The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 27, 1920, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    e " Mnfl.ftmitAijb nv hn n .
T UN T I M H 8 - I! M 11 A Ii I) II U Jl N H , II A 11 N H Y
Hntunlny, November 27, 1(20.
fmre Hix
C1C6 Vow
JMost Kffwtlvo Local OrKiinlfttitlnn Found Wlicro Necessity Drew Farm
ers TofctiMicr Loynlty to Association Necessary for
Hiicce.sH Mm linger Htioiilit lio Olvon llroari rower
(Bporlal Information Borvlco, U. ,
.8. Dopnrttnont of Agriculture.)
Tho success or failure of a fnrm
tlopondn utmost untlroly upon tho ro
suits obtained In marketing tho pro
ducts Krown. Kxporlonco has proved
that tho farmer who undertakes to
market hln products through upocu
lutors or who attempts to nhlp and
market them In Rotno very distant
market In laboring under a Kront dls
dvnntnKo. Marketing In n spoHnllr.od Munition
and la really tho moHt nerloiiH proli
lnm coiirrontliiK tho farmer to-dny,
.and tho rank and file of runners are
-.wot equipped to purform this survloo
for theniHelveH In a satisfactory mini'
nor. Many dltllcultlos encountered j
-in markotltiR farm cropii have boon
oTorcomo throiiKh tho nrRiinUatlon
and operation of farmera' cooporu
tWo marketliiK associations, Coop
erative mnrketlng ha passed thn
porlmenlal Urq, and tho 14,000 or
tho bent chalicoH of imccofln. Farm
orn who aro BatlHflod with tho ro-
sulta obtained without an orRaulzii
Hon do not fool a need for an assoul
ntlon. Necessity for nn ornanlzatlon
may arlno from tho lack of market
ItiK facilities, or from dissatisfaction
with existing nKonclos. When a co
operative marketing ftoolatlon In
under eonaldoratlon It In advlnablo to
have a preliminary nurvey by com
potent toral people or by experienced
cooporatlvn organization specialists
from tho United BtatnH Dnpartmeul
of AKr'iMilluro, whono ndvlco and ser
vices aro avallablo upon request. In
making such a survey care should he
taken to ancortatn tho need for an
organization, tho attitude of tho
farmorn toward nuch mi uiidortakliiK
nnd tho approximate development of
husluoss available. If nuch Interna
In evident and other conditions ap
pear favorablo for an organization,
a meeting of the Interested parties
EbbbbbbbbhbiiiiiiiiiiiW' '
vbm examples of successful orga"
4aatlona In operation In this count! y
wKt poslllvo proot that thn prlncl
'laa of cooporatlvo mantel! OK aro
:adamentally sound and practical.
Tao muil succonsful cooperative
-w-aalratlons conflno tholr efforts to
-ae shipping and marketing of cer
tain specialized products, such as clt-
tuh fruit, apples, peaches, potatoes,
melons, poultry and eggs, dairy pro
tlucts, live stock, tobacco, anil grain.
Tho substantial growth of coopera
tlvo marketing actlvltlea In this
country Is perhaps best Illustrated by
tho fact that tho aggregate volume
or business done In a single year
through cooperative associations and
exchanges runs up Into tho hundreds
of millions of dollars.
The Handling of farm crops by
groups of farmers through central
associations and exchanges offers
many advantages, such as tho Im
provement and standardization of
grading and packing; tho obtaining
mid use of rollablu crop and market
Information; tho Intelligent develop
ment of pormanont markets; tho ef
fecting of savings through tho collec-
-4lrn sale of form products nnd pur
haso of farm supplies; the propor
financing of all activities, Including
tho jiulldlng of warehouses, tho prep
aration of crops for market, uud
tlrtlr movement to the markets; and
the omploymont of trained and offl
don't buBliiefs and fales manage-
An organization founded on dlro
need with a woll-doflned purpose has
should be held and by-laws contain
ing a definite working plan should bo
adopted. This plan should pruscrlbn
the objects of the association wheth
er It Is to bo of stock or nonstock
form, tho method of financing, the
duties and powers of tho officers and
members, and tho general plan of
operation, It Is advisable to Incor
porate In tho plan definite methods
of handling the members' products,
systems of pooling the results and
making returns for products sold. A
cooperative association should bo In
corporated In order to give It the
proper legal standing.
