Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 24, 1910, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    KM DAY, JIXE 24, 1910
There Is a very strong 'trait Id
some men which allows them to make
and sell for gain a narcotic poison
that Is the cause of more than one
half of the domestic trouble, of the
crime, and of a large per cent of the
sickness and death. It Is stranger
still that the Immensely vast major
ity, over 99 per cent, will permit an
insignificant minority to deliberately
work this enormous damage.
In 1909 there were In this country
2836 breweries and distilleries. Prac
tically all of them were under the
control of foreigners. This exceed
ingly small minority now compels
80,000,000 of people to submit to
their doings. A narcotic poison is
sold by about 250,000 retailers.
In the wet and dry move In Chic
ago the cry was that 50,000 men
would be thrown out of work if the
7,000 saloons are closed. The other
side of this question is, over a mil
lion people are yearly disabled from
work because of this saloon busi
ness. Which Is better, for a smaller
number of men to lose their posi
tions, simply by closing an outlawed
business, or for that business to con
tinue and a larger number of men be
forced to lose their positions through
crime, sickness. Insanity and other
calamities, caused by that business
selling that poison?
Why are men so unprincipled, so
Inhumane, as to sell a poison that
makes over a million men and women
useless year in and year out? It is
estimated that there are 3,000,000
hard drinkers in this country. We
will be very lenient and say there
are only 1,000,000. What about a
senseless and useless business that
throws 1,000,000 people out of em
ployment by disabling them? One
hundred and eighty thousand die of
tuberculosis annually. It is said that
alcoholics cause at least 50 per cent
of these cases. Besides the 90,000
that are thus poisoned and killed by
alcohol there are at least 1,000,000
consumptives living who are disabled
by the same means, who are out of,
.work and are at great cost to some
one. Again there are 140,000 epil-jsay
The ONLY Beach in the Pacific Northwest
Where the pretty Water Agates, Moss Agates Moon
stones, Carnelians and Rock Oysters can be found.
Including Hunting, Fishing, digging Rock Oysters,
Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Autoing, Canoeing and
Dancing. Pure mountain water and the best food at low
prices. Fresh Crabs, Clams, Oysters, Fish and Vegetables
of all kinds daily. IDEAL CAMPING GROUNDS, with
strict sanitary regulations, at nominal cost.
from all points in Oregon,
Washington and Idaho on sale
Sunday Excursion Rate of
from Albany, Corvallls and Philomath, with corresponding low rates
from points west, In effei t all summer. Call on any S. P. or C. & E.
Agent for full partb duals as to rates, train si hedulen, etc.; also for
ropy of our beautifully illustrated booklet, "Outings in Oregon," or
write to'
(ielieral Pasnenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
m .!-" --.irf i
Jl U t J i
eptics, 40 per cent of whom would
be well and able to work but for nar
cotic alcohol.
Out of 149.691 prisoners in 1900
the records show that 23 per cent
over 34,000 were drunk when ar
rested. "Chief Justice Coleridge said
that nine-tenths of all criminals that
come before the courts are made
criminals by the saloon." Let us be
generous and say only 50 per cent
are caused through drink. That
would make only 74,000 locked up
and out of work. There were also
81,764 paupers. Of these it is fair
to say 50 per cent is all that is pro
duced through drink. Of the insane
there were 147,467. Twenty-five
per cent, or 36,000, of whom can
very modestly be charged up against
the effects of alcohol. How much
sickness, trouble, sexual Immorality,
prostitution come from drink? NoSllffolk county, Boston, the net ex
one knows. How many are disabled
from work? It is impossible to say.
But here are some figures which any
one can verify.
One million sick of tuberculosis
(estimated); 90,000 die annually of
tuberculosis; 1,000,000 hard drink
ers, which represents one-third of the
estimated number; 40,000 epileptics;
74,000 Imprisoned for crime; 40,
000 paupers; 36,000 Insane; total,
Here are 2,280,000, which repre-i
sents the average number annually
who lose their jobs, their health,
their morals, their lives. And this
is only a very small part of the
wrong that Is laid up against alcohol.
It represents the loss of wages of
only a part of the drinkers who have
been disabled through drinking this
narcotic poison. It can be easily dem-1
onstrated that workmen of all kinds :
who drink beer daily produce at least'
in i i ..
