Tim TltHM-Herald kx r. gutitrly more homes In Har ney Comity than tiny other mpuper. If Jon wlnh to rt'licll tllO UH)(tl0 uho thcfto col umns for your advertisement. The Tlmcn-IIcrnh In an old established frJoiul of (ho iieo'ilo of Hniiioy County where It hii boon a weekly visitor for thirty years, IVh Job department U equipped to servo jour noedn. MWt VOL. XXXII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON SEPTEMBER 20, 1919 NO. 47 v UF CLUD ON RECORD AS FAVORING HIGHWAY CHANGE Spcc'al Mcetinjr With LawcnJ Delegates. , SEND FbOLUTIONS TO COMMISSION ' Pershing Comes Back America Cheers Would not Increase Cost of Construction as Topography Conditions are Same. Tin' UuriiH Commurclal club has gotio on record an favoring n ehnngo In the highway imiwoon this rity and Crane po thnt It will pann through Ijiwrn A i per (..I meeting of the club wait held on hint Tuesday evening at which ievernl citizens of I. a won woro prt'stiit JttdKo Thompson of thn U-vwt n ih legation addressed thu club on Oil" mnttor of changing thu rotitu nnd naked Itn co-opcrnlloii. Mo pro ontil a loiter written by Knglnuer llcntiiU of tho highway commission when ill ho stated thoro wan no oh Jcctloit to tho road msnlng through Lawin, am) that tho mattur would l,o t.tkt ii up, Thu dub had previously endorsed thu plan to change thu nurvoy to pan directly through Iuwon, and iKaln expressed Itnolf favorahlo. A delegation consisting of J. J. Dnnogaii to represent thu club and Judgo Thompson of Iawnn wan nont to Portland to confer with thu highway comml-alon Thuy left Thursday, go Ing out by way of Crane. In order to ttop olf at Pendleton and confer with W u, Thompson nnd Engineer linn nctt They wero armed with run olutlnun expressing tho sentiment of tho club which wuru directed to thn tommlitdoii Tho two ropresontn tlroK wero Instructed to consult with JuiIro Lovcns, who lit already In Port land, and go before thu commission with tin lr request. It r. ( nut nuch u foollnh thing to have thl i matter up again after It & r) thoroughly goon over at a lace' i of a big delegation from hero with the highway commission In May. It w;ri Ihni hIiowu that thu coiiiiiiIh ilon li il no objection whatever to the pro ofted rhaiigu. Knglneer lien nett rnnnlHed an InvuHtlgatlon of thn nwgi', but If tho mild InveHtigatlon was ever conducted, few local people know of it Tho resolutions panned by tho club wero WIIKItKAH, present nurvoy of Mid Highway passes to tho north of (he town of Lnwen a dlntnnco of about three fourths mile, leaving said town a dlntnnco of three-fourths rullo from laid highway, and WIIKItKAH, said town of Lnwen li thu trading renter for a I urge, com munlty of people maiding south and weit and owning a largo area of Irrigated natural meadow hay landn, who do their trading at said town and rerelvo their mall at tho poHt omen at Iawcn, which sold pout of flro has been established for moro than twentyflvu yearn and In on tho preicnt mnll route from Crnno to Hums and WIIKItKAH, thu topography, char icier of thn noil nnd all other condl lion In anywlno affecting tho coNt o romtrurtlnn of fin Id proponed chnngo in tho highway are Identical with conditions along thn present nurvoy, and the eont of constructing said hljthwnv will not bo Inereaned by 'Hanging tho nurvey nnd running amo through the town of- Lawon except Insofar as tho sumo may bo uicrenn d by tint additional dlntanco leis th in one half mile, and mild propo-id ihango follows tho present county road. and. Will KI.AH, Tho Interostn of not idy i.tlzeiiH mid tho Immedlato Dun of. but generally of tho mev Valloy. would ho far p. d by changing tho present ihl highway ho an to run r Mti 1 I (own of La won, Oonornl John J. Pornhlnt hat roturnod to hm, n,w Vi. "' " "I "'i.1' ' rn,?r,cnn. ,orc?" 