In most Instances contracts be
tween the members and thu associa
tion, whereby they agree to market
certain products through It, ar of
vital Importance. This Is especially
i true In thu case of asslelatlous Itiindl
i lug porlshahlu products. Contractu
j promote loyalty and protect loyal
members and thu organization.
, Loyalty on tho part of tho mombers
In essontlnl to thu success of an or
j gunlzatlou. Disloyalty has cnused tho
I failure of moro than one cooperative
organization, Strong men should he
selected for otllcors of tho association
and men who will cultivate loyalty
and Inspire confidence.
Tho manager Is tho koystono of
tho organization. His selection Is of
thu utmost Importance. Ho should
bo nxperloncod In marketing tho linn
or products Intrusted to hln enre; ho
should possoss tact and good Judg
ment, and bo honest and abovo sus
picion. Tho succusn of tho organlza-
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80t
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth tah balance
easy terms, six pa 'mat
Eastern Oregon live Stock
cmank Company
tlon depends upon his ability to moot
thu momlers and tho trade with
which tho organization deals, and to
retain ttulr Ho should
possess tho proper qualifications for
tho position; ho should ho given
broad powuni and tho hearty support
or thn mumhortj In hln work, togeth
er with a salary that will attract
ability and bo commensurate with
tho services expected of him.
lUwdy to (Jive AI1
11 may ho or Interest to know that
tho lluroau or Markets or tho United
Htatos Department or Agriculture
maintains a staff or experienced or
ganization men whoso duties aro to
assist producers or all farm, dairy,
nnd orchard crops In tho organiza
tion of sound, substantial coopora
tlvo shipping nnd marketing associ
ations and exchanges. Assistance in
given In the preparation or organlza
tlon plans, methods of financing aro
suggested, and practical advice given
In tho matter of operating such on'
torprlnoa. Tho advlco and services or
these men aro nt tho disposal or tho
uwiHiiATimi: imni
Heller that each county in Oregon
should have nt least onn represents
tlvo In tho lower house or the legis
lature Is growing. This Is n matter
which will come up when thn legls
latum meets In January and a special
committee Is appointed to reappor
tlon tho districts or thn senators and
representatives, It promises to be a
political storm center, for no county
will want to surrender any of Its pro
sent representation and most or them
will want more than they now have.
U tho plans or certain lawmakers
aro successful thn people or tho
stato will be asked to change tho con
stitution so that thn momhomhlp or
tho bouse can be Increased frm 60 to
some number sufficiently largo to
carry out tho programme. How largo
tho house should be under a new ar
raugement has not been determined,
even tentatively.
There are now 11 Joint represents
live districts and thoso Joint districts
range from two counties to six. For
Instance, Crook, Deschutes, Jnffer
son, (Iront. Klamath, and Inkn coun
ties form a Joint district and hate
two Joint representatives, In the
coming session It happens that tho
two representatives come from thn
same county and flvo or tho counties
In the district are dependent on these
men who live within few miles of
each other.
Among the members of the Mult
nomah delegation and others scat
tered throughout thn state, it Is being
advocatoed that every county., have
ono representative; that all Joint
districts tor the house bo elimi
nated, and that ofter each county has
ono representative, tun counties
whose population Justifies them can
have additional members. On thin
basis :ifi or tho present members
would be accounted for, and tho re
maining 21 members would have to
he apportioned among tho morn pop
ulous counties, such as Multnomah,
haiie, Marlon, Clackamas and Wash
ington. Multnomah now has l' re
preseutatlven anil one Jointly with
Clackamas; Marlon has flvo; l.aue,
Mini, Washington and Clackamas
three each.
Kast of tho Cascudes only three
counties can boast of their own rep
resentatives, these being Maker,
Union nod Umatilla, ami Union also
has a hulMntorest with Wallowa In
another. AH or tho other counties of
Eastern Oregon, representing a good
half of tho state, aro In Joint districts.
