The gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1909, July 02, 1909, Image 3

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(From Saturday's' Daily.)
J. H. Lane is here visiting relatives.
Morris Keady attended the Browns
ville picnic yesterday.
Theo. Welcher and daughter Vivian,
went to Portland today.
Hans Olson, of Toledo, was in the
city yesterday on business.
Peter Hansen was a Corvallis visitor
from Fisher, Ore., yesterday.
Miss Edna Groves returned yesterday
from a visit to friends at Eugene.
Sheriff Gellatly was out in the Wren
neighborhood yesterday on legal busi
ness. Mrs. Mabel Gardner went to Drain
today where she will visit relatives and
Mrs. J. F. Allen will return tonight
from a few week's visit to friends in
Byron Powers and Claude Whitehorn
have gone Into the Alsea country on a
fishing trip,
Mr. and Mrs. B. Rexford were in the
city yesterday as guests at the A.
Hathaway home.
Dell Alexander and Walter Winni-
ford, of Kings Valley, were trading in
Corvallis yesterday.
Congressman W. P. Ellis has secured
a pension of $15 per month for William
R. Ward of this city.
A keg of anti local option came in
yesterday and was gladly received by
the friends in waiting.
A. L. Stevenson will conduct a sale
of personal property today five miles
north of Wren station.
Wm. Angus, who has been visiting
taIh-Hvps in Corvallis returned to his
home at Gardinier yesterday.
C. H. Hanson, oi Grinnell, Iowa, is
out here looking over Corvallis and this
part of the Willamette Valley.
Pole Avery came over from his tim
ber claim yesterday to renew his ac
quaintance with Corvallis friends.
Dr. Mentor Hownrd went to Portland
todav and will spend Sunday with Mrs.
Howard at the Good Samaritan Hos
W. G. Lane will move to his new
house ou north Fourth street between
Harrison and Tvler the" first of next
Rev. Herbert Johnson departed for
home this morning after a short visit
in Corvallis. He is on the program at
the Baptist meeting in Portland today.
Mrs. Harold Woodcock has kindly
consented to sing for the offertory
"The Day Is Ended," at the morning
service at the Presbyterian church,
Sunday morning.
Mrs. Shields anu Mrs. Howard Bates
and daughter, of Portland, called here
by the death of Mrs. Miller, returned
to their homes today. Mrs. Shields
was a sister of Mrs. Miller.
Otto Headrick and wife, of Salem,
have been at Newport for a season of
rest and recreation and on their return
vesterdav thev stopped over for a visit
at the Grover Headrick home.
The double daily train service now
being operated over the C. & E. road to
Newport is meeting with popular favor,
many passengers taking advantage of
the opportunity to go to the seashore.
A. K. Russ and Zjb. Davis are candi
dates before the people to represent
the Goddess of Liberty at the Fourth of
July celebration. Why not electboth ?
They would be a fine pair to draw a
Ammy Cameron, A. E. Hudson and
wife, Mrs. Kate Hudson and Gilbert
Hudson will form a jolly party at New
port tomorrow. It will be the first
visit of mother Hudson to this beauti
ful place
Active preparations are now being
! made by several of the secret societies
who expect to take part in the demon
stration on July 5. Novel floats are
under construction and flaxen-haired
maidens are ironing the wrinkles out
of their Sunday clothes that the sweet
and bewitching beauties may make
lasting impressions on the visiting
brothers. The float representatives are
practicing daily in the back yard so as
to inspire confidence and maintain their
equilibrium under the trying ordeal.
Committees are working in sweet har
mony and when the band begins to play
on the morning of July 5 you will miss
something grand if you don't line up in
the procession.
Rev. and Mrs. J. R. N. Bell will leave
today for an outing at Newport. Dr.
Bell will return Thursday or Friday. '
Mrs. Bert Gordon, nee Whitney and;
a former OAC student, now . living at
Amity, is visiting friends in the city.. ' j
Marshall Miller has commenced put- '
ting down a wide cement walk in front
of his recently acquired property on
Monroe and Third streets. - ...
Postmaster B. W. Johnson, who. is
secretary of the Presidential Postmas-
ters'associationof Oregon, has received
a letter from Postmaster General Hitch
cock that he will endeavor to be pres- j
ent at the coming state convention
which will meet in Portland, Septem
ber 10, 11. - -
Rev. C. T. Hurd has been elected a
state delegate to the National Christian
Endeavor Convention, to be held at St.
