SEM1-WEEKLY BAID6N HECdnbEfc, t"UEsD"Ay, SEPT. &TH, 191L Neighborhood News Items of General Interest Gathered From Coos and Curry County Exchanges Our I to her homo, in Dandon Wednesday, A copy of tho'docision of the state railroad commission has been rccoiv ed by A. H. Derbyshire, city attor ncy for North Bend, who appeared in that capacity before Uie commission some time ago when the Coos Bay Water Co., argued for a raise in met cr rates. The decision is a sweeping victory for North Bend. That Is th PORT ORFORD NEWS. i ley for $7,000. The building is to be rates as now fixed will stand, which ... . . . i . . . From the Tribuno: GOxlOO feet in size, of which hall ot everyone knows is plenty high. Ben Hoyt, the Bandon tonsorial the frontage on the east side, extend- h. W. Bergman states that whil artist, accompanied by his father and "nfT back CO feet, will be devoted to the he was at Salem he met the physi mother, passed through town yester- postofllce. cian having in chargo Major L. D day on an auto tour into California. Mr. and Mrs. B. 11. Burns ana son, Kinney. Ho told Mr. Bergman that W. O. Corbin was in from his up Raymond E., Mrs. E. II. Howey and Major Kinney's condition was not bet Sixes ranch last week with the first daughter, Olive, with their guest, Miss tor and that it was necessary to keep ripe tomatoes of the season to np, Ethell Bucknoll, of New York went him strapped to his bed most of the penr on the Tort Orford market, and Mown to Bandon Wednesday for a tme. they hardly appeared as they were couple of days at the Beach. a petition is being circulated and sold almost before "Dad" struck town The county court went out to the freely signed, asking the county com- The Rustler is due from Coos Bay county farm yesterday morning to to proceed with the paving of the new- to take on board about 12 tons of make, arrangements for building a y built county road on Braodway wool held for shipment here by W. reservoir and putting in n water sys- from Virginia south to 10th street, T. White, Sr., going thence to Rogue icin there. t-ommissioner Armstrong a distance of nearly one-half a mile river where Mr. White hus about y """ mi" uiujr ia buvii.k Tno paving is to bo 1U feet wide as tons more ready to ship, and other $300 month in bill for the indigent por pians previously adopted by the parties hold several tons. The Rus- smcc tn county hospital was put in county court. The petition also asks tier will take the entire lot to San operation and all county charges can the cost of the improvement be paid Francisco. be caml for thcrc- The site selected for out 0f the general road fund A fire between tho lake and Elk fr tho reservoir is on land high river caused considerable uneasiness enough to permit u stream of water for fear that it might jump the lake to h thrown over the tops of all of and threaten tho town during the past buildings at tho farm, so that the new system will afford the fullest fire protection and ought to materially reduce the cost of insurance Last Saturday noon at Marshfield Ernest A. Folsom of this city and Miss Iva Garrett, of near Myrtle Point, were united in marriage. Tax receipts bulged .considerably during the last three business days in August, most of the remittances being from those who had paid the several days. Sunday it took a nuin ber of fighters to keep it from ties troying the home of A. G. Miller, Cloudy weather, with a southern brcezo that threatens rain has re licved the situation The Randolph came into port Sun day evening and the following day unloaded considerable freight for the merchants of this place, sailing yes terday for Rogue River, where tho SPRUCE VALLEY ITEMS A. B. Reese has been hauling lunv ber for Bert Chamberlin's now gar age. Donald Wilson from Fourmile has been calling in the valley, Bessie Ncal and Doris Post, who have been ill with measles, are able to be around again. No new cases are reported. Thomas Laird is homo again and expects to remain awhile in these parts. Boon Lea, who hns been working at rest of her cargo was consigned for first half of tlloir taxcs bcfore APril Howell's camp, is now working at tho Wedderuurn