The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, April 12, 2017, Page A6, Image 6

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
John Day
Nicky Essex
On Monday, April 3,
Merry Henry and Drew
Harmer greeted us at the
front desk. The servers
were from the Blue Moun-
tain Hospital Guild. Mary-
Lou Horton and Virginia
served us after having de-
livered meals to John Day
and Canyon City.
Step Forward delivered
meals to Mt. Vernon, for a
grand total of 40 meals de-
livered. What a wonderful
service our senior commu-
nity provides.
By the way, you should
visit our library. Every-
one can find something to
read or do, such as puzzles.
Gene Essex won the free
meal, and Katia Henderson
won the Len’s Drug certifi-
cate. We had 16 diners here
at the center.
Drew did announce-
ments; he reminded us
about Lenten lunches on
Wednesdays this month,
and the monthly bingo at
Mt. Vernon Community
Center at 4 p.m. the first
Saturday, beginning with a
I led the prayer. Shay
prepared incredible fish
tacos, with coleslaw, ba-
guettes and yummy cau-
liflower soup. All that
and ice cream for dessert.
The Henrys’ daughter and
granddaughter Olivia and
Katia Henderson were here
visiting from Logan, Utah.
On Thursday, April
6, Merry Henry and Ron
Dowse were at the front
desk. Our servers from
John Day Church of the
Nazarene, led by Trace
Andrew, were Duane An-
drew, Vickie Harrison and
Everette King. There were
a total of 34 delivered
meals; Joan and Joel Tayles
delivered meals to John
Day and Canyon City, and
Marcus Perkins and Billy
Scott Howland from Step
Forward delivered in Mt.
Vernon. Bob Meador won
meals from Valley View,
and the Chester’s Thrift-
way certificate was won
by Roberta Dowse. Duane
Andrew led us in the flag
salute, and Everette King
asked the blessing on our
The Negus girls spon-
sored our meal in honor of
Wilma Bauer’s 90th birth-
day! About 44 guests ate
with us.
Shay created Parme-
san-crusted chicken and
a squash casserole, sour-
dough baguettes and a mar-
inated salad of tomatoes,
cucumbers and red onions.
This was our birthday of
the month, with a cake pro-
vided by Driskill Memorial
We will have our Easter
ham dinner on Thursday,
April 13. Monday, April
17, hamburgers with all the
trimmings and french fries.
Don’t forget bingo after
lunch every Thursday.
I want to thank Alma
Joslin for all of her years of
service to the senior center.
It’s nice to see her just here
to visit! God bless our vol-
Psalm 63:6-7 “On my
bed I remember you; I think
of you through the watches
of the night. Because you
are my help, I sing in the
shadow of your wings.”
Soo Yukawa
We had a fabulous meal
prepared by our cooks Ter-
ry Cade and Carrie Jewell
for April 4. We had ham,
scalloped potatoes, dinner
rolls, carrots and blueberry
tarts. I would venture to say
that everyone enjoyed the
meal. Thank you to our great
Our greeters were Bob
Blakeslee, Bodean Anders-
en and Marva Walker. Bob
led the flag salute. Bodean
made the announcements
and prayed the blessing over
our meal. Karen Stubblefield
won the Len’s Drug gift card.
Roger Lawrence won a free
meal. Betty Breeding won
the Chester’s Thriftway gift
card. There were 45 guests on
our books and eight takeouts.
Aaron Harris won the 50/50
There is still a raffle going
on for the big basket of choco-
lates for Mother’s Day. Ticket
prices are $1 per ticket or $5
for six tickets. The drawing
will be held next month, and
you need not be present to
Don’t forget about the
huge rummage sale going on
April 21-23. They are also
looking for volunteers to help
with this event. If you would
like to participate and give
your time, please call Jan En-
sign or Judy Harris for more
Speaking of the rummage
sale, we had a special guest
show up for lunch, who
brought tons of stuff for that
coming day. Bruce Hansen
brought another full trailer
load for the rummage sale.
The town of Monument is
very grateful for his generos-
ity and help with past dona-
tions like our Buckaroo Fall
Festival in September. Judy
Harris presented a hand-made
quilt to Bruce as a special
thank you and recognition
for all that he does for us.
