-r- JOSEPHINE COUNTS. THE (’()( RIER. AFTER KENT. FOR SAIaE — DEALLtt i-» — Tropical Fruits, Staple and Fancy iflcul Pwtr U tepM3? Cjcaîy. Oreg« Situated on Mnrpliv Creek, JomnL«. county, Oregon, eight mile Grants Pass, a Firit-ckws HXP'lttx?. MILL, with Patent Machine«- good work and ha« a pol custom r* Will do well to consult the undersigned at FARM contains 330 acre* of |aa4 ‘j* acre» in clover, and oxer loo acres ua4, cultivation; also «ood Orchard, '.»J House and Barna ami irrigation' dlt<| Firn- situation for a dairy farm. ( 4I1 ‘ IN THE CENTRAL PART OF THE rigatc almost any part of the plant. J lJujgue IiiA'«i' WillfV, on the O & <’ .Railroad. further particulars call er addrem * LEWIS STRONG, Murphy. Oregon The Shipping Point for the principal portion uf the grain producing Administrator's Notice. part of the County. THOSE DESIRING TO SETTLE TN Towns of Southern G KOCEltlES, CENTRAI Saddles and Harness, NEW TIN SHOP; tiotis . of „5 the northwest coast. In —Dealer I ii — The Centennial Stale, Colorado, fact they are Ix-tter and greater jx-o Stoves. T in-Ware, l umps, Pipes, pie than they themselves realize. is suffering from drought. They jsjssess untold wealth which lite., Etc., Etc. if it is net in their pockets it is in JOB WORK HONE ON SHORT — AT — the land in the form-of climate, The new Postmaster General has NOTICE. fruit, minerals etc, rendering life decided that postmaster who fail to secure and prosperity certain. A Prices Moderate. IN WALI*>, notify the publishers when siibscrili realization of these facts some of < IRA NTS PASS, OREGON i ts remove ot do not take the papet these days will set the revolution ill from the |H»stoffice, shall lie resjxm C. L. GRAY, motion and Southern Oregon will BEST OF MUSIC PROVIDED sihle for their subscriptions. walk up to the front there to re TICK ETS, including Supper, - $2. The large Ixiat on Crater lake; main and the jsior |>cople, tin “bone ---- A XI,----- J. A. PECKHAM. says the Tidings, was sunk by order | an<'s’l,ew of the land will lx in [21-lt • »till, ent lot protection to I idcnct that ty in 1870 according to the census reports, was 1204, in 1880, 2485. According to the ilxixe ratio of in­ crease w< ought to have 5000 peo pie in thi county in 1890. GO TO THE SUPPLY STORE , General -------------- o-------------- mouths from the first publication of this i notice. WILLIAM II. FLANAGAN, Administrator of said estate, xxiththe KEIT IN 1IKST-CLASS STYLE, AND THE TRAVELING PUBLIC WILL wilt annexed. MEET WITH EVERY KINDNESS AND ATTENTION. Dated July 23, 1886. (XI-Aw ----- ——<>■ Administrator's Notice. DECKER \ 1 >s 1 .\ BOARDINO lit U SE! Livery Stable in Connection. Waldo, Oregon. IN the matter ef the Estate of ,'llOMls T BYBEE, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the and •rsigned luw been duly appointed la the County Court of Josephine eoiaitv. i tre^on, sitting as a 1 Prolate . Court, a l- . Olin, a>l- This well- known School will lx open for the Fall Term on t,lc ininistrator of the estate of said Thoma, Bvls-e, deceased. T. Bvls-c, All persons indebted to said estate :ira requested to call anil settle the same with, mt delay, and those liaviiig claims asalnm | said estate will present the same tom« W ith a F ill C orps of C ompetent T eachers . duly verified, at Grant's Pass, Josephine • ouuty, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of