Trading company. Her coming relieved the situation here as our stores had been out of flour sugar and grain for somo time. 1. The amount put on the books for home for a few days. those three days totals $07,098.21; quite a pile of mail containing checks yet remain to work over. MYRTLE POINT NEWS. From tho Enterprise: James Lewis, a young man who has been employed in one of tho Smith- Mr. Sam Barrows visited tho val ley Sunday. Call again Sam. Steve Colbertson and mother an visiting with friends here. "CHICKEN" FORMER BANDON MAN NOW IS IN BELGIAN CONGO, Portland Oregonian: Tho world's most persistent baseball fan is an Ore- fiULD REACH NEWS. From tho Globe: Whether ho had decided that life was a failure as a horseman or wheth- Powers camps on the- South Fork in or ho had decided that a cripple and blowing a signal whistle, suffered a a" object of charity would be a much broken ankle last Friday afternoon, happier life than one who toils for Tho lad was on a trestlo and losing 1,13 "ally bread, or whether it was from gonian. He is Hayes Perkins, form- his balance jumped to tho ground be- a dissappointment in love, we are un-1 erly of Bandon, Or., who does not seem low, which resulted in a fracture of able to say, but Moss Averill, last to be greatly interested in tho Euro- both bones just above the ankle joint. Friday evening cooly, delberately and pean war. From Niangara District Near his home, two miles from unhesitatingly stabbed himself with du Hautbelo, in tho Belgian Congo, Madero, California, on August 1C, a lar60 knifo through the thick part entirely shut off from all news of 1914, Weston E. Blgelow was acci- f tno thigh. Wo are glad to state world events, though near tho firing dentally killed while helping a neigh- however, that tho wound has com- lino in Africa, of skirmishes between bor stack hay. Tho derrick toppled rnenced to heal, and if no unusual com tho Belgians and Germans, he has and boforo ho could get out of its way plications sot in, Moss will be as good written tho Oregonian for informa- it fell and ho was caught beneath tho as evcr 1,1 a few days. tion regarding tho standing of the Pa- timebrs. He lived only about nn hour Tll caso of Frank Parker vs. Moss cific Coast, American and National after tho accdent. Averill was tried before the court, baseball leacrues. In his Wrnr iuv Mrs. Zeno Gatcheil was hero from which decreed that tho plaintiff be Perkins says ho is far away from any Bandon several days ths week, visit- possessed of his property, or its place ho can get information about ing at tho home of her parents, Mr. equivalent to tho amount of $250.00 Oregon or any news of tho outside and Mrs. M. R. Leo. and that he recover twenty-flve dol- world. Hei s emraeod in rnntmet At 3:30 Tuesday afternoon, Sep- lars damages, together with hia work, which will keep hi mbusy for tembor 1st, 1914, at tho homo of tho costs a,ul disbursements at least a year more, and yearns once officiating clergyman, Rev. Thomas G- Copley of tho U. S. Census more to "smell the firs and drink tho Barklow, occurred tho marriage of o'Hce, of Washington, D. C, has been famous Bull Run water." Tho only William B. Sullivan and Miss Cora n Kucst ln our tow" several days. Ho request ho makes is for someone to E. Elford, two well-known young poo- ia engaged gathering data from ev- send him "the averages for the Coast plo of tho Myrtle Point section. "They cry county and town with more than League, also the American and Na left on the 4:00 o'clock train tho same lwu,Ry uiousanu inhabitants, with a tional." "I wonder," ho writes" if afternoon for Marshfield for a short v,uw r preparing statistics of the Portland is winning in baseball this stay. finance of every stnto and county. year." Billio Smith, who for a number of Supervisor A. H. Gnuntlett now has years has conducted a barber shop at several teams and a crow of men haul- THERE ARE STILL EEL IN I, 1 .! r i i. . r !.. n I In i' rmL- nnnn Mio va,uI 1 1. .. I mu uuaauu tuiii) m uiu annul i ow-1 " ----- Uuu uvui mu ouni-1 THE WATERS OF COQUILLE rs company, was m town tho fore- ul u,u "crs ureeK mountain. part of tho week. He hns commenced