Paul during the month of July. Rev.
Hurd has devoted much time and atten
tion to Christian Endeavor work and is
deservedly popular with the young
The union church service last evening
was especially good, a large crowd be
ing in attendance, and the music for
the occasion was well rendered. There
is a spirit of unity at ' both the young
people's meeting and the evening wor
ship that is good to see, and everyone
is enjoying the services to the utmost.
The Corvallis & Eastern railroad has
wisely concluded to protect Sunday ex
cursionists and the glitter of a star on
a U. S. Marshal had a salutary effect
on the rough-neck element. , One gen
tleman who failed to raise the window
when disposing of his beer bottle kindly
contributed to the expense fund of the
C. & E. and repeated the dose on the
homeward trip. The excursion yester
day was a very decided improvement.
It is a sad sight to see young women
forget that civilization makes some
claim on all classes of humanity and
in so doing bring disgrace upon
themselves, their families and their
friends. The throwing of cherry pits in
the faces of the passerby and strewing
the sidewalk on Saturday would make
any rude, thoughtless boy ashamed of
himself and scarcely to be thought of
as coming from women. Chief Wells is
to be commended for making them clean
the walk.
Yesterday was a very unusual day
at the seaside. It rained to beat the
band and instead of promenading the
beach the visitors were" huddled togeth
er like a band of sheep in any place
where they could find shelter. ; Maidens
wearing little gauze hats and white
stockings were a sight which would cer
tainly touch the stony heart. Thpr
oughly chilled it was impossible to chew
gum and indulge in other innocent
amusement. Thirty-two young people,
properly mated, and' hailing from Co
burg, were sorely disappointed and anx
iously awaited the returning train.
Serious Accident Happened Yesterday
Afternoon South of City. Injured
Man is now Resting Comfortably at
Hotel Corvallis.
A serious accident happened near the
Off Wilson place south of town yester
day afternoon the victim being State
Railroad Commissioner Oswald West.
As Mr. Frank Fischer was driving his
auto up the road" he passed Mr. West
and Mr. , Hannagan in a buggy. The
team scared at the escaping gas and in
running struck an embankment upset
the buggy and threw the occupants on
the ground after which they ran away
and were later corralled out in the Mc
Bee neighborhood. Mr. West was quite
severely hurt sustaining two broken ribs
and cuts about the head and shoulders.
Mr. Fischer brought him to town in his
auto and Dr. Pernot was called to attend
his wounds. No blame' is attached to
anyone for the unfortunate accident.
Mr. West is Vesting at the Corvallis
Hotel and is receiving kind attention at
the instigation of his friends.
The Corvallis Gazette and Corvallis Times, the Two Oldest Papers in Benton
. County, Will Combine to Give the Public the Best Possible
Newspaper Service. . -
Announcement to the Public:
On and after Thursday, July 1, 1909, The Corvallis
Gazette and the Corvallis Times will be consolidated under
one management and will continue the Dublication of a
daily and weekly edition under the name of THE COR
VALLIS GAZETTE-TIMES, with N. R. Moore and Chas.
L. Springer as editors and publishers,
This consolidation of the two qldest and leading
papers in this part of the Willamette .Valley is the result
of long and careful consideration and will, it is confidently
believed, result in many ways to the good of this city and
Fishing Tack fe
and all kinds of
- --.-
Sporting tfooefs
Can be found here at prices that
cannot be duplicated for ., goods
of similar fine quality. A good ;
fisherman knows and appreciates
good rods, lines, etc. All of
which can be had at our estab
ishment. Heater & Harrington
Phone 126 Corvallis, Oregon
(From Monday's Daily.)
Mr. Carroll Wright, of Klamath Falls
was a visitor at the Beala home yes
Mrs. C. J. Fulton, of Portland, is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. D. G. Mackenzie,
for a few days.
Regular meeting of the Eastern Star
at Masonic Temple Tuesday nierht. All
members should attend.
I he Corvallis Marine Band gave a
splendid open air concert on Second
street Saturday evening.
Mrs. Walter Taylor, who has been se
riously ill with pneumonia since last
Thursday, is now improving.
Word was received here yesterday
7 that a Mrs. Hash had died at Alsea and
that the funeral will be held today.