lids notice. Rates of Tuition for Non-resident Pupils: W.J. AIMER. Administrator af said Estate. PRIMARY- $3.00 P er T erm OF T welve W eeks . D avis B iioivku , p> ) » J > GRAMMAR SCHOOL $5.00 ” Attorney for the Estate >> » » I 1 tu«. I, 11 1 i' » » ACADEMIC—$8.00 ” Notice For Publication. GRANTS PASS ACADEMY. First Monday in September, 1886, An Extensive High-Grade Course of Study. For Particulars, Address HENRY I.. BENSON, A. M., Principal. -------- The Great----- ‘ CAVES LIMKSTONH And Natural Curiosities of Josephine County, ------ OWNED by ------- HARKNESS & BURCH. Fine Scenery and Magnificent Discoveries. U. 8. I. XXD Ol-FK'K, Rosnm im, Oa., Aug 2d. ltKOf Notice is hereby {¡veil that the follow, ing-named settler has filed notice of his iutention to make final proof in supjiort of his claim, and that saul proof will he made before the Register or Receiver uf the I I.ami Office at Roseburg, Or . ■ ci Satur,lay, September lltb, ISSr., vi/. Columbus Bennett, Homestead claim No. for ih ■ N. E. 11 of S. w 1,. S. «' 8. W , - - . 23 an I N W 1, of \ W l4 s<<<- 2(1, Tp. 33, S. R G Wot, W M. II - names tlie following xvitncMes t » prove hi« , intuitions residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz.: I). F. Me times, Stephen Uisert, M J. Bennett.il. < McIntosh, nil of Wolf creek, Josephine countv, Oregon. ( HAS W. JOHN-TON 18-f xxil) be made Iwfore the Clerk of the County Watches. Jtweln aul SoecUtlei cl all Ind: GOOD PASTURE FOR IIORSES- • >'irt of .!<<■ .'phine <'oimty at ( rants Pass, ----- KEPT ON' HAND.------ Or., on Saturday, S' ptember lltli, 188«, viz: Jos I, Sowell, I’re-etnption I> S. Miisii.tl Instruniuiiis Repaired. The Water from these Caves is Excellent on Account of its Medical Properties. No 1<;.-,1, f< r the N. E. of N. '4 sPc. IS. Tp. 1 i S Range 7 v.est, V>' M. ADMISSION TO CAVES,................................................ $1.00. lie names the following witnessre to M. V. LOOMIS, pr--x e hi* contumt >.s r< -i. \ ' i><<::><- , and John G. Soarell, of Kcibvx ille, Josephine county, Oregon. MANl’FACTl'KKRS Of WATCHES, Cu.xs. W. J ohxstos , L'i-6t] Register < ‘L ocks , SUCAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, AND SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, FOR SALK Lumber, Doors, Windows, Ilraekets, and lie- < '«piirtnvrrlilp heretofore existing b-tween I.. I. Jennings ami J. C. Moss, in lb<- Sal, hhi l,ii.sm< «.s in Grant's Pas-, Oregon, under the firm name and st vie of I I Jenning« A C<> , ¡a this 2.1 Tit »niton V. Dean, the I Pean having a •-nm' I the ¡»aviuenr «4 the said Me -'- p.ution < f the said firm ■ I. bt-sand liabilities. The bills and ae- counts line tlielnte firm of L. I,. .I';nnings A ( <»., wi’l I*» I'olleet-'.l Ex -aid L f. Jen­ nings and rhornton Y Dean. JA.ME- i . MO«S. lsitl I.. I. JENNINGS. —aso hi . Ci.se» ui — Nl ROT. RIMINI) — The Introduction of Six miles South of ( ir.mt's I'.is*. JonjUuiu <'ouuty, < Iregoii. The Latest Improved Machinery. A. H. CARsON, Prop’r. —30, OtH) TREES— HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE Dissolution Notice. Mouldings. All Work (riiaidiiteeii to give sa iisi v riiiN. Produce ef Kinds Taken in Eichanae McCaiiister’s Soda Springs, 1 > v s i» Etc.. Etc., The «xvtiersof the*.- Wonderful ('lives lia.xe complet»' . a trail that parties eo- ina ftvin Grant's Pass can reach them be traveling’ 2* mile.