ine "adoiph came in this morn- Way back in tho early days the In the erection of u shop near tho South ,lirect from Portland. Among dians are said to have had great har- Hotel Bandon A l ? nt t rviuencan nan, t and SI. 50 $1.00 clay. per ti European nan, rooms 50c, 75c & $1 per clay . E. G. CASSIDY Prop, i: City Transfer S. D. Kelly, Proprietor Light and Heavy haul- mtr DromDtlv done. Contracting and grad- f O AAunuviVlIU VI UUV solicited. Horses boarded. Phone 1151 I Office: Dufort Building i Brown & Gibson The Leading Contractors and Builders We furnish plans and speci fications and it you arc go ing to build anything, no matter how large or how small, we can save you money. Let us figure on your building. I. ItfStfli MFt wT-O :SM 1 I 1 .HL .1 I ike Gasoline of Quality I t m TTcf. u good with thousands of M 1, motorists use it because it's the best rrasoli T vviiii luuivv,, Standard (M Company m PURE DRUGS Do you want pure drug and drug, sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes, and toilet articles? If so call on C.Y. LOWE, Bandon 0O USE YOUR EYE, .BUT DO NOT ABUSE IT M. G. POIIL, Optcmctcrist. Test free of chartro at Sabro's mlmmm "TYve. Greater Oregow With new bulldines. better eaulo. tnent, enlarged grounds, and maoy ad ditions to its faculty, the Uoiveralrr of Oregon will bccin its thirty-ninth year Tuesday, September 15. .Special training for Bulnii. Jour. lulism, Law, Medicine, Teachlnor, LI- !i yi n,u,,ci ATctutecture, i raininjj ana rine AiTf. Lnrcrst and strongest departments of liberal education. Library of more thin SMOS volumtf, two tplindld Bymnitlumt, eleven bulldlnft fulljr eiiulrpil New SIDO.eOS Admlnleiretlon uulldlnc In courte o conetruftlon Tulliun Tree Dormllorlei for men end for women Kxptnsee loweet Write tor catalog and lltuatrated booklet, Addressing Reglalrar. UNIVEnSITY OF OREGON EUGENE. OREGON Wan Pork camps. COQUILLE NEWS. From tho Sentinel: At tho M. E. parsoniipo last niKht Kenneth II. Kclley and Mrs. Lorna Cobb, both of Marshfiohl, wcro united very much like Krouso and could cas In niarriaso by Rev. C. II. Hrayan. ily bo mistakon for one. They did not jjet over hero until nf- iv i ii uuuck, uui were accompanied i NORTH REND NEW other freight for tho W. T. Co., it vests of eels on this part of tho Co nroiiBht two dozen china pheasants. ,uil!c, but though the eel sncars in tho Tho birds were turned loose on tho hands of tho natives have lonp; since Llenn place and the people are re- failed to prey upon these soft finned (piested not to shoot birds in that apodes, they are not so plentiful as neighborhood as tho female birds look when this country was a wilderness. few, however, still abide, occurring ly tho brido'n father and tho groom's Front the Harbors bent ninn, ami County Clerk Wntson obligingly opened liiu oil loo at that lute hour to U?uu theni it llroimo, Ust Monday tho contruut for tho irocHonof the new potttofllce liulliK liiK on I-'irnt vlrtmt wluuu the duiu-u jtlutfonn Jiiih hit'ii Ioiu()iJ ihli kuin mr, mun iiwunli'il to Hurry Cmiw uihvr hUU, lJu ni Hie MjAB flfiil' sometimes in schools and at other places singly. Little Hlnneh Fulshcr caught ono nbout two feot lonif Just ubovo town Leo Stevens of the launch Cooston last Thursday. On tho North Fork Ixu been uwnr.led the contrnet to it U uid they are found more fro- furry mull from North ilond to Coon, quently. ton ilully, oxce)t fiundnyii, for four In noino sections of the country we ym at the rate of J00 pur yur. He have jmhl funcy jirln-s for eel, hut ivw um jM)lul authorities u now, f (he middlemen's trut con- mny hml liMtkles u porwim) tiituu skymtketliiK jtenorrnuiires with Wi If J. Jl. Julmm of aolfli, food ilutfsj we muy well nut the kkI w Your J PRINTING t To Do ob i)uick Work, Moderate Prices and SaliB-,4 l action uuaraiuccu v Bandon Recorder "M Vour iScrvke" WE PRINT Letterheads Envelopes Statements Bill Heads Calling Cards Business Cards Catalogues Checks Receipt Books Butter Wrappers Announcements , Circulars Posters Window Cards Etc. Pl09l if PAGE TftREE ilf. OM. Qskmimti m ill!) mur If) uoud une uwiln. und mske lUwwlvs look u i tun vAtk iuivv im4 ten i im MMsbi