(From Tuesday's Daily.)
Cecil Price, of Philomath, was look
ing over the city yesterday.
Ben Robinson, Messrs. Wiley and Al
Matheney, of Wren, were breathing
city air yesterday.
Mrs. L. P. Beal and daughter Pearle
returned yesterday from Alsea after a
pleasant visit with friends.
Hops are still hopping up in price and
it begins to look mighty interesting to
the man who looked after his yard.
Messrs. M. M. and Hank Long and
Bob Hathaway went to the Big Elk
country yesterday on a fishing expedition.
Charley Cravens and wife are visit
ing friends in the city. Charley was at
one time a partner in the Bauer-Wilkins
tailor shop.
Mrs. Martin, of. Clear Lake, Iowa,
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greer, of
Hillsboro, were guests at the J. H.
Price home yesterday.
Mrs. Kate Hudson, who has been vis
iting at the Cameron-Hudson home for
the past week, returned to her home at
Milton, Oregon, yesterday.'.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Yates returned
yesterday from a ten days' trip through
eastern Oregon stopping at Pendleton
at the K. P. Lodge, thence to Baker
Cal Yates and wife were visitors at
the father Yates home yesterday.- They
had been to Vancouver on a visit to W.
E. and stopped on the way home.
E. B. Hamilton, a prominent attorney
of Brimfield, 111., is visiting Sam Moore.
He expresses himself as being much
pleased with Corvallis and the surround
ng country.
Rich Irvin and Howard Waggoner,; of
the Bruce neighborhood, were saiiing
around the city yesterday in Mr. Irvin's
new auto. Rich has a very appropri
ate name and hf knows how to enjoy
it as well as any man in the county.
The many - friends ot Miss LaVeme
Johnson, who underwent an operation
in a Portland hospital about two weeks
ago, will be pleased to learn that she
is rapidly improving and that hopes are
entertained for her complete recovery.
The different fire companies were out
on a practice run last evening in prep
aration for the sidesplitting contest on
July 5. It's fun to stand and. look on
and see an occasional old cow bump his
legs together. - It certainly teaches pa
tience and perseverence and when- the
bones in his ankles , crack together he's
daisy if he don't cuss.'
A fast game of base ball will be play
ed on July 5 on the flat between Halsey
and Corvallis. The purse will be $40
and the game will be played with the
purse hanging on a stick to stir the pat
riotic blood of the nimble fellows en
gaged in the game. The teams are
considered evenly matched and it will
afford fine sport to all who enjoy this
kind of amusement.
Mr. James Lane, of Silver Lake
came in Saturday through the Cascade
Mountains. He reports it as a snappy
trip with plenty of snow still lingering
in the mountains. , He reports the con
ditions pf. Silver Lake as being very
similar tp the valley,, both dry and cold
Mr. Lane is a young man, a blind law1
yer and considered very bright. Like
many men similarly afflicted he has a
wonderfully retentive memory. As a
stock man he knows his business thor
oughly and when it comes to trading
horses they call him a peach.
W. F. Wakefield, of Eddyville was 'n
town todav and gave a very interesting
description of the changed conditions of
the coast country during the past two
or three years. As a stock country it
is rapidly being settled with new people
who are turning their attention largely
to sheep, goats and cattle and as the
mist laden ocean breeze always keeps
the ground moist the grass is ever green
and fresh. Dairying is also very prof
itable and to this industry Mr. Wake
field has turned his attention.. A pretty
little story he tells of milling nineteen
cows and churning out $160 this month.
Two of the critters are heifers and five
strippers but the others hustle to make
up the3eficiency. Many others are also
engaged in this industry and the flies
buzz sweetly around the sour milk cans
at Eddy vile as the train pulls in. $3, 000
was paid for one mohair pool there and
many new billys are coming every year.
When the Swift Packing: Company at
Portland call for all kinds of stock just
watch that country develop.
OAG Students.
Take Long Tramp
Realizing that the rapid growth of Corvallis . de
manded the best newspaper service that could be given
both the Gazette and Times had made arrangements to
publish a daily edition, and while each paper, in its pros
perous condition and with its respective clientele could have
gone ahead and carried out to the fullest extent its own
plans, it has been deemed wise to concentrate their facili
ties and by so doing be in a better position to serve the
public with one first-class daily and weekly paper.