'n BU'opo during tho war, thrones of Americans. uaker wont ... . IKS Of Amorleann. Tim ntrinr,. ,1. " . r'"Y "."v,u "u,hu""' cHooriiiB , , , : " " mm DiuiiuiiiH ui ii o nan or uoat With Hccrelarv of War SS.: ;,r,1H,''Si!;,y.;:lr.!: Local and Personal : J. J.DONEGAN COUNTY parimuui or tho llolso HtateHtuan. whuru nho remulueil during thu ab Hence of her husband In Franco. Mrs. I. y nil In a sister to Mm. Hhat tuck. CONSIDERABLE DIFFICULTY IN FINDING SECRETARY Coiislnderablo dllllctilty In exper ienced by thu Commercial club In find I iik n puld secretary. A candi date for tho position iinido u trip In with lidi wire, but found housing conditions not to bis liking, and left. Thin Incident stabllshos tho fact that thu man for thu Job muni have a vision nroail enough to let lilm CHAIRMAN ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION POUTI.ANI). Beptember 18 Mr ! .1 . .1 MririfiL'itti. if tliirim linu lumti lllntrlet Attorney M. A. Illggn lllld liniw.li.j,.,! nuinlv rhnlrmnn nf Id,. Deputy Hhorlrr I'latt T. Itaudall were HooHovelt Momorlal AHHoelatlou. Tho n thu U lid llorMu country during,,, ,,otu for Harney county Iibm I.eo lliirhnnan wan among our bus-1 luesn visitors yesterday. I Frank Clark npout a few dayn In' tho city during thu week. I thin week on otllclal business. been nuggented an $215.00. Chair men for tho various commuiiltleii will County Commissioner Jap McKlu i '" appointed by thu county chalrmnii. nou. A. K. Itlcbari Hon and elms. M l i no uosoveit .Memorial AHHoelatlou Faulkner arrived homo from Portland W'H raise a $5,000,000 national fund last Hundny. Thuy had been down during tho weuk of October 20 to 27, to thn metropolis on business. which win no iieviteii to erecting a 'national memorial at Washington, 1). Mr. and Mm. Nick Voegtly weru In . ""d to maintaining a public park from their homo at Albursou thu fore at Oyster Hay. New York, which may mirt nf Hi l,i u'mik ii 1 1 mill I ii In uin... lilt limit til V lllkil III HiiLiiiniirit Hill tn m-u inir iii.ur.uiK ..m.immm am ,UH,H)liH affarH and visiting with preserved III tho same way an only part of tho vital polntn he must rtdatlvos. , Washlngtoirn estate at Mount Vernon , nnd I.IiicoIii'h homo at Hprlnglleld. C. v. huekey and wlfo are homo "he fund In being raised by a non from the Trout Creek country where he ban been acting an water muster. Ills duties are over for thin season, nnd they have returned homo for thu winter. jf tier i Pill r hel - f'T. Mil I i Coil flui 111' ' and ii HDSOIA'KI), Thu Hurim I ( I it l favor tho proposed 1 urge tho Highway Com ' i uise the saino to ho made, I a rnnv of tlinsn rnsnliitloilH I'd Prcind and tilaced In tho IiiiikIh 'a tlie ii legation from IluniH and Uwen to be presented to thu Orogon HlKhwiiv f oinmlsslon, o A, E. F. Aviation Officer and Wife at Experiment Station Captain and Mr. Wm. H. Lyml ayo hi-Mi gnestfl of Mr. and Mm. Jj'dl Hlmtdick at thu experiment Hla 'Jon for the pant week, Tho captain w two yearn of active norvluo In Taiieo during tho war and waH only recently discharged. Ho formerly resided In thin vicinity, bolng oin Ploycd on (he Inland ranch of tho IV : " ("inpanv. Ills rathor had a wrx- i, JllHt (,,, ,,, of wrlght'H I "hit, opj.oslto tho ii. H. (Joiihl homo-stead Captain Lvnd mid bin wife both Mpin to attond tho unlvomlty of ashliigton during tho coming nchool 'ear( whtre he ban already taken help to better. And they can only ho betterud by ii general Increase In thu prosperity of tho community. Which leadn hack to the prime question nf successful agriculture, an shown by C. J. Mcintosh In Ii Ih Interview Inst week. If tho success of agriculture In Har ney valley depends on Irrigation, as Mr. Mcintosh claims, then tho club must have a man who has courage enough to mukn a stand for Irriga tion. Tho many differences of opin ion on this Important subject must bu united Into common Idea that will work out for the