10 per cent less work than they can j
produce when they do not drink. I
What is there in this alcohol business
that should make ft deserve special j
privilege in this work of destructive'
poisoning? What Is It that justifies!
putting this number out of commls-,
sion and making them a burden and
cost upon the state? Is there enough
pleasure or good In it to offset the
ost to tne state ot maintaining even
'these 200,000, at $200,000 a day, to!
absolutely nothing about the
Three Day-Saturday to Monday Rate
from S. P. Points. Portland to
Cottage Grove inclusive, In
cluding branch lines; also from
all C. & E. stations, Albany and
west. Good going on Saturday
or Sunday, and for return Sun
day or Monday.
IBee Supples
Pacific Northwest beekeepers should send at. onco
for our new Bee Supply Catalog. It lists and illus
trates the newest and best things for the apiary
Our stocks aro immense
and we can equip you
with everything for the
profitable and successful
handling of bees. We sup
ply colonies of pure
bred Italian bees hived
np and ready for work.
We are Western Agents
for tho A. I. Koot Company,
larpest manufac turers of bee
supplies in thu world. Their products
are the recognized standard of excellence.
Portland Seed Co.
Portland, Oregon
worry and pain and suffering to fam
ily, friends and victims.
Probably the saloon keeper is
ready to argue that he is philan
thropic and that he wants to pay a
large part of the costs of running the
government, which in 1903 amounted
to $506,396,674. He is probably
not willing to acknowledge that if
two billions of gallons of alcoholics
were not yearly drunk the cost of
maintaining the machinery of the
law and state necessary for the care
of the crop of mental, physical and
moral degenerates that his business
makes, the state would not be put
to such enormous expense. From an
economical point of view he costs the
state and society immensely more
than he pays in licenses and taxes.
As a rule one-half of all arrests made
are for drunkenness. In 1S98 Jn
penses for arresting and maintaining
drunks was $316,012 only a part
of the actual cost and damage. Other
cities are under similar expense.
No one can know what the best so
lution of this complicated question is.
Whatever plan is proposed should be
tried out. Constantly working at an
evil will finally evolve some method
to handle it. Each side, as it fights,
is, of course, using unust, fanatical,
unlawful. Inhuman, diabolical means
In the judgment of the other. Call
ing names Is useless. Here is the
greatest evil on earth. Something
must and will be done with it.
Denver, Colo.
A Wrwk
Is the only fit description for the
man or woman who is crlnnled with
rheumatism. Just a few rheumatic
twinges may be the forerunner of a
Ter? """l-? Vl6 atroublTe, &
the start with Ballard a Snow Llnl-
nient Clires the rhemat!sm and
all pain. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00.
Sold by National Drug Store.
A filu! Ftom th Farm-
Jerome Smith, of Oklahoma City,
a far,ner. started for St. Louis, and
having heard much about thieves
who would steal baggage, he strap
ped his two-year-old daughter to his
suit case to prevent It from being
! stolen. The child, llght-halred and
pretty, was fastened In a reclining
position to the grip with four belts.
When Smith appeared at a union sta
tion ticket window he stood the grip
on end and the youngster stood on
her feet. Smith explained that her
cries would prove an alarm If an at
tempt was made to purloin his prop
erty. "Besides," he added, "If any
body tries to collect fare for the biby
I can prove she Is baggage."
HOT POINT. The only Electric
Iron with hot point, cool handle and
attached stand; guaranteed for two
years. Get one on ten days' free
trial at Rogue River Hardware Co.
Aviator Breaks lNvonls.
Walter Brooldns, of Dayton, Ohio,
a youngster of 21. holds the world's
record for altitude flight in a Wright
biplane, established when he flew up
4 3 S 3 feet at the Indianapolis speed
way aviation field. Brooklns broke
Louis Paulhan's record of 416.r feet
altitude, made on January 12, 1910,
at Los Angeles.
ELECTRIC motor, H -horsepower,
for sale, 60 cycle, A. C. At Mi
Courier office. 3-1 8-1'
A Vital Point.
The most delicate part of a baby
Is Its bowels. Every aliment that
It suffers with attacks the bowels, al
so endangei lug in most cases the life
of th infant. MeGeo's Ruby Elixir
cures diarrhoea, dysentery and all de
rangements of the stomach or bowels.