- —all bat eight miles be­ Oregon. ing travel“. Sink it, by TIPS RIBBONS, BONNETS, N ew Y ork , Aug 13 The Her nil menus start a fashion. and H ATS, aid has the following dispatch from I.ADI! and ( IIII.IiREN'S The Jacksonville Times sjx-aks < »overnor Ireland COLLARS, VELVETS. SILKS < \TI\’S, INI VNTS. LACE BON- At stin , T ex ., Aug. 12. of a fair for Ja :kson county and N ETS, I HUES' I NUI'.RWEAR, To the Editor of the Herald: .says that a meeting of the citizens — ami — m.l l,.l SalurJ.v V.m .»k m); vi.w. ..I th. Culling LACES OF ALL KINDS. ____ . ... case. Cutting has never applied to evnnng to discuss tin project. Now h ,K. rom.cs thi* is good as far as it goe but whs sary, that Cutting has l»een legally New Goods Constantly Arriving. !20W m.t go at it in the most |>rojxr and I convicted under Mexican law, but lx-nificial manner. Now it is not the peopli and Government of tin Board of Equalization. likely Josephine or Lake counties United States can never submit to NOTICE is hereby given that the .... such t rule of lnxv. Every editor will lx- able to have a fair, but tliex and every other jhtsoii who xx rites Board of E.|nalizalion will meet at the would lie important factors in a fair ot prints matter in the United States (''.Illlty < ’h rk'sotlii e in (.mill's I“*-.«, (>re- gon, mi Momlay, Vigils! Hih, |ss<>, for held in Southern Oregon so why obnoxious to the views of the Mi x (lie pur|«>se uf iMpialixiiio the taxes of the not entertain a pro|x>sition for the nan courts, can at any time xvhen county. ill pi i - nuiih e],liming Io have I..on wrongfully assessed will present three counties to join in together f"titid 111 Mexico l>e arnsted and Ilnur el uni« before the Board al tliHabove punished as Cutting has Isen. The time ami place. unl can­ yon mar Mt McLaughlin, urea delight­ pack mule». Cnilizatio" has no 1 far enough and have Ix-cn numerous ful rv«< n for 1 enough. intrust in cnmnu.ii with the pack J ohn I kkland . trail* vi rhe aborigine*, preferring to Die*' waters nr * lii/hlv »11» liuimd, cur­ Governor of Texas ing in a Hhort tinw advance rather than retrograde; SECRET XRV II WARD * OPINION therefore it is h >p 1 the mails max l : ■'Mx' countrymen," he said, xxith l»e retained on the wagon road. J evident feeling, “will not lx- de Mid nil Summer Complaint*, a* well as imiiiv Wimer N Sons havi off u d th< cetvcd by partisan misrcprcscnta CHRONIC DISEASES! tion. They will m-ogttizc the stage companx free tolls over the Du- Spring* ar.- ea»v of ai-ien*. an I par­ road if the company would rep.m gravitx of the question involved, ties who . oine without tent* lor camping and will never consent that one of out . .111 be aeo>mmo<|ated with cabins at the road and keep it in repair. .Old their iclloxv citizens shall lx- ttud tritling « xp a-*' inasmuch as they took th. contract bv a foreign jx»wer for an otti nsi S MO'AI.LISTER. Pn»p \\.itSj>ark- M\R> 1 KN il l The above is alxmt all there is of pi.iititifr. ; i* with rcgnrd to proving nj> on V*. Sait in Equity the Cutting case. It now -sent* Im! 11 ilso to-.ho»»' that the set for Dix oris-. that the United States will have to FINE »' KNAPP, tin <<’». .