greatent good of tho greatest number. Dcsplto thu expense to tho club, nnd dllllcultles a stranger to conditions will experience, nn pointed nut In nn Intorvlow In Tho Times-Herald two weeks ago, an outside man In neces sary If all concerned are to bu snt Infled. In an Inland community nuch un ours, whom water in an essential, factions will nlwnyn arise over Itn uso. In recognition nf these factions, re turned service men and business men who had not been drawn Into them, Insisted on having a man from outside for nocrotary of tho club, an It wnn tbouglft that no local man could bo found who would ho Impartial to all Interests. Harney county presonts problems! greatly niirureni irom inn nriiiuary community. For this renson, thn man for thn position must have organising ability In a marked degree. Kin hlef asm)!, nn nald above, must be a broad vision, to which must nlso bo added tho quality of strict Impartial ity. In this modern day of many automobiles nnd tho common uso of typewriters, It should bo no dlllleull matter to find u man who can operate both. Urns Hottllug tho fears In that respect of our pessimistic friend In tho Interview two weokn ago. Regarding tho asset of Impartiality, It Iiiih been miggestod that a former norvlco man ho found, an tho military oxnerlenco of an olllcer given him training that In tho vory ossenco or troatlm: everybody equally. In nd- lltlon to thin duality, tho average ex-olllcor UHiially poHHeaitoH organizing ability, dovelopcd by wrestling with nro'hlouiH In tho norvlco, It is deplor able that owing to tho oxlHteneo of factious no local man ran lie round who ouallllofl. but nlnco tho fact and tho factions do exist, u man from tho outHldu must ho umployod, Mm. Oliver Miller of tho Homo Creek ranch In Callow valley under wont a serious operation at tho King hoHpltnl on Thursday at tho bands of Dr. Hmltb. Hho ban ralllod and In doing nn well an could ho uxpnetud. Dr. anil Mm. 1.. K, Hlbbard, tholr daughter, Kugenla, and Itev. and Mm. Geo, Ward have gone to Nnuipa for a short time. Thu party will bu homo tho fore part of next week with tho exception nf Mm. Wnrd, who expectn to go cast for a visit with relatives, partisan committee, which feels that u memorial to the latu Theodore Koosevolt will ho an. Inspiration to future generations of Americans by reason of thn high Ideals of citizen ship It will perpetuate. U. S. Biologist In Charge of Bird Preserves Visits Dr. . W. Fields, chief or U. 8. bird reservstlons, hnn been in thin vicinity for neversl dayn. Ho la duVotinir con siderable time to the Malheur reserve. Dr. Fields states thin bird refuge hns h greater variety of birdn thnn any other ru'ervf in the United States. Daisy Bell Deiner Lloyd L. Sherburn Married at Denio Married At tho homo of (ho lirldu'M parontfi, Mr. nnd Mm. I). D, Defoubaiigh, at Donlo, Oregon, on wodneHdiiy, September 10, Minn Palsy JJ1I Dolnor nnd I.oyd It, fiber burn. Uuv. Wm. Ilnlrd, of linker, performed tho ceremony, lining l ho ring norvlco. KolntlvoH nnd frlondn of both partlen woro present. Thoy will mako tholr homo lit Denlo for thu present. T in T mus-Herald men tloiiod ut tho time tho license for this marriagu wan Issued. Thu con tracting parties are well known In the Denlo country, nnd have a bout of friends who Join In extending bust wiiiiiuh. o DIFFKItKNCK IN APPLICATION OF BTATH AND I'KDKKAD I.AW8 CACHKH CONFUHION Difference In application of the federal and state game lawn caused no llttlo confusion thin weuk. A be lated telegram stopped several from shootln Inst Tuesday. Last wuuk Tho Tlmen-IIornld pub lished a statement Hunt out by Ktato Oamo Warden Carl D. Klioemakcr to thu effect that thu federal law mi game look precedence and that thu sportsmen of this district could therefore shoot ducks and geese be ginning on last Tuesday. Many wero In readiness to take