Sold by National Drug Store.
Sales books for merchants are sup
plied by the Courier. Our prices ore
the lowest and the books the best
possible made.
Fruit Trees
Demand Bees
Quantity of fruit U greatly
lncr-usod; color, flavor and
shapn improved in orchard!
pollinated by Wpi. Aik UN for
copy of Or((on Agricultural
College ' Hulletin of I'olllna
tion," containing Information
Invaluable to orchard iitt and
demonKtratinit the importance
of the bee u the chief pollenli
log agent
nri, Flrr. ratrr ! Or
chard Rappllra-Flaata and
Want roa Ctux Me. Z'A
Men at Vancouver llarracks Will Do
Made Immune Against
June 21 Voluntarily, between 500
and 600 soldiers, offlceis and a num
ber of women have submitted to In
oculation with a serum for the pre
vention of typhoid fever. While It
Is not compulsory for the enlisted
men to be inoculated, thoy are en
couraged In the practice.
Before the soldiers were asked to
submit to inoculation, three surgeons
stationed in the post Major A. N.
htark. Dr. M. A. Reasoner and Dr.
Henry C. R. Norrls were Inoculated
successfully. Nearly all the officers
have been made Immune by use of
the serum. A number of the officers'
wives took the treatment and none
felt any bad effects. Several of the
officers, however, were made very 111.
ine serum is injected hynodermlc-
ally, three injections being required
to make a patient Immune. After one
injection, preferably in the small of
the back, the patient waits 10 days
for the second one and 10 days more
until the third one. Soldiers are ex
cused from active duty while taking
tne treatment.
An Interesting, though dangerous
case of typhoid fever was that de
veloped here last fall by Sergeant
Sylvester Craig. He was kept In
the post hospital for many weeks,
but still gave off typhoid germs, I
even when the disease was supposed
to have left him. Craig was removed
to the general hospital for treatment,
and It was found that he was a ty
phoid germ carrier. He recovered,
They Sell Wood with the Meat.
C. 3. Drlscoll, United States super
intendent of weights and measures,
ha3 discovered that the b'lg packers
receive annually $100,000 for the
wooden pins, "spreaders," which they
put In meat carcasses. This large
amount of wood docs not Include the
skewers with which the retail dealer
fixes up your roaBt. When we take
into consideration the bone and
wood we buy with our meat the
price for the little we get is out of
all proportion. Grants Pass people
are very fortunate, as all their meat
Is home grown and home fed and
none of it has the eastern packers'
spreaders" In It.
Lid v C w-n,i .v.
Mr, nu n , . m , V ' . V n,ore Particularly described as fol
circuit court of Illinois, has sustain- lows: Commencing at point 603.4
ed the demurrer of the Chicago, ' feet west of the quarter corner be
Burllngton & Qulncy railroad In the 1 twpPn "0(,tlons Nineteen and Twenty
suit brought by steamboat men to 1 h pTrp: 3 .ft "n r' of W. M.; run
- A .thence north 40 rods; thence wcHt 4
force the company to convert Its rods; thence south 40 rods; thence
bridge at La Salle into a draw. The east 4 rods to beginning point. The
structure precludes navigation to Bnnip 1,0 1,0 Bol(' subject to a mort
UUca. I kbro of $300.00 to H, L. Reed, with
In the County Court for Josephine
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate)
of Henry G. Rogers, do-)
censed. )
Notice is Hereby Given, that G. A.
Baldwin, the administrator of the es
tate of Henry G. Rogers, deceased,
has filed In the above entitled court
and cause his final account, and that
Saturday, July 16, 1910, at the coun
ty court room In the Court House In
Grants Pass, Josephine County, Ore
gon, at the hour of two o clock p. in.,
has been fixed bv order of the fViiin-l,n
ty Court as the time and place for'
hearing said final account; and nil
persons having objections to said nc
eount are hereby notified to file and
present the en me on or before unlit
Dated this 17th dnv of June, 1910.