■ >.' make go.sl pti*»f and rv- IX'frndaiit, J reive ixTfist title to the land with push Mexico to the wall ot go right To Finvv Knapp, cats and tu l1» iccdeoí ot »n, voii Mrr rv punM to ap^ur in »ai I (\mrt and «logs we r< print a jxortion of the re­ Soeiikitu’ of th»« G A R the S quirement* as taken from blank .iguiiiat vi.u. witliin ten «i.ivs frmn F. Call sa ** lili» a nnr\ ___ ___ the tiikn» time ot IÑ the servi, >■ ,u of ti«,* this _ sumiuoii* form 1.395 "I^x's claimantsfanti (>ti Fn on von if within «aid e-'iintv, nr if „ ibit 1> !i»-e with him itjx>n the land' l >t the Cb vn xv.is visited «• rvvd on 1011 within any other county in this Stale, then witluu twenty dais from When di»l they commence to live by v cotnr.ulcs and the lime the servu-v, or if served on you there? When and lt»»xx long Mere of titc State "in <4 tlm Stale of Oregon, th »11 it is or­ *1 ’ they . i F m ut Hom the land each ^i^is »»ihiuiastic in their admtr dered by the Judge «.nd <«nirt that |wib Elicit all t.uLs that h^t-\sh,w atfou '*'• tot the xvon ' rful sjxvintens lu ati 41 la- m.u'e for six week* ill the al->ve uam«-.| e-airt. i»ri. t t<> the 1«t Mon­ of xx mh I sho»vn, and the granger el» day 111 X.iU'i.ilvt, 1 I* IvM \nd ion residence, from chim ment a strong one was deeply tn an- muitiexl that If you fail Io answer «aid terested in the exhibition of cereal* n'liiplaint a« alsne rsqmrrd the plaintiff will apply to Hie n tin Oregon P»**t wax now existing between plsnitiff and ,|e- meatic animal*.“ Spark« t- ill O trndant amt rv«n>rmg the sai I plaintiff to sited bx thi No tin mt. her former nacie, and such other and fur­ K.” He dn<" d<*>r xxei-t of the < 'm hii : k office) Salem is elated with the idea of lished churches and schools in a cording to law. It does seem that Retting a bridge across the Wiliam land far far away from their friends , as Mr. Colvig was duly elected by and loved ones. .Surrounded as a majority over all opposing candi­ — Dealers in — ette and is lively in consequence. dates, that a technicality ox'er they were by savage indians, ¡»over Gen. Sherman arrived in Port­ ty stricken and jx-nniless they hewed which he had no control should not land last week wher lu met many out the foundation of this great and stand lx.-tween him and the office to which the people elected him. Vox friends and much attention. Old gc" All work guaranteed u-e tired on its 23d year the 6th in.st. great battles, suffered midnight as office for another two years. He (14tf suits from feroucious and blood We well remember Mart V. Brown charges Mr. Colvig with “usurpa­ thirsty indians who burned their tion ot office, ” etc. Pretty good its former editor whose genial spirit JOHNS & WOODWARD, houses and villages and murdered for a charge against a man elected G , kxm ’ s P a »», ..... O rkuos , has passed over lh< silent river. —— — ................ lite jxtoplc. These people were by the majority given Mr. Colvig. —lkialem In— Tilden , funeral on Sunday the j*x>r, yet they did all these thing- Mr. Kent is certainly making a >;th iu-t. was attended by the Presi­ and many more. Is it jxxwible then mo t egregious blunder in setting up this absurd claim to the office dent and many prominent jxopk- that ¡x»oi jx-ople are a detriment to from which he lias been plainly dis­ COLLARS, BRIDLES, WHIPS It has been represented that Tilden's Southern Oregon* We lx-leive not missed by the jieople. [Tidings. And everything kept -n a Fret-clim» estate v, a . worth ten millions. and say the more we have of them i Bro. Krause you are all alone in HARN 1 rS H SIIOl’. on the vacant