Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, December 23, 1913, Image 5

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    Semi-Weekly Bandon Recorder, December 23, 1913
Now allowing exclusive
licensed films. 28 reel
every week.
Special Tonight!
"Mary Stuart"
In Three Reels
A magnificent historical production by the Edison Co.
i As different from other features as daylight is- from
Alkali Ike and the Wild Man
It's a icream. Nuf ced.
No Advance in Price 10c and 5c
Why Not See The BEST SHOW?
Five-piece Orchestra
Strum I lent
i mm hi i iii ii iii Mil ii ii li iiiii mii
Wanted Agate Work Salirn
Pianos for rent at Bandon Drug
j.ntnpany. 79tf
I Try the Unique for a good square
'neal and sweet bread.
1 Carpet and niy weaving, apply to
Airs. J. L. Fester, Handon.
Anyone wishing home made pies
or cakes phone the Wigwam or hee
Mrs. K. Lewin. 75tf
Everytliing for the home at the
Handon Furniture Co. See our
big stock. 95tf
Four neatly furnished housekeep.
ting rooms for rent. Inquire of E.
II.ewin or phone 3x1 97U
The Handon Furniture Co. has
the latest designs in furniture. See
I. !...! 1.: .........
men uig iinaui iiuciu.. Vou
Make your wife a present of one
of those e.isy rocking chairs for sale
at Mitchell's Furnituie stoic. got
For Sale On corner of Fill
more and 31 d streets, groceries at
living prices. Call and see A. H,
Sparks. S4tf
All persons knowing themselves
Ldebted to Cattcrlin and Legore
Kindly call :md settle: with- H; C.
Dipplc and save further cost, Office
old Rank Hldg. Bandon. Ore. g6t,
Myrtle Point has 411 population
of school age this is a good showing,
but it is considerable less than one
half the number that we have in the
Bandon district.
For Sale or Trade A good or
chard proposition in Douglas Co.
Ore. on the S. P. railroad. Get the
facts from the owner. Box 802,
Bandon, Ore. 72tf
The young lady who took the fine
diamond ring from the A. J. Hamlin
home as a Halloween joke will please
return the same as a Christmas pres
ent and avoid arrest. iot2
C B. Zeek has i furnished and 1
unfurnished modem houses lor rent
on Pacific Ave. 3 furnished rooms
on 1'ranklin Ave, 1 large unfurnish
ed house, modern, near ball grounils
also some bargains in lots close in
Suit in Equity
to Quiet Title,
Fishermen Attention!
The Coos Bay Ice & Cold Stor
age Company are prepared to take
Sleelhead Salmon. Arrangements
are being made to have the S. S.
Dispatch gather up the fish. 9614
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, in and
for the County of Coos.
Artliur K. Merccn,
The unknotMi heirs of
Geo. W. Neal,, also
known as George
Westlanil Neal, de
ceased, William llailey,
also .known as Win:
llailey, J, C. Rowan,
also known as Jonas C.
Rowan, and all oilier
persons or panics un
known claiming any
right, title, estate, lien,
or interest in the real
estate described in the
Co mplain t herein.
To the unknown heirs of George W.
Neal, also known as George Westland Neal,
deceased, William Bailey, also known
Win. llailey, J. C. Rowan, also known as
Jonas C. Rowan, ind all persons or parties
unknown claiming any right, title, estate,
lien, or interest in the real estate herein
described, Defendants.
fn the name of the State of Oregon: you
and each of you are hereby notified that the
plaintiff, Arthur E. Mereen, has commenced
a suit in the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Coos, against
you, and that, in pursuance of an order made
and entced in ,said cause and Court by
Honorable John S. Coke, Presiding Judge
of said Court', 'on th'e-4th day of December,
1913, you and each df you are hereby ,rc
ipiired to appear in said cause and court and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed
therein, on or before six weeks from the
j first publication of this summons, which
first pulilication will tie upon, the ltli day
of December, 1913, and that for want of
answer thereto, on or before said time, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lief demanded in the Complaint, a succinct
statement of which is us follows: tnat it be
declared and adjudged that the plaintiff is
the owner in fee simple of the following de
scribed real estate, situated in Coos County,
State of Oregon, to-wit:
Lot Nine in Block Three in South Han
don Addition to the Town of llamliin,
Coos County, Oregon, according to the plat
thereof on file and of record in the ollice of
the County Clerk of said County and State,
and that you, and each of you, have no es
tate, right, title, lien or interest whatever
in or 'o said premises, or any part thereof,
and also that you and each and e ery one
of you, be forever debarred from averting
any claim whatever in or to said land 'or
premise adverse to the plaintiff, and for
such other and further relief as to the Court
may seem equitable. ,
L. A. Roberts,
Claude II. Giles.
Attorneys for Plaintiff, residing at Myrtle
Point, Oregon.
Date of first publication December
12th, 1913.
Dec. 12-Jan. 25 F
Showing 4 reels of Universal program every night. The House of Features. A
Feature Picture shown every night.