G. A. BALDWIN, Administrator.
Notice Is hereby given
Hoard of Kdncntlon of School I)ln-1
uiei ,u. ,, ,io"pMn county, Oro-pt m the Southwest V, of the North-
Kon, will receive Healed hldx for tho west ;, nnd tho West of the
Installation of a healing apparatus Southwest i',, nil In Recti,,,, . In.
for 1be new llk'h School hulldlnir fol .Towntd.ln .IS Routt, rtnm.n .1 uw
be constructed at Crantu Pan, Ore-,
Hn, In Hald district, said hcnlltiK !
".VHteni nnd nuiiriffitiiu . In rn
conformity with the plans mid mieel ,
' ...... . .1 ... ,,, I
rleatloiiH therefor In the hands of
.lame HoluiiMi, niiperlnteudent of
cohkI ruction, at Grants Pamh, Oregon,
kI ruction, at (Irants I'nsn, Oregon, of (be SoM...U v. of Sect!,,,, Land Stone IW , ,.st ,, ,V 1 , '"
with P. ( h,,pe;i nrownn, Hrchl- TowoHb.n Poe.h. KanKo r, West of , ,,e n,,, above V I S
. Portland. Oregon; each bid to 'i,inn.Mo M-rbllau. ys nnd bo-, Je,;,U,' tt,., "tHv .'r S n
aoompanled by a certified check , la.? on the north Hide of AppWafo Office at lloHeburi; Orelron , tho
r, per cent thereof. All bid. tn"lv..r (n nnld . treat,, now runs) In 1 1 1 1 h day of .July, y o 1
tie placed witti the Hoard or I'Mucu-.
Men mi fir before June L'S. 1010, t
:.Ji o clock p. rn ., ct wlil-h time
the said bids will
board reserving Mo
any and nil bids
rliMit to reject.
O-IT-l't Clerk.
mssriM'TfoN or
N'otlep Meribv Clven. that Iho
liartiicrblp heretofore exNtlri:? be
tween Charley Itnrl. halter arid 11. N.
Parker, of Crants IV, Hiron, do
Inir biiflne'M under th- firm name
Mid tv) of (Jriiritu I'nss t,l'"rv
S'nble, s thl.H day by Mutual consent
AM ''"iH'i"1! hnvltv; clnl'tm pt;nli"t
M" ?a!d e,rtT)"r"M,i, nnd nil pemotrl
'"'leht'M to uf.,i ft rm rn ncfuint
d-e Witt etto nine wUh II. N
P.-.'-lrr. who i'i nut!ioil"d t-i net for
c Id t artners.
Tififed i' Cirntits Pass. Ornijon, this
Mm 2fiMi dav of Mv, 1 1 J n
H. N PA UK Fit.
riiAni.Ks n:;riKHAi.Ti:u.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo.
Lucas County. )
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he Is senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in
the City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will
pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use ot nam i atarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence, this 6th day of De
cern her, A. D. 1886.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In
ternally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. Boys Will Re Boys
and are always getting scratches.
cuts, sprains, bruises, bumps, burns
or scalds. Don't neglect such things
they may result serious If you do.
Apply Ballard's Snow Liniment ac
cording to directions right away and
u win renevo the pain and heal the
trouble. Price 25c, 60c and $1.00.
Sold by the National Drug Store.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Board of Education of School Dis
trict No. 7, Josephine County, Ore
gon, at Grants Pass, Oregon, will re
ceive sealed bids for the construction
of a new High School building In
said district In accordance with the
plans and specifications now on file
with James Holmnn, Grants Pass,
Oregon, superintendent, and P, Chap
pell Browne, architect, Marnuam
Building. Portland. Ore-eon: each
bid to be accompanied by a certified
check of 5 per cent of the amount of
said bid, the board hereby reserving
the right to reject any and all bids.
The said bids will be opened at a
meeting of the board to be held Tues
day, Juno 28, 1910, at 7:30 o'clock
6-17-2t Herk.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of
In the Matter of the Estate of Edw.
T. Perry, deceased.
To the heirs, or the creditors, or
whom it may concern:
Notice Is Hereby G'ven, by order
of the County Court of Josephine
County, Oregon, dated May 21st,
1910, at chambers, that Mrs. W. T.
Perry, administratrix of Edw. T.
Perry, deceased, will sell at private
sale on July 2, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
or as soon thereafter as can be, the
following described realty, to-wit:
A certain one acre tract situated
In the SEV4 of NE In Sec. 19, Tp.
