The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 27, 1920, Page Page Three, Image 3

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T II M T t M 10 R - II M H A Ij 1) 11 V H N 8 , II A 11 N H Y COUNTY, O II III G O N
Ml unlay,, November 27, IIMSO.
Wf Three
Current Review
Of Filmland
Bryant Washburn Finely Supported in "Poor Boob"
y Paramount9 s Latest Comedy Coming Sunday
Shirley Mason's New Photoplay
"The Rescuing Anflrel" Provides
Star With Delightful Role
Theme Dealt With Young Woman Who ii Compelled to
Choose One of Two Wealthy Suitors Under
Harassing Circumstances
At tho Hawaiian plantation of nor
Pnclo Gcorgo, whom' she In visiting,
Angola Doming moots Joseph Whlto
ly and Eliot 8lale, both mllllonnlroii.
Whltnlr I" a self-made, settled man
and offer bin love and money to tho
girl, asking la return that ahe marry
him. 8lado alio propose, telling the
Ctrl that as an added asset, he comos
from a fine old faaally. The girl
f ft rn at Ikam Ka(W Wm la.
ivu4 owh umv iu m wnj
that makes then feel there la still
Tho girl now returns homo and
both her suitors, giving business roa
sons an an excuse, accompany hor
homo on tho saroo boat. Arriving at
homo, Angelu finds that hor fathor
has rnrfllPBsly managed hln business
arfulrn during thu pant fow years and
Is now a bankrupt, and that even
tholr homo will havo to bo sacrificed
to H(imro his dubtH. Tho girl and
her fathor keep tho bud news a sec
ret from tho mother. ,
A reception Ih bold to rolobrato III ,
girl's homo-comltiR and Whltoly nud
8lado aro Invltod. Angola's youthful
lover, William Hanloy, Is also pros
out and proposes to tho girl. Hho rn
fuses him tolling him that hor
fathor Is bankrupt and nho must
murry money. Whltely proposes
again and ahe marries him secretly.
Young Hanley calls on Whltoly,
not knowing that he and Angela aro
already married. Hanley tells him
that Angela wants to marry him for
his money as her father Is In des
perato financial difficulties.
Whltoly throws Hanloy out for
this, but nevertheless ho In profound
ly Impronsod at tho rovolatlon, and
quostlons bin wlfo about It. Hho hes
itates, and Whltoly, liollovlng sho l
loath to admit tho truth. accuses bur
of a framup with hor parents to on
Hiiaro li f in and his money. Angela
becomes angry, throws away hln wed
ding ring and loavos to consult hor
attnrnoy as to a dlvnrro
At tho homo of Mr. and Mm
0 " Jesse L.Lasfcy Preitnts t
- mum irk spm
Rescuing Angel
J JJQmmniyidun
Sht never toM a soul
that she ws married,
Tlicodoro lUAwriH, Wanda Hawlcy
and Other I'm mo us Play
ers Aro In the Cost
Doming, Whltoly accuses thorn of
tho framu-up. Doth aro surprliuid and
toll Whltoly that this Is tho first In
timation thoy havo had of tho mar
rlagu. Whltoly bvglus to wondor.
Tho mother thon relates how happy
Angela was tho night boforo. Thl.i
rovolatlon comos as a thunderbolt to
Whltoly. It dawns upon blm that
after all tho girl must have lovod
him for himself alone and not for
his money.
With now Inspiration, Whltoly
dashes out, gels Into his car and
starts off at breakneck speed on a
wfld chase to got In touch with his
wlfo again and to apologise to hor.
Blado, tho other suitor, on hln way
to tho glrl'H house, passes Whltoly
and wonders why ho Is traveling at
such a dangerous rato of spued.
Angela now arrives homo. Out-
slilo (ho hotiHo she encounters Han
ley, who lolls her bo has "fixed
things". She spurns hint and explains
that ho certainly did "fix things", as
din was already married to Whltoly,
Hho onterH tho Iioiiho followed by
Hanley, Hanley confesses to her
Cmh Swhv, Dec, 8tfa
mid hor parents all that ho had told
Whltoly and thoy understand.
Hlado arrives and proposes to the
girl, Hho tolls blm sho Is already
married to Whltoly but that sho will
get a dlvorco and Hludo willingly ac
cepts hor on any forms. Blado now
tolls thorn that Whltoly passed blm
driving at break-neck speed.