Three-Reef Great Northern Feature
"Mystery of the Corner House"
A Thrilling Detective Story.
"Bobby Magic Nickel", Powers Comedy
Also "The Great Hart"
in the World's greatest o wire act. Juggling and
acrobatic ae.
Tomorrow Nigh t"Da vis c& Long
Expert BanjopGuitar and Mandolin Players
Admission 15c and 40c 0
It is resolved by the City of Bandon as fol
lows: The Common Council of ihe Cily of
Ban Jon deems it expedient and necessiry to
contract a sewer along the center line of Caro
line St eet, from the center line of Harlem Ave
to jhe center line ol the County Road; thence
along the center line of the County Road, from
the center line of Caroline Street to the cenler
line of Fillmore Ave.
Also along the center line of Fillmore Ave
from the center line ol the County Road, to the
center line ol Eleventh Street, East,
Alio along the ccnt.r line of Eleventh Street
East, from a point 30 feet east of the East line
of Baltimore Ave (o the center line of Harlem
Alio along the center line of 3rd Street, East
from a point 27 ft west of the west line of Crand
Ave to the tenter line of Fllmore Ave.
Also along ihe center line of Elmira Ave
from a point 80 leet north of the north line of
Eleventh Street, East, to the center line of 2ml
Slrcat, East.
Also along the center line of 2nd Street, East,
from the cenler line of Fillmore Ave to the
center line of Chicago Ave.
That ihe City Engineer of Bandon
has prepared and filed in the office
ol the City Recorder, maps, profiles, plans, speci
fications and estimates of the work to be done
in the constructoni of a sewer along ihe lines
above mentioned and the probable cost thereof
togethci with a statement outlining the district
which, in his opinion, will be especially bene
fitted by such sewer and should be assessed with
the cost and expense of the conilruclion thereof
That the Common Council finds said plans
profiles, maps, specifications and assessment dis
trict satisfactory and hereby approves the same.
That the Common Council does hereby de
clare its intention to consliuct said sewer accord
ing lo the maps, profiles, plans and specifications
therefor, anr', that the estimated cost of which is
That a sewer be constructed on the streets
and between the points hereinbefore designated
according to the maps, plans, profiles and speci
fications therefor on file in the office of the City
Rccorde r of the Cily of Bandon.
That the assessment distiict to be benefitted
by the construction of said sewer and to be as
sessed therefor shall comprise
Lots 1 to 7, inclusive in Blk 8, Woodland
Addition lo Bandon.
Lots 10 to 14 inclusive in Blk 5, Woodland
Addition to Bandon.
Lots 1 to 4 inclusive in Blk 7, Woodland Ad
dition to Bandon.
Lot 8 Block 7, Woodland Addition to Bandon
Lots 4 to 10, inclusive in Blk 6, Amended
Plat of Woodland Add to Bandon.
Lots 3 and 4 in Block 5. Amended Plat ol
Woodland Addition to Bandon. ,
Lots I to 7, inclusive in Blk 2. Woolen Mill
Addition to Bandon.
Lots I to 28, inclusive in Blk 7, Woolen Mill
Addition to Bandon.
Lois 1 to 7, inclusive in Blk I. Woolen Mill
Addition to Bandon.
.Lots L to.) 13, inclusive in Blk 3, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lots 1 to 19, inclusive, in Blk 6, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon,
Lots I to 10, inclusive, in Blk 8, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lots 14; 15. 16. and 17, ;i Blk 9. Woolen
MII Addition to Bandon. .
Lots I to 10, inclusive, in Blk 13, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon,
Lots 14 to 17, inclusive, in Blk 12, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lots I to 10, inclusive, in Blk 14. Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lots 14 to 17, inclusive, in Blk 15, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lots I lo 10. inclusive, in Blk 19, Woolen
Mill Additioto Bandon.
Lois 14 to 17, inclusive, in Blk 18, Woolen
Mill Addition In Bandon.
Lois I to 10, inclusive, in Blk 20, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon.
Lots 14 to 30, inclusive, in Blk 21, Woolen
Mill Addition lo Bandon.
Lois 16 lo 30, inclusive, in Blk 22, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon. '
Lojs 1 to 15, inclusive, in Blk 23, Woolen
Mill Addition lo Bandon.
Lois I to 15, inclusive, in Blk 24, Woolen
Mill Addition to Bandon,
Lots 1 lo 5. inclusive, in Blk 25, Woolen Mill
Addition lo Bandon.
Lois 9 and 10, in Blk 3(1, Woodland Addi.
lion lo Bandon.
Lots 1 'and 2, in Blk 35. Woodland Ad
dition to Bandon,
Lois 9 and 10. in Blk 29. Woodland Addi
tion to Bandon.
Lots I and 2, in Blk 36. NX oodland Addi
tion ro Bandon.
Lots I, 4. 5. 8. 9. 10, in Blk 28. Woodland
Addition to Bandon,
Lots I and 2, in Blk 27. Woodland Addition
In Bandon.
Lois I. 4, 5. 8. 9. in Blk 22. Woodland Ad
dition to Bandon.
