-i-.-- -"w--d ,-. ... , i-HMrtirTlll.i. i iii i i . . i 'iff-' It tt'-t-lgi ., .IiI,uiIhhiiw,.4m.ui; i vmmtmmmm nanirniiinin - imm . ,r.lr,w,mwwi:, KUM WrP! 'WWTC I'WfWUBlStt rA"SttIKSJ& ... . . . ... J' ,I7Vf....w... -.msrjtrv,. r., ,. i( ' ""? ""''J'' "".?'' V r fJtaturiJuj, Jprll 11, 1B25 THM TIMKH-JI Kit AliD, Bn, II A II N K Y COUNTY ( II 15 O N I'AOK MVI7 - -.J .-KVfi . . rt r 'l? OATT.IIK MMN FKKIi KN- OaUHAKI AVITII I'UOHIMOCTH An urllulo In u recent Inntio'tif n riiuuirlnt paper In which It Is niinoun iiotl Unit recent nnvmn'Pfl In prlcoH of rnttlo lutvo placed tho Industry on much healthier basils, Iiuh given local growors encouragement, According to this article cattle In Texas have nil vtfueed from $10 tn 20 u head over tltJu 19U0 prices null that now sales are report rl at JCfi n homl down there. The tmmo article nuntes stuors lit fully $10 a head more tluili In 1H24 mid fat cirttlo In Urn Kaunas City ynnlH worn ?1 per hundred weight higher than tho previous wook. With such prices prevailing the local stoek limn may ho ahli' to got out of tho hole bo's been In for tho (inut several jears null such an ovont would immii great prosperity for this country. Wo ihuvo a goml season iilH'iul or tin to nil appearances, nml with such prospect in price tho lot nl financial Institutions will give ovorv encouragement to tho grower who shows n disposition to iiitiko good mill continue, o IDAHO IM.OCKMA.SYbJH IIK11K LOOKING I'Olt Hl'M.MIIII IIA.NHK W. J. IMnnoy. of Ontnrln. u ropro MiitRtlvo of the Orognn & Western rnlniiliRilon Co.. arrived hr on vp.tfriliiyit train. !! '.vu normnpan toii iy W. 11. Qons. lloinedul. Idaho, wool grower, who l Interoated In ae cnrliiK BOine pnaturw InmU for lila flucka during the aummer. They met Frank .lohiiaoii, atiollifr roproiit tive of tho Colonlwitlon Company, here anil together nr making an In Mioctlon of some of lo range twiuls of tho concern In tho mountain to Jho northeast of Hurns. IIAITIST mritii Tho Knstor program will h'o given In connoclloti with tho Hunilny School service next Hunilay. Como at 10.00 ami stny until 12.00. U. Y. P. U. Sundny evening at 7 I M. Topic ICaKtor lesson, lewder Mrs. Ilowil. Kov. I.HUKhlln H. 1). will eommonee rvlvnl lMMllHK In h HHptUt church Hundny. May 3rl. ilou't forol tho (Into. I'HHSHYTKUIAN CIIIJIUMI Sunilny SphoolKt 10 A. M. You are ntpuotnllly lnvltml to fillM lay School ami church Mrvlciw Ml Punilny, KnMtor Wo trimt tho hJpl ilomlc of "l"lu" IniM MlJiittMl no that M will ho ahlo to ho In tholr uccumIoiiipiI placoa hy Sunday. Thoro holtiR o much RlckniwK hn lntorforcil foiiio what with plans. Como mid Join In tho KiiMtor boiirb anil har In tho KaBtor Joy ami hopo. Como ami ho ono with tho hoys mill KlrU. Dlvlno worship at 11 A. M Spoclal Kastor-borvlPO ami Com nninlou of th Lord's Supp'-r Plmnif. Tho Homirroetlon. rUo I.anl U rlon lmltttMl." Sir JamoH SInon. notwl phy Hlrlnit mid tho dlneovornr of unt-nV-tics, oructml nn oliulUk on Hih Kravc of hU oliloat child. At lli lm cf tho monumont woro limorlhcd thof wonU. "NovortholM I llvo." nml nhovo tho wonU wan mrvoil Hip form of n huttorfly. miKiHK '" f,,,,n that In Chrlat. doath la only a tninM tlon. With an ahldluK fulMi In tho hopo and powor or tho reaurrcctlon thU reat pIiyiatclMU Hvfil and died A Kontlnimiii In Portland clalm'i to ho ahlo to rewtnro wltliorod tohci of tho provloiiH hii minor to tholr frcahiioHH ttiid color. Only Ho who Ih tho "JiiiIbo of tho quick and dead," can rocall tho body from tho dust of tho tomb and bIvo its a Klorlous body llko that of His own resurrected body A cordial welcome to all at every gurvlco. SAMUKI, HAimiS, Minister. J. L. Uradeon, tho Illltzon mor cbant, was ft business visitor during this wook. GoorRo and Mrs. Fry returned homo tho foro part of this wook and are again comfortably domlcllod in tholr roaldonco after apomllng tho winter In California and Portland. Ooorgo says ho bad to como hack and help got things running smoothly for tho coming soason. WONG BEN LAUNDRY Now Electrically Equipped First class, dependable Work at Reasonable Prices. Everything Nicely washed and ironed. IXXMh ANJ) I'JOUHONAh Harney Knblur ami his wlfo woro In town yesterday. V. . Nowlon, thnlNhrrowB nchool toavlior, Ih In Iturnit today. Tho Mothers' Club will moot on Thursday, April mill, at Iho homo or Mr.s .liunos LumiMihlii'. 