lands to lx- taken uj> the defence of Mr. Kent, So far as The Rogue River Courier has dis Work done to Orde ron Short Notice carded its patent outside. It is a the Ix tter it will lx- for the county, we are concerned we will chance very neat and readable J»a|xr, and the only iiujiortant pre requisite be- both the Judge and Jury, Rcpuii iii'-r a Specialty! the good peopli of Josephine county ing honesty and industry. South " J. A. JOHNS, .... Manrger Wc lhink il is abont time for Un’ should sec that their home paper is ent (tregon is fast settling up and ! well patronized. [Ex. itspeoolc «»nq-are very favorably’^ Sam.to P'«s’> «»»«>» rind down . ! , . . , / , ? | one of his old howitzers and shoot • ». IÌ. STARR, I' koiuuk roa, The population of Josephine cotin with the citizenship of other jx.r Mexico in the “Spar ribs." PRICES FIFTY PER Administrator's Notice. CENT. BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. •—In stock, consisting of— IN the matter of th I . 'ateof WILLI (M W. JI STI S, dei-ea:-d S. P. D. & L. Cn. NOTH E Is HEREBY GIVEN, That the unil«‘rsi4np.il has F mh - h duly appointed Grant s Pass, Oregon. 1 by the I omity t ourt of Josephine county, Oregon, sitting a-a Probate Court, Ad- —Also the (elei rated— mmrstrito! ,,t tlm estate of >ai NAM 1 1. wn imi nalur.il fruit land with., ■ otinty, (ire. a, within six months from irrisiti ion. amt free from all insect pests th first publication of thi- notice aid diM'.iM's, mieli as ( alit.-rtiia trees are WILLI \M M. I t.\N M. \N, sill.jis I t<>. Adminiatrafor of said estate These who contemplate tree planting Dated, July 23, 1x86 [23-4w w ill do well to get uiy price list before ---------- RATES OF TUITION : Notice of Final Settlement. PERCH ASINO ELSEWHERE Primary Branches. $5.00 per Quarter. NOTICE is hereby given to all credit- 1". -t-oil'. < Murphy, .L wplune . • ■ iut,. Intermediate Branches <6.00 per Quarter. Vi*' *n'' interested in the estate of I tn-ipwi. "ni. Nagle, deceased, that I. Frank A. l.’ailnxid Station—Grant's l’a». High Arithmetic, Natural Philosoph». Mediacval and Modem I’svi«. administrator of said estate, intend 13-tl A. II CARSON. History. Physical o.. ' otany and Retoric. $7.00per Quarter. to maiye final settlement thereof, at the next t.-rm of (|,e Probate Court of J<».e »notny, Geolog». Moral Philosoph» , phin A I wuity. to he held on the first Mon and Hvgine. and Ancient Histon day "eptemher Issti, and that Monday. btli dai September, 18*6. has been athematics. Book-keeping. Latin, and set tor lie ¡ring objections to said final W tleim-nt. FRANK A. DAVIS, ttguagc $9.00. Administrator. Grant's Pan, Or., July 27.18*». '1*4t xsje will be Taught on Reasonable Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum. Prune Apricot. Nectarine. Almond. Etc. For Price List, address, H E ureka S October 4, 1886, To Continue Six Months. NOTICE. I x. IbARS Glass-ware anancv" wI,,lc Student* of Grant.« P is« on Saturday Julv 31, IflM. the Wethxwhce, Homestead No ~>!1. forihe *•'« J seebon Uf, towcilup ■ .. **»uth range »» <*♦-- . W M He ran.i. STRICT DISCIPLINE WILL BE MAINTAINED fhc following witneaiqa to ¡»rove Ins con timrou.« re* !rn<»' :pnn »»,,1 cultivation o< Special Inducement* Afforded to those Preparing to Teach •XI I lan I. viz \ .4 W„^.r j (, D r No pan:« or cxnen«c will he *p,rrv• ..nd W. S’ ill soot I.«-,, ,. - , 1 ’nal tne Sch