mite WEEKLY EDITION VOL. XXIX. .1 RANTS PASS JOSEPHINE COIXTY. OREGON'. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1913. No. 3T. E TD ELECT OFFICERS IS CALLED OFF CURRENCY Bill HAS BECOME LI POMONA am II ElECll PASSED CONGRESS BY LARGE MAJORITIES SIGNED BY PRES. WILSON Both Houses Adjourn till January 1: Following Enactment of Fiu uucial Legislation vabmngiou, vec. io. iut ueuio vaaui; cuneuvy wu was leauy ui otiucK mis aueiuoon tor rresiatui. WiifcOUb signature, it passed tue senate at iiuu o ciock m exactly tue same ioriu us acceyted Uy tu uouse lasi night. All that remains to be done uuw for the bill to become a law is Ue affixing of the presidents signature. This will be forthcoming at t o'clock, according to announcement from the White House. Democratic senators and congressmen planned to be pre sent at tne signing of the measure. The house met this morning, but marked time all day, awaiting action in the senate on the currency bill. When this was forthcoming the house adjourned at 3:11 until January 12. The senate, after adopting the bill by a vote of 43 to 35, confirmed several presidential nominations and adjourned at 4:01 o'clock for the holidays. It will convene again January 12. Today's debate In the senate was marked by much bitterness. Sena tor Bristow said the democrats had played Into the hands of the big banking institutions. j "It's exactly what they have want ed all the' time," he said. He also denounced Senator Owen of Okla homa, joint authr - of the bill with Congressman Glass. "Senator Owen," he said, "Is a stockholder in one of the largest banks in St. Louis. In framing and voting for this bill he merely favor ed his own interests." Senator Nelson also bitterly op posed the bill. He was one of the minority members composing the joint committee from the house and senate that considered the bill in conference. Nelson claimed that the minority members had been barred from Important conferences. "The great republican state of Minnesota," he said, "was dis franchised by the democrats so far as a voice In shaping this confer ence bill was concerned." Nelson also objected to the ellm lnation of the provision forbidding a director of a member-bank being a director of the federal reserve board. Several republicans, however, voted for the bill. These Included Senators Jones, Norris and Weeks. Thosa who voted against the mea sure were Senators Borah, Bradley, Brady, Brandegee, Bristow, Catron Clapp, Dillingham, Gallinger, Goff, Cronna, Kenyon, LaFollette, Mc Cumber, Nelson, Page, Perkins, Root Skerman, Smoot, Sutherland, Town' fiend, Warren and Works. During the progress of the debate In the senate, Senator Owen intim ated that a bill to guarantee bank deposits would be Introduced later. A similar promise was roads in the house last night by Majority Leader Underwood. It was announced at the White House that President Wilson had prepared a memorandum to follow nis signature which would explain Just how the democrats expected the bill would benefit the country. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo declared this afternoon that his de partment Is flooded with telegrams from banks wishing to become mem bers of the reserve system. He an nounced that Charter No. 1 will ?o to the Batavlan Bank of LaCrosse, Wis. Washington. Dee. 23. By a vote of 43 to 35 the senate this afternoon adopted the joint conference cur rency Mil. , The bill was expected to reach the WILL MEET IX GRANTS PASS JANUARY 3 MAC PHERSON TO LECTURE Special Representative of State to Europe Will Speak of Rural Credit Systems The Pomona grange will meet in Grants Pass on Saturday, January 3, at which time will occur the annual election of officers. In addition to the business meet ings, two lectures of more than usual importance will be delivered by Prof. MacPherson, the political economist of the state agricultural college at Corvallis. Prof. MacPherson was the representative of the state of Oregon sent to Europe last year to study the systems of rural credits and condi tions there, and his two lectures here will deal with the results of his in vestigations there. These lectures will be open to the general public. SHOOTERS GOT TURKEYS FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER Despite the falling rain and the darkness of the day, there was a large attendance at the tournament of the shotgun and rifle clubs on the 21st, and fairly good scores were made. About 25 participated in the various events on the shotgun pro gram, there being 15 separate matches of ten targets each, with a turkey, duck or chicken and a mer chandlse prize in each, and these were pretty well divided among the contestants. For the high-average purses Allen was first with 128 out of a possible 150; Dana, second, 127; Hough, third, 125; Wharton, fourth, 122. The DuPont trophy wa3 won by Allen, with 91 out of the possible 100 targets that counted on this; Hough being a close second with 