10. II. llolnmii, ol itiiKiir Clly, Idaho. Is In Ihls vicinity with tho In tention of buying somo outllo If iho can got them at prices ho couslilers ho van stand. C. 10. I'nrkor arrived homo last Saturday from otitslilo poluh. Ho had niioiit the winter In Wmihliigtoii, a part of tho time at Tacoma. f'r.t. Parker did not return with him. J. It. flould, mine hosto at the hev uns, had the mlsrortuiio to hurt ihlii log tho other day while carrying up wood to the suconil floor of the hotel, lie was tumble to walk for ft fw days but la now bettor. W. W. Mrnww, tho big wool nml horso grower of the dosort oouutry I with hMiliiunrtiirs at 1-Mfe. hna been hi Hums for a few day this weak on account of court, being n wltnoM lit ii ctiao. Th fHinlly or Jumta Olritrd lllivo brcn having n ratlMr Mrloua tliuo with the prftvaltul flu. All tho ninm hora liRva baon aJTllctfttl during tho past tow day, and nil but Mrs. (IN rard ar now much batter. The Ut lor continual to requlr the attention ot the nurse and doctor. Mr. W. W. Drlnkwater hna tjnno to UnlM where alio will visit with her , daughter. Joaolo. until after the Kna lor vamtlon. Sho will ronmln In Holse for titio celebration or the main lino train service Inauguration. I l-'ny Itnyburn, at ono time a ro dent or Mils city, Is culling upon the gnrage men. Ho Is now u traullng salesman ror a sohek absorber. He Is meeting wild n pleaannt reception from his former rrlvuda lu.Hurua. Mr. WoUe, the mini who oaine haru laat rll front l'ort Illdwoll with tho nocttwmry oiiulpiimnl Ui start tho mnntifftetura or boiIhs and do n goi rral bottling hunlnaaa. la able to Is out on tha atrata after confinement to lite rooina for Mvenil weaka fol lowing nu operation. Mrs. Ilan Puett, of PhuIIii. haa' been In Vtal city during the proeuut week, ha vim: come in as a witness In a who In court. Mrs Puett was at ono time a roaldonl of Hums, being tho diiaghtor or Thomas llalfour. She n ravorably remembered by snvcrnl or the pioneer residents "Hello Daddy 'dottt nf iuiffti- my re t&irtr Mfj54f, Slip a pacU4o In you bo home !o nlht. Oiv Ihe younilrrj thU whole; lomlonj lading ancel for plcaurced kentf it. Ufeltywrjelfafln jmokln or when workdrdgf. Ilka -Jrot l)Ur frcihaner a, 'JUAnhaVBk rM bw A umegi ryi; When you need medicine TRY NYALS Each remedy is from a tested and tried formula Nyal has a Remedy for every common ailment and are dependable for the entire family. Home Drug Co. Paul Fluke Is down from his moiin lain stock ranch. Albert (luorgo a pool ball man of (Jriilio, was In town Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Will McLaren woro In iown, yeiilonluy. They have iipOnt tint winter at .luulurn. A. M. Older Jius hueu confluail to his homo this week as a rosiilt of an attack of flu. I lurry HIbbii bits been given n con tract to furnish homes for hoiiiii Cal ifornia rirm. Lnkovlow Kvnmluor. IM Howard unit J. L. Hit, and his family are among the i.'ourt visitors In court I hlu wuok. P. O. (Jnllaglier Is amoung (ho outside attorneys attending this term or circuit court. Nyus Hutt, one or the uiicccsrul rarmurH or the Princeton nectlnu, Is u IhikIiiubh visitor to our city. Fred llalnos, the Harney merchant nml cnpltnltat. was down yoatorduy greeting frlanda and looking nrtcr iome busliiMa matters. v The Mothem' Club comluctod tholr annual egg rolling contest at tho Proahyturlnii ehunib yotrdiiy after noon when tha children ware trostod to a good lima. Among tihe InNueinia patliiits who were In Iho Valley view hospital dur ing the week were M. V. Dodgf. 11 A. Aruaeon. Mr A. W (lowaii, Mrs W. 15. HiiBloii. Harry Wltir, J M Cove. All of ihuiu lire Improved and inoitt of theiii have bft tho Institution. Coming To n a k i: it Mellenthin Dr. SPECIALIST In Internal .Mcdlclno for the pant twelve jears DO KM NOT OPKUATi: Will bo lit CKISIJIt OKAND IIOTKh Momtiiy nml Tiii".Imj, April UO.