36 S., R. 5 W. of W. M., formerly
owned by E. T. Perry and sold to C.
T.l TT l l .1. .
""uncKs; me saiu tract Doing
n per cent interest rrom date there
of. This notice Is published In the
Rogue River Courier five Issnos,
commencing May 27. 1010. Anv ob
.lections to above snle must be made
on or before July 2 at 10 o'clock
a. m., and filed with the County
Clerk of Josephine County, Orocon.
Dated Grants Pass, Oregon, Mav
21. 1910.
By H, B. Hendricks, her Attorney.
,np Matter of the Guar-)
dinimhln of Earl Sumner,
Nina Sumner. Dorothea)
Sumner, Druzlen Sumner)
and Henry Nlekerson,)
minors. )
1 Based on the npollcntlon of Marcus
i W. Bobbins, guardian of Iho above-
named minor children, wherein he
nravs for an order for the snle of
the Interest of the nbovennmed mln-i
or children In and to the following
dewi-lbed real property: Iitu 2 and
"f Wllla-netto Meridian In Jnckwin
fount v. Orei-ori. exeei.r n tract of
liiml i I ., I .. .. ir
id containing in acres, more or l,ot n and 4, and SVa N'WU Section
. on the Houlh Hide of the Apt,te.;4, TowiiHblp South, Hump' 7 Weat
e Itlver as bl ,.t ream now runm Willamette. Meridian, huH filed notlco
Also, all of Mint putt of the North nf Inicil,,,, i, i, i.-i..i
iim",.Mne f ountv, Orounn: and Mint
the seme be Hold at prlvntp unl".
Vow, therefore
It la ririlfirmt llinl
be opened, tho.u.,,,,,.,.,., .7,v , hour
f jwo ',), k IM nt (), c.untv :
"mi mi ei in" t ourr lloiine nt
Cr-Mli piii In .Tnohln" fountv,'
Orcon, ,o, nnd It H hereby fixed IIS
tb" time P',d place for benrlmr nnld
1'tltton, nnd that the next of kin
of - Id weed' and nil persons Inter-
'I Pi s;iid ei-tntn nonenr before
"fild eo-irt nt ald time and place to
.Lev cause, if nny, why a 1lcenno
sV'itd net he t-iri'iti'd for the sale of
-n'h fiiie, nnd Mint n copy of thU
. ! inilitl hcil for four toicces-
"Ive wet(H In the I!o;;up Itlver
''o-MPr, oiibllshed at Criints Pass, In
loe idilne fViuritv, Oregon, prior to
th tlux. fixed for said hcnrln t. rants Push.' JoHcphlno County. Ore
Hated .Turin io, Ifim. !t'"ti, on or before the expiration of
RTF. PI I FN .IFWFM, """l,nM ,ro,I 'bite of the first
diuntv '.Tudi:- for Wphino '! notlco.
d.iiniv Orepon ( Hated June 10, 1910,
Attenl: H p. niFfMllftF,, I "AYF3, Administrator.
dmnty Clerk. I
C. C. Seal ) j Abibnntlne at Itoguo River lldw.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Josenlne County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
O. Booth, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the Hon. Ste
phen Jewell, Judge of the County
Court of the County of Josephine,
oiaie or uregon, made on the 25th
day of May, 1910, in the matter of
the estate of John O. Booth, de
ceased, the undersigned, the exe
cutor of the estate of John O. Booth,
deceased, will sell at private sale to
the highest bidder, upon the terms
and conditions hereinafter mention
ed and subject to confirmation by
said County Court, on or after the
27th day of June, 1910, all the right,
tltlo and Interest and estate of the
said John O. Booth, decqased. at the
time of his death, in and to the real
property hereinafter described, and
all the right title and Interest that
the said estate has by operation of
law or otherwise acquired other
than or in addition to that of said
deceased at the time of his death, of
In and to the certain lots, pieces and
parcels of land lying and being in
the County of Josephine, State of
Oregon, and more particularly de-
Dtiiueu as ioiiows, to-wit:
Lots 3 and 4, Block 21, O. T. S
Grants Pass.
S Lots 5 and 6, Block 21, O. T.