90. Other contestants were Dana, 89; Wharton, 88, and Johnston, 87. Some twenty-five rifle experts par ticipated In the tournament held In conjunction with the shotgun club Sunday, carrying away about twenty turkeys as well as ten other prizes. The prizes for the rifle shoot were put up by the Grants Pass Rifle Club, the contest being made In two divi sions, one for target rifles and the other for sporting rifles. H. ,F. Bailey took the first prize In the first division, with his brother, A. L. Bailey taking first In the sporting rifle division. Wm. Bunch and L. A. Cook took separate prizes in other matches, and the turkeys were well distributed among the other boys. White House not later than 4 p. m. President Wilson has announced his intention of signing the bill at 6 o'clock sharp. Washington, Dec. 23. With the house of representatives last night r:itifviue the conferee's agreement upon the currency bill by a vote of 29S to 60, and the senate pledged to vote on the measure not later tnan "30 o'clock this afternoon, it seem- ori certain early today that the bill would be ready for President Wil- i?hf. The sons Sisnaiuie uci.v senate met at 10 o'clock this morn- I Ing with the understanding that con Ulderatlon of the conferees' report would start Immediately. This will allow the various members to debate until 2:30 o'clock, a matter of four and a half hours. Before the final vote was taken In the house. Representative Glass, chairman of the house banking and n,v committee, intimated that ! the democrats later would Introduce I a separate bill to provide for guar j antv of bank deposits. ' The house did not meet until late todar and only a handful of mem jv.ers'were present. It merely mark i " (Continued on pnsre elgM.i OFFER STOLEN GOODS HACK TO STORE FOR SALE About two months ago Lloyd's Gymnasium work at the Coliseum second-hand store was burglarized! under the Associated Boys' Clubs has and a couple of guns and various now been in progress for some time, other articles were taken. Monday ' scheduled practices of the clubs hav morning a couple of strangers ap-' ing be&un early in the month. Five peared at the same establishment clubs form the association this year, and attempted to sell the two guns' totalling about 90 boys of the Pres that had been previously stolen from byterlan. Baptist, Christian, Method It The police force was notified,; 1st and South Methodist Sunday and when the men were quizzed they, Bchools. Great Interest Is being claimed that thav had found the i articles In a vacant building beyond 'ed by Scott Hamilton, the physical the brick yard east of town. Officers! director. went with them to the place where Each club has certain nights for. they claimed to have found the guns and some other articles of nlunder! were discovered. As there was no' parallel bars for about twenty mln evidence connecting the men with' utes preceding the regular basketball the burglary of the Lloyd they were not held. store, A X XOU XCK M K XT OF WEDDING WAS A RIG SI RPRISK An announcement that came as a great surprise to the friends of the principals was that of the marriage of Alfred J. Huggerth and Estella H. Steiger, both of this city, the happy event having occurred at Chehalls, Washington, on Wednesday, Novem ber 26, the day before Thanksgiving. The bride, who has been In the employ of the Pacific States Tele phone Company, in their Grants Pass exchange, was awan on o vaca tion at the time, and on her return resumed her position without mak ing announcement to her associates of the fact that she had taken unto herself a husband. Mrs. Huggerth left this morning to join her husband at Roseburg, where they will make their future home. MURPHY TEAM IS DEFEATED AT BASKET HALL The Boys' Club all-star basketball team defeated the Murphy players by a score of 39 to 11. The game was played at the Murphy grange halk the local players reaching there short ly before elg'J o'clock. The contest was not so one-sided as the score would Indicate, for the Murphy boys having had the advantage of practice on their own floor, which Is noted for its slippery surface, thus had a handi cap to offset tho greater experience of the local basket tossers. Twenty minute halves frere played, with the score 11 to 3 at the end of the first half. Murphy Is reported as having the foundation for a very good team, and a regular schedule Is being ar ranged between this team and the local boys' club. WARD FORTUNE LEFT TO W IFE AND DAUGHTER j Chicago, Dec. 24 A Montgomery Ward, mail order house head, who died at his home at Highland Park, 111., recently, left all but $250,000 of his 15,000,000 estate to his wife and daughter, Miss Marjorie Ward, ac cording to provisions of his will made public today. The $250,000 Is to be divided among fifteen other relatives. Ward made no bequests to charity, but provided that If his daughter does not marry, and leaves no win. her share of the estate, estimated at from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000. re verts to Mrs. Ward, who will use It to establish a home for working girls. Mrs Elizabeth J. Ward, the widow, receives from $2,000,000 to $3,000. 