The quilt had pictures of fish-
ing, one of Bruce’s hobbies.
Thank you, Bruce!
Well, if you hadn’t already
seen on the news or heard
about it, we had some freaky
weather patterns go through
Monument. On Friday, April
8, we had strong winds blow
through all day. I had bought
some fruit trees (still waiting
to be planted) that were all
knocked down. We had trees
down, and someone had a
metal shop blown over.
To top the crazy wind
storm, we had 2 inches of
snow on Saturday, April 9.
No need to rub your eyes,
you read correctly, 2 inches
of snow on the ground when
I woke up. I was not a happy
camper about that. Luckily, it
melted away by the afternoon,
but still, really? Must we have
snow in April?
I need to try to start some
more pepper seeds. The ones
I did a few weeks ago were
bust. Not hot enough I guess.
But, hey, my three rows of
dill are growing! My pak choi
plants are growing, and I have
some peas peaking through
the dirt too. Yay!
Easter is this coming week-
end. I can’t believe it, but I re-
joice in it. Have a blessed day.
He is risen!
Isaiah 53:5 “But he was
wounded for our transgres-
sions, He was bruised for our
iniquities: The chastisement of
our peace was upon him; And
with his stripes we are healed.”
Prairie City
Rose Coombs
My, my, can you believe
that Good Friday and Easter
are upon us? And the March
winds and April showers are
certainly bringing forth the
May flowers. Even the dan-
delions are blooming! After
our long session of whiteness,
their little yellow faces are a
joy to behold, for they too are a
I got to sit at the registration
desk, and our total of meals
made it up to 54. Now come
on, people. We have a lot more
room than that for diners. Come
on down and join the party!
Our newcomers, the Brooks
and Hacklers, are still having a
high-ol’ time at their table.
We mourn the loss of the
last original member of our
group. Buzz Harris was a foun-
tain of information about the
area in general and our build-
ing in particular. We extend our
sympathies to his family.
Bruce did the announcing
and asked that those present
consider if they could step up
and join one of our boards. The
corporation board needs a vice
president, and the site and over-
sight boards always welcome
new faces and their input. We
only exist to serve you, so you
might as well have a voice.
Carla Wright led the flag sa-
lute, and Tom Roark asked the
blessing. The gift certificated
donated by Prairie Hardware
& Gifts went to faithful volun-
teer (and board member) Gary
Jacobson. Our first April meal
had juices, coleslaw, German
lasagna, Italian garlic bread
and good ol’ American banana
split for dessert. Again were the
groans of “I ate too much, but it
was so good!”
There were Easter eggs for
the centerpieces. Which reminds
me of the Good Friday service at
Grace Chapel at 6:30 p.m. and
the Easter service at the Prairie
City School Old Gym at 10:30
a.m. Hope to see you there.
There are still some bags
of dried beans for you to take
home. Lorna and Shaunt-
ele brought Dorothy Blasing,
Lois Hill, Marilyn Randall and
Richard Findley from the Blue
Mountain Care Center.
Board Chairman Frances
announced that we needed to
have approval to accept the
bid for the new emergency exit
ramp and two new doors. This is
the project that we received the
grant for. I made the motion, and
Del Lake seconded. All were in
So we will soon be ADA
compliant! And the fire marshal
will be happy, too. Thank you
all. We agreed that the building
is in pretty good shape for being
close to 100 years old.
We drove to La Grande
Monday to have my ears
checked. They are better, but
not completely clear yet. Hope-
fully “Mother Nature,” along
with some other helps, will get
the job done soon. So had to go
to Bend on Tuesday to get Der-
rol’s shoes taken care of and
retrieve his Baha hearing aid.
The experts think that putting a
“rocker” sole insert in his boots
will take care of the pain in
his ankle when walking. Then
Wednesday he made a run to
Baker and around to El Kanah.
So you tell me how he’s do-
ing….har, har.
Luke 14:25,27 “Large
crowds were traveling with
Jesus, and….he said… ‘any-
one who does not carry his
cross and follow me cannot
be my disciple.’”
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