S. Grants Pass.
Lots 7 and 8, Block 21, O. T. S.
Grants Pass.
One-half Interest 6 and 6,
Block 33, O. T. S. Grants Pass.
N. 24 feet Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
Block 40, O. T. S. Grants Pass.
Lot 17, Block 41, O. T. 8. Grants
Lots 23 and 24, Block 42, O. T. 8.
Grants Pass.
Lot 4 In Block 47, O. T. S. Grants
Lot 4 In Block 49, O. T. S. Grants
Lot 16 in Block 49, O. T. S. Grants
2-7 Lots 2, 3, 4. 5, Block "D", H.
B. M. & Co.'s New Add. Grants Pass.
2-7 Lots 4 and 6, Block "E", H.
B. M. & Co.'s New Add. Grants Pass.
2-7 Lot 5, Block "F", H. B. M.
& Co.'s New Add. Grants Pass.
2'7 tg 1, 2, 3, 4, Block "C". H.
B. M. & Co.'s New Add. Grants Pass.
2-7 Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Block "H",
II. B. M. & Co.'s New Add. Grants
V4 Lot 22, Block 42, 0. T. S.
Grants Pass.
n Vt of S 11 & 12, Block 66, O. T.
S. Grants Pass.
H of NV4, 1 & 2 in Block 22, O.
T. S. Grants Pass.
1-3 of SEU Section 36, T. 40 S.
R. 8 W. W. M.
Lot 3. Block "II", J. B. Jr. Add.
Grants Pass.
V of NWV of SW'4, Sec. 10, T.
36 S. R. 6 W. W. M.
T0f,.N125 feet' Lot B,o
B , J. B. Jr. Add. Grants Pass.
lA of NE of NE Soc.,5 T. 35 8..
R. 6 W. W. M. u "
Terms and conditions of sale, cash
In Gold Coin of the United States,
ten per cent of the purchase money
to be paid at the tlmo of sale, bal
ance on confirmation of sale.
All bids or offers must be In
writing and may be left with the
First National nank of Southern
Oregon at Grants Pass, Oregon, for
said ixerutor, or may be addressed
to R. A. Booth, executor of the estate
of John O. Booth, deceased, Grants
Pass, Oregon, In care of the First
National Rank of Southern Oregon,
at any time after the first publica
tion of this notice, and beforn hA
! making of the sale.
Dated this 25th day of May, 1910.
Executor of the Estate of
nr.r.r, iohn 0 notn- Bweased.
Attorney for Executor.
To Whom It May Concern: Notice
Is hereby given that I, the under
signed, owner of one-half Interest la
the Sugar Pine mine at Gallce, Ore
gon, will not bo responsible for any
debts Incurred against said Sugar
, mux- or inr any laoor or Im
provements performed thereon; also
Mint no person entering on Bald prem
ises for any reason whatsoever nhaii
r,,,"ve therefrom any ore, mineral or
I'ul,'(I l''lniary 23, 1910.
(Signed) F. E. KNIGHT.
" .71" '
Department of tho Interior
' Land Office at RoHcburK Or
May 4 'lJlo'
Notice la hereby irlvon that Marr
a i,.. "J 4... Lh "I,lt. Mary
Mav H.n- ,., ' . '..1 '.-2 a.,h,,,(... v.. r
. . ' '. . ""', tor
lalniatit iiauieH as wltncHson: K. Mittomnil. Of Porlliinil (rt.
eoll ' Tfittlnu fl.ii.iin . si....... ' ft
(ire,.,,,,: A ,.,. ,lf t,.,.i '
Oregon; Prank MrOoe, of Uosebiirtf!
HKN.I AMIN' F. .lONKH Register
.,.,.., , . ' '
Notice H Hereby (liven, that tho
ll'1'1' ''"'Km 'd, I). O. llayen, hitx been
nooolnird inliiilnMrntor of the cn-
1',,,r ,lf l.'inuel T. Mreen, deceased.
bv order of the County Court for
. 0 I n f Cnunly, Op-roii, dated
191", and all persons liav-
ItiK 'lalniH ninilmtt said estate ar
hereby nollfb'd to present the Hntlie,
',ll,v verified, to nald ndnilnlstrator
,n" lw office of II. I). Norton at