Angola begins to worry over
Whltoly and yielding to an impulse
to go to his apartment and boo If ho
Is all right. Hho and Hanloy go to
tho apartment and, finding no one
there, thoy wait.
I Tho girl's parents now receive a
letter from Undo Uoorgo, In which
ho says ho has Just cleaned up
'$20,000 for Angola on nn. Invest-
Ilogulnl pntrotiB of tho photoplays
a claim that comprises practically
every poreon in every community,
will find an aggregation of familiar
playora at tho Liberty Tbeatro noxt
Wednesday appearing In "Poor
Ilooli," Ilrynnt Washburn's latest
Paramount picture Kvcryono in tho
I rant of this splendid photoplay which
in adapted from tho original stago
comedy of Margaret Mayo, is well
known through hln work In previous
Paramount and Artcraft pictures.
Leading In support of Mr. Wash
burn Is Wanda Hawloy, known
ovorywhnro through hor excellent
work in many previous releases, not
ably In tho Artcraft plcturo produced
by Cecil D. Do Mlllo, "Wo Can't Havo
Kvorythlng." Sho hun tho rolo oC
tho plucky stenographer, whose
quick wit In mainly responsible for
tho success of tho hero, a young man
who In believed to bo a failure, but
who comes out on top after all.
Theodore Roberts, probably Ilia
bent character actor on the screen,
plays Piatt, tho owner of the factory
In which thu hero works, The rolo
of Douglas, a worthless schemer. Is
handled by Raymond Hatton, whose
work In Artcraft pictures Is well
Mary Thurman, who has appeared
hitherto solely In Paramount-Mack
Bennett Comedies, essays hor first
dramatic rolo in this plcturo, where
sho plays tho vlllago swoothoart of
tho leading character. Others In the
cust uro Dick Honnun, Jay Dwlggiii!i,
Charles Ogle, Gny Oliver and Jane
ment he matin for hor while sho was
In Hawaii. Thoy leave for Whltely'n
apartment, to bring Angola homo.
Hlade also goes to the apartment
to watch over his future wife.
At Whltely'a apartment all are
abusing Whltoly, but Angela seems
to be In sympathy with him, think
ing that possibly at that vory moment
ho might be doad. At this Instant,
Whltoly, who has been detained by n
breakdown on the road, appears In
tho door. Upon soolng him, Angola
rushes to his arnin nud ho gladly em
braces her. Mr. and Mrs. Dooming,
Collins, the nttoruoy, Hlado and Han
ley all depart, the latter two very
"Tho Itoprulng Angol" Is tho fea
ture at the Llborly, Wednesday
night, December 8,
Jesse L.Lasky Present
Surplus Army Supplies
For the People Of Burns and Vicinity
Olive Drab Wool Blankets 6.50' Knit Sweaters
Reclaimed Grey Wool " 5.60- Leather Puttees
" Shirts 5.85 Sox, Wool
Mackinaw Coats, All Wool 14.75
5 Numerous Other Articles of Clothing
5.90 6.90 8.90
.45 .50 -75
Of coursfl, some people never make Ohio having trotted out two favor
excuses. They can't rind any to fit, Mo mods, thu root of the country caino
o nobly to tho rescue and doclded
Homo men aro always ready to which was the favored of tho fuvor
llsten to reason- of their own brand, ites,
rm . is
air1 1 SSI
Bacon in 12 lb cans 35c lb, per can 4.20
Roast Beef 25c lb, 2 lb can .50
Jam 1 1-4 ib cans .25
Salmon per can .20
Mail Orders Filled Promptly
Next Door to Crawford
-never look upon
ay on expense.
s GOOD Pin
rrti 1
Uy inousama
mr r rv ll
or uouars
ur lost yearly
throughout the
Paetfic North
west by property
'waera wk fell to protect their houses and Mindtagft
with paint.
VITlXKIt Valmt iiavua many thousands ef iWlara yearly
. jMiAfcar IU1 It KHVUS 11 UkfiAt (ie&l YUMA thlttl
1 k aosta. humrt your property atplnftt tfoe ravages of
. the Wmaats with FIJLLKU Paint. 1ak a fo.v miuuteH
aadl Wok ovtr yonr property today.
W. P. Fuller & Co.
1 Noil
a mm
Noiibwaat Dramch
Ilouata at Portland.
Seat lla, Taeoaia,
gpolMMM, Bob.
Iconic Tip a
FffLii WC Dculer
In Imt Hwn