Nrmhor C7, I92, ' tfngo Vow t Tl H T I M R H - II R It A Ij to WWUNH, BARNEY COUNTY, OHRION Drug Service Which is Superior If you can't como in, mull your order. If you wro not nuro what you unnt, muk w, wo nro only too r1h1 (o help you Hcloctt writ h quoto you t prior OH NKW, Fli" tlf, CJI.HAN k or ' Drugs and Sundries . -Rubber Goods . White Ivory Leather Goods Stationery Candy Kodaks Home Drug Compaz ine. C. O. Purnaud, Mgr. Burns, Oregon Cor. Levins Hotel BIdg. The Times-jflerald. Hat TI10 Lnrgct Circulation Of Any Nawipaper In llarnny County. JULIAN IIYKD Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Y.r . .... M.alk . CV. Mnlh , 12,00 1.00 .7(1 TO KX-HKHVICT. Capt. 11. M. Duama t In rucolpt of tho nocemmry bl&a&n ml nppllou tloiiH for tho VIOTOnY IKDAIj mid It fortuor iiolilloni call U It In olllco, brliiKlnK IbHr ilNeliAfg: tliuy will lio filled out and nont In. Thin appllen to nioinhorri of tlio itnny only. Kullorii nnd MiirlnoH uro roijulrod to npply direct to tlio near oHt Nuvul Station or fJuvul Heorult j lug Bttitlou until further notlvo Ih glvon, j Tho VICTOUY MIODAI. with tlio ribbon Ih 11 thing of beauty and uvery iioldlur hIioiiIiI imply at onco for UiIm modal. K. J. MuICIniion vriis reglntored at llonry Uoor is buck from over In a louul hotel during tho wouk from Idaho where he hnx boon working for DrowHey. hoiiio tlmo. John Kirk, wiih in town tho other day. Ira Mahon wnn In' town yentiirduy renewing nco,uiilntnin:tw. Mr, and Mrn John Harney nr It town on a vltdt will "Auntlo" Kryo nnd their little daughter, Clarlmfa. t it. .'ft - nil .4 i 4 T t 4 TOV probubly know that nf X icr n Tow weeks of driving your lubricnting oil becomes dirty with enrbon, rod dust nd fmc porticlcaof metal, which circulate ihrouih your engine nnd causu iiniwrcesatiry wenr on bearing aurfacee. Ard gasoline eacnpc past Ihe pitor,3 md dilutes the oil. Orantcd.Theres nothing' new about that but-- Here's an absolutely new way' to get rid of Into dirty, diluted "bil and put your engine in line for better performance and longer life. It is called Modern Crank case Cleaning Service. Modern, because we use Calol Flushing Oil, the new, scientific, thorough Huahingagcnt thai does not contaminate the fresh oil. 'Our skilled mechanics know 1 jo w to clean out a cinnkcasc with it correctly and quickly, at n nom inal cost to you. This service assures proper lu brication for your cleaned angine. We refill the crnnkcMic with frcnh Zerolene of the correct grade. We recommend Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service as the latest word for better engine operation arid longer life for your car. TODAY: Brjng in your car for Modem Crankcase Clcaninr; Gervice. BURNS C A RACE UNIVERSAL GARAGE LAMPSHIRE CARAGE NARROWS CARACEjNaiTows 4. i . 1 ' . a. Dolls, dressed, undressed. Kewpies of every description. This assortment is the finest ever seen in the city. Ivory Py-ra-lin. Combs, Brushes Looking Glass, Toilet and Manicure Sets. See cur Xmas Books of all kinds. Boys' and .Girls' Stories. Latest Fiction Books 'for Young and Old.' display. Victrola and Edison Phonographs, See our free record 'g offer special for Xmas. Reed Brothers The Rexall Store ni'.i) rnoss .MK.Mit'ntMnii intivi: Local Miopio report that tlioy wi-to not Molloltod for iimmliewhlp diirlm; the rmoiil Itud C'roio Meniliurhl Drive. It Ih tt pity that tho cjiivuka hoiild lag. yt Uiohu In town who were not KollclUd may yet turn In tlialr inauiherMhlp fmm an thooutly Iiik dUtrlolH have not yet repoted In and the drive cannot bo oloaud up until thtiHO ftindrt nro recelveil. Tho Itud CroKH In dolni: Krent work and thone who belluvo hi the orKaiilx ntlou and want to contribute toward ItH artlvltlek are rtxUUHtod to Mend tliclr lontrlbutloiiH to MIch AiiRUHtn .MouIIkii, the Hucrotnry In chaixe or tho drive. Mr. aim runt, iiioh. Vlehtirx wuru down from their homo uour llarnoy dlirlliK tho week HpoiidiiiK tho ThaukHHlvliiK vacation porlod with relathoi and frlouiU. Mr. nun .ir. Jerry Morrltt woro In from their homo on tho Illlten dur liiK tho week. They woro Kuuit at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mm. It. I), link or. up tho river for u Hhort time while In thlH vlulnlty. JiMoph I-. Mnttux watt In ' hi w terday tnnkliiK proof on ai 1 'ion al homontead. Ho and Mr Mnttut uro ukuIii IIvIiik in Texan wher tlioy ur In tne nroc-rv and meat i"arkot IhihIiiowm. Ha wantitlte lr' K,ion projuct to bo when they will r jra htTi' nnd IkKo up Ui .1 r Save Your Eyes IMliaiillCTIIffiM 4 1 WaXl. JBL kkal iM.i:.Hum: whon you ordr 11 glnni of our pcrfoct Hodn. Mndo lust right, mixed Just rig 4 nnd nerved Juitt right It Is a drink lit for the godn or their do pcomlautE. Sejuifl llko high prnlso? Not a bit of It. Como tn uny tltuo and put the matter to n tost. And ItBtoii, It tuntH uvon bolter If prtrluk on In company. PAGE'S SWEET SHOP US ICyp slra'n cntisos hoadaclu's nervuusress nnd other tn v hies. T fit tftaswes accurately and Krientiftcally. ' All Work Citiaranteod. MAURICK SCHWARTZ Optoini'trint Ofllcp with Dr. 1). F. Smith 8Z Might As Well Have A Guarantee In Fact its A REAL SAVING You Will Say so, Too. G U A R A N T E E I ) Our Customers Tell Us that there is all the difference in the world between the old style wire wound broom they've been accus tomed to using and the LITTLE POLLY jfemnAth Process BROOM They say this difference is not merely in appear unce; Little Polly is riot only a lighter broom, with a tip'more flexible than the old style wire wound broom, but it doesn't break at the shoulders or wear to a point at tip like other brooms. After you've used one Little Polly, you'll understand why we're proud to say vc sell it. Farmers Exchange a7 G U A R A N T E E 1 0 KM IB 3E3 l3Ej