Lots 1. 4, 5, 8, 9. 12. in Blk 14, Woodland
Addition to Bandon.
Lois I, 4, 5, 6,9. 12, in Blk 13, Woodland
Addition to Bandon.
Lois I, 2. 9. 10, in Blk 4, Amended Plat of
Woodland Addition lo Bandon.
Also a piece of land 100 feel wide lying on
and abutting upon ihe west lire of Giroline
Street and from the West line of 1 larlem Ave
lo the cast line of County Road.
Also a piece of land 1 00 fc-t wide lying on
and abutting upon the east line of Caroline
Street and bom the west line ol Harlem Ave lo
the eAst line of County Road.
Also a piece of land 100 feet wide lying on
and abutting upon the east line of County Road
ar.d r m ihe south line of Caroline Street lo ilia
north line of Blk 1, Woodland Addition to
Bandon. o
Also a piece of land 100 (eel wide lying 9a
and butting upon the west line of the County
Road and from the norm line of Caroline
28.90 Buys an Elegant
- . -?2!T " -r " -TIT
Pres e n t
of which one
A beautiful "Eclipse" Graphophone and six
Double Records for $28.90.
We also invite you to visit our store and inspect the most COMPLETE STOCK of
Holiday Goods ever offered to the Bandon Public. Toys, Books, Games, Etc., for
the Children, and for the older ones a line of goods never before shown in the city.
Children's Dept.
Dolls, beautiful and novel
Tt tidy Rears that growl
Automatic Hanks
A big assortment of Games
Pitt, Flinch, Rase Hall.
Crokinola. Mock Trial,
Table Croquet, Ten Pins.
Rubber Toys
Rattles and Ralls
Mechanical Toys
Automobiles, Hoats
and Animals
HuilditiR Blocks
Inllated Pigs, Progs and
Teddy Rears
Ladies' Dept.
Silver and Ivory Toilet
Sets from $3 00 to $40 00
Silver, Ebony and Ivory
Manicure Sets
Ebony and Parisian (land
k Mirrors
Parisian Ivory Htushes
Combs, Trays and
Manicure Articles
Silver Mounted Manicures
Griffon's Manicure Goods in
Scissors, Files, Clips
Cuticle and Corn Knives
Coin and Card Cases, Koll Hps
and Hand Hans, SI. 5(1 to 518.01)
Gent's Dept.
Sterling Silver, Ebony and
Ivory Military Sets
Naval Sets. Cloth, Hat and
1 lair Brushes
The Famous Auo.v Razots
Also Gillette, Gem, Duplex
liver Ready, Enders and
Crown Safety Razors
Shaving Mirrors
Shaving Sets
Meerschaum and Briar
Pipes and Cigar Holders
Ccjiiloid and Metal Soap Boxes,
Match aiid Collar liulton Ho.M's
Brass Cuspidors and Novelties
The largest and best assortment of Art Pictures in the city
Hand Painted China, RiiieJpRen and
Dolton Ware, Vases and Novelties
Sterling Silver Deposit
Cut Gbss, Sterling and Plated Ware
in Community Table Ware, Chafing
Dishes, Nickeled Copper Ware
Casseroles, Servers, Etc., Copper
Pcrculators, Trays, Sugar and Creamers.
Japanese Baskets and Vases
All the Latest Standard Books
Agents for Kohler & Chase, Knabe, Vose, Fischer and Shoninger Pianos
Conklin and
Wi 1 1 i a m so n
Fountain Pens
Line of
Amended Plat of Woodland Addition to
Thai the Cily Recorder be and he is hereby
directed lo publish this tesolution at least once a
week for iwo consecntive weeks in the Cily
official paper.
Passed by ihe Common Council this 29th
day of October, 1913.
Attest E. B. KAUSRUD.
City Recorder
Appioved this 29th day of O:lobi 1913
J. V. MAST. Mayor
First Publ. Dec. 16, 1913.
Last Publ. Dee. 23, 1913.
Talk About
Solid Comfort!
You just w ant to get one
of our DICTATOR cigars
between your teeth and light
it. There may be other ci-ga-is
as good as the DICTA
TOR but they will cost you
more money than you may
care to pay. The price of the
DICTATOR is only 10c and
when vou have smoked one
you'll wonder how it can be
so little.
Bowman Cigar Co.
After November 30th mill
wofld will be. $2.25 a load.
Pay thu driver on delivery
and "get 25 cents discount.0
Geo. B. Mbrgan, Phone 1173
advice and put your money
where it will do you the most
good. There are no better
facilities than those offered
by this bank. A financial
standing of unquestioned in
tegrity, liberal and just deal
ings with depositors has made
it popular. The best Xmas
gift for yourself or others is an
account opened.
A. D. Mills
Real Estate
Fire Insurance
Notary Public
. Rentals
I have a good buy in mud. flat lot on First Street
Also best corner in Azalea Park
Subscribe Now P or
The Recorder i- $1.50
, Srect, ex lended, to the east line ol Blk rj,
e 8
e e
o e