000 of the estate. CONGRESSMAN FARR IS SANTA CLAUS TO PAGES Washington, Dec 24. The forty six pages In the house of represents tlves were made happy by five-dollar gold pieces which Representative Farr of Pennsylvania handed every one of them today. Farr is proud of the fact that he started life as a newsboy. 1 BOYS' CLUBS PROVIDE WINTER SPORT SCHEDULE i shown in the work, which Is conduct- the use of the building, the exercises beelnnlnsr with dumb-bell work and practice. The schedule of games for the sea son Is now practically complete, and will make up about thirty Inter-club contests, each team to meet each of the others three times. These games will begin the latter part of the mouth, one at least during the holi days, and will continue with two re gular contests a week until the scho- dule Is played out, about the first ot Anrll. This year, as last, it is plan-, ned to play a preliminary contest be tween the juniors of the second teams of the clubs represented. A game Is being planned for next week between a picked team from the players now practicing to repre sent the boys' clubs and a Murphy team at the Murphy hall. Reports say that the Murphy team Is com posed of husky players who will put up a hot contest, and the local boys are working hard to be In trim. The schedule of practice nights fol lows: Christians and Baptists, Mon and Thursdays; Presbyterians and South Methodists, Tuesdays and Fri days; Methodists, Wednesdays and Saturdays. The first regular game of the Boys' Club basketball schedule will be on the evening of Friday, December 26. This contest will be between the Christians and Presbyterians, and will be preceded by a preliminary game by the junior teams of these clubB. Other contests in the ssso clatlon are also billed for the holi day season, the next being between the Methodists and Baptists on the thirty-first, and the third contest be tween the South Methodists and the Presbyterians on January 2. More interest is being shown at thin time of year than was evident at the cor responding time last year, auguring well for a most successful season of winter athletics. LOS ANGELES FREE EM PLOYMENT BUREAU OPENS Los Angeles, Dec. 24. The Los Angeles' free employment bureau Is open today for registration, six days In advance of the day originally set. The change was made to aid the thousands of unemployed here. No fee is charged work seekers or employers. Tho bureau was estab lished under municipal ordinance. "CAMP HOPE" CONVICTS MAKE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Dixon. 111.. Dec. 24 -The "Camp Hone convicts at jouei prison iu- day sent the Rev. J. W. Whltcomn, of the Episcopal church here, a din ing set, a table and chairs made in the penitentiary, as a Christmas Rift. A note accompanying announced the gift to be an appreciation of kind nesses shown by the minister to the prisoners while they were engaced In road work near Dixon last sumnipr. Vane ouver, Wash.. Dee. 2',-Re- j Newman M. E. church. Tuesday even fined admission to the army because 'Ing at 6 o'clock before a few nsseni he was six feet nine Inches tall. Med friends. Rev. Wm. R. Jeffrey Jr. August Brader. aged 21. took a job officiating. Mr. and Mrs. I.ewman In a brick yard Instead. will reside on the rand, at Provolt. COUNTY CLERK COUURN WEDS MISS HAZEL POLLEY Eugene Coburn, the debonair, gen tlemanly and handsome county clerk of Josephine County, has stood back of the counter and seen many a stam mering youth hand over his three plunks and get in return a permit to join the happy throng of bene dicts. He has had the same youth, and on occasion some whose youth had vanished In the misty past, take him behind the door and BBk tht he keep announcement of his approach- ing happluess out of the newspaper, till it Is evident he thought that was part of the game. But there Is that look that won't wear off that la always present when Cupid Is near, and 'Gene has been wearing the look for several days past. It told the tale to the newspaper slouth, and he was watching the symptoms. Though the license was issued late Saturday evening, the key turned In the- office at the court house Imme diately after, and the minister cau- tioned to silence, the joy that was 'Gene's radiated out and made its presence reit. Miss Hazel Polley, a member of the local teaching corps, wras the Bweet and winsome bride who had captivated the heart of Mr. Coburn, and the wedding occurred at the Kendall house at 609 A street at 5:45 o'clock Saturday evonlng, Rev. Wm. R. Jeffrey, Jr., officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Lester Coburn, Miss Blanche Polly, Miss Julia Calahan and O. C. Ilelnze. After the ceremony the new- lyweds left on train No. 16 for Glen dalo, where they will