Semi-Weekly fcanloi Recorcfettv DeComfcrar 5. 1913 -1- - " r ' 1 Pag 3 COMING AMUSEMENTS GRAND THEATRE Tonight! And every night in the week a fine program of Exclusive Licensed Pictures Steam Heat. 5-piece Orchestra I LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS ! Wanled Agate Work Sabro Bros. Pianos for rent at Bandon Drug Company. 7'J1' Zigomar II I, or the HlacK scouree at the Orpheum Sunday night. Try the Unique for a good square meal and sweet bread. A fine baby boy was bem to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Wednesday night! Anyone wishing home made pies or cakes phone the Wigwam or see Mrs. E. Lewin. 75tf Everything for the home at the Bandon Furniture Co. See our big stock. 95tf The Bandon Furniture Co. has the latest designs in furniture. See their big assortment.. 95U The picture program at the Or pheum cannot be excelled and a feature film is shown every night. Joe Cox, justice of peace of Lang iois is in Bandon on business today. Everybody is always glad to see the genial judge. All persons knowing , themselves indebted to Catterlin and Legore, kindly call a.nd settle with H. C. Dipple and save further cost, Office old Bank BIdg. Bandon. Ore. o6tf Saturday and Sundav big double show consisting of 6,000 feet of 'Hi' pictures and three vaudeville acts at the Orpheum. Show starts prompt ly at 7:00 p. m. Admission ic and 10 cents. f H T Stewart, editor of the Port Orford Tribune, and son Bryon, who have been in Bandon a few days waiting to t ike passage on the Speed .veil for California, made the Recorder office a pleasant fraternal call yesterday afternoon. Notice Ladies First class dress making done, satislaclion guaran teed, Let in" help you plan your Xmas costume.--Mrs. R. Chnate, look for windov caul at the corner of 1 itlj St. East and Chicago Ave. VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES ReguUrPro- rkUPUFITM House of Fea- trim 4000 . WIVi ill-J W IT tures we show Feet of HPUP A nciures 4 M.M - lJT - TnivinHT Hagenbeck & Admission EXTRA! Saturday and Sunday. EXTRA! 4 , Norman & Fitchett J In Comedy, Singing and Musical Acts. 6,000 feet of Pictures each night. Sunday night -the Special Feature "Zigomax III or Black Scourge." This is considered one of the greatest detective stories ever shown and must be seen to be appreciated. Admission 15c and 10c Now showing exclusive licensed films. 28 reels every week. OH Carpet and rug weaving, apply to Mrs. J. L. Foster, Bandon. C. E. Nicholson of Marshfield was a Bandon business visitor Wednes day. I. R. Tower of Marshfield was oyer on business Wednesday. Trade your old furnitjire for new at Mitchell's Furniture store. Phone 211, ootf Atty. Walter Sinclair came down from Coquille yesterday on legal business. Mr. James is quite ill at his home on i-ranKim avenue witn sciatic rheumatism. Lost Small black fountain pen. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. Q2tf 4 Make your wife a present of one of those easy rocking chairs for sale at Mitchell's Furniture store. ootf For Rent Furnished house in Industrial Addition. Inquire at Bandon Furniture Co. 9512 Wanted Boy or girl over a year old to take care of, price reason able. Inquire at this office. t2x Al Hite and wile were down from Coquille on Thursday calling on friends and looking after business affairs lohn Prince and wife of Wedeer- burn were in Bandon yesterday taking in the sights and looking af ter business affairs. E. C. Drews, manacer of the Coos Bay Home Telephone Co came over from Marshfield yester day to look after business affairs. Mrs. H. F Morrison continues to improve ot the Emergency hos - pilal and her many Bandon friends hope to, here of her complete re covery in a short time.' The Orpheum management has attanged to book in a special feature picture for every Sunday night, which will be "shown in addition to the regular nroi?ram. "The Best - r is None too Good," T D C feature pictures . M. AX M-t Wallace Circus Zbc and Lc For Sale Five good milch cows, inquire of M. D. Callery. tax Miss Gladys. Strader has aocepttd a position in babro uros. jewelry Store. W W. Wolfe hss accepted a position in the Pollock Grocery Store. Donald Mackintosh is home alter a few days business trip down the coast. L. E. Brown and family were passengers up the river toddy for a few days visit. Go to Mitchell's Furniture store on the hill, for anything you want in house furnishings. ootf Capt. John Johnson of the tug Klyhtain has been quite ill for a few days but is getting better now. s For Sale On corner of Fill-. more and 31 d streets, groceries at living prices. Call and see A. 1.1, Sparks. 