From every point of view it is certain that this con
solidation will be for the best interests of the people of
Corvallis and Benton county, for it will be the constant aim
of the publishers "to give to the public the best possible
newspaper- service that conditions will warrant and to keep
making improvements commensurate with the growth of
the city and country.
The combined circulation of the two papers will give
the merchants a medium that cannot be excelled for adver
tlsing purposes, and at the same time enable them to real
ize the greatest results from their appropriations for this
p rpose.s
There should be no good reason why the change
will not prove in every way beneficial and be welcomed
by the business men and the readers or both papers, re
gardless of any sentimental ideas, about the continuance of
the city's oldest papers. The daily should be taken in
every home in the city, and the weekly should find an
abiding place in every home not reached by the daily. The
public, in helping to bring about this result, will be aiding
to build up for Corvallis and Benton county a daily and
weekly publication that will be a source of genuine pleas
ure and pride. v
Unexpired subscriptions to the Times and Gazette
will be filled out with issues of either the Daily or Weekly
Gazette-Times, as may be preferred. Money due will be
paid at the office of the consolidated papers.
(Successor to Ambler & Watters) : . ' - x
Real Estate Agent.
If you want anything in my line (I either buy.,
or sell) I am in a position to give you the best '
possible deal for your money. Try it. See my .
bargains or send for list. f ' :.
"TU". 1ST T IE X
TABER BROS., Machine
Sheares, 1565 Adams St.
OoxTroJ-lis, Oie.
Funeral Director-and . Licensed -
Successor to Bovee & Bauer
Corner Third and Madison street, Corvallis, Ore
Independent Phone 45 "Bell Phone 241
If you wish to buy or sell "2nd
nana iurnuure or otner nouse- -hold
goods call on
You will get a square deal and prompt service
424 So. Second So. Phone 4325
A Monday's special from Burns,
Oregon says that Frank Gowan. and
Frank Thompson, two Harney County
students of Oregon Agricultural College
arrived tiom Friday afternoon . after
walking the entire distance .as- a
matter of pleasure and physical exer
cise. They left Corvallis on the morn
ing of June 16 and arrived in Burns at
4 o'clock P. M." June 25. They came
by Lebanon and the Sweet Home route
and had nice weather all the way.
Mr. Gowan is a son of ex-Senator A.
W. Gowan and Mr. . Thompson is a son
of Grant Thompson, a prominent farm
er and stockman. Thompson won a
cup while at school in a . wreitling
match with an Albany, team,
Oswald West Is Recovering
Oswald West, Railroad Commissioner,
is rapidly recovering from the injuries
received in the runaway Sunday. Mr.
West was thrown from the buggy when
his horse became frightened at an auto
mobile. Two ribs were broken by the
fall, and his left arm and shoulder par
tially paralyzed for a time; His face
was also badly lacerated. He has re
covered the use of bis arm and is rest
ing' easy. : - r.'cS-''
Subscribe for theG-izE tte
910 Boylstcn Ave.
Furnished clean, Iijrht! rooms. Break
fast served. Direct car line to Expo- .
sition. Convenient to retail' district.
Take the Madison Street Cable Car
This house is in charge of Corvallis people . .
This consolidation gives the Gazette-Times a first
class job office and even this will be added to immediately
so that all classes of printing required in this city may be
done here as acceptably as it is done at Portland or else
where. This should be appreciated and . supported prop
erly. Until a satisfactory location can be found for the
combined plants, the Gazette-Times will be issued from
the present Gazette office and job work will be done at
'he Times office.
With the one object in view of publishing a paper
that shall be a credit to Corvallis and Benton county, and
with the determination to always work for the good ct
this community, the hope is entertained for a continuance
of the loyal support that has been given to the individual
publications, a support which it will be the constant en
deavor of the Gazette-Times to merit.
' Signed : ,
Publisher Corvallis Times..
Publisher Corvallis Gazette.
Special attention given to the Eys
rxose and Throat. ' .
Office in Johnson Bid' g, Corvallis
Wall Paper
and Paint
Second Street near Palace Theater
Dr. J. B Morris
Physician and Surgeon
Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m., M to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.
Corvallis, Or.
Corner Third and
Monroe Streets
J. Fred Yates
Rooms 3 and 4 First Nat'l Bank
. Independent phone 1134
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