Humble'M ser vices, I'ieger could not find anyone willing to pay him and accordingly at tached the check beforo Kumhhi re ceived it. The ciiKo wim decided by the jury in favor and the appeal will come up in tho April toiiii of tho cir cuit court, ICIixMbutli cuinv in Unlay with Mm following (mik.uiiikm' : Cut imJ U. IUiiikIwwi, W. N. (iuoriii, T. i. tr- W, J, T, Udm, tl. My mim, Yt'Mm IjHrnm. JKlffc jmin id Umf 6mm, aim Ut YOU START AT ZERO Wo all ktmt out in life from tin- Xcro mark It U uphill all the way. The higher we go the mote e are looked up to. The man who attain!! success imt take himself , look to own intcicMsnml con sene lot strength, wealth and ability. Many peopk are depositing their money with this bank, paying by clerk, and fiutliering their own interest-!, tlieieliy rais hip, their marks high aboe 7cro on the gauge of life FIRST NATI ONAL BANK Itirvcle Uep.iirs Saw I'iling' and Repairing Specialty Phone -PI I O lh. f4 S. D. Barrows HANDON, ORIX;ON N lit tikn ortters for llir)t let of nil kiniK nml Popo MnlonCKlcs also Cohan Huh -Itoal Molorii. USE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC While in (lie can mixed to anv shade; desired ecials Taints, Ois and Wall I'aptir samples Contract Painting and Decorating. Ti:.''llc.H The Hoard has i: it ; ot clcilc-d a y now tcachoir, only -:onc wno have horetofot t itirjht. hire, and I'd'o" making fuitltor ioi. 1 .'ill ci) tie with the .Supiii'it'.-iiili iii. A contract for tho constru'ting of two government barges for service I. the mouth of Coquillo river at Ilauih .i was awnitlod to he St. .)o'ii Hhit building company at I'orll-ind I ThurMilay. The work is lo be eomph i ed in Hi) dayu, including the ih-ltvi i of the harguM to tho Coquillc, for 7 ITi. I'icli barge in to be !M) feet in liuight, H'i feet, buam and 7:'i fi depth of hold. Thoy will be iim-iI fm tltillMpottillg lock to the Jetty. Tie capacity of otich iMiijie will be 0n tllllM. I). V. (Jchlltrwi, ut tJiix . il . luUtw duwh lu tim Handon In. .' lt wmk wrur uun uf lu b c itmutslutmi mt TimmmIji), n Tlw Irwul'l wliuh vuumi tie l" Um ut lb ium idni. U umruUtm ltd nM4ni -