54tf Alfred Johnson Sr. president of the Alfred Johnson Lumber Co. has been down from Coquille on busi ness a few days. C. R. True, who has been work ing at the Sixes river black sand mines for a couple of months, came home the first of the week. Benjamin Ostlind , the Architect came over from Marshfield Wednes day to look after work on the new First National Bank Building. New orders of bicycle repairs of all kinds constantly arriving. Will take orders for" bicycles of any kind. gof S. D. Barrows. For Sale or Trade A good or chard proposition in Douglas Co. Ore. on the S. P. railroad. Get the facts from the owner. Box 892, Bandon, Ore. 72tf E. E. Oakes returned from Co quille today where he had been look ing after business affairs for a few days. He was also at Coos t Bay while he was away. Aiex McLeod, who had his leg broken last spring by getting it caught in the machinery of a motor boat, is able to be around by the aid of a cane and crutch. An excellent show tonight at the Orpheum. Hagenbeck & Wallace's Circus, shown complete ih four reels. Also the "Wizard ot the Jungle,' in two reels, featuring Bonila the greatest lion tamer. Admission 25c and 15c. Benjamin Ostlind, architect, savs that his' business both in Bandon and Marshfield is growing so rapid ly that it will be necessary for him to add two or three draltsmen and will keep one or two in his office in each city. Elizabeth, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stephan, of the Bandon Bakery, swallowed a quan tity of kerosene oil this morning, and at first it was feared that might prove fatal. The little one was rushed To the hospital and at last reports was getting along nicely. In the Marshfield city election last Tuesday, F. E. Allen, who is well known in Bandon as coinihg here representing the Blake McFnll Paper Co. and other wholesale houses was elected mayor by a hand ' some majority. R. A. Copple, proprietor of the Golden Rule stores ot Bandon and Marshfield was also re-elected 611 the city council. Captain O. Wiren, co operative weather observer, reports the rain fell for the month of November to have been 7,90 inches; days rainy aid cloud), 24; daysi clear, 6, The rainfall for the corresponding month of 1912 was 10.96 inches, making a difference of 3.06 inches less this year. In a letter from Smiling Dutch h states that all is fair in Los An geles, but he states that the match" batween Ajax and Yokel is of! for the reason that Yokel went away without leaving any date AjsXj Was to wrestle Barnicus on Dec. 3rd in Pasadena and December 8th h"e will meet Pleasant Smith of River side; After that Ajax and Dutch will leave for the nortfi, going to Salt Lane City and Ajax will, try to get a match with Yokel in hishome p Gi ive Presents r-' -1. beautiful Bandon Furniture Co Oregon Agricultural College Farmers' Week, December 8th to 13th, This will he a notable event in the edu cational history Qf Oregon. Farmers' Co-operation will he the leading topic of a stimulating series of lectures. The week will he crowded with discussions nu.l lenimis.trations in everything that makes for the welfare of the fanner and home- maker. 1 - Winter Short Course Jan. 5 to 30, 1913 .The college has spared no effort to niaki' this the most complete short course in its .history. A very wide range of coiircs will he olfeted in General Agricul ture. Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, '.Dairying., Poultry Keeping, Mechanics Arts Domestic Science ami mt, com merce, FoicMry, 'and Mump. Numerous Wnires and discussions on Farmers' Co operation, at holne and abroad, will he a leu ine feature. Maw t""s a picawm .u.u profitable winter outing. No tuition. Ac nomodations reasonable. Keiluceil rates on alljailroads. For furrhcr information ad-inWll.-M. THNNANT, Registrar, Cor- vallis, Oregon. Fanners' Itosmess Courses ny correspon dence- without tuition. ' Notice. , Notice is hereby given that- any person or persons w ho shall deposit in any of the waters of the Con,uille Kiverror any place where higlijwater will float it into the river, any saw-dust, shavings, lumber waste or slashings of.trfrs, or brush, will he prosecu ted for such olfense under and in accordance with the provisions of sections 42 and 62 of Chapter 232 of the General law of Ore gon of 1913; all persons owning, land upon hirli :irenljshiniis or waste timber of any kind ,are wpiurd at their peril to see that such waste is not noateu mio me m, ' This iiatice is given pursuant to order of the IWurd of Commissioners of the' Port of llandon. .y J. K. NORTON, Secretary of the Port of Bandon. 9S-t3 i Useful .... sThis store is full of beautiful and servicahle goods- ? that will solve the Christmas question in a prac- deal manner A gift, selected from our stock will ndt, only delight the recipient on " Chyistmas . day," but for years to come will be a source 'of pleasure. Come in while the selection is large, t A Few Suggestions Chair everything ranging from a dainty rocker to the big" upholstered easy chair. Pictures a beautiful assortment to select from. Tables, in ft. ma liy. designs arid sizes. Fancy toilet 'boxes,. dressers, side boards,, rugs, BANDON TRANSFER UNE GATCHELL BROS., Frayt. All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders given prompt attention. Darn Cor. First & Spruce St., Fish Property P1IONTC tui FREE! With every dollar cask purchase, or every dollar paid on account, a tick et on our new $80.00 White Ro tary Sewing Machine which we will Give January 10th to the person holding v . the lucky number. Bandon Hdwe. Co. The Recorder is always at o .. . ' A ' etc.,, -etc ' Away Job Department your service. I town, . . 3 O -4 it i