advantage of thlo when thuy weru confronted with a telegram from Attorney-General Drown of thin iilato to District At torney lllggn to thu effect that thu ntato law wan not suspended. Thu telegram reads: "Hon. M. A. lllggn, Huron, Ore. "Under thu statu law ducks and geese can not bo killed In your county prior to October first. Nothing In thu regulations adopted under fed eral law shall bu construed to hinder tho enforcement of additional lawn of any slate for purpose of giving federal protection to gnmo. Fish nnd (Initio department have no au thority to net asltlo tho law of thin ntate protecting birds." Thin wire wnn dated thu 1.1th nt Halem, hut wnn not received hero until thu Hlh. Fuw people wero a wary of nuch a telegram, and those In tho country followed tho sugges tion of Mr. Khoemnker In Inst Hat onlay's paper and did some shooting, no doubt . 6RAMWELL SAYS STORE WATER WHEN IT COMES DOWN Slate Chamber Commerce Man Meets Club ADYISES USE OF MORE AGGRESSIVENESS Rellcr Mail Services Amonn Iniotirlant 1 Topics al Meeting: Joins Stale Chamber. John T. Whistler Visits; Now Consulting Engineer Federal Land Loan Banks iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiira of!) A. O. Welcomo haa dlHposod bin IntoroHtH In tho Wolcomo Phar macy to IiIh brother, J. O. Wolcomo, r., who will comma mo hiirihosh In i bn future. T i n Is ono or uio oiu established bunlnesn eoneornn of tho dly. and ban boon minor control oi Jako Wolcomo for many yearn, Al Ilndu lilfl timo loo much occupied with bin farm dovolopiuontH aiupthe Flrnt National bank, of which ho in an nettvo olllcor, to look aftor anything olso, , ,. JMIIIIIHU b BRiNy fiowcns IS A SPfilNGTIME RHYME OF MfjuTi iiiiiiiS John T. Whistler, In chargo of tho work of the government at thu time It was making an Investigation of thu irrigation possibilities of Harney valloy In 1003-05, wan a recent vis itor. Mr. Whistler Ih now consulting engineer for tho Federal Land Loan Ilnukn with headquarters In Denver. This otllco was honored with n can rrom .Mr. wiiisiior wnuo in thin vlclnty and he stated that ho wan merely hero on a short lay off, vis King with Mr. Hntiloy and othor old time friends. Ho left from hero by way of liond.to Portland, his former homo. Mr. Whistler taken n deep Interest In Irrigation affairs nnd us ho was In charge of tho work at tho Umatilla project, as well as tho Investigation of tho Silvlon project horo, ho moro or lens familiar with conditions in KiiHtum Oregon. Ho visited tho Warm Bprlngn projocl on his way In from tho east and found tho work progressing rapidly. He hopes the people of this suction will follow the load of our neighbors over in Mai hour county and In Crook county, as I ho sees great potabilities In tho big Harney valley under u system of Irrigation thnt will nerve a greater nrea than now covered by tho ovor now or eany Hpring, wnicii i:i no wasteful ami detrimental. o Where to Find News First Pao I Club on rocord an favoring highway ' chuiigo, Consldorablo dldlculty in finding sec retary. Dolner-Shurhiirn wedding. A. H. F. aviation olllcor horo. John T. Whistler now consulting on gluoor. Doctor nnd wlfo delightful hosts. Dramwoll nysa storo wntor. Donegal! made memorial chairman, Local and personal. Hecoml Pago PIcluro show news. Third Pago Leaguo fulfills American ideals. Fourth Pago. Otloy nooks mora Information, Fifth Pago Local and Personal, Hixllt Pago QoaRt to coast U. 8. for longuo. Womon demand warn shall cuaso. "Tho truth ahull mako you frqo.?' Hevontli Pago Tho Qroon Ribbon, Legal notices, Flgh(h Pago i Local IlappenlhBB. 