-UI Oltlco Hours, Hi A. M., to I V. M. TWO DAYS ONLY No t'linrgo for OoiiNiiltatllii Dr. .Mellenthin la u regular grad uate In medicine nml surgery ami Is licensed by the state of Oregon Ho does not opnrate for chronic appen dicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tosslls or adenoids. Ho has to his credit wonderful re sults In diseases or the stomach, liv er, bowols. blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, ca tarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcer and rectal till- mollis. llelow nro the names or a row or j his many satisfied patients In Ore . gen: Hodwlck Wilson, Cold Hunch, Ore., varlcoao ulcer. Frank Koehler, The Dalles. Ore , stomach trouble. ; Mrs. K. C Hnmuiool:, Myrtle Point I Oro goitre. 1 Mrs. John Medio, Lakeside, Ore., j appendicitis. I Henry Woatrnll, Ontario, Ore., ul- cor of stomaoh. 1 Mrs. H. C. Hates, linker, Ore., eczema. i O. M. Itlchey, Horlug, Ore., heart trouble. Louis B. Htelbor, 32G K. Huchnuaii, Portland, Ore., adenoids and tonsils, Itemember above date, that consul tation ou this trip will bo froo and that bin treatment Ih different. Married women must bo accompan ied by tholr hiiubamls. Address: 211 Hrndbury Hldg., Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Ted Patterson has gone to Uedmoud to visit her pareutH tor a Hltorl time, Archie Welnstolu of the Woliintelu Mercantile Co, has gone lo Portland on n business trip. Ho Is expected hack the early part or next week. Mrs. It. Maloiioy arrived heio r" contly from Houtlireu California where sho spoilt the winter. Her husband has been an assistant or Mr, Skogersou on the railroad terminal work here ror tho past roveral mouths and Mrs Moloney came to Join him. TO.ZZZ'.'MJOsAi New Prices on Certified Used Cars g Adopted by all invite x ou to Jixamme Uur atock Consult this schedule when you think of used Ford cars o so X o 2 ' So o D 0 D o Maximum Price 1912-1915) J 920 1921 J 922 1923 192'J 40.00 100.00 130.00 150.00 210.00 243.00 : o II o A Certified car is one that haa been tho roughly overhauled by an expert me chanic and all necessary repairs mado so that it is in first class running condi tion. It also means that there will be no necessity hereafter of you ever pay ing more than the above prices for good Certified Used Fords. Burns Garage n OETZOI nOESSOKOlESa I mii ii F"- ii iHiiiin ma lain i in a i iwnaaMe n lawaiaai THE Mrs. Ilyo Btnyth Jr., was In town this week visiting- with her mother and other relatives. Mrs. .loo Clark, who Is the teach er In the Harney dlHtrlet, has boon (iilte III at her homo ror tho past couple or weokn suffering from Influ enza. She Is reported hatter at this time. Umtuolt Iteoil, who Iiuh been In 111 health for the tmal several moulhs.Ma now suffering from an attack or In fluenza. Mrs. Heed finds It necessary to be at homo with him ami tho hoys are taking care of the More. 0BI010C30E Ford Ford Dealers EVERYWHERE. We H O C Z o o o G 13 tn 45.00 135.00 165.00 215.00 264.00 50.00 150.00 175.00 225.00 286.00 75.00 210.00 240.00 301.00 346.00 305.00 325.00 443.00 496.00 599.00 . 267.00 SSOICSZO Wimff Why are you reading this ad, Mr. Reader? Fact is, the picture attracted yov. If this picture attracted youand you hap pen to be a person who has something to sell it should prove to you the valu of having a picture in your advertising. We furnish pictures, with layout and copy sug gestions to advertisers in this newspaper, no matter what these advertisers may want to sell. Maybe it's a collie dog.See, we have it. TIMES HERALD You should read tho cIiihIIIoiI artu In this paper. There's nlwnyn emmr I good things there ror you to sec. W. II, Johnson and Carroll Cecil are over from their Silver crook homoii. Those two old tltnem are among tho pioneers who linvo re tained their early Ideas or life In that tholr rrlemlshlp ami hospitality are constant and nothing aoeitm to mar the serenity or their Uvea so far as It applies lo the personal alfnlnt' of either. Such friendships aro rare; and hy tho sumo token, such men oh Carroll Cecil and Hill Johnson urn tare. D o ' " f H C D O 50 O 50 50 C o n O P 50 75.00 210.00 240.00 300.00 371.00 75.00 156.00 173.00 192.00 214.00 426.00 493.00 0 osrsso iBVH ini. ji . ..-u. -jij-i '- The Old Standby USES 1USS33