visit with re latives for a few days, after which they will return to this city and 'Gene will again hand out Joy tickets to stammering youths at $3 a hand. The Moose baud, of which 'Gene Coburn, the recent benedict, was one of the organizers, was out iu full force Tuesday evenlug in search of their straying member, and succeed ed in locating him with his bride at the co'rner of Sixth and B streets, out on an Xmas shopping tour. Mr. and Mrs. Coburn tried to escape the musical well-wishers, but were so laden with housekeeping oud Christ mas effects that they soon found themselves In the center of the ring formed by the serenaders. The re cipients of this "touching" concert pleaded with their captors to leave them to the bliss of their own soli tude, but after marching in convoy with the Moose to the Colonial, where they have apartments, It was Been that they were merely as mice In the power of a greedy cat. It seems that this was In tho nature of torture, for at the threshold of his own home, and on the verge of free dom, '(ftne was Informed that one so fortunate as he should not need a hint before "setting them up" to the "bunch," so the young county clerk, yet In the clutches of those he had tried to foil, proceeded to the near est confectionery, where he "treated" most handsomely and In the quickest manner possible. The Moose report that their unre lenting attitude In this matter would I.non foirmprp,! with lliprcv if It , trc(, tQ "slip It over" on them from the first, but as It rankles In the heart to have one of their own number try such methods, he may consider him self lucky that he escaped so easily. AppleuaJe Couple Wed Thomas E. I.ewmnn of Provolt, and Miss Myrtle Lucy York of Wonder, were married In the parlors of the LEGAL COMPLICATION'S INVOLVE THE QUESTION- ACTION BY COUNTY COURT Election Will Re Again Called When Law Points Are Settled la the Court The election that had been set tor.' the 31st of the present month for the purpose of voting on a bond issue of $225,000 for the building of per manent roads In Josephine county has been called off by the county court, and notice to that effect la given by the couuty clerk In the Courier today. The reasons that made It advisable not to hold the election after It had been called are that the Jackaoa county Issue has met with sevoral complications that may require its submission to the supreme court be fore the bonds will be declared le gal, with a chance that a new elec tion might have to be called. It was thought the part of wisdom to await the settlement of those questions be fore Josephine county went to the expense of an election. The registra tion complication was also another featuro that entered Into the matter, and as there will be no great delay in the prosecution of the road work by putting off the election, It was so ordered. It Is now probable that the election will be called at the time of primary election next Bprlng. PRODUCERS FRUIT COMPANY . TO HAVE A BRANCH HERE J. H. Randolph of Medford, Oregon manager of the Fruit Producers Com pany, was In town Saturday In the Interests of his firm. Mr. Randolph states that hl$ company Is planning to put In a house In Grants Past soon after the first of the year, and that If they caunot rent they will build, but they Intend to make the establishment permanent. The house will handle all orchard accessories and also will handle farm produce on either cash or commission basis, which should prove most satisfactory to the producers. SOUTH PACIFIC HOSPITAL SOLD TO GOOD SAMARITAN On Saturday a deal was closed whereby the Good Samaritan hospital takes over the South Pacific. The patients will be moved at once to the Good Samaritan hospital on Fourth street and the South Pacific will be closed as a hospital. The Good Sam aritan will continue In the prosent location until such time as they are able to obtain larger quarters. SILYERTOX IXSES SUPREME COURT DECISION Salem, Dec. 24. Judge Galloway today decided the suit of the state board of health against the city of Sllverton In favor of the plaintiff. The suit was brought to restrain that city from emptying Us sewage Into Silver creek. When the city was in augurating the new sewer system Just completed. It was warned by the board of health not to use, the creek as a dumping pluce, but tbe city paid no attention to the warning and the suit was brought. Judge Gallo way made tlie. restraining order per petual, and If sustained by the su preme court, probably every city and town In tho state using the stream as outlets for their sewers will have to put In septic, tanks before allow ing sewage to flow Into them. Wheth er this will apply to navigable streams Is a matter that will perhaps have to be threshed out later. Iul Has Broken Arm Dr. Smith was called Wednesday to attend young Jack Herrlott, ion of E. W. Herrlott. who had sustained a broken arm while rldlnjf. The break was very bad, and will require much attention. V