1 "Tho (lino lo fill tho reservoir In when tho water In coming down In tho flood ami not wait until von need It for Immedlato use beforo you connldor storing it." That'll thu way F. H. Uramwull, vice" prenldunt of tho Htato Chamber of Commurco. oxiirnHHod himself at a meeting of thu Jlunis Commurclal Club Inst night. ,Mr. ummwell wan talkliu: of thlnirn In general when thin romark wan made, but it In nppllcnhlu and In in lino with tho expression of ono or our citizens earlier In tho week whllo iIIh- russliifj tho Irrigation problem with n representative of this paper. Wo nave grown too much In tho ha hit of talking In the future and not tak ing hold of things right at hand. Wo must ho more nggresslvu ami use our bent efforts for Immedlato results rather than u "watchful waiting" nt tltudo In many things that tend to tho advancement of our country. Mr. Ilrnmwell wan hero as a ron- I resentntlve of thu Htatu of Oregon cuamuer or Commerce. Ho In mak ing a tour of tho statu In thu Interest of thu Chamber, gutting acquulntod with local conditions and ascertaining1 In what way tho organization can bu of assistance to each community. Ho explained thu mission of thu stato organization as being thu cluarlnc bouse for largo community Interests nnd to do thu things that thu small club or community orgntitzatlona are nimble to do. Thu gentleman formerly resided ut La Orundc, and thought ho was fam iliar with with conditions in Fasturu mid Central Oregon, but after making a tour of thu lutermouiitnlii regions on bin way beru from Portland In an auto ho found bo wan not acquainted witu thu resources ot tiiu suite, no In surprised at thu stupendous devel opment possibilities of tho region nnd In more than ever convinced that Oregon needs tho services of the or ganization ho represents. Irrigation In thu big thing, accord ing to thin gentleman, und tho ntato Chamber of Commerce In going to give It first consideration. Ho ntated it was llttlo lesH than a crime to son so much splendid laud ns greets thu eye in Harney valley needing only a drink of water to make It produce big yields. If wo ore to et any where in this lino of endeavor wo must get busy. Mr. Hramwell be lieves the government can bo Inter ested In thu development of nuch big territory and proposes co-operation In an actlvo campaign with that In view, Thu proposition of taking up tho track of tho O.-W. It. & N. railroad up the Deschutes and extending It toward thin country from tho west In looked upon with favor by the visitor and bo proposes getting more Infor mation nnd working on nuch a plun ' ns ho considers it feasible and onu that will meet tho approval of tho railroad people themselves. Mr. Hramwell wan forcibly remind ed of our poor mall facilities whllo lu Hums by buying an Oregonlnn which had Just arrived by mail ami IliKlIng ho had rend It 2-t hours be foro and hud been In our city for more than 12 hmim or that time. Thu matter or better mall service was brought up in n general discussion nt tho club, and Is one of tho tilings tho state chamber will tako up an noon ua Mr. Hramwell returns to Portland. A note had boon received from a mall clerk on the Crnno run tho othor night stating it was contemplated to reduce tho train service on that line to three times a week, and sug gested that the citizens of this city get busy, A dolegatlon sent to Port land on another mission earlier hi tho wuek was admonished to investigate and seo If there was any likelihood of reducing tho service Should there ho, a protest will go direct to the postal department. (Continued on page 8.) o Doctor and Wife Prove to be Most Delightful Hosts Dr. and Mm. 1). F. Smith proved most dollghtful hosts nt an Informal pnrty Inst Saturday night. Dancing and cards wero tho means of passing an onjoyablo ovonlug, MIbbos Evolyn nnd oiauys uyra fnvorod thoso present with piano and iolin duots, and Messrs. J. Fellows and J. Homer Hood with selections on tho piano and sivxophono. A dolcioua buffet supper was sowou t midnight. Manv oxnrossions of appreciation wero heard for tho gracious hospjtaj Ity of (ho doctor and his wlfo. V