Koprcsontatlon Is based on popula
tion, tho federal census figures being
thu foundation, With ovory county
having Its own representative. East
ern Oregon would have 18 as against
13 at present Hood Hiver and Wasco
aro a Joint district, but aro allowed
two Joint mombom, bo they virtually
have one each.
Ono of tho disagreeable featun'H or
Joint districts In that usually there
aro local rlvalrlonn nnd Jealousies
mixed up In tho elections and one
county or u Joint district rights
against nnothor county In tho district
and no matter which county tho Joint
ropreuontatjvo comes from the other
counties frequently feel that thoy
are being ueglocteU and their Inter
est Ignored Oregonlan.
Ne, we are t lafalllble. Bat ear
rltle ar.
Waea yea ar raady U mil far
tuna half way Jat kee aa gelaK
until yoa gat U It.
Tr, ivlliaatlon may b iiiuir-
atlng, bat tbat'a aa reason why yaa
uo14 watt far It t ata aa.
Wfcea )! tier naann af avatHa
Mia tew hat telle, heoa Miners
night Meat the xpea'teiay ef kleT-
lilOIO'Jimij M10N
Kusnnll Ferguson and Albert
Hwaln left Wedtiosday for Malheur
county whoro thoy will bo ntutlonod
for n (lino aiding Mr. Horn In tho ex
termination or gophers ond moles.
These hoys had boon ongagod In tab
bit poisoning In thin part or tho coun
try for novornl wooks, hut owing to
tho recent ralnn and warm weather
tho now granson tins started' up nnd
tho rabbits refused to tako tho poison
preferring tho bunch grass, It wan
decided to lay off tho rabbit cam
paign until moro favorable condi
tions and devote tho tlmo to other
rodent pestn In tho meantime.
Classification Number Valuo
Acres of all lamlB 1,304,403,25 I
Acres of tlllnblo landn 850,803,26 8,001,374.00
Acron of nontillablo land 508,030 1,191,317.00
Improvements on doodod or patented land 277,850,00
Town nnd city lots , 152,687.00
Improvement!! on town and city lotn 220,046.00
Stationary onglnen and m'f'g machinery.... 9,860.00
Morchandlso nnd stock in trndo 174,030.00
Farming Implements, wagonB, carriages, 41,725.00
Notes and accounts i 126,700.00
Horson 8.821 177,720.00
Cattlo 64,692 1,037,860.00
Sheep - 61,335 360,350.00
Swlno t ; 106 424.00
' Totnl Valuation $12,402,522.00
' " Thin does not Include tho assessment of Public Utilities.
1 hereby certify that tho foregoing Is a full, true and correct statemont,
according to tho records of my ofllco.
County Assessor-
TMIINK what Oregon industries
in eati to YOU how they'
nfl'ect your job or business. Isn't
it true tliiit every man, womr.n and
chiltl in the state has been directly
or indirectly benefited by the in
dustrial growth of Oregon?
Oregon is rapidly becoming one of the greatest manufacturing
states of the The coast-wide and national fame of her
products grows daily.
Every dollar spent for home products increases just that much
the development of the state adds just that much to die pres
tige of "Oregon Made."
Your loyal support plus the enterprise of Oregon manufact
urers equals PROSPERITY. It's as simile as 2 24.
j - '
, Associated Industries of Oregon
rnr lib'
Why man-
ve made this
cigarette for you!
CAMELS fit your cigarette de
sires so completely you'll agree
thoy were made to meet your taste!
Unique flavor, fragrance and mellow-mild-body
due to Camels qual
ity and expert blend of choice Turk
ish and choice Domestic tobaccos
are a revelation 1 You will prefer the
Camel btood to either kind of tobacco
smoked atnughtl
JSU Wit Canute tou cn go the limit
without tiring yowr taste. They
kave mo unpleasant eifaretty after
taste; too unpteftsant oigaretty odor!
To get a Mae on why Camels wia
yoti ao completely compare them
nilfLMWMiflr wiMi anv rinraH 4
-SSSS the world at any prioe. YouH pre-
jP5?S23 limn .,nm.3